This document outlines the articles of association for the Nagoya University Alumni Association - Philippines (NUAL-Philippines). It establishes NUAL-Philippines as a branch of the Nagoya University Alumni Association (NUAL) to promote friendship, exchange of information, and collaboration among Nagoya University alumni based in the Philippines. The key roles and responsibilities of NUAL-Philippines include coordinating with NUAL, organizing events for alumni, maintaining an alumni database, and promoting participation in NU and NUAL activities. The governance structure establishes an executive board consisting of a president, vice president, secretary and other officers, who are elected to two-year terms.
This document outlines the articles of association for the Nagoya University Alumni Association - Philippines (NUAL-Philippines). It establishes NUAL-Philippines as a branch of the Nagoya University Alumni Association (NUAL) to promote friendship, exchange of information, and collaboration among Nagoya University alumni based in the Philippines. The key roles and responsibilities of NUAL-Philippines include coordinating with NUAL, organizing events for alumni, maintaining an alumni database, and promoting participation in NU and NUAL activities. The governance structure establishes an executive board consisting of a president, vice president, secretary and other officers, who are elected to two-year terms.
Original Description:
Nagoya University Alumni Association - Philippines By-Laws.
This document outlines the articles of association for the Nagoya University Alumni Association - Philippines (NUAL-Philippines). It establishes NUAL-Philippines as a branch of the Nagoya University Alumni Association (NUAL) to promote friendship, exchange of information, and collaboration among Nagoya University alumni based in the Philippines. The key roles and responsibilities of NUAL-Philippines include coordinating with NUAL, organizing events for alumni, maintaining an alumni database, and promoting participation in NU and NUAL activities. The governance structure establishes an executive board consisting of a president, vice president, secretary and other officers, who are elected to two-year terms.
This document outlines the articles of association for the Nagoya University Alumni Association - Philippines (NUAL-Philippines). It establishes NUAL-Philippines as a branch of the Nagoya University Alumni Association (NUAL) to promote friendship, exchange of information, and collaboration among Nagoya University alumni based in the Philippines. The key roles and responsibilities of NUAL-Philippines include coordinating with NUAL, organizing events for alumni, maintaining an alumni database, and promoting participation in NU and NUAL activities. The governance structure establishes an executive board consisting of a president, vice president, secretary and other officers, who are elected to two-year terms.
2 Encourage participation and engagement among its members to forge linkages
名古屋大学全学同窓会 with NUAL branches and contribute to NUAL’s role in opening up NU to society at ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF THE large; NAGOYA UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (NUAL) – PHILIPPINES 4.3 Engage in socially relevant endeavors related to community, resilience building with the aim of contributing to human welfare, cultural development, and industrial ARTICLE I - FOUNDING PRINCIPLES, NAME, VISION-MISSION growth; Section 1. Founding Principles: The Nagoya University alumni group in the 4.4 Disseminate information about the societal contributions of its alumni and use this Philippines was originally conceived as an organization to promote friendship and knowledge as the basis for promoting information and human exchange and enhance exchange information among its alumni based in the Philippines. Given the call by the reputation of NU. Nagoya University hereinafter referred to as NU, in 2014, to play an important role to ARTICLE II - GENERAL PROVISIONS help its Alma Mater fulfill its academic charter, that is, for NU to play a pivotal role in meeting social demands by supporting local and international endeavors and Section 1. Office: The principal office of NUAL-Philippines is at the residence of its cooperation in research, education and the exchange of information; the Philippine incumbent president. branch was organized and formally mainstreamed into the Nagoya University Alumni Section 2. Aims: NUAL-Philippines, as an organization essential for connecting NU Association, hereinafter referred to as NUAL. to society, seeks the further development of NU and contributes to society while Section 2. Name: The Nagoya University Alumni Association-Philippines, hereinafter facilitating communication and promoting amity among its members and the members referred to as, NUAL- Philippines while continuing its tasks to promote friendship and of other branches. exchange information among its alumni based in the Philippines, fully supports and Section 3: Responsibilities: NUAL-Philippines shall perform the following duties in binds itself to NUAL in forging a close relationship among NUAL branches, and order to achieve its aims: collaborating with its Alma Mater in carrying out their activities. NUAL-Philippines was 3.1 Coordinate and collaborate with NUAL; formally inaugurated on December 20, 2014. 3.2 Cooperate in events including get-togethers and fora; Section 3. Vision: NUAL- Philippines is envisioned as: 3.3 Provide support in establishing an alumni database; a pivotal branch of NUAL for cooperation, support, participation and exchange of 3.4 Promote active participation in NU alumni activities; and information, in industry, research and education, and in bridging friendship and 3.5 Undertake other activities that are aligned with the aims of NUAL. collaboration among alumni members of other NUAL branches. Section 4. Committees: The Executive Board of NUAL-Philippines shall create Section 4. Mission: NUAL-Philippines will carry out the following activities in line committees as needed. with NUAL’s undertakings: 4.1 Provide opportunities for cooperation, support, participation and exchange of Section 5. Membership: Membership in NUAL-Philippines shall be composed of the information, in industry, government, research and educational institutions, and for following: bridging friendship and collaboration among alumni, students and teachers within 5.1. Founding Members. The founding members are composed of twelve (12) officers NUAL- Philippines and among NUAL branches; of the Executive Board and the active members present in the organizational meetings in 2014. 5.2 Regular Members. 5.2a. Members of alumni associations of departments and courses of NU or an NU discharge the duties of the President. The Vice President will take over as the Graduate School; President after the term of the incumbent President. 5.2b. Graduates and current or former faculty of NU or an NU Graduate School who 3.3 Secretary. The Secretary shall take down and keep the minutes of all meetings of are not members as designated above; the Executive Board and manage the affairs of NUAL-Philippines as well as 5.2c. Graduates of Language Training Programs, Teacher Training Programs, administer office affairs. He/she shall keep and manage the directory and database of Exchange Scientists, Visiting Professors and Instructors, and Exchange Students who registered members as well as call, collect, organize articles for NUAL-Philippines’ have attended and are attending NU; and newsletter, Meidai Network. 5.2d. Other individuals or legal entities that have a connection to NU or an NU 3.4 Assistant Secretary. In the absence or incapacity of the Secretary, the Assistant Graduate School and that have been recognized by the NUAL President. Secretary shall act as Secretary. 5.3 Associate Members. Current NU and NU Graduate School students shall be 3.5 Treasurer. The treasurer should be in charge of the funds, receipts, and considered associate members. disbursements of NUAL-Philippines. He/ she shall render to the President or to the Executive Board, whenever required, an accounting of the financial conditions of ARTICLE III - GOVERNANCE NUAL-Philippines and of all transactions of NUAL-Philippines made by her as Section 1. Executive Board: The management of NUAL-Philippines shall be vested treasurer. He/she shall keep correct books of accounts of all financial transactions of in the Executive Board. NUAL-Philippines. 3.6 Assistant Treasurer. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer shall Section 2. Officers of the Executive Board of NUAL-Philippines: The Executive act as Treasurer. Board is composed of the following officers: 3.7 Auditor. The auditor checks the book of accounts and financial reports and 1. President; statements of the Treasurer in accordance with financial reporting framework. 2. Vice President; 3.8 PRO. The public relations officer plans, develops, puts into place and evaluates 3. Secretary; information and communication strategies that present NUAL-Philippines to the public. 4. Assistant Secretary; He/she organizes and manages the events of NUAL-Philippines. 5. Treasurer; 6. Assistant Treasurer; ARTICLE IV - SELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE OF THE OFFICERS OF THE 7. Auditor; EXECUTIVE BOARD 8. Public Relations Officer (PRO). Section 1. Nomination and Election of Officers of the Executive Board: The Section 3. Functions of Officers: The duties and responsibilities of the officers are officers shall be nominated and elected by the members. designated as follows: Section 2. Term of Office: Each of the officers of the Executive Board shall serve a 3.1 President. The President shall serve as the representative/external two-year term from January following the election year until two years after and may liaison/spokesperson for NUAL-Philippines, preside at all meetings, and supervise and be re-elected. oversee all its affairs. 3.2 Vice President. The Vice President shall assist the President and shall have such ARTICLE V - MEETINGS powers and perform such duties as prescribed by the Executive Board from time to Section 1. Types: time. In the absence or inability of the President, he/she shall exercise the powers and 1.1. General Meeting. NUAL-Philippines shall hold an annual general meeting of its shall be withdrawn from the bank with which they are on deposit by the signature of at members on a date set by the president in consultation with the Executive Board. least two signatories. 1.2 Executive Board Meeting. The Executive Board shall hold a regular meeting at Section 3. Auditing: The auditor shall audit all the accounts of the association, least two times during a year. examine its books as often as may be necessary, and certify an annual audited 1.3 Special Meeting. A Special Meeting may be convened upon proper notice to the financial report to the Executive Board and the members of the Association. other members of the Board, to take up matters of immediate and relevant importance to the activities of NUAL-Philippines. ARTICLE VII - DETAILED ENFORCEMENT OF REGULATION AND AMENDMENTS Section 2. Quorum: Section 1. Detailed Enforcement of Regulation: All issues and matters necessary to 2.1 Executive Board and Special Meetings can be convened when there is a quorum the operation of this Association but not contained in these Articles of Association are composed of a majority of seven executive members. to be deliberated on and endorsed at an Executive Board meeting. 2.2 General Assembly. A quorum consists of at least 12 members. Section 2. Amendments: An amendment to the provisions of these Articles of Section 3. Notice of Meetings: For the general meeting, regular board meetings and Association shall be endorsed to the Executive Board for deliberation, which will then special meetings, notices of date, time, and place of such meetings shall be given at be presented to the general assembly for ratification. Any amendment shall be least two weeks before. considered ratified upon the majority vote of the general assembly. Section 4. Matters for Deliberation: The Executive Board deliberates on the CERTIFICATION following matters. The Articles of Association came into force on December 20, 2014 and details and 4.1 Matters requiring deliberation in carrying out the affairs of the Association; revisions were approved at a meeting of the Executive Board by a majority vote on 4.2 Matters concerning the reform and abolition of articles in the May 19, 2015 at UP NIMMB, Diliman, QC. Articles of Association; 4.3 Matters concerning business plans and announcements; Crtistino Collado (President) Pag-asa Gaspillo (Vice President) 4.4 Matters concerning budgeting and account settlement; Andres Winston Oreta (Secretary) Cynthia Palmes-Saloma (PRO) 4.5 Matters concerning member qualifications; Ma. Amelita Estacio (Treasurer) Daisy Montesa (Asst. Secretary) 4.6 Other matters referred by the President. Renan Ma. Tanhueco Florante Salvador ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARTICLE VI - FINANCE AND AUDITING INFORMATION ABOUT NUAL PHILIPPINES Section 1. Fund Resources: The activities of the Association shall be funded by the 27 Sept 2014 - Founding Meeting at DLSU STC Canlubang of twelve alumni: membership fees and the annual dues paid by regular members and from such other Joseph Masangkay, Crtistino Collado, Pag-asa Gaspillo, Andres Oreta, Cynthia sources such as donations by the members and those that may be recommended Palmes-Saloma, Renan Ma. Tanhueco, Gerardo Augusto, Daisy Montesa, and authorized by the Executive Board. Florante Salvador, Ruth Palanca, Ma. Amelita Estacio, & Lerma San Jose Maldia. 20 Dec 2014 - Formal Establishment of NUAL-Philippine Branch at EDSA Section 2. Fund Depository: The Executive Board shall determine the official Shangrila Hotel with Prof. Dr. Michinari Hamaguchi (President, Nagoya depository for the funds of the association. This depository should be a joint bank University) & Dr. Shoichiro Toyoda (President, NUAL). account in the name of the Treasurer, Vice-President and the President. The funds
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