G 026 Ten F
G 026 Ten F
G 026 Ten F
Abstract: Power transformers are one of the most important parts of power systems and
often the most valuable asset in a substation. Understanding how and when transformers
are likely to fail is a critical point in the asset management of large networks. Due to aging
and inadequate maintenance some critical failures in power transformers may occur.
Thus, the aim is to reduce the failure rate as low as possible. One way to minimize failure
probability is the analysis of old failures and their conditions in order to understand the
reasons for severe failures and to improve maintenance procedures by means of this
In this contribution the results of a failure data survey of 20 utilities in Germany, Swiss,
Austria and the Netherlands based on a newly developed questionnaire are presented.
The investigated transformer population covers more than 23800 unit-years and reveals a
failure rate of 0.3% for 110kV and 0.6% for 220kV and 380kV for major failures. The
hazard curve function shows considerable low failure rates for a transformer age below
30 years. Tap changer and windings are with one third each the main components
leading to major failures.
Where: Number of
2 4 12
ni = Number of transformers that failed in the i th
726 1355 744
year years
N i = Number of transformers in service during the Failure rate (%) 0.28% 0.30% 1.61%
i year
For the calculation of failure rates a constant 3.2 Hazard curve
transformer population was assumed for the
investigated time period. There are some useful reliability functions to
The calculated failure rates are given in table 2 analyze the failure situation dependent on
dependent on the voltage level. These results transformers age. Calculating the failure rate for
agree fairly well with the failure rates given in [2], ever smaller intervals of time, results in the hazard
function. It shows the momentary probability of a
where the failure rate is 0.31 % or the 110 kV units
failure dependent on the transformer age. In order
and 0.64% for the 220 kV and 380 kV units. The
to calculate the hazard rate the age distribution of
increase of failure rate with increasing voltage is
all transformers is required. Due to simplicity
reasons this age distribution is unfortunately not
Table 2: Failure rate analysis of power included into the used questionnaire. Therefore the
transformers as a function of voltage class (Years transformer age distribution of the investigated
from 2000 to 2010) population is calculated by using the age
Voltage distribution of a utility participating in this survey as
110 kV 220 kV 380 kV
level a reference for the 220kV and 380 kV voltage
Number of classes. Assuming that the transformer fleets of
36 44 32
failures the other utilities have a similar age distribution in
Transformer these voltage classes – which is very probable -,
11474 7111 5226
years the full transformer age distribution can be
Failure rate calculated by scaling up the data of the reference
0.31% 0.62% 0.61%
(%) utility. The achieved cumulative distribution of
operational years of the investigated population in
the voltage classes 220KV and 380 kV is shown in
In [1] a general failure rate, irrespective of the
figure 1.
voltage class and function of the units was given of
the order of two percent. Reason for this deviation
could be the different investigated population and years
taking into account also failures with downtimes of
less than one week.
Table 3: Failure rate analysis of power
transformers (transmission and distribution) as a 800
The hazard function is computed using the (component) in the transformer where the failure
information from figure 1 and the following formula: was initiated (Fig. 3).
f (T ) Other
H (T ) = ⋅100% 4.5%
N (T ) Tap
H (T ) : Failure hazard rate in percentage
f (T ) : Number of failures at age interval T
N (T ) : Number of transformers in operation and
surviving at age interval T
Clamping Material maintenance Lightning Unknown
pressure 8.9% 2.7% 0.9% Onsite Onsite Onsite
1.8% 0.9%
Overvoltage Overheating External Repair > 1 Repair > 1 Repair < 1
Manufacturing 0.9% 1.8% short-circuit month week week
10.7% 8.9% 4.5% 16.1% 3.6%
0.9% Abnormal
External Figure 7: The analysis of the actions taken after
1.8% 112 transformers failure
Design Aging
14.3% 17.9%
Figure 8 and 9 show the failure location of
Unknown scrapped and repaired transformers respectively.
Loss of cooling Collateral
0.9% Damage
Other reasons