KPM Report

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Karnafuli Paper Mills (KPM) the biggest paper mill in Bangladesh was established at Chandraghona,
Chittagong in 1951 by the Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC) at a cost of Rs 67.57
million. At that time, there were 31 enterprises that produced hand-made paper in East Pakistan.
These enterprises and an industrial unit that produced carbon paper together had 122 workers, of
whom 55 were men, 51 women and 16 children.KPM was the first paper manufacturing industrial
establishment registered under the FACTORIES ACT. At the time of its establishment, it was said to be
the biggest paper mill in Asia with its three thousand workers. It was established under a World Bank
loan supported by a consortium of suppliers from USA, England, Germany, Sweden and Italy. The
mills went into production in 1953 with an installed capacity of 30,000 tons of paper per year. The
capacity utilisation, however, went down within a few years of its establishment.

Raw materials & Products list:

Raw materials:

1. Wood

2. Nonwood

3. Bamboo

4. Recycle fiber

Products list:

1. Writing papers.

2. Printing papers.

3. Typing papers.

4. Corrugated boards.

5. Wax coated papers.

6. Bitumen paper.
Utility list:

1. Electricity.

2. Cooling water.

Process Description:

Making pulp:

1. Several processes are commonly used to convert logs to wood pulp. In the mechanical
process, logs are first tumbled in drums to remove the bark. The logs are then sent to grinders,
which break the wood down into pulp by pressing it between huge revolving slabs. The pulp is
filtered to remove foreign objects. In the chemical process, wood chips from de-barked logs are
cooked in a chemical solution. This is done in huge vats called digesters. The chips are fed into
the digester, and then boiled at high pressure in a solution of sodium hydroxide and sodium
sulfide. The chips dissolve into pulp in the solution. Next the pulp is sent through
filters. Bleach may be added at this stage, or colorings. The pulp is sent to the paper plant.


2. The pulp is next put through a pounding and squeezing process called, appropriately
enough, beating. Inside a large tub, the pulp is subjected to the effect of machine
beaters. At this point, various filler materials can be added such as chalks, clays, or
chemicals such as titanium oxide. These additives will influence the opacity and other
qualities of the final product. Sizing’s are also added at this point. Sizing affects the way
the paper will react with various inks. Without any sizing at all, a paper will be too
absorbent for most uses except as a desk blotter. A sizing such as starch makes the
paper resistant to water-based ink (inks actually sit on top of a sheet of paper, rather
than sinking in). A variety of sizing’s, generally rosins and gums, is available depending
on the eventual use of the paper. Paper that will receive a printed design, such as gift
wrapping, requires a particular formula of sizing that will make the paper accept the
printing properly.

Pulp to paper:

3. In order to finally turn the pulp into paper, the pulp is fed or pumped into giant,
automated machines. One common type is called the Fourdrinier machine, which was
invented in England in 1807. Pulp is fed into the Fourdrinier machine on a moving belt
of fine mesh screening. The pulp is squeezed through a series of rollers, while suction
devices below the belt drain off water. If the paper is to receive a water-mark, a device
called a dandy moves across the sheet of pulp and presses a design into it.The paper
then moves onto the press section of the machine, where it is pressed between rollers
of wool felt. The paper then passes over a series of steam-heated cylinders to remove
the remaining water. A large machine may have from 40 to 70 drying cylinders.
Storage Capacity:

1. Quality & packaging paper: 30,000 MT.

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