CIRED2009 0028 Paper

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CIRED 20th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Prague, 8-11 June 2009

Paper 0028



Edenor S.A. - Argentina

capability, a lower redundancy of systems, operating

ABSTRACT restrictions that limit maintenance outages and incomes tied
to the availability of the installations, drove to the company
The present context of the electric industry, characterized to find new ways to develop its activities both, in a more
by competitive markets and strict regulatory technical effective way and with lower costs.
requirements to fulfill, leads to electric utilities to optimize
the maintenance management, developing their activities In the stated situation, radical changes in the way of
both, more effectively and with lower costs. thinking concerning the maintenance activities are required;
the challenge is to develop enhanced strategies and
This paper describes a management model for the management tools.
maintenance of HV transformer substations developed by
Edenor, the largest Argentine electric distribution utility.
Such model is based on a number of key drivers: the
modeling of the HV network in “modules of maintenance”, MODEL
the development of Work Programs for all the equipment To deal with the new context of the business, Edenor has re-
installed, the setting of critical levels criterions and the considered the entire maintenance policies performed so far,
monitoring of results. In addition, a strong emphasis was to improve their management, aiming at maximizing both,
put on the development of proactive maintenance tasks, the availability and reliability of its installations, so as to
aiming at reducing maintenance outages. reach the supply quality levels required with profitability
By the development of this model, positive results were and keeping at the same time acceptable levels of risk.
reached, as regards the optimization of the maintenance In order to do so, attention was focused on HV transformer
management, availability and reliability of installations and substations equipment, where maintenance is usually more
reduction of costs. specific due to its critical role in networks to assure the
operation of the distribution systems.
INTRODUCTION Therefore, the guidelines of an optimized management
The transformation of the electric markets happened at the model for the maintenance of HV substations were drawn
beginning of the 90s world-wide requires assuring the up.
reliability and availability of the electric systems, which The core of this maintenance model was based on a number
represents a key factor in the maintenance strategies to be of key drivers: the modeling of the HV network in “modules
developed nowadays by the electric distribution utilities. of maintenance”, the development of Work Programs for all
Into this framework, Edenor is an Argentine utility that the equipment installed, the setting of critical levels
distributes electricity in the northern area of Buenos Aires criterions to identify the condition of the equipment and the
city and the northwestern part of the greater Buenos Aires, systematic monitoring and evaluation of the obtained results
in a market of 4.637 km2 and a 7 million inhabitants (Fig. 1).
population, about 20% of the Argentine population. With
2.5 million clients and a billed annual energy of 17,886 Work Critical
Programs Levels
GWh, Edenor is the largest Argentine electric distribution
company, in terms of number of customers and energy sold. Maintenance
Among its facilities it has 1,338 km of HV networks in 220
Modules of Monitoring
and 132 kV and 67 HV transformer substations, with 12,994 Maintenance of Results
MVA of HV/HV and HV/MV transformation power.
Since its privatization in the 90s, the company has Fig. 1 - Key Drivers of the Maintenance Management Model
developed its activities in a competitive environment in a
Modules of Maintenance
regulated market, with strict technical requirements by the
regulatory authorities and the imposition of severe penalties The so called “modules of maintenance” represent the
for its non-fulfillment. minimum part of the installation that can be taken out of
This new scenery, influenced by an increasing demand of service to perform maintenance tasks on any involved
networks with equipment operating at the limit of its equipment.

CIRED2009 Session 1 Paper No 0028

CIRED 20th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Prague, 8-11 June 2009

Paper 0028

Analyzing the topology of the network and unbundling it in defined. The WPro are a task list to be executed on a certain
functional units, defining both, the component items (power item when both, its condition indicate it or a parameter of
transformer, circuit-breaker, disconnector, instrument control has reached a limit. Such parameter can be time (in
transformer, surge arrester) and their physical location, case of scheduled maintenance), number of operations,
“modules of maintenance” were defined, considering that accumulated kA or others. In the WPro, the tasks to perform
to perform maintenance tasks in an item of a module, such and all the necessary specifications for its execution are
module must be taken out of service as a whole (Fig. 2). described, as well as the required resources. In addition, a
number of Technical Procedures define how to execute
every maintenance task.
Every WPro were developed from the available experience,
taking into account the knowledge acquired in field,
surveying the existing practices and performing a Failure
Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) for the
entire physical asset to be maintained. From this evaluation,
light and reinforced maintenance WPro were established.
The tasks to execute can also include measures or tests. In
this case, acceptable threshold values were specified, in
Fig. 2 - Modules of Maintenance
order to analyze “in field” the parameters under control and
The most common functions of such modules are detect possible deviations.
transmission lines, feeders, busbar coupling, transformation,
In the development of the WPro, the concept of “Out of
reactive compensation, etc. These modules can be linked
Range” task was introduced, to identify abnormalities or
among them establishing sets of “linked modules”, which
measures detected out of their admitted limit values.
are modules physically associated to fulfill one or more
electric functions into the network. Depending on their According to the obtained results, the item condition is
function, such linked modules can be either, simple or labeled. In case of detecting any anomaly, the priority of
complex ones. intervention is defined, depending on different critical
Simple sets have just one function; they extend between two
substations and are composed up to three modules. An Setting of Critical Levels
example is a set made up of a transmission line connected
between two main substations and its two switching To identify the condition of the equipment, a six-group-
modules (busbar disconnectors and circuit-breaker). The classification code was defined, according to the following
outage of any of them, brings about the unavailability of the verification criterion:
set as a whole. 0. No Out of Range situations, corrective actions are not
Complex sets have more than one function; they consist of required. The item is in good condition.
three or more simple modules and involve at least two 1. Critical Out of Range situations which solution must be
substations. Depending on the module affected, its outage “Immediate”. Otherwise, the item must be labeled as not
can cause or not the entire unavailability of the set. In available, for affecting the safety of people and
example, in a transmission line between two main installations, and the quality of supply.
substations that besides feeds secondary substations, the 2. Serious Out of Range situations which solution must be
loss of one switching module does not cause the “Priority”; the item can remain in service, but requiring
unavailability of the line as feeder of the secondary a maintenance task as soon as possible.
substations; in the same way, the outage of the
3. Moderate Out of Range situations which solution can be
transformation modules does not affect the transmission
“Programmed”; the item can remain in service, but
function of the line. In contrast, taking out of service the
requiring a maintenance task the next scheduled outage.
transmission line causes the unavailability of the whole set.
4. Tolerable Out of Range situations that allow keeping the
Under this concept, when an installation is required to be
item in service as Observed.
out of service for maintenance, by modeling the HV
network splitting it in “modules of maintenance” the 5. Out of Range situations no attributed to an abnormality
maintenance planning can be optimized, taking advantage or measured value detected; the solution requires
of the programmed outages to perform maintenance tasks, modifying the WPro.
improving so the use of resources and increasing the The setting of different critical levels allows, in case of
availability of the installations. detecting Out of Range values or abnormalities, labeling the
condition of the equipment to control its evolution and
Development of Work Programs address the necessary actions if major maintenance tasks are
For every physical asset in service different preventive and required, to restore its condition to a satisfactory level.
predictive maintenance Work Programs (WPro) were

CIRED2009 Session 1 Paper No 0028

CIRED 20th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Prague, 8-11 June 2009

Paper 0028

Monitoring of Results network, their periodical monitoring allows a continuous

tracking of the gas development as an early alert in case of
To support the maintenance management and the decision failure. For instrument transformers, a mix of predictive
making process, a corporate computing system was tasks such as DGA, UHF and electric on-line PD detection
internally developed.
and tg δ are used as a routine.
The core of this supporting tool is based on a database,
Infrared Thermography (IR) is performed over all the HV
where all the equipment to be maintained was inventoried,
substations twice a year. Having shown as a valuable tool to
identifying it logically according to its location in the
detect early thermal anomalies and to identify patterns of
network (i.e. substation 065, feeder 636, circuit-breaker)
failure, by executing IR inspections many maintenance
and physically, by the nameplate data (manufacturer, model,
tasks were modified; in the case of critical disconnectors in
type, rated parameters, serial number, manufacturing year)
network, their WPro originally time-based, were turned into
and an alphanumeric code that identifies the item
condition-based and they are only taken out of service if
any thermal abnormality is detected.
This software provides workflow functions, work orders
Over some items, a number of on and off-line predictive
issuing and tracking and data storage (i.e. background,
measures are executed to assess their condition and/or
results of measures and tests executed, maintenance records
define the need of executing major maintenance tasks. For
and condition data of the equipment), that helps for the
surge-arresters, IR scans, leakage current and PD measuring
planning and programming of the maintenance activities.
are carried out. In circuit-breakers (CBs), operating time
Through this decision support system, a number of and contact resistance are measured; in SF6 CBs gas
computing queries allows obtaining information such as pressures and leakages are monitored, for minimum-oil
evolution and trends of measures and critical parameters, CBs, water-in-oil content and breakdown voltage
Out of Range situations and their criticality, equipment with determinations are made, in pneumatic CBs dew point in air
delayed maintenance tasks, etc. is verified.
Based on a Data Mining concept approach [1], dynamic In addition, on-line detective maintenance tasks searching
outputs are used in the decision making process for the for hidden faults are performed. In substations with more
maintenance management, extracting trends and patterns than one HV busbar, the maintenance of busbar discon-
from the data obtained as well as knowledge-based rules, nectors is supported in a routine of IR scans and detective
monitoring the evolution of the abnormalities detected to tasks. By the execution of opening and closing operating
prioritize the corrective actions to be performed and eva- tests, measuring of the motor drive current and checking of
luating the obtained results in a systematic way. interlocking and signaling, the item condition is verified and
the need of programmed outages to execute repairing tasks
USE OF PROACTIVE MAINTENANCE is defined. When possible, repairs in service by Live Works
STRATEGIES (i.e. lubricating and contacts cleaning) are executed.
Traditionally, the approach of HV substations maintenance Additionally, the use of techniques based on the RCM
used to be mainly conservative, based on standard and (Reliability Centered Maintenance) methodology together
strictly determined scheduled interventions, in general with a FMECA approach, makes it possible to optimize the
influenced by manufacturers’ instructions. This approach maintenance activities, customizing the tasks to be
was expensive in terms of resources required and performed according to the different operating contexts.
unavailability of installations for maintenance. By this approach, focusing on the particular requirements of
As a consequence, searching for reducing maintenance each equipment and strengthening the performing of
outages, a strong emphasis was put in the increase of more condition-based activities, more flexible WPro were
proactive maintenance tasks, supported by intensive man- developed, reducing the execution of unnecessary
made inspections. maintenance tasks and increasing the availability of the
Therefore, several on-line techniques based on periodic
inspections are used to assess the equipment’s technical
condition, in terms of dielectric, thermal and mechanical
aspects [2]. In many cases, they allow to define weather the Aiming at defining the levels of criticality of the
item has to be taken out of service for maintenance or not. installations, a risk analysis was carried out, by the
Dielectric condition, trends and patterns are mostly attended development of a “map of risk” of the whole HV network.
by ultra high frequency (UHF) and partial discharges (PD) Risk analysis is based on probabilities and possible
detection as well as tangent delta (tg δ) measuring. consequences of different events for different types of
DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) is carried out in power equipment [3].
transformers on an annual basis, to diagnose their condition As a basis for the risk analysis, the concept of risk matrix
and detect internal anomalies. For some critical units in has been used, to provide an efficient way of showing the

CIRED2009 Session 1 Paper No 0028

CIRED 20th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Prague, 8-11 June 2009

Paper 0028

combination of probability and consequences for different The extended use of this management model, has allowed
relevant unwanted events which can occur. reaching positive results as regards the improvement of the
Risk matrices divided into three areas, “Low”, “Medium” maintenance management, diminishing outages of the
and “High” (unacceptable) were developed for every equipment and increasing the availability of the
“module of maintenance”. The development of a “map of installations, making it possible to reduce maintenance
risk” of the HV network according to critical degrees, costs.
allowed identifying the most vulnerable items in the grid, A survey of the evolution of a number of balanced
for having in case of failure a higher impact in the quality of scorecards and key performance indicators (i.e. number of
supply. unwanted events, number of interruptions, number of
As from the risk classification performed, priorities for the programmed outages, maintenance costs, quality of supply),
maintenance of the equipment were defined, in order to shows the enhancement achieved by its development
assign the resources required to reduce levels of risk and concerning the efficiency of the maintenance management
maintenance activities were addressed for the different as a whole.
components in a differentiated way, considering the risk A further development is going in depth in a “bay by bay”
assessment of the HV network as a whole (Fig. 3). differentiated maintenance, according to criterions such as
environmental pollution, equipment characteristics, role of
the substation in the electrical system an so on, aiming at
increasing the availability of the installations and improving
Probability Impact Maintenance the quality of supply in a cost-effective way.
of failure of failure Decisions

In the context of the new electric markets it is essential to
Fig. 3 - Decision Scheme of the Risk Analysis reduce programmed outages in number and duration. To
face this situation, an optimized maintenance management
MANAGEMENT OF MAINTENANCE SKILLS model for H.V. substations, has been developed.
A key factor for the success of this maintenance model is This management model put a strong emphasis on the
the development of highly qualified manpower. execution of proactive maintenance tasks and takes into
account the “map of risk” of the HV network, to identify the
To perform the maintenance process in the most cost- levels of criticality of the installations.
effective way, part of traditionally in-house maintenance
tasks were outsourced. From this determination, focus was The results from its use at Edenor have proved to be highly
put on preserving in the company the know-how of the positive in terms of improvement of key performance
activities, strategic core skills that cannot be deprived under indicators and reduction of costs.
any circumstances [4]. In this way, personnel cost could be The model outlined has proved being useful for distribution
downsized outsourcing some maintenance activities and companies that operate into a competitive environment and
specific knowledge in the field of HV maintenance regulated markets with strict technical requirements to
equipment was concentrated. fulfill. This thread encourages to continue going in depth
As a result, a strong emphasis was put on the training of into its development, to successfully afford the changing
specialized in-house and outsourced work teams, improving environment for distribution utilities.
continuously and updating their knowledge and skills. Thus,
a best value was added to the maintenance activities, not REFERENCES
only in a profitable way but also through seeking additional
[1] Groot, E. et al, Successful Implemented Condition
advantage in terms of quality, performance and service
Based Maintenance Concept for Switchgear, 17th
CIRED Conf. - Paper 1.14 (Barcelona, 2003).
OBTAINED RESULTS [2] Cliteur, G., Wetzer, J., Condition Assessment of Power
Transmission and Distribution Components, 16th CIRED
Through the model developed, outages could be optimized Conf. - Paper 1.26 (Amsterdam, 2001).
to perform maintenance tasks, unifying technical criterions [3] Nordgård, D. et al, Developing and Implementing a Risk
to be followed, categorizing the abnormalities detected Based Maintenance Strategy for Distribution
according to severity levels to prioritize the corrective Companies, 18th CIRED Conf. - Paper 292 (Turin,
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This strategy is supported by a strong tendency toward the [4] Wester, P. et al, Outsourcing Maintenance Processes in
execution of predictive (on and off-line) tasks to assess the Electricity Utilities, 16th CIRED Conf. - Paper 6.18
condition of the equipment, detective actions searching for (Amsterdam, 2001).
hidden faults and the use of risk based techniques.

CIRED2009 Session 1 Paper No 0028

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