4.1 General
4.2 Ratings and Performance Characteristics
4.3 Terminal Markings and Winding Connections
4.4 Materials (Active Parts and Tank)
4.5 Construction
4.6 Nameplate
This SEC Transmission Material Standard Specification (TMSS) specifies the minimum
technical requirements for design, engineering, manufacture, inspection, testing and
performance of oil immersed 3-phase 13.8kV, 33kV or 34.5 kV, outdoor system grounding
transformer intended to be used in the system of the Saudi Electricity Company, Saudi
This Material Standard Specification shall always be read in conjunction with SEC General
Specification No. 01-TMSS-01, titled "General Requirements for All Equipment/Materials",
which shall be considered as an integral part of this TMSS.
This TMSS shall also be read in conjunction with SEC Purchase Order or Contract
Schedules for project, as applicable.
The latest revision/amendments of the following Codes and Standards shall be applicable for
the equipment/material covered in this TMSS. In case of conflict, the vendor/manufacturer
may propose equipment/material conforming to one group of Industry Codes and Standards
quoted hereunder without jeopardizing the requirements of this TMSS.
3.4 IEC 60137 Insulated Bushings for Alternating Voltages above 1000V
3.5 IEC 60233 Test on Hollow Insulators for use in Electrical Equipment
3.15 IEC 60616 Terminal and Tapping Markings for Power Transformers
3.19 IEEE C57.12.90 Test Code for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power and
Regulating Transformers
3.20 ANSI/IEEE General Requirements and Test Procedure for Outdoor Power
C57.19.00 Apparatus Bushings
3.23 IEEE Std C57.12.70 Terminal Markings and Connections for Distribution and
Power Transformers
3.34 IEEE Std C57.12.00 IEEE Standard General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed
Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers.
4.1 General
4.1.5 External ground connection from neutral bushing shall be isolated from the
transformer tank by porcelain insulator, wherever applicable.
4.1.6 Grounding transformer shall have HV, and neutral terminations of cable-box
type or outdoor bushing type as specified in the data schedule. All outdoor
bushings (if provided) shall withstand a washing pressure of 3500kPa
without permitting water ingress into the bushing turret and secondary
terminal box of the bushing CTs.
4.1.7 CTs in the HV and neutral grounding connection shall be provided along with
the grounding transformer whenever requested in data schedule. CT shall be
bushing type, turret-mounted. The short circuit current withstand capability
of the bushing CT shall be equal to that of the grounding transformer.
Secondary leads of all bushing CTs shall be wired to terminal blocks with
manual shorting facility in the control cabinet. The terminal blocks shall be
marked clearly to designate the bushing CT phase and tap ratio in use. All
other requirements of bushing CT shall be per 50-TMSS-01.
4.2.2 System grounding transformer, when connected with the tertiary winding of
the power transformer, shall be designed to operate at 110% of the rated
voltage continuously.
4.2.6 In all cases, where the grounding transformer is designed for the neutral to be
connected to ground through a grounding resistance, the same shall also be
capable of withstanding for a minimum period of 5 seconds the maximum
ground fault current that can flow without the resistance in the circuit to
safeguard against bushing flashover of the grounding resistance.
4.2.8 The measured value of rated percentage zero sequence impedance (Z0 %) of
the grounding transformer shall be corrected by the manufacturer to the
reference temperature of 75ºC, and shall be specified in the data schedule.
4.2.9 The value of zero sequence impedance measured at 75ºC per IEC 60076-1
shall be guaranteed by the manufacturer subject to tolerance as specified in
IEC 60289.
4.2.10 The maximum radio interference voltage levels measured per NEMA 107 or
IEC 60437 shall not exceed 250 microvolt at 13.8 kV and 650 microvolt at
33kV and 34.5 kV.
4.2.11 The average noise level (in dB) of the grounding transformer measured per
IEC 60551 or IEEE C57.12.90 shall not exceed the value as specified in the
data schedule or NEMA TR-1.
4.2.13 Evidence regarding the thermal and dynamic withstand capability of the
grounding transformer corresponding to rated neutral current as specified in
the data schedule, shall be demonstrated by either type test report or
4.2.14 When specified in the data schedule, each Zig-Zag grounding transformer
shall be provided with additional star connected auxiliary secondary winding
with specified voltage and continuous rated power. If requested, the ZN
primary winding shall be provided with the Off Circuit Tap Switch as per the
requirement specified in Data Schedule. LV bushings and a 4-pole LV
Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (as per 37-SMSS-04) of required capacity
shall be as specified in the data schedule.
d. At maximum current tap (normally the tapping with highest load loss),
the top oil temperature-rise shall not exceed 50 K and the average
windings temperature-rise shall not exceed 55 K.
e. Tap Changer
iv. The tap changer should be operated only when the transformer
is deactivated.
v. The tap changer shall have provision for pad locking at every
tap position. The operating mechanism shall ensure that the tap
changer can be locked only if that tap switch is making full
vi. A locking facility shall be provided on the tap changer. This
shall be capable of accepting a lock having a 6 mm shackle
with 25 mm clearance.
vii. A tap position indicator, with numbers easily legible from the
operating position shall be provided. Tap position 1 shall refer
to position of highest primary voltage.
viii. Tap changer opertion warning signs shall be permanently
attached to side of off tap changer with the legend "DE-
4.2.16 Losses
d. Should the actual transformer no-load loss measured from the routine
tests exceeds the guaranteed value, the contract lump sum price will
be adjusted as per schedule “C” of Lump sum Turnkey (Substation)
a. The insulation levels (BIL and power frequency withstand voltage) for
the windings shall be as specified in the data schedule.
b. The insulation levels (BIL and power frequency withstand voltage) for
13.8kV, 33kV , 34.5 kV and neutral bushings shall be per 01-TMSS-
4.3.1 The winding terminal markings, connections and phasing arrangements for
grounding transformers shall be per IEEE 57.12.70. The designated
indentification letters shall be clearly and indelibly marked on or adjacent to
the bushings. Phase identification by adhesive stickers or painting is not
4.3.4 The primary terminals H1, H2, H3 shall be arranged in numerical order such
that H1 bushing shall be located on the right handside when facing the
primary (HV) side. The H0 primary neutral terminal shall be located on the
right of H1 terminal.
4.4.1 Core of the transformer shall be of high grade, cold rolled grain oriented
silicon steel with low carbon content and be virtually non-ageing over the
expected life of the transformer. Each lamination shall be covered with an
insulating film immune to hot oil.
4.4.2 The winding conductors shall be electrolytic grade copper free from
microscopic burrs before insulation is applied.
4.4.3 The main tank shall be made of high strength steel alloy plate. Tank shall be
desinged to withstand without permanent deformation a pressure 25 percent
greater than the maximum operating pressures resulating from the system of
insulation preservation or ventilation used. For tanks, the maximum operating
pressures (positive and negative) for which the tank is designed shall be
indicated on the rating plate.
4.5 Construction
4.5.1 The grounding transformer shall be pad-mounted type. The base of the
grounding transformer shall be skid or flat. The base of the grounding
transformer shall be rigidly welded steel-alloy frame, fabricated from
structural shapes of adequate size to withstand moving, shipping and
handling. Base structure member shall be located so that the center of gravity
shall not fall outside the points of support for a 15 degree tilt from the normal
leveled (horizontal) position with or without oil in the transformer during
erection. The tank and cable box shall be totally enclosed.
4.5.2 The grounding transformer shall have lifting eyebolts with minimum hole
diameter of 20mm for balanced lifting. The means for lifting the main cover,
core and winding assembly from transformer tank shall be provided. The
Core and Coil assembly shall not be an integral part of the main cover.
4.5.3 Jacking pads shall be provided on each side of the grounding transformer
with a ground clearance of 127 mm. The pads shall be designed to take the
complete weight of the transformer filled with oil.
4.5.4 System grounding transformer shall be oil filled and generally conform to
IEC 60076. The uninhibited mineral oil shall be per 54-TMSS-01.
4.5.6 System gounding transformer shall be sealed type or conservator tank type as
specified in the data schedule. The high strength steel alloy plate tank shall be
formed and welded, suitably stiffened and braced to provide sufficient
strength for support of internal parts and oil. Bell type tank construction is
not acceptable.
4.5.7 For system grounding transformer with conservator tank type, hand hole with
flanges on the main welded cover shall be provided. Hand hole shall be
provided with gasket, gas tight and oil tight throughout the service life of the
transformer at top oil temperature of 100ºC. The tank cover shall be designed
such that water will not accumulate on it.
4.5.9 Oil level inside the system grounding transformer tank shall remain above all
vital components i.e core, coil , bus lead etc. for 10 degree tilt in any
direction from the normal leveled position.There shall be ample space
between core-coil assembly and tank-bottom for the collection of sediment.
4.5.11 In case of cable box type termination, the HV and neutral bushings and the
respective terminations shall be housed in an adequate sized metal enclosures
fabricated from galvanized sheet steel having minimum thickness of 3mm.
The same shall be tamper-proof, weatherproof and vermin-proof. Each cable
box shall be provided with pressure relief vent and cable entry shall be
coming vertically from the bottom. Each cable box shall be provided with
removable front cover and suitable cable glands.
4.5.13 The terminal pads shall be arranged for proper take-off as specified in the
data schedule. Terminal pads shall be silver or tin-plated per NEMA standard
and shall be suitable for use with bolted type copper or aluminum conductor
g. Outdoor type control cabinet for 1 MVA and above continuous power
rating of the grounding transformer. Control cabinet shall be
4.5.15 The Auxiliary AC power supplies voltage for control cabinet interior lights
and anti-condenssation heater shall be from 380/220V, 3-phase, 4 wire or
220/127V, 3-phase, 4 wire external power source of SEC as specified in the
data schedule. DC voltage (if required) for control and protection shall be
a. The cable entry to the control cabinet shall be from bottom. Suitable
shrouded metallic cable glands shall be provided for sealing all
control cable entries. Control cables shall be per 11-TMSS-12. All
cables and wires exterior shall be in galvanized rigid steel conduit.
For wiring requiring flexibility, weatherproof, galvanized flexible
metal conduit in lengths of 500mm or less shall be used.
4.6 Nameplate
4.6.1 Grounding transformer shall bear a nameplate, clearly visible and indelibly
and legibly marked by etching, engraving or stamping in English per IEC
60289 or ANSI/IEEE 32 with the following additional information:
c. Type designation
k. Change in oil level (in mm) per 10ºC change in oil temperature (for
sealed tank transformer larger than 0.5 MVA equivalent continuous
rating only)
m. Bushing CT details
o. Mass.
4.6.2 Nameplate material shall be stainless steel and shall be securely fixed to the
tank by stainless steel ascrews or rivets.
Grounding transformer shall be tested in accordance with the latest relevant referenced
standards and as specified herein. The assigned serial number of the grounding transformer
shall be engraved on its body before testing to ensure the proper identity of the transformer
to be tested. All test results shall be provided for review and approval of SEC.
5.1.1 All type (design) tests prescribed in the relevant IEC or equivalent
ANSI/IEEE standards shall be performed on the first unit of every new
design, rating and size of grounding transformer to be supplied to SEC. The
type tests, which are not covered by ANSI/IEEE 32 shall be performed per
IEC 60289.
5.2.1 All routine (production) tests prescribed in the relevant IEC or equivalent
ANSI/IEEE standards, shall be performed on each grounding transformer.
Test results shall be provided for review and acceptance/approval by SEC
prior to delivery. Routine tests, which are not covered by ANSI/IEEE 32,
shall be performed per IEC 60289.
5.2.2 Oil leakage tests shall be performed on all sealed tank system grounding
transformer oil filled compartment, conservator (if any) and radiators. Oil
filled equipment shall be subjected to a pressure of 69kPa. This pressure shall
be maintained for a period of not less that 24 hours without any loss of oil
pressure or visible oil leakage, For conservator or expansion tank system, the
pressure shall be 35 kPA . Detachable radiators may be tested for oil leakage
5.2.3 Oil filled transformer tank, radiators, conservator (if any), along with all
valves and pipe works shall be pressure tested to withstand an internal
pressure as per relevent International Standard. Oil filled transformer tank
and radiators shall be tested for full vacuum without any deformation/damage
when there is no oil in the transformer tank.
5.2.4 Tests for relays and transformer accessories may comply with manufacturer’s
standard tests.
5.3.1 When specified in the data schedule, special tests shall be performed on the
grounding transformer per IEC 60289 and 60076. These tests shall
preferably be carried out on a grounding transformer identical to that on
which type (design) tests have been performed.
All routine and type tests on HV bushings and LV bushings shall be carried out per
IEC 60137. However, certified type tests report performed on identical bushings
may be submitted to SEC for review and acceptance in lieu of the required type tests.
All routine and type tests on bushings current transformers shall be carried
out per 50-TMSS-01.
5.6 Off Circuit Tap Changer
5.6.1 All routine tests shall be performed on Off Circuit Tap Changer per IEC
5.6.2 Type tests shall be done on a representative unit of each new design or rating.
certified test reports of type (design) tests performed on an identical unit may
be submitted to SEC for review and approval during bidding stage.
Test certificates of all transformers accessories from their origin manufacturer shall
be certified by the transformer manufacturer.
4.1 General
Number of Phase
Number of Windings
(Sealed tank or Conservator tank type) *
Grounding transformer:
Efficiency (%) *
4.5 Construction
Tank cover *
Mounting Details:
Bolt circle diameter of flange (mm) *
No. of bolts *
Size of bolts *
Official Seal/Stamp
of the Company &