Hopes Husband
Hopes Husband
Hopes Husband
This pamphlet is dedicated to one of America's first anti-communist Contras who performed his patriotic work near the Arctic Circle in Russian Siberia seventy-five years ago. It is published in memory of the highest decorated American Contra of that special mission into what would eventually become communist territory. This highly classified mission was known as the American Siberian Expeditionary Force under the Command of Major General William S. Graves of the American 27th Infantry Regiment. The Intelligence Officer was a Major David P. Barrows, but this dedication is not to even these good men. The American Siberian Expeditionary Force has been cloaked in silence and secrecy since 1918. While these brave men had volunteered to take this Mission with support from one faction of the American Government, they were also simultaneously being betrayed by the Wilson State Department which was covertly supporting the Bolsheviks in their conquest of Russia. General Graves and his men, working in concert with the Christian White Army, were given the task of protecting the Trans-Siberian Railroad. As history grimly bears out, the Zionist Red Army, with food and weapons provided from the United States, won, and the historical first anticommunist cause was lost. In the chaos that followed, with millions of displaced persons, roving partisan bands plundering what they could, and numerous contending military groups, the formal extraction of these men, by the United States, was impossible. For these abandoned Americans, and their Christian White Army comrades, to escape from Russia, it was necessary that they march north through the Arctic Circle in the frozen Siberian wilderness into Finland. However, a magnetic compass is not accurate that far north, and the men became hopelessly lost in the Siberian blizzards of 1920. One man, who had been sent to Oxford to learn Russian so as to be an interpreter, had experience as a tracker in the Vermont mountains. He was a civilian attached to this American Siberian Expeditionary Force. It was this one man, who used his tracking ability successfully, who saved the lives of these men. White Christian Russia, just before it fell formally to Red communism, awarded him its highest decoration, The Cross Of St. George -- roughly equivalent to America's Congressional Medal of Honor. Only five Americans have ever received this award, and I dedicate this pamphlet, Hope's Husband, to him... Pastor Ernest Livingstone Rand My maternal grandfather. Malachi 4:4-6
PARDON ME, but... Is a free Christian patriotic newsletter which is sent to anyone upon written request. Donations are encouraged and used to expand our circulation. This is our 30th year of publication. This publication is supported entirely today by The Northpoint Teams, a small, dedicated group of Christian patriots, and they are the ones who make these publications possible. Single copies of this issue are $7.00 post-paid. In quantities of 12 or more, take a 40% discount + $5.00 postage and handling. For instance, 12 copies for $55.00. Write to us for this and other publications to The Northpoint Teams, PO Box 129, Topton, North Carolina 28781.
First Printing as Off-the-Cuff #85 - January, 1988 Second Printing as Off-the-Cuff #85 - November. 1988 Third Printing as Off-the-Cuff...#85 - November, 1990 Fourth Printing as Off-the-Cuff #85 - March. 1992
Henry Ford was on the witness stand in a Court in Mt. Clemens, Michigan in 1919. During his libel suit against the Chicago Tribune, he testified that History is bunk! Yet, Ford is remembered, not only for his Model T, but for his evaluation of Zionist World Conquest which was being carried out in Russia at that very moment in time. Or, history is, as Lord Chesterfield stated, only a confused collection of facts. History, then, can be at best what each historian sees, mixed, if I may be so bold as to admit, with his thoughttheology interpretation of its meaning. The significance of every historical event, however correctly or inaccurately set forth, can be at best only that author's opinion. I think Ben Franklin was probably right when he stated in Poor Richard (1739) that historians relate, not so much what is done, but what they would have believed... In this pamphlet, you are about to read my historical version of one significant period of time. There will be some who will, like Henry Ford, consider it bunk. Perhaps others, more charitable, will want to dismiss it as only a confused collection of facts. A small minority, who happen to hold my hard line anticommunist thought-theology, may agree with every fact and opinion that is set forth here, and wildly champion my cause. I would caution each of these classifications of readers to be
especially my loyal friends among the latter. I will be setting forth not only what I know has happened historically, but also drawing conclusions based upon what I believe has taken place. I shall be quite content, if those who shall pronounce my pamphlet useful will use it as a history, not only of how things happened, but how they are very likely to happen in the future. Apart from that, I cannot imagine it being worth the effort to write it down.
As you read many historians, some of you will quickly discover that they have never seen beyond their particular horizon. It is a rare person who, when examining one tiny jigsaw puzzle piece of history, can fit it into the mosaic of the Big Picture, instead of turning the piece in their fingers wondering what it all means. This is about all a Lord Chesterfield can do. Those of us who at least understand the main plot of God's Big Picture, though perhaps squabbling over some of the minor details, are excited as we fit the tiny piece into its place. I must agree with former President James Garfield when he wrote in his book, The Province of History, that modern events are but the unrolled scroll of prophecy. Nord W. Davis, Jr. January 7, 1988
Seven years is a long time from the initial handwritten draft of one of my pamphlets, until it is finally put into print. I first wrote Hope's Husband in January, 1981. 1 carried this manuscript with me on my very first trip into Central America, and was in Managua, Nicaragua with the text in my possession, in February, 1981. Nicaragua in those days could not have been identified on a map by 90% of the American people, and in my personal observation, it was a very unfriendly place. At that time in my life, I was really more content to writing about such things than actually living out the story personally. My first draft of Hope's Husband, as I classify most patriotic publishing efforts in these intervening years since then, was terribly shallow, inexcusably naive, or downright wrong. As Henry Ford would say, Bunk! In more recent years, patriotic publishers with the expertise of two weeks or less in country, send their light impressions abroad in the land as if they had all the pieces of the Nicaraguan puzzle. Today, friends of mine hope to cash in on their experience by assembling a confusing collection of facts, as Lord Chesterfield would undoubtedly have called their work, simply because they do not yet know The Planner nor much about His Big Plan. It is against these past reports, and some future ones, that Hope's Husband will be compared and evaluated. Simply because I have lived in Central America for almost two years, and tried to correctly rewrite this pamphlet a number of times over seven years, does not prove that even one word of it is The Truth. Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect, and in the compounding of conflicting stories, switching loyalties of the people involved, and the rapidly degenerating political picture in Nicaragua 4 over these seven years, the greatest Truth I can submit to the reader is that there is no such thing as an expert on Nicaragua. You would be well advised to avoid any who suppose that they are, no matter how long or extensive may have been their experience there. There is also one grave danger that other writers seem indifferent to avoid, and that is documenting their articles with names, dates and places, in an effort to establish credibility. Credibility, in exchange for the security of the Contra forces, is simply not worth it, and, though I could provide such supporting documentation, it will not be done. I learned this lesson the hard way. At great risk to some of our people, a package of highly classified data was provided to Senator Jesse Helms's office. The package contained 110 documents, eight C-90 cassette tapes full of information and commentary, and about 15 photographs we thought highly important to any patriotic Senator. His office turned over this data to one John Carbough, who promptly took it to the U.S. Embassy Gray Building in San Jose, Costa Rica. Within just a few weeks, eight of our Contra commandantes were hunted down by name and murdered. So, from that time on, July, 1983, we have never again broken our strict security guidelines. If you want to see proof of what I am writing before you believe the thesis presented here, you will not approve of this pamphlet. Believe this: I do not care. If you are so insensitive about security that you want all the names -- whom you would never recognize anyway -- and places, which you probably cannot find on a map, then you are probably not the person to whom such information should be given to anyway.
To the best of my knowledge, and it is my intent, the facts presented here are true, and the conclusions developed therefrom fit perfectly into the setting of these facts. I have no misgivings whatever about publishing the names of those persons who I know, beyond any reasonable doubt, are working for the communist cause in Nicaragua and elsewhere, regardless of what their public position in the American press to the contrary might be. [Footnote # 1] As I was about to finally get Hope's Husband into print nine months ago, one of our Northpoint Team members living near Gainesville, GA, told me that the Iran-Contra Special Prosecutor was convening another Federal Grand Jury in Gainesville. His people, including an FBI agent from the Atlanta office, were interested in some things my friend had been doing. This close friend was asked to appear before that panel and gave them a few hours of his time, but, I believe, told them very little of specific interest. Who knows whose loyalties are on which side? The same day, this friend left America to some undisclosed location in Central America. However, according to contacts I have, my name came up three different times during this
and other questioning by the panel. To my knowledge, I have not done anything which should raise any federal question. Yet, knowing the political game plan of our International Socialist Congress, I fully expect that all this confused collection of facts may be used to make up some kind of history on Nord Davis, Jr., and others, which will make rough-andtumble news copy at some appropriate time. It is in this hostile legal environment that I made a decision. Hope's Husband will present just the broad-brush overview of America's betrayal of yet another anticommunist nation into communist hands, followed by a second betrayal of the anti-communist class alien element until their numbers are depleted to the insignificant level, and then the opening of Peace Talks. to be followed with the resumption of trade, banking, and international loans. I will prove my thesis, specifically by reprinting, at least in part, my writings on this subject as it was happening over the past seven years. Later, as a collection of facts as an addendum to this publication. Nord Davis, Jr. Northpoint Punta del Norte
FOOTNOTE #1. Understanding the American way... I want the reader to know that I love the Latin people. They are generally warm, helpful, and friendly. On the other hand, many are found to be thieves, untrustworthy, and deceptive. My eighteen months in Central America taught me a great lesson regarding peoples and races and the reasons why they live and act as they do. One can always tell how people think by looking at their environment. I have been in some of the poorest places in the world: southern Italy, central Mexico, Venezuela, Haiti, and the jungles of Central America. I know, personally, what a week of beans and rice can do to a person. Yet, with some people, poor as they are, their environment is clean, neat and tidy. And others have paper, garbage and trash scattered everywhere, with the owners or tenants of the property sitting aimlessly about doing nothing. As you watch the TV news and see the wretched poverty that they always want to show you, and then suggest that this is a justification for land reform, ask yourself this question: 'Why don't these people simply pick up their garbage and trash?' True, they probably cannot afford paint, or new tin for the roof of their home, but their obviously indifferent attitude toward their own immediate environment should not be used to give us Americans a 'guilt-trip' about Central American Poverty Until the American Way, and those American principles of individual responsibility, are taught to these people, and it becomes an intrinsic part of their thought-theology, nothing is ever going to change for them there.
We are not about to send American boys nine or ten thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves. -Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson, campaigning for re-election in Akron, Ohio on October 21, 1964. At the time the President made this campaign promise, 20,000 American troops were fighting in Vietnam. By the end of Johnson's term four years later, that number was more than 500,000. Will you please name for me one war in recent American history that was not either started or continued by an international socialist posing as a Democratic President of the United States? There have been none so far. Today, with very few exceptions, all candidates for President of the United States, Republican and Democrat, are intellectually and politically committed to the anti-Christ thought-theology of international socialism. There has been no war in this century that did not help the cause of international socialism, and in the deliberate process help establish every communist nation in the world. Nicaragua's Sandinista communist revolution, and the almost forgotten bloodbath that followed it, was promoted and financed, not
from Cuba or Moscow, but from the Democratic President Jimmy Carter's Department of State. I will prove this thesis in Hope's Husband. Startling as it will be to many of you, I will also prove that President Reagan, a hard-core New Deal Democrat all his life, actually switched Parties so as to run as a Conservative Republican. I have stated for eight years that Mr. Reagan is a secret International Socialist; that his actions are now speaking louder than his great patriotic speeches; and that he and his liberal associates had planned another no-win war in Nicaragua to begin in 1983 with the Big Pine U.S. military operations in Honduras. The exciting conclusion of Hope's Husband is this: The American people are fed up with socialist, debt-producing wars. They supported various Nicaraguan Contra financial and tactical projects, including our Northpoint Teams, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars. These efforts, though relatively small and poorly funded, were just enough to prevent the socialist planned war in the Central American jungles, and thus saved perhaps thousands of American lives in the process. -N.W.D.
you shall one day see freedom again. What would you tell an indifferent world if you knew that you would certainly be murdered in the near future? Think about it. This West Point man only asks, in his epitaph, that the world may one day remember him favorably and that the hindsight of history will be kind to him. I am not writing another biography, only a short tribute to the one man who, because of his loyal following, stood between freedom and tyranny in that sector of the world into which a Sovereign God had placed him. As you read this account, bravery on one side against treachery on the other, I want you to live in his shoes, as though it were your story, so I am not going to tell you so much as his name, for now. Picture yourself as an unrelenting target of Dan Rather on his leftist TV show, Sixty Minutes. Believe me, I know what that is like, for I was on that show for about 30 seconds in 1977. People wrote to me from all over America wondering how I could be involved with such terrible people. Then imagine Jack Anderson, who never says anything favorable about the American private enterprise, going after people week after week. These media traitors can be tough, as they soften up the public so that you can be killed without anyone's tears. If this man's life story and his death accomplishes nothing more than to test your knowledge of the subversive activity at the highest levels of the Government of the United States; if it does nothing more than alert you to the grave danger to your family expressed by that death; if it does nothing more than alert you to the smug silence of the news media, then to that extent this man did not die in vain. Will you play a little game with me? See if you can figure out who this anti-communist American is before I tell 8
My fellow Americans, the man pictured here was murdered in cold blood at the hands of known communist agents while he was living in a foreign land. He knew that he was being hunted and that it was just a matter of time before his enemies would locate him and have him silenced. He had just completed his autobiography when the end came. I am reading that story of his life, a record as he saw and lived it. He begins his story with these words, so typical of a West Point graduate: I dedicate this .... to all the courageous and freedom-loving people... who live under the yoke of communism... to the loyal and faithful men and women... to those thousands who now languish in prison, I can only say that it is my hope and my daily prayer that
you. I made it just a little difficult, because I picked his West Point picture to show you, taken about 30 years before his death. Here are some hints to this man's identity: 1 ] He was educated at the La Salle Military Academy on Long Island, and graduated with honors. 2] He graduated from West Point and became a famous general. 3] His wife's name is Hope, and he has a daughter named Carolina. 4] He served as a Governor for a short time. Now, do you think that such a man could be murdered in a foreign land with the approval and encouragement of George Bush's CIA, and that fact not make the news? He was well trained at West Point and graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in 1946. I have a picture of him, accompanied by an unidentified Major General, reviewing our American troops in Korea in 1961. In his biography, I find these words: My dream is to make my country a shining example of free enterprise at work and to create for the children an atmosphere of freedom in which every child could attain the limit of his God-given ability. With a fervor for the American way of life and a deep-rooted sense of loyalty to those principles which made the United States the great nation she is, I believe that I have earned the privilege to address myself to the dangers which confront the United States today. Additionally, when the United States assumes leadership, in a conspiratorial fashion, to annihilate anti-communist nations, I believe that it is my duty to speak out. When 1 have factual evidence that the U.S.A. has actually aided and abetted the evil forces of communism, I believe that the people of the United States should share in such facts and incontrovertible manifestations. It follows that one can be critical of the President of the United States without denigrating that esteemed office. When I 9
criticize the present holder of that office (James Earl Carter) I do so because I am firmly convinced he is leading the free world into a cataclysmic political eclipse which will bring darkness to the free peoples everywhere. When was the last time you heard a West Point graduate talk like that? Anyone in a high international profile who talks like that is bound to raise the anger of the Jack Andersons and those promoting subversive leftist propaganda each week. Concerning Sixty Minutes specifically, Hope's Husband had this to say about Dan Rather's people: Generally speaking, Sixty Minutes is not complete unless someone is nailed to the cross. Also, the program will sneak in a touch of propaganda. You can be sure that this propaganda is slanted left... From watching the show, one would never know that Dan Rather spent two and one half hours grilling me... Dan Rather condensed this entire time to seven minutes ....1 did not realize what power film editing could have. The show was a disaster. Hope's Husband made the classic mistake of believing that there may be a shade of honesty left in the controlled news media. As he wrote, he believed that his story would be convincing, if not to the Sixty Minutes staff, at least to the general public that would be watching it. I have personally watched the Sixty Minutes crew in operation during the smear of another American over a period of nineteen hours. I watched them with the use of the cameras, and being a photographer myself, I knew that they were using long lenses to distort backgrounds and exaggerate facial features. I heard every one of the questions and answers, and even secretly taped parts of it. Using Hollywood techniques of editing, every critical answer was altered to have their victim saying just the opposite of what I actually heard him say.
Why? The purpose of Sixty Minutes is to soften up the target in the eyes of the public so that when phony criminal indictments are handed down against him, or he is brutally murdered in some far-off land at the appropriate planned time, Americans will just shrug their shoulders and believe, somehow, that the man had it coming to him. In 1979, 1 represented my country and took part in the signing of the U.S. Declaration of Human Rights in Paris ....Mr. Carter was concerning himself with human rights in only the small, militarily weak countries. I made another observation. Generally speaking, these were anticommunist countries such as Nicaragua, Chile, Argentina, and Paraguay. He did not concern himself with human rights in Russia or Red China. Doesn't that seem a little strange? In the Soviet Union the citizen has no basic freedom... Very frankly, in Russia the individual has no rights at all... Is Mr. Carter's attitude of benign neglect toward these socialist powers an indication that he loathes the capitalist system which prevails in the Western Camp? Yes, Hope's Husband, that is exactly what it means. Have you noticed that most communist countries do not have a human rights problem? As I write, the major pro-communist thrust is directed toward South Africa, and providing the vote to generally uneducated alien Negroes is certain to insure that communism takes over in South Africa.* The communist plan for world conquest has not changed. It is just that today they have recruited important politicians and media people to make communism appear to be inevitable or occur by sheer accident. Nonsense! With my many years in government, and my military training and background, with my close association with government leaders throughout the world, and with intelligence operations, I have come to one startling conclusion: There is a planned and deliberate
* Written six years ago in 1988
conspiracy in the United States of America to destroy that Republican form of government. No longer can we afford the luxury of silence. I realize fully well that 1 place myself in even more jeopardy, but the people of the United States and the free world must know what is happening... Upon assuming office in 1976, Mr. Carter set about to dismantle the U.S. Military machine. He did so while the Soviet Union went on a war production basis! That course of military action, coupled with the betrayal of steadfast anti communist allies, places Mr. Carter in the company of evil worldwide conspiratorial forces. I repeat, the treacherous course chartered by Mr. Carter was not through ignorance, but by design. Like so many Americans, I have stood on the parade field and saluted Old Glory as she passed by. 1, too, have thrilled to the Stars and Stripes as the f lag was raised at sunrise, and have felt the melancholy that can touch a man's heart at the sound of Taps. You see, I know the true meaning of the United States of America, and 1 thank God for the privilege. So who is this man, Hope's Husband, and the late father of five children? Wouldn't you have liked to have known such a man with his compassion and love for America? Wouldn't you have liked to have marched, shoulder to shoulder, with a man so dedicated, and so willing, to lay down his life for you and your children? Do I hear a yes? Do you know whose prayers for America come the most often before the Throne of Grace, and whose prayers are that we may still know liberty? It is those who don't seem to be detracted by television, sporting events, and who have not had a good steak dinner in years -Christian men and women who languish in prisons for their faith in communist lands. Some of you may criticize the depth of their Christian 10
understanding, or some far-fetched doctrines they might hold. Nonetheless, in their simplicity and their sincerity, Almighty God hears their prayers for you and me, and honors their faith by permitting us, through truly unmerited Grace, to remain free. Humbling as this is to me, America seems destined to be saved by non-Americans who at the very least understand her role in God's prophetic plan. Would it then surprise you to learn that Hope's Husband, the subject of this tribute to him in death, was not even a United States citizen? That's right! A man who loved America and freedom enough to graduate from West Point, who thrilled at the Stars and Stripes more than most Americans who take our flag for granted, put his life on the line for us, and took the assassin's bullet and died in a foreign land. Who was he? Hope's Husband was President Anastasio Somoza, one of our generation's unsung heroes. May a Merciful Heavenly Father look kindly on him when He needs men for The Kingdom to come.
literally, springtime year-round. There is no reason why any nation with such a delightful climate, where the temperature never goes below 60 degrees or above 80 degrees, should not prosper economically. People can work, with springtime enthusiasm, all the time. Almost every imaginable fruit and vegetable is available yearround. The same thing is true in Nicaragua in the areas where the majority of the people live. Regrettably, in spite of perfect climate and an abundance of natural minerals, nearly perfect soil, and a fishing potential second to none, we do not see high prosperity. As I pointed out in earlier publications, Latin America is in perpetual poverty because of a faulty thought-theology. Frankly, harsh as it must be stated in a few sentences, Latins do not seem to have the mindset to put into motion the Puritan Work Ethic. In Costa Rica, anyone who makes more than $20,000 per year is high society. I had a chance to talk to many prosperous Costa Ricans, and even the head of the Chambers of Commerce, Armando Guardia, was a good friend of mine, who, though born in Costa Rica, and raised in the U.S., admitted he really did not understand the American Way. I remember asking him one question, which illustrates my point. In Costa Rica there is only one highway which approaches an American interstate, and it goes to the west coast from San Jose. Driving down the highway, spaced out every five miles or so, you will see perhaps 20 men with machettes in a line, mowing the median strip. They swing their tools in unison, walking as they go. Why, I asked, don't you import an American tractor with a flail mower 20 feet wide and mow that median at ten miles an hour? Because, it would put too many Costa Ricans out of work, was his honest, thoughtful reply. Why would I ask such a foolish question was 11
For those interested In a deeper study into the life of Hope's Husband, I suggest Nicaragua Betrayed, edited by Jack Cox. It Is through the courtesy of the publisher that we have taken the direct quotations of the late President Somoza. I encourage each of you to order this vital source of information on Nicaragua and Central America from Western Islands, PO Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54913. I think it costs about $12.00 or so and has about 425 pages.
Chapter Two
Landing in San Jose, Costa Rica, in February, 1981, was like walking right into springtime. I was to learn that the mountains of Central America, because of a unique combination of latitude and elevation, produces,
also expressed in certain gestures intrinsic in the Latin language supplements. They simply do not understand our culture, and, more importantly for this pamphlet, we frankly do not understand theirs. Yet, to understand the Nicaraguan situation, to even begin to comprehend Nicaraguan political preferences that are very different from ours, you have to be in county for quite a season of time and be perceptive enough to ask the right questions. (Footnote #2] President Carter's personal representative, Mr. Robert Pastor, came to Costa Rica and asked President Daniel Oduber, When are we going to get that son of a bitch to the north out of the presidency? Many Americans, were they to live in Nicaragua, might well believe such a description applying to General Somoza. He was a man living in the wealth of a many generation
prosperous family amid what appears to be hopeless poverty. Here was a man who was seen to be ruthless in dealing with drug pushers, rapists, and plundering thieves. Here was a man who appeared to be insensitive to human rights. Nicaragua and Costa Rica operate under Napoleonic Law, a very different legal concept than what we are supposed to have in America. For instance, the civil and criminal law are intermixed, a legal process unthinkable in our American law. Justice, and regrettably injustice, is dispensed swiftly and often without even the formality of compassion. Believe me, I found myself ensnared in that wretched legal system while in Costa Rica where criminal penalties apply to civil issues. It is for this reason that I do not recommend any type of investments in Costa Rica or other Latin countries under Napoleonic legal systems. [Footnote #3)
FOOTNOTE #2. Be perceptive enough to ask the right questions. I have read Salvador Witness by Ana Carrigan. and other alleged documentaries about poverty in Central America. I also know that until God's Laws for the nation are made a part of the intrinsic thinking of any race or population, poverty is inevitable! Without that thought theology, the environment of any people will be that properly characterized as a rat-hole. I may write more about Sister Jean Donovan who was murdered in Central America. Here is a question for you to ponder: Think of those areas of the world that are generally Protestant. What kind of environment do you generally find there? What type of government? Now, think of the areas of the world that are generally Roman Catholic, or hold some religion other than Christianity. What environments do you find in those nations? The problem with many people who may be sincere in trying to eradicate world poverty is that they are starting from the wrong point. Until any nation or any family within a nation, has its thought-theology corrected, and they begin thinking about individual responsibility rather than socialist governments caring for them, nothing is going to change. The whole Nicaraguan problem created for us by the liberals in the Reagan Government, hinges on the failure of our leaders to understand that one important point. They simply do not understand the Latin culture. its thinking about life and personal responsibility, and tried instead to impose upon those people the American Culture based upon the Puritan Work Ethic and God's laws which built upon that unique thoughttheology. It is this thought-theology, perhaps more than any other single thing, that gave America our Constitution and the liberty we have enjoyed for 200 years.
FOOTNOTE #3. The Napoleonic Legal system. At about the same time in history as our American Revolution. Catholic France was going through their social, political. and economic upheaval. Under the banner of Liberty. Fraternity and Equality,' the French Monarchy was overthrown and the people got socialism and democracy. America became a Republic under Law. France became a Democracy under rule of the mob mentality majority. Under such a wretched scheme, Napoleonic Law was set in place. One could be indicted for a criminal act, and then have the court dispose of it by paying a civil penalty such as a fine. Or, a person could be sued for a civil cause and suddenly have the court switch things around and he could be facing prison. Unfortunately for the people in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, their thought-theology is such that Napoleonic Law makes the most sense to them ---they simply do not understand our American Republic and our common law that secures to us rights instead of privileges. Regrettably, as America is being overrun by peoples coming from those nations whose culture is under this form of thought-theology, our laws are also changing. Those statutes and regulations, arising from the 14th and subsequent Amendments, put some American people into a form of Napoleonic Law, where civil law has criminal penalties. Title 26, the IRS Code, for instance, is one of these, and the most well known. If you like the way IRS agents, or SWAT teams in Idaho and Waco, Texas, seem to have unquestioned authority, and are indifferent to the abuses they impose on frightened Americans, you will understand what the Costa Rican and the Nicaraguan lives under in every aspect of their lives.
I have met former President Oduber on several occasions. Politically, the man is a communist. He would insist that he is only a socialist, but he is one of the leaders of the National Liberation Party founded by Don Pepe Jose Maria Figueres, also a man of communist persuasions. I know, I have been a house guest in his home and looked through his library. [Footnote #4) I never met the current [ 1988 ] President Oscar Arias formally. He was but an associate of Figueres when I was there. President Arias, winner of the notorious Nobel Peace Prize, is politically a communist who, with the Figueres Family and Daniel Oduber, supported the Sandinista Movement. Both former President Figueres's sons, Jose Maria Figueres (Olson) and Marianno, the second son by the second wife, actually fought in combat with the Sandinistas. Shown here are President Arias, the late Don Pepe Figueres, and Mrs. Arias, the lovely, donna Margarita. Isn't she one of the prettiest communists you have ever seen? I once asked Marianno Figueres, Just who are you Costa Ricans trying to be liberated from?
Isn't it true that your family, along with about 15 others, really govern Costa Rica? He did not have an answer to my first olive out of the jar about national liberation. These people are so accustomed to communist slogans that they use them when they do not even apply, except as an international symbol of communist conquest. By the time I had arrived in Costa Rica, the communist takeover of Nicaragua was complete, and the Sandinista Regime formally recognized as the legitimate government. Did the Nicaraguan people want it that way? No, not especially, and that answer makes little sense apart from knowing the Latin mind. Perhaps I can explain it this way: Does the average American really expect anything all that different if the opposite political party wins the next election? No, business and pleasure will be pretty much the same---only a different group, which does not affect me any, will get some high-paying jobs for a couple of years. With all the fanfare, bells ringing and whistles blowing at the time, the bottom line is that nothing really changes. If we see that in America, with the great differences in cultures, areas of the country, industry, farming, small businesses, and a gigantic service complex, can you imagine how very, very little anything
FOOTNOTE #4. As a houseguest of the former President of Costa Rica, at his country home south of Cartago known as La Lucha Sin Fin. I had, literally, the run of the place for almost a week! Former President Figueres, with an intent of defrauding a number of American mining investors, allowed a few of us to use his home as details were being worked out with him and his sons. This was a 4.000-acre estate, and manufacturing complex. The Figueres boys would charge in and out through the iron gates in Japanese jeep vehicles brandishing automatic weapons. A major cache of military equipment was stored under the very house we lived in, and vented by a concealed stack some distance from the house. However, irrespective of President Figueres' words, and the glorious write-up about him in the July, 1981, National Geographic, the man was a dedicated communist. I did not learn all this. unfortunately, until over $300,000 in American investments had passed into the hands of President Figueres and his associates. Figueres founded the National Liberation Party, and was an active supporter of Adolph Hitler and his National Socialists. I would select a book from his library and hand it to my Costa Rican interpreter and he would translate it, reading it to me in English. I have met the current Costa Rican President, though not formally, at a meeting at the Hotel Cariari where he spoke. He is gracious with impeccable Latin diplomacy, but he is, in thought-theology, still a communist. His wife, who is even prettier than shown in this picture, is as dangerous as any person in Central America, for she, [as Eleanor Roosevelt was to FDR] is the real power behind Oscar Arias, and the Latins love to have it so.
changes in Nicaragua or Costa Rica? Regardless of Party, the same families are always on the top-just like America, by the way. To make things more of the same in Central America, every family temporarily out of power always has one or more kinfolk in the present party in power, from whom any sort of favors are quickly granted. So, careful investigation will demonstrate, to the most impartial observer, that the Sandinista movement was not an uprising of those peons in poverty at all, but, as in every single country that went communist, a scheme of well educated and often wealthy people to seize power. The pretext in Nicaragua in 1979, and in South Africa today, is that well-oiled slogan of either human rights or land reform. Furthermore, in every nation that fell to communism, the fall was financed and politically promoted by others than the affected populations involved. There are no exceptions; not one. Working behind the scenes to bring down Hope's Husband was Henry Kissinger, and another man who was not nationally known at the time: Reagan's Secretary
of Defense, Frank Carlucci. You need to be watching that man, my friends. [Footnote #5] Within one week of taking office, President Carter cut off all military aid to Nicaragua. His newly appointed U.S. Ambassador almost ignored the Somoza leaders, and became very intimate with any and all opposing forces, including and especially, the Sandinistas. A few months later, Carter, by Executive Order, prohibited private arms sales to Nicaragua. Carter then saw to it that the International Monetary Fund blocked credit and banking to Nicaragua. Carter put pressure on all other nations to prevent them from selling arms, supplies and equipment to Nicaragua. Sound like Bosnia in 1994? While we have trade with just about every communist land in the world, even to the disadvantage of our own industries, Carter shut down Nicaragua's beef and coffee imports to the United States, and pressured world shipping companies into not carrying Nicaragua's products to the rest of the world. I wish there was space to go on. (Footnote #6]
FOOTNOTE #5. Some background on Reagan's Secretary of Defense, Frank Carlucci. I suppose that this is not the place to do an unauthorized biography of Mr. Carlucci, but it is enough to say that Carlucci is one of those totalitarian socialists who can swing with either the Republicans or the Democrats. Under President Carter, Carlucci was Deputy Director of the CIA. Before that, he had been a Deputy at Health. Education and Welfare. However, his special abilities in subverting governments were needed to help bring down the Somoza Government. According to my sources, as well as my intelligence officer 'Colgate,' it was Carlucci who personally did more to bring down Somoza and establish communism in Nicaragua than any other man. In June of 1970, Dr. Constantine C. Menges from the Hudson Institute, a more or less conservative think-tank, published an article entitled, Echoes of Cuba in Nicaragua. This article was provided to Carlucci, then #2 in the CIA, before the Sandinista Revolution. It was, of course, ignored. Knowing the Ortegas and others involved, such as Commandant Zero, it was obvious that the Sandinista Junta would pose as moderates and use the idea of a coalition government before revealing their true Marxist-Leninist colors. I suppose, to silence him, Bill Casey offered Dr. Menges a job as his Intelligence Officer for Central America and promptly ignored his advice. FOOTNOTE #6. U.S. betrayal of Nicaragua through restriction of trade. What is important here for the student to understand is that the policies of the U.S. State Department, and those international socialists who control it, is that they do not change from Administration to Administration. What was done by Carter continued absolutely intact with Reagan, and did not change under Bush. Nicaragua under Somoza was the most prosperous of any Latin American country. Nicaragua and her people were adamantly anti-communist. This does not fit into the world plans of these professional socialists who want the whole world under one Great Government. Likewise, as an example, the Republic of South Africa is prosperous, independent. and anti-communist. The same tactics you have seen being used against South Africa were used on a smaller scale against Nicaragua. As it happens, the issue used was human rights. In South Africa the division is between the Whites who settled the land and those Negroes who migrated there from all over Africa looking for the prosperity found there, and once established, demanded political control. There was no real problem in South Africa until outside journalists made one. -This important footnote is continued on the next page.
Footnote continued from page 14. By late 1977, there was never a day in Managua that foreign television and correspondents were not creating false and unfair news stories about Nicaragua and Somoza. Remember, most of these correspondents were from Caucasian Europe and the United States, and had no knowledge of either the customs or the thought-theology of the Nicaraguan people. They viewed things and reported on them from the framework of their advanced, industrial culture, and they made a great deal of sensationalism about things seen in an underdeveloped country. These journalists knew exactly what they were doing. especially the vast majority who were sent there from the United States in a deliberate softening-up process so as to switch American opinion against anti-communist Somoza. This process included foreign investigations of Somoza's Cabinet men, and nothing was sacred. They reported on their life-style, government functions, and even their personal lives. Most of these men, wealthy in their own right. did not need the foreign press abuse, and in typical Latin mentality, did not wish to see their names in headlines in foreign newspapers. Somoza's Cabinet resigned and he had to find others to fill these positions. It was a tough job, because very few men are qualified. At the time, Costa Rica was allowing its renegades to cross into Nicaragua and steal beef cattle by the thousands of head, and drive them across the river. Stolen Nicaraguan beef was sold openly on the streets of San Jose. Please remember, the issue used was human rights, which translated from the Latin culture meant that there were too many poverty-stricken peasants working on plantations owned by very wealthy landowners who drove Mercedes automobiles. The same human rights situation exists in every Latin nation from the Rio Grande south. It exists wherever the Jesuits control the Catholic Church and wherever Napoleonic Law regulates the people. Somoza, himself a practicing Catholic and raised in the United States from age eight, goes into great detail about the differences found in the American Catholic Church from the churches operated by the Jesuits in Nicaragua. Those studying this phase of the subversion of Nicaragua need to read Nicaragua Betrayed, Somoza's autobiography. It is well to remember that President Jose Figueres of Costa Rica was trained by the Jesuits, as were his sons who now control both his industrial and his agriculture empire. I know Jose Maria Figueres (Olson) very well, and he is an elder son by Figueres's s second wife. He is a Latin-Jewish cross, and raised in Jesuit schools. This Mrs. Figueres was the Costa Rican Ambassador to Zionist Israeli when I was living in Costa Rica. Of all the sons of former President Figueres, I chose only to mention Jose Maria. because as half American he is entitled to a U.S. Passport and took some of his education at West Point. See how that works? Jose Maria was (is?) a CIA covert station chief in Costa Rica. Who else do we know who fits this same description and who played the scene in Central America? Oliver North. Mr. North is a Jesuit-trained American and a Military Academy graduate. Thus. you know in advance what his thought-theology is going to be, don't you? Today, in 1994 running for the Senate from Virginia, he poses as a born-again fundamental Protestant, and has far too many otherwise intelligent people fooled. These, of course, are the educated Catholic leaders. In sharp contrast, the uneducated Contra soldiers are naturally anti-communist. As far as I could ever find out, every one of the legitimate Contras were Catholics by faith. Not one Protestant in Central America, because of the socialist gospel taught to them as children, ever joined up with any of the Contra groups opposing the communist Sandinistas. We know that Col. North made contact with Jose Figueres in Costa Rica, and that he associated his Contra Efforts with Eden Pastors who was also Jesuit-trained. Pastora. for those who may have forgotten, was that Sandinista Commander Zero (Cero) who led the final assault on Managual Pastors later defected and became a Contra, and it was to this phony that Col. North quickly found his way. Fortunately for both America and Nicaragua, Commandant Cero was exposed as a fraud and lost his leadership ability. We never met. However, I have followed him many a night through San Jose. He was hidden for a while at the Figueres Ranch, La Lucha Sin Fin, but would come into San Jose and eat at a certain restaurant and then spend the night in a certain brothel several blocks from the center of town, around Aveneda 6 and Calle 6. However, human rights problems, meaning a great spread between the financial situation of the poorest peasant to the wealthiest landowner, is common in Nicaragua, Panama and Costa Rica. Nicaragua is neither worse or better. However, Costa Rica is hard-core socialist, and at the time, Panama, under General Omar Torrijos, was virtually a communist state. Therefore, if you understand the thought-theology of the American Department of State, Costa Rica and Panama represent no problems regarding human rights. In February, 1978, U.S. Ambassador Mauricio Solaum stated to President Somoza, You know, there are some countries who want to overthrow you? Somoza retorted. What will it take to get them off my back? Our Ambassador, having been instructed by President Carter. stated, I think if you shorten your term of office. you will get them off your back. Somoza asked our Ambassador, Are you suggesting that I resign? Our Ambassador said flatly, Yes. Now, as Paul Harvey says, You know the rest of the story.
+ Strictly Business +
Readers often ask us what we have done recently that is in the scope of Hopes Husband. Perhaps you need to read our 64-page pamphlet, Desert Shield and The New World Order. Our efforts in Jordan, which included three days in the palace of King Hussein as the war began, created a tactical situation wherein Saddam Hussein was ordered by the King on January 17, 1991, not to kill Americans. This pamphlet is $5.00 + $1.00 postage from
Chapter Three
Communist conquest of any nation is always done in six steps. The first step is to create a plausible issue and give credibility to the selected reforming group usually not openly identified as being communists. The second is finding a pretext to bring about a revolution making it appear to be a popular uprising against that created issue. In this case, the issue was human rights and the group selected was the Sandinistas. The third stage is consolidation of political and military power through the brutal elimination of what the communists call class-alien element. The fourth stage is establishing military and economic alliances with other communist nations. The fifth stage is to accept some proposal of peace, in the name of human rights, by some non-involved nation or group of nations. The sixth stage is to resume trade with the free world as if nothing improper had ever happened. The founder of the Sandinistas was not the current President, Daniel Ortega, but another man content to accept a minor post by the name of Tomas Borg, pronounced Toemas Bor-hay. During stage one, Mr. Borge was captured by Somoza's men, among whom was an American patriot working for Somoza. Mr. Borge was one of those scoundrels who was skilled at legally unsolved murders. Somoza and his men knew that Borge was guilty as sin---and under such moments of stress, due process very often falls apart. The American told me: I told Tacho to just let us kill the b-----d, but Tacho told us to turn the man loose unless we had legal evidence to convict. 1 forgot, Tacho was our nickname for General Somoza. As respectfully as I could, 1 was arguing with Tacho about the wisdom of letting this communist murderer live, and during the 16 conversation I turned and saw Tomas Borge spreadeagled on a bench and held down by a bunch of men. They had heard that Borge could not be executed and they simply castrated him. I then knew that Somoza's men had just created a dedicated enemy --- a major tactical mistake. It would have been better to have killed the man and been done with it. By the time I had arrived in Central America, stages 1 and 2 were completed in Nicaragua. I had no intention of becoming involved in any way with what I could see was nearly inevitable. However, I learned about one Costa Rican patriot group, sort of slightly to the Right. Remember, everyone in Costa Rica is some shade of socialist, from a mild pink through the spectrum to deep red. I told them who I was, with some published documentation, and asked them if they could get me a Nicaraguan maid, who needed work and a place to live. Her name is not important here. She was a professional, a Registered Nurse who had been the head nurse at Managua's largest hospital. Her husband had been an officer in Somoza's army, and she had one child whom the Sandinistas had taken from her. They had shaved her head and put her into prison where she had remained for eight months before escaping and crossing illegally into Costa Rica. I obtained a Spanish edition copy of Nicaragua Betrayed and asked her to read it. She told me that every fact, of which she had knowledge personally or through her husband's comments to her, were exactly as stated by Somoza. We later learned that the Sandinistas, as part of stage 3, had executed her husband and put her son into the Sandinista army. Here was one of the lucky ones, but a professional woman deprived of her possessions and her family, and
working for us as a maid for $40.00 per month with room and board. Her only outlet was my son, Benjamin, whom she treated like royalty and went about teaching him the Spanish names for everything she could point out to him. One day we had a knock at our door and it was the Costa Rican Immigration, and of course she had no papers. They were planning on sending her back to Nicaragua, and it was at that point I got furious. One does not get furious in Costa Rica, it's impolite. Anyway, they left and I got on the phone to contacts in Venezuela who located a relative, and that relative sent an airplane ticket to Venezuela. People have asked me, At what point, Mr. Davis, did you become a dedicated Contra for
the Nicaraguan Cause? If I must point to one moment in time, I guess that would be it. Borg had his moment of his dedication, and I had mine. The patriotic group which had helped me get her was Costa Rica Libre, and generally pretty good people. Many spoke acceptable English and had their string of contacts, among whom were a good selection of double agents. However, through them I met a Nicaraguan in Costa Rica's Guarda Civil who found us another Nicaraguan maid, with her husband, daughter and sister. Nora is now dead, so I can publish her name. She was a Negro who spoke both English and Spanish. She was paid the same $40.00 per month, but was off on weekends, during which time she was a Contra courier for us. She was a wonderful patriotic lady. We wept when we heard of her death. [Footnote #7 & #8]
FOOTNOTE #7. There will be very little said in this pamphlet about the Costa Rican anti-communist group Costa Rica Libre. Their security has been betrayed so many times by both infiltrators and well-meaning American patriots, that no more need be said here about them. However, in tribute to these men, at least it is important to mention their name, for these men helped supply the legitimate Contras in the northern mountains of Costa Rica. My hat's off in salute to the Costa Rican Blue Berets. FOOTNOTE #8. Joseph was one of my contacts. He is a Nicaraguan who works for the Costa Rican Civil Guard. He is a 6'2", powerfully built Negro who simply does what he has to do. All Americans living in Costa Rica have at least one maid, not because the wife is lazy, but simply because there are none of the common electrical appliances that make life easy in America. Washers and dryers are available, but not American brands. Those that are available are shoddily built, cost more than good ones in the States, and homes are not equipped to use them. The maid will wash all clothes by hand, do all the marketing, cook the meals, teach you how to do things in Latin America, and answer the door in Spanish. In our case, she would also be a Nicaraguan desperately needing a place to live and work to do. Joseph was asked to find us a Nicaraguan Negro maid, for the Negroes in both Nicaragua and Costa Rica speak both the languages. We needed to know, when people came to our door speaking Spanish, exactly what they wanted to know. With our Northpoint Teams in operation, general and broad translations were not going to be enough. Joseph understood. At my home, I had a small office so that should my home be searched, there would be an office to find, complete with books in English, etc. However, my real office was in a safe-house where I did most of my writing at the time. There I could talk to people, etc. Nora was a light Negro and married to an American. They had been driven out of Nicaragua, and had one little girl. Nora also had a sister. Nora, her husband and child lived at my safe-house and he was the gardener. Nora's sister was our maid. Nora's husband had yet another name, Commandant Big Don. He kept no regular hours with me, obviously. Nora also had another job, Courier for the Contras. She was eventually caught and executed. Big Don departed quietly for Texas once he found out that the U.S. was actually betraying the Contras. Nora's daughter and sister went back to their people. My safe-house' was never discovered by Costa Rican Internal Security Police--sort of like the American FBI--although I was often followed by numerous intelligence operatives and Sandinista infiltrators. Colgate taught me enough of what he called street-craft to keep them guessing for as long as it was necessary. I do owe my life to a certain unnamed DEA Officer working out of the U.S. Embassy.
Strictly Business Readers write asking if there are some publications that they could classify as Davis-Lite, which they could give to friends before dumping Hope's Husband or Dallas Conspiracy on them. For newly awakening patriots, I suggest our Gambits & Paradigms, why people think as they do, or November Journals, and December Journals, in which you can read what Nord Davis thinks about when he is in his quiet moments. Both of these contain 40 pages and cost $1.00 + $1.00 postage from: The Northpoint Teams, PO Box 129, Topton, NC 2871911
Chapter Four
We had moved to Costa Rica, quite frankly, to help set up a natural healing clinic using the Biological Theory of Ionization developed by the late Carey Reams, PhD. However, the MD who had agreed to work with us, and a very good man, just thought too small. His idea was a twelve-room villa that at best could accommodate only twenty-five patients. Our group had much larger goals, and, on a trip into the Osa jungles, I was with a group that found unlimited amounts of highgrade placer goldbearing ore. It was just over one ounce per cubic yard. It is too long a story to unravel here, and it is not part of this thesis, except, as Providence would have it, our Costa Rican associates in the venture, and highly praised by the July, 1981 issue of National Geographic, were the same socialists who had been prime supporters of the Sandinistas! Would you believe? A major partner in this mining venture, which paid off handsomely to every Costa Rican involved, but not a penny to any American, was Don Pepe Figueres, the former President of Costa Rica! The very man with enough political clout there to prevent Courts from hearing our lawsuits; the man who put Oscar Arias, the Nobel Peace Prize winner into office, and, no doubt, wrote the language of that Peace Plan itself, was Figueres, the one who defrauded gullible American investors, including myself. (Footnote #9] The mine is producing $400,000 worth of gold per month, if my Costa Rican sources are correct. Figueres owes me $25,000 and 100 ounces of refined gold. I may never get it, but, as the saying goes, it would have been better if they had paid us. Remember the Borge syndrome... The Figueres bunch eventually forced me to leave Costa Rica with two outstanding warrants for my arrest on felony charges. Remember the Napoleonic Law? One charge, which is good for five years in prison in this great Costa Rican Republic of Peace, is practicing journalism without a license. There is no freedom of the press there, and journalism without a license is a serious offense, just as in the Soviet Union or Poland. But, I can testify that I know personally where the Figueres Family manufactures .45 Cal. automatic weapons for shipment to Nicaragua. I can trace the shipment of arms from Miami, where they have been inspected personally by Vice President George Bush and his son, to Limon, Costa Rica, through customs in containers marked Empty, and from there to the 4,000 acre Figueres Ranch known as La Lucha Sin Fin. Before those weapons arrived in Miami, they were gathered from National Guard armories all over America by the Reagan Scandal Teams, and none of these weapons ever found their way into legitimate Nicaraguan Contra hands. The second indictment against me in Costa Rica is Insulting Government Officials. The punishment for that felony, in pro-communist Costa Rica, is up to the discretion of the Court, but at least two years. I had an American
FOOTNOTE #9. I only want to say this, and it comes from Barron's Newspaper regarding investment in Costa Rica: Don't do it. I subscribe to the English Tico Times, and have since 1983, and there are pages of advertisements for investment opportunities. I think that you will find that 80% of the invested money is lost completely and never recovered, as our gold-mining operation. The legal system is balanced against the foreign investor. Perhaps 10% of the foreign investors break even: that is, eventually get their money back with some interest. Perhaps another 10% actually make money. The odds against you in Costa Rica are worse than gambling at Black Jack in Las Vegas.
businessman in Costa Rica check on these charges, and they are still on the books. Costa Rica doesn't worry, as their computer also insists that Nord Davis, Jr., U.S. Passport B-305850, has never left the country. That's all right, I know how the Figueres Family receives Soviet AK-47 assault rifles for Sandinista use, by ship to a government dock on the West Coast. How many Americans do you know who can prove that the authors of the Central American Peace
Plan are the largest suppliers of arms and ammunition to the communists? How many Americans know how the major members of the National Liberation Party, the one given the Nobel Peace Prize, transfer their drug shipments bound for the U.S. under CIA direction? Or who would suppose that Jose Maria Figueres (Olson) is an American CIA Case Officer? [Footnote # 10]
FOOTNOTE #10. Jose Maria Figueres (Olson), a CIA Case Officer. This man, as I have mentioned, was a West Point Cadet. He got caught cheating on a test and was thrown out. He left America and actually fought with the Sandinistas, as did his brother Marianno. Now that we know the objectives of the U.S. State Department, we are not at all surprised that a West Point disgraced Cadet, wearing the hat of a Latin Costa Rican, would be helping to bring down President Somoza. I suppose it may be illegal to name covert CIA operatives, especially those working in foreign lands. Some may suppose that this is classified information for those who work for the Government. I do not work for the U. S. Government, and since Navy days, never have. I am not bound by any oath of secrecy. Jose Maria Figueres (Olson) is one of these covert operatives, and is a CIA Case Officer operating out of San Jose. He uses his father's textile and agriculture business as a cover. This photograph of me appeared in the Costa Rican Tico Times on November 12, 1982, and was followed by a story about my being arrested by Security Police and spending the night in jail. The arrest was initiated, according to the Tico Times, by the head of Costa Rican National Security, Francisco Tacsan. The situation was rather unpleasant for me, because they wanted to know in what army was I a Colonel? What you see is what you get. Remember our thesis: The Government of the United States does not want to turn communist countries into anti-communist countries. They move them to totalitarian socialism. Our Government's policy and covert operations have turned many free nations into the communist or socialist orbit of influence. This has happened often enough so that it is certain that it is not an accident. So the idea of Giving aid to the Contras is an obvious fraud, and the way things have turned out, is the best of all documentation. Every official effort on the part of any government agency is designed to insure that Nicaragua remain socialist or communist. This is the thought-theology of the Jesuits, both here and abroad. Daniel Ortega, a CIA asset, was Jesuit trained, as well as Figueres, Pastors, and Col. North. As Northpoint, my objective was to train and supply the legitimate anti-communist Contras and let them go in and free their country. That is not the policy of the Government of the United States, and every effort imaginable was used against us to prevent success. I have no quarrel with anything Col. North stated, or anything Reagan tells us about helping the Contras. What I object to is what they have been actually doing in these areas. No matter what you read elsewhere, this treachery was not a bureaucratic mistake, but another event in a long line of such perfidy under the hands-on guidance of Oliver North. Let me show you how this treachery works. As you know, the U.S. Congress refuses to appropriate money to provide military aid to the Contras. Of course, under the Constitution, they have no right to spend federal funds for such unspecified matters. So, Col. North, and the men working with him, rounded up older weapons from the U.S. National Guard Armories and had them shipped to Miami. There they were loaded into CIT Containers marked Empty, and sent by ship to Limon, Costa Rica. When they arrived in this port, it was Jose Maria Figueres, as a CIA, assigned task, to accept these empty containers and escort them to the Figueres compound, La Lucha... On La Lucha there is a full-scale machine shop secured in a tunnel under a mountain where they manufacture replicas of the Ingram .45 automatic machine gun. It is there that they go through these American weapons, breaking them down as to condition and value. Some of the better American ...Continued on page 20
One of the leading communist Sandinistas, and the commanding officer who actually took the capital city of Managua, is Eden Pastora. You may remember him as Commander Zero. He was in Costa Rica at the same time I was there. He is a man of low-grade talent. He was not included in the ruling Junta which now rules Nicaragua. It was a trick, for it was Commander Zero's assignment to become disillusioned with the Revolution and become a defector. Please remember that at this time it was still in the 3rd stage --- the elimination of classalien element and others who were either the anti-communists or the generally disillusioned who would eventually become troublemakers. With the Reagan Administration support, Commander Zero became the house guest of Jose Figueres, at his ranch south of Cartago, named in Spanish, The Struggle Without End. This name, by the way, is a worldwide communist slogan. Zero did not spend all his time at La Lucha. I still think I can point out the house of ill-repute where he spent many of his evenings, north 200m and west 300m from the main Cathedral on Aveneda 2. Figueres, whom the fall of Nicaragua centers around almost as much as President Carter and his Department of State, is a former Nazi of the Zionist persuasion. [If this statement, a Nazi of Zionist persuasion, is confusing to you, we suggest that you study our
pamphlet Star Wars $5.] In his writings, which I read as his houseguest, Figueres is violently antiAmerican and proZionist. In his own words, he writes that he was very disappointed that Hitler lost the war, and hoped that he would live long enough to see the Soviets conquer America. This was Carter, Reagan, and Col. North's best friend in Costa Rica. One former wife of Don Pepe, maiden name Olson, is a Jewish woman from the United States. While I was in Costa Rica, this Jewish woman was the Costa Rican Ambassador to the Israeli state. It was her sons, by Don Pepe, who fought with the Sandinistas, and because of their American mother, can be given a paid CIA position in Costa Rica. You simply cannot understand Nicaragua without grasping the Zionist intrigue that swirls around San Jose, Costa Rica in one of the largest American Embassies in the so-called free world. The late President Figueres insisted that he was Spanish Catholic, though one might suspect he may have picked up some other genes along the way. While Hope's Husband was re-elected President several times, and was generally loved and respected by his people, his first son, Anastasio Somoza, III, known by some of us as Chuglin, is an arrogant brat, and widely hated
[Continued from page 19] weapons were liberated by the Figueres people, sort of like a personal import tax, and later sold on the streets of San Jose. Other weapons were trans-shipped across Nicaragua to the Communist Party revolutionaries in El Salvador. Figueres kept the very best for himself. Only the poorest quality or obsolete weapons were given to the ARDE (Socialist) Contras, because these weapons were expendable. The Contras carrying these weapons would be sent into combat where they were far outnumbered by the Sandinistas and be killed systematically, and the expendable weapons lost. Such was the murderous task of Josh Maria Figueres (Olson), Commandant Zero, and Oliver North. As I write this updated Hope's Husband , America's agent, Jose Figueres, has been elected President in Costa Rica. It was a close race against our friend, and Costa Rican patriot, Miguel Angel Rodriquez, of the Christian Unity Party Figueres won by less than 2%0 of the vote, and Costa Rica will pay a heavy price.
throughout Nicaragua. There is no way that the Nicaraguan people would ever put up with him as President. To silence his mouth about the murder of his father, your government gave him 19 million dollars in Contra Aid which was quickly stuffed into a Swiss bank account. Hope, the last I heard, lives in Miami, Florida, as quietly as possible. As stage 3 began in earnest, Nicaraguan Contra heroism increased also. One of the heroines of liberty was a young Nica named Karen Sacasa Debeye, who was a niece by marriage of Hope's Husband. It was over my objection that she worked with us as a courier. Here was a beautiful young lady in her 20's who was from a wealthy and prosperous family, well educated, and could have fled her country as her relatives had done, and lived quite well in Venezuela or Panama. She, like Hope's Husband, had that extra measure of patriotism not found in very many young people, even among the hot-blooded Latins. She wanted to do something, and as courier of intelligence, she was a great help to her country. She was caught. She was tortured. She was murdered. A copper grounding rod had been driven up through her body until she died. She never betrayed the Contra leaders whom she knew. May Christ bless her in some special way in the coming Kingdom. Our Intelligence established that Karen was questioned, tortured and murdered under the direction of Commandant Ana Maria Morales. That was her communist name. Her real name was Melinda Anaya Montes, the number two person in the El Salvadorian Communist Party who had worked from the beginning with the Sandinistas. We know that she had supervised the murder of more than 400 Contras who had been captured. On the night of April 6, 1983, two men kicked down the door of Ana Maria Morales's bedroom, and emptied two thirty-round clips from a Soviet AK-47 into her startled body, and then, as a sign, cut her throat. The reader is 21
asked to refrain from inquiring further about this matter. I commend every man and one woman who was involved. Personally, I was in North Carolina at the time, but I did read some disinformation about this event in a translated copy of the Sandinista Newspaper, BARRICADA, dated April 24, 1983: All those who participated in Commander Ana Maria's assassination were captured during the week following the crime. Which just goes to show you that one simply cannot believe anything you might read in a communist newspaper. The humorous part of this saga is that the Sandinistas suspected one of their own, an unfortunate young man of 28, who kept denying he was involved at all. In this one case, a communist did tell the truth. He was Rogelio Bazzaglia, and he was executed by his own comrades. Just six days after the body of Commander Ana was found, and three days after her emotional funeral, as chance would have it, her leader, Commandant Marcial, whose real name was Salvador Cayetano Carpio, was found dead from mysterious causes. The late Carpio had been the Secretary General of the Salvadoran Communist Party; and on a par with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Murder and death of the innocent had been Mr. Carpio's way of life for years. Those who knew him insist that he was not one to be given to tears. We read with some amusement, in BARRICADA, of April 25th: Depressed and dismayed by the irrefutable evidence of the enemy's activity, carried out by a trusted person, which led to the assassination of Anaya Montes, Commandante Salvador Cayetano Carpio tragically took his own life on April 12th. Professionalism takes many forms. Alas, poor Rogelio. None of the news sources we found ever told just how Comrade Carpio managed to take his own life. Sr. Carpio
owned several fine handguns, and the 9MM was his favorite. He did not own a U.S. Army.45. He was right handed. Yet, curiously, he shot himself in the left temple with a .45. Well, that's how it is in the jungle, or as my Latin friends would say, somewhat more precisely, La historia cambio en la sierra. There were 28 communists involved, directly and indirectly, with the brutal death of Karen. Not one of them survived July, 1983. Each in his own way died as he or she had lived, with no mercy. We love you, Miss Karen. We will meet you again in The Morning. -Northpoint
status, ready to transport U.S. Army and Marine troops into Nicaragua, and I was informed of this state of readiness. As a Navy electronics technician, I had picked up other military skills than my rating had required or specified. For several Navy invasion training voyages aboard the USS Taconic AGC-17, I observed from the bridge as the flag electronics technician. Now, the invasion techniques, and all the required elements, were in place. Then, with all that, a newspaper story caused the hair to raise on the back of my neck: REAGAN TO USA: Trust me, we have no military plans for intervention in Nicaragua... - USA Today, July 27,1983. The parents of the 4,000 American soldiers and Marines in Honduras on that very day surely must have wondered. Remember, these men write letters home. Two naval task forces were also in the area, and all of this huge military effort was done, without a plan. Shades of Wilson, Roosevelt, Trumen, Kennedy and Johnson all over again. I wonder what I might be able to do beyond just exposing it with the printed word. What is the law about doing anything that could be construed to be interfering with the Foreign Policy of the United States if they intended to now sacrifice our armed forces there? Knowing the real purpose of the Reagan State Department, whose policy planners had not changed one bit since Carter's days, what could be the hidden agenda to these military activities. Certainly it was not to stop the very communism in Central America that they had so painstakingly set up over the past six years. How, without a course in the Communist Conspiracy as it operates in Washington, and having the nearly impossible task of awakening those indifferent Americans, could we possibly make any real difference? 22
Chapter Five
By July, 1983, I was back in my North Carolina mountain home with my family. There was no need for my Gringo face to be seen again in Central America. Too many people wanted to see me face down in the jungle. From my Washington contacts, as well as those in Honduras, Costa Rica, and Special Forces, Fort Bragg, N.C., I was well aware of the ReaganBush-Kissinger-Casey plans to create a situation which would precipitate another no-win war in Central America over Nicaragua. Secret, military capable airfields were being quickly constructed, both in Honduras and Costa Rica. The largest U.S. Embassy in the world was being built in the most unlikely place, Belize City, Belize, costing 80 million dollars, with 450 family housing units in addition, to make it possible for military command very close to the northern boundary of Nicaragua. Several of my contacts were officers in Little Creek, VA and Augusta, GA, from which huge attack helicopters were on stand-by
Here was our Northpoint Team Plan: To call will not interfere with any United Nations the Congress and Reagan's hand by formally agreements because all efforts will be done asking for a Letter of Marque to be issued to by private citizens. The job is being done private citizens to set up private funding, private anyway, but with very limited funds. Our military tactical management, and private training major problem is to put these Contras in and supply for anti-communist Nicaraguans so good jungle boots and provide them with a that they can go in and free Nicaragua on their reliable rifle and sufficient ammunition. We own! In our history, LaFayette was given one of have 3800 Nicaraguans ready to go if we can provide them with the clothing, food and these Letters of Marque. The famous sea Captain, John Paul Jones, supplies to do the job that was a Privateer and did all his they themselves are begging great achievements for Congress shall have us to let them do. America under such a the Power to ... After reading the previous 22 Constitutional Letter of Marque. Not one American pages of Hope's Husband, you grant letters of soldier, Marine or sailor lost know that I never expected to his life in these fantastic obtain this Constitutional Letter Marque and exploits. As I wrote to of Marque. As I fully expected, reprisal... President Reagan and not one single Washington Congress, as well as my own politician even responded to our - U. S. Constitution, Northpoint Team members in correspondence regarding it. Article 1, Sec. 8 August, 1983: Wouldn't you think, if there were any true anticommunists in ...All Congress has to do is issue a Congress, or in the Administration, they might at Letter of Mar que to the Northpoint Teams, least have asked me to appear in Washington for and certain other Nicaraguan Contras whom an informal meeting as to how I planned, we shall name at the proper time, drop in logistically, to accomplish privately what millions certain used weapons and supplies to in Contra Aid had failed to do. Since they designated areas, and we will succeed in knew the Administration fraud known then as helping the Nicaraguan people free Contra Aid as well as I did --with 19 million themselves. With a Letter of Marque in our going directly to pay off General Somoza's son, hands, the American patriots will completely and more millions going to Commander Zero with fund this operation, and it will not cost the no positive results or accounting, no one was American taxpayer one dime. It will not about to even acknowledge our existence on the compromise any American serviceman. It scene. [Footnote # 11]
FOOTNOTE #11. Since first being published in January, 1988, and with many of Hope's Husband circulated through Congress, not one conservative politician has dared to come forward and offer us a Letter of Marque. With it, and the private funds that it could have generated, Nicaragua could still be freed. In 1988, however, we would have needed tactical support and the right for our Northpoint Teams to operate directly from American soil. This, under the Neutrality Act, cannot be done now. However, while we could not send military supplies from America, working with Tom Posey's Civilian Material Assistance out of Alabama, we shipped more than $2,000,000 worth of clothing, food, medicines, etc., to the Nicaraguan Contras in twentyfour months. Your government did not approve, and Tom Posey and one of his associates were set up to receive and sell stolen government property, in this case one pair of night vision goggles. Posey checked with the FBI and they told him that the goggles were not stolen property and he believed them to be legitimate military surplus. He found a buyer and sold them. Snap went the trap. Posey was indicted, arrested, put on trial and convicted in January, 1994, for conspiracy to receive and sell stolen government property. He was sentenced to two years in prison and handed a $20,000 fine. He has his case on appeal. Northpoint Teams are raising funds for his legal expenses. As of April, 1994, there is no hope of saving Nicaragua from the terror that is totalitarian socialism. Hindered on every side with our help to the Contras, we were just too little and too late. There was never any help from Oliver North or any of his people.
Instead, as I fully expected, your Government stepped up its intelligence gathering operations concerning me. How do I know these things? Don't ask. Let me just say this: Not every federal officer, agent or employee agrees with what is happening to America and the sell-out of our friends around the world. Many want to secretly cheer us on from the discreet sidelines while earning their retirement from government service. Apparently too many of them were making official inquiries about me, when they had no business to be doing so, because sometime in the Fall of 1983, a computer block was put on my name. Knowing that I have an FBI file more than 36" thick, astounded friends informed me that they cannot get any data from the national computers. Nord William Davis, Jr., DOB 10-28-31, draws a blank these days. I would be delighted if someone can prove this incorrect with a current printout. [Footnote # 12] In my Northpoint Team report of August, 1983, I set forth those tactics which I felt would accomplish the freedom objectives for Nicaragua. As those agents assigned to follow me determining my destinations know, I managed to log more than 60,000 miles on several vehicles over the next six months. My old black Lincoln became my second home. I made it as easy as I could for these people with a special license plate
with the caption, CAVEAT-1. In strict adherence to the Neutrality Act, I can say that there were never any military discussions of any kind within the borders of the United States, nor did we ever handle any kind of weapons designated for Contra use within the borders of the United States. This was also my strict orders, and we broke all contact with persons who suggested that they could get such military items for us. Not only was such against the law, and would have compromised our efforts, but tactically any kind of weapon is available in the area, or close to it, at a cheaper net cost. So, while my professional followers were left watching CAVEAT-1, say at the Chattanooga Airport or a Birmingham motel, I would ride off into the night in some other car provided for the purpose. [Footnote 13] Among the objectives, which were later carried out in exactly the sequence suggested in my August, 1983 Northpoint Team proposal, were as follows: ...Here is how it is going to be done, with or without the Letter of Marque. It is true that the Sandinistas have both numerical and equipment superiority. However, this military equipment needs one thing: Fuel. Because of our limited forces and equipment, it is easier to attack the source and storage of fuel than to attack the
FOOTNOTE #12. Six years later, after the first 80 pages of Hope's Husband was published, the federal computer block remains on my name. I think that is just fine. I know who I am. I suspect, however, once this new edition of Hope's Husband gets wide circulation, there will be a renewed interest in what we have been doing. Those who read this footnote, and have access to the federal computers, will you run my name again and, in a plain envelope, send me a printout? Again, my DOB 10/28/31. FOOTNOTE #13. Late in 1993, an interesting 555-page book was published which goes into detail concerning some of the data provided here in Hope's Husband which I published in 1988. It verifies much of what I saw, or was told about, eight to twelve years ago. This new book is titled Defrauding America. A Pattern Of Related Scandals. The subtitle is Dirty Secrets Of The CIA And Other Government Operations The author, Rodney Stich, is one of those federal insiders whom I have referred to occasionally throughout Hope's Husband, as there are many patriots who still work in federal intelligence positions who are willing to expose the truth. I do not yet know Mr. Stich, but I like his concept of a pattern of related scandals. As with Hope's Husband. Defrauding America is a collection of powerful data that proves the pattern. You will not find this book at the average bookstore. It can be ordered from Diablo Western Press, Inc., PO Box 10587, Reno, Nevada 89510. Telephone orders, 800-247-7389. On page 306, Stich identifies a former DEA pilot named Basil Abbott who had flown drugs from Central America. Abbott talked too much and was incarcerated in Bastrop Federal Prison, near San Antonio, Texas, on trumped-up charges. When he still would not keep quiet, his wife was murdered in Sweden where she had been sent for safety. It is standard practice, writes Stich, to silence a person ...by inflicting harm on someone close, as a wife, child, or parent. That standard federal terrorist tactic can work both ways. Caveat-1
equipment operating in the field. If we can cut off the fuel, and its supply through certain harbors and pipelines, the Sandinistas will be out of business. Our first target, therefore, will be the Rockefeller refinery at Managua. The second will be the fuel storage tanks in Port Isabel, Port Cabezas, Bluefields, Rivas and San Carlos. This will be done by five-man teams trained in sabotage. I do not state here that our Northpoint Teams were the only groups who were working to free Nicaragua. Others were delighted with the limelight, and I was glad that they wanted the high profile and, God bless them, they learned some hard lessons and did a very good job. All I care to say is that, as projected by our August, 1983, proposal, as U.S. and world newspapers will testify to, every single fuel tank in Nicaragua was set on fire or destroyed during the period of October 10-22, 1983. No known tank over 500 gallons was spared. The whole City of Cortino, some 25,000 people, had to be evacuated because, according to the newspapers, 3.2 million gallons of fuel were burning at the same time. Those of you who wonder as to why those dates were chosen can figure it out by knowing the phase of the moon on those nights. The
September similar phase was just too soon to set people and equipment in place. The unique way that this was done may be set down, for historical purposes only at some later date, Lord willing. [Footnote # 14] Now, when do you suppose the next similar phase of the moon might come about? How about November 26th? Remember, there are some nights, because of weather, there is no moon. If you will check your newspapers, on the night of the above date, while saturation guarding of fuel tanks was going on, as chance would have it, the entire cracking tower of the Exxon refinery, 17 miles northeast of Managua, blew up, and fell into a tangled heap. Now, you must understand one thing for certain, this is the very last thing that Rockefeller or his CIA wanted to see happen. You know that it was not the work of any government funded Contra operation, don't you? The Rockefeller/Exxon refinery was restored in 26 days, with U.S. Exxon engineers doing the job, and a massive airlift of all the parts needed, with no export permits, from Exxon, New Jersey. Isn't that exciting? The Sandinista government was so short of fuel that they had to fly gasoline in huge bladders inside of cargo planes into Managua.
FOOTNOTE #14. At the time we were supplying the legitimate Contras, there was always a risk of being stopped on the high seas by the United States Coast Guard or other American shipping. They would, of course, be looking for drug shipments or other contraband. At that time, as the public is now learning through other sources, the Federal Government is directly involved in illegal drug shipments. To protect the ships carrying drugs for the CIA, as opposed to those who were carrying drugs in private enterprise, all ships carrying CIA-owned drugs were directed to maintain courses exactly North, South, East or West. Such shipping would not be stopped by U.S. Coast Guard vessels, under orders directly from Oliver North's National Security. This is one of the ways that the CIA funds its covert operations, and has been doing so since before George Bush was the Director of the CIA. I will be discussing this CIA-operated drug trade in later Footnotes, but here it is important to know that from the viewpoint of those in Washington, drug money is a matter of National Security. The money 'earned' from illegal drugs, such as cocaine from Latin America, and heroin from Asia, now accounts for about 20% of the gross 'national product.' It is used to pay off Latin American debt to the International Bankers and pumps six billion into the Florida 'economy each year. Since it is going to be done, the CIA, with the full knowledge of Col. North, Reagan and George Bush, figures that they might as well make some profit. Hence, shipping carrying the CIA approved drugs from Central and South America were, at the time of our supplying the legitimate Contras, instructed how to sail so that they would not be stopped on the high seas. Ordinary Mafia-owned drugs and other smaller dealers, not knowing this fact, had their ships seized, and the cargo confiscated. Knowing this through our intelligence network, we directed 'our' ships to also sail courses only on the four major points of the compass, and hence were not bothered. Our Northpoint Teams, and those working with us, directly and indirectly, supplied tons of military clothing, medical supplies, food and agricultural materials to the legitimate Contras from 1982 to 1990.
Without direct Reagan Administration help, the Sandinistas would still not have fuel to use in their military vehicles and aircraft. Are you beginning to see through the fraud of the Iran-Contra Aid scandal and question the real motives of all involved? The second general objective we thought should be carried out, in any truly Nicaraguan Contra project, was this from my August, 1983 report: The next thing that needs to be done by our Teams is the selective termination of all Sandinista Leaders. Nicaragua is a small country. We know who they are, from the local leader to the Ortega brothers. Traitors.
such as Commandant Zero and Chuglin are, even now, being hunted by the Contras. Such assassinations will strike fear in the minds of these communists and disrupt their ability to govern. Following that, there should be the general assassination of all Soviet and Cuban advisors wherever found. This part of the Proposal was never put into operation for a number of tactical reasons. Chuglin skipped the country; an attempt was made by people known to work with Col. Oliver North on Commander Zero at La Penca, for other motives than ours, that failed. We are sorry that it did and regret the death of innocent civilians. [Footnote # 15]
FOOTNOTE #15. The bomb attack on Commander Zero's headquarters by CIA-trained operatives. You need to know this man, Eden Pastora, for I predict that he will again emerge trying to take a leadership role among the Contras. The CIA bomb attack on his headquarters, located in southern Nicaragua at La Pence on the San Juan River, was on May 30, 1984, during one of his rare in-country news conferences. In a press interview conducted in Costa Rica during the first week in May, 1987, Mr. Pastors identified Col. Oliver North as being behind the bombing, but that he knew his death warrant had been signed after his meeting with National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane in February, 1984. Thus, according to Pastors, the orders for his death had come right down from Reagan's close advisors. Well, Pastors not only betrayed his Sandinista associates, trying to take command of the Sandinista revolution in place of the Ortega boys, but he also betrayed the CIA and their objectives. Frankly, the only thing that Col. Oliver North did that I can approve, without reservations, was the futile attempt to take Eden Pastors off the scene. He has been responsible for the death of hundreds of the legitimate Contras. Yet, in the eyes of the secret 208 Committee headed by McFarlane, Casey, and Poindexter, and carried out by Col. Oliver North and his special team members. Eden Pastors had become a liability because of his ego and refusal to strictly obey instructions. Those who are students of this matter, such as the Tico Times investigative reporters and some leftist liberals, such as U.S. journalists Martha Honey and Tony Avirgan, are chasing the wrong phantom, one double-cutout named Per Anker. He was like Lee Harvey Oswald, someone they could find if things went wrong, and alleged to be a Danish journalist covering the Pastors press conference in La Pence, Nicaragua. Mr. Anker carried aluminum camera cases. It is alleged that, since he was the only suspicious person in the press group making their way along the river to La Pence, he had to be the only suspect. As an electronic technician. I know that you cannot trigger a bomb that has a concealed antenna inside an aluminum case by radio as the newspapers stated. The Danish photographer is not your suspect, but an assassin working with the CIA and Col. North. Let me tell you how these things are done, for to historia cambia en la sierra. An ordinary leather briefcase is lined on both top and bottom with a sheet of copper, with each sheet being a plate tied to the explosive charge. C-4 plastic was used, in my opinion. The meeting was held upstairs on the second floor of an open building, as is common in the jungles. The briefcase is set with the top parallel with the front of the building. The charge is then triggered by a cross-bow arrow, or 'bolt', that is silently shot through the briefcase making the contact or connection between the two plates. The CIA man doing this task would not have come to La Pence by boat with the others, of course, but would have been infiltrated in many hours before the time of the meeting. I do not want to know any more than I have to about these things, but Pastors had other enemies besides the CIA in those days. Several journalists were killed when the bomb exploded, including one from the Tico Times. I knew her well. She was an OK gal. When I was in Costa Rica, I used to frequent the restaurant of the Aenstel Hotel in San Jose. It was a sort of public office for me, where American faces are not unusual. Unknown to me, my security people, then headed by Chains, the son of a former El Salvadoran President, had put a young lady named Rosita in the hotel as a waitress. However, her specific task was to'Watch Nord Davis and notify them should any arrest or friendly kidnapping take place. The young woman was about 25, and hovered over me; constantly refilling my coffee cup and asking if there was anything I wanted. She was not very pretty, as the Latin girls go, and rather heavy for a young lady her age. I had my last meal at the wonderful Amstel Hotel on the 20th of January, 1983, and left Costa Rica through the southern jungle into Panama soon after. Rosita was taken from her job at the Amstel, and she was sent to .... Footnote continues on page 27
What I am showing you here is this: If the Reagan Administration really wants a free Nicaragua, with their unlimited finances and military and technical support to well-trained Nicaraguans, such freedom can be very easily obtained at low international risk. I wrote in August, 1983 the following third proposed objective: ...there should be selected tactical strikes against key targets, coordinated to cause the most chaos to the communist enemy. These targets will be military barracks, storage depots, ammunition dumps, transportation, power plants, water and sewer treatment facilities. The Sandinista microwave tower and associated equipment located between Managua and Leon is to be destroyed. We have operational plans to close Port Isabel and Port Cabezas prepared .... I do not recall the precise date, but one night the 54' ITT microwave dish managed to fall to the ground in a thousand pieces. Some of the other targets were hit, but our friends were not as successful as had been hoped. One of the
reasons is this: These Nicaraguan five-man teams knew, at the very beginning, that there would be a 60% casualty ratio. A lot was accomplished, and many patriots were lost, in a short time. In February, 1984, the Contra mining of Nicaraguan harbors, almost as set forth in our proposal, was begun. Contrary to popular belief, the CIA never mined a Nicaraguan harbor. We are happy that they took all the blame in silence. The smallest U.S. Navy mine, that we know anything about, weighs 500 pounds. However, mines of this size and weight cannot be set and anchored from a 16' boat. Such a mine, to be effective, would have to be anchored 12 feet under water so that it would not be visible at low tide. All ships enter the harbors at high tide, and mines are most effective about 12 feet below the waterline. Yes, the CIA did have a certain ship standing some 60 miles off Nicaragua's west coast, but the name and registry of this ship has never made the American newspapers. The ship carried no mines; its name was the Nanao. It is owned by Mike Yamanis whom we believed was mixed up in certain CIA drug transactions. It was registered in Panama, and its Captain is Donald Galoway. [Footnote # 16]
[continued from page 26] infiltrate Eden Pastora's camp so that our Contra people would know what Pastora was up to. Rosita's full name was Rosa Zambrano Zambrano. Do you understand the significance of that name? In Latin America, there are always two last' names, one from the father and one from the mother. I have identified Jose Maria Figueres (Olson) because Olson was this man's mothers maiden name. As it happens, Jos Maria also has a half-brother by another woman, and his name is also Jos Maria. It is not uncommon for wealthy and influential Costa Ricans to have two or more wives, all with separate households for each, and one must be able to identify just who the children are. In dear Rosita's case, she was an illegitimate child of a Nicaraguan mother and a Costa Rican father, who refused to give her his name. (She sometimes used her father's name as Rosita Alvarez Zambrano). She then was officially obliged to use her mothers name twice, thus forever disclosing to the world her regrettable nonstatus. This girl, with all her circumstances set against her, was still a Nicaraguan patriot. How she loved her country! How I wish I could find even a hundred girls on my mailing list that love America as Rosita loved Nicaragua. Rosita, dear friends, was assigned to play the role of the harlot so as to get in as close as possible to Commandant Zero For months, this girl provided our Contra teams with the necessary intelligence information. When the CIA bomb was detonated, Rosita was serving ice water to the press, and as chance would have it, she happened to be standing between the bomb briefcase and Commander Zero. Her heavy body took the complete force of the explosion, killing her and saving the life of Eden Pastora. The press mentioned all the reporters who were killed and injured by the bomb, but never was the name of Rosita recognized by them because of her nonstatus of being illegitimate. Rosita Alvarez Zambrano sleeps in an unmarked pauper's grave in Costa Rica, a true heroine for her beloved Nicaragua. FOOTNOTE #16. Regarding the CIA harbor mining ship 60 miles off the coast of Nicaragua. The ship is, or was, being used in the CIA drug traffic approaching the west coast of Central America. Later intelligence we have received seems to clear Mr. Yamanis from both the drug-running and the use of his ship as a decoy in the area. Mike Yemanis was kidnapped out of Honduras in 1982 by the CIA, and has disappeared. He is believed to be either incarcerated under a different name or dead. It is believed that the Nanao was used to transport weapons from Portuguese Angola into Sandinista hands, and when the CIA was through with him, he simply disappeared. If any reader knows of the location of Mike Yamanis, I have reason to want to talk with him.
The mines used by our friends were manufactured in Costa Rica; weighed about 30 pounds; and contained an explosive known as Amatol, a combination of 10% plastic explosive and 90% ammonium nitrate. They can be placed in the harbors the night before a ship is scheduled to arrive using small, inconspicuous fishing boats, by people with a minimum of expertise. No, they will not sink a ship, but they surely can put a debilitating hole in the hull well below the waterline. The most well known harbor-mining event involved a Soviet Tanker. Remember? The CIA really took the heat for that, which was just fine. We want none of the credit. The ship's name was never given in the newspapers so far as I have ever found out. Some of my friends had been tracking this baby since she went through the American Canal at Panama on March 17th. She was the Lubansk, 679 feet long and 89 feet wide, out of Odessa, USSR. How's that for amateur intelligence operations, folks? Look at the date and remember the phase of the moon. Beautiful, and four days steaming time to the Exxon Terminal at Port Sandino. Can you imagine how excited our Contra teams were on this one? Just think, a handful of dedicated Nicaraguan patriots, who probably never in their life may have earned $100 per month, frustrating
not only the Sandinistas, but the CIA and the Reagan Administration as well. If I recall correctly, there were a total of 28 ships hit by these little mines before these operations were discontinued for reasons which will be discussed shortly. While we are talking about shipping in Nicaraguan waters, I want to discuss yet another CIA-funded ship, this one on the Atlantic side. The CIA funded Nanao was on the Pacific side. This Atlantic-side ship was the Cavalier plying the waters from Port Cabazes to the Honduras Swan Island. This ship is one of several owed by a Costa Rican Corporation, Parque Aquito, and headed by an American named Morris Hansen. Later in this pamphlet, we will be exposing the CIA drug connections, and this ship, and Mr. Hansen, along with his tavern in Puntarenas, C.R. called, The Vikingo Bar. Mr. Hansen, both a CIA operative and a close associate with former Costa Rican President Oduber and former Vice President Alberto Fait, is one of the drug kingpins of Costa Rica. Mr. Fait has been a welcome speaker at the Robert White financial seminars in Costa Rica. [Footnote # 17]
FOOTNOTE #17. Regarding Robert White of Duck Book fame. Now I can tell some things about Mr. White. Robert White was murdered in Belize on July 19, 1988, about six months after the early editions of Hope's Husband were published. He had gone there to deliver some English Sterling sub-machine guns to the communists in the mountains of Guatemala. Guatemalan G-2 intercepted the weapons on the dock in Belize, and he was set up to be terminated during a real estate venture he was doing at the same time. Patriots are suckers for any speaker or promoter who says a few of the right words. White was not racially white, but bragged about his Jewish genes in nearly every talk he ever made. He had been a supplier of weapons to Castro when Castro was taking over Cuba. I first met the Ugly Duckling lying face down on the floor of San Jose's Playboy Hotel, where he had fallen off a bar stool. Since that hotel is the most unlikely place for a Christian to be, I had set up a meeting there and just happened to walk in as an ambulance was arriving. No one knew why he had passed out, for he had not had much to drink. I did not know that Mr. White was in town, but if he was, this playboy would be at The Playboy Hotel. I walked over to him, took his pulse, and then asked for a spoon of honey. The astonished medics watched as I put the honey between his lower lip and his teeth, and closed his mouth holding it with my hand. In 20 seconds or so, Mr. White opened his eyes and exclaimed, Why the hell am I here on the floor? I told him that he had low-blood sugar and that he had just passed out from it. No problem. He struggled to his feet, bid the medics farewell, and announced to everyone within hearing that Nord Davis had just saved his life. He announced in his Duck Book that Nord Davis would be speaking on Costa Rican Investments, but when I informed him six months later when his conference was to be held that I would be giving reasons why none of the patriotic Duck Club members should put a dime into his rat-hole of Costa Rican investments, he cancelled me, and had two Costa Rican Marine Guards posted at the door of the Irazu Hotel so that I could never inform the patriots that they were about to lose their savings. To get around that restriction, we had our Northpoint Teams distribute pamphlets under every hotel room door in the four hotels that had been reserved for the Ducks. This was done, at these four hotels, at precisely the ... [- continued on page 29]
Chapter Six
No historical work, however brief this one is, would be complete without a short discussion about the nature of The Contras. The word contra, in the Spanish, properly means against. There is no built-in meaning to the word suggesting that contra means for private enterprise, for freedom or against communism. I know that this has been implied by the press, and I often use the word in that context, but most Contras are not hard-core anticommunists or free enterprise libertarians. Does that surprise you? Again, we have to remove our rose-colored glasses, stop thinking as we hope or believe things to be, and face barren reality. Rarely is there a Latin with the thought-theology which would classify him as such. Hope's Husband, because he was raised in the United States from age 8; perhaps because he studied American History as a required course, or because enough of his Castilian genes bubbled to the top, was a unique man in Nicaragua. Even his socialist political enemies, a number of whom I have personally talked to, highly respected the man for his leadership ability. I think that Karen also had that character trait. Another was Major Pablo Emilio Salazar, Commandants Bravo, who was tortured and murdered by the Sandinistas on December 31, 1978. Regrettably, I knew him only by reputation. What constitutes a Contra organization in a nation as small as Virginia and North Carolina combined? Five hundred men? Well, with that as a limiting yardstick as a scale, there are at least 17 Nicaraguan Contra groups, all of them with a different social, political, or economic philosophy. If that were not so, they would have combined forces, which many refused to do. Like the Hatfields and the McCoys of American recent memory, some are Contras merely because they don't like the Ortega Family and have fought against them for generations. This has nothing whatever to do with communism, economics or politics. For this reason, it is frustrating for me when asked, Do you support The Contras, Mr. Davis? Well, yes and no, depending upon how deep the question goes. If I flip out a quick answer of yes, it is likely that I will be asked by conservative and liberal alike, Do you then approve of the Contra drug trade or the Contras who kill women and children as in such-and-so village? How can one answer that without a discourse that would take up half a day?
[continued from page 28] ...same times 6 - 6:30 PM when all guests were at supper. We thus stopped, according to conference sources, some 20 million dollars worth of investments designed to boost Costa Ricas sagging economy. I also know that Robert White was directly mixed up with the then Vice President, Alberto Fait, who is known to be directly mixed up in the drug trade in Costa Rica. This drug trafficking was going on, among other places, from The Vikingo Bar, in the west coast city of Puntarenas. I have been there many times, just to watch. There were six beautiful railing yachts that brought the drugs into Puntarenas. This bar is tied in with Alberto Fait, very technically, through his cousin. I have a hunch, believed by some DEA agents in Costa Rica, that the Duck Club Conferences were intended to be a cute money laundering operation for this drug money. Naturally, one would expect the National Liberation Party candidate for President, the covert communist winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Don Oscar Arias, to be a guest speaker at the Duck Club Conference and, of course, he was. Now, how does a little Jewish boy from Florida manage to get the sitting Vice President, and such far-out leftists as Oscar Arias, to speak to a group of American right-wingers? What a phony! I have had Robert White on the very top of my prayer list for years. I took it very personal when he had his National Liberation Party friends issue a warrant for me for Practicing Journalism without a license and thrown in jail. When Mr. White was shot in Belize, there were two men with him, John Endy, and Charles Arnold. No one was robbed. These two were not harmed but ordered to lie face down on the ground. Who would know that Mr. White and his companions would be on that land at precisely that time? I recognize the techniques, and suggest that one of the two men, the one who pulled the trigger, was a North American. Mr. White died as he had lived, selling weapons to the communists, and the world will not miss him.
Its like admitting that you are a Democrat and having to ,justify being associated with Ted Kennedy and his affair with Mary Jo, or saying that you are a Republican, and then taking the heat for the Watergate and Iran-Contragate scandals. The purpose, intent, and design of the United States Department of State, with Kissinger and Carlucci calling the shots regardless of the particular Administration, is for Nicaragua to be firmly established as a communist ---they would say International Socialist ---state. They want Nicaragua to blend in comfortably with the United Nations concepts of a world government under Admiralty Law. It was their intent, as one of them indicated to me in San Jose, to starve the Contras out. While doing that, the U.S. would deliberately support
the far leftist Contra groups, out of the 17 available to them, draw natural anticommunist Nicaraguan men into them, and then send them against known superior Sandinista forces. Thus, as with the Bay of Pigs in Cuba, the natural anticommunist element would be eventually eliminated. This was the specific task of Commander Zero and his Contra group known as the Democratic Revolutionary Alliance (ARDE). It was these traitors whom Col. Oliver North, under instructions from George Bush, Bill Casey, Poindexter and McFarlane, sought out and worked with until his usefulness ended. Then Commander Zero became their target. Some say that Commander Zero is his own worst enemy. This is not true so long as I am alive. [Footnote # 18]
FOOTNOTE #18. The Iran-Contra Scandal group in Costa Rica... There is one name that comes up again and again in the Iran-Contra scandal that has not made enough news, and the timing of events is also critical. That man's name is Robert Owen. In the summer of 1983, Senator Dan Quayle authorized an Aide, Robert Owen, to travel to Costa Rica at the expense of a certain Indiana farmer named John Hull. We know that John Hull's ranch was used by the CIA for its support of Eden Pastora's ARDE, a fake anticommunist group. We know that William Casey was personally involved with John Hull. Quayle's aide took the secret code name of Courier, and by November, 1983 had left the Quayle staff to work directly with Col. Oliver North and Company. Our records show that he formally left Senator Quayle's staff on November 8th. As chance would have it, on November 7th, John Hull sent a memo to Owen stating that Blood and Guts (BG) would have a new boss, Robert McFarlane. How did John Hull know that BG, that is Oliver North, was to have a new boss? Hull had to be pretty close to the people at the very top for him to have that information. And, of course, he was and still is. Now, move ahead in your mind to May 30, 1984, the evening of the bombing of Pastora's headquarters in La Ponca. Pastora says that McFarlane had signed his death warrant in February, 1984. McFarlane, Owen and Oliver North were now working together in a secret group called The 208 Committee. Our Northpoint Team intelligence people have been keeping an eye on John Hull for about a year. We know where he stays when he is in San Jose. The La Ponca attack on the headquarters of Eden Pastora happened at about 7:30 P.M. Who do you suppose our people saw at that certain San Jose apartment that very evening? Well, there was the CIA Station Chief, who went by the code name Thomas Castillo. There was the mysterious John Hull. There was Senator Quayle's (former) aide, Robert Owen. Understand, when you are terminating a top leader of the Contras, it is necessary that people are available to make the proper statements, and to patch up things if the operation is somehow bungled. At about 3:30 AM, May 31, 1984, one of the minor players, a Nicaraguan who knew just where to go, arrived at this apartment. Here it is, the middle of the night, and Castillo, Owen, and Hull are still hanging around having a meeting. Do you find that rather strange? It was learned from this Nicaraguan that Pastora had survived, but that three journalists had been killed, including a friend of mine who worked for the Tico Times, Linda Frazier. The next day, according to newspaper reports in my files, Robert Owen told the press that of course the U.S. (meaning The 208 Committee) had nothing to do with the bombing at La Pence.* Now, please read this next part very carefully. Robert Owen stated that the tragedy had been committed by Libyan Leader, Moammar Khadafi. Now, how could he possibly know that, the very next day? Then Robert Owen stated that Khadafi was angry with Pastora. How would he know that, for goodness sakes? Is he a mind-reader? Well, Oliver North had lived up to his name, there was blood and guts at La Ponca. Robert Owen was called to testify in Washington, and at the end of his testimony, he read a poem he had written about Oliver North. The final line reads, in our lifetime you have given us a legend. I want to vomit. Oliver North, with the trained mind of a Jesuit, pretending to be a fundamental Protestant, is the first convicted felon to ever run for the United States Senate. President Clinton, trained in international studies at the Jesuit school Georgetown University, also thinks like a Jesuit and pretends to be a fundamental believer. The Christians, it seems, love to have it so. Oliver North is the greatest deceiving criminal in America today, even if he was given a pardon by President Reagan for keeping his mouth shut.
The next thing that you should know about the Contras is their thought-theology regarding warfare. I once admitted to a Catholic Priest out west that of all the Contras I knew, not one of them was a Protestant! Nicaragua has had Protestant missionaries sent in country for a hundred years, but whatever doctrines they teach there, it has yet to raise up a Nicaraguan Freedom Fighter! Not one Baptist, Pentecostal, SeventhDay Adventist, Methodist or Mormon is ever found as a Contra. If any reader knows of an exception to this statement, I want to know about him, and include his name, if appropriate, in a future edition. As I prepare this 1994 edition, after six years of thousands of earlier copies of Hope's Husband, no one has ever come forward with a Protestant Freedom Fighter in Nicaragua. [Footnote # 19] However, before my Catholic friends get too smug about this, there seems to be as many different Catholic doctrines abroad in the land as there are Protestant denominations in the United States. The Jesuits, almost to a man, are teaching that Catholicism is Socialist Land Reform, and the holdings of the wealthy families are to be taken from them by Act of Government and divided up among the peasants. Is there any of the Sandinista government, from the Junta with Daniel Ortega through the 280 member legislative body, who is not a Jesuit or have Jesuit training? All of the Figueres Family had Jesuit training, and it is that training that made them state-of-mind communists. Then, there are the more traditionalist groups out through the countryside, and still others who have incorporated various
parts of the occult with their thought-theology. Normally, as an American's point of view: So what? The problem comes when Contra groups are asked, for instance, to go on night patrols or high-risk nighttime missions. There are many of these Contras, departing from Catholic tradition as I know it, who believe if they die at night in battle they will go to hell. These men, quite adamantly, will not fight at night. Inferior forces, such as the Contras, must use unconventional warfare tactics, attacking the superior Sandinista forces at night. This puts stark terror in the mind of those Sandinistas who are also afraid to die at night and go to hell---which is precisely why Northpoint Teams and our associates use that winning tactic. You will see why this problem rated space in Hope's Husband and wasn't reduced to the status of a footnote in the next few pages. The Negro Contras simply will not fight, and our experience is that they run under fire. Not understanding the true value of a weapon provided to them, they are just as likely to trade a rifle for a night's good time in the red light district as keep it in even reasonable condition. Some of the best fighters, and the Contra group that I hold in highest regard, are the Moskito Indians of eastern Nicaragua. Those boys are tough, dedicated, and will be fighting on, regardless of wounds, until their heart refuses to beat any longer. Having no relatives among the Spanish Sandinistas, there is no tendency to show them mercy for oldtime's sake. Their group was known as Movimiento Indigena Nicaraguense
FOOTNOTE #19. Every Contra is a Catholic by faith. In a full year of mail regarding Hope's Husband. no one has stepped forward and named a Protestant who is a Nicaraguan Contra. My Catholic readers, perhaps more than any others, know exactly what is happening in their Catholic faith. Many of them complain to me about liberation theology within their church. To them, there is absolutely no contradiction between my statements that the procommunist leaders in Central America are Jesuits, and the statement that most of the Contra Freedom Fighters are also Catholic by faith. Socialism is a basic thought-theology of the Jesuits, but it is not taught in any depth to the average, uneducated peoples. The traditional Catholics who write to us, and who enthusiastically distribute our pamphlets, are humiliated by the likes of socialist Ted Kennedy, and the treachery of fellow Catholic, Col. Oliver North. Pardon me, but he is alleged to be a Protestant now working hard for the Zionist causes around the world.
or MIN. Thus, to these fearless warriors we send our highest regards, knowing as we do that they have been betrayed from within and without. In 1981-1982, it was the policy of the U.S. to starve these Contras out. The border between Nicaragua and Costa Rica is the San Juan River, but apart from that river, one cannot tell the difference in the terrain. As you will see on the next page, it was from these jungles of northern Costa Rica that the Sandinista Forces made their military thrusts into Nicaragua. Once the Sandinistas were firmly in power, the whole thing changed, sort of like the end of a quarter in football, and it was the Contra forces using the same staging points for their military thrusts. The Contra problem, when I was in Costa Rica, was one of having enough beans and rice, enough clothing and medicine, enough ammunition and fighting knives, to just sustain themselves. Understanding how serious even the matter of transportation was, to get supplies over the
mountains and into the jungles of northern Costa Rica, I gave these Contras my pride and joy, an orange English Safari Model Land Rover to carry in the food. It left San Jose, late one evening, with burlap bags of beans and rice stacked high in its roof-rack. I never saw it again, but heard it was later repainted olive drab. The last confirmed report I got was that it had five 50 cal. bullet holes through it and still going strong. The Reagan Administration was furious that some legitimate Contras were actually being supported enough to take some effective action against the Sandinistas, and a Top Secret plan was put into action by them. You will never read about this anywhere else, I can assure you! I happened to be in the right place at the right time to have access to its knowledge. I first wrote about this Top Secret U.S.-Costa Rican project in my report of August, 1983. The purpose is to prevent any further unapproved Contra operations from being staged from northern Costa Rica. Why don't you write Senator Jesse Helms and ask him about it. He knows the whole story. [Footnote #20]
FOOTNOTE #20. I was arrested by Costa Rican National Security Officers, and detained for almost a full day. These officers confiscated everything I was carrying, including two gold coins and about $600.00 in U.S. currency. They took my Passport and put me under lock, key and the watchful eye of a guard. You must remember, $600.00 equals a year's pay for one of these men. No one could explain where it went. On my Passport impedemento de salida was written, and over some 'Policial' stamps was stamped. Chief Department of Migration. My name and passport number was also put on the immigration computer, thus sealing me in the country. The U.S. authorities were also notified, and contacts in the States told me that there was a computer watch on me by Immigration, the NCIC Computer, and, surprisingly, BATF. Let me say this... My exit from Costa Rica and my entry into the United States was very much out of the ordinary. Reports were circulated by our Nicaraguan friends to the effect that Gringo Davis had been killed and buried on the Nicaraguan Frontier, which explained why my face was no longer seen at the Amstel Hotel, and why my maid, still on duty and paid up for two months was expecting me home any day now. I crossed the border into the U.S. at El Paso, Texas and returned to Atlanta by bus. My family was living with a daughter, and I took up residence in a Georgia friend's warehouse, where I could assemble information to be given to Senator Helms. I lived in that warehouse for two months knowing full well that there were federal people who wanted to talk to me about what I knew, especially regarding the CIA drug operations in Costa Rica. I was not interested in that issue, but the information came into my hands because the same people who were covertly helping the Sandinistas, such as the 208 Committee, the National Liberation Party people and the Figueres family, were also heavy into illegal drug traffic. By July, 1983, I had reestablished our Northpoint Team operations here in the States, and had put together 72 C-90 tapes, 110 documents, and numerous photographs, and we had this packet ready to deliver to Senator Helms. We contacted Senator Helms's Office regarding this information and were told that a certain John Carbough was in charge of these matters and that he would pick them up at the Senator's Hickory, N.C. office. This data was delivered there by two of my Team Members, and a receipt for them received. John Carbough was seen in San Jose a few days later, and all the data shared with those of The 208 Committee, and within two weeks six Nicaraguan Contra Commanders were hunted down and killed. The Senator now insists that attorney John Carbough never worked for his office. Well, he did! I have carried a huge burden of guilt because, through trust in Senator Helms, we betrayed some of the best patriots in Nicaragua. I am fully aware of the risk I am now taking by making this information available to Americans who love their country. What matters to me is not important. What is important is that the American people learn, here and now, that the government in Washington is the largest terrorist organization in the world, and unlike Libya and the PLO, they have the logistics and power to carry it out.
The Zionist controlled Costa Rican government, in concert with the Kissinger Initiative, has decided to provide an Israeli Settlement Area in Costa Rica. This area, which I call the Costa Rican DMZ (as between North and South Korea), will be a strip of land 25 kilometers wide running through the ,jungles and over the mountains from the Atlantic to the Pacific, along the southern border of Nicaragua! This 25 Km strip of land is to be actually owned, and be sovereign territory of the State of Israel, and be patrolled by Israeli soldiers. This Berlin Wall is now being purchased by the United States for the State of Israel for the agreedupon sum of 300 million dollars. As one can see from maps and topography study, most of this land is unsuitable for human habitation. Much of it is dense jungle that can hardly be cleared, even to put roads through it. I have been there, and any path cut through the jungle with a machette will be grown closed again within two weeks. Much of it is swamp land, flooded frequently by the San Juan River. Large poisonous snakes are there which are capable of running down small game, including man! Even to this day, there are no roads through that territory, and certainly there is no justification for any such Israeli settlement area whatever. There is more that we may be able to explain some day, but presently it does show that the Contras will not be able to work from this area unless approved by the Zionist powers in Washington, [Footnote #21]
The last thing that the Reagan Administration expected was that there would be extensive Contra support, in funds, equipment and military advice, from American's private sector. These Contra Forces, properly trained and directed, were actually accomplishing astounding things, such as what we have already discussed, and things that I am not at liberty to discuss at this time. Something had to be done to stop this private American support and eliminate its effectiveness. Working in harmony with the liberal Democrats, the Reagan People had the Boland Amendment passed, which prevented
FOOTNOTE #21. During most of my stay in Costa Rica, the President was Alberto Monge. His wife is a Jewish lady with the maiden name Yankelowitz. Her brother. Daniel Yankelowitz. was in a position to call the shots for the Costa Rican Government. and of course, Monge's Political Party is the extreme leftist National Liberation Party. During that period, the Costa Rican government began the confiscation, with payment, of the lands along their northern border. I have one friend whose land was taken from him in the mountainous regions of the country. The San Juan River divides Costa Rica from Nicaragua. It is interesting that except in a few spots along that 150-mile border, the river runs 16 feet deep all the way to Lake... [Footnote continued on page 34]
American taxpayer funds from giving the Contras any type of military equipment, aircraft, jeeps, trucks, or ammunition. At the same time, with carefully planned vocal opposition from the Democrats, hundreds of millions of dollars worth of humanitarian aid for the Contras was approved. Now watch this: The most anyone can claim is that there are 18,000 Contras who need such aid. I believe the figure is about half that, but if you divide $300 million by 18 thousand men, you have about $11,000 per year each! Most Contras can live, because of their culture and lifestyle, on about $100 per month or less. Remember the climate and food available yearround in that part of the world. So, you can believe, the Contras are living pretty high off the hog, and their leaders a whole lot higher. They never had it so good---and in such wonderful conditions, why would anyone ever fight and take a chance on being killed? [Footnote #22] You do get the picture, don't you? These are people who never had anything, now getting fat and happy on American food. Next comes the
second American order, as a condition upon receiving all this wonderful food and medical attention. It was directly from President Reagan's man through the Ambassador to Honduras: No Contra Group receiving American assistance may engage in any of the following activities-1) They may not hit any Sandinista economic targets, such as fuel tanks, harbors, power-generating plants, communications equipment, bridges, highways, or rail facilities. 2) They may not make any attack upon the Sandinista leadership. 3) They may not shoot any Sandinista Officer, even in combat. 4) They may not engage in any unconventional warfare, or attack any Sandinista fortification, barracks or home during the nighttime hours.
[continued from page 33] ...Nicaragua, and then the water is deep enough for shipping to within 40 kilometers of the Pacific coast. This was the original, and really the best, path for a canal between the two oceans. Why they finally decided on Panama for the American Canal, with its complex system of locks. I will never know. Remember I mentioned Commandants Big Don? As it happens, Big Don is an American with a civil engineering degree from a New York university, and he had been hired by Somoza to work out the engineering details to complete a new, much wider canal in Nicaragua. This would have obsoleted the American Canal at Panama and could be built at relatively low cost. It is simply a matter of dredging the San Juan River along the Nicaraguan side, and constructing a canal from the Pacific into Lake Nicaragua. I have often wondered if this competing canal, to our canal being given to the communists in Panama, might have been a contributing factor to the State Department's, decision to topple the Somoza regime. In any event, that was Big Don's belief. Therefore, I watched in astonishment as the Costa Rican government took lands along the San Juan River, paid for them with U.S. money, and is holding them to be deeded to the State of Israel. We know that the Israeli state has her agents all over Costa Rica these days. We also know that Israel is attempting to purchase a 25 Km strip along the San Juan from nearly bankrupt Nicaragua. Do you see the picture? I predict that a new canal will soon begin to be constructed that will obsolete the one in Panama, and that it will be controlled, and receive millions of dollars transit fees per year, for the coffers of the Israeli Government. Senator Helms, as everyone now knows, has been bought and paid for by the Zionist interests in Washington, and any Senator or Congressman who dares to ask the right questions about this Zionist control of American foreign policy, both in Central America and the Middle East, is targeted and defeated in the next election. As the Reagan Administration faded away, there was an interesting story in the Washington Jewish Week about former Assistant Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs, Elliot Abrams. He is resigning from the State Department to begin to practice law in Washington and specialize in serving Canadian and Latin American clients who have business with the government. According to his interview, his years of working with Latin Americans has brought him in close contact with the region's Jewish community... We do understand, Mr. Abrams. FOOTNOTE #22. The problem is, and according to plan, this 'great humanitarian aid' was cut off by Congress. Once the Sandinistas had consolidated their power and control, and through normal attrition the legitimate Contras had been depleted, the food and medical supplies were cut off, leaving these men and their families destitute and demoralized. There is one thing that they know, down to every uneducated peasants The Land Of The Free is not interested in stopping communism.
This information came to me directly from a close, long-time American advisor to the Commanding Officer of the FDN, Enrique Bermudez. In other words, the American Government wants the Contras to attack in conventional warfare only in such a way as to insure their defeat, while forbidding any actions that might hinder the Sandinista's ability to not only wage war against them successfully but to govern Nicaragua as well. I find it most interesting that the Reagan Directive almost exactly counters the Northpoint Team proposal for the only way to win freedom for Nicaragua. My contact did not recall the exact date of this Reagan Directive, but recalling the date of Oliver North's in-country trips, I would say that it must have been around May, 1984. Here is the key: Since May, 1984, there has not been one effective military action, attack or engagement against the Sandinista Forces by any Contra group at any time. Thousands of brave
men have been killed in deliberately ineffective military operations, with 1,600 killed in August, 1987 being one of the most tragic months. Those Contras who worked specifically with the privately funded U.S. groups were housed, fed and received medical attention from the FDN and a few other legitimate Contra Commands. They mixed right in with those lesser-trained Contras until a special mission was to be undertaken. We were told by Commandant Bermudez that if he permitted his Contras to violate the Reagan Directive, he would lose all his funds; hence almost all of our private tactical operations ceased in the Spring of 1984. Those of you who have followed our activities now know why we have been silent about Nicaragua since then. It was Reagan, not Carter, who brought about the final betrayal of Nicaragua. Yes, and Mr. George Bush was right in the thick of the betrayal. (Footnote #23]
FOOTNOTE #23. What the reader must remember is that President Reagan delegated most of his power to others. That is simply his style of management. Yet, George Schultz, the Secretary of State, seemed to always be complaining that he had been left out of critical decisions and that other Reagan men went around him to accomplish certain objectives. Remember his testimony in the Iran-Contra Hearings? You can obtain a 690-page copy of those Hearings, titled Iran-Contra Affair, Senate Report #100-216, if you want to refresh your memory. If you look closely, you will find the fingerprints of George Bush throughout this sordid affair. Remember, Mr. Bush had been head of the CIA for several years. As I will show later, he and the men around him were directly involved with the heroin drug traffic out of Asia. In 1980, George Bush had a passion for becoming President and ran unsuccessfully against Reagan in the primaries. He, and his close friends, regarded Reagan as a two-bit cowboy, and hardly in their class of Eastern Elite. In Central America, as I wlll detail later, George Bush had a secret group with the code name, The Pink Team. I do not know all the members, but we are certain of some of them. One of them was the former Ambassador to Costa Rica, Francis McNeil. McNeil is married to a Costa Rican woman, whose uncle heads the Soviet Cultural Center in San Jose, Costa Rica. Did you know that the Soviets have any culture? A very strange thing happened involving this Pink Team late one evening in November, 1982. It was, as chance would have it, during the very time that San Jose was swarming with American tourists who had arrived there for the Duck Club Conference. There were all kinds of strange American faces around town, and under the cover of that Gringo invasion, some serious plans were being made. By the Grace of God, I happened to be directed to where those plans were being made in a little restaurant in the suburb of Escazu. The restaurant is known as LaCasada, and serves some of the finest food In Costa Rica. It is seldom frequented by tourists. It is, generally, a restaurant that caters only to wealthy Costa Ricans, and English is seldom heard there. I went there at 7:30 PM with three other people. Two of these are now in the United States, and can testify to the accuracy of what I am revealing now publicly for the first time in print. As our eyes got accustomed to the dim light, I asked my intelligence contact if that was not Ambassador McNeil in the booth behind us. The booth has a high back and this man raised up in his seat and looked over and verified that it was our Ambassador to Costa Rica. I asked our party if they were hearing what was being discussed in the booth behind us. They had not, at that moment, because they were mentally occupied with their selection from the menu. They stopped concentrating on the menu and listened in horror as McNeil, talking with two others, a man and a woman, about the planned assassination of President Reagan during his upcoming trip through Latin America. He was due to fly into San Jose in only five days from that conversation, and clearly Ambassador McNeil was part of that plot to murder President Reagan in Costa Rica. Ambassador McNeil went on to state that he had brought in three men from the PLO to attend to the job; that they had arrived through the Frontier from Nicaragua on that very day, and were put up in a hotel in a lower-class section of San Jose. He named the hotel. We knew it well. For readers familiar with San Jose, it is located near the bus station, 200m north of Central Ave, at about 9th Street. Please remember, this is a Spanish-speaking restaurant, and they were speaking casually in English, never suspecting that any Americans - [Footnote continued on page 36]
Chapter Seven
Our Northpoint Teams recognized the nearly hopeless situation in Nicaragua. Professional traitors in Washington have beaten us using our own money to do it. Many of our friends, clearly seeing the handwriting on The Wall, urged us to forget the Contras and, in effect, wait for the communists at the Rio Grande. But one man never gave up. I had spent more than $31,000 of my own money, directly and indirectly, for the liberation of Nicaragua. In contrast, this man had given every waking moment of his life -virtually all he had -- for those whom he had personally lived among in Nicaragua. Before Nicaragua fell to the Sandinistas, this man had been the Commander of Somoza's International Brigade, sort of a Nicaraguan Foreign Legion. You know, I can find a dozen areas of life and thought-theology where I differ with him, and yet I can put all of that into the background when I see his determination and dedication to his friends. Someday, if many of you who have known him will be as charitable, his story should be told by someone who understands and appreciates an anti-communist warrior for what he has tried to do for America. I am not at liberty to discuss this truly American patriot, or go further into details about his activities concerning the Contra cause. If he is still alive, he will still be at it somewhere in Central America. We have not heard from him in more than two years, and this is not a good sign. Disclosing further details, or mentioning him by name, would not serve any purpose at this time, for there would not be one reader who would even recognize his true name. We called him Colgate. However, there are enemies, both foreign and domestic, that would still be hunting him down. He does not need further pressures on him now or in the future. Will you give a salute to a great American, now in the dispair of our lost cause, and offer a prayer for Colgate, wherever he is? He lived for us.
[continued from page 35] ...would be there to overhear them. We decided to take as much time as possible with our meal, instead of being in the usual rush. We ordered drinks confined to coffee and Sprite. Ambassador McNeil was drinking wine, and talking louder and louder. We ordered fish, and then dessert, with all of us making notes as fast as we could. Suppose you had been there in that booth, in a foreign land, unable to speak the language well, and you heard a traitorous Ambassador talking about the assassination of your President. What would you do about it? Call Nancy at the White House? No use ringing it up with the Embassy in San Jose. That goes without saying. We did not know what to do, so unable to come up with another solution, I took one of my newsletters from my briefcase, and wrote in a felt pen across it: To Ambassador McNeil, with kindest regards, Nord W. Davis, Jr., U.S. Passport B-306850. I called our waiter and gave him 1.000 Colonies (about $16.00). I told him to give my newsletter to the Ambassador 20 minutes after we left the restaurant. My intelligence man stayed behind, outside watching through the window, to see to it that the pamphlet was given to Ambassador McNeil. At that moment, those at his table knew that there were four Americans, only one of whom was identified, who knew of the assassination plans. I then went to a secure telephone and called a man I knew to be on Senator Helms's staff. He returned the call and we talked for about 40 minutes. setting forth all the details. Don't you know that pandemonium broke loose in San Jose the next day? As you might expect, an All Points Bulletin was put out for the arrest of Nord Davis, Jr., as he posed a threat to the life of the President! They had improperly identified the couple with us, and had a warrant out for them too, so we picked them up hastily, along with the actual couple with us, and all six of us headed down the back roads to the west coast town of gubpos. There, basking in the sun, we watched the news of Reagan coming and leaving safely aboard Air Force One. Within 30 days, Ambassador McNeil was relieved of his duties, and given a minor post on Granada. He later resigned from the foreign service for, as was quoted In the Taco Times McCarthyism in the State Department. He now lives quietly with his Tica wife in Costa Rica. Mr. McNeil made it plain at La Cascada that it would be good to have Reagan out and a true diplomat in as President. There is no way I can prove that George Bush had anything to do with the conspiracy that we listened to at LaCascada. We do know, however, that some of his friends were involved in it, including a Secret Service advance man. What is even more interesting is that while this information was provided to Senator Helms's office, and both the Department of State and the Secret Service took direct action by tightening up Costa Rican security and shortening the President's stay there, not one government agency has ever bothered to question me about what was said in La Cascada. But, we did bring down a treacherous Ambassador and probably saved President Reagan's life in the process. He doesn't owe me anything.
Remember, as you read Hope's Husband, that Christian patriots are never authorized by Scripture to abandon the cause of Liberty no matter what the cost or how discouraging it may seem at times. Tragic as it is for Nicaragua, now that stage 3, the elimination of class-alien element, has been completed, we must keep in mind Christ's Great Battle with that Wicked One and his followers. We knew that unless Col. Bermudez permitted his men to fight to win no matter what the cost, Nicaragua was doomed. Since we wrote the first editions, Col. Bermudez has been shot and killed. We saw the subtle shift in U.S. policy from starvation of the Contras to providing them with more than they could eat, and noticed a certain Lt. Colonel Oliver North making his rounds through Honduras and into Costa Rica. Other American patriotic supporters
of the Contras may disagree, but I think that he arrived on the scene about the same time as the Reagan Directive was sent down the line. I knew that with these changes in policy that any way I wrote Hoe's Husband might be obsolete before the ink was dry on the printed copy. It's like trying to tell which way the wind is blowing in the eye of a hurricane. Instead of looking only at Nicaragua, what else are these traitors up to? Make noise in the East and strike in the West? The CIA loves ships. Think back to the drug ship the Cavalier and that strange Panamanian ship, the Nanao. Again, here was the CIA fooling around with a couple other ships, the Yakpeni and the Nobistor. Little did we know that these ships would play a role that would Trigger the Contragate Scandal, expose the 37
Husband, that it is the United States Government that creates and maintains Marxist governments around the world. The men shown on page 37 were furious when the Top Secret story of the Brazil Eight finally broke. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but it was my Northpoint Team Report of December 7, 1986, that first had the story in print. Soldier of Fortune, six months later, printed the story too. So, strange as this story may seem to you, you now have a double witness to what I write here. I have learned from contacts in the African nation of Ghana that the Marxist President, through the efforts of missionaries there, has repudiated the communist scheme of things, and is bringing Ghana back into the free world. This was not the plan for Africa, as well as Col. Oliver North, then unknown to the American public. His job: Destabilize the government so that Ghana would not go free. This plan was set in motion in the latter part of 1985. Col. North hired eight Special Forces people on a CIA contract so that they could fight communism. The last names of these men are: Ainsworth, Sosa, Early, Rodriquez, Carmody, Foti, Hedrick, and Berduin. Working directly with Col. Oliver North, under direction of Vice President George Bush, were Wally Grossheim, Jerry Greenwalk, and the brother-in-law of Senator Tower, Mr. Burkhart. General Secord, and all the Contragate personalities, were involved, and funding was from those Swiss bank account profits. Weapons for this mission were shipped to Argentina, and loaded aboard the two sea-going tugs, and the men were off to fight the Marxist Dictator of Ghana. Halfway across the Atlantic, this National Security Team found out that Ghana had learned of the plot and were all ready for them, and the mission was aborted. Col. North was not aboard these ships, for BLUE, [North's code name] was working on other missions to save the world for 38
Reagan Staff and open once again the Nicaraguan situation-- just as they had quietly inserted Nicaragua into communist hands and made it look like yet another accident. This story, believe me, was too hot to handle. All during the summer of 1986, my friends were trying to get me to help them send a Team into Brazil to spring some Americans out of prison there. They had arrived in Brazil on these two ships from Panama named the Yakpeni and Nobistor. You want us to mount a campaign to save eight men halfway around the world, and none of us even speaks Portugese? You can count me out on this one! Why risk twenty men to save eight? I asked them. Through my caution, frankly, I did not get a chance to personally be a part of this story that finally triggered the Iran-Contra Scandal, but at least a few of my friends were. Understanding this story only proves the thesis of Hope's
socialism. These men were ordered to turn around and sail to Brazil and report to the CIA Station Chief there named Kenneth Sackett, which they did. They were betrayed by Sackett, and arrested by Brazilian authorities on U.S. direction, tried quickly for arms violations, and sent to prison. When all our efforts failed to force Reagan, both through the Congress and the Senate, to have these men released, certain Senators coming up for reelection were targeted and told that if they remained silent on the Brazil Eight, they would be singled out and defeated at the polls in the November, 1986, election. Of course, they laughed. Our local Team target was
a former POW himself, Ala bama Senator Jeremiah Denton. He was soundly defeated, as well as three of the six we had targeted. The Republicans were denied the Senate as we had promised. The Brazil Eight had not been released, so on November 1, 1986, a week before the elections, a large packet of information regarding the arms sales to Iran was provided to the enemy Arab news magazine, Al Shiraa, in Lebanon. Next time, Senators, don't laugh! When the world press picked up on it, heads in Washington began to roll. You know some of the rest, but we are going to make some other things public in the memory of Hope's Husband, Karen, Rosita, Nora and hundreds of Contras whose names we will never know. [Footnote #24]
FOOTNOTE #24. This footnote is dedicated in the memory of Nicaraguan heroines, Karen, Nora and Rosita. Our evidence, as well as certain testimony obtained for Northpoint Intelligence from Washington, establishes that the man who really masterminded the whole Iran-Contragate scandal was an Israeli, and Zionist agent. named Amiram Nir. For students of this whole matter, you may find that he also used the CIA code name Nisker. Mr. Nir was the one, with George Bush's approval, who was sent into Iran to arrange the whole morbid deal. The Israeli government denies all this, of course, but Mr. Nir was none other than Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Pares's anti-terrorism advisor. Mr. Nir and George Bush met privately in Jerusalem on July 27, 1986, four months before the IranContragate story was first published. With the two in Jerusalem was a Mr. Craig Fuller who, incidentally, knows the whole story. It seems that Mr. Nir, as well as Col. North, posed a serious threat to the new Bush Administration, should the North trial begin on time. Oliver North, true to his Jesuit thought-theology, is not about to take the rap alone, and he is now demanding that Reagan and Bush appear in his defense at his trial. There are some Democrats who want this whole rotten mess out in the open for political reasons. Likewise, for very different reasons, there are some American patriotic politicians who also want this matter aired out and are doing all they can to bring it to pass. There are some Zionist agents, some posing as ministers, such as Jerry Falwell, who want the whole thing silenced, and for this reason are spending all sorts of money in an Oliver North Legal Defense Fund. This Fund eventually grew to over $9,000,000, ultimately making Oliver North one of the wealthiest convicted felons in U.S. history. Who says that treason doesn't pay? You ought to see his million-dollar farm in Virginia! More about that later. U.S. Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh has been trying to find his key witness, Mr. Nir, for months. Mr. Nir, it appears, has been hiding out in Mexico, for his testimony would certainly implicate George Bush in the whole IranContragate Scandal. Well, fortunately for George Bush and Oliver North, Mr. Nir and his pilot died in a mysterious plane crash in Mexico on December 2, 1988. He will be unavailable for such implicating testimony. And Mr. Fuller? He has the job of Co-Director of the Bush Transition team. And, now one for Rosita. As you can see, by July, 1986, there were some problems in the Iran-Contragate scheme that needed the CIAexperienced hands of George Bush. There was the matter of Mr. Nir to be resolved personally in Jerusalem. Or course, it is Mr. Bush's testimony that he knew nothing whatever about any Iran Arms for money and some hostages. He says he knows nothing about any Iran profits being used in the Contra operations, and that he knows nothing about illegal drugs being shipped through John Hull's ranch in northern Costa Rica. Well, it seems that in April, 1986, 11 men, including retired Israeli General Abraham Bar-Am, and several other Israelis, were arrested in Bermuda and indicted on charges of conspiracy to sell 2 million dollars worth of American-made weapons to Iran. The defense attorney for this leftist group was the equally leftist attorney, the notorious William Kuntsler. Kuntsler stated to the press that he had evidence that George Bush knew all about his client's plan to sell arms to Iran, and repeated what we all know, that the Reagan White House was itself secretly delivering arms to the Iranians. Because of this, the government was afraid to move forward with the General Bar-Am prosecution because of the truth that would surely come out. The government's star witness was to have been Iran's private arms merchant to his government named Cyrus Hashemi. The hard information is quite thin at this point, but it appears that an Iranian competitor, the familiar name, Manicher Ghorbanifar, cut Hashemi out of the deal and made other arrangements with Mr. Nir--and of course with George Bush's approval. Let me tell you this: An Arab who has been cheated out of hundreds of thousands of dollars profit is a very unreliable person to have around talking loosely about his disappointments. Understandably then, one... [Footnote continued on page 40]
Chapter Nine
During the long Iran-Contragate Hearings, there is one part of Col. North's testimony that he repeated several times every day. It always boiled down to this one statement: Everything I did was under orders from my superiors. The Northpoint Teams believe that. When he did things that had not been directly ordered, they were certainly implicit with those orders. We believe that also. Our point in this study of Col. Oliver North is that he was knowingly and willingly carrying out those orders. It is one thing to be a Marine grunt moving into a risky fire-fight, carrying out orders under a military duty, while your heart and mind is unwilling. That is what a good soldier is all about. It is quite another thing, to make a career of carrying out orders of superiors, when resignation from that career, or a reassignment is always open to you. When that decision in the military arrives, it is then not under orders in spite of rank differences, but as one of the fellow conspirators when criminal acts are being carried out. Those ribbons displayed across Col. North's uniform were earned under the heat and duress of battle. He deserves every one of them, and I know men who served under him in Vietnam, the best of which were known as Blue's Bastards. Never forget, in all that is written here, that Oliver North was decorated with both the Bronze and Silver Star for Valor in spring of 1969, and only God knows how many American Marines walk the streets of America today because of his ability as a military leader in the field. Nothing that I am being forced to write as honest history on his activities in Nicaragua is intended to take away from his glorious Vietnam tour of duty. I am a Korean War Veteran and a Life Member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (#665358) and have five ribbons of which I am proud, but as a Navy Electronics Technician, my assignments never put me under direct enemy fire, for which I thank God. I have been in far more danger from my countrymen, the last few years, than I ever was in a Navy uniform during the Korean War. In the military, there are two general types of people--Staff and Line. This decision is made for you based upon certain carefully prepared tests you take upon entering boot camp. It is your general thinking patterns; how you approach problems; how you organize your life and your work, which determines which group you will fall into and do best. Business management breaks down its employees in the same way, whether the employee recognizes it or not. Few people are
[continued from page 39] ...should not be surprised to learn that Mr. Cyrus Hashemi met his mysterious, and quite untimely, death in London. When? July, 1986. Now what? The defendants are entitled to a fair and speedy trial, and the case has dragged on for 30 months. What can we do? The poor star witness is dead! Well, just in time to clear the air for a beautifully patriotic inauguration, and three weeks before Oliver North is scheduled to go on trial, the prosecutor, U.S. Attorney Rudolph Guilianni, quietly dropped all charges against this Zionist Bermuda 11. right after the New Year, 1989. Here may be the shadow of things to come: In the document which dismissed the charges against Zionist General Bar-Am, prosecutor Guilianni conceded that the prosecution could not prove that the defendants did not believe that their planned arms deal was not officially sanctioned. Now, at the bottom line, isn't that the very same position that Oliver North, et al, are contending? Don't they rightly say that they only obeyed orders, and that what they did was approved from the very top.--right into the White House? Do you suppose that the prosecutor in North's trial will take the lead from Rudolph Guilianni? As I asked in 1989, is his announcement of his retirement possibly to run for Mayor of New York? Well, he is Mayor of New York in 1994. As I keep repeating, there are very, very high stakes in this whole Iran-Contragate matter that need to see the light of day. Karen and Rosita, we will see you ladies in The Morning.
ever able to do both types of assignments well. Col. Oliver North is a Line person, one who can command others in military assignments or lead others in a business setting. Electronics technicians in the Navy are always Staff people, to whom command positions sort of go against their mental grain. As Northpoint, my abilities still lay in the Staff positions, and our Teams work as support, intelligence, and logistics --not Line command in actual combat situations. It would have been a violation of American Law for private citizens of the United States, without a Letter of Marque to be in any combat situations against the Sandinista Regime. Officially, this did not happen with any of our people. All of those involved in certain exploits mentioned previously were Nicaraguans. The same rules applied to Col. North and any of his associates operating in foreign lands, but, as the Brazil Eight story was to prove, it did not always work out that way. Something happened to Col. North from those days in Vietnam and his exposure as a participant in IranContragate. He had switched from being a Line Officer to that of a Staff Officer. Somewhere, his understanding of patriotism was skillfully changed in his thoughttheology, from that simple, delightful chauvinism toward his native land, to a loyalty toward certain world government goals. He would have been
told, by officers of high rank whom he respected, that this world government thinking is on the Higher Plane. What was Col. North doing from 1974 to 1984 when his military assignment was to insure that the Reagan Directive, set forth on page 34, would be carried out? We know that during December, 1974, Col. North spent 22 days as a patient in the mental ward of the Bethesda Naval Hospital. The official diagnosis was delayed battle stress. That could be true, but as Pavlov has proven with human experiments in Russia, people can learn new and different things very quickly under the duress of high stress. Col. North, as one author put it, climbed that hill and eventually landed on the National Security Council, being recommended for the position by Navy Secretary John Lehman. It is my opinion that Col. North was psychologically reprogrammed, and believes that love of country is to insure world peace through New World Order Socialist Government. He could then very truthfully say, I never carried out a single act, not one, in which I did not have authority from my superiors. It is for this reason we have to know who Col. North's superiors were and their thought-theology from whence came those orders, willingly and with no mental reservations, carried out by Col. North. [Footnote #25)
FOOTNOTE #25. If Hope's Husband is the very first pamphlet by this author which you have read, many of the statements are going to be very hard to believe, unless you understand the thought-theology of most of the people involved. Remember, what these people believe is not only a political philosophy, it is also their religion. This is why I use the term, thought-theology. How can I teach it to you in a page or two? May I try? The Communist Party of the United States was formed in 1919. Its goal was, and still is, world socialist government. In the same year, another group was formed called the Council On Foreign Relations, Its goal was, and still is, the same New World Order Socialist Government. In the past 80 years, the stated objectives of this CFR have never changed, and is set forth again and again in its monthly publication Foreign Affairs. This group has always worked closely with the Communist Party, for they have exactly the same goal, but differing somewhat on the means to arrive at that end. They cooperated in the formation of the United Nations for this reason, for it was to be the skeleton, the beginning needed for the totalitarian socialist government planned by these two, seemingly very different, groups. It is that thought-theology of world government that makes the world's communists and the CFR have a common cause. The men, and two women, listed on page 42 are all members in good standing of this subversive Council On Foreign Relations. Note that I have selected persons who have reputations of being liberal and conservative. Republican and Democrat, and impartial as news people. They deliberately take slightly different public positions, but privately their actions are always dedicated to this world government thought-theology they hold, and it supersedes all other political and economic thinking. It is this thought-theology that is taught at all U.S. Military Academies, Ivy League and Big Ten colleges, and is woven into every news story in print or on TV. [Continued on page 42]
George Bush Alexander Haig Casper Weinberger Gen. David Jones David Rockefeller George Schultz Adm. Bobby Inman Jeanne Kirkpatrick Henry Kissinger Dan Rather CBS David Brinkley John Chancellor Marvin Kalb Ted Koppel Barbara Walters Hodding Carter Harrison Salisbury George Will Howard Baker Birch Bayh Lloyd Bentson William Brock Ted Kennedy Alan Cranston George McGovern Walter Mondale Edward Muskie Claiborne Pell Paul Volcker Donald Regan William Casey Robert McNamara Harry Reasoner Irving R. Levine Clifford Case Frank Church James Baker Thomas Pickering Daniel Moynihan Stuart Symington John Glenn William F. Buckley Bruce Babbitt Frank Carlucci Robert Anderson
Junior military officers are not given a huge dose of this thought-theology, but once they approach the rank of Colonel or Navy Commander they are taught this subversive world government scheme. If they do not embrace it, quite frankly they are passed over and not promoted further. President Eisenhower was a key member of this group. A communist, Joseph Fels Barnes, was the ghostwriter of Eisenhower's book, Crusade in Europe. Once you begin to understand that it is this overriding thought-theology that has directed our national policy, regardless of the political party of the President in power, you will begin to see why we are sending foreign aid to 140 nations, many of which, like Poland, have been openly communist. This is why no nation, once it goes communist, or totalitarian socialist as in Africa. is ever allowed to be free again. Col. North was taken aside and taught this thought-theology, and this is the only reason he would ever be put into the sensitive positions in the Reagan White House. Incidently, both Carter and Reagan were not CFR members, but had the uncanny ability to select only CFR members for their close advisors. This is why Thomas Pickering and Henry Kissinger will be found in foreign service or foreign policy making positions regardless of which political party happens to be in power. Col. North knew what his superior officers wanted, and he willingly acted accordingly. To many new readers, this world government thought-theology will come as a grim shock. The very idea of betraying American sovereignty into a socialist world government will seem to be treason. It is. The men listed here, along with Barbara and Jeanne, are traitors and guilty of treason, if you hold that they have put world government above the best interests of the United States. Yet, these people do not consider themselves traitors at all. It is their thoughttheology, it is absolutely a religion with them, that world government is the Great Ideal, and that only with world government can humanity ever expect peace and the end of war, etc. However, because most Americans are still at the unsophisticated level of brutal nationalism; in their opinion, this world government must be imposed upon them without their knowledge. In this manner, they are not defending the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, but are themselves domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States. Everyone on this list and 1,500 more, should be tried for treason and executed. It is their policy in steering America's popular opinion and foreign affairs for the past 60 years that gave us the holocaust of communist tyranny and national bankruptcy. In our view, Col. North, being a new convert to the religion of internationalism, was not fully committed in heart and mind at the time of Iran-Contragate. He had periods of backsliding into nationalist patriotism which he had been taught in the Marine Force Recon training schools. His testimony indicates this mind-blowing loyalty. His superiors made a grave mistake by giving him the serious responsibilities of world government thought-theology before he was fully prepared emotionally to handle what his countrymen would view as treason against the United States. On the one hand, he reverted back to I was only following orders of his Marine Corps days, while evidence shows he looked the other way when his fellow soldiers, such as the Brazil Eight, were being betrayed and incarcerated. Now, in the thought theology of totalitarian socialism, the end justifies the means to that end. Mixed with all this mental double-think is his Jesuit background of Liberation Theology, where socialism is to confiscate the wealth of the landowners and distribute it among the peasants. This is the thought-theology thread that brings to the news front the plight of the poor and homeless as, each year, they were surprised that it got cold once again in the wintertime. For instance, Col. North was working very closely with the late Mr. Nir on a scheme to steal a Soviet T-72 high-tech battle tank, and bring it back to the U.S. According to the top-secret North-Nir scheme, Israel was to send an armaments expert to Poland posing as a Syrian with a fake passport and who spoke Arabic with a Syrian accent, and with the help of communist Polish confederates, arrange the purchase of some of these tanks, as if American intelligence experts didn't know anything at all about the top-of-the-line Soviet tank! Col. North did not have to go to all that trouble, for the Soviets put some of these tanks ashore on the Mexican Yucatan, as early as February, 1984. There are some of the older T-62 tanks also in that shipment of 200 Soviet tanks. Some are now near the American-Mexican border. However, before the North-Nir plan could be launched with Israeli help, the disclosure of the Iran-Contragate threw these plans into shambles. Until the timely death of Mr. Nir in Mexico, may Karen and Rosita rest their souls, Col. North anticipated using testimony by Mr. Nir and the T-72 tank caper to justify his other arms-for-hostages activities. One thing is sure, the trial of Col. North, et al, is not going to be allowed to hurt George Bush and those time-dishonored global objectives of the Council On Foreign Relations, and already there is set in place a backdoor pardon of Col. North, Admiral Poindexter, Richard Secord, and Albert Hakim. It is in the best interests of the thoughttheology of his superiors. Col. North proved himself. His next assignment: Senator from Virginia.
Chapter Ten
We knew that once the Brazil Eight story made the press, and the arms sales to communist Iran to fund from the profits, so-called anticommunist Contras in Nicaragua were disclosed, that the sky might fall in on what we were trying to do. We discussed the logic of such a tactic at great length, but knowing as we did that the Contra cause was lost because of the Reagan Directive (p.34), the decision was made, and the story released. We had no idea, when we discussed this tactic at our secure hideaway in the north Georgia mountains, that it would explode as IranContragate. We had no idea that it would bring down some of the top conspirators, and as chance would have it, a very top one, Bill Casey, would die at precisely the proper time in history from a brain tumor at the Bethesda Naval Hospital. McFarlane, typical of a Staff person, tried to commit suicide with pills. Any good Line person would have put a .45 in his mouth and pulled the trigger. It surely was exciting to watch as the socialist Democrats tried everything to gain advantage over the socialist Republicans, without actually disclosing the ultimate world government scheme in which both parties are working in lock step. Col. North got carried away in his unexpected popularity and spilled the internationalist beans when he disclosed, with personal approval, the CIA Operational Program of having a CIA within the CIA that can carry out military operations without approval or funding needed from the Congress. You were not supposed to mention that, Brother North. Now the Brazil Eight plot makes sense, doesn't it? [Footnote #26]
FOOTNOTE #26. The most important of all statements made by Col. North was the one where he acknowledged a CIA within the CIA. The very thought of this top secret being made public is enough to give Bill Casey brain cancer, and make McFarlane attempt his inept suicide. It is bad enough that, for national security reasons, we have a CIA that is not accountable to Congress, either as to how federal funds are spent or what is specifically done by them. Now, from patriotic politicians who are not privy to the CFR world plans, there is an outrage about the privatization of foreign policy and the obsession with covert activities as if they were the invention of the Reagan Administration. It is nothing new, for eight previous Presidents have conducted a perpetual and largely secret global war to set in place the foundations of world socialist government. The war was and is being conducted relentlessly by fair means and foul. Iran-Contra, dear reader, is not yet even the tip of the iceberg! President Harry Truman set up the CIA, yet he was forced to write on December 22, 1963: ...But there are now some searching questions that need to be answered. I, therefore, would like to see the CIA be restored to its original assignment as the intelligence arm of the President, and whatever else it can properly perform in that special field, and that its operational duties terminated or properly used elsewhere. We have grown up as a nation, respected for our free institutions and for our ability to maintain a free and open society. There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historical position, and I feel that we need to correct it. Americans sense that something is very wrong with this whole Iran-Contragate scandal. It is not some blunder made by an over-zealous Col. North and an assorted bunch of greedy arms dealers and bumbling ex-generals. The only mistake they made was to betray the Brazil Eight and force some of us to bring this story out into the light. What possible good can come out of exposing Iran-Contragate? When there's a boil on the butt of society, it must be cut out before it infects the whole body politic. It is painful, in that it gets our undivided attention for a period of time, and if the boil could speak, it would not be too happy with the bloody knife. Unfortunately, the American body politic is so toxic that there are many life-threatening boils on the butt, and the Oliver North, et al, boil is simply the major one to be dealt with. The reader is to learn this, if nothing else by this pamphlets. The American patriots are becoming sophisticated enough to take on such boils, and we may not always follow the standard medical procedure, as in the case of Iran-Contragate. The next boil, which I have left out to later shake the Bush Administration, centers in Thailand and the CIAoperated heroin traffic over the past 20 years! Until the arms tactics in the Middle East, it was illegal drug money that funded the secret CIA wars around the world. Nor are we impressed by so-called Christian professions of those involved. One of those Australian CIA assets comes to mind as.... - [Footnote continued on page 44]
Likewise, once enterprising reporters began digging into Iran-Contragate, they would stir up some of those needed pieces that were missing in our intelligence files. We had been concerned about the Vietnam POW/MIA situation, and have contacts to such true patriots, as Col. Bo Gritz, and knew of the Far East drug operations, but it was IranContragate that finally gave us the Bigger Picture. Now we see the tie-in between Iran, Far East opium coming to the U.S., international funding of those illegal CIA operations, the Figueres Family in Costa Rica, and those at the very top of the Reagan Administration. In my eight page Team report, of July 16, 1987, I wrote, in part: Now concerning the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly ...those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. During the fall of Cambodia and Laos to the communists, wherein a whole race of people were systematically
murdered, the top CIA agents helping to bring this about were Thomas Pickering, Station Chief, and a subordinate, John Negropointe. Where were these two men reassigned, once Laos and Cambodia fell as planned.... Thomas Pickering was sent by Reagan as Ambassador to El Salvador, and covertly, as CIA Station Chief. His job was to see to it that El Salvador did not elect the anti-communists into pow er, but through election fraud, the socialist Duarte would be put into power. [Footnote #27] Soon after we had exposed him, he was reassigned by Reagan, and is currently the U.S. Ambassador to Israel. Reagan reappointed John Negropointe as Ambassador to Honduras. As the CIA Station Chief there. Negropointe was personally selected for the ,fob by Col. North's hero, William Casey. Those secret airfields built in Honduras;
[continued from page 43] ...I write, one Frank Nugan, who was the co-owner of a CIA fund-laundering bank. Nugan was found shot dead in his new Mercedes. In his briefcase there was found a New Testament bearing these words in Mr. Nugan's handwritings I place this day my life, my work, my loved ones in the Lord's hands. He is so good and it will be a good day I believe! I believe that this will be a glorious magical marvelous day. He is with me now, Jesus walks with me now. Visualize one hundred thousand customers worldwide, prayerize, actualize. Spare me! Frank Nugan was the CIA's drug money man, justifying all he was doing in The Name of Jesus. Today, in 1994, we see Oliver North likewise doing all that he is doing in The Name of Jesus. Tucked into Nugan's New Testament was a piece of paper upon which was written the name of his lawyer, Bill Colby, former Director of the CIA, and supervisor of the National Security Agency. Hope's Husband, perhaps more than anything yet in print, will provide the tie-in between the CIA heroin traffic from Asia with the CIA cocaine traffic from Latin America. Let me leave this footnote with this statement: George Bush is directly involved with both. His son, Jeb Bush, running for the Governor of Florida in 1994, was directly involved in the cocaine traffic from Central and South America. FOOTNOTE #27. You can be sure that President Bush will have Thomas Pickering somewhere high in his Administration. Unlike Col. North, Pickering follows instructions. It was his job, as covert CIA Station Chief, and overt Ambassador to El Salvador, to see to it that the anti-communist D'Aubuisson, leader of the National Republican Alliance (ARENA) did not win over the socialist Duarte. I never knew D'Aubuisson, though I knew his brother-in-law, Captain Edward Avilla, very well. The El Salvadoran people are sick and tired of socialism, and D'Aubuisson was the most favored of all the candidates. But, free enterprise is not the foreign policy of the United States. Under Pickering, a very carefully made voting list was prepared and sent to the Rand Corporation in California. There, the voting lists were prepared on computer such that those names known to be supporters of anti-communist D'Aubuisson were listed to vote in polling places 10 or 15 miles from their homes, while the Duarte supporters were listed to vote in those polling places the closest to their homes. The D'Aubuisson supporters, not having transportation, and learning of this computer mix-up at the very last hours of the voting day, were not able to get to the polls. Duarte is of that thought-theology of the Jesuits under which he trained. In Roman Catholic terms, he is of the Liberation Theology. I have his book, Duarte, My Story, ghostwritten by a real liberal named Diana Page. The Preface to this book is by none other than the President of Notre Dame, The Reverend Theodore M. Hesburg. Duarte was a Notre Dame student who took a Christian Ethics course under Father Hesburg. Father Hesburg boasts that it was at his urging that Duarte abandon his civil engineering career and become, in Father Hesburg's words, a social engineer. That was in 1945, so you can see that Father Hesburg has known Napo Duarte for 40 years. They are kindred spirits, and my Traditionalist Catholic friends weep when they think of how far into liberation theology Notre Dame has descended.
those Big Pine I, II, and III U.S. Military training operations, were done under Negropointe. When the U.S. Army, in concert with the Honduran token army, finally forced the Contras across the Coco River straight into Sandinista machine-gun fire, Negropointe was there. [Footnote #28) Soon after our exposure, though we make no claim to anything, Negropointe was reassigned. Iran-Contragate ...can be traced back to the early 1970's ...the Iran connection to Laos, Cambodia and Thailand was clear to us even then. While these names will not mean much to many of you now, it is important that you be aware of them: Theodore Shackley, Thomas Clines, and Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of Defense under George Bush. With money that these men made from the sale of Laotian Van Pao opium sold into the Middle East, these men set up the so-called Phoenix Project. [Footnote #29]
Thousands of tons of U.S. Military weapons, ammunition, and explosives were taken from Vietnam and stored in Thailand. This was the beginning of this Special Team, the CIA within the CIA. ...Shackley, Clines, and Richard Armitage reported directly to Erik Von Marbod, Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs. His immediate supervisor was Henry Kissinger. - [Footnote #30 on page 46] South Vietnam finally fell to the communists, as planned by Kissinger and Company, in April, 1975, and later that year Richard Armitage was needed to carry on the Special CIA Team, and the covert drug operations which financed the CIA within the CIA, was appointed Special Consultant to the Department of Defense---supposedly to help find Vietnam POWs, and posted, of course, in Bangkok, Thailand. He never did anything about the POWs, but actually worked as cashier for the secret CIA Team, and seeing to it that millions of dollars in Van Pao opium
FOOTNOTE #28. Under the direction of CIA Station Chief, John Negropointe, the nation of Honduras was literally taken over by the CIA on April 5,1984. The six Generals who lead the government there were forced into exile in Costa Rica by the CIA within the CIA. By May, 1984, Negropointe could issue the Reagan Directive (page 34) to Commandant Enrique Bermudez of the Nicaraguan FDN which, in direct effect, made the liberation of Nicaragua by the Contras impossible. Under Negropointe's direct orders, our friend, Reuben Montoya, Commandant of the Honduran Navy, was placed under house arrest, and removed of his Honduran command. This was tragic for our Northpoint Teams, because General Montoya had command of the Honduran-owned Swan Island. Do you see it far out to sea off Honduras? That is, land is strategic, because it has a very nice 7.000-foot runway on it. It was on that runway that our Northpoint Team medical supplies, jungle boots, and jungle clothing were landed by the ton in private aircraft hired by us for the purpose. From that island, these materials were sent by boat into Nicaragua, landing on the miles of unguarded coastline and delivered to the Contras. With Negropointe controlling Swan Island, that avenue of supply was closed to us, and one by one our conduits of supply were blocked by the CIA deliberately. From that point on, the official U.S. Contra activities were put under Col. North's command, and not one single effective military action, from either Honduras or Costa Rica, was ever again carried out against the Sandinistas.
FOOTNOTE #29. The Phoenix Project or Operation Phoenix. I know several of the Special Forces men who were recruited by the CIA into this Operation and were under command of William Colby, the CIA Station Chief in Saigon at that time. Directly under him, and a deep cover CIA operative, was none other than Jesse Helms, the present conservative Senator from North Carolina. At the time Northpoint Teams provided Jesse Helms's office with classified information from Nicaragua, we had no idea that Senator Helms was, and still is, deep-cover CIA. These Special Forces people were told that this was an operation to wipe out communists. Well, we now know that this was not the case. In a Stalin-like operation, the CIA within the CIA, using drug funds to pay their operatives, systematically murdered 40,994 anti-communist Vietnamese civilians. This wiped out the natural barrier to the North Vietnamese communists. Writers, such as Jonathan Kwitney in The Crimes of Patriots, insists that this Phoenix Operation was a blunder. No, my friends, it was done according to the Kissinger and CFR world order plans. Jesse Helms, instead of being a patriotic Christian Senator, is one of the world traitors to the cause of freedom. Following in Jesse's footsteps we find Christian patriotic' Oliver North involved, as was Jesse Helms, in unlawful covert activities, running for the United States Senate from Virginia. Let's hope that our neighbors to the north will not be as foolish as we have been in North Carolina.
funds were deposited in Iran ...Australia ...and around the world. [Footnote #31, page 47] ...Richard Armitage ...left the Department of Defense at the end of 1977. He did not come home, but opened a business in Bangkok called The Far East Trading Company ...a front for the 'CIA within the CIA' ...until 1979....From 1975 to 1979 Armitage lived in the home of Heinie Aderholt...the immediate superior to Richard Secord, Deputy Air Wing Commander of MAGSOG. Richard Secord was in Vietnam until 1975 and then transferred to Tehran, Iran as Deputy Secretary of Defense in Iran. His job, ...was the foreign military sales of U.S. aircraft, weapons, and military equipment to Middle Eastern nations who are allied with the United States. Secord's immediate superior was the same Erik Von Marbod, who reported directly to Kissinger.
Henry Kissinger, it was announced publicly in 1980 and almost never again since, is in charge of Reagan's Central American Foreign Policy. Along came these same people in this new theater of deception. I got tangled up directly, and I admit got taken in by, one CIA agent who called himself Kenneth Spang. I met him at the business offices of Arnoldo Rodriquez (Beeche) on Central Avenue, San Jose, and it was this CIA agent, with credentials from Citicorp and posing as a banker, who endorsed Mr. Rodriquez as being reliable and one who could be trusted. Rodriquez, as unfolding events would prove, was the man who worked with the Figueres Family to defraud us out of the gold we had found and financed. All I can say is this: Kenneth Spang. whose real name
FOOTNOTE #30. Henry Kissinger's face will be seen more and more during the Bush Administration. He has been coaching from the sidelines for eight years, so that Reagan could pose as a patriotic conservative. He could not do this with the leftist Kissinger openly controlling the Department of State as he did under several other Presidents. For years, we have had hard evidence that Kissinger was working for the Soviet KGB under the topsecret code name of BOR. He holds that same capacity, but also is highly connected with Israeli secret police MOSSAD. He is, therefore, highly respected by the news media, and his pronouncements on foreign policy are not to be taken lightly. Here is whys He is also the prime spokesman for the subversive Council on Foreign Relations, which we mentioned previously. Kissinger defends the interests of International Zionism, and has been given full authority by the powerful people in the CFR. You might think of Kissinger as the American Prime Minister, with President Bush doing the figurehead work. much as the Royalty does in England. According to the New York Times, January 17, 1989, Kissinger's official duties include being in direct charge of the Bush Transition Team, working very closely with Craig Fuller of the late Mr. Nir fame. Two of Kissinger's closest aides, Mr. Brent Scowcroft and Mr. Lawrence Eagleburger, were hired right out of Kissinger's own consulting firm of Kissinger and Associates. Scowcroft is to be National Security Advisor. It was under the National Security Advisor that Col. North arranged for the betrayal of Nicaragua, through intentionally poor management. While intelligence is thin at this time, we believe that Eagleburger will be the man calling the shots as Deputy Secretary of State, because Jim Baker has no real experience in foreign policy---and cannot be trusted to carry on the CFR agenda until he has been in his position long enough to learn the ropes. Kissinger's thought-theology is for socialist world government, and if you believe in that, then he is a self-sacrificing world patriot. If you think first of Old Glory, and American national interests, then you must regard him as the traitor he is. The major foreign policy objective right now is to unite, politically and economically, America and the Soviet Union. House Speaker Wright tipped their hands when he began wearing two crossed flags. Old Glory and the Hammer and Sickle, as an enameled pin on his lapel. Toward that global end, we have had much propaganda regarding the so-called Cuban Missile Crisis wherein it is alleged that America nearly came to nuclear war during the Kennedy Years: What nonsense, once you understand that Moscow and Washington are but two hands on the same person--- the international totalitarian socialists. Mark my words, Kissinger treachery did not even wait for the Inauguration of President Bush, but his transition team arranged a top-secret meeting between the Soviet Ambassador Yuri Dubinin, and top-level management of the Ford Motor Company, which took place on January 5, 1989, in Detroit. Under an agreement made on or about that date, the production of all Ford Merkur and Scorpio automobiles will be secretly moved to the Soviet Union, and your next Ford may be built by Soviet slave labor. In any event, it is planned, ultimately, that millions of manufacturing jobs will be transferred from the U.S. into Russia and China. You can now expect a series of documentaries on Red China to the effect that they are almost brethren, and so forth. America needs to be softened up to the ideas of a political and economic merger with the anti-christ nations of the world, in final preparation for formal world government. Incidently, we will not be documenting or commenting further on the Footnotes in this pamphlet.
was Kenneth Shepherd, and one of the CIA drug kingpins in Central America, died in a mysterious C-47 plane crash not long after I left Costa Rica. Professionalism takes many forms... As I said before, it would have been cheaper to have paid us. [Footnote #32 on page 48] Richard Secord did not authorize direct nation-to-nation sales of military equipment, but this equipment was allowed to be purchased by a middleman named Albert Hakim. You know
his name from the Contra Hearings. The weapons were sold by both the Carter and Reagan Administrations at manufacturer's cost, and then sold to friendly nations, like socialist Iran and Israel, at retail, called the replacement cost. My friends, the sales of weapons, and the transfer of the profits, in the millions of dollars, has gone to the Shackley-Armitage-Secord-VonMarbodKissinger bank accounts for more than twelve years! This is not something new at all, as the Iran-Contragate Hearings suggest. William
FOOTNOTE #31. It is outside the intent of Hope's Husband, which deals with the American betrayal of Nicaragua, to go into some of the things I know about the Asian drug operations. I have never been in Asia, and matters regarding heroin drug operations now being conducted by and for the CIA within the CIA comes to me from trusted sources. Hope's Husband, and the same CIA within the CIA cocaine operations from Central America are different. I was there. I know the people involved. I know how they interact together, often for different reasons but toward the same objectives. It is almost in smaller scale as that interaction between Moscow and Washington: Same goals, different reasons. The reader who studies the intricate webs of the CIA, and those who walk therein, are often baffled by how things seem to be done, as if there were no common thread or direction. There is. If you look at this as the interweaving of really four groups, it will make somewhat more sense to you. There is (1) the CIA set up by President Truman, as a sort of intelligence-gathering group committed to the President so as to help him know how to conduct foreign policy, and learn what was happening behind the international scene before major damage control might be necessary. Then (2), there are the CIA proprietary groups secretly owned, wholly owned, by the CIA, with minimum oversight by the CIA, but the CIA can still hire and fire its management. There will be many different such proprietary groups as are needed to accomplish a mission, and then they may be disbanded. (3) There are CIA fronts that do CIA bidding, but which can claim that what they do is not officially CIA. It is a sticky web, for these people in these fronts can testify under oath that they are not CIA and be technically correct. It is for this reason that some of the things I must write, stating that such-and-such is a CIA operation, will be objected to by some who understand these intricate technicalities. As you read about the personalities of the Iran-Contragate, such as an Arab arms dealer, is he truly CIA? No, but he may be working for either a proprietary organization or one of the front groups operating at arm's length from the CIA. Finally, (4) there are those groups that are literally and actually totally independent organizations that are closely allied to the CIA, not only in their thought-theology, but because many of the people happen to be former CIA employees. These people retain their CIA Connections so that they can swear on a stack of Bibles that they are not connected with the CIA. These people are paid employees of the CIA one day, and then they will resign on the next, and become President of some totally independent company on the 3rd. The resignation will not be public knowledge, and for all appearances it is a CIA operation. Take, for instance, Interarms Company. It is run by Samuel Cummings, a former CIA career officer and whom the CIA set up in private business. After he had the world's largest private arms company going --you can see their advertisements in Shotgun News ---Mr. Cummings severed all ties with the CIA. With these connections, Mr. Cummings has been allowed to amass a huge personal fortune, buying up arms from the U.S. and other governments, and reselling them around the world. Understand, however, this Interarms Company will always sell weapons according to the private policy of the CIA. They do favors for each other. But, is Interarms Company part of the CIA? No, and they can honestly deny it. It was this same Interarms Company that supplied the arms to Iran, and it was the profits from these sales that allegedly went to help the Contras of Nicaragua. How does all this tie in? Well, when Iran-Contragate was first exposed by some of my friends through enemy Lebanese news people, this CIA within the CIA had to be covered. Mr. Cummings's name has never made the news, has it? Reagan appointed John Tower to head up The Tower Commission to investigate this arms shipment deal. As it happens, Senator John Tower, proposed to be George Bush's Secretary of Defense, is the brother-in-law of Samuel Cummings, President of this non-CIA Interarms Company. Do you see the problem I have had to unravel these many months? If you were writing this pamphlet, would you state that Interarms Company is CIA? Would you have to say that Richard Armitage's Far East Trading Company is CIA? Technically no, but in practice and effect, yes. I doubt that one patriot in a thousand has been able to dig deep enough to make that statement. Now, is it correct to say that Mr. Armitage was a CIA agent in 1980? How about others directly involved with these independent companies, are they CIA or not? Technically no, if you are examining paychecks, but for what they are doing, actually yes.
Casey, Admiral Poindexter and Reagan were certainly aware of it. So was Secretary of State, and now these Hearings prove, --- Col. Oliver North. [Footnote #33] Now, here is the question: Do you really suppose that all these people, having spent years and years getting this gun-running, drug-running secret CIA Team together are going to just turn it over to some young Marine who is as innocent as apple pie and motherhood? Do you really think that such men would give Col. North access to those secret Swiss bank accounts, let him paw through the CIA and National Security files, and have a position just below the President, if they didn't trust him or know exactly how he would perform his duties and keep his silence? Come on, do you have any idea how dangerous a wide-
grinning Marine grunt would be, given the wide latitude of authority, sensitive world contacts, and the financial abilities, if he was not fully and totally briefed as to the ultimate objectives of these people? Imagine, if he did not know the World Socialist Government Objective, what blunders he could make in any press conference. Those mistakes are never made, my friends, and many of my readers have had quite a pipe dream supposing that at last those shady members of the CFR and Trilateral Commission made some fatal mistake. They made a mistake, but it was not with Col. North and his loyalty to their cause. Their mistake was putting some patriotic American Special Forces people in a Brazilian prison just so that the American people would not know about the CIA within the CIA that sets about to topple third world governments, and let some of our friends find out about it.
FOOTNOTE #32. The late Mr. Shepherd, AKA Kenneth Spang. I have identified this man as being a CIA agent, and believe him to have been so. However, under the guidelines of Footnote #31, please do not discredit me if there is, somewhere, a resignation and a reassignment into one of the many CIA fronts and CIA independent companies. Whoever this man was, he was a true professional. Kenneth Spang was introduced to me in Costa Rica and did all he could to take me under his wing and even promised to help m get a residency status in Costa Rica. It is a long story, which should some day be told, but he was into the drug operations with the full knowledge of the U.S. Embassy people in San Jose. Unfortunately for Mr. Spang, he was involved with some of the Sandinistas, and through some independent CIA companies, he was trying to buy up part of the Nicaraguan fishing fleet on their Atlantic coast. The Sandinista Junta, having murdered the owners of these ships, suddenly had no one capable of operating them. Some of these vessels were 80 feet in length, diesel powered, and worth $100,000 or more. Ortega and his men wanted to sell them and many were bought by Spang and Company for $10,000 to $20,000. Not a bad profit, wouldn't you say? He worked with an American fugitive named Julian Herndon, a former lawyer from Oregon. Yes, I knew them both very well. One ship they bought was renamed the Carolina, and was run aground off Nicaragua with its cargo of drugs on board. Great efforts were made, with sea-going tugs, to free the Spang-Herndon-Rodriquez ship to no avail, and the drugs were taken off the ship and it was abandoned there. Unfortunately, one of Mr. Spang's Sandinista contacts has been one of the 28 people involved with the interrogation and murder of Contra courier Karen. Then Mr. Spang made the mistake of bringing him to Costa Rica and offering him a ride on a certain CIAoperated C-47 hauling out a load of drugs. Reports are somewhat sketchy, but some eyewitnesses state that as this aircraft climbed out of San Jose airport, it reached an altitude of several thousand feet, and then the whole tail section blew off. I have it, by reliable witnesses, that Mr. Spang and his Sandinista friend died as the aircraft piled into the side of a volcano. Thus, it has been reported to me, the 28th person involved with the death of Karen went on to meet his Final Reward. Man proposes, but God disposes. FOOTNOTE #33. Oliver North is being held out by a whole group of well-meaning but uninformed Americans as a dedicated patriot to the cause of freedom. This Jesuit-trained Catholic is alleged to have been converted to fundamental Protestantism, and come under the financial and immoral support of a number of Christian and patriotic organizations. Hardly a day goes by but what another front group is begging for money to pay for Oliver North's legal expenses. I have simply sent them a copy of Hope's Husband and somehow they take me off their mailing list without any request from me. Ignoring everything else that you read in these pages, the obvious and glaring fact is this: There is no moral excuse for Oliver North and his associates, like John Hull, to be involved with using drug money to support the Contra operations in Nicaragua. We know that this did not happen, but even if it had been used, as claimed by some authors, it does not justify destroying American youth even for the noble cause of Nicaraguan liberation. When are these patriots going to wake up, and stop thinking in terms of The End Justifies The Means?
Let's look at yet another piece of this puzzle. If you were Col. North, knowing how sensitive your job is with National Security, would you be so careless as to have a secretary who did not agree with and support your official objectives? If you were a real hard-core anticommunist, would you even consider hiring an emptyheaded Nellie-- just because she was an excellent typist and, thankfully, rather pretty? Why, of course not! In any office situation, especially where classified materials are being handled, only a fool would hire someone who did not share your own philosophy, your position on all matters, and one trained to keep her mouth shut. Is it, therefore, reasonable to project an intelligence profile on Col. North by checking into his secretary, Miss Fawn Hall? Miss Hall worked for Col. North for four years, and if there were any differences, or security breaches, certainly Miss Hall would have been gone within the first few days. I think that reverse is also reasonable: If there were any problems with Col. North, Miss Fawn would have not kept the job and risked her career. The record shows that Miss Fawn and Col. North were a compatible office team, and that it was all business. But, the record also shows that Miss Fawn was, as one researcher put it, her mother's daughter, wanting to follow in her mother's steps to be a secretary to important government people. Look, it takes more than just a pretty
face, and Miss Fawn worked hard to get not only the clerical skills, but the political skills as well. Can you suppose that this young girl might ask, Mother, how is the game played in Washington? Well, she would know, for Miss Hall's mother was the long time personal Secretary to Henry Kissinger at the National Security Council. She was so dependable that Fawn's mother accompanied Henry Kissinger to those Paris Peace Talks in the early 1970's. You can draw whatever conclusions you want from that close association with Kissinger, but I am going to assume that Col. North thinks a lot like Henry Kissinger since the hill climb at Bethesda, or such associations would not have occurred. Some of my Northpoint Team supporters have wondered why I even mention the drug connections when writing about Nicaragua. For five years, since I crossed the border from Costa Rica into Panama in January, 1983, I have been publishing my personally known information about the CIA dealing in drugs, accepting payoffs from the profits from drugs, and using the money to try to silence anti-communist voices, such as myself, on the subject. You can not understand the big picture by looking only at the betrayal of Hope's Husband and Nicaragua into communism. You cannot look at only the POW/MIA question isolated from the context of so many other events. We know that there are 309 POWs in Laos, and none of them will ever come home. [Footnote #34]
FOOTNOTE #34. Why do you suppose that there are POWs and MIAs in Laos? When was America involved in any war in Laos? Most Americans think our armed forces were fighting only in Vietnam. As our Vietnam pilots and Special Forces people will tell you, American soldiers were committed into battle in Laos without the authorization of Congress but with the full knowledge of the President. These were private wars conducted by the CIA and imposed on our American servicemen without their full understanding of what was going on there.
The reason is: They know too much. Some time ago, we thought of trying to get just one MIA out to show the perfidy of the Nixon-FordCarter-Reagan Administrations. My contact, who knew the idea was good from a political sense, just shook his head. I pressed him further. With the smoke of a cigarette drifting up, partly screening his squinting eyes, he told me that if any POW or MIA ever made it back to the U.S. by such private funding, the man would be killed by the Shackley assassination team within 24 hours! He impatiently shifted back and forth in his chair, sitting across from me in an eastern Alabama restaurant booth, and finally said, Damn it, Davis, they know too much, and you know too little. His opinion, but in this case well taken. [Footnote #35] With Mrs. Reagan running around America urging those who might be into drugs to Just say not, I have a tough time getting Americans to believe that there is no intention by the Reagan Administration to stop the flow of drugs into the United States. Yes, there are dedicated Drug Enforcement people who risk their lives and intercept a small amount of the drugs coming into America. I am not talking about drugs by the kilo but by the ton coming in. How I knew of these drug operations through Costa Rica was given to me quite by accident and it will not be published by me, not even in a future footnote. Costa Rica's English Newspaper, the Tico Times, for July 3, 1987, page 5, comes as close as I dare to telling the whole truth about the drug laundering by the Secord-North group. One of my contact points, while in Costa Rica, was the bar of the Amstel Hotel in San Jose. Sooner or later, every American flows in and out of that place. Faces get familiar, and careless talk sometimes flows
freely when loosened a little by alcohol in the tropics. Sitting at a table next to mine were some Latins, and one arrived and introduced himself as Ramon Milian-Rodriquez. He was a drug dealer from Columbia and was in the communist M-19 Group, I was told later. Well, it seems that Rodriquez got caught in the U.S. and convicted of racketeering and is sitting out a 35-year term in a federal prison. If the Tico Times story is the truth, Ramon told the Iran-Contragate investigators the truth; that is, he was the one who funneled $10 million from the so-called Medellin Drug Cartel to yet another Rodriquez, a CubanAmerican and CIA-Secord-North operative, named Felix. According to the Tico Times story, The Cartel figured it was buying a little friendship ...some good will, taking a little heat off them. What's $10 million? Ramon, in his testimony, cleared Felix of ever personally profiting from all the money, but took it only to help the Contra cause. CIA agent Felix Rodriquez is known by some of my contacts, and is known to have worked for Col. North in a Contra supply network which operated out of the Ilopango Air Force Base in El Salvador. [Footnote #36 on page 51] During the week of July 13, 1987, the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations had a very interesting witness before it. The man was a former cocaine smuggler, George Morales. According to a Washington UPI story, Morales gave detailed information about a certain cattle ranch used as a transshipment point for narcotics with which he had been involved. This ranch is located in the town of Muelle de San Carlos in northern Costa Rica. It is owned by an American
FOOTNOTE 35. The man who was speaking with me was a former federal Drug Enforcement Agent who knew the international drug scene inside and out. He spent a week with me teaching me some areas of trade-craft, as he called it. He was not at liberty to tell me many specific details, but seeing that I was determined and genuine, he did tell me how to find, as he put it, where the bodies are buried. As you can see, I found some of them. Naturally, if asked, I don't believe I will be able to recall the real name of this patriot.
named John Hull. Hull is now a naturalized Costa Rican and married to a much younger Tica. According to Morales, the cocaine was shipped from Hull's ranch to the Bahamas and to Miami
by private aircraft. Morales, a Columbian, is now serving time in a U.S. prison. He has documented the fact to the U.S. Senate that certain Contra Leaders were directly involved with the
FOOTNOTE #36. Ramon Milian Rodriquez. To distinguish this man from the late CIA Agent Kenneth Spang's associate, Arnoldo Rodriquez (Beeche), who still lives in Escazu near the U.S. Ambassador's residence, and Felix Rodriquez, who was part of George Bush's Pink Team working out of the so-called contra supply headquarters at Ilopango Air Force Base. I shall call this Rodriquez, Ramon. We now know, since we first published Hope's Husband, that Ramon is a Cuban who was always in the association with M-19 and the Columbian cocaine connection. The federal court put him away for 35 years, but he is not doing hard time. He is at a country club federal facility reserved for high class, well-connected offenders. His confinement is in a fine room with a nice, well-groomed garden taken care of by other prisoners there! We are certain that there was some deal made with the White House, for when he was arrested in Miami with $5.4 million in cash on hand, Vice President Bush rushed to the scene to pose with stacks of bills in a public relations tactic on the no-win war on drugs. It reminds me of Mr. Bush's current statements regarding the eradication of illegal drugs, so much news media hype, while the CIA and its fronts continue right on making millions of dollars every day in illegal drugs. Ramon was the world's largest money launderer, pushing some $200 million per month through his Panama-based operation. As I stated, Ramon worked with the Columbian cartel. The late Pablo Escobar and Jorge Ochoa, who once handled 40% of the world's cocaine, were Ramon's most famous clients. His other famous client was none other than the Panama General Manuel Antonio Noriega, a Jesuittrained Roman Catholic. Ramon paid Noriega his fee for conducting the cocaine bank there --- a flat $4 million per month. When you probe into the Noriega matter, you will find two interesting threads of evidences: One to Vice President George Bush and the other trail right to Ramon and to Felix Rodriquez (no relation that we know of to Ramon), and Oliver North's network which includes John Hull of Costa Rica. The connection between the CIA, Oliver North's Network, George Bush, and the Central American drug trade only popped above the surface a few times in the Iran-Contra Hearings, and each time, regardless of the thrust of the testimony, this one aspect was treated by Administration witnesses, including North, as so much foolishness. North stated, This and many other stories are patently untrue. Well. Mr. North, they are true. Within days of Col. North's hound-dog expressions of innocence, Ramon was addressing another group of Senators set up as a subcommittee by the Foreign Relations Committee. This off-camera group was probing the festering boil on the butt regarding the CIA-Contra-Narcotics connections! Under cooperative orders from the White House, Ramon's testimony was considered too explosive to be made public. He has the goods on too many people, and being raised among the Cuban Mafia of Miami, Ramon was not about to be locked down in some maximum security prison. Ramon was only 34 in 1985, yet he holds the future of Oliver North and George Bush in the palm of his hand, and Noriega is still laughing all the way to the bank. In June of 1987, Ramon disclosed that he had given $10 million from the Columbian cocaine cartel to the Freedom Fighters at the request of a key CIA veteran and Oliver North. Ramon repeated his story under oath to the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Terrorism and Narcotics in July, 1987, in a hearing room surrounded by heavy security, and the session was closed to the public and to the news media. This money was specifically requested by the North Network, and as Ramon testified, by couriers in Miami, Costa Rica and Honduras. Payments were requested, through an old friend Felix Rodriquez. The allocation of the money: that is, where it was sent and who got it, was the responsibility of George Bush's friend Felix Rodriquez. As for my enemies who will be reading this pamphlet, we know all about Ocean Hunter and Giro Aviation and the money used to depose Honduras President Cordova in the previously mentioned CIA takeover of Honduras. It was the Ocean Hunter shrimp boats, carrying cocaine frozen in with the shrimp, that Reagan's Coast Guard and other narcotics interception ships were not to interfere with if they were maintaining a true course on one of the four major points of the compass. Ocean Hunter put some $200,000 per month into the North Network, but for Ramon it was a mere drop in the bucket, and one of those inescapable costs of doing business with the United States. Ocean Hunter is not a CIA independent company, but a CIA, totally controlled, front company. As a supporter of the Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters since 1982, it has been very embarrassing for me to have people point out the Contra drug trade, suggesting that these Nicaraguan patriots were of this low caliber and the implication that they were no better then the Sandinistas. I am not speaking of these Nicaraguan patriots at all, but some of the fake Contra groups, such as Pastora's ARDE, that Col. North and his close associates, such as John Hull and Felix Rodriquez, were dealing with. I will state this without any chance of refutation: Since Col. North began his Contra support, and with the millions being supplied by either Congress or the cocaine connections of Ramon and Felix Rodriquez, the Contras never mounted an effective attack on the Sandinista regime, and none are being done since Col. North and Company were exposed. Ocean Hunter has a Costa Rican sister company known as Frigorificos de Puntarenas. Now, you will recall my mentioning the Puntarenas Connection with former Vice President of Costa Rica, Alberto Fait, and ultimately, the late Robert White of Duck Book fame. So much for the shrimp business, except to say that The Courier, Robert Owen, ran the shrimp account for the North Network in association with John Hull. It was clear to our Northpoint Teams as early as 1985 that there was simply no way that our patriot funding of the Contra Freedom Fighters could ever compete with the millions being pumped in to betray them by The North Network.
shipments and the profits. Morales, and apparently other witnesses, according to the Tico Times of July 17,1987, have told the U.S. Senate Committee that John Hull was directly involved with these narcotics, and that he was closely linked with the late William Casey. The Tico Times story goes on to say that John Hull and Col. Olives North met together frequently, a fact that Northpoint Teams can properly document
with reliable eyewitnesses. [Footnote #37] All this ties together, and I need to include just this one Footnote, because Vice President Bush is insisting that he knows nothing about all this. I have printed here a copy of one letter, from the Vice President's Office, and on his stationery to McFarlane. Note the V.P. Seal, the stamp Secret. This memo was then sent on to Col.
FOOTNOTE #37. It will not be necessary to document this North-Casey-Owen-Rodriquez connection with our own eyewitnesses. During the week of January 9,1988, the notorious CIA agent. John Hull, was arrested in Costa Rica and was thrown into San Jose's Sebastian Prison charged with drug trafficking and violating Costa Rica's neutrality. The exact date of his arrest has not been disclosed, but it was during that week, according to our intelligence sources. There are some good people in Costa Rica who are sick and tired of the CIA using their country as an extension of Washington, D.C. CIA agent John Hull, an associate of the late Bill Casey, Robert Owen, and Olives North, has lived in Costa Rica for about 20 years. He is 87. He has a wife in the U.S. according to our intelligence. John Hull also has a Costa Rican wife, Margarita, and a son. He admitted to reporters of the Well Street Journal that he was a CIA operative and that he worked with Col. Oliver North. CBS carried the story that John Hull's ranch air strip had been used to fly weapons into Costa Rica and were paid for by cocaine when John Hull was present. We are writing of a minor drug operation, but, as pilot Garry Betzner stated to CBS in 1987, it was 7000 Kilos, about a ton of cocaine returned to Miami. This again verified what I have been writing since 1983 regarding the CIA and its cocaine connection. Now Costa Rica has arrested the key figure involved, and should he talk, he has the information to literally bring down the Bush Administration! That did not happen. John Hull was let out on bail, and he skipped the country and is now being protected from extradition by the U.S. Government. There are very high stakes involved here. What has not been mentioned, so far as we know, is the airport where these CIA drug planes land when they arrive in Florida. Remember now, these are private aircraft, not military aircraft. When bringing CIA drugs back into the United States, these private planes were given White House clearances to land at the Homestead Air Force Base, Homestead, Florida. At that Air Force Base, the cargo is not put through customs. Patriotic investigators in Washington, or those connected with the prosecution of Oliver North, need to check into the Homestead Air Force Base civilian aircraft traffic from May, 1984 through May, 1987, and determine the source of authorization of these landing aircraft. The second thing that needs to be investigated is the identity of the person or persons meeting these aircraft. One DEA agent, who asked that he not be identified, told me that these civilian planes were being met by none other than one Jeb Bush, the son of the Vice President. I have not been able to document that accusation except from this one source, but his information has always been correct. Until proven otherwise, the word of that agent is being accepted by our office as being accurate. We know more than is published here. It will have to wait until some later publication and after the North, Poindexter, and McFarlane trials are completed. It is certain that these multi-million dollar drug deals are not going to be trusted to minor players. So, we know that CIA-operated aircraft carrying drugs, as well as CIA-operated shipping, including but not limited to Ocean Hunter, have delivered cocaine out of Central America into the United States. Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of drugs have been pouring into America through these conduits, and only a small fraction of it has been used by the North Network for their so-called Freedom Fighter projects. How much money can you really spend when it comes to a few thousand men who have no tanks or aircraft to maintain? Under the cover of the supporting of Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters, millions have poured into the secret bank accounts of the CIA within the CIA. Whenever there are news releases, such as the Associated Press, December, 1985, story linking the Contras to cocaine, Hull and the North Network insist that this is simply more communist disinformation. One name that you should watch for as the Iran-Contragate begins to heat up again is Kissinger's military man, General Paul Gorman. Gorman, working under Kissinger, had CIA agent Anthony Quinton removed from Nicaragua, and replaced by a Jew named Harry Bergold, Jr. He had Fred Chapin, Ambassador and CIA Station Chief, removed from Guatemala. He also had Deans Hinton, a later Ambassador to El Salvador, removed. I want to add this, the totalitarian socialists have big plans for Central America. Unknown to most Americans, the little country of Belize is going to be the central hub, and for such a tiny nation, it is to have the largest American Embassy on this hemisphere! It is being built as I write and is to cost 80 million dollars. In addition, 450 homes for staff people and officers are being built! Note: It is not far from this huge American construction project that the late Robert White was murdered, as he attempted to cash in on this project by planning areas of tourism and recreation for the great number of Americans that will be moving there to attend to Embassy functions.
North byBud McFarlane and was found in Col. North's safe! The memo was written by Donald Gregg, who now insists that Mr. Bush knew nothing about it. But, my friends, Gregg was Mr. Bush's National Security aide. This memo was sent after he had met with the same Felix Rodriquez mentioned above tied in with John Hull, Casey and North. Rodriquez, we have evidence, worked for Gregg in Vietnam, and, in addition, was specifically hired by Col. North for the Contra Supply operation. Gregg introduced North to him for that purpose. I have documented evidence now that Bush has personally met with Rodriquez, also being introduced to each other by Donald Gregg. Before I go on, do you know what name these folks chose for their specific association? Appropriately, George Bush named it The Pink Team. [Footnote #38]
FOOTNOTE #38. Every possible action is going to be taken to try to protect President Bush from being implicated in the Iran-Contragate Scandal. After Henry Kissinger, George Bush is probably the most trusted insider with the international socialists. We are making every effort to put this man right where he belongs, in the center of this whole scurrilous matter. As you can see, reading through these few pages, I have tried to spread out for you the Big Picture, adding only some interesting details as an effort to establish some credibility with the reader who is not familiar with my work over the past 25 years. As I have stated previously, I am going to leave the CIA heroin traffic in Asia to someone else to publish. Col. Bo Gritz has done an excellent job with his Called To Serve. The same people involved in Asia are also working with the North Network, and Oliver North had to have known all about it, or he would never have found his way into the secret areas of the White House as he did. As I write this Footnote, it is hard to know where to break into the story, but let's begin with the matter of Eugene Husenfus, the survivor of a plane shot down over Nicaragua in October, 1986. Remember that incident? The State Department and the CIA, with one voice, insisted that Husenfus is a private citizen on a private mission with no connections whatever to the United States Government. Assistant Secretary of State Elliot Abrams stated on October 12,1986 on a TV show hosted by Robert Novak and Rowland Evans that Husenfus was not under control, guidance or direction of anybody connected with the U.S. Government. That would be illegal. We are barred from doing that, and we are not doing that. This is not in any sense a U.S. Government operation. None. Now, we are getting back to the CIA within the CIA. Was Mr. Husenfus on the Government payroll? Probably not. He was on the Ramon Rodriquez payroll. There was an assorted collection of documents on board to prove otherwise, including a business card of Vice President Quayle's former Aide, Robert Owen. Who owned the plane? A CIA front called Corporate Air Services. It was paid for by another front Udall Research, operated by Richard Secord who actually took title, and so forth. Four days after he was shot down, Husenfus told the press that he worked with people he believed were CIA and with the knowledge and blessings of Vice President Bush. Anyone might make that claim, but our contacts in Managua were able to get a listing of the Husenfus phone calls from prison in Managua, and several were to the private residence on an unlisted number of George Bush. I would not know how to find that number living here in the States, and it would be impossible from the Managua prison. Husenfus, believing he faced life in prison, stated that one of the CIA men was Max Gomez. Who was Max Gomez? Gomez was in fact Felix Rodriquez. Felix had served in Vietnam in 1972 working for the CIA. His immediate superior was Donald P. Gregg. Gregg's superior was Theodore Shackley. And Shackley reported to Von Marbod, and Von Marbod reported directly to Henry Kissinger. In October, 1986 the chain of direct command was similar. Rodriquez reported directly to the same CIA boss, Donald P. Gregg. Gregg reported directly to George Bush, not to Oliver North, McFarlane, Poindexter or Reagan. It was this same Donald P. Gregg, George Bush's man, who sent out secret notes to such people as Bud McFarlane, who then passed them on to Oliver North. This is part of the complex makeup of Bush's Pink Team. Here is the point in all this: The very first people in Washington to learn of the Husenfus plane was not Oliver North or McFarlane, but George Bush's office. Since the exposure of Iran-Contragate, all of this abruptly changed. The whole North Network and the Rodriquez to Gregg to Bush network began to fall apart. Bush denied he knew Rodriquez: Rodriquez and North had a fight and went around pointing fingers at each other. Rodriquez insisted that he was supplying shoddy - [Footnote #38 continued on page 54]
materials and old munitions to the Contras sent to him by the North Network. North demanded a Washington show-down with Rodriquez, insisting that he had National Security Agency phone intercepts that prove that Rodriquez was talking to unauthorized people. And, of course, he was. Rodriquez will remember talking to one of our Northpoint Team people, one Commandante El Lobo, [Colgate], on more than one occasion. Richard Secord was angry with Rodriquez, insisting that he was trying to make private deals with rival arms dealers, and so forth. And on and on it went, they said he said and he said they said. Everyone tried to cover up their own mess and conceal the worst offenses. This is why statements made after Husenfus, and after November 8, 1986, are not to be taken seriously. However, before the Iran-Contragate scandal broke, the Bush-Gregg relationship with Felix Rodriquez was so open, so blatant, that General Singlaub wrote to Col. North in September, 1986, expressing his concern about Rodriquez's daily contacts with the Vice President's office. My friends, George Bush knew all about the Contra operations and the cocaine connection. Worse than that, the President of the United States was part of the scheme. Still another of the Bush Pink Team was Gustavo Villaldo who turned up in Honduras with a letter of introduction from Donald Gregg. He was to act as combat advisor to the Contras, and have full use of the CIA Station in Honduras. He was taken off the payroll of the CIA and hence not under its control. Villaldo was an old friend of Rodriquez, for they had been sent to Bolivia to track down the communist Che Guevara under direction of Theodore Shockley and the CIA. It was Felix Rodriquez that ultimately terminated Che Guevara. How does this Pink Team operate? The covert White House Organization Chart [we know about it!] shows The InterDepartmental Group On Terrorism and The Terrorist Incident Working Group. Both of these reported to the Crisis Pre-planning Group and The Special Situations Group. Terrorism, in this White House context, referred primarily to Iran, Libya and Nicaraguan terrorists. We know that Bush and Secretary of State Haig fought over control of these terrorism groups, and we know that George Bush won out, and it was Bush who was the Chairman of both of these groups, being reported to by the terrorism groups. Oliver North, the ultimate patriotic Christian terrorist, served on both terrorism groups and reported directly to George Bush. However, once the Iran-Contra Scandal broke in November, 1986, within days Bush and his Pink Team were getting as far away from Oliver North, the Contras and Rodriquez as possible. There was one man who had direct personal knowledge of the whole Pink Team operations, from the loading of arms to the Contras at Homestead Air Force Base, to flights from Fort Lauderdale to Ilopango Air Force Base in El Salvador. He had been with North and Company in Costa Rica and knew about the cocaine traffic through that operation. He was one of those, it appears, that could not be trusted in testimony before Congressional committees, and, as chance would have it, he was found dead of a cocaine overdose. We knew Steven Carr and could not fully trust him because of his own drug use. He was one of those deceived Americans who failed to understand those forces among whom he had worked until too late. We find them everywhere these days. The largest rumor mill in the free world is the American patriotic movement. Patriots, it seems, will believe almost anything! Steven Carr did take drugs. He always walked scared. In a letter to his mother, dated September 10, 1985, Steven Carr wrote: I just found out that I am supposed to be shot upon my return to Florida... John Hull has given orders to shoot me because I spoke out against John Hull... Well, Steven Carr's body was found in a driveway in Van Nuys, CA on December 13, 1986 --- just 5 weeks after Iran-Contragate hit the national news. The autopsy stated that he had died of a cocaine overdose, but that no drugs or paraphernalia were found. Carr's body was shipped back to his mother in Naples, Florida, and she commissioned another autopsy, indicating she expected foul play. Sure enough, on Carr's left elbow were needle marks from the injection that killed him. In a threat to a former associate of Steven Carr's, Mr. Peter Glibbery, an Englishman who was imprisoned at La Reforms Prison, San Jose, Costa Rica, John Hull was overheard screaming, The CIA killed Steven Carr, and they can do the same to you. Whether or not John Hull had any such evidence is unclear, but certainly it was in the best interests of the Pink Team that Steven Carr be silenced. In spite of what some now allege, Steven Carr was no patriot. He was of the same caliber as those criminals he worked for, such as Oliver North. He was simply expendable, dying in a timely way for the Cause with which he worked. With this grim statement, I shall formally end these exhaustive Footnotes to Hope's Husband.
* * * * * * * * * * Strictly Business * * * * * * * * * *
Who is the man shown here on the curb during the Kennedy assassination? His name is George S. DeMorenschildt. He was a CIA operative who committed suicide the day before he was to testify before the Hearings in Congress. If you appreciate Hope's Husband, you will enjoy my 40 page pamphlet titled Dallas Conspiracy. It costs only $1.00 each plus $1.00 postage. It shows three photographs of Mr. DeMorenschildt as he is shooting and tells where each of his 21 bullets hit, giving the volume and page number from the Warren Report Hearings. I suggest five different motives and even the Mafia tie-in to the late Marilyn Monroe. Write to: The Northpoint Teams, PO Box 129, Topton, NC - 28781
Americans will probably wonder why I would go to the trouble, not to mention time and expense, to publish this pamphlet of Hope's Husband's lost cause in Nicaragua. All of the Northpoint Team efforts, which were rather small compared to some others we know, are moot, they reason, since victory of the Contras was not attained. Defeat was not because of any lack of military ability, or patriotic motivation. Defeat, packaged as Contra Aid, was exported from Washington. Defeat was bought and paid for by our deceived and indifferent American citizens. There is no use explaining how the game is played using illustrations about the American betrayal of Poland or China. Most of my readers were not even living when those valiant battles were being waged, and ultimately lost. The major problem for American patriots is that we have been fighting communism for 25 years, sticking to tactical approaches that simply do not work. The extreme and risky measures employed by the Iran-Contragate Scandal Group and the Reagan Directive were only necessary because of the unexpected and unprecedented success of those small, dedicated Contra Teams while they were still being funded privately by American patriots. The uproar over IranContragate, and the treason involved, proves, more than anything I could write or document with a hundred footnotes, the tactical effectiveness of a program set in motion by those associated with Northpoint Teams. Our teams will not be disbanded, for the battle for America is far from over. Tactics can be improved as we learn from both accomplishments and mistakes, and I can assure frightened Americans that those Iran-Contragate traitors have some more surprises awaiting them. We do not need or want large numbers, and we will be neither 55 telegraphing our tactics in advance or, as in Nicaragua, claiming some credit for them after the fact. To help us save America, it is vital that you understand just how and why we lost in Nicaragua---if you have forgotten about why Vietnam and Korea were lost. You know, it is the duty of a healthy man to help those who are sick; it is the duty of a wealthy man to help those who are poor to find their own road to financial freedom; it is the duty of an educated man to help those who are uneducated or slow learners. If those whom God has blessed with health, wealth, and education neglect their duty, it almost always happens that in due season, they either find their status personally unrewarding or God takes their health and wealth and makes their education of none effect. Those wretched people make their way to me for counsel by the dozens. To those I must take off my Northpoint Team hat and put on my pastor hat. Christ did not say that to follow Him by giving all to the poor would be temporary and fleeting at best. No, that rich man was told to do this one act for his good, not that of the poor. As far as I can determine, that rich man, who refused to obey just this simple suggestion from Christ, was never heard of again. He had set his thought-theology into a counterproductive mode, and he self-destructed. We have watched in awe as Christ removes such people from the scene in astounding ways, like aircraft suddenly exploding over Costa Rica or being overtaken by ice and fog in Arkansas. Most of the great men of faith, written about in Hebrews 11, were not ministers but military men, and if you will read that chapter again, their greatest faith resulted in military victories over anti-christ elements of their
day. There is a lesson that my so-called fundamental brethren need to learn in this for more victory, than I have seen, in their lives and ministries. Likewise, it is the duty of a free man to help free the enslaved man. Success in that call to duty is not a requirement, but making the effort is mandatory. As I write, Negro Americans are marching around these United States remembering Martin Luther King. They do not want to be told that Mr. King, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, was a hard-core communist activist all his adult life. Of all the wonderful Negro people, whose quiet accomplishments have meant so much to their people that they would be silent when a scoundrel of their race is honored, never ceases to astound me. Yet the reason that the Negro still feels himself a secondclass citizen is because, with all his freedom in America, he is not the least concerned about those of his race now living under the yoke of communism and poverty throughout Africa today. The tiny minority who even think about Africa seem intent upon working for communist objectives in the only free country left in Africa -- South Africa. It is our duty, as free men, to help those enslaved men, and as we do not do so, our own life, liberty and property is being taken from us by our Great and Sovereign God. In The Morning, my friends, God will be calling your attention to some very embarrassing matters in your life, and mark my words, He will ask,...And now, about Nicaragua... I know that when that question is raised at my calling from the grave, the remarks by My Judge will be favorable. Grandfather will be in the Courtroom with me on that glorious day. I have written this pamphlet so that you, too, might be there with us. So often we are asked, Well, Brother Davis, just what is an American? My answer will surprise you. We can understand that a Christian is anyone with a certain thoughttheology consistent with Scripture, regardless of 56
where he lives. Could we not say that an American is also a person with a certain thoughttheology that follows those spiritual, moral, political beliefs set forth by our Forefathers? In that strict context, was it proper for me to state that Hope's Husband, though a Nicaraguan by birth, became and was an American? Why, certainly! Was he not more of an American than most of those who, by the grace of God, happened to be born here? As a Christian is called to certain duties, and against those duties Scripture demands that we examine the fruit and not the professions, can we not also classify Americans by their fruit that we may know them? Can we say that many who vegetate here are not true Americans in every sense of that wonderful name? Not all of our thousands of readers approved of what they conceive as my futile attempts to help save Nicaragua. A couple hundred have said that they would not send one dime toward that cause. As Americans, they write, Nicaragua is none of our business. I can certainly understand their thought-theology, but wonder about their professed Americanism. As I see it, I am only an American by being an American, and making that very choice daily in my life. Now, any Nicaraguan Freedom Fighter, who has put his life into his decision, one who makes that choice daily, is also as much a true American as I am--though many will never have that ultimate blessing of kissing the soil of America. May Christ, who has called you unto Liberty, help you rearrange your priorities and dedicate your life once again to His Cause. Nord Davis, Jr. Northpoint
I do not have one! A plagiarizer is one who passes off as his own the words or ideas of another. A researcher is one who combines those thoughts and words of two or three individuals or sources, and then publishes a report combining those words and ideas. Hope's Husband is not the product of either of the above. I hope that you find it as new and refreshing as original thought should always be. The only book upon which I selected quotations of Hope's Husband was that great source document and biography of General Somoza Nicaragua Betrayed. published in 1980. It is still available from Western Islands, PO Box 8040, Appleton, Wisconsin 54913. Most other references are from either my own personal experience or from Northpoint Team intelligence reports gathered for me in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, and Washington, D.C. Though many who read this work will recognize their documented inputs to our Intelligence Teams, we have no need or purpose in giving them any credits here, under the circumstances surrounding the writing of this pamphlet. Current publications, with which I do not approve because of the bias of the authors, are still being suggested for the serious student who wants to glean some facts and then draw his own conclusions. They will give some added insights into some of the events, but are not technically any part of my Bibliography, as they were not used in compiling this pamphlet. Therefore, only in this limited context do I recommend the following: The Crimes of Patriots by Jonathan Kwitny. $19.95. Published by W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Ave, New York, N.Y. 10110. Mr. Kwitny did a good job compiling the CIA and drug connection to the Nugen-Hand Bank, exposed by the Australian Government as a CIA fraud. Francis J. Nugan, Chairman, was murdered, presumably by the CIA. Michael J. Hand, ViceChairman, was a Green Beret Vietnam War Hero, and a worldwide associate of drug dealers. He is now, if he still lives, one of the world's most wanted men. Kwitny, however, equates anyone who ever wore a uniform of the United States as being one of those patriots. Nonsense. VEIL: The Secret Wars of the CIA by Bob Woodward in 1987. It was published by Simon and Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10020. $21.95. The publisher should be a pretty good clue. Mr.
Woodward focuses on the personality of Bill Casey, and what Casey thought about his activities. It is not a whitewash of Casey or the CIA, but while Mrs. Casey was furious with his unauthorized biography of her husband, Rockefeller certainly approved of its disinformation at critical points. Out Of Control by Leslie Cockburn. Published by The Atlantic Monthly Press, 19 Union Square West. New York, N.Y. 10003. $18.95. Remember as you read this book, Cockburn Is a CBS reporter. She is exposing Col. North and his secret army from a different point of view than I have done in Hope's Husband. But, you will know who the players are, and at least how to spell their names. Kissinger by Marvin Kalb and Bernard Kalb. Published by Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1974. This is a book favorable to Kissinger as you might expect from both the names of the authors and the publisher. Kissinger. The Adventures of Super-Kraut by Charles R Ashman. Published 1972 by Lyle Stuart, Inc., Secausus, New Jersey. There is considerable background truth in this book. Kissinger. The Price of Power by Seymour M. Hersh. Published in 1983 by Summit Books. New York. This is a book by an insider who gives valuable insight into how Kissinger thinks, and how he maintains his power behind the scenes. It goes into the details of Iran-Contragate from the perspective of those involved. It should be in your library. The White House Years, by Henry Kissinger. It was published in 1979 by Little, Brown & Company, Boston. This is Kissinger about his own exploits with Nixon and was written before IranContragate. As one might expect, the book is dedicated to the memory of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller who died under mysterious circumstances while a relatively young man. This is a 1,500 page book most of which may not be worth reading. However, go to the index and read those portions about the CIA You will note that in 1,500 pages there is not one mention of Zionism. Dope. Inc. The Book That Drove Kissinger Crazy: Published in 1992 by the Editors of Executive Intelligence Review, Washington, DC. This book establishes much of what I first wrote in 1988. The Story of Oliver North by the Editors of U.S. News and World Report. 2400 N St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037, $4.95, 128 pages. Transcript of Testimony. Facts on his life.
Taking the Stand, The Testimony of Oliver North with Daniel Schorr. Published by Pocket Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York. N.Y. 10020. $5.95. Under Fire! by Oliver North with William Novak. This book was published in 1991 by Harper-Collins Publishers, New York. It is also published by Zondervan, the folks who publish Bibles and Christian literature. This is Oliver North's story in his own words. They are enough to convict him once you superimpose the template of Hope's Husband on his words. There is not one mention in the book about Zionism. His thought-theology seems to be this, If the truth won't set you free, then lie. One More Mission by Oliver North and David Roth, published by Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1993. $22.00. Col. North reverts back to the good old days when he was fighting communism and winning medals. The words Contras and Nicaragua appear on only 4 pages, and Zionism is never mentioned. The word Iran is not mentioned anywhere except as a brief reference to the Iran-Contra Hearings on page 240. The words Israel and Jew are not to be found anywhere in his book. Really, the only clue we have is that some fellow named David Roth wrote the book with him and that it was published by Zondervan, the NeoEvangelical pro-Israeli Baptist publishing house. One More Mission is designed to clean up North's image, and hope that Christian Americans forget his activities in Central America. In contrast, Hope's Husband is going to see to it that American Christians never forget the double-mindedness of Oliver North. His book was written from his milliondollar Virginia farm he named Narnia. The Ollie North Coloring Book By Mort Drucher and Paul Lalkin. Published by Paul Burke Publishing, and available from Andrews & McMeal, 4900 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64112. Designed for children and all others who actually believe the news media. The beautifully illustrated coloring book is presented by the Ollie North for President Society, a Diversion-ofProfits Enterprise. $3.95. In my modest gesture to help their lagging business, I have printed three samples of their wonderful book, and ask that every reader order a copy for your IranContragate files. These samples are printed without permission, and I surely hope they don't mind. The Iran-Contra Affair, With The Minority View, abridged edition published in 1988 by TimesBooks, New York. Daniel K. Inouye.
For The Record by Donald T. Regan. It goes into Reagan's management style, his way of thinking, and the people who influenced him. Regan has his own personal axe to grind, and he did not approve of the role Nancy Reagan had in setting the occult tone to Reagan's Administration. $21.95. Published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 111 5th Ave., New York, NY 10003. Guts and Glory, The Rise and Fall of Oliver Northby Ben Bradley, Jr. This book is not complimentary of Oliver North, and it is a good basic biography of North's Jesuit training and the origin of his thought-theology. You will understand how his rigid Jesuit upbringing created that psychological need for a regimented belief system such as found in the military and the chain of command set forth from those above him to those below him. Likewise, you will understand why this thought-theology would lead him into a world where secrecy and distrust was everywhere, much of his own creation. Bradley, who thinks like neither a patriot or a Christian, is able to put his finger on why Oliver North and his close associates finally determined that they were better than others at determining what was, and was not, in the national interest. Published by Donald F. Fine, Inc., 128 East 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. $22.00. October Surprise by Barbara Honegger. Published in 1989 by Tudor Publishing Company, New York. $19.95. This book establishes some of the primary data that I published in 1988 after her two years of research. It will help you understand the finer points of Hope's Husband and the necessity for me to publish the extensive footnotes. George Bush denies the thesis of this book, but we have private intelligence that proves it to be absolutely true. NICARAGUA. Revolution In The Family, by Shirley Christian. There are several things that betray the intent of this book. First, it is published by Random House, Inc. New York, NY 10022. $19.95. This is one of the international socialist publishers. Second, Shirley Christian won the Pulitzer Prize for her masterful account of the circumstances leading to the Sandinista rise to power. Christian patriots never win Pulitzer Prizes, or the Nobel Peace Prize. Third, Ms. (she refers to herself as Ms.) Christian was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard. Harvard Nieman Fellows always repeat by rote the totalitarian socialist thought-theology, teaching the world anti-christ scheme of things in everything they write. While it is the mark of an educated man to know what not to read, as a student of treachery in Central America. Shirley Christans books needs to be among your library collection. Fourth, Ms.
Christian admits that she lived in Managua, Nicaragua while she assembled the data for her book. No anti-communist would ever be permitted to live in Managua while writing a book. DIRTY WORK. The CIA in Western Europe, by Philip Agee. Dorset Press, New York, N.Y. This book is aptly named: It is a dirty work if I ever read one. Mr. Agee and I have only one thing in common--we do not approve of the CIA. I disapprove because they always seem to support the communist or international socialist cause. It was written in 1978 and does not go into Central American affairs, but one can quickly glean from its pages those tactics used. You will learn about the CIA's corporate shell game tactics, as Agee calls them. It was these corporate shell games that came out into the light for the first time with Oliver North's blunderings in his effort to do the will of his superiors. SALVADOR WITNESS. The Life and Calling of Jean Donovan, by Ana Carrigan. Published by Simon and Schuster, New York, $16.95. The author has the audacity to print a Christian Cross on the front cover. My copy was given to me by a disgusted traditionalist Catholic. Briefly, it is alleged to be the true story about the murder of Jean Donovan and other church women by the death squads of El Salvador. The news media identified these women as nuns, but the fact is that they had never joined any such order. They were liberation theology (Jesuit) Maryknoll lay workers working for socialist land reform in El Salvador. El Salvador and Nicaragua are like New York and New Jersey: If you understand one, you understand the other. If you understand what the Jesuits through Maryknoll converts are doing in El Salvador, you will understand their tactics in Nicaragua. I happen to know the truth about these Catholic nuns and the circumstances under which they were executed by firing squad against the walls of their Maryknoll convent under direct orders of Capt. Edwardo Avllla. a devout Roman Catholic himself. LANDSLIDE. The Unmaking of the President 1984-1988 by Jane Mayer and Doyle McManus. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2 Park Street. Boston, MA 02108. The book is about Ronald Reagan, but some of the insights it gives into Oliver North and John Poindexter are very revealing. These authors apparently sold their book to the publishers by the pound rather than by any real solid new evidence, but what you do find is worth the price of the book. Reagan who allegedly enjoyed great popularity actually lived in near isolation, surrounded by management and administrative walls he put in place himself. The book is full of Reagan's striking contradictions, and his absolute control by international socialists around him who wrote the conservative, patriotic
words for him to say, billing him as the Great Communicator in doing so. Other Losses. The Shocking Truth Behind the Mass Deaths Of Disarmed German Soldiers And Civilians Under General Eisenhower's Command by James Bacque. This book was first published in Canada and England 1989. It was banned in the United States. Finally it was published by Prima Publishing, New York, and distributed by St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Ave, New York 10010. 800-2882131. Hardback $22.95. This book is out of print but may become available in the paperback version. This book has been included in this bibliography so that you will understand the thought-theology and the ruthlessness of our leaders concerning human life. There were 1.7 million German soldiers who were ethnically cleansed, that is, deliberately allowed to die of starvation, exposure and disease by Ike while under his command. He simply listed them as other losses. What was done in Germany 40 years ago is the story of our POW/MIAs in Vietnam, and happened again in Nicaragua under Oliver North ten years ago, and is now taking place with the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia. I have managed to collect with the help of our Team members, about 300 copies of hardback Other Losses. I will send one copy only to you postpaid for a donation of $20.00. When they are gone, your money will be returned to you. This offer expires October 31, 1994 as certainly all of them will be gone by that time. The Contra Connection by G. Lee Tippin, Col: U.S. Army (Retired). Published 1990 by Daring Books, PO Box 20-050C, Canton, Ohio 44701. $16.50. His book is valuable because it looks at the Nicaraguan situation through the eyes of a Vietnam Special Forces Commander who also commanded Special Forces in Panama. He has his Master's Degree in political science, and is still an American patriot. Defrauding America. Dirty Secrets of the CIA by Rodney Stich. Published by Diablo Western Press, Inc. 1993. See Footnote # 13, page 24. 1994 Update On Nicaragua
When the Sandinistas took over Nicaragua, they liberated 1,350 properties owned by American citizens. They have never returned these houses, farms, fishing boats, and businesses to their rightful American owners. Yet. in spite of this, your government has sent the Marxist Chamorro regime $867 million in unconstitutional foreign aid since 1990, and in that period of time, forgiven over $284 million of its debt. I know that you will be happy to remember that treachery on April 15th.
piloting this Soviet Tanker, carrying EXXON owned crude oil to Nicaragua, and the mining of Port Sandino, actually by Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters, exactly four days later. We have no comment as to the accuracy of this federal assumption. Suddenly, however, Capt. Ted Jablonski developed IRS problems. He was arrested by IRS agents as he stepped off a plane in New York and incarcerated. He insists he In Managua, Nicaragua there is a prison was betrayed by his lawyer, known as El Chipote. I and his IRS problems ap have been by it but not in it. pear to be irresolvable, with Some of our Freedom More secrets of four different IRS offices Fighter friends are slowly knowledge have been arguing over both jurisdiction dying there. The cells of this and his alleged tax liability. prison are underground. discovered by plain The IRS seized his $140, The inmates survive in total and neglected men 000 home and sold it for darkness. What fresh air is $35,000.* available to them is blown in than by men of popular through a smelly vent pipe. fame. And this is so Our First Encore! to We never expect to see Hope's Husband is also these Freedom Fighters for good reason: For quietly dedicated to those again. In their misery, they men of popular fame hundreds of Northpoint Team still have time to pray for members who continue to are busy on popular indifferent Americans, financially support this knowing that their only hope matters. research and publishing costs, in this world is that -Roger Bacon who so that at least a valid history Americans someday see the of the systematic destruction Sandinistas as the lived in 1220-1292 communists they are, and stop providing them with diplomatic recognition, and Capt. Ted Jablonski the personal support of such people as House *His wife, not fully understanding these things, has left Speaker Jim Wright. him.. Literally, Capt. Jablonski has lost everything and
In Allenwood, Pennsylvania, there is a federal prison camp. As I wrote in 1988, there was an inmate residing there who is one of those quiet heroes of the Nicaragua Contra efforts. He is Capt. Ted Jablonski. He went by the number 19393053. He served his time and is now free. Earlier in this pamphlet, you read about the huge Soviet Tanker, Lubansk, which was notoriously mined in the Nicaraguan Port Sandino, and thus called world attention to the CIA mining of Nicaraguan harbors. It was Capt. Ted Jablonski who piloted that Soviet tanker through the American Canal at Panama. Your government made the assumption, but never proven, that there was some connection between Northpoint Team Member Jablonski 60
now, at 68, his health is failing. Beaten, but refusing to surrender, Capt. Jablonski also prays every day for his beloved America, that this sleeping Bride of Christ will finally awaken, and in her righteous indignation, indict, try, and convict those traitors who live among us. The IRS agent who seized his home that is owned by a lawful Trust, is Mr. Loy. There was only a single bidder imported to Boone, NC, from 200 miles away. His name was Rev. Jim Camp, a professional IRS bidder. We had 300 Team Members praying for God's Will to be done with Pastor Camp. He was taken by a heart attack soon after. Where Is Capt. Jablonski today? Your country needs him again, and he is on one of a dozen Merchant Marine ships loaded with war materials at Diego Garcia, at the south end of the Persian Gulf. It is to those who have loved liberty enough to fight for it, and who are now in prison for doing so, that this part of Hope's Husband's First Encore! is humbly dedicated.
of our Christian American culture may be preserved. Hope's Husband is but one tiny piece of the puzzle, but the events surrounding IranContragate are a perfect and complete microcosm of what is happening in America, and the perfidy of our leaders of both political parties toward the objective of a world totalitarian socialist government controlled by anti-christ forces. The initial expose of the Iran-Contragate was done by people directly associated with Northpoint Teams. Continuing revelations about the secret CIA within the CIA, the federal government's direct involvement in the world traffic in illegal drugs, the betrayal of freedom loving peoples by our Department of State, and the knowing involvement in these activities by Lt. Col. Oliver North and his associates above and below him in rank, has relentlessly been carried out by this author for years. Our efforts here would be futile without a line of intelligence sources, people who are willing to investigate matters for me in their local areas, and others who sacrificially contribute funds for this historical cause. First Encore! is also dedicated to the nameless and unknown, the plain and neglected men and women who have no interest in popular fame, but remain with us in those unpopular matters. One of those is my Associate, Betty Lou Smith Hanson, who was known affectionately in Central America as Commandants Betty Lou. Most of what I saw and heard in Central America, Betty Lou was also there, seeing, hearing, and doing. In a very real sense, this is her story too. I had her in mind when I wrote Footnote # 13 on page 24. In patriotism, it's not just the thought that counts. This is not intended to be a popular publication. The author knows from the beginning that the high risks and high costs of research and publishing will never be recovered through the sale of this pamphlet. Men and women of popular fame are still only interested in popular matters, for only popular matters seem to be financially and socially rewarding. -NWD 61
credit. If you dislike what you see happening to America, look for your answers among those people of Molechs star, and those deceived or deluded Christians who support their cause, no matter, it seems, where it takes them. Often, if you cannot dissect what is going on in the news, look to see where the influences of the six-pointed star can be found. These people rarely make a mistake on whom they promote. Those people, including some professing Christians, who are loyal to their cause, are made into high-profile public figures, and held forth as persons of the highest moral character. I do not believe in the pseudo-science of astrology. I do not believe that the stars direct or influence my life based upon the date of my birth. I do believe America's future and her very survival now depends upon Christian Americans learning about the heraldry surrounding these two families and the Star Wars between them. For a copy of my pamphlet Star Wars, send us $5.00. For example, in February, 1989, a curious group calling itself The National Religious Broadcasters met at their annual convention in Washington, DC. This is an association of Protestant ministers who preach over radio and television, proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and Him crucified. As usual the highlight of that convention was the Roundtable Prayer Breakfast for Israel, the people of Molech's six-pointed star. Who do you suppose was the keynote speaker at such an inappropriate meeting? He was Retired Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North! What is that self-confessed and convicted liar doing as a speaker of Christian religious broadcasting people? We have been told that Oliver North was raised as a Roman Catholic. He was even trained by the Jesuits as a boy. Now, it seems that he has converted to charismatic Protestantism. He has even learned the language. 62
-2In 1993, I wrote an 80-page pamphlet titled Star Wars. As a serious Bible student, I noticed a pattern of warfare, an ongoing hatred, between two families of mankind, beginning with the statement by Almighty God in Genesis 3:15. The warfare of these two historical families can be symbolized, regardless of all the other cultural considerations, as the continuing hatred built into their genes by God Himself. I have symbolized this as the warfare of the Stars, the hatred that has always existed, intrinsically, between those peoples of the six-pointed star of the god of Molech, and those of us who are God's people of the five-pointed star. Throughout history, anyone who makes a study of the heraldry of peoples, these two stars will show up again and again. The six-pointed star was the star of Herod, and all other anti-christs have instinctively picked this star of man's carnality as their own. Unfortunately, America's foreign policy and her political and cultural directions are now being directed, almost completely, by the followers of the six pointed star. If you like what is happening to America, you need to give these people the
We have been told that Oliver North is a Red-White-and-Blue Patriot who would willingly die for America. Interesting, for at this meeting, there were no American flags displayed. Instead, in violation of the flag laws, these people had the six-pointed star flag of the Zionist Israeli State on every table! The American National Anthem was not played. Instead, with Oliver North as the keynote speaker, the Israeli National Anthem, Hatikva, was sung by all, including Oliver North. Naturally, Oliver North was greeted with a standing ovationl This meeting was sponsored by three supposedly Christian groups, The Religious Roundtable, the Brotherhood Forest of Israel, and the Intercessors for America. Nonsense. These are pro-Zionist groups using the Name of Christ to support Molech's children whose forefathers came out of ancient Babylon! According to Northpoint Team intelligence, Oliver North excited his Zionist audience by condemning the PLO murder of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, and went on to decry a litany of abuses and crimes against Jewish people, down to the murder of the Jewish American, Leon Klinghoffer, on the cruise ship Achille Lauro. Oliver North never mentioned the unfortunate deaths of a single Christian. He never mentioned the brutal murder of the Palestinian people in their wretched refugee camps by the Zionist forces, or even Israeli's murder of American sailors on the USS Liberty. Christian American, let me ask you this question: Would you accept a speaking engagement with such a group? Even in more depth, do you think they would ever ask you to speak to them? If your answer is yes to either question, why not pass this pamphlet on to a true American, for you will get little out of it. To those who wish to read on, I want to 63
point you to Revelation 17:14 where Christ is teaching through St. John about Oliver North's friends: These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is the Lord of lords, and the King of kings: and they that are with him are Called, and Chosen, and Faithful. These are the warriors of the fivepointed star, right there in The Battle with Christ, the King. No Jewish rabbi will be found among this select group, and the anti-christ six-pointed star will be exposed for what it is. -3The question has always been, why was Oliver North ever put on trial in the first place? Certainly this expensive legal exercise was not a tribute to the American system of justice. There is no question in anyone's mind that Oliver North did those things about which he has admitted. The Iran-Contra Report, released by the government printing office, makes it clear: The cocky Marine Lt. Colonel was at the heart of an operation whose principal ingredients were secrecy, deception, and disdain for the law. Some of you watched the circus wherein Oliver North admitted that he and other officials had lied repeatedly to both Congress and the American people about various covert actions, and the sales of sophisticated weapons to our archenemy, the anti-American and anti-Christian Iranian government. For that act alone, apart from any other action or reason, Col. North and his associates should have been tried and executed by firing squad. Have we all forgotten that North lied to the Attorney General lied to officials in the State Department, and others too numerous to mention here? Having made that point, and proven it
conclusively by his own admissions and evidence that keeps surfacing, why is he being tried for those essentially collateral matters at this time? The whole trial was, of course, a sham. It was a fraud upon the American people. Nothing in the North trial has revealed anything whatever about the conspiracy which brought about the IranContragate Scandal, nor could it, for the central conspiracy charge against Col. North was dismissed before the trial began! Judge Gesell concluded that national security matters were not compatible with a defense that North would make public against those charges. With the guts stripped out of the charges against Col. North, his superiors will not be implicated in the conspiracy. His whole defense, as I saw it, was that he merely acted under orders, or unrecorded directives and understandings. The man to be protected at all cost is not Reagan or even President Bush. The major conspirator, and the one Reagan put in direct charge of the Central American matters, was Henry Kissinger! We all know that, but have you heard his name mentioned in this affair? As we brought out earlier, North's secretary, Fawn Hall, had a direct link to Kissinger's office all the time. Fawn Hall's mother was Kissinger's personal secretary of long standing! That's how Fawn Hall got the job with Col. North. Do not be deceived by Fawn Hall's pretty face---she was and is her mother's daughter. Therefore, we must conclude through this evidence, and our personal observations in Central America, whatever Oliver North did was right on the Kissinger agenda! The IranContragate Scandal, from Kissinger's point of view, needed to be cycled down, and this required that someone be put on trial for his actions. Few Americans ever paid any attention, and those who did found themselves again frustrated. The man they suppose was in direct control of it all, and The Commander-in-Chief at the time, was excused from testifying at Oliver 64
North's trial. Had the trial been truly legitimate, no person could be excluded if that person's testimony was needed for a proper defense. How could a gullible lamb like North, charged with those twelve felony crimes, be sent off to prison for the remainder of his life, just because it might inconvenience ex-President Reagan? Such exclusions are not among the hallmarks of a legitimate federal trial. I think that the critical question was not the verdict of the trial, but whether Red-White-andBlue Americans are going to accept him into our society. Obviously he has been accepted by the Zionists, because they know all too well that he was carrying out their agenda for them, both in Latin America and the Middle East. What happens to Oliver North is really not up to a jury made up of people who lawfully are not his peers, but how we who are his peers deal with him. Those of us who understand the underlying principles of the Common Law Constitution, and the liberty upon which our Republic rests, should shun Oliver North if he ever seeks to live among us. Will Americans do that? Not a chance! We, as a people, have become so corrupt that we will give him a chance to write several lucrative books that will be best-sellers, grant him status as a Christian, provide him a perpetual and profitable lecture career, and with it the praises of men who see him as some sort of celebrity. Heaven forbid, we might even elect him to the United States Senate to replace his friend, the aging deepcover CIA agent, Jesse Helms. On behalf of those Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters who died through the treachery of Kissinger, and those who take his counsel, I will do my best to see to it that Oliver North lives out his life privately and in disgrace. Until we learn to enforce Christian judgments in our society, instead of having the corrupt courts do it for us, we deserve exactly the government we now have, and the plunder of our people will continue.
-4At this time, I want to direct you to what has happened to those people, some of whom I mentioned in Hope's Husband, since the IranContra Scandal quieted down. All of these were the powerful conspirators involved with Oliver North, and all of them have received promotions since George Bush became President. The first I think of is the former CIA Deputy Director, Robert Gates. Because of the uproar over Director Casey's involvement in the wicked scheme, Mr. Gates had to withdraw his name from contention for the CIA Director's position upon the rather timely death of Casey when he was told that he would not be confirmed. Little was said in Congress about his Iran-Contragate role when he was confirmed as Mr. Bush's Deputy National Security Advisor. When under public pressure, Senators may call a spade a spade, but in the quietness of forgetfulness, they issue retractions. Remember John Kelly? He was the Ambassador to Lebanon in 1986 and secretly aided Mr. North in seeking the release of hostages. He was publicly chastised by Secretary of State George Shultz for going around him in dealing with Mr. North. Kissinger was calling the shots, not Shultz. Kelly was rewarded by being named to Assistant Secretary of State in the Bush Administration, assigned to the Middle East and South Asian Affairs. How about Thomas Pickering? Pickering was the CIA Station Chief in Thailand when the U.S. betrayed Laos and Cambodia into the hands of the Vietcong. Remember the slaughter of millions at that time? Reagan awarded him, with Kissinger's direction, by appointing him as the Ambassador to El Salvador. He was covertly the CIA Station Chief there at the same time, assuring the election of Napoleon Duarte as 65
President. There is no man, with the exception of Frank Carlucci, who has done more to scuttle the Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters than Thomas Dickering. He worked closely with Col. North in the Kissinger scheme, similar to the Cuban Bay of Pigs Invasion, of pretending to help the anticommunist cause, while working secretly to frustrate and destroy it. Mr. Bush has appointed Thomas Pickering Ambassador to the United Nations. That is his title. Legally, however, Pickering is the United Nations Ambassador to the United States. His first loyalty, by lacy and agreement, has to be to the United Nations. Thomas Pickering was confirmed by a vote of 99-0! Is this all part of a plan? Pickering was confirmed on March 10, 1989. Six days later, the wire services carried the story that United Nations will send peacekeepers to Central America. This peace force is to monitor the borders of Nicaragua to insure that the Freedom Fighters can no longer attempt to liberate Nicaragua from the communists. Some of our patriotic friends suppose that George Bush is stunned by this alleged sudden action. No, my dear friends, Kissinger and Bush, with the new United Nations Ambassador to the United States, Thomas Pickering, set up the treacherous action, thus taking the blame for communism in Nicaragua from the Bush Administration. It is true, as some patriotic sources indicate, the media has been generally silent regarding UN troops being sent to Latin American countries. However, the Atlanta Journal, of March 16, 1989, carried the story. Our sources verify that UN troops from West Germany, Spain, Holland and Canada will be assigned there. Also, some from South America will be deployed there under the UN Flag. This action has been requested by Socialist Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, and Pickering's former station, El Salvador. Never in
the 40-year history of the United Nations has its forces ever fought on the side of liberty and freedom. Wherever they have been used, communism has been protected and its internationalist cause expanded. If any reader knows of a single exception, I would appreciate hearing the details about it. As of the first week in March, 1989, a formal agreement has been signed between all the governments involved, and it spells a formal end to any American influences in that region. The most anti-American statement came from the Spanish Foreign Minister, Francisco Ferdandez Ordonez, when he stated: Spanish Forces will once again take up their historic role as the guardians and protectors of Central America. The United Nations troops were used in Lebanon. You see the tragic results every day in the newspapers. What you see in Vietnam, Korea, and Lebanon, you will soon see in Latin America. Contrary to so many of my patriotic and Christian friends, who only believe what they hear or read, Col. North's role in this matter was to soften up Nicaragua for the totalitarian socialist conquest. The United Nations forces will be paid primarily out of American funds. Turn again to page 53. Do you see the Top Secret memo printed there from Vice President George Bush's National Security advisor, Donald Gregg? Mr. Gregg was responsible for sending his friend, a certain Felix Rodriquez, to El Salvador to become Oliver North's primary operations officer at the Ilopango Air Force Base. You can read the rest of that story again in Hope's Husband, but I need to point out that President Bush rewarded Donald Gregg with the post of Ambassador to South Korea. Now, Korea is back in the news. We understand that a former Ambassador to El Salvador at the very time of the Iran-Contra Scandal is to be promoted to a job as Latin 66
American Affairs Specialist under the National Security Council. A message dated April 16,1986, from Richard Secord to Oliver North, stating that he had been fully briefed as to their activities. His name? Ed Corr. A lesser-known individual, who was one of Oliver North's associates in the Contra matters, was retired Air Force Colonel Richard Gadd. He was not given a government job. Instead, he was given a private contract for $2,000,000 to mow lawns of the U.S. Military bases along the Mexican border. Do you suppose that this might just be a CIA Cover for some other agenda? How about Commandant Zero, the Sandinista guerrilla who stormed the Nicaraguan National Palace? You read a lot about him in Hope's Husband. Remember, his real name is Eden Pastora and he worked closely with Oliver North, and the drug-pusher John Hull. Well, times have mellowed for Commandant Zero, and he is considered by Costa Rica's English newspaper, Tico Times, as a charismatic and independent Nicaraguan rebel leader. Pastora lives today in the suburb of San Jose, Costa Rica named Pavas. His wife's name is Yolanda, and they have four children. Mr. Robert McFarlane had an interest-ing testimony in the North trial, and his testimony has proven my statements in Hope's Husband! We had evidence that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that President Reagan was directly involved in the Iran-Contra Scandal. McFarlane was Oliver North's direct supervisor, and when the scandal broke in the news, McFarlane tried unsuccessfully to commit suicide. The direct testimony, in its entirety, has not been made public, but much was made of a Honduras deal regarding the supposed quid pro quo help to Honduras in exchange for making things easier for the Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters camped just north of the Nicaraguan border.
-5Oliver North, as a defendant, was not compelled, either by law or custom, to take the witness stand in his own defense. He was not required to prove his innocence. It was the prosecutor's job to prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty. No defense attorney would ever consider putting his client on the stand unless the prosecution had presented overwhelming evidence and the only hope of overcoming it would be the testimony of the accused himself. This is a high-risk decision, for a clever prosecutor could extract admissions that could destroy the defense. The jury is always instructed that a defendant need not take the stand, and that his decision not to do so should in no way affect their decisions. But Oliver North did take the stand, and his testimony probably damaged his case. The cavalier Colonel, it appears, is, nowhere near as clever as he thinks he is, for he did his cause little good, and put the blame for all his actions as being under direction of his superiors. He implicated President Reagan. He implicated Robert McFarlane, his immediate superior. Then, he implicated John M. Poindexter. Oliver North has stated things under oath regarding the President's knowledge of the sales of sophisticated missiles to the enemy specifically in a futile effort to free American hostages in Iran. He admitted being party to the destruction of incriminating evidence, and specifically taking those steps to protect the Reagan Administration politically. What American patriots seem to forget, in considering Mr. North as a scapegoat, is that Mr. North was a Marine Officer. He was not an enlisted man, obliged to take orders until the end of a contracted term of military service. The Iran-Contragate Scandal took place during peacetime, and if Lt. Col. North had disagreed with the nature or the direction of his assignment, he could have requested reassignment or simply resigned his 67
commission. He chose not to do so, but combined with his superiors, and those below him in rank, such as Sgt. Rodriquez, in deliberately violating the law. American law forbids government people from using government funds to support the Contra military efforts. If Col. North really wanted to help the Contra cause, he could have done so as a civilian, living and operating outside the United States. No American law has jurisdiction to prevent that so long as it is done outside the United States. The Northpoint Teams, and those associated with us, were careful to never plan, fund, or carry out any military actions against the Sandinista communists on or from American soil. There were no American citizens involved in any combat or unconventional warfare activities to my knowledge. Only Nicaraguans, along with some Latins of other countries, were the only people trained and used. -6In the beginning, some of our people wondered why Col. North did not work privately with the Contras. One of our Northpoint Team members, one Commandant El Lobo, actually infiltrated Col. North into Nicaragua from northern Costa Rica to a mountaintop overlooking Managua. Mr. North will recall that trip, and he will remember El Lobo by a certain distinguishing facial feature. My friend was disgusted, for he told me of high-caliber machine guns, obtained for Contra use by Col. North, stacked up like cordwood, rusting away in the jungle rains. These weapons were badly needed by the Freedom Fighters, but somehow they were never issued to them. Yes, Col. North, I am writing about that huge cache of weapons on the north side of the Rio San Juan. By the time some of our Northpoint Team members were able to get back to them, they were rusted beyond repair or use. Oliver North is a mature military officer. He
knew, and he knows today, exactly what role he is to be playing. He is permitted to implicate anyone he wishes, except one person: The man in charge of the Central American Operations, Henry Kissinger. As you think about this statement, and may be shaking your head in unbelief, answer this question for me: Who is prosecuting Oliver North? Is it not the U.S. Justice Department? I think the federal indictments and all the Court documents refer to his case as United States v. Oliver North. The Court did not bring the criminal case against him. They only hear and decide the case. Who is it that brings the case? Who does the Prosecutor work for? The Executive Branch of government, the Department of Justice. Now, who controls the Department of Justice? Who else but the Bush Administration? The Senate cannot bring the case to Federal Court. The Congress was not prosecuting Oliver North. Now, why would the conservative Bush Administration's own Justice Department be prosecuting a conservative retired Marine Officer, who it seems, was simply obeying orders from his superiors? This is not another of those mysteries of the mind. Things do not work like that, even in the foggy-bottom of the Department of State. All of these people, North, Poindexter, McFarlane, Reagan, Bush, and hundreds of other nameless faces, are the willing players in an international socialist conspiracy to insert America into a oneworld totalitarian government. Without knowing that Official Program, the riddles spun out of the Oliver North trial will never be solved. But, with that knowledge, the whole wretched scam is exposed and clearly seen for what it is. The American people, as were the Nicaraguans and a host of nations before them, are even now being set up for a drastic and tragic change in the American government and our personal liberties. Regrettably, it seems, most Americans seem to
love to have it so, for few have raised their voices to object... We do have a serious leadership vacuum. As I point out in Hope's Husband, these men are willing agents working faithfully in their agreed-upon roles. No reasonable student of American history over the past 40 years can come to any other conclusion. Lawrence Patterson, who publishes Criminal Politics, is absolutely correct when he writes: ...It is well understood in Washington and New York--regardless of how shocked our readers might be that the authority does not rest in the hands of George Bush and Jim Baker. -February, 1989, page 5 Contrary to popular belief, however, Bush, Baker, Poindexter, McFarlane, and Oliver North are very weak men. North, with all his welldeserved combat ribbons, is still emotionally vulnerable. Unknown to most Americans, Oliver North spent 22 days in the Bethesda Naval Hospital's mental ward. McFarlane tried suicide, and with typical ineptness, he failed. On the other hand, Kissinger, David Rockefeller, and Gorbachev are emotionally strong. These conspirators always have to fear that one of their own might break under the pressure, or the loss of prestige and presumed power, and spill the beans. Oliver North did that when he spoke of The CIA within the CIA, and it may be for this reason, as discipline, that he was forced to trial and, in the eyes of some, disgrace. His very life now depends upon his strict obedience to orders, and his pardon was approved by Henry Kissinger. James Baker, when overtly Secretary of State, was exposed as holding a huge amount of shares in the New York Chemical Bank during the Reagan years, thus violating the federal ethics guidelines. Chemical Bank, it is known, has $4 billion in defaulting loans to the third world countries, including some in Central America. His personal fortune is
affected by those very decisions he made as Secretary of the Treasury. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are involved. He was humiliated on the pages of the New York Times on February 15, 1989. He could face prison. He will not, because he will now follow his orders. North was humiliated because he took a mere $12,000 security system, and then tried ineptly to conceal his illegal gift by forging some sales slips. Baker, you see, would not be humiliated by a mere $12,000 because of the heritage of generations of Baker family wealth. North, whose heritage and thought-theology is blue-collar working class, could be humiliated by such a modest infraction of the rules. Such weak or personality-vulnerable men must be controlled by strong men. Senator Kennedy remains under complete control because of what is alleged to have happened on a certain lonesome bridge at Chappaquiddick. -7For more than a year, this pamphlet on the Nicaraguan Contras titled Hope's Husband has been out of print. It had been typeset with my Royal TA typewriter and contained 120 pages. Because of the sensitivity of the information at the time, and the personal risk to myself, Betty Lou Smith Hanson, my Associate, and other Team members, the main text was printed first, and then, about a year later the footnotes were added to current publications. Therefore, to republish Hope's Husband, the very copy you are holding today, would mean that the footnotes would have to be located on the page where the subject matter was. I knew that it was going to be a huge task to republish it even using my modern Macintosh desk publishing system. We would have to reduce the type size of the footnotes to accomplish this, and at the same time keep the maximum number of pages within the limits of the web press which is 80 pages. We used the Folio Bold for most of these footnotes, as that font is highly readable. For a test, I have asked our 69
Team members and other readers for prepublication orders at a cost of $5.00. We received less than 500 orders. This was very disappointing. Hope's Husband had to be put on the back burner. We do live in a very practical world here, and I was almost ready to return the advance money when Oliver North announced that he was going to run for the U.S. Senate from Virginia. A major effort was made to reset the type and have the printer get in enough of the 35" wide rolls of white bond paper to get the job printed. Please understand, a printing of Hope's Husband at 80 pages plus the cover will weigh over four tonsl -8I spent two years in Costa Rica. Part of the time I spent with some of those Contras who had slipped across the border from Nicaragua. Our Negro maid, Nora, was, on her weekends, a courier for the Contras. Ultimately, she was caught, tortured and executed. Hopes Husband began as an expose of America's betrayal of the Nicaraguans into brutal totalitarian socialism under the Sandinistas. In the process of gathering notes, and personal observations right on the ground and often incountry, I ran across a whole lot of people who, while pretending to work for the cause of freedom, were doing all they could to undermine it, both in Nicaragua and in the American Government. Chief among these traitors in those days was Lt. Col. Oliver North. Yes, I understand. His books are sold all over the place, and most significantly at Zondervan Press, a pro-Zionist Christian publishing house for Sunday school materials and various translations of the Bible. You can find his books on the shelves of most Christian bookstores these days. When Oliver North began begging fundamental Christians for money for his legal defense fund under the organization called Freedom Alliance, they never knew that very
little of the nine when the outcome of the trial is already known. The record shows that he spent most of the money promoting himself. The fact is that while he claims to be living in an old converted Virginia farmhouse, the truth is that he paid $1,175,000 for it. He bought it in 1989, just after his conviction on three felony counts. There are no less than 194 acres. He named it Narnia, after the fairy-tale land of C. S. Lewis's children's books. In his latest book, One More Mission, he begins his Epilogue, page 263, with Narnia Farm, Virginia. As chance would have it, North's fairy-tale land is atop the supersecret Mount Weather Facility, an underground doomsday bunker designed to house the President and family, the Justices of the Supreme Court, and other high-ranking government officials in the event of nuclear war. On North's land are widely spaced metal grates set into the ground which are air shafts leading down to this secret underground facility. Now I ask you: If Oliver North is now persona non grata in and among the Washington elite, how is it that he is able to perch right over the Armageddon inn? -9By the way, I have never worked for the government in intelligence or any other capacity, since my Navy days ending in 1954. If I did, of course, I would have to deny it. Those sophisticated to understand what they read, need to know right now that I have good friends who do work for the government in some rather high positions. [S****-D*****] Totalitarian socialist enemies who read this pamphlet should be careful to make no mistakes that might risk their careers. Contrary to some opinions these days, not everyone in the federal government are traitors. I appreciate and acknowledge their help and advice in the only way I can. -10 In a corner of an office complex known as
Freedom Plaza in Chantilly, Virginia, near where Oliver North now has his Senate campaign headquarters, there is a flagpole and a beautiful plaque that reads: Dedicated to Oliver North and the Freedom Fighters of the World Who Made a Stand and Paid a Price. Dedicated at Family Salute to Oliver North -- September 24, 1989. Remembering the brave young Contras who were betrayed and gave their lives during the missions of Sandinista Eden Pastora, aka Commandant Zero, and Oliver North, that inscription makes me sick to my stomach! I hope that someday Americans will remember me favorably, but please, no public plaques, at least during my lifetime! -11The word was out on the streets as early as June, 1993, that Oliver North might be running for the Senate in Virginia in 1994. As I write, he has just officially announced his intentions. He is doing all he can to transform his notoriety into renown, and then renown into votes. North has had his own inhouse political aide since 1990, a man named Mark Merritt. If you wonder how a man can be involved in secret negotiations in both Iran and Nicaragua, and not speak a word of either Arabic, Farsi or Spanish, you have the same reservations of many in the diplomatic corps. In that regard, North and I share the same language ignorance, but I have never claimed to be negotiating where the delicate idioms of those languages could mean a major difference to the outcome. Since Oliver North has announced for the Senate, I am now publishing my revised version of Hope's Husband with top priority and I will make it available to the Northpoint Teams and other patriots in Virginia. Those who want more current information on Oliver North will need to locate a copy of Reader's Digest, June, 1993, and see for yourself what Mr. North's former top-level associates
have to say regarding his untruthfulness about everything. I concur as far as the article goes. It just doesn't go far enough. -12Let me introduce you to some of my friends. On the left is Nicaraguan Commandant Dennis, one of the most feared of the Freedom Fighters who survived. Next to him is Commandant Mac. He is 60 years old in this picture and can still keep up with the younger men. This is one man you want to stay friendly with. Next, you see Commandant Punta del Norte, aka Northpoint. To my left is Commandante Sandino, a brilliant tactical officer. Next to him is Commandants Chaparra. She is 26 here and left home to fight the Sandinista communists at age
16. Ladies, what were you doing for your country at age 16? Shown in the photograph below you will see me with Commandant Franklin, the man who is qualified in education and the diplomatic social graces to be the next President of Nicaragua. None of the names I have given here are their actual names, but their warrior names taken by them for security reasons. -13As I go on in this Second Encore section of Hope's Husband, you are to remember that there is no such thing as an absolute history of any time or place. Any historian, and every author, must choose as to which facts to include and which to omit. He must decide which events are important and which are not. While some of the longwinded footnotes may have exhausted your eyes, the fact is that I could have included perhaps 20X as much evidence as I have. In reading The Contra Connection, or Stich's new Defrauding America, you will see the Nicaraguan situation from a slightly different perspective by Col. Tippin and Stich merely because of the facts that we chose to include and 71
those we chose to ignore. My experience came from working with the Contra group known as Movimiento Indigena Nicaraguense made up of the Moskito Indians and with an American of part Cherokee blood, Commandant El Lobo, his Indian warrior name. MIN, the Indian Contras, were eventually betrayed from within. Col. Tippin, in contrast, worked with the only surviving, and by far the largest Contra group, the FDN, made up of mostly Spanish Catholics. The Indians were tough warriors and would fight day or night, if necessary. The Spanish Catholics, because of religious reasons, could not be forced to do nighttime operations. However, from both Hope's Husband or The Contra Connection, you will quickly pick up the same thread of evidence, and draw the same gruesome conclusion, that the Nicaraguan people were betrayed into communism by deliberate policies, intentional tactics, and covert programs originating with Henry Kissinger in the Department of State and the Administrations of Carter, Reagan and Bush. Doing the dirty work for these scoundrels, with personal intent, was Oliver North. We have talked about the Contras, and I think it is important that you meet a few of them by way of these personal photographs. As you look deeply into these pictures, think of every possible frustration that has been, and still being, leveled against these Commandants. Think of every possible physical inconvenience and mental stress which could be placed against these leaders with the hope that they would just quit themselves, and then urge these freedom-loving people, who have fought the communists for ten years, to break ranks and sneak home with their tails between their legs. The last I heard, Col. Tippin was working on a salvage ship in the Bahamas searching for sunken gold. Nord Davis, Jr. is still writing newsletters in the relative safety of the North 72
Carolina Smoky Mountains. My friends shown on page 71, are trying to survive in the Nicaraguan jungles. The United Nations troops are now preventing any help from getting to them. Our final delivery to them was up the San Juan River from a jumping-off point in Costa Rica. -14 The Contra Freedom Fighters did win a fantastic victory. After ten years of betrayal from the American government, and at the same time getting all sorts of support from individual Americans, including Tom Posey's Civilian Material Assistance, and the Northpoint Financial Teams, these Contras were able to force the Sandinista Regime to its knees and permit a free election. That may have been a first in history! The surprised Daniel Ortega, whose prior major experience, according to Col. Tippin was to rob a milkman of $60.00, was voted out. Well, the fact still is that Jesuit-trained Daniel Ortega is a CIA asset, and still doing its bidding, as Oliver North well knows. Always ready to hedge their bets, the Kissinger group, with inputs from Oliver North, selected an international socialist of their liking and pulled their levers and spun their webs so that Violeta Chamorro, a former Sandinista herself, would win. Thus, in a peaceful manner, they could bring down the shroud of socialism over Nicaragua. Your government is highly upset with Nord Davis, Jr. and several others who were parties to our activities. In October, 1993, federal aircraft with surveillance cameras have been flying low over the headquarters of Tom Posey's CMA in Alabama. Brother Tom lives in a modest ranch-style home in a housing development, so they could not learn anything about him from the air. We thought it was routine intimidation until he was indicted on a trumped up charge. On October 6, 1993, surveillance
aircraft made 35 low-level passes over the home of my Associate, Commandant Betty Lou. Although these passes were under 100' and in violation of FAA regulations, nothing, so far, has been done about it. These people never forget, and as Oliver North will be finding out with this pamphlet, neither do we. As we told the top FAA people in our area, the matter is not closed.
After ten years of debilitating fighting, and the awful attrition of their trained soldiers, the Freedom Fighters were finally forced to cross the Coco River to the north, taking into Honduras their wives, children and wounded. There were at that time 25,000 in the families of the Contras with their wounded scattered through the jungle in several different camps. There was no food, milk, medical supplies or clothing to replace that which was being worn out. Meanwhile, there -15were three 40 foot long shipping containers, the Think of our efforts in Nicaragua in this light: size of an 18 wheeler trailer body, sitting in a port Nicaragua is the first nation in American history in Honduras designated for where private Americans these people. It was funded working against the covert and shipped as a joint effort April, 1994 interests of the totalitarian of CMA and the Northpoint socialists in Washington were I can tell you now about the Teams. Under Kissinger's able to overturn a communist young lady I introduced you to by her orders from your State 'warrior name' of Chaparra. Her real government with the Department, and name is Elida Maria Galeano Charneho. combined tactical and supply She is certainly the 'Joan of Arc' of Ambassador Negropointe of abilities of American ingenuity. Nicaragua. Honduras, this shipment for This lady had the courage to I know that things did not go the starving people was penetrate deep into the Sandinista as planned in Nicaragua Intelligence Offices and supplied being held up for because of the financial, information to the Contras until she bureaucratic reasons. was finally caught. She escaped and medical, food and clothing Whenever socialism takes fought with the Contras. supply assistance of a few Will you pray for her over, starvation is used as a small American groups. All of weapon of population the money supposedly given control. Do you see why I to the Contras by Oliver included the book, Other Losses in the North was never seen by them. All of the bibliography of Hope's Husband? What we saw weapons supposedly given to the Contras, by in Nicaragua, and you now see in Somalia and one covert way or another by Oliver North's Bosnia, you will very soon see in America. You group. were never seen by the Contra Freedom do deserve it don't you, fellow American? Fighters. They were deliberately hindered from effective military actions by orders channeled down from Washington through Ambassador John Negropointe in Honduras to Oliver North. In contrast, the Sandinistas were supplied with plenty of military supplies by the Soviets through Cuba and other channels. It got so bad that if a Contra wanted a modern weapon, he had to kill a Sandinista with a machette and fighting knife and then take his weapon, ammunition and equipment, such as his boots, belts and clothing. 73 At about the same time, if my recollection is correct, your government gave an admitted African communist, Nelson Mandela, fifty million dollars for just one speech before both of the Houses of Congress. Do you like what you see in South Africa in April, 1994? In 1990, Kissinger, Negropointe and the
Bush Administration decided to use the United Nations to force the Freedom Fighters and their pitiful families out of Honduras where supplies could be delivered to them. They drove them into the bare jungles in Nicaragua. They were shipped to an uninhabited area known as El Alamendro about 250 miles southeast of Managua. There is nothing to be found there with which to build even the most basic shelter. There is no safe drinking water. As CMA leader Charlie Toler told me, It ain't the end of the world, but you can see it from there. You ask these Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters what side the government of the United States and Oliver North are on, and you might get a very interesting answer. They do not have TV in these makeshift camps, but because of Northpoint Teams and Tom Posey's CMA, they do have batteryoperated shortwave radio receivers. They can hear the world news of communist Mandela's visit to the United States and being given a hero's welcome and plenty of money. Finally, they understand... The formal end came on the 27th of June, 1990. The Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters, some of the bravest men and women I have ever known, lined up to surrender their weapons to the United Nations forces. Kissinger had won. Oliver North had won. Totalitarian socialism and the Jesuit land reform marches on. Each man and woman was given a pair of single-stitch dungarees, a shirt, a plastic freezer bag of rice and beans, and a mimeographed ID card. They were allowed to keep their boots or sneakers, and their cap. They were given about $5.00 worth of Nicaraguan Cordobas for money and permitted to go home, to be dealt with as disarmed Contras by the Sandinista regime there. The Sandinista army, in spite of the elections, still controlled the countryside throughout Nicaragua
as they do today, in April, 1994. The UN stacked their weapons to be destroyed. I kept shouting for a month, No! No! No!,'' but no one was listening. Most Contras, weary of the battle, believed in America, and the UN told them the lie that we have come here to help you. The Commandantes were not fooled, but what could they do? Their people were starving. They were out of ammunition, and they had no medical supplies left. Even such a leader as Commandants Franklin, with all his eloquence, could not hold his people any longer. Charlie Toler, a good old boy from Texas with 'a chest full of ribbons from his days in America's military service, could hardly contain himself as he gave us an account of this surrender. Some of you would not appreciate Charlie Toler, for he can use some rough language whether or not the occasion warrants ft. I happen to know that you will more likely find him with a beer in his hand than a Bible. Every time I get to worrying about his soul, I think of the lily-livered Christians surrounding Oliver North and the false ministers who, with all their knowledge, never find wisdom. Toler told us that what was happening to the Freedom Fighters was like a cancer in his heart. He told us the account of this surrender with tears in his eyes. I closed mine, too, for a quiet moment and rested my thoughts on the ultimate sacrifice of Karen and Rosita. Charlie Toler, and a hundred other men and women I could mention, if given only a moment to recall their names, for all their worldly ways, are still producing the fruit such that you and I can sleep nights here in America. God in His infinite Mercy and Grace has salted His Kingdom Land with just the right number of Colgates and Charlie Tolers. There are the Tom Poseys, and an invisible host of Northpoint Team members who stand ready, trained and able when the socialist battle comes to America. No, Oliver
North, we will never forget. It's not over yet with you. So, in an area of Nicaragua known as El Almendro, containing some 21,000 square kilometers of land that no one else has ever wanted in 300 years, the Freedom Fighters have been assigned their safe zone to be protected indefinitely by United Nations troops. But, protected from whom? Of course the Sandinista troops were not disarmed, and they still control all the rural lands of Nicaragua. -16Some Americans who publish patriotic newsletters got all excited when it was learned that Daniel Ortega and his Sandinista regime was voted out of office. They had not been in Central America in their lives. At the time, I was warning my readers that this was just another international socialist trick and I was told by several that I was still too emotionally involved with Nicaragua and their people to think clearly. Furthermore, I know that a few of my regular readers do not appreciate it when I keep hammering away on Oliver North, now living on his mufti-million dollar farm. One does not save that kind of money as an officer in the Marines. That fine piece of property was purchased with the funds sent to him by bemused patriots so that he could protect himself from criminal charges resulting in his treason against America. According to the Washinton Post of March 22, 1994, Oliver North has raised more than 20 million dollars from Christian patriots to support his political and personal organizations. 75
So it is with some personal satisfaction that I present you with this rather poor photograph of Paul Reichler. Sometimes these photographs are hard to obtain. My intelligence contacts inform me that Paul Reichler is the listed foreign agent who represents the new Chamorro Nicaraguan government. He is a member of the expensive Washington law firm of Reichler, Choate, Applebaum & Whippman. Our final check on Reichler is dated April 26, 1991. Interestingly, there is not one Latin name in the law firm. Not interestingly, there is not even a Christian name in this law firm. Shouldn't that tell you something? When are you going to see what you are looking at? Remember, our news media, not to mention some patriotic publications, have told us that the communist Ortegas are gone and that a good democrat has been elected. Why then is the same Paul Reichler, the very man who was listed as the official foreign agent for the Sandinistas, still registered as a foreign agent for this new democratic regime? What did he do, get religion like Oliver North? Paul Reichler was the man who lobbied Congress against aid to the anti-communist Contras long enough for Oliver North to get in place there and scuttle the Contra aid effort himself. Once Oliver North picked Kissinger as his mentor, do you suppose he does any political thinking on his own? Not hardly. You may recall that it was Paul Reichler who did all he could to have Nicaragua abstain from participating in the so-called Declaration of Puntarenas, an effort to bring about a peaceful
solution to the Salvadoran civil war that would put the Marxist FMLN murderers out of business. Who is the key man creating this problem? In our opinion, it is a secret communist agent in the Chamorro government. He is like Kissinger behind the scenes of our State Department. There are not that many scenes in Nicaragua, so he is easier to spot. He is none other than the President's son-in-law, Antonio Lacayo. He holds the post of Minister to The Presidency, the most powerful position in the government, except for the President herself. Thus, under his direction, the Sandinistas still control most of Nicaragua just as they have done for years. Under his direction, our Contra friends have been given this deserted sanctuary in south central Nicaragua, where they are supposed to slowly starve to death! We know that Lacayo and Reichler are close friends and that nothing has really changed in Nicaragua. The New World Order needs to have things just as they are for now. On December 17, 1990, I received a tragic phone call from Nicaragua. I quietly wept. At 9:45 PM on the 16th, the top Contra leader, Col. Enrique Bermudez, was shot and killed outside the Intercontinental Hotel in Managua by persons unknown. He had been the Commandant of Nicaragua's Military Academy, sort of like our West Point. He was one of the last old hard-line anti-communist Somozitas, and clearly one of the best men and the major stabilizing influence in Nicaragua. That was a tactical blunder, for it proved to the Contras that nothing had changed. Bermudez was loved by thousands of people in both Nicaragua and America. So, beginning soon after the murder of Bermudez, and perhaps in his memory, the Contras began to quietly rearm themselves through sources south of the border. San Jose, Costa Rica, my old stomping ground, along with David, Panama, are good sources of military supplies. The prices are
cheaper than in the United States, and no one would be foolish enough to procure such contraband in this country. -18Intelligence reports out of Costa Rica, since the Christian Unity Party has been in power there, indicate that hundreds of former Contra Freedom Fighters have taken up arms once more and are gathering in northern Costa Rica to prepare for an offensive against the Nicaraguan army known to be commanded by former Sandinistas. We made considerable effort to keep the Christian Unity Party in power. Regrettably, in the recent election of February, 1994, Jose Maria Figueres has been elected Costa Rica's youngest President ever at 39. He won by less than 2% of the popular vote. It is certain that he will use his power as President to drive the regathered Contras out of northern Costa Rica. -19We know that Daniel Ortega, the man supposedly voted out in Nicaragua, has taken over a two-block area of Managua, including a million-dollar mansion for himself. Well, if Oliver North can have a million-dollar farm, why can't Ortega have a million-dollar mansion? Speaking of brother Jesuits, Oliver North, Ortega, CIA head Bill Casey, Jose Maria Figueres, etc., Jesuit Father Miguel D'Escato, a Sandinista former Foreign Minister, has taken three mansions worth $250,000 each for his treason booty. He is a leader in the Jesuit land reform program. Apparently the Father does not want to live like a peasant. -20On or about June 27, 1991, former Contra Finance Chief, Francisco Ruiz Castellanos, was murdered in Honduras. He was another top leader of the anticommunist underground. He 76
was shot in the back by an unknown gunman. Here at Northpoint Teams, we knew him only as Commandant Renato. Thousands of dollars sent in to Northpoint Team headquarters were converted to cash and went through this Nicaraguan patriot. We talked often, and I know that he left a wife and six children. His murder is destined to be very expensive. Three days later, some of our friends attacked a Sandinista police station located 130 miles northeast of Managua and liberated 15 Soviet-made assault rifles, 10 police uniforms, 10 pairs of nice boots, 2 9mm pistols formerly worn by officers there, and $1,600 worth of Nicaraguan Cordobas. Our reports remain sketchy as to what happened to those Sandinistas who had worn those uniforms, boots and pistols. Ten to one, in retribution, is not good enough, but it is a start. Rest in peace, Commandants Renato. -21I have covered the matter of CIA operative John Hull earlier in this edition of Hope's Husband. Remember, the first edition was published in 1988. Now I read the Jack Anderson column of August 8, 1990. As I stated before, and now verified by no less an authority as Jack Anderson, Costa Rica has outstanding criminal warrants for Mr. Hull on drug trafficking and murder. Hull has little to worry about, for the last time that Costa Rica tried to get Hull extradited, 19 Congressmen wrote to Oscar Arias, then President of Costa Rica, hinting that anyone who messed with John Hull could endanger the friendly relations between the two countries. As I stated in my reports to Senator Jesse Helms in 1984, John Hull allowed his Costa Rican ranch to be used to bring in airplanes with arms for the Contras, and then fly out with cocaine bound for the United States. Who bought the weapons and who paid for the cocaine? We know all about these tidy 77
transactions, and that the aircraft carrying the cocaine landed at Homestead Air Force base, a matter that was common knowledge of the people who worked at the base. After all, any civilian aircraft that lands repeatedly at a military air base, when there is no-flight emergency, attracts attention of even the most unsophisticated. A former contact in the Justice Department took some of my information in early 1985 and tried to have it investigated without disclosing the source. A U.S. Prosecutor named Jeffrey Feldman was assigned the case. He routinely tried to investigate John Hull and found that he was getting nowhere. He tried to get information from the Gray Building, the U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica, and got the runaround. His request to convene a Grand Jury was denied. Then, the Justice Department dropped the case and sent Feldman off to Thailand on other duties. Federal Public Defender John Mattes met with the same brick wall in 1986. During a routine research for a client, he ran up against the name of John Hull. He went to Costa Rica and unraveled the details of Hull's activities. He says that he encountered, according to Jack Anderson, clear attempts to obstruct the truth by elements of the Justice Department and the FBI. It seems that one of John Mattes's prime witnesses on behalf of his client was Jack Terrell. When we knew him, Jack Terrell worked for John Hull and knew all about his business dealings. Some time later, the date we do not have, Hull and Terrell parted ways after an argument. So, Terrell spilled the beans to Congress about John Hull's illegal drug activities. His activities, of course, involved Oliver North and the CIA's bombing of Eden Pastora's headquarters where our friend Rosita was killed. That was enough for Oliver North to jump in and state, in a July, 1986 memo to President Reagan, that Terrell was a terrorist threat.
-22Remember that I stated earlier that in Central America the CIA and the DEA are literally at war with each other? My contacts with the DEA in Costa Rica indicated to me that they were honest men. My personal regards to the memory of DEA agent/pilot Robin Hood, whose CIA-sabotaged plane went down over Costa Rica in 1982. I knew him. Now comes the story out of San Jose, Costa Rica on the wire services of October 18, 1992, that the DEA was used to help the CIA agent John Hull jump bond and escape from Costa Rica. The clue here is that the allegation of DEA help came from the mouth of CIA agent John Hull. Now, why would Hull say that? He did not have to tell anyone how he got out. The CIA, with its host of planes, and cocaine carrying shrimp boats, could certainly have extracted Mr. Hull without trusting such a VIP to two DEA pilots who happened to approach him for a special task. Spare me, Mr. Hull! -23In a story which came out just a year ago, January 26, 1993, the facts contained in my report to Jesse Helms in 1984 and my Hope's Husband original edition dated 1988 have been proven by one of those DEA agents directly involved. Let me reprint sections of the story which appeared in the Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, January 26, 1993:
Ex-agent: Drug sales aided contras. Retired DEA man says smuggling, North venture linked. by Dave Harmon,
McAllen Monitor McALLEN, Texas - A former U.S. drug agent based in Central America says the covert U.S. operation that supplied arms to the Nicaraguan contras also smuggled drugs into the United States to help finance the war against the leftist Sandinista Government. Celerino Cele Castilli III of McAllen, a former agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration, said an investigation he conducted while based in Guatemala in the mid1980s revealed that the Central Intelligence Agency and former National Security Staffer Oliver North operated two hangars from Ilopango Air Force Base in El Salvador. 78
Castillo said airplanes operating from the hangars delivered narcotics to the United States and the Bahamas and brought back cash to finance the supply operation. Castillo, 43, said that when he reported the activity, he met a wall of resistance from the CIA, the U.S. Ambassador, and his own agency. He said that he has to come forward out of frustration with a government that sent his agency to fight a drug war while supporting narcotics smuggling by another agency to support a political war in the same region... He said that he could identify the Contra supply planes by the black cross on their tail .... ...When he persisted in his investigation, Castillo claimed, the DEA suspended him for three days for becoming too close to an informant, codenamed Louis Aparicio. In 1991, it refused to transfer him to Texas, but sent him to San Francisco where he was the only Spanishspeaking agent. Then, in April, 1991, the agency's Board of Professional Conduct threatened Castillo with a 35day suspension, based on seven charges ranging from improper association to receiving gifts to illegally selling a pistol in a foreign country. Castillo appealed and the agency threatened to fire him until he brought up the Ilopango investigation. After undergoing a psychiatric evaluation stating that he suffered from a posttraumatic stress, Castillo said, he compromised and took the DEA's offer of early disability retirement. Castillo was an infantry sergeant in Vietnam where he earned a Bronze Star. Above all, Oliver North must be protected. Oliver North is one of those kinds of men you tend to love, until you really get to know him. This seems to be the common thread among all of his former associates. You need to read the testimony of Mary Dix, the former Director of Administration of the National Security Council. She was the keeper of the petty cash box that Oliver North was always raiding under the excuse that he did not have enough money to buy gas to get home. She will not be a voter for Oliver North! The love of money is the root of all evil, and there is nothing that Oliver North has
done since his Iran-Contragate days that did not translate into making the millions he thinks he needs to vindicate himself. Deep down inside, Oliver North knows that he is a fraud and a phony. He knows that he may be the largest drug pusher this side of Columbia and that thousands of young people have been destroyed by the drugs that he imported to the United States on CIA-owned aircraft. His latest book, One More Mission, is designed to be a political instrument to get him into the Senate. From there, he would like to be President. Yet One More Mission does not mention those areas of perfidy and treason that made him loved and famous among the Republican underclass, those pro-Zionist Christian fundamentalist believers who will give him thousands of dollars for this campaign, and work night and day distributing his political fliers. As I write, the political pollsters give him about a 50/50 chance of winning the Senate in Virginia. Hopefully enough Virginia voters will sit down with Hope's Husband and read it carefully before casting their ballots for their Senatorial representative from Virginia. -24According to columnist Jim Spencer of the Hampton Roads, Virginia Daily Press, March 21, 1993, Oliver North visited a Virginia church one Sunday morning, and as he entered, the entire congregation rose to its feet and began clapping! They kept on clapping until the minister was obliged to invite him to the pulpit to speak. Was he invited to speak because of his drug trafficking which the congregation certainly knew about and must have approved this activity? Or was it because he had to get a Congressional grant of immunity in order to force him to stop lying? Or was it because he symbolizes blind obedience without regard to law and order in this Age of Grace? Or is it because North, as most Christians, goes with the flow regardless of whether it's right or wrong? North reminds me of
G. Gordon Liddy, not Thomas Jefferson or Patrick Henry. He has demonstrated that he has the character of a mobster's henchman and the sensitivity of Archie Bunker. We do not have a current accounting of the proceeds from his money-making machine among Christians and patriots, but as of a year ago, they had lined his pockets from VPAC and Freedom Alliance to the tune of more than 20 million dollars. Christians who will support Oliver North today will take The Mark some day without the slightest whimper, and later hear Christ say, Depart from me, ye worker of lawlessness, I never knew you. There is a reason why I can say this, and it originates from a place called Chinook. In east central Guatemala there is a certain large ranch with an airfield on it. It is known as The Chinook Ranch. Cocaine from Columbia, which formerly went through Panama and Hull's ranch in northern Costa Rica and on into Homestead Air Force Base, now goes through Chinook. From there they are flown into an airfield near the small town of Mena, Arkansas. What I am now revealing, in honor of the churches in Virginia which gave a standing ovation to Oliver North, is more of a scandal than what is now called Whitewatergate. This Arkansas CIA drug operation was organized by none other than Oliver North. Ollie worked in Mena with the full knowledge of the following people: Vice President Bush, Donald Gregg, the National Security Advisor to George Bush, and Felix Rodriquez, AKA Max Gomez. You remember that name from El Salvador and Costa Rica. We have identified three of the CIA pilots who brought drugs into Mena as Richard Brenneke, Michael Tolliver and Gary Betzner. This all took place while Bill Clinton was Governor and some of it centered around Little Rock. One such person was Little Rock businessman Terry Reed who states in an affidavit that he was hired by Oliver North to
train Latin American pilots at an airstrip at Nella in rural Scott County. We have evidence that at least 25 pilots were trained there, and that the emphasis during 1982-1985 was nighttime air drops. Reed stated that he was part owner of a Mexican import-export business set up by the CIA, but when he found out that North's CIA was dealing in drugs, he got out. Reed testified in a legal deposition that this whole drug operation centered around Mena. Well, it seems that Mr. Reed got into all sorts of trouble with the federal authorities because of his testimony concerning these CIA drug operations. Can you imagine the hundreds and perhaps thousands of American young people whose lives have been ruined by the drugs imported by Baptist speaker Oliver North's Mena drug operation? If you have any doubt as to what I am disclosing here, you can read about some of it in The Arkansas Gazette of September 10, 1991 which carried part of the story and positively identified the CIA use of this Mena airport to bring drugs into Arkansas to be distributed all over the central part of America. No wonder Oliver North needs an expensive state-ofthe-art security fence around his home and is in the bullet-proof vest business! You Baptist Christians may want to contact the Arkansas State Attorney General Winston Bryant or Representative Bill Alexander, both of whom met with the Iran-Contragate special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh to present what Bryant called credible evidence that the CIA ran drugs into Mena. Well, a Federal Grand Jury was empaneled in Arkansas to investigate the information provided. Guess what? No one was ever indicted as a result of the tons of CIA drugs that were brought into Mena, just as no one was ever indicted as a result of the CIA drugs that were flown in to Homestead Air Force Base in the years before the Mena operation got started. Can I name one man who should have been
indicted along with Oliver North? Our Northpoint Team penetrated that operation, and can state positively that Freddie Hampton, owner of Rich Mountain Aviation, an aircraft repair business at the Mena airport, was directly involved with North's CIA drug operations. I put it in print with the hope that Mr. North or Mr. Hampton will have the guts to sue me. My Team operative told me that Mr. Hampton was involved in all sorts of FAA illegal activities such as changing aircraft numbers, adding extra fuel tanks, and installing special cargo doors. Hampton was making so much money that he bought 109 acres of land in Scott County, Arkansas, and later some $150, 000 worth of land near Lake Mena. Say it isn't so, Mr. Hampton! More than 100 flights carrying between 600 and 1200 pounds of highgrade refined cocaine came into North's Mena operation during 19821983. My Guatemala G-2 Military Intelligence contact, an American working under contract with them, told me that drug flights were still going from Chinook into Mena as late as January, 1992. Soon after I first published this information in September, 1992, we lost contact with him and have not heard from him since. After three years of investigations by the Federal Grand Jury, the Jury was dismissed without handing down any indictments. Incredible? Ask Polk County Sheriff, A. L. Hadaway, or his Deputy Terry Capehart about the drugs. For every fact that I have provided here, a dozen more could have been included. Is it enough to say that I know about the money laundered through the Union Bank and the courageous IRS agent Bill Duncan who made the case? Hard to find, these days, but there are a few good men left in the IRS. Oliver North used his influence to get Bill Duncan transferred. We know of the deliberate fumbling of this matter by two U.S. Attorneys, Asa Hutchinson and Mike Fitzhugh.
We know about the murder of Berry Seal in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on February 19, 1986, who worked out of the Mena airport. We believed him to have been a doubleagent, working for the CIA but reporting to certain people in the DEA. When his cover was blown, he was murdered. -25If Oliver North is ever elected as the Republican Senator from Virginia, the fact I am going to release now will be enough to have him impeached. Early in March, 1983, Oliver North approached Little Rock businessman Terry Reed, the man I mentioned on page 80, with an unusual and illegal scheme called Project Donation. In this North program, Mr. Reed stated, people donated planes and other valuables to the North covert operations in Nicaragua by allowing them to be stolen and then collecting the insurance money on them. Reed wanted no part of this unlawful activity, and told North that he would not donate his plane. Well, on March 12, 1983, Reed left his Piper Turbo Arrow at the Joplin, Missouri airport for service. It was stolen from there and Reed did not see it again for five years. Reed presumed that it was an ordinary theft, and collected insurance on it. That is what you pay insurance for, isn't it? The plane was never found, but I suggest it might have been hangared at Chinook. Shortly after Reed began to talk about the North/CIA drug operations, Reed's stolen Piper Arrow was put into his hangar and subsequently found there by a private investigator named Tommy Baker working with Clinton's Security Chief, Arkansas Highway Patrol Captain Raymond Buddy Young. Buddy Young, who had to have been involved with the drugs in order that no one got caught, saw to it that mail fraud charges were placed against Terry Reed in an indictment in 1988. The indictment was based solely on the allegation that Reed had collected
insurance money for his stolen airplane, when the plane was in his hangar all the time. Well, the U.S. Federal Court threw out the charges for lack of evidence stated in the Record that Clinton's Capt. Young and Tommy Baker showed a reckless disregard for the truth in their testimony. I guess that they had been around Oliver North too long, or Oliver North has the unique propensity to find people with criminal mentalities to work with and for him in the cause of freedom. In July, 1991, Terry Reed filed suit in Federal Court in Little Rock charging Clinton's Security Chief, Buddy Young and Tommy Baker with a conspiracy to fabricate a federal crime and for perjury for their false testimony in the 1988 indictment. I believe that the case is still pending, but if and when it does come to trial, I expect it will show that Capt. Young was operating under instructions from some higher authority. Congressman Bill Alexander, a Democrat, insists that he has never seen a whitewash job as has been executed in this case. He told one reporter: The fact remains that there has been a conspiracy of the grandest magnitude that so far has not been prosecuted. As you read Hope's Husband, again please observe that Oliver North seems to be absolutely amoral in everything he does, whether it is testifying before Congress, or raising money for his personal needs. He has come a long way from the days of raiding the petty cash box at the National Security Council. After his speeches, his workers will often sell hundreds of copies of his book, Under Fire at list price, and North would make more than $20.00 profit on each copy. Treason doth prosper some people very well. In the memory of Karen and Rosita .... We too have one more mission, don't we? NWD
Who is Nord Davis, Jr., The Leader Of Northpoint Teams? Who Is This Articulate Author of Hopes Husband? Before You Spend $7.00, Please Read This Page For Free!
Who is this man, Nord Davis, Jr., who publishes, without apology, all those things that both Mr. Reagan's friends and his enemies have agreed to never speak about in public? Who is this man who would expose Oliver North, instead of President Reagan or President Bush, as the key traitor in the Iran-Contragate Scandal? Who would then have the courage to publish the names of the people and agencies who covered up Oliver North's activities because they knew that they were all done on behalf of North's personal mentor, Henry Kissinger? Who is this man who seems to have highlevel sources of his information and yet does not work for the federal government or any of its agencies? Mr. Davis is a Korean War veteran and the father of five children. He is blessed with sixteen grandchildren. The record shows that he resigned from IBM in 1966 to be able to expose IBM's sales of sophisticated computers to the communists in time of war. Then, through his ever-increasing line of Intelligence contacts, he wrote the best pamphlet, so far, on the facts behind the Kennedy Assassination in 1968. About that time, an extensive FBI file was begun on him, and patriots within the government volunteered to help protect him. So he updated his pamphlet, Dallas Conspiracy, in 1990, specifically naming the names. It only costs $1.00, for heaven's sake! Mr. Davis was the American Party candidate against Ted Kennedy, on his first attempt for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts in 1970. Oliver North and Mr. Davis do have that one thing in common: Candidates for the U.S. Senate. He lost but with his millions, Oliver North may win. Then, in 1971, Nord Davis, Jr., organized a private military effort to close Haiphong Harbor known as Operation Rolling 82 Thunder, and eventually forced the Government of the United States to blockade that harbor on May 8, 1972. At that time an extensive CIA file was being compiled about him and still more patriots offered information and help to protect him. Then in 1981, Nord Davis went to Central America, and met some dedicated anticommunists, those Nicaraguan heroes and heroines known as 'The Contras. He reactivated his Northpoint Teams, who had worked with him on Rolling Thunder, and what you will read here is only a part of the Northpoint Team story that he can tell without compromising contacts. This is not a pamphlet for those who insist that all mysteries be solved. The tangled mess known as the IranContragate cannot be unraveled in an 83-page publication, but you will agree that he has provided enough, along with his sources, so that you can do the rest of the unraveling yourself. Not only that, but your $7.00 investment in Americanism is destined to make you a walking authority on what is really happening, not only in Nicaragua and with drugs, but in the worldwide plan for New World Order domination being generated within the U.S. Department of State for at least 70 years. Oliver North was a willing party to that objective in all that he has said and done since long before his name ever became a household word. The central theme of this pamphlet is the same as the hundreds of others that we have published: America First; No Apology! If you can accept this basic premise and thoughttheology, you will enjoy this pamphlet. Otherwise, you will not, and you should not buy it. Betty Lou Smith Hanson, Associate, Northpoint Teams
This pamphlet is not copyrighted. It may be reproduced freely with credits to the author. Ten copies are to be mailed to the Northpoint Teams for our files. Deliberate mis-quotes will be dealt with severely.