Standardized Survey of Transformer Reliability: On Behalf of CIGRE WG A2.37
Standardized Survey of Transformer Reliability: On Behalf of CIGRE WG A2.37
Standardized Survey of Transformer Reliability: On Behalf of CIGRE WG A2.37
8 2,172
3 authors:
Farzaneh Vahidi
Universität Stuttgart
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Abstract-- There is limited literature available in the public following objectives: to review existing surveys and to study
domain discussing failure statistics of transformers. This different practices, to conduct a new international survey on
contribution presents the methodology for a standardized failure transformer failures and to analyse the collected data. This paper
data acquisition developed by the Cigré Working Group A2.37. presents and discusses the working group’s data collection
The working group collected 964 major failures which occurred in methodology as well as the results of the analysis in terms of
the period 1996 to 2010, within a total population of 167,459 failure rates and the classification into failure locations.
transformer years, contributed by 58 utilities from 21 countries.
The overall failure rates of substation transformer were all within II. DATA COLLECTION AND PREPARATION FOR
1%. For three groups of substation transformers, detailed
population data were collected enabling the calculation of hazard
curves. All populations show a low hazard rate and no distinct Initial working group discussions concentrated on analyzing
bathtub curve character. An increasing probability of failure after the readily available statistics, but the different definitions and
a particular age, which would justify an exchange of the information content constrained forming a coherent database
transformer, cannot be derived from the available data. from individual sources. It was also agreed that the scope needed
Windings, tap changer and bushing related failures were the to be broadened to allow comparison with the failure statistic of
major contributors, followed by lead exit related failures, 1983 survey. A questionnaire was therefore developed to collect
irrespective of application or manufacturing period. Dielectric utility failure statistics in a standardized way. Besides
mode failures were the most prominent, followed by mechanical information about the population under investigation, failure
and electrical type failures, for substation transformers, whereas data was collected for various groups of transformers in terms of
GSU transformers had higher contributions of thermal and the failure locations, failure causes, failure modes, actions,
dielectric mode failures.
external effects and other parameters.
Keywords: Failure Statistics, Hazard Curve, Questionnaire, A. Definition of Failure
Major Failure, Power Transformer, Reliability Survey Based on the poor data collection experience of previous
working groups, the decision was taken to limit the data
I. INTRODUCTION collection to major failures of transformers and reactors
Accurate information about service experience of high operating at 60 kV and above.
voltage equipment is of significant value for both electric A major failure was defined as any situation which required
utilities and for manufacturers of such equipment. It helps the the transformer to be removed from service for a period longer
manufacturers to improve their products and to provide than 7 days for investigation, remedial work or replacement. The
important inputs for the utilities when buying equipment, necessary repairs should have involved major remedial work,
scheduling maintenance and benchmarking their performance. usually requiring the transformer to be removed from its plinth
Statistical analysis of past failure data can display useful features or would require at least the opening of the transformer or the
with respect to future failure behaviour [1]. tap changer tank, or an exchange of the bushings. A reliable
The first international survey on large power transformer indication that the transformer condition prevents its safe
failures was published in 1983 summarizing the results of the operation is considered a major failure, if remedial work (longer
analysis of transformers that failed in the period 1968 to 1978 than 7 days) was required for restoring it to the initial service
[2]. The survey concluded that the average failure rate of capability. In some cases, also failures were assigned as major,
transformers may be regarded as 2 % across all voltage if remedial work was shorter than 7 days and extensive work
categories. Since then, this statistic has become an international with oil processing had to be done (e.g. exchange of bushings).
benchmark in the transformer industry for the failure rate B. Reliability Questionnaire
performance of transformers.
A questionnaire consisting of two major sections was
There is limited literature available in the public domain developed to collect data, in accordance with the definition of
discussing failure statistics of transformers. Internal surveys are major failure. The spreadsheets can be downloaded at [3]. The
being conducted by certain countries and utilities and a number first section of the questionnaire requested general information
of well-established databases exist from countries such as about the population of the operating transformers for the
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany and Japan. The results or indicated failure period. The population information included
methodology of these surveys are however not made available the transformer application, type, number of phases, voltage,
publicly due to confidentiality and competition between utilities. rated power, typical loading, and manufacturing period.
Another possible reason for the scarce information could be the
fact that the industry started referring to the results of the The second section captured the transformer failure data,
international survey by Bossi [2] because of its thoroughness grouped data into 4 categories as follows:
instead of conducting individual surveys. Working group A2.37 • Identification of the unit: application, type,
Transformer Reliability Survey was formed in 2008 with the
Conference Proceedings of ISEIM 2017
changer, tap changer arrangement, oil preservation
above 700
system, overvoltage protection.
100 kV˗
200 kV˗
300 kV˗
300 kV˗
69 kV˗
• Detail of occurrence: year of failure, service years to
failure, loading immediately prior to failure.
• Consequences of failure: external effects, failure Number of
11 38 31 27 3 4 58
location, service years of failed bushings (if location is Number of
2,962 10,932 4,272 3,233 434 348 22,181
bushings), failure mode, failure cause, action taken, Transformers
and detection mode. Years
15,267 64,718 37,017 25,305 4,774 2,991 150,072
Major Failures 144 280 186 152 27 10 799
C. Data Collection FAILURE
0.94% 0.43% 0.50% 0.60% 0.57% 0.33% 0.53%
Each participating utility was requested to complete the
Excel spreadsheet questionnaire. The completion of the
questionnaire was supported and monitored by the members of A. Failure Rate Dependent on Age
the working group, in particular, ensuring that all major failures
in the indicated time period, were included. All responses were By definition, a power transformer is a system which
compiled into a database. In order to achieve data security and consists of several repairable components and subsystems
anonymity the failure data from each source was made (windings, tap changers, etc.) and should therefore be treated as
anonymous by labelling with a code based on the geographical a repairable system. However, in the event of a major failure of
location and a sequence number. Information about the a transformer, the concerned component or subsystem is
transformer manufacturer was not collected. normally fully exchanged and renewed. According [4], in case
of winding failures, which is the dominant failure location, a
D. Definition of Failure Rate complete new rewinding is often done or in many cases also
Failure rate was calculated according to the definition in scrapping of the transformers. Assuming the system could be
Bossi [2], which was expressed as: seen to be as-good-as-new after the repair/exchange, it could
practically allow the transformer to be treated as a non-
repairable system and renewal theory can be applied [5].
The hazard function, also called momentary probability of
with: failure, gives the probability that the component will fail at a
𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖 : Number of failures in the ith year certain life. One can read the real hazard (risk) of failure directly
𝑁𝑁𝑖𝑖 : Number of transformers operating in the ith year from the hazard function. This information is valuable for asset
𝑇𝑇 : Reference period (normally one year) managers, because it aids in decision making for the proper
maintenance strategy. The hazard function is computed using
III. RESULTS the following formula:
The working group collected 964 major failures which
occurred in the period 1996 to 2010, within a total population of
167,459 transformer years, contributed by 58 utilities from 21 (2)
countries. The year of manufacture of the units span from the where:
1950’s up to 2009 and the reference periods range from 3 to 11 ∆n(t) : Number of failures in time interval [t, t+∆t]
years. Because the number of operational transformers was only ∆t : Length of time interval
provided for one year, the total number of transformer-years 𝑁𝑁(𝑡𝑡) : Population surviving at time t
(population per utility) was calculated under the assumption that
the number of transformers in operation was constant during the To overcome the problem of missing age distribution of the
reference period. The number of transformers was multiplied full investigated population, the failure behavior of three
with the length of the reference period in years to obtain an substation transformer populations for which the age
estimate of the total number of transformer-years. distribution was known, was investigated. Group A consisted of
At 150,072 transformer years the investigated population of substation transformers of two European utilities. Populations B
substation transformers was considerably high (Table I). This and C originated from New Zealand and Canada respectively.
value was almost four times higher than the population in Bossi Table II shows the population data of these groups.
[2] with 40,547 transformer years. The calculated failure rates TABLE II
for substation transformers are also given in Table I. The overall Population data for hazard curve analysis
failure rate is within 1%. Transformer Transformer Major
Voltage Class Failure Rate
Population Years Failures
The data collection for the three groups spans from 2000 to
2010. Therefore the number of units surviving age t, , have
Conference Proceedings of ISEIM 2017
Hazard rate %
instance a transformer installed in 2005 can just contribute an 6,0%
operational experience with age of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the 5,0% 1 Failure
defined period 2000-2010. This procedure is explained in detail 4,0%
in [4]. 3,0%
450 2,0%
Population A 1,0%
400 (110kV-380kV)
Population B 0,0%
(110kV-220kV) 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61
account in the percentage values in the table and in the analysis The failure mode analysis according to application is shown
according to application. GSUs without tap changers were also in Figure 4. Dielectric mode failures were the most prominent,
excluded from the analysis in order to prevent misinterpretation followed by mechanical and electrical type failures, for
of the data. substation transformers, whereas GSU-transformers had higher
contributions of thermal and dielectric mode failures.
Up to 700 kV, the contribution of bushing related failures
increased with increasing voltage class. Lead exit related failures
exhibited the same increasing trend, across all voltage classes. IV. CONCLUSION
The contribution of tap changer related failures appeared to A questionnaire was developed by the Cigré Working Group
decrease with increasing voltage level. Winding related failures A2.37 by which utility failure statistics could be collected in a
were the largest contributor in both transformer applications. standardized way. The working group collected 964 major
GSU transformers had a higher contribution of winding (48%) failures which occurred in the period 1996 to 2010. The overall
and lead exit failures (13%) than substation transformers (38% failure rate of substation transformers was within 1%. Only GSU
and 6% resp.). Substation transformers on the other hand had a units in the voltage class 300kV to 500kV exceeded 1% failure
higher contribution of tap changer related failures (31%) than rate. Although differences in failure rate were very low, less than
GSU transformers (12%). The contributions of bushing related 0.5%, the failure rates of GSU-units were higher than substation
failures were similar in both transformer applications. transformers in nearly all the voltage classes.
60,0% For three groups of substation transformers detailed
Substation transformers population data were collected enabling the calculation of
50,0% hazard curves. All populations show a low hazard rate and no
Generator step-up units distinct bathtub curve characteristic. Within two populations,
just one failure each occurred in the first 20 years. Both
Failure in %
International Enquiry on Reliability of High Voltage
Equipment”, Brochure 509, Paris, 2012.
20% [2] A. Bossi, J. Dind, J. Frisson, U. Khoudiakov, H. Light and
e. al, “An international survey on failures in large power
transformers in service,” Electra, 1983.
0% [3]
Dielectric Electrical Thermal Physical Mechanical Unknown
chemistry [4] CIGRÉ WG A2.37, “Transformer Reliability Survey”,
Figure 4: Failure mode analysis based on 799 failures of substation and Brochure 642, Paris, 2015.
165 failures of GSU-transformers [5] J. Coetzee, Maintenance, Victoria, BC, Canada: Trafford
Publishing, 2004.