Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science Assignment No: 01
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science Assignment No: 01
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science Assignment No: 01
Submitted To:
Md. Mohibul Alam
Associate Professor
Dept. of CEP, SUST
Submitted By:
Sourav Sutradhar
Reg. No: 2016332005
Session: 2016-17
Dept. Of CEP, SUST.
• line a shows the pH at which half of the 1 M iron is Fe3+ and half is
precipitated as Fe(OH)2
• Pourbaix diagrams incorporate Z1/r calculations and acid-base
• the position of an acid-base equilibrium is dependent on the total
concentration of iron
➢ reducing the total concentration of Fe3+ will reduce the driving
force of the precipitation
➢ reducing the total iron concentration from 1 M to 10-6 M (more
realistic concentrations for geochemists and corrosion
engineers) shifts the boundary from pH 1.7 to pH 4.2
➢ In general, in more dilute solutions, the soluble species have
larger predominance areas.
• Longer dashed lines enclose the theoretical region of stability of the water to
oxidation or reduction ((lines 4 & 6) while shorter dashed lines enclose the
practical region of stability of the water (5 & 7)
o Dashed line 4 represents the potential of water saturated with
dissolved O2 at 1 atm (very well aerated water).
o above this potential water is oxidized to oxygen:
2 H+ + 2 e- Eo = +1.229 V
• Any point on the diagram will give the termodynamically most stable
(theoretically the most abundant) form of the element for that E and pH.
o E=+0.8 V and pH = 14
predominant form is FeO42-.
o Strong oxidizing agents and oxidizing conditions are found only at the
top of the diagram.
The lower boundaries of strong oxidizing agents are high on the
o Reducing agents and reducing conditions are found at the bottom of a
diagram and nowhere else.
Strong reducing agents have boundaries that are low on the diagram.
o A species that prevails from top to bottom at the pH in question has no
oxidizing or reducing properties at all within that range.
• Pourbaix diagrams allow for more accurate predictions of the forms in which
the different elements will exist in natural waters.
• Pourbaix diagrams are useful in predicting the spontaneous direction of
electrochemical reactions, identifying the corrosion products and predicting
the changes in environment in terms of potential and pH that result in high
or low corrosive attack
Ans To The Q.No.04
Limitations of Pourbaix diagrams: