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Nick Gant

DANNY LENNON: Nick, thank you so much for taking the time to
talk to me.

NICK GANT: My pleasure. And welcome to sunny Oakland.

DANNY LENNON: Yeah. It's been great so far being able to see
around this wonderful city you've been in. And
I've had the pleasure of seeing your facility here
and the lab. So, we'll probably talk a bit about
that. Before we get specifically to the lab, maybe
fill people in on your background that has led
you to doing the work you're currently doing.

NICK GANT: Yes. So, it's kind of in three prongs. I'm an

exercise physiologist, I'm a nutritionist and I'm
a neuroscientist. So, I started off with an
undergraduate degree in Sport and Exercise
Science and then an MSC in Exercise
Physiology. I did that at Lufburrow, and I met
Clyde Williams there and then I worked in his
lab for a couple of years doing everything -
exercise, nutrition. Getting involved in quite a
lot that was coming out of Lufburrow at that
time. And then I did my PhD with him. I did my
PhD in Fluid and Carbohydrate in Extreme
Environments. And then, postdoc, in a lab that
at the time Clyde Williams was sharing with Ron
Morin's group. So, I got to see some of the stuff
that Ron Morin and Susan Sheriffs were doing

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out of Lufburrow at that time. Then, I moved

here, and I saw quite a unique opportunity with
the Center for Brain Research we have here at
the university and the capabilities there to start
answering maybe some of these questions that
tend to be avoided in nutrition. Nutritional
neuroscience is a whole area that's difficult to
get into and exercise physiology. So,
unanswered questions relating to exercise
nutrition has been ... what I've been doing. It's
hard to do and that's my excuse for the lack of
productivity, but we've managed to pick some of
the low hanging fruit in those areas.

DANNY LENNON: Yeah. I think that's the one thing that will strike
people maybe when they start looking at some
of the work you've published that there is this
novelty to a lot of the research questions that
you've kind of asked in that, as you said, there's
almost like a Venn diagram of these different
areas that you have this interest of an
intersection between them. Do you think that
adds something to the questions that you're able
to come up with versus being stuck in one
particular silo?

NICK GANT: Yeah. And, as I said, it's difficult to do. It's very
nichey but also very important and I think the
role of the brain in nutrition, particularly excise
nutrition, is totally undervalued. Well, not
undervalued, but I always say we're in the pre-
muscle biopsy needle sort of era when it comes
to brain. I remember sort of in the late sixties
you saw this exponential growth in research
after that technology was available. We're still
pre- that in the field in that our advanced
techniques in nutritional neuroscience have to
be done independently of whole-body exercise
in particular. Or we have to have a reductionist
approach, where we look at a single joint sort of
movement, if we're looking at exercise. And
scanning the brain in particular, which is one of
the frontiers, is very difficult in a naturalistic
ecological validity ... valid environment. You
know, we're trying to develop those technologies
so people can eat at a table while we look at the
brain. But in my work, we have to stick people

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inside the bore of a noisy magnet and try and

pass things to them and make sure they don't
choke on them and all of these other things. So,
it's technically difficult, but in my view, it is one
of the next frontiers along with the genomics
where we're going to make the biggest gains and
hopefully, we might be part of that over the next
couple of decades.

DANNY LENNON: Right. So, before we get into some of the nuts
and bolts of the research, you've just been very
kind in giving me a tour of this wonderful lab
that has been able to be built here. Maybe give
people an insight into ... I suppose it's only
relatively developed, as you've said, and so
you've been able to put some pretty cool stuff in.
What are some of the things you're most proud
of after being able to design the lab the way you

NICK GANT: Yeah. So, we're able to have a good sort of

research kitchen environment and a natural
eating area that we're sitting at now. An area for
people to study and do cognitive testing and
panel type food testing, which is really
important for any good nutrition department.
Then we're able to have an exercise facility
where things are environmentally controlled,
not just talking about temperature here, talking
about all the other things I need to control to
make when I'm measuring brain function, light
levels, noise levels are very important. So, our
exercise facilities are equipped with ways of
tracking the eyes. We've got a virtual reality
system attached to all of our exercise equipment
so people can be immersed fully in what they're
doing, and we can present them with stimuli
whilst they're exercising. And that doesn't
usually happen in the neurosciences that we've
... in our previous papers, we finished exercise
and then tested the brain's a bit, before and after
model. And then we've got some advanced
neuroscience techniques that we could include
in those paradigms right here. So, noninvasive
brain stimulation techniques like transcranial
magnetic stimulation, transcranial direct
current stimulation. And I also have a

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commercial sort of gray driving simulator. So,

one of the problems with a lot of the nutritional
neuroscience I do is people say, what ... you
know, how is this drop in the amplitude of a
rapid eye movement? What does it really mean?
Am I going to get knocked off my bike because
my eyes aren't moving quickly? Well, we can
then say ... get you driving a car and seeing how
many speeding tickets you pick up where you're
deviating in the lane from where you should be,
what signals you are missing from the GPS and
really put it in context. And I guess the final
thing that's great is being part of the Center for
Brain Research. I have to walk not far from here
to get to a 3T MRI scanner. So, we incorporate
in most of our studies ... the funded studies, at
least, FMRI or MRS to look at concentrations of
metabolites in the brain or tractography. So,
that's an excellent thing to do. We're moving ...
we're actually hoping to move even further in
the imaging to, you will have seen in the lab was
using near infrared spectroscopy to have a look
at how much blood was or how much
hemoglobin was in the prefrontal cortex of the
person in the lab. We're going to move that on
to hopefully an imaging set up where we can get
MRI like data from people whilst they are in a
natural environment. So, I think we'll make
some big gains and over the years I'm going to
try and target some of the mechanisms in
nutritional neuroscience area that have been
relying on sampling the gutter, which is the
blood and looking at neuropeptides appearing
in the blood, which don't tell us a great deal. And
the areas of exercise science mechanistically, the
brains control when its role as a consumer and
a controller of everything we do.

DANNY LENNON: Right. Yeah. It's fascinating to see that there's

not any applications for exercise, but there's also
ones that quite clearly will have implications
outside of that for day to day living as well as just
general health. To maybe start on at least
initially with the exercise type stuff. I know a lot
of your work has been based around trying to at
least rescue some of the downsides we see from
exercise and juice fatigue. And so, there's

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probably a number of elements to that when we

use that word fatigue. So, what's the best place
for people to really think about what that word
should mean in the context we're talking about?
How do we define or think about fatigue?

NICK GANT: Yeah. I think it's reasonably well defined in the

neurophysiology literature and that is when
we're fatigued, we have biochemical changes
occurring at the level of the muscle or what we
would call distal to the neuromuscular junction.
Energy depletion, changes in pH temperature
and so forth that lead to the peripheral fatigue.
But then there's a central component that's
easily measured. So, output from the motor
areas of your brain, the motor cortex and other
areas, is dampened or reduced. And we tend to
see that as a reduction in output from the brain
that's perhaps in order to protect you from
doing any voluntary damage may be because if
you carry on, there'll be some damage to
peripheral or central tissues and that's
technically and historically been called central
for tea. But that's really one of the only ways of
quantifying it successfully. And we do that, but
it's very hard to do during whole body exercise.
You have to normally stimulate the brain and
measure flection of the elbow or the knee or
something like that. But it's always within the
wider context of everything else that's
happening within the brain. Everything that
makes you the source of the biggest noise in our
experiments. So, your personality, your
mindset, your mood, fatigue, previous
experience, how you're pacing, exercise. And of
course, that's been captured in this central
governor model of exercise fatigue, which not
many people ... there's been a lot of publications
but not much data collected in that field. So, it's
a theory in that respect. So, what I try to do in
the lab is remove all of those extraneous
variables by looking at things, not necessarily
just stimulating muscle contraction, looking at
how much the muscles fatigue and how much of
the central nervous system has been involved.
We try to make other reflective or things beyond
your control that still show us in an underlying

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way how the brain is functioning. So, central

fatigue could be you're feeling too hot, your bum
is hurting, your rating or perception of the
intensity of what you're doing is higher than it
should be. And of course, these are all valid ways
of measuring it. In fact, you don't need all the
equipment I have here. You need an RP scale
really to gauge how somebody is doing. But with
the RP scale, you don't know it's because they
just had an argument with a girlfriend that
morning, had the wrong thing to eat. So, there's
so many variables come into the equation. We
try to get rid of them. Now, we don't have to get
rid of them with brain imaging because we can
see large activation networks. But when we're
interrogating the motor system, we tend to get
rid of them. So, fatigue is very hard to define and
it's different for everyone and it's pathological at
its extremes. And it's based on a whole series of
factors which are governed by the central
nervous system and by the central nervous
system including you in that ... your behavior.

DANNY LENNON: So, from study to study, we may see a focus on

specific characteristics related to fatigue that
we're going to try and assess, particularly with
this study. And that may be different from
depending on the context of what we're trying to
look at.

NICK GANT: Yeah. So, I think, we're at the stage now in the
literature where we think the kind of fatigue that
accompanies certainly prolonged exercise and it
may be the same for prolonged cognitive work,
is an imbalance of certain neurotransmitters.
We've moved away from the original serotonin
hypothesis somewhat. There's been a few blind
alleys there, particularly in people looking for
precursors they thought might influence the
synthesis of that neurotransmitter. Most of the
consensus is around the brain catecholamines,
so, dopamine and noradrenaline. And we know
that these have very high turnover rates when
the brain is very active and when they're turning
over all the time, they tend to become out of
whack or depleted and we get a change in
excitation and inhibition within the areas where

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they're required for important

neurotransmission. Of course, most people are
familiar with a drug which alters both of these
profoundly and that is caffeine. And even with
all the research we've done on selective
dopamine and noradrenaline, reuptake
inhibitors, we find caffeine often just as good as
all of the illegal ones. And that enables the ...
indirectly through adenosine antagonism, an
increase or super normal levels of those
neurotransmitters. And it seems to restore, in
my opinion and our research, a lot of the fatigue
induced deficits. So, it's certainly that we see in
exercise performance. And I'm also including
energy depletion in that. We've got some work
that we should be publishing soon where we've
made people ... well, they were hypoglycemic
because their blood glucose levels were below
four. And the amount of central fatigue we could
gauge in our kind of realistic power dime was no
different with a placebo ... sorry, with being well
fed regularly with sort of normal carbohydrate
intake recommendations during exercise and
being depleted of sugar. So, that's no breakfast
and then three hours of intense exercise and
things like that. So, I think, the imbalance in
neurochemistry is the biggest cause of this and
targeted drugs that are illegal and don't damage
you or against the context of ... or the spirit of
fair play and things like that are the best way to
do that. And going on from that, I think the
brain is quite metabolically robust when it
comes to its energy status. But we have this
weakness of failure in neurotransmission in
areas of the brain that work very hard during
exercise in particular. I always default back to
exercise because it's one of the most demanding
things, certainly in terms of signaling the brain
can do, sort of generate a huge amount of
electricity to recruit a huge amount of muscle
and you can measure that increase in metabolic
rate quite easily across the brain by looking at
blood going in and out. You can sometimes you
take that withhold cognitive work, but the areas
of the brain involved in those processes are so
much smaller and don't have such fluctuating
energy requirements that from an energetic

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point of view, they're less easily perturbed or at

least they sit there dumb and happy at a similar
energy requirement for most of the day.
Whereas you can of course, as most of your
listeners will know, just getting up out of your
chair has a profound change to your whole-body
metabolism and in particular your brain.

DANNY LENNON: So when we consider this huge turnover and

these potential changes in neurotransmitters
that are happening and this attempt to try and
at least mitigate some of that through a
stimulant like caffeine, at the risk of this being
too broad of a question with something like
caffeine, for example, and this may be difficult
to quantify, just to what degree can we mitigate
some of those changes going on and how much
of a rescuing effect can we possibly have on
some of these induced fatigue states?

NICK GANT: Yeah. That's a really good question. You've given

me a hard one to try and answer, you know, it's
very individual with caffeine, number of factors
that listeners might be familiar with in terms of
how mature your central nervous system is, how
much you habitually take in your diet and all the
rest of it. But generally, our research shows that
with, let's take that three-hour paradigm we're
quite familiar with the prolonged exercise. We
measure a separate motor system than the
skeleton motor system. We measure the ocular
motor system because then we don't have to
worry about the peripheral fatigue in those
muscles because the muscles in your eye
credibly robust to fatigue, they're moving
thousands of times a day and they weren't
exercise during the cycling anyway. When we
measure that motor system, which does get
impaired indirectly by exercising the muscle,
which is one of the big findings in the study we
published in Nature Scientific Reports, you
fatigue the legs, the eyes slow down because
those two motor systems can ... the fatigue can
spread and it may be ubiquitous phenomenon
or at least the neurotransmission failure may
spread across the brain. With those types of
studies, a moderate dose of caffeine, I'm going

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to say we did four or five milligrams per

kilogram body weight in the middle, so at 90
minutes, completely reversed that. And when
we take it before exercise, obviously we get ... so
we get eye movements and oculomotor system
that's amped up. It's even more active than
before. So, that's one of the things that leads me
to believe at least the central component of
fatigue is very much linked to those
neurotransmission systems and decreased tone
in them. Of course, as soon as we bring the
peripheral systems into it, we'll see probably a
far greater proportion of the fatigue, say coming
from maybe depletion in the muscle, liver, and
all of the other factors that other people have
measured far more than we have. And so, we
think, probably about 10% of that probably lies
within the brain. 10%, as you'll know, is well
within the margin of being first or last in any
kind of elite sports. So, this is why these people
who seem to, and again, there's not much data
to support this, be highly resistant to
perturbation of those systems - that bloody
minded, crazy attitude to sport, seem to do
really well.

DANNY LENNON: Yeah. When we think of like the general class of

stimulants outside of caffeine, are they all
having effects via the same mechanism? And if
so, what type of differences do we see from
compound to compound?

NICK GANT: Yeah. By and large. So, if we're talking about the
things that are used socially, the same things,
they're generally plant based caffeines of one
type or another, coming from different plants,
but by and large, the adenosine antagonism is
the ... seems to always be the main mechanism.
There are other things that we caught, we use,
and we test in this lab. I do some commercial
work with people looking for the next big brain
food, psychotropics and normally some kind of
weird and wonderful extract. But their effects
are usually subtle compared to the stimulant.
So, they're usually within the same family, but
they often can differ with some plants in terms
of the pharmacokinetic response. So, this is

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quite important because it leads to the time at

which the peak level occurs within the blood and
the central nervous system, but also how quickly
they're metabolizing expelled from the body.
Now there's a whole number of other factors
that are probably more important than that -
how healthy and big your liver is. And there are
some factors now involved in that that can be
tested. Genetically and commercially, those
tests are available. But that's the category we
tend to use. In terms of the area of stimulants
that are used in ... for psychiatric medicines,
they tend to ... we've published some studies
with methylphenidate, with Ritalin and with
other SSRI antidepressants that have either an
anti-smoke ... sorry, smoking cessation,
medicine, bupropion. They're all banned in
sport. But they, at least in our studies, they seem
to target the ... well, certainly the jewel one's
target noradrenaline and dopamine in a similar
way to caffeine does naturally, and of course
those things that are banned for other reasons.
There's important criteria why you wouldn't
take those. And of course, what they do in
somebody who's depressed, for example, is they
reset that natural balance in those
neurotransmitters that's lacking in them, at
least for certain people who get depressed.
Obviously, they don't work for people who have
no specific reason for the depression that's
chronic. But they're doing the same thing. So,
we're, and of course we being here within the
Center for Brain Research, we involve
psychologists and neuropsychologists and
sometimes anesthetists in our work when we're
doing serious stuff. So, we're able to look at
things in a little bit more extreme than most
people can in that field.

DANNY LENNON: 100%. I do want to move on to creatine because

of a lot of questions in this area. And I think
what you've done is particularly fascinating in
highlighting at least that the role of creatine
traditionally for a lot of people who are sports
nutritionist as well-known it's impact on
performance per se. But at least, and this has
been known for a while, but at least in the last

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couple of years become more and more aware of

the potential impacts on cognitive function,
even mitigation of neurodegenerative disease
and some other things it's been hypothesized to
work with. From that aspect of the brain
specifically, where did this kind of first link
come with creatine and why is it that it can
potentially have effects at the brain?

NICK GANT: Yeah. So, I mean we publish some ... we started

publishing this a few years ago now and there's
quite a nice study we put in the Journal of
Neuroscience where we bought all of this
together. Of course, my background in exercise
nutrition and really familiar with the peripheral
effects and muscle of creatine when I came here,
some other colleagues ... and we have a brain
bank here where Kiwis donate their brains when
they die, and they'd started staining for the
creatine transporter. Now when you find a
tissue in the body that has high and fluctuating
energy requirements, you see quite a lot of
creatine transporter. Obviously, the muscles are
a big example of that, needs to draw the creatine
in to buffer both temporally and spatially, the
energy requirements of high intensity stuff that
glycolysis and everything else it doesn't catch up
with very quickly. And when they stay in these
brains, they saw extremely high levels in the
motor system. In motor cortex, we'd say M1 and
the highest, in fact in cerebellum, which is
important area at the bottom of your brain for
controlling movement. So clearly the movement
areas of the brain have the highest energy and
fluctuating energy requirements because they
require creatine. Other areas that do the same
kind of task all day long, auditory cortex for
example, doesn't have as big and as fluctuating
... doesn't have as much creatine transporter. So,
we wanted to develop a paradigm where we
could actually measure that creatine in the same
way we would in muscle to figure out whether
that was really happening. So, we developed a
magnetic resonance spectroscopy protocol in
the magnet up here, in the MR machine up here,
where we supplemented people with our
standard sporting type loading protocols. So, 20

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grams of creatine per day in five-gram doses for

a week. And we measured them before and after
and we saw, and we use other techniques as well,
like we have a brain mimicking phantom with
different standards for creatine, so we can work
out the actual concentration increase. And when
we do that, we saw that ... oh, there's a few other
things we do. I probably should mention for
some of your listeners. We make them perform
some movements and we work out exactly what
areas of the brain are active in moving their
muscles. This is something that we see lacking
all the time in nutritional neuroscience. We see
people saying, this is what I did with a particular
food or diet. These areas of the brain have been
measured when this has been done in MRT and
therefore they're implicated in this, but they've
never performed the task they were doing in
MRI. One thing you quickly realize is that their
activation networks that you measure when
you're resting, lying in there doing nothing, are
completely different to when you're doing the
functional tasks. So, we always have functional
tasks involved in our paradigm. So, in this case,
they produce a force. With FMRI, we look at
areas of the brain that are lighting up. Then we
position a virtual cube inside the brain, inside
that area. And we look at how much creatine
increases in that area after the supplementation.
And it's a substantial amount that we can easily
quantify. We did a bit of a back of the envelope
calculations on this and it's ... we think it's
around a millimole per liter increase, which ...
well, we know it's around a millimole per liter
increase, but the calculations showed us that
that would probably be enough energy to cover
all signaling activity for a few seconds within the
brain. Now that ties in nicely to what creatine
supplementation does in muscle. It can cover all
ATP synthesis requirements rapidly for around
that period of time before anaerobic glycolysis
gets kicking going and when free ATPs is
diminished. So, that gave us ... and we published
those data and we thought there is probably
something in this if it's that much energy. So, we
wanted to really smash people with a protocol.
So, exercise is not going to do that. As I said, my

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view is that exit ... that the fundamental brain

function is quite, the brain is very metabolic
flexible, and it's quite well adapted to using
different energy sources during exercise. So, we
use a hypoxia protocol. So rather than taking
away the fuel, we take away the fire it burns in.
And so, we expose people in the lab, typically in
those studies to 10% oxygen. So that's half what
you have in the room here for around 90
minutes. And we measure a rafter test including
your psychological ones so that you and I, if we
didn't have an underlying concussion, that's
something else we've looked at, but we'd
probably tolerate that reasonably well. People
tend not to tolerate it and pass out if they are
anemic or something like that. But typically,
people can tolerate that. And we can do an hour
and a half's worth of neurocognitive testing. And
most of our people are highly intelligent
university students. We take them down to a
level of cognitive function where the
neuropsychological tests would suggest they'd
fail to cope with the normal demands of
independent living, that sort of thing. So, it's a
real smash over the head. But what that then
reveals is all of the deficits that can be addressed
by the creatine. And what we find is that a range
of cognitive functions, attention and memory
are ones of them, and we know those areas are
sometimes not that well perfused. And the
overall neurocognitive index score that we get
from these clinical tests improved significantly.
So, that gives us a good idea when combined
with the brain imaging, that there's been a real
effect of the creatine on normal people who are
otherwise stressed and fatigued. We also did
some neurophysiology in those series of studies.
So, we stimulated the brain electromagnetically
and looked at excitability of the whole call to
come out to pathway. So, we asked people to
produce force with their arm and we saw a
significant ... what we've proposed is a beneficial
effect on the excitability of the motor cortex. So,
there's a clear neurophysiological, neuro-
psychological and neuroimaging basis for
suggesting that creatine supplementation has a
neural effect as well. And what I think has been

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happening for years in this field is people have

been measuring maybe one rep max or multiple
repetitions in sport. And some of that effect at
least has come from a central nervous system.
And of course, they've indirectly suggested it
was muscle by measuring the amount that
muscles improve, the brain has improved as
well. And other tissues have the receptors in as
well. Liver to some extent that really know what
it's doing there. Sperm of course, they've got to
swim under water, holding their breath for a
long time to get a lot of creatine. The other thing
that drives me to carry on using creatine
compared to some of the other drugs we use,
particularly in the clinical areas, is that it's
reasonably safe. No collection of nephrologists
or renal physicians have ever come up with a
statement suggesting that it isn't, but it's well
known that if you have an impairment in renal
function, you shouldn't be taking it. We had a
scandal here a couple of years ago where it was
suggested in the U.K. media, I think it was The
Independent, that Jonah Lomu who had an
underlying kidney condition was killed by
taking creatine in the '90s. Or, I know, and I've
heard from his team doctor here when he was at
Counties Medical and the all blacks that that
categorically didn't occur. He was ... but there's
still the worry out there and some of your
listeners may have taken it and suspected
they've had some kind of kidney pain. Of course,
when you look at the amount of actual substance
that the kidneys are having to filter per day,
when you're on a loading cycle, it's a lot. It's
within the realms of what normal kidneys can
deal with, but not if you had an underlying
condition. So, we want to move on and we are
now with different clinical populations because
as you mentioned prior to our work, there was a
lot of smaller studies on different clinical
populations that have conditions that are
defined by either neural biogenesis of energy
problems or some other kind of problem with
them, usually with the mitochondria, so they
have impaired production glycolytic or
oxidative metabolism in some way, and the
creatine seems to have to help restore some of

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their function. There's also a couple of studies

showing increased cognitive function in
vegetarians, which not particularly well
controlled. And of course, regular listeners of
your podcast will know that we never make any
inferences from just one study. But of course,
there's no creatine in a vegan diet and it has to
come mainly from eating the muscle tissues or
the brain if you wish of other animals.

DANNY LENNON: Right. And at least mechanistically that makes

some type of sense because from a sports
nutrition side, most people are kind of aware
that you do see probably more pronounced
impacts of creatine supplementation. Someone
who already has low muscle stores of that
comparative to the relatively high. Just to tie
back to previously what you were saying and
correct me if I'm wrong on any of this, we've
talked about disability. For once, someone has
put on some creatine for a certain period of
time. It's essentially because of that increased
energy availability that at the brain is, it can
have impacts at least acutely on some of these
cognitive function tests. How does that relate to
potential chronic long-term effects at the brain
when someone's considering a long-term
cognitive health or neurodegeneration? Do we
see or where do you feel the state of literature is
in relation to creatine on that aspect? And does
that differ to the benefits that you just talked
about or is that just a continuation of those, if
that makes sense?

NICK GANT: Yeah. No, that's a good question. You know,

everything you've said is correct. Of course, I
need to start my answer with saying we don't
know because it hasn't been those chronic
studies. And of course, the people that first
started taking creatine in the mid-nineties are
just getting to the age now ... they were taking it,
the elite athletes in Boston Olympics is where it
boomed. They're getting to the age now where
they might see whether a career of a long period
of taking this supplement has helped with their
brain function. But I suspect that when there are
very high levels systemically the brain will have

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a super elevated level of creatine, which is then

always available for times where when there is
either a rapid and severe requirement for
energetic function in the brain, but also where it
might be mildly compromised. So, one of the big
degenerative things that happens is we don't
blow the cobwebs out as well in the brain. We
have lower levels of perfusion and important
places like the hippocampus where memory
goes and all the rest of it. I think there's a role
for creatine in a backup substrate that does not
require the profusion to be there in such high
high levels and things like that. But it's all highly
speculative. I think there is definitely a role ...
and colleagues starting to explore this, as it
being there as a prophylactic for any serious
neurological problem you may have. So, for
example, it's a stroke represents an extreme
ischemic event in the brain. Typically the type of
stroke that most people get in old age at least,
and therefore there's a time before you can have
either clot busting drugs or the brain sorts itself
out, that there's a lot of tissue dying and it's been
shown in the mouse model of both stroke and of
... we'll stick with stroke, that creatine
supplementation beforehand reduces the size of
the infarct and improves the recovery of the
animal. So, you know, I'd see a day where it's
taken prophylactically for people in those sorts
of situations. And we've done some specific
work here with a mild traumatic brain injury
and because it's got the link with sports, it's
really important for most people and mild
traumatic brain injuries, as most of your
listeners will know, one of the things that so
many sports people in contact fighting, all kinds
of sports, even noncontact sports with large
changes in velocity and things, expose their
brains too. And an area where we think the
research, we're about to publish hopefully
shows ... we'll be some of the first to show that
creatine supplementation has a direct benefit in
that subacute period. So, maybe I go on to -

DANNY LENNON: Yeah. I was ... hundred percent wanted to ask

about this because as people know, I have a keen
interest in this area and I find particularly even

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in mainstream sports news now, I think it's

becoming more and more well-established of
just how massive a problem this is for a number
of sports, particularly in combat sports, which I
talk about quite a bit. And so, this area of where
potentially we can kind of mitigate some of that
is extremely interesting. Can you maybe just
expand on what is it about a concussion or a
traumatic brain injury that means that this
rescue of energy availability by creatine would
be effective? What is actually happening with
these TBAs?

NICK GANT: Yeah, sure. So, when you get the concussion, of
course most people rapidly recover within the
first couple of weeks, but those that are mild and
don't, are typically associated with a substantial
amount of organic damage. And certainly, in the
sub-acute period, most of the problems
associated with that organic damage beyond
that, all bets are off because there's post-
concussion syndrome and highly complex
psychological disorders that people develop
beyond that. But most people would fall into
that category. So, some of the neurons are
shared or damaged and are torn by the impact.
Let's say it's an impact. Even heading a football
too hard, which people never really consider to
be a force like that. And that's what most people
focus on. So, there's a neuron or damage.
There's some rewiring needed for the signaling
to work again. But more importantly than that,
those neurons are ripped away from their
support network of glial cells. So, neurons, most
parts of the brain, they're only really less than a
quarter of the types of cells that are in the brain.
The glial used to be just thought of as connective
tissue or filler. These cells connect those
neurons to the blood vessels. They store energy.
Astrocytes store meaningful amounts of
glycogen. Nobody in sport really talks about that
glycogen store. I do. And I think we should
more. So, they get torn ... the neurons may move
and get torn away from that. So, they're torn
away from something that's connected to the
vessel that has glycogen, that's role is produced
the substrate that the neuron uses. So, this

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damage causes a window of metabolic

vulnerability. So, during that time people are
mostly symptomatic. If they tried to do too
much cognitive work, they develop stress,
headaches, fatigue. If they tried to do physical
work, they typically develop a headache or they
have some coordination problems, things like
that. And therefore, the standard way of treating
concussions like that is cognitive and physical
rest. That's mainly what you do. And that's
terrible for somebody because they want to get
on and recover. So, we're looking for a way that
could support active recovery. So, what the
creatine does, of course, is provide a substrate
that's there in the neuron, does not require
oxygen, and does not produce any waste product
that needs to be cleared into the vasculature in
any way. So, it's really a rescue in the same way
really, I've just described for stroke really of
having creatine available to aid the recovery. So,
it may be important at the initial period of the
impact to have it there. We haven't managed to
do an RCT yet where we supplement people
prophylactically, but we've looked at people in
the subacute phase. So, what we do with them is
the hypoxia. We can't actually expose them to
the levels of hypoxia we do with healthy people.
They develop to many symptoms and often
become quite upset and fatigued. So that
actually shows you that their brains are far
weaker than ours. In fact, one of my colleagues
has shown that even 10 years after a concussion
with hypoxia you can reveal those underlying
symptoms. So, what's happening in the brain is
rewiring. There's some neuroplastic effect after
the concussion that's reestablishing the
networks that were damaged. But what we think
happens to those networks, it's a bit of a quick
and easy, quick and dirty job that's reasonably
fragile. And what I mean by fragile is it does the
job. But most of the adaptation and resynthesis
of everything that needs to occur is probably
based around those glial tissue takes a bit
longer. So, things work again, but immediately
when you stress them energetically, which you
can do through severe cognitive works or very
physical work or in our case hypoxia that affect

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deficits come straight to the surface again

reveals that weakness and the person's in a lot
of trouble. So, I mean, good physicians that
work in this area, sports medicine doctors test
their concussion patients on a treadmill test to
see when the symptoms ... when they become
symptomatic cause it's clear you need to have
the brain stressed energetically for some of
these things to occur. So, in that study we found
that the cognitive functions I mentioned earlier
on ... I should add a bit more detail. This is a
crossover randomized control design. So,
there's this five week wash out period between
having creatine or the placebo. So, there's a lot
of spontaneous recovery occurring in their
function anyway, but that spontaneous recovery
certainly in the neurocognitive testing is much
better when there was creatine present. So, we
think it's ... and of course I'm not a dietician who
can give advice to anyone, but we think it's a
reasonably safe, commercially available
therapeutic strategy you can do outside of
medical supervision that could be applied to
people. To be honest with you, a lot of people I
speak with who are in the most prone sports,
they're typically running at things quite quickly.
A lot of them are taking creatine because they're
running quite quickly. And so there might be
some degree of protection already there. I don't
know what the ideal dose is. Like I say, we've
just started this really, so we've used the dose
that we know has been tried and tested for
loading in muscle. The threshold for maximum
uptake rates may be lower in brain. It may
persist for longer. You may not need as big a
dose. It will be certainly better for clinical
populations if it works out that we don't need a
bigger dose because they're already taking
enough pills for their other comorbidities and
you know, unless if you try to ingest creatine in
any other way, but mixing it with water, it
amounts to a lot of capsules or a lot of
compressed tablets per day. And you feel like a
real junkie whilst you're doing it.

DANNY LENNON: Right. Yeah. I think there's a lot of interesting

aspects that we can get into there. So, it's this

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essentially being able to provide that energy at

the time where it's needed, where the brain isn't
able to do it effectively or as it normally would.
We will circle back to creatine but just while
we're on that, because it reminds me of this
other area that's been hypothesized in relation
to TBIs from a nutritional standpoint, has been
the provision of ketones to try and do some of
the similar things that we've just talked about
with creatine. Essentially being able to provide
the energy substrate at a time where we know
there's going to be the shortfall because of that
brain trauma. What was your current position
and perspective on the hypothesis of ketones
either indulges me from a ketogenic diet or
exogenous ketone supplementation for some of
this TBI mitigation?

NICK GANT: Yes. So, I'm glad you mentioned ketones

because it's a real hot topic. But my position
would be, we don't know yet, but of course there
is probably 99% of people promoting certainly
endogenous ketosis who make those claims on
voice and opinion. There's probably stronger
than the literature would suggest. So, we
perhaps need to step back a bit and think about
key tones, ketosis and brain function. It's a
really interesting area. Some of the theories you
suggested, some are related to how the ketones
themselves change the concentrations of certain
neurotransmitters like gaba and glutamate and
some advantages around having a different
neurological profile during that time. And some
are on the alternative provision of energy when
there's a reduced supply from say systemic
glucose being available. That's an interesting
one. Let me talk about the brains of metabolic
flexibility because most people classically
trained, they tend to think about muscle and we
talk, we think about fat and carbohydrate
oxidation rates and all the rest of it. The brain is
very different. As most of your listeners will
know, there's not high rates of fatty acid
oxidation in the brain. And there's not high rates
pass through the blood brain barrier through
and there's an enzymatic barrier and another
thing. So, a lot of the textbooks would say the

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brain is exclusively reliant on the concentration

of glucose in the blood. That's not entirely that
accurate. And I think normally when we think
about carbohydrates supplementation,
particularly during exercise, it's one of the third
or fourth benefits that gets rattled off for sports
drinks. So, you have maintenance of a sparing
liver glycogen, maintenance of high rates of
carbohydrate oxidation. Then somewhere below
that you have improved cognitive and brain
function through maintenance of blood glucose.
In terms of cognitive function, you can actually
become quite hyperglycemia. Your function
won't change too much. You'll feel bad and there
are a number of other reasons you're
conditioned to and sensitive to glucose. But we
get people quite hyperglycemic. Rats can go
down to two, one millimoles per liter in glucose
in the blood until their brain function start to
compromise and the brain's quite metabolically
robust. Something else that happens during
exercise, people don't think about as much,
blood lactate is some are saying now preferred
source of fuel for neurons. So, the brain is a net
producer of lactate, but during exercise, it starts
consuming it and it starts consuming it and that
lactic never goes back into the blood. It's
oxidized in the neurons. In fact, those astroglia
cells I mentioned earlier on that store glycogen,
they turn it into lactate, not ... it doesn't enter
the neurons as glucose in any way and the
neurons turn down and they oxidize that. And
lactate is also thought to be what we call a
volume transmitter within the brain in that it
has an important signaling. This is important
when we talk about ketosis, particularly with
exercise science because one of the markers
people use that either a diet is producing lower
metabolic stress during exercise or a training
regimen has, is lower lactate production that
they've measured systemically. Now, nobody
knows whether that was quite helpful for the
brain. It might be some exquisite mechanism
whereby when your muscles are working really
hard beyond what oxidative metabolism can
support, that extra lactate has been scooped up
by the brain because it is working very hard to

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drive those muscles. So, of course when we talk

about glucose and lactate, ultimately, they both
come from carbohydrate sources of energy and
the lactate perfuses ... well, it's really pushed
into the brain by the concentration that's in the
blood in the same way that ketones are. So,
ketones appear, and they're oxidized by the
neurons. And that process isn't quite as tightly
governed or controlled in terms of the
absorption, the transporters. We need gluc one
and all these other things as carbohydrate and
therefore it's available to be oxidized. And it
could be the same principle as the creatine.
You've got an alternative fuel source that's
available there and we don't know yet. When I
say alternative, I need to be quite guarded
because we don't also know whether there's
some competitive inhibition of other fuels when
it's around. So, if the mitochondria are busy
dealing with that, all those competitive down
regulations of PDH or something, the brain
loses some metabolic flexibility in the glucose.
And one thing that I propose, or I feel I'm pretty
sure about is that glucose metabolism within the
brain, or at least reasonable levels of
carbohydrate endogenously in the brain are
required at that level where you know, you need
to achieve your peak performance or optimal
performance. I think it's the same as muscle. So,
let's say you're on a carbohydrate elimination
diet, most people seem to be able to function
perfectly well cognitively on that diet. There's no
long-term ... or we have long term data from
epileptics actually. So, my view is that whatever
the liver is producing in terms of the glucose and
the ketones which seem to track ... the ketone
bodies produced by the liver seem to track really
well with the brains requirement as you enter
deeper into ketosis. But we don't ... but those
people aren't all elite performers in whichever
field you might be in and cognitively elite
performer or an athlete. And of course,
something we know from ketones and even the
biggest kito diet zealot would probably agree
now that peak power outputs are not often
obtained with ketogenic diets. At least not
unless glucose is reintroduced in this time for

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those enzymes to be ... to regulate. The same

may occur in the brain. And so, the brain may
have a peak power output problem. We know
excitability in the motor system is reduced when
we deplete carbohydrates or during prolonged
exercise. And we know from some of our work
where we reintroduce carbohydrates through
drinking that excitability increases again. So, if
we have this excitation and inhibition problem,
sorry, a need for huge rates of flux through
glycolytic pathways, that may be something that
ketones don't support either when
supplemented or in the endogenous form
through fasting or ketogenic diets. And that
might be important for some people. But I get a
feeling it's important for such a small
percentage of elite performers that they're not
the kind of people who would be getting injured
and other things. But again, I think there's far
too many people promoting, manufacturing and
all the rest of it with ketone supplements. So, I'd
like to be clear that there's a small amount ... or,
well, a lot of it's based around one pathology,
which isn't related to what we were talking
about, but epilepsy. Kito people make huge
inferences from the epilepsy field. Having a
ketogenic diet or carbohydrate elimination is a
really effective strategy for reducing the
occurrence and severity of these tonic clonic
seizures. And regardless of the mechanism of
either injury or congenital problem that's led to
epilepsy, what happens is hyper excitability in
the branding. We've just been talking about
optimal excitability. They have large networks
of neurons that are very close to rapidly
depolarizing. So, they're about to fire off. And
for some reason, they can do that without
warning or any particular ... well, there may be
a particular trigger. Now, that's reduced.
There’re people who've been on ketogenic diets
for most of their life. I think in the 1900s it was
first proposed. Some suggest, as I mentioned
before, that there's something about the
ketones. It might alter the balance of some
neurochemicals. I think it comes down to, again,
a peak power output problem. So, a tonic clonic
seizure is incredibly violent, physical and energy

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demanding event. You know, afterwards, people

... muscle soreness. You break bones having one
of these things. So, it's akin to an extremely
high-power output athletic endeavor. I think we
have widespread glycogen and carbohydrate
depletion within the brain with that type of diet.
And therefore, when the brain really needs to
kick off with something like that, it doesn't have
... the neurons are further from their potential to
depolarize because they don't have the energy
available. Either the lower carbohydrate status
keeps them further from that point or when they
have the trigger that deep polarization doesn't
spread as far because of the lack of energy that's
available. So again, all of these things are
hypothesis, but compared to the weird and
wonderful things I hear some people talking
about that one seems to make more sense. And
again, I would just like to reiterate, I think
people who are on prolonged periods of
intermittent fasting or ketogenic diets don't
seem to do too badly cognitively. You certainly
can't measure any impairment. And in fact,
there's a lot of reports typically now associated
with intermittent fasting that people feel
sharper and less fuzzy during the fast and then
when they break it or when they get back on the
carbs, in the case of the keto diets, they don't
perform as well cognitively. And it might be that
those individuals are just a bit more sensitive to
those rapid excursions in insulin and glucose
that most people eating regularly throughout
the day have all day long. Look in that
postprandial period, there's a huge cascade of
neuroendocrine signaling happening. Things we
can measure, things we can't measure yet. It
seems possible that some people have
disruptions perhaps in key transmitters that
happen when they eat. And it's certainly the case
in the breakfast literature in my opinion, that
when you have rapid excursions in glucose and
insulin after certain types of high-glycemic
loads from breakfast that there can be periods
where that happens. Of course, we know with
rebound and reactive hypoglycemia, we see the
cognitive effects of that quite easily. And just ask
someone who suffers from that. So, my answer

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to all these questions is it's very complex, but

you should be very careful if you hear someone
making some outrageous or quite strong claims
in any of this area. But you should also,
particularly if you suffer from one of these
disorders, carefully watch the scientific
literature coming out in the area of brain
supplements that improve the brain's ability to
store energy. Creatine we talked about. Brain
supplements that can regulate the perfusion
within the brain to make that improved. Beet
root and dietary nitrates of one which is in that
area and one we haven't talked about yet, but
ones that are able to mitigate some of the
inflammation. So, I've mentioned that the brain
has an energy deficit caused in the case of
concussion by the organic damage occur to the
brain. That damage is associated with
inflammation and that inflammation, at least
most of it, the same with muscle, appears to be
counterproductive for function. And the area of
reducing agents, antioxidants seems to be a
good area to explore in the brain field,
measuring inflammation quantitatively within
the brain is very difficult. But certainly,
combating inflammation and the energy deficit
or the energy crisis after a brain injury or any
other kind of neurological insult seems to be two
of the biggest hot topics for the future.

DANNY LENNON: Right. So just on that, if inflammation is

happening, maybe even localized at the brain
and that can be difficult to measure, would a
kind of systemic marker like C-reactive protein,
tell us anything of like if we see that's elevated,
trying to have a nutritional intervention that
brings that down, would that tell us anything
about what we're potentially doing at the site of
the brain or is it kind of like guesswork that
maybe it makes sense that it would probably
have an effect?

NICK GANT: Yeah. That's a hard question, Danny. So, I guess

... we have markers that tell us certainly how
much the brain has been compromised is what's
leaking out and what's now getting in. And we
have some techniques that can tell us ... imaging

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techniques when there's been severe damage

and a lot of it doesn't show up. But in terms of
knowing how much of that inflammation we
need to address with some kind of reducing
agent, we don't know. Look, I think some of it is
useful. Of course, if you reduce the
inflammatory response, you may reduce some
of the adaptation that occurs as well. But an
inflammation within the brain, typically
chronically is known to be very bad for brain
function as anybody knows who's studied
inflammation. So, we don't know. But those
markers that you can pick out from the gutter,
the blood ... the gutter really is selective and
what comes in and out of the brain and what we
can measure in the blood are probably going to
be what signals the work that's done in that area.

DANNY LENNON: Sure. I just wanted to clarify one thing in case

people had a question because I think you've
already mentioned it, but just to kind of clarify.
You've talked about this energy deficit that can
happen at the brain and therefore that's why
we've seen things like creatine work. That's why
there's a hypothesis that an exogenous source
like ketones can potentially do something. And
I know you've touched on ... but just to hammer
home for people, why is it that we can't just do
that with glucose for example? And we know the
brain uses that, just provide more of it. And
would that not do the same thing as an
exogenous ketone or creatine?

NICK GANT: Oxidative glycolysis or the production of lactate

from astrocytes is probably impaired in some
way by the damage that occurs to the tissue
structurally. So, these glial cells I mentioned,
there's far more of them than neurons. They are
required to be the link between the blood
supplying or the supply of exogenous or
endogenous glucose. And the neuron, the site
where it needs to be used. Other things can ...
and that's an active transport mechanism. Other
things are a little bit more passive, including
glucose, which seems to basically be pushed into
the brain depending on how the blood and the
ketone bodies. So, the concentrations of those

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close to the neurons where they can be taken in

an oxidized are probably going to be higher
when there's a severe perturbation to the
structural function of what we might call the
brains' glucose supply system. If we use the
exact terms, it's too long winded. The place
where the glucose is stored, so the glucose is
stored predominantly in those other cells. So, if
you think about muscle, it's stored in the
muscle. It's not stored in the muscles. It's stored
in a helper cell, releases lactate and then diffuses
into the neuron. The lactate does. It's actually
transporting to the MTC mechanisms. But if
that's absent, then it's an area where ketones
could be used. But look, if you're thinking about
supplementation for ketones to provide that
alternative in terms of how we're involved, all
bets are off in terms of what might happen
because the body's not evolved in situation
where it has extremely high levels of ketones
and glucose. Of course, starvation ... most
people know who've tried to get into ketosis
takes a few days if not longer, and you easily
come back out of it again. I don't think the brain
is involved in an environment where it has high
levels of ketones. It's an artificial situation and
other energy substrates that aren't depleted.
That might be this magic bullet the ketone
researchers are talking about for enhancing
performance. But it also might be restrictive or
reduce metabolic flexibility for a glucose source
energy. So, we really don't know. So, it would be
very reckless to say to someone who is liable to
have a brain injury or suffering from one take
ketone bodies ... sorry, take ketone salts or
esters or generate your own through a ketogenic
diet. If you were trying a ketogenic diet for the
first time after a brain injury, that might could
be catastrophic if the, you know, in terms of all
the other things and having the keto flu on top
of all the other problems you have at that time.
But I'm sure there are a lot of, you know,
researchers and former guests of yours that
might suggest it would do no harm. So, the only
harm I think it could do, given that we've all
done ketosis before, it's perfectly natural thing.
We all did it as infants. And there's some

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discussion as to whether we've kept all of that

ability since infancy or some brain areas have
lost their ability to do it. And in rat models, some
brain areas seem to have lost it beyond infancy.
It seems sensible that we would have retained it
for periods of starvation and retain optimal
function with it because there's no point
needing to go out and hunt and gather food if
ketosis doesn't provide you enough energy to do
that. But there's no evidence that high levels of
it in combination with high levels of glucose are
being available, creatine even more bizarrely
and artificially and everything else. I really feel
that the brain is highly reliant on glucose-based
source of energy for a lot of things. And you see
that in the fact that those glycogen stores I
mentioned in astrocytes become depleted after
exercise, certainly in rodents and can be super
compensated afterwards in the same way that
muscle camp. Super compensation is some kind
of adaptation that's occurring acutely probably
to prepare for the next bout of extremely high
and fluctuating energy requirements to the
brain. I think we all see that in the reductions in,
as I keep saying peak power issue and high
intensity stuff that tends to happen with people
who aren't metabolically flexible. You know,
having ketones available in sugar could also be
the ultimate in metabolic flexibility. We just
don't know yet.

DANNY LENNON: Right. And that's the thing I think with biology
that we often see, there's almost no case where
you get all upsides pretty key if you start playing
around with this stuff. Like you say, this
artificial situation where you have, again, we
couldn't naturally get to a place where you have
these elevated ketones as well as all these other
energy substrates. And so very rarely we find we
can have like the best of all worlds. And in the
case of biology there's always seems to be a
down regulation of this or some sort of side
effect somewhere along the chain.

NICK GANT: Yeah. That's a really good way of summarizing

and listeners will probably take that away as the

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main message. You pay something and you rob

something else to do it. Yeah.

DANNY LENNON: Yeah. Two quick questions to finish off cause

we're close to time here that I wanted to get your
thoughts on. One was the potential impact of
nicotine on cognitive function and maybe other
related areas at the brain. I've only seen a couple
of papers, I think I mentioned to you that have
kind of looked at this kind of link between
nicotine and the acutely impacting cognitive
function. Anecdotally some people will tend to
use nicotine for certain work-based tasks to be
more productive and so on. What is your current
perspective on any of that stuff? Is there
something to that idea that nicotine can acutely
impact cognitive function?

NICK GANT: Yes. I think it probably can. I think that the

evidence and I think people that are addicted to
nicotine will tell you this, at least they have a
strong withdrawal ... replacing a lot of
withdrawal symptoms, certainly, but physical
and mental performance seems to be capable of
being improved by nicotine substantially. The
problem is we would never want to recommend
it and therefore my opinion, even research it
because it's so highly addictive. You know, you
could in many ways be ruining the life of
somebody through addiction by promoting it as
a nootropic or performance enhancing
substance. So, we have thought here about
quantifying some of those effects, but we don't
think it's an ethical or moral thing to do. Firstly,
exposing people to something that's highly
addictive. Remember the addiction now is
probably the most important thing because you
can ingest nicotine to the body without the
worry of all of the cosmogenic stuff that comes
with the tobacco. However, some of the things
that are oxidized in even a vapor are
carcinogenic in high quantities. Of course, you
could use a patch for a low dose or whatever. But
exposing to something that could ruin their life
through a chronic addiction is not something we
want to do. So, I don't want to say anything even
if it’s to people who are already addicted to

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nicotine and just want to optimize the way they

take it to enhance performance. It's akin to
caffeine, lower sort of levels of dependency in
that if you take caffeine, you can optimize the
way you take it, so you get the most beneficial
performance effect by reducing its consumption
at certain times and all the rest of it. But I don't
want to even say we endorse or think too much
about doing it now because of that.

DANNY LENNON: Right. Sure. And the final thing that I wanted to
bring up, and we probably can't do this most
much justice in the smaller time we have left.
And it could be probably a whole podcast
episode in itself, but it'd be remiss of me not to
bring up carbohydrate mouth rinsing and
potential mechanisms behind that because of
the work that you've done. So again, to put you
on the spot, if we were to kind of pull this down
to some kind of key points that you want to
make people aware of and they can maybe go
look into a bit more, what are some of the
important work that you've uncovered on the
mechanisms behind carbohydrate mouth
rinsing and its potential for performance?

NICK GANT: Yes. So, maybe we can put a couple of papers in

the episode notes. A couple we've published
with the neuroscience. My aim always been to
fill in some of the mechanistic information.
Everybody seems to have tested it in their pet
sport to see if it works or not, but very little is
given to working out the mechanism behind it.
So, we've done a few studies here. We've
stimulated the brain electromagnetically to see
whether the quarter motor track becomes more
excitable. So, the areas of the brain that control
movement, are they really enhanced in some
way the moment at least when carbohydrate
enters the mouth? And they are substantially.
And the force production that accompanies
them is the same as when glucose then appears
in the blood peripherally 10 minutes later. But
you don't get the same neural effect. So, we
think it's a unique signaling mechanism. It
comes through these powerful projections from
the olfaction and gestation we have in the

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Nick Gant

mouth. We've also done it within the brain

imaging environment in a different way to
others have in that we've actually measured
force production and got the individuals to
produce force whilst we rinse through the
mouth a carbohydrate containing a
noncarbohydrate tainting similar tasting
solutions. And we've isolated the areas that are
involved in producing force and shown that they
are more active when carbohydrate is in the
mouth first placebo. We've also shown,
interestingly, we don't have the time to get into
it in detail, but visual areas of the brain are more
active when they're looking at exactly the same
symbol on a screen. So, there's a heightening of
the senses as well. So, we filled in some of the
gaps to show that it is a brain-based effect that
influences the motor system immediately,
which other studies haven't. But we're also
starting to rethink our hypothesis behind this,
which has always been traditionally that
perhaps the brain is sensing glucose at a time
where you're using a lot of it and it's becoming
depleted and then it gets a signal that help is on
the way when in ten minutes time I'm going to
get glucose, therefore I can release the safety
break I've put on the voluntary activity because
I'm going to be having more glucose available to
do that. I don't think that's probably the case
now because in our FMRI studies we see no
degradation in the activity we see in subsequent
rinses. So, if there's that complex behavior going
on, you would think that on the fifth time the
brain has already had that signal. And where the
glucose is appearing, it's diminished. So, I think
its probably part of a more ancient evolutionary
mechanism that rewards us for finding
carbohydrate that was probably a highly prized
nutrient when we were looking, scurrying
around looking for it. And it promotes what
you're doing to keep on doing what you're doing.
So, the motor system is more active. The senses
are heightened. So, as you're scurrying around
trying to find more of it, you're better at doing
that. Okay. And that's quite a wide-ranging
hypothesis. But tying it back to the mouth rinse
in literature, it's not just the case that this

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Nick Gant

happens. I mean the mouth is a hugely powerful

sensory organ. And if you have things in your
mouth that you're conditioned to like or you
drink during sports for example, there's going to
be a classically conditioned reflex to that ... not
a reflex, but a response to that that makes you
perform better. So, you put anything that tastes
nice in your mouth, in my opinion, you could
detect some effect and maybe effects that are
beneficial when there's something noxious in
your mouth. Some of these things that are highly
stringent, like the menthol, that's the equivalent
of the coach slapping the strength athlete round
the face. The sensory operators in our mouth
has a direct main line into the limbic system.
These neurons have one sign up. That means
that the signal gets there very rapidly and quite
forcefully and has no really way of being
influenced by anything else. Whereas you think
we look at something that we think is pleasant
visually thousands of signups are a long process
that can be highly influenced by other things
that are happening in our lives. So, listeners
should really read those papers because I think
that ... I'm convinced now that we've uncovered
the neural origins of it, that it's a real thing, but
I'm not convinced it's just constrained to a
carbohydrate or in this case, maltodextrin,
glucose, polymer taste. It's probably lots of other
things involved.

DANNY LENNON: Yeah. 100% for everyone listening, we'll of

course link up to all those papers and previous
ones that we've talked about today. So, just to
round this out, Nick, for people who want to
either find you on social media or find out more
information about the lab or publications that's
going on, where's the best place on the Internet
for them to go check that out?

NICK GANT: Well, I'm hiding down here in New Zealand and
I'm not a big social media guy.

DANNY LENNON: Smart move.

NICK GANT: I have a Twitter account, NickGantNZ, that I

update maybe once every couple of years, but

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Nick Gant

I'm for people to contact me via that. And the lab

has a website, lab.gant.kiwi. Again, which we
rarely update. But we can put some of those
links onto the page and I'm happy to talk to
anyone about any questions they have in this

DANNY LENNON: Awesome. Yeah, so I will link to those and as I

said, other papers that we've mentioned
throughout the episode today, as well as where
you can contact Nick if you have questions and
hopefully, we don't bury you with an influx of
responses. So, with that, Nick, I'll finish on the
very final question that I ask everyone to round
out the podcast. Completely detached from what
we've talked about today, if you wish, it's simply,
if you could advise people to do one thing each
day that would benefit any area of their life,
what would that one thing be?

NICK GANT: Okay. Well, I'll keep it attached to what we've

been talking about today. I think David Goggins,
the ultra-endurance athlete, former Navy seal,
former obese person, has this mantra where he
says: Do something that sucks every day to stay
mentally strong. Now I'll put the neuroscience
behind that. The brain responds positively and
adapts well to acute stresses, whether they be
physical stress like a bout of exercise or taking a
cold shower or cognitive stress like doing some
meditation that's quite difficult or something
like that. That seems important to stop the brain
getting too fuzzy and we've got some good
neuroscience that backs that. So, you need to
make yourself uncomfortable. And I try to do it
every day in whatever way works best for you or
you need to. When you stop doing that, that's
when you see a bit of deterioration. So, when we
get old and retire, we drop a couple of IQ points
because we're not having acute stress in our day,
having to meet deadlines, those sorts of things.
So, you've got to do something that challenges
you and pushes you behind your comfort zone
every day to stay sharp and keep the brain
adapting and plastic in my opinion.

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DANNY LENNON: Wonderful. And a perfect way to finish with

that. Nick, thank you so much for first showing
me around this amazing lab you have and for
taking the time to talk to me.

NICK GANT: Thanks, Danny.

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