Job Description Executive Board AMSA-Indonesia 2018-2019

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No. Position Job Description
1. Regional Chairperson 1. To connect AMSA-Indonesia to AMSA
2. To officially represent AMSA-Indonesia in any
national or international events
3. To organize and hold the election for the
Executive Boards
4. To lead and coordinate activities of AMSA-
Indonesia Executive Boards
5. To exercise discretionary powers in situations that
requires immediate decisions and actions,
provided that it is not contrary to the objectives of
the association and provided that he/she informs
the member of Executive Boards not later than
one month after the said decision was done
6. To preside the regular meetings of AMSA-
2. General Secretary 1. To take over the responsibilities and authorities
of the RC in times of his/her absence

2. To take over the responsibilities and authorities

of the RC in times of his/her absence

3. To manage AMSA-university visit scheduler

4. To collect the yearly progress report from all

Executive Boards and Regional Chairperson

3. Treasurer 1. To collect dues from each university of AMSA-

Indonesia member

2. To take charge of the collection of dues and other

obligations from AMSA-universities

3. To prepare the annual report on the financial

status of the association

4. To recommend the Fund-raising program to the

Executive Boards

5. To help the national and international conference

with funds, based on the consideration and
decision of all Executive Boards

6. To be responsible for the implementation and

coordination of approved charity and fund-raising

7. To make AMSA-Indonesia official bank account

to be used throughout the tenure

8. To maintain current partnership and to add at least

1 new partnership to work with AMSA-Indonesia.

9. To organize and record sponsorship for AMSA-

Indonesia with Secretary of Finance and
Partnership (FnP)

4. Secretary of Finance and 1. To conduct the fund-raising program for AMSA-

Partnership (FnP) Indonesia

2. To coordinate AMSA-Indonesia merchandise


3. To organize and record sponsorship for AMSA-

Indonesia with Treasurer

4. To hold and organize competition for

merchandise design between AMSA-universities

5. To make Finance Booklet that consist of tips and

trick about fund-raising program from AMSA-

6. To make a National Finance Team and guide

them in financial knowledge

7. To hold AMSA Training especially for National

Finance Team to guide them in fund-raising
program and make a good proposal for

5. Secretary of Academic 1. To coordinate AMSA-Indonesia in international

and national academic competitions
2. To create the bundle from Academic competition
of AMSA-Indonesia
3. To make the syllabus for LAT and follow-up
4. To coordinate with the Secretary Research in
making the syllabus for IMSTC
5. To support and encourage academic excellence
amongst AMSA members
6. To coordinate with Secretary of Academics
(Competitions and Workshops) – AMSA
7. To make a National Academic Team and guide
them to make a good paper or poster
8. To hold AMSA Training especially for National
Academic Team in IMSTC to guide them in
academic knowledge
6. Secretary of Research 1. To organize the National Research Competition of
2. To coordinate with the Secretary of Academics in
making the syllabus for IMSTC
3. To make a National Research Team, to guide
them on how to make a great research proposal
and also how to implement it on our society
4. To coordinate with the Secretary of Academics
(Webinars and IRT) – AMSA International
5. To coordinate the creation of e-magazine (such as
R-Ticles ) and R-Quiz
7. Director of AMSEP 1. To coordinate with Director of AMSEP
2. To direct and encourage exchange student
program (AMSEP) among AMSA-universities
3. To be responsible for the implementation of
AMSEP activities
4. To facilitate AMSEP delegates in meeting the
administrative requirements for AMSEP
5. To make National AMSEP Team and guide them
to negotiate with AMSA chapter or Director of
AMSEP AMSA International
8. Secretary of Publication and 1. To update the official booklet and video of
Promotion (PnP) AMSA-Indonesia

2. To make National Publication and Promotion

Team and guide them to make a good design and

3. To coordinate with National Publication and

Promotion Team in contributing in AMSA-
Indonesia website, newsletter, magazine (such as
Arbor Vitae), and other publication facilities

4. To promote AMSA-Indonesia’s activities to

AMSA members through website, newsletter,
magazine (such as Arbor Vitae), and other
publication facilities

5. To coordinate with Liaison Officer for

Governmental Organization and with Liaison
Officer for Non-Governmental Organization to
promote AMSA-Indonesia to GO&NGO

6. To coordinate with Secretary of Membership and

Development to promote AMSA to non member
AMSA- universities

7. To hold AMSA Training especially for National

Publication and Promotion Team about workshop

9. Liaison Officer for Non- 1. To create and maintain relations with NGOs that
Governmental Organization (LO are in alignment with AMSA-Indonesia and
for NGO) International philosophies

2. To promote NGO activities to AMSA members

3. To organize and hold the election for AMSA’s

Ambassador of Public Health (APH)

4. To coordinate with Secretary of Community

Outreach in maintaining and enhancing the
relationship between AMSA-Indonesia and NGOs

5. To be the person in charge to maintain and

enhancing the relationship between AMSA-
Indonesia and AOMKI ( Aliansi Organisasi
Mahasiswa Kesehatan Indonesia )

6. To coordinate with LO for GO and Secretary of

Community Outreach, to organize sustainable and
social activities programs along with GO/NGO

7. To coordinate with LO for GO and APHs in

maintaining and enhancing the relationship
between AMSA-Indonesia and GOs

8. To help LO for GO in maintaining and enhancing

the relationship between AMSA-Indonesia and
GOs with APHs

11 Liaison Officer for Governmental 1. Represent AMSA-Indonesia in Governmental

Organization (LO for GO) Organizations (GOs) and bridge advocacy
function in alignment with AMSA-Indonesia and
AMSA Internasional philosophies

2. To promote GO programs to AMSA members

3. To document GO programs attended and

participated by AMSA-Indonesia

4. To coordinate with LO for NGO and Secretary of

Community Outreach, to organize sustainable and
social activities programs along with GO/NGO

5. To help LO for NGO to organize the election for

AMSA’s Ambassador of Public Health

6. To maintain and enhance the relationship between

AMSA-Indonesia and GOs

7. To be a representative of AMSA-Indonesia in
advocacy forums

8. To provide a platform for discussion on advocacy

in AMSA-Indonesia

10. Secretary of Membership and 1. To formulate the requirements for membership

Development (MnD) and their administration
2. To formulate the membership regulations and
standardizations of AMSA-Indonesia
3. To promote AMSA-Indonesia to non member
AMSA- universities
4. To choose an advisory university (universitas
pembimbing) for the observer members of
5. To help Regional Chairperson to manage
administration of policy regulations and
legalizations for AMSA-Indonesia
6. To supervise and manage the communication
between advisory university (universitas
pembimbing) and associate university (universitas
7. To collect all database about AMSA Alumni Club
(AMSAAC) from every AMSA -universities
8. To help every Executive Boards who want to
collaborate with AMSA Alumni Club
9. To make AMSA Elite Chairperson (AEC) Team
and guide them to coordinate with every
Representative of AMSA-universities
11. Secretary of Community Outreach 1. To make and lead a Community Outreach Team
(Commout) which will coordinate the implementation of
social activities in AMSA-universities

2. To coordinate with LO for GO and LO for NGO,

to organize sustainable programs and social
activities along with GO/NGO

3. To coordinate with National Publication and

Promotion Team to write articles about social
activities in AMSA-universities
4. To coordinate with Secretary of Publication and
Promotion in selection of community outreach
articles to be published in newsletter and other
publication facilities
5. To organize Event of the Year competition and
follow up its execution

6. To organize Post Conference Project and follow

up its execution

7. To organize and coordinate with Treasurer and

Secretary of Publication and Promotion about
national disaster in Indonesia and how to
participate and help the victims there

8. To hold AMSA Training especially for National

Community Outreach Team in NAE (National
Action Event) to guide them in communication
with Representative from all AMSA-universities
to make social project that impact society

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