Andhra Pradesh Paramedical Board: Phone: Website: W .GP.Q..M - 9.cq.:lo

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Directorate of Medical Education, A.P.,
Old Government General Hospital Campus, Hanumanpeta, Vijayawada -520 003,
Phone: 0866 - 2974042. email: [email protected]

Notification No. 06/APPMB/Admissionsl AY 2021-2022, dt. 27.02.2021

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates belonging to the State of
Andhra Pradesh for admissions in to the Government permitted Paramedical
Courses in Recognized Private Paramedical Institutions for the academic year
2021-2022 which are having eligible and valid Government Orders.

The Prescribed application form along with the details of the District-wise
institutions, courses, number of seats etc., can be downloaded from the following

2. Candidates who have passed Intermediate with are eligible

for these two year Paramedical Diploma Courses. (If candidates with Bi.P.C
group are not available Intermediate M.P.C. group and thereafter other groups will
be preferred).

3. Schedule:

1. Date of issue of Notification 27.02.2021

2. The last date for submission of filled in application
forms to the District Medical and Health Officer 10.04.2021
3. Completion of counselling process and allotment of
candidates to the institutes by the OM & HO 30.04.2021
4. Last date for submission of Selection Lists approved by
the OM & HO under the Government Quota to be sent
to APPMB 05.05.2021

5. Last date for submission of Selection lists under
Management Quota to APPMBfor verification and
approval by the Secretary, APPMB. 16.05.2021
6. Last date for submission of List of selected candidates
(both Government and Management Quota) who
joined in the Pvt. Paramedical institutions should be
sent to the AP Paramedical Board 31.05.2021
7. Commencement of classes by the Institutions 04.06.2021

The last date for sending the Approved list of selected ~an~idates by DM&HO under
Government Quota during counseling along with application forms to the ~PPM~,
Vijayawada is 05.05.2021, failing which it will be construed that no candidate IS
admitted by the Institute.

The Counseling Process for Government Quota s~a~s shall be c~m~leted by the
Selection Committee of the District concerned consisting the following.

District Medical & Health Officer Chairman Cum Convener

SU_Qerintendentof Teaching H.ospital Member
Deputy Director / District SOCIalWelfare Member
Officer .
Principal of Concerned Training Institution Member

:: 2::
4. Selection for Government Quota Seats: The committee shall ~ake
selections in Government Quota seats (i.e., 60% of the total number of sanc~loned
seats) purely on merit on the basis of aggregate marks obtained by the candidates
in relevant group subjects excluding the marks obtained in the language~. In
deciding such merit, candidates who pass under compartmental system will be
placed after candidates who pass under regular system.

5. The committee will verify the Government Orders issued from time to
time for which the seats were granted to the Private Paramedical
Institutions and approve the selection list. The Selection Committee shall also
verify the period of validity of recognition granted to the Para Medical
Institutions by the Andhra Pradesh State Para Medical Board before allotting the
candidates under government Quota.

6. The managements of the Institutions shall admit the candidates to Government

Quota allotted by the Selection Committee on the basis of ranking assigned to them
against the Government Seats. The maximum number of students to be admitted in
each paramedical course shall not be more than the intake capacity of Government

7. Selection for Management Seats shall be made by the managements

concerned by issuing a notification in leading regional newspapers. The selection
shall be based on merit on the basis of aggregate marks obtained by the candidates
in relevant group subjects excluding the marks obtained in the languages in the
qualifying examination. In deciding such merit, candidates who pass under
compartmental system will be placed after candidates who pass under regular
system. The list of students to be admitted along with merit list shall be submitted
to the Andhra Pradesh State Para Medical Board for its verification and approval
after selection.

No candidate has to be admitted in the Management Quota, without the

approval of the SECRETARY,A.P.Paramedical Board.

8. Rule of Reservation shall be strictly followed while making selection for both
Government quota seats and management seats. If qualified candidates are not
available in the category for Scheduled Tribes, the seats reserved for them shall be
made available to Scheduled castes and vice versa. If qualified candidates belonging
to Scheduled castes are not available, the left over seats reserved for them shall be
treated as open competition seats and shall be filled up with the candidates of
general pool.

Out of the seats available for admission, 15% for SC, 6% for ST, 29% for BC's and
for special categories (i.e.3% horizontal reservation for physically handicapped in
each category (OC,BC,SC,ST) for Visually Handicapped / Hearing Impaired /
O~hopaedically Handicapped ( each1 %); 1% for NCC candidates; 2% for the
children of Ex-Servicemen; '12 %( half percent) for Sports & Games candidates are
reserved. 85%. of the seats a:e reserved in favour of local candidates. The
SC/ST/BC candidates should furnish the prescribed community certificate signed b
the competent authority not below the rank of M.R.O. y

9. Th~ res~rvations meant for local candidates shall be followed as the

~~es~rI~ed ) In the Andhra Pradesh Educations Institutions (Regulations of
th m~ssdl?nsNor?er, 1974, as amended from time to time. The candidates should be
e n Ian atlonak and the minimum age shall be si t ( '.
~erti~~a~esdOft~e st~dents .admit~ed from other than sta~ e:tAn~~)raY~~;~~:I~~a;~~~
thee~O~i~~eCo~m~~:I:~ their applications shall not be entertained and accepted by

10. The Tuition fee prescribed per annum for h .

Fourteen thousand and five hundred only) f~~c60so~ud~ntIS Rs.14,500/-(Rupees
RS.45,000/-( Rupees Forty Five thousand 0 I 0 overnment Quota seats.
with other special fees as prescribed in G~Y)MforN40% Management seats along
23/12/2020 or as may be enhanced by th G s 0.159, HM ~ FW( C1) dated
Managements shall not collect any amounte othOevre~~mentth
from tlf~e to time. The
Government. an e prescribed fee by the

11. The medium of instruction in all paramedical courses is English only.

The candidates should have to write their examinations strictly in English
only. It is also notified that year wise examinations will be held from this
academic year i.e., 2021-2022.

12. Minimum 75% attendance is mandatory for all candidates failing which they will
not be allowed to write the examinations. No condonation will be allowed.

13. The DM&HO concerned is requested to give wide publicity and display the
Notification on the Notice Board of their office and take necessary steps for
successful completion of the process of selection of candidates as per Annexures I
and II for the A.Y.2021-22.

14. The DM&HO concerned is authorized to collect a sum of Rs.100j- (Rupees One
hundred only) in cash for each filled in application submitted by the candidate
towards processing fee to meet the incidental expenditure.

15. The selected candidates shall pay Board fee for Rs.200j- in favour of Secretary,
A.P.Paramedical Board by Demand Draft to AP Paramedical Board, Vijayawada
through Principals of the Colleges and also submit the list of candidates in
their colleges, with signatures of the Selection committee of concerned district for
both Government and Management Quota separately wit~i the stipulated time.
Andhra Pradesh Paramedical Board

All the District Medical & Health Officers in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Copy to: ."
The Director of Medical Education, A.P., VIJayawada. ..
The Director of PubliC Health and Family Welfare, A.P., vIJayawada.. f M dl I
All the Superintendents of Teaching Hospitals under the control of the Director 0 e rca
. V·· da
Education, A.P., ijavawa . d P' te Paramedical Institutions in the State of Andhra
All the Managements of Recognize nva
Pradesh. . . ld t APPMB/ Principal Secretary to Govt., HM&FW Dept.,
The PS to the Ex-OffiCIO Prest en ,
Govt., of A.P., Vijayawad~. . I Welfare / BC Welfare, Tadepalli, Guntur
The Commissioner of SOCialweldfahre/pTr~b~h State Para Medical Board, Vijayawada The
, All th members of the An ra ra e . .
DISt., e d' al Institutions Management ASSOCiation.
PreSident, A.p.Parame IC
(Notification No.06lAPPMBlAdmissionslAY 2021-2022, dt. .02.2021)

Course Abbreviation Name of the Diploma Course with two years duration Eligibility for
with media of instruction as admission
S.No Code of the
Number Course English only

1 0001 DMLT Diploma in Medical Lab Technology

2 0002 DMIT Diploma in Medical Imaging Technology

As per GOMs
3 0003 DOA Diploma in Ophthalmic Assistant Course No.65,HMFW
(ll) Dept., dt
4 0004 DDIALY Diploma in Dialysis Technology 15-05-2013

5 0005 DREST Diploma in Respiratory Therapy Passin

Diploma in Medical Sterilization Management & Intermediate
6 0006 DMST
Operation Theatre Technology with Bi.PC
7 0007 DPERFU Diploma in Perfusion Technology Group

8 0008 DOM Diploma in OptometriC Technician Course (If candidates

9 0009 DRTI Diploma in Radio Therapy Technology with Bi.PC
Group are not
10 0011 DRGA Diploma in Radiographic Assistant Course
11 0012 DDRA Diploma in Dark Room Assistant Course
candidates with
12 0013 DCARDIO Diploma in Cardiology Technician Course MPC group and
13 0014 DCLT Diploma in Cath lab Technology thereafter other
14 0015 DECG Diploma in ECG Technician Course groups may be
15 0016 DANS Diploma in Anesthesia Technician Course given
DMPHA Diploma in Multipurpose Health Assistant (Male)
16 0017
eM) Course
17 0019 DAM Diploma in Audiometry Technician Course


Directorate of Medical Education, A.P.,
Old Government General Hosptial, Hanumanpeta, Vijayawada -520 003,
Phone: 0866 - 2974042. email: [email protected]
website: \NV{.Y'!



Candidates shall submit the applications to the DM & HO of the district

concerned if is in Recognised Private Paramedical Institution which are having


Government Quota
D Management Quota D
Application No. District Registration No.

1. FULL NAME Male Female Affix Recent

(In Block letters as in Photo graph
SSC / Equivalent Exam Signed by
the Applicant




Age Date Month Year

4. AGE & DATE OF BIRTH (AS ON 1.6.2016)

As entered in SSC Examination

(Copy to be enclosed)



Village Mandai I District

(Please enclose certificate
issued by the Competent Authority)


(Please enclose copy of relevant certificate of

qualifying examination)


If in single attempt: Division: !III/III I Compartmental J
Maximum Marks Marks Obtained Percentage



. . details for the four / seven consecutive

12. PARTICULARS O~ STl~DY: furnlsn~h t:~df~~~~I(~Opy of Study, Bonafide certificate from the
~~~dd~r:lf\~:aI~st~;~li~~s~lt~o~~~ /~~H / Private School should be enclosed as proof).

is·No. Classin hichstudied AcademicYear Nameandplaceof the Institutionsin whichstudiedandthe district Remarks
~uringtheyear( If not in whichInstitutionis situated
duringtheyear( If not
!Studied in any year,
ftate so, and
~pecifythe reason
in the remarks
1. IV Class
2. V Class
3. VI Class
4. VII Class
5. !VIII Class
6. IX Class
7 X Class
8 Intermediate

Note; For claiming local candidature four consecutive academic years out of seven years of study is mandatory.


I hereby solemnly and sincerely affirm that the information furnished by me in the application form and
also in all the enclosures there to submitted by me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief
and if found that any information furnished therein is fraudulent, incorrect or untrue I am liable to criminal
prosecution. Further I also agree to forego my seat in the college unconditionally.

I shall abide by the decision of the Selection Committee which shall be final and binding on me.

I also further declare that I will pay the fee in full for the entire period of the Course in-case I discontinue
the studies in the middle and take back my original certificates submitted at the time of admissions.

I will
as per Anti not indulge
Ragging Act. in any ragging activities during my study period, failing which I am liable for punishment

Total No. of enclosures ( )


I have fully read the information furnished by my son / daughter / ward and affirm that it is true and if it is
proved that the information was fraudulent, admission is liable to cancellation without any notice.



Note: No application will be deemed complete unless this declaration is Signed by the candidate and parent /


Checked by
Notification No. 06/APPMB/Admissionsl AY 2021-2022, dt. .02.2021


Read the instructions carefully before filling the aRRlication:

A. Filled in application forms should reach the DM&HO's concerned on or before

5.00PM on 10.04.2021
B. Application shall be filled with his / her own handwriting in English by the
C. Application with incomplete or incorrect or false information or false /
incorrect certificate will be rejected automatically without any intimation.
D. Candidates shall not be permitted to change their social status or local
candidature etc., after submission of application form.
E. Applications without required certificates and incomplete entries will be
rejected automatically without any intimation.
F. The candidate has to pay the fee in full for the entire period of the course in
case if the student desires to discontinue the studies and to take back the
original certificates submitted at the time of admissions.


1) Date of Birth certificate ( SSC or its equivalent pass certificate)

2) Copy of Aadhar Card.
3) Memo of the marks and pass certificate of the qualifying examination.
(INTERMEDIATE pass certificate) including transfer certificate issued by the
Institute from which the candidate has passed the qualified examination.
4) Certificate of study from 4th class to Intermediate.
S) If the Applicant belongs to SC/ST/BC, a.cop~ of Caste certi~icate issued by
the competent authority as proof of their claim for reservation.
6) The filled in application form along with a sum of Rs.100/- (~upees One
hundred only) in cash towards processing fee shall be submitted to the
concerned on or before 10.04.2021 by 5.00PM.

Private Medical College
S.No Names Course Seats Go Numbers

PES Institute of Para Medical G.O.Ms.No: 606, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

1 SCiences,Kuppam DMLT 30 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Rt.No: 183, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DOA 10 Dated: 22-02-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 183, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DDIALY 10 Dated: 22-02-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 183, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DREST 10 Dated: 22-02-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 183, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DMST 10 Dated: 22-02-2017

G.O.Ms.No: 606, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DRGA 20 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 606, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DORA 10 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Rt.No: 183, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DCARDIO 10 Dated: 22-02-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 183, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DCATHLAB 10 Dated: 22-02-2017

G.O.Ms.No: 606, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DECG 10 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Rt.No: 183, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DANS 10 Dated: 22-02-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 183, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DAM 10 Dated: 22-02-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 183, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DHFSM 10 Dated: 22-02-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 439, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

2 KIMS, Amalapuram DDIALYS 20 Dated: 31-07-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 439, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DCARDIO 20 Dated: 31-07-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 439, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DCATHLAB 20 Dated: 31-07-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 439, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DANS 20 Dated: 31-07-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 439, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DMIT 20 Dated: 31-07-2017

G.O.Ms.No: 409, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DMLT 30 Dated: 07-12-2007

G.O.Ms.No: 309, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DOA 30 Dated: 13-08-2008

G.O.Ms.No: 319, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DREST 30 Dated: 21-09-2007

G.O.Ms.No: 42, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

KIMS, Amalapuram DMST 30 Dated: 05-02-2008

G.O.Ms.No: 292, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DOM 10 Dated: 31-08-2007

G.O.Ms.No: 292, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DRGA 10 Dated: 31-08-2007

G.O.Ms.No: 292, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DECG 8 Dated: 31-08-2007
Private Medical College
S.No Names Course Seats Go Numbers

GSL Medical College, G.O.Ms.No: 318 HM&FW (K2) Dept,

3 NH-5, Venkatapuram, Rajanagaram DMLT 20 Dated: 05-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 318 HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DOA 20 Dated: 05-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 318 HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DDIALYS 10 Dated: 05-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 318 HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DPERFU 2 Dated: 05-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 318 HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DOM 10 Dated: 05-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 505 HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DRTT 6 Dated: 16-09-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 318 HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DCARDIO 10 Dated: 05-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 318 HM&FW (K2) Dept.

DCATHLAB 10 Dated: 05-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 318 HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DANS 10 Dated: 05-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 318 HM&FW (K2) Dept,

OMIT 10 Dated: 05-07-2003

NRllnstitute of Paramedical Sciences, G.O.Ms.No: 604, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

4 Chinakakani DMLT 20 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 604, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DOA 20 Dated: 15-10-2003
G.O.Rt.No: 136, HM&FW (J2) Dept,
DDIALYS 4 Dated: 06-02-2014
G.O.Rt.No: 134, HM&FW (J2) Dept,
DREST 10 Dated: 06-02-2014

G.O.Rt.No: 515, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DMST 15 Dated: 14-09-2017

G.O.Ms.No: 128, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DPERFU 4 Dated: 25-04-2008

G.O.Ms.No: 604, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DOM 10 Dated: 15-10-2003

NRI Institute of Paramedical Sciences, G.O.Rt.No: 515, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

Chinakakani DRTT 15 Dated: 14-09-2017

G.O.Ms.No: 604, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DRGA 20 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 604, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DORA 10 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Rt.No: 515, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DCARDIO 15 Dated: 14-09-2017

G.O.Ms.No: 128, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DCATHLAB 10 Dated: 25-04-2008

G.O.Ms.No: 604, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DECG 10 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 128, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DANS 10 Dated: 25-04-2008

G.O.Rt.No: 515, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

OMIT 15 Dated: 14-09-2017

G.O.Ms.No: 604, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DAM 10 Dated: 15-10-2003
Private Medical College
S.No Names Course Seats Go Numbers
Katuri Institute of Para Medical
G.O.Rt.No: 422, HM&FW (G2) Dept,
5 Sciences, Edulapalem, Prathipadu DMLT 40 Dated: 31-08-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 422, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DOA 12 Dated: 31-08-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 422, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DDIALYS 12 Dated: 31-08-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 422, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DREST 20 Dated: 31-08-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 422, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DMST 15 Dated: 31-08-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 422, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DPERFU 8 Dated: 31-08-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 422, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DRGA 25 Dated: 31-08-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 422, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DCARDIO 10 Dated: 31-08-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 422, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DCATHLAB 5 Dated: 31-08-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 422, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DECG 15 Dated: 31-08-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 422, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DANS 25 Dated: 31-08-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 422, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DMIT 25 Dated: 31-08-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 422, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DAM 10 Dated: 31-08-2018
Dr. Pinnamaneni Siddartha Institute of
M S & R F, Chinnaavutapally, Krishna G.O.Ms.No: 389, HM&FW (K2) Dept,
6Dist. DOA 20 Dated: 17-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 389, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DDIALY 10 Dated: 17-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 389, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DOM 10 Dated: 17-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 389, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DCARDIO 10 Dated: 17-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 389, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DANS 10 Dated: 17-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 603, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

10 Dated: 15-10-2003
G.O.Ms.No: 603, HM&FW (K2) Dept,
10 Dated: 15-10-2003
G.O.Ms.No: 389, HM&FW (K2) Dept,
20 Dated: 17-07-2003
G.O.Ms.No: 389, HM&FW (K2) Dept,
4 Dated: 17-07-2003
G.O.Ms.No: 389, HM&FW (K2) Dept.
10 Dated: 17-07-2003

-- --
Private Medical College Go Numbers
Course Seats
S.No Names
G.O.Ms.No: 316, HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Narayana Medical Dated: 04-07-2003
7 College,Chinthareddypalem, Nellore DMLT 10

G.O.Ms.No: 316, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

10 Dated: 04-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 316, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

4 Dated: 04-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 316, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

6 Dated: 04-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 316, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DECG 10 Dated: 04-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 316, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DANS 4 Dated: 04-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 316, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DMIT 6 Dated: 04-07-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 316, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DAM 6 Dated: 04-07-2003
G.O.Rt.No: 49, HM&FW (G2) Dept,
DDIALY 30 Dated: 06-02-2019
G.O.Rt.No: 49, HM&FW (G2) Dept,
DMST 30 Dated: 06-02-2019
G.O.Rt.No: 49, HM&FW (G2) Dept,
DPERFU 30 Dated: 06-02-2019

Narayana Medical G.O.Rt.No: 49, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

College,Chinthareddypalem, Nellore DCARDIO 30 Dated: 06-02-2019
G.O.Rt.No: 49, HM&FW (G2) Dept,
DCATHLAB 30 Dated: 06-05-2019

Bollineni Medskills Paramedical G.O.Rl.No: 575, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

8 Institution, Ragolu, Srikakulam DMPHA 40 Dated: 19-11-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 575, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DDIALYS 20 Dated: 19-11-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 468, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DMLT 20 Dated: 29-08-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 468, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DOA 20 Dated: 29-08-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 468, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DREST 1 Dated: 29-08-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 468, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DMST 20 Dated: 29-08-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 468, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DOM 10 Dated: 29-08-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 468, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DDRA 20 Dated: 29-08-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 468, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DCARDIO 10 Dated: 29-08-2017

G.O.Rl.No: 468, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DCATHLAB 5 Dated: 29-08-2017

G.O.Rt.No: 468, HM&FW (G2) Dept

DECG 10 Dated: 29-08-2017 '

G.O.Rt.No: 468, HM&FW (G2) Dept

DANS 15 Dated: 29-08-2017 '

G.O.Rt.No: 468, HM&FW (G2) Dept

DMIT 20 Dated: 29-08-2017 '

G.O.Rt.No: 468, HM&FW (G2) Dept

DAM 20 Dated: 29-08-2017 '
Private Medical College
S.No Names Course Seats Go Numbers

Maharajah's Institute of Medical G.O.Ms.No: 390, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

9 Sciences, Nellimarla DMLT 20 Dated: 01-10-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 26, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DOA 4 Dated: 27-01-2004

G.O.Ms.No: 81, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DOM 6 Dated: 28-02-2004

G.O.Ms.No: 25, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DRGA 20 Dated: 27-01-2004

G.O.Ms.No: 25, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DORA 10 Dated: 27-01-2004

G.O.Ms.No: 76, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DECG 6 Dated: 28-02-2004

G.O.Ms.No: 28, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DANS 10 Dated: 27-01-2004

G.O.Ms.No: 413, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DAM 30 Dated: 20-10-2004

Santhiram Institute of Paramedical G.O.Rt.No: 511, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

10 Sciences, Nandyal DMPHA 20 Dated: 05-10-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 511, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DMLT 20 Dated: 05-10-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 511, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DOA 10 Dated: 05-10-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 511, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DMST 10 Dated: 05-10-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 511, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DOM 10 Dated: 05-10-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 511, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DRTT 5 Dated: 05-10-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 511, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DRGA 30 Dated: 05-10-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 511, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DORA 20 Dated: 05-10-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 511, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DANS 10 Dated: 05-10-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 511, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

OMIT 40 Dated: 05-10-2018

G.O.Rt.No: 511, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DAM 10 Dated: 05-10-2018
Private Medical College
S.No Names Course Seats Go Numbers

Asram Institute of Paramedical G.O.Ms.No: 602, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

11 Sciences, Eluru DMLT 20 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 602, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DOA 20 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Rt.No: 294, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DDIALYS 25 Dated: 16-07-2018

G.O.Ms.No: 602, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DREST 4 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 602, HM&FW (K2) Dept.

DOM 10 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 602, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DRGA 20 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 602, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DDRA 10 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Rt.No: 294, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DCARDIO 25 Dated: 16-07-2018

G.O.Ms.No: 602, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DECG 10 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Ms.No: 602, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DANS 25 Dated: 15-10-2003

G.O.Rt.No: 294, HM&FW (G2) Dept,

DMIT 25 Dated: 16-07-2018

G.O.Ms.No: 602, HM&FW (K2) Dept,

DAM 10 Dated: 15-10-2003

TOTAL Seats 1982

S.No District Private Institute Names Course Seats From TO Go Numbers
G.O.Ms.No: 283,
Dr Akbar Para Medical HM&FW (K2) Dept,
1 Anantapur College, Anantapur DOA 6 06-04-2018 05-04-2023 Dated: 18-10-2010
G.O.Ms.No: 283,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Anantapur DOM 6 06-04-2018 05-04-2023 Dated: 18-10-2010
G.O.Ms.No: 153,
Seeds Institute of Medical lab HM&FW (K2) Dept,
2 Anantapur Technology,Anantapur DMlT 60 10-06-2018 09-06-2023 Dated: 17-05-2007
Sri Adi Siva Sadgur Institute of G.O.Ms.No: 05,
Paramedical Sciences, HM&FW (K2) Dept,
3 Anantapur Guntakal DMlT 40 26-06-2018 25-06-2023 Dated: 04-01-2008
G.O.Ms.No: 338,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Anantapur DOA 4 25-06-2018 24-06-2023 Dated: 08-07-2003
G.O.Ms.No: 312,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Anantapur DOM 4 26-06-2018 25-06-2023 Dated: 04-07-2003
G.O.Ms.No: 05,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Anantapur DRGA 20 26-06-2013 25-06-2023 Dated: 04-01-2008
G.O.Ms.No: 05,
HM&FW (K2) Dept.
Anantapur DDRA 20 26-06-2013 25-06-2023 Dated: 04-01-2008
G.O.Ms.No: 193,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Anantapur DCARDIO 10 24-06-2018 23-06-2023 Dated: 03-06-2002
G.O.Ms.No: 197.
HM&FW (K2) Dept.
Anantapur DECG 10 25-06-2018 24-06-2023 Dated: 03-06-2002
G.O.Ms.No: 312,
HM&FW (K2) Dept.
Anantapur DANS 15 25-06-2018 24-06-2023 Dated: 11-09-2004
G.O.Ms.No: 380,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Anantapur DMIT 10 26-06-2018 25-06-2023 Dated: 15-07-2003
G.O.Ms.No: 284,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Anantapur DAM 6 24-06-2018 23-06-2023 Dated: 24-06-2003
HM&FW (K2) Dept.
Anantapur DHFSM 6 25-06-2018 24-06-2023 Dated: 07-11-2003
Sri Bollini Ramanjinappa G.O.Ms.No: 197.
Memorial MPHA (M) Training HM&FW (J2) Dept.
4 Anantapur Institute, Guntakal DMPHA 40 11-09-2018 10-09-2023 Dated: 23-08-2012
Sri C V Ramanappa Memorial G.O.Ms.No: 197.
MPHA (M) Training Institute, HM&FW (J2) Dept,
5 Anantapur Guntakal DMPHA 40 11-09-2018 10-09-2023 Dated: 23-08-2012
Sri SapthajyothiRadiography G.O.Ms.No: 05,
Assistant Training Course. HM&FW (K2) Dept.
6 Anantapur Guntakal DRGA 20 25-06-2018 24-06-2023 Dated: 04-01-2008
G.O.Ms.No: 197,
Sri Srinivasa MPHA (M) HM&FW (J2) Dept,
7 Anantapur Training Institute,Anantapur DMPHA 40 11-09-2018 10-09-2023 Dated: 23-08-2012
G.O.Ms.No: 117.
Sri Srinivasa DMl T Training HM&FW (K2) Dept,
8 Anantapur Institute, Guntakal DMlT 20 21-02-2018 20-02-2023 Dated: 21-04-2003
G.O.Ms.No: 81,
Sri RamyasriOpthalmic Asst HM&FW (K2) Dept,
9 Anantapur Course. Guntakal DOA 6 25-06-2018 24-06-2023 Dated: 28-02-2004
Private Institute Names Course Seats From TO Go Numbers
S.No District
Anu Institute of Para Medical G.O.Ms.No: 197.
Sciences for MPHA (M) • HM&FW (J2) Dept.
Tirupati DMPHA 40 05-09-2018 04-09-2023 Dated: 23-08-2012
1 Chittoor
Charles Paul School of G.O.Ms.No: 261.
Medical Lab Technology. HM&FW (K2) Dept.
Chittoor DMLT 20 22-04-2019 21-04-2024 Dated: 28-07-2007
2 Chittoor
S V College of Radiographic G.O.Ms.No: 122.
Technology. Reddy & Reddy HM&FW (K2) Dept.
Complex.Tirupati DRGA 10 22-1()-2018 21-1()-2023 Dated: 21-04-2003
3 Chittoor
S V College of Ophthalmic G.O.Ms.No: 223.
Technology. Reddy & Reddy HM&FW (K2) Dept.
Complex. Tirupati DOA 6 31-07-2019 30-07-2024 Dated: 16-06-2003
4 Chittoor
S V College of Medical Lab G.O.Ms.No: 820.
Technology. L S Nagar. HM&FW (K2) Dept.
TIrupati DMLT 20 31-07-2018 30-07-2023 Dated: 09-11-2006
5 Chittoor
S.No District Private Institute Names Course Seats From TO Go Numbers
G.O.Ms.No: 505.
Haritha ParamedicalCollege, HM&FW (K2) Dept.
1 East Godavari Kakinada DMLT 10 09-06-2017 08-06-2022 Dated: 16-09-2003
Sri Kakatiya Institue of Tech G.O.Ms.No: 268.
Sciences (DMl T). HM&FW (K2) Dept.
2 East Godavari Ravulapalem. DMLT 20 18-09-2018 17-09-2023 Dated: 03-08-2007
G.O.Ms.No: 277.
Sujatha Para Medical Training HM&FW (J2) Dept.
3 East Godavari Institute. Malkipuram DMPHA 40 31-10-2018 30-10-2023 Dated: 20-10-2012
Santhi Para Medical Training G.O.Ms.No: 261.
Institue MPHA (M). HM&FW (J2) Dept.
4 East Godavari Mumidivaram DMPHA 40 05-10-2018 04-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
G.O.Ms.No: 261.
Dr. Paul Raj Para Medical HM&FW (J2) Dept.
5 East Godavari Institution. Rajahmundry DMPHA 40 06-10-2018 05-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
G.O.Rt.No: 486.
Srikiran Institute of HM&FW (G2) Dept.
6 East Godavari Ophthmalogy. Kakinada DOA 20 31-08-2018 30-08-2022 Dated: 30-08-2017
Santhi Para Medical Training G.O.Ms.No: 261•.
Institue MPHA (M). HM&FW (J2) Dept.
7 East Godavari Amalapuram DMPHA 40 05-10-2018 04-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
G.O.Ms.No: 268.
St. Therisa Institute of Medical HM&FW (K2) Dept.
8 East Godavari Sciences. 0 Gannavaram DMLT 20 18-09-2018 17-09-2023 Dated: 03-08-2007
G.O.Ms.No: 261.
Nivya Para Medical College. HM&FW (J2) Dept.
9 East Godavari Rajahmundry DMPHA 40 09-10-2018 08-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
Satyam Institute of Medical G.O.Ms.No: 126.
Lab Technology. HM&FW (K2) Dept.
10 East Godavari Dowieswaram. Rajahmundry DMLT 30 19-09-2017 18-09-2022 Dated: 24-04-2008
Satyam MPHW (M) Trainign G.O.Ms.No:261.
Institue. DowIeswaram. HM&FW (J2) Dept.
11 East Godavari Rajahmundry DMPHA 40 09-10-2018 08-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
G.O.Ms.No: 269.
Sowmya Institute of Medical HM&FW (K2) Dept.
12 East Godavari Lab Technology, Kakinada DMLT 40 02-07-2018 01-07-2023 Dated: 01-07-2002
G.O.Ms.No: 180.
Sowmya Institute of Medical HM&FW (K2) Dept,
13 East Godavari Lab Technology. Kakinada OMIT 16 02-07-2018 01-07-2023 Dated: 11-06-2007
G.O.Ms.No: 173,
Raghava Institute of Medical HM&FW (K2) Dept.
14 East Godavari Sciences, Kakinada DOA 30 30-10-2018 29-10-2023 Dated: 19-05-2008
G.O.Ms.No: 148.
Raghava Institute of Medical HM&FW (K2) Dept.
15 East Godavari Sciences. Kakinada DMLT 30 30-10-2018 29-10-2023 Dated: 05-05-2008
G.O.Ms.No: 370,
Kakinada Institute of Medical HM&FW (K2) Dept,
16 East Godavari Sciences. Kakinada DOA 4 10-11-2018 09-11-2023 Dated: 11-07-2003
G.O.Ms.No: 346.
Kakinada Institute of Medical HM&FW (K2) Dept.
17 East Godavari Sciences, Kakinada DMLT 10 10-11-2018 09-11-2023 Dated: 09-07-2003
G.O.Ms.No: 261.
Sri Vyshnavi MPHW (M) HM&FW (J2) Dept.
18 East Godavari Training Institute. Mandapeta DMPHA 40 09-10-2018 08-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
Swama Bharathi Paramedical G.O.Ms.No: 261.
MPHW (M) Training Institue. HM&FW (J2) Dept.
19 East Godavari Malkipuram DMPHA 40 10-10-2018 09-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
Private Institute Names Course Seats From TO Go Numbers
S.No District
G.O.Ms.No: 261,
HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Veda Prakash Paramedical
DMPHA 40 04-10-2018 03-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
1 Guntur College, Sattenapalli
G.O.Ms.No: 35,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Krishnaveni Para Medical
DMLT 60 07..{)6-2018 Q6.06-2023 Dated: 01-02-2007
2 Guntur College, Narasaraopet
G.O.Ms.No: 277,
Genius College of Para
Medical Sciences, Brodipet, HM&FW (J2) Dept,
DMPHA 40 26-10-2018 25-10-2023 Dated: 20-10-2012
3 Guntur Guntur
Dr. Anji Reddy Institute of G.O.Rt.No: 474,
Paramedical Sciences, Main HM&FW (G2) Dept,
Road, Piduguralla. DMLT 20 28-09-2018 27-09-2023 Dated: 19-09-2018
4 Guntur
G.O.Rt.No: 474,
HM&FW (G2) Dept,
DMST 20 28-09-2018 27-09-2023 Dated: 19-09-2018
G.O.Rt.No: 474,
HM&FW (G2) Dept,
Guntur DRGA 20 28-09-2018 27-09-2023 Dated: 19-09-2018
G.O.Rt.No: 474,
HM&FW (G2) Dept,
Guntur DANS 20 28-09-2018 27-09-2023 Dated: 19-09-2018
G.O.Rt.No: 474,
HM&FW (G2) Dept,
Guntur OMIT 20 28-09-2018 27-09-2023 Dated: 19-09-2018
G.O.Rt.No: 550,
TVS Paramedical Institute, HM&FW (G2) Dept,
5 Guntur Guntur DMLT 30 31-12-2019 30-12-2023 Dated: 30-10-2018
G.O.Rt.No: 550,
HM&FW (G2) Dept,
Guntur DDIALYS 25 31-12-2019 30-12-2023 Dated: 30-10-2018
G.O.Rt.No: 550,
HM&FW (G2) Dept,
Guntur DCATHLAB 30 31-12-2019 30-12-2023 Dated: 30-10-2018
G.O.Rt.No: 550,
HM&FW (G2) Dept,
Guntur DANS 30 31-12-2019 30-12-2023 Dated: 30-10-2018
G.O.Rt.No: 550,
HM&FW (G2) Dept,
Guntur OMIT 30 31-12-2019 30-12-2023 Dated: 30-10-2018
National Institute of Medical G.O.Ms.No: 261,
Sciences and Technology, HM&FW (J2) Dept,
6 Guntur Brodipeta, Guntur DMPHA 40 09-10-2018 08-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
Seven Hills MPHW (M) G.O.Ms.No: 261,
Training Institute, HM&FW (J2) Dept,
7 Guntur Thimmayapalem,vinukonda DMPHA 40 08-10-2018 07-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
G.O.Ms.No: 159,
Veeranaga Medical Academy HM&FW (K2) Dept,
9 Guntur DMLT, Isukapalli, Repalle DMLT 40 27-09-2018 26-09-2023 Dated: 09-05-2008
G.O.Ms.No: 261,
Victoria Paramedical Institute, HM&FW (J2) Dept,
10 Guntur Guntur DMPHA 40 29-03-2019 281312024 Dated: 01-10-2012
S.No Disbict Private Institute Names Course Seats From TO Go Numbers
Vani Medical lab Technician
1 Kadapa HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Institute, Kadapa DMLT 40 28-08-2018 27-08-2023 Dated: 07-02-2009
G.O.Ms.No: 379,
Nirmala lab Attendant
2 Kadapa HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Training, DMLT (LA), Kadapa DMLT 40 12-08-2018 11-08-2023 Dated: 15-11-2007
Padmavathi College of
Paramedical Sciences,
G.O.Ms.No: 235,
(DMLT, (LA), Ravindra Nagar,
3 Kadapa HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Kadapa DMLT 20 29-05-2019 28-05-2024 Dated: 03-08-2004
Padmavathi College of
G.O.Ms.No: 39,
(DMLT, (LT), Ravindra Nagar,
4 Kadapa HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Kadapa DMLT 40 29-09-2018 28-09-2023 Dated: 18-02-2012
G.O.Ms.No: 261,
Vikas Paramedical College,
HM&FW (J2) Dept,
5 Kadapa Akkayapalli DMPHA 40 09-10-2018 08-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
Course Seats From TO Go Numbers
S.No District Private Institute Names
G.O.Ms.No: 27.
Thammineni Institute of
HM&FW (K2) Dept.
Medical Technology.
DOA 4 12-06-2018 11-06-2023 Dated: 27-01-2004
1 Krishna Gunadala.Vijayawada
G.O.Ms.No: 28.
HM&FW (K2) Dept.
DDIALY 2 12-06-2018 11-06-2023 Dated: 27-01-2004
G.O.Ms.No: 278.
HM&FW (K2) Dept.
DRGA 10 06-06-2018 05-06-2023 Dated: 23-06-2003
G.O.Ms.No: 76.
HM&FW (K2) Dept.
DCARDIO 4 12-06-2018 11-06-2023 Dated: 28-02-2004
Thammineni Private Para G.O.Ms.No: 275.
Medical Institution. Gunadala. HM&FW (K2) Dept.
Vijayawada. DMLT 20 06-06-2018 05-06-2023 Dated: 23-06-2003
2 Krishna
G.O.Ms.No: 81.
HM&FW (K2) Dept.
DMIT 10 06-06-2018 05-06-2023 Dated: 22-03-2002
Thammineni Institute of G.O.Ms.No: 277.
Medical Sciences, HM&FW (J2) Dept,
3 Krishna Gannavaram, Krishna Dist. DMPHA 40 06-11-2017 05-11-2022 Dated: 20-10-2012
G.O.Ms.No: 654.
St Johns Institute of Medical HM&FW (K2) Dept.
4 Krishna Techn~ogy.GudNada DOA 10 26-04-2018 25-04-2023 Dated: 07-11-2003
Sri Babu Siddhartha Institute G.O.Ms.No: 261,
of Medical Sciences, HM&FW (J2) Dept.
5 Krishna Nuziveedu DMPHA 40 04-10-2017 03-10-2022 Dated: 01-10-2012

Sri Venkateswasara Institue of G.O.Ms.No: 261,

MedicalTechnology, HM&FW (J2) Dept,
6 Krishna Machilipatnam DMPHA 40 11-10-2018 10-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
S.No Validity
District Private Institute Names Course Seats From TO Go Numbers
Goutham MPHW (M) College, G.O.Ms.No: 261,
1 Nellore Venkatagiri HM&FW (J2) Dept,
DMPHA 30 10-10-2018 09-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
Bollineni Para Medical School, G.O.Ms.No: 219,
3 Nellore Dargamitta. Nellore HM&FW (K2) Dept,
DMLT 10 26-07-2018 25-07-2023 Dated: 10-06-2002
G.O.Rt.No: 259,
Nellore HM&FW (G2) Dept,
DDIALY 15 26-07-2018 25-07-2023 Dated: 22-06-2018
G.O.Ms.No: 275,
Nellore HM&FW (K2) Dept,
DREST 4 26-07-2018 25-07-2023 Dated: 05-07-2002
G.O.Ms.No: 327.
Nellore HM&FW (K2) Dept,
DPERFU 2 26-07-2018 25-07-2023 Dated: 05-07-2003
G.O.Rt.No: 259,
Nellore HM&FW (G2) Dept,
DCARDIO 15 26-07-2018 25-07-2023 Dated: 22-06-2018
G.O.Rt.No: 259,
Nellore HM&FW (G2) Dept,
DCATHLAB 15 26-07-2018 25-07-2023 Dated: 22-06-2018
G.O.Ms.No: 272,
Nellore HM&FW (K2) Dept,
DECG 10 26-07-2018 25-07-2023 Dated: 05-07-2002
G.O.Rt.No: 259.
HM&FW (G2) Dept,
Nellore DANS 15 26-07-2018 25-07-2023 Dated: 22-06-2018
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Nellore OMIT 10 26-07-2018 25-07-2023 Dated: 05-08-2003
G.O.Ms.No: 223.
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Nellore DAM 5 26-07-2018 25-07-2023 Dated: 10-06-2002
G.O.Ms.No: 141,
S V College of Paramedical HM&FW (K2) Dept,
4 Nellore Education (DML1), Kavali DMLT 60 09-06-2019 08-06-2024 Dated: 02.()6-2011
TO Go Numbers
Private Institute Names Course Seats From
S.No District G.O.Ms.No: 277,
HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Ravi Institute of Medical 30-10-2023 Dated: 20-10-2012
OMPHA 40 31-10-2018
1 Prakasam Sciences, Tanguturu G.O.Ms.No: 261,
HM&FW (J2) Dept.
Raju Para Medical Training Dated: 01-10-2012
OMPHA 40 05- 10-2018 04-10-2023
2 Prakasam Institute, Giddaluru G.O.Ms.No: 283,
HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Bismillah MPHW (M) Nursing Dated: 02-11-2012
40 06-11-2018 05-11-2023
College, Mar1tapur OMPHA G.O.Ms.No: 277,
3 Prakasam
HM&FW (J2) Dept.
Bavisya MPHW (M) Training 25-10-2023 Dated: 20-10-2012
OMPHA 40 26-10-2018
4 Prakasam Institution,Ongole G.O.Ms.No: 283,
HM&FW (J2) Dept.
Amrutha Institute of Medical Dated: 02-11-2012
DMPHA 40 03-11-2018 02-11-2023
5 Prakasam Sciences, Podili G.O.Ms.No: 159,
HM&FW (K2) Dept.
Jhansi DMLT Training Dated: 09-05-2008
DMLT 60 02-04-2018 01-04-2023
6 Prakasam Institute, Of19..oIe
Parameswari College of Para G.O.Ms.No: 15,
Medical Technological HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Sciences Ongole, Prakasam
04-09-2018 03-09-2023 Dated: 11-01-2008
7 Prakasam Dist,A.P. , DMLT 60
G.O.Ms.No: 512,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
DOA 30 04-09-2018 03-09-2023 Dated: 19-11-2004
Prakasam G.O.Ms.No: 516,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
DRGA 30 04-09-2018 03-09-2023 Dated: 19-11-2004
G.O.Ms.No: 15,
Parameswari College of Para
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Medical Sciences , Ongole ,
DMLT 60 04-09-2018 03-09-2023 Dated: 11-01-2008
8 Prakasam Prakasham Dist, A.P.
G.O.Ms.No: 514,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Prakasam DOA 30 04-09-2018 03-09-2023 Dated: 19-11-2004
G.O.Ms.No: 517,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Prakasam DRGA 30 04-09-2018 03-09-2023 Dated: 19-11-2004
G.O.Ms.No: 197,
Teja MPHW (M) Training HM&FW (J2) Dept,
9 Prakasam Institute, Ongole DMPHA 40 13-06-2018 12-06-2023 Dated: 23-08-2012
Sri Venkata Sai MPHW (M) G.O.Ms.No: 197,
Training Institute, Ongole, HM&FW (J2) Dept,
10 Prakasam Prakasam DMPHA 40 13-06-2018 12-06-2023 Dated: 23-08-2012
G.O.Ms.No: 197,
Vijaya MPHW (Male) Training HM&FW (J2) Dept,
11 Prakasam Institute,Ongole DMPHA 40 13-06-2018 12-06-2023 Dated: 23-08-2012
Sri Sai College of Certificate
of RadiographicAssistant G.O.Ms.No: 159,
Course Training Institute, HM&FW (K2) Dept,
12 Prakasam Ongole DRGA 40 10-07-2018 09-07-2023 Dated: 09-05-2008
G.O.Ms.No: 377,
Sri Sai College of DMLT,
13 Prakasam HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Ongole DMLT 60 10-07-2018 09-07-2023 Dated: 17-11-2007
G.O.Ms.No: 197,
Sri Sai MPHW (Male) Training
14 Prakasam HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Institute, Ongole DMPHA 40 13-06-2018 12-06-2023 Dated: 23-08-2012
Sri Pragna MPHW Training
G.O.Ms.No: 277,
Institute, KasinayanaNagar,
15 Prakasam Giddalur DMPHA HM&FW (J2) Dept,
40 29-10-2018 28-10-2023 Dated: 20-10-2012

Andhra Kesari College of G.O.Ms.No:201,

16 Prakasam DMLT,Ongole DMLT HM&FW (K2) Dept,
40 26-06-2018 25-06-2023 Dated: 25-05-2001
A1uriPara Medical Institute, G.O.Ms.No: 266,
17 Prakasam Ongole DOM HM&FW (K2) Dept,
6 03-06-2018 02-06-2023 Dated: 20-06-2003
NavodayaMPHA (M) Training G.O.Ms.No: 261,
18 Prakasam Institute,Ongole DMPHA HM&FW (J2) Dept,
40 04-10-2017 03-10-2022 Dated: 01-10-2012
Rural Indian Diploma In
OphthalmicAssistant Training G.O.Ms.No:603,
19 Prakasam Institute, Ongole DOA HM&FW (K2) Dept,
10 03-06-2018 02-06-2023 Dated: 15-10-2003
NightingaleMPHW (Male) G.O.Ms.No: 197,
20 Prakasam Training Institute, Kandukuru DMPHA HM&FW (J2) Dept,
40 05-09-2018 04-09-2023 Dated: 23-08-2012
Sri Durga MPHW (M) Training G.O.Ms.No: 197,
21 Prakasam HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Institute, Ram Nagar, Ongole DMPHA
40 05-09-2017 04-09-2022 Dated: 23-08-2012
Sri Sai College of Health G.O.Ms.No: 351,
22 Prakasam
Sciences, TVP Street, Ongole DRGA 10 HM&FW (K2) Dept,
25-06-2018 24-06-2023
Dated: 09-07-2003
Sri Sai College of Health G.0.Rt.No:1433,
23 Prakasam
Sciences, Ram Nagar, Ongole DMLT HM&FW (J2) Dept,
60 25-06-2018 24-06-2023
Sri Bhargavi Institute of X Ray Dated: 25-09-2012
Technology, Ram Nagar, G.O.Ms.No:430,
24 Prakasam
Ongole DORA HM&FW (K2) Dept,
20 26-06-2018 25-06-2023 Dated: 31-12-2007
S.No Disbict Private Institute Names Course Seats From TO Go Numbers
Sri Bhargavi Institute of
Ophthalmic Technology OOA, G.O.Ms.No: 430,
25 Prakasam Ram Nagar, Ongole HM&FW (K2) Dept,
OOA 20 26-06-2018 25-06-2023 Dated: 31-12-2007
Sri Bhargavi College of
G.O.Ms.No: 71,
Medical Technology, Ram
26 Prakasam Nagar, Ongole HM&FW (K2) Dept,
DMLT 60 25-06-2018 24-06-2023 Dated: 01-03-2007
G.O.Ms.No: 63,
Jamal DMLT Training
27 Prakasam Institute, Darsi HM&FW (K2) Dept,
DMLT 10 16-02-2019 15-02-2024 Dated: 03-03-2008
G.O.Ms.No: 197,
28 Prakasam HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Jamal MPHW (M), Darsi DMPHA 40 05-09-2018 04-09-2023 Dated: 23-08-2012
G.O.Ms.No: 64,
Surya MPHW (M) Training
29 Prakasam HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Institute, Santhanuthalapadu DMPHA 40 01-07-2019 30-06-2024 Dated: 15-05-2013
Nightingale Para Medical
30 Prakasam HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Institution,Kandukur OOA 50 09-06-2019 08-06-2024 Dated: 25-09-2012

Sri Lakshmi VlQneswara G.O.Ms.No:64,

MultipurposeHealth Workers HM&FW (J2) Dept,
31 Prakasam (M) Training Institute, Giddalur DMPHA 40 23-05-2019 22-05-2024 Dated: 15-05-2013
S.No District Private Institute Names Course Seats From TO Go Numbers
G.O.Ms.No: 469,
St Marys Lab Technical HM&FW (K2) Dept,
1 Srikakulam Institution,Srikakulam DMLT 20 11-06-2018 10-06-2023 Dated: 15-12-2001
G.O.Ms.No: 245,
Narayana Para Medical HM&FW (K2) Dept,
2 Srikakulam Institute, Srikakulam DMLT 60 17-04-2018 16-04-2023 Dated: 10-07-2008
G.O.Ms.No: 71,
Rams Prabhu Para Medical HM&FW (K2) Dept,
3 Srikakulam College, Srikakulam DMLT 60 30-05-2018 29-05-2023 Dated: 01-03-2007
G.O.Ms.No: 660,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Srikakulam DMIT 6 30-05-2018 29-05-2023 Dated: 07-11-2003
G.O.Ms.No: 202,
Sri Surya Institute of Health HM&FW (K2) Dept,
4 Srikakulam Science, Srikakulam DMLT 20 10-05-2018 09-05-2023 Dated: 03-06-2008
G.O.Ms.No: 309,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Srikakulam DOA 12 10-05-2018 09-05-2023 Dated: 14-09-2007
G.O.Ms.No: 25,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Srikakulam DRGA 6 10-05-2018 09-05-2023 Dated: 27-01-2004
G.O.Ms.No: 309,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Srikakulam DECG 12 10-05-2018 09-05-2023 Dated: 14-09-2007
S.No District Private Institute Names Course Seats From TO Go Numbers
Mother Theresa MPHA (M)
Training Institute,
G.O.Ms.No: 261,
Chodavaram , Vrsakhapatnam
1 Visakhapatnam HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Dist, A.P. DMPHA 40 05-10-2018 04-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012

G.O.Ms.No: 05,
Technician Training (DMl T)
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
2 Visakhapatnam Course, Narsipatnam, DMlT 20 18-07-2018 17-07-2023 Dated: 04-01-2008
S V MPHW (M) Training G.O.Ms.No: 261,
Institution,Anakapalli, HM&FW (J2) Dept,
3 Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam District. DMPHA 40 08-10-2018 07-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
G.O.Rt.No: 818,
Visakha Steel General HM&FW (J2) Dept,
4 Visakhapatnam Hospital, Visakhapatnam DMlT 30 02-06-2018 01-06-2023 Dated: 31-05-2012
G.O.Rt.No: 818,
HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Visakhapatnam DOA 10 02-06-2018 01-06-2023 Dated: 31-05-2012
G.O.Rt.No: 818,
HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Visakhapatnam DRGA 10 02-06-2018 01-06-2023 Dated: 31-05-2012
G.O.Rt.No: 818,
HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Visakhapatnam DECG 10 02-06-2018 01-06-2023 Dated: 31-05-2012
G.O.Rt.No: 818,
HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Visakhapatnam DANS 10 02-06-2018 01-06-2023 Dated: 31-05-2012
TO Go Numbers
Private Institute Names Course Seats From
S.No District Letter No:
Institute of Medical 205551J2I2oo9-1,
Technology and Education, Date: 22-12-2009
DMPHA 40 04-01-2018 03-01-2023
1 VlZianagaram Bobbili G.O.Ms.No: 314,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
23-08-2018 22-08-2023 Dated: 25-07-2002
Vizianagaram G.O.Ms.No: 286,
HM&FW (J2) Dept,
Sridevi Para Medical Training Dated: 03-11-2012
DMPHA 40 08-11-2018 07-11-2023
2 VlZianagaram Institute,VlZianagaram
G.O.Ms.No: 386,
Institute of Medical HM&FW (K2) Dept,
Technology and Education, Dated: 11-10-2001
20 23-08-2018 22-08-2023
3 VlZianagaram Samadanapeta,VlZianagaram DMLT
S.No Oismet Private Institute Names Course Seats From TO Go Numbers
Sri Jyolhi College of Medical
G.O.Ms.No: 76,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
1 West Godavari Jangareddygudem DMLT 20 16-06-2018 15-06-2023 Dated: 26-02-2009
G.O.Ms.No: 289,
Annapurna Para Medical HM&FW (K2) Dept,
2 West Godavari Technology, Ullamparru DMLT 60 18-07-2018 17-07-2023 Dated: 31-08-2007
G.O.Ms.No: 289,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
West Godavari DOA 60 18-07-2018 17-07-2023 Dated: 31-08-2007
G.O.Ms.No: 425,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
West Godavari DRGA 30 18-07-2018 17-07-2023 Dated: 28-10-2004
G.O.Ms.No: 197,
Annapuma MPHW (M) HM&FW (J2) Dept,
3 West Godavari Training Institute, Ullamparru DMPHA 40 06-09-2018 05-09-2023 Dated: 23-08-2012
Tanuku MPHW (M) Training HM&FW (J2) Dept,
4 West Godavari Institution,Tanuku DMPHA 40 05-10-2018 04-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
Sri Srinivasa InstHueof G.O.Ms.No: 474,
Medical Technology and HM&FW (K2) Dept,
5 West Godavari Sciences, Tanuku DMLT 30 24-06-2018 23-06-2023 Dated: 02-11-2004
Satyam Para Medical HM&FW (K2) Dept.
6 West Godavari Institution, Maruteru DMLT 30 09-07-2018 08-07-2023 Dated: 28-10-2004
G.O.Ms.No: 543,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
West Godavari DOA 30 09-07-2018 08-07-2023 Dated: 30-11-2004

Swama Bharathi Paramedical G.O.Ms.No: 261

MPHW (M) Training Institue, HM&FW (J2) Dept.
7 West Godavari Narsapuram DMPHA 40 10-10-2018 09-10-2023 Dated: 01-10-2012
Bharathi MPHA (M) Training HM&FW (J2) Dept,
8 West Godavari Institute, Kovvuru. DMPHA 40 17-10-2017 16-10-2022 Dated: 01-10-2012

Sri Surya Institute of G.O.Ms.No: 268,

Technology & Sciences, HM&FW (K2) Dept,
9 West Godavari Nidadavolu,West Godavari DMLT 30 24-06-2018 23-06-2023 Dated: 03-08-2007
G.O.Ms.No: 268,
HM&FW (K2) Dept,
West Godavari DOA 30 24-06-2018 23-06-2023 Dated: 03-08-2007
G.O.Ms.No: 261,
Sri Pavan Para Medical HM&FW (J2) Dept,
10 West Godavari Sciences, Tanuku DMPHA 40 31-10-2017 30-10-2022 Dated: 01-10-2012

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