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and anchor
equipment for
well construction,
and repair
Central entrance of SPF Paker

Museum Russian Federation Government 21th World Petroleum

Prize for quality awards Congress, Moscow 2014
ceremony, Moscow 2014

General equipment shop CNC machines shop

Laundry Canteen Electronic display with

production indicators
Dear colleagues
SPF Paker LLC welcomes you on the pages of our product
catalogue. SPF Paker LLC takes a leading position in Rus-
sia and in the CIS countries in designing, production and
maintenance service of packer-and-anchor equipment and
borehole assemblies for operation, intensification, develop-
ment and workover of oil and gas wells.
In the sphere of quality, one of the main goals of SPF Paker
LLC is to meet the requirements of our consumers.
The quality of products manufactured by SPF Paker LLC
is ensured by constant improvement and control over its
production process: from design decision to manufacture of
finished items. This is thanks to using modern automation
systems for creation of project and process documentation
such as SolidWork, SprutCAM, SWR-PDM; to manufactur-
ing of parts on machining centers of world machine-building
leaders like Mori Seiki (Japan), Sigma (Italy), FMB (Italy),
DANOBAT (Spain); thanks to highly qualified maintenance Manufacture of steel items according to the drawings of the
personnel and quality management system effective at the customer;
enterprise, certified by TÜV Thüringen e.V. for compliance Development and manufacture of non-standard packer and
with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. In June 2014 SPF other equipment according to the technical requirements of
Paker LLC achieved the QMS certificate of API Q1 Standard the customer.
(American Petroleum Institute).
Nowadays, the service centers were built in the 5 regions
At the enterprise the special focus is on personnel recruit- of Russian Federation. Highly qualified specialists work in
ment and training. Our experts adopt experience of world these service centers, equipped with modern equipment
leaders in machine-building production, undergoing training that enhances the efficiency of oil and gas producing and oil
in Japan and Italy as well as taking part in major industry service companies.
Thanks to using state-of-the-art developments and modern
We produce almost the whole list of packer-and-anchor equipment during manufacture coupled with extensive scien-
equipment and borehole assemblies, required for oil produc- tific and production experience of highly qualified specialists,
tion, formation pressure maintenance system, intensification we provide our customers with reliable, highly technological,
(including Hydraulic Fracturing), drilling, repair and develop- high-quality, efficient and cost effective service.
ment of wells. A full product cycle from cutting blanks to a
control operation includes the following: All the manufactured equipment has certificates, permission
of Rostekhnadzor of Russia, and patented in the Russian
-- Turn-milling, heat treatment; Federation.
-- Marking;
-- Assembling; To increase the rendered services quality SPF Paker LLC
-- End products testing; welcomes for cooperation:
-- Packaging and shipping to a customer. Dealers and suppliers to deliver equipment of SPF Paker
Besides sale of equipment, shown in the catalogue, SPF LLC to Russia, CIS and foreign countries;
Paker LLC renders the following range of services: Partners in service introducing various technologies to carry
Engineering and technological services with packer equip- out joint comprehensive activities in oil production, forma-
ment (transportation of equipment to the facility, erection, tion pressure maintenance, development and repair of wells
setting and releasing), selection of equipment with develop- (including dual completion, dual injection);
ment of efficient measures for its use, as applied to condi- Developers and inventors of packers, valves as well as
tions of customer with application of our own methods; equipment for workover and oil production technologies;
Rental of packer assemblies manufactured by SPF Paker Regional representatives abroad the UAE .
LLC for oil production, formation pressure maintenance sys-
tem, intensification (including Hydraulic Fracturing), drilling, We wish you success in your work! We hope that our cata-
repair and development of oil and gas wells; logue will help you to facilitate your work.

Repair of the whole list of packer equipment manufactured

by SPF Paker LLC;
Faithfully yours,
Marat M. Nagumanov,
Director of SPF Paker LLC
Сentral entrance of SPF Paker
Dear colleagues......................................................................................................................1
Contacts list.............................................................................................................................5
Packers FOR technological operations..............................................................7
PRO-YAMO2-YAG1(M), PRO-YAM2-YAG1(M) Mechanical Packers
(rated operating pressure up to 14500 psi) ............................................................................8

Contacts list
1PROK-GRPB-2 Single Packer BHA for Massive Hydraulic Fracturing
(rated operating pressure up to 14500 psi)...........................................................................10
KUM Mechanical Equalizing Valve (rated to 10000 psi)........................................................12
PB Safety Sub.......................................................................................................................14
PR Drillable Packer (rated operating pressure up to 5075 psi).
Comprised of IUG Setting Tool and PRZ Drillable Cementing Plug......................................15
PRZ Drillable Cementing (Bridge) Plug (rated operating pressure up to 5075 psi)...............16

IUG Hydraulic Setting Tool....................................................................................................17
KCM Multiple-use Circulating Valve (rated to 10000 psi)......................................................18

EQUIPMENT FOR USE........................................................................................................21

YAKPRO-CPG-1Anchor BHA for well operation with ESP units. .........................................22
KPE Bypass Valve for Operation with Submersible Pumping Equipment
(rated up to 5075 psi)............................................................................................................24
1PROK-IVE-1 Single-Packer BHA for Wells Operation with Submersible
Electric Pump with Simultaneous Isolation of Leak Interval Located Above
(rated up to 3625 psi)............................................................................................................26
P-EGM Hydromechanical Packer with Cable Entry..............................................................28
P-EMO Packer with the cable gland of mechanical installation ..........................................29

RKU General-Purpose String Disconnector..........................................................................30

MRG Hydraulic Split Sleeve..................................................................................................31
KOT Three-Position Check Valve (rated to 7250 psi)............................................................32
PRO-YAT-O Mechanical Double Grip Pipe Hanger Packers with the
ability of tubing tensioning (rated up to 5075 psi) .................................................................34
2PROK-SIAG-1 Stand-alone Two-Packer BHA for Selective Isolation
with Hydraulic Disconnection from the Tubing (rated up to 5075 psi)...................................36

IPM Mechanical Setting Tool ................................................................................................38

IPG Hydraulic Setting Tool.....................................................................................................39
Pressure maintenance equipment.........................................................................41
PRO-YADZH-O, PRO-YADZH Mechanical Double-Grip Packers
(rated up to 5075 psi)............................................................................................................42
2PROK-ORZ-1 Two-packer systemfor dual injection (rated up to 5075 psi).........................44
ABOUT COMPANY...............................................................................................................48

Production Characteristics................................................................................................50
DO NOT STEP BACK BEFORE THE LEADERS................................................................53
Central plant laboratory.........................................................................................................62
Nondestructive testing laboratory..........................................................................................64
5S workplace organization....................................................................................................68
Social conditions...................................................................................................................70
Testimonials about the company...........................................................................................74
Finished products storage area
Contacts list

Contact The scope of the issues involved:

Marat Nagumanov Feel free to contact with the questions of strategic
+7-927-237-54-70 business development and products quality.
E-mail: [email protected]


Dinar Sufiyanov Feel free to contact with the questions regarding

Head of sales and service development department in Russia equipment sale and development of your indepen-
and foreign markets dent or our joint regional service with the equipment
+7-937-318-87-56 manufactured by SPF Paker LLC (Surgut city, CIS
+7-34767-5-21-01; E-mail: [email protected] countries and foreign countries).

The specialist of sales and service development department
in Russia and foreign markets
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Rabee Mukhallalati

Manager - Drilling & Production
EMDAD LLC Representative of SPF Paker LLC in UAE
Tel: +971-2-6349999;
Fax: +971-2-6318181;
E-mail: [email protected]

Blank production shop
packers FOR
packers FOR technological operations

Mechanical Packers (rated operating pressure up to 14500 psi)
These packers are designed for sealed separation of casing string intervals and protec-
tion of the casing against the dynamic effect of various well operations.


   recommended for casing string pressure and tightness testing;

-- pressure acidizing;
-- squeeze cementing and other various technological operations;
-- installation in pressure and production wells.

-- packers contain expandable supports to prevent rubber seal elements extru-
sion into annulus which increases the reliability of sealing and relieves packers
-- reliable sealing of production string during operations requiring high pressure differential on the
-- easy to release without additional tensile loads;
-- packers design is proven by years of successful application.


-- PRO-YAMO2-YAG1(M), PRO-YAMO3-YAG2, PRO-YAMO3-YAG3(M) packers are set mechani-

cally into the well by axial movements of the string (no rotation required) and brought into run-in
position by tensioning of the string;

-- PRO-YAM2-YAG1(M), PRO-YAM3-YAG2, PRO-YAM3-YAG3(M) packers are set into the well

by one quarter turn right hand rotation of the string with set down motion, they are brought into
run-in position by tensioning of the string;
-- packer’s equipped with a top hydraulic anchoring device that keeps the packer from moving
upwards and actuated by generating pressure inside the tubing;
-- this equipment can be used multiply during one round-trip operation;
-- high repairability.


If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]


NUE connection

temperature, F

Weight, lb, not

Length, in, not
Packer OD, in

Packer ID, in,

pressure, psi

not less than


more than

more than

Design Documentation
Type Nominal Bottom
Code OD, in Top (box)
Weight,lb/ft (nipple)

Axial set packers

PRO-YAMO3-YAG2-82 AXA 2.839.296 4” 7.5 3.23 78.74 108
PRO-YAMO3-YAG2-88 AXA 2.839.296-01 4 1/2” 15.0-17.7 3.46 1.34 81.85 117
PRO-YAMO3-YAG2-92 AXA 2.839.296-02 4 1/2” 11.6-13.5 3.62 125 2 3/8” 1.900”
PRO-YAMO3-YAG2-100 AXA 2.839.296-03 5” 18.0-21.0 3.94 172
1.57 88.19
PRO-YAMO3-YAG2-104 AXA 2.839.296-04 5” 13.0-15.0 4.09 187,5
PRO-YAMO2-YAG1(M)-112 AXA 2.839.213 5 1/2” 20.0-23.0 4.41 1.81 86.93 200 2 7/8” 2 3/8”
5 3/4” 24.5
PRO-YAMO3-YAG3(M)-114 AXA 2.839.292-01 5 1/2” 17.0-23.0 14500 4.49 181
PRO-YAM03-YAG3(M)-116 AXA 2.839.292-02 5 1/2” 15.5-20.0 4.57 185
5 3/4” 22.0-24.5 2.32 302 88.58 2 7/8”
PRO-YAM03-YAG3(M)-118 AXA 2.839.292-03 5 1/2” 15.5-17.0 4.65 187.4
5 3/4” 20.0-24.5
PRO-YAMO3-YAG3(M)-122 AXA 2.839 292-04 5 3/4” 15.5-20 4.8 196
PRO-YAMO2-YAG1(M)-136 AXA 2.839.213-05 6 5/8” 28.0-32.0 5.35 291.0
2.32 89.76 3 1/2” 2 7/8”
PRO-YAMO2-YAG1(M)-142 AXA 2 839.213-06 6 5/8” 20.0-24.0 5.6 306.5
PRO-YAMO2-YAG1(M)-145 AXA 2.839.213-07 7” 20.0-38.0 8700 5.71 94.41 364
PRO-YAMO2-YAG1(M)-158 AXA 2 839 213-08 7 5/8” 24.0-43.0 7250 6.22 2.6 98.7 450 4” 3 1/2”
PRO-YAMO2-YAG1(M)-182 AXA 2.839.213-09 8 5/8” 28.0-49.0 5800 7.17 3.15 100.0 582 4 1/2”
PRO-YAMO2-YAG1(M)-204 AXA 2.839.213-10 9 5/8” 36.0-58.4 8.03 3.54 100.39 712
Rotation set packers
PRO-YAM3-YAG2-82 AXA 2.839.211 4” 7,5 3.23 64.57 106
PRO-YAM3-YAG2-88 AXA 2.839.211-01 4 1/2” 15.0-17.7 3.46 1.34 115
PRO-YAM3-YAG2-92 AXA 2.839 211-02 4 1/2” 11.6-13.5 3.62 125 2 3/8” 1.900”
PRO-YAM3-YAG2-100 AXA 2.839.211-03 5” 18.0-21.0 3.94 134.5
1.57 79,1
PRO-YAM3-YAG2-104 AXA 2.839.211-04 5” 13.0-15.0 4.09 136.7
PRO-YAM2-YAG1(M)-112 AXA 2.839.212 5 1/2” 20.0-23.0 4.41 1.81 71.38 187.4 2 7/8” 2 3/8”
5 3/4” 24.5
PRO-YAMЗ-YAGЗ(M)-114 5 1/2” 17.0-23.0 14500 4.57 160
PRO-YAM3-YAG3(M)-116 5 1/2” 15.5-20.0 4.65 163
5 3/4” 22.0-24.5 80.7
2.33 302 2 7/8”
PRO-YAM3-YAG3(M)-118-59 5 1/2” 15.5-17.0 4.65 165
5 3/4” 20.0-24.5
PRO-YAM3-YAG3(M)-122-59 AXA 2.839.507-03 5 3/4” 15.5-20 4.8 80.7 173.7
PRO-YAM2-YAG1(M)-136-59 AXA 2.839.212-05 6 5/8” 28.0-32.0 5.35 267
PRO-YAM2-YAG1(M)-142-59 AXA 2.839.212-06 6 5/8” 20.0-24.0 5.6 2.32 282 3 1/2’’ 2 7/8’’
PR0-YAM2-YAG1(M)-145 AXA 2.839.212-07 7” 20.0-38.0 8700 5.71 82.6 337
PRO-YAM2-YAG1(M)-158 7 5/8” 24.0-43.0 7250 6.22 2.6 86.9 419 4” 3 1/2”
PRO-YAM2-YAG1(M)-182 8 5/8” 28.0-49.0 7.17 3.15 88.2 547
5800 4 1/2”
PRO-YAM2-YAG1(M)-204 9 5/8” 36.0-58.4 8.03 3.54 88.58 668

* Other threads are available upon request.

• Packer setting load is 13489 to 26977 lbf.

packers FOR technological operations

Single Packer BHA for Massive Hydraulic Fracturing (rated operating
pressure up to 14500 psi)



Equalizing valve

Safety assembly

Axial set packer with

a hydraulic anchor


Open end
of the pipe


This BHA is used for hydraulic fracturing including massive hydraulic fracturing in production strings with
tubing of nominal outside diameter of 5 1/2’’ to 7’’ with pressure differential up to 14500 psi.


-- to carry out hydraulic fracturing with probability of complications reduced to minimum both during BHA round-trip
and during the operation itself.

-- possibility of massive hydraulic fracturing;
-- downhole equipment BHA is set into a well by axial movements;
-- attachments: equalizing valve, safety assemblies enable easy packer releasing and enhance the safety of reme-
dial and emergency operations;
-- enables to carry out several hydraulic fracturing cycles without tripping the BHA out.

Casing Maximum NUE connection thread*
BHA ID, in, temperature, F
Type Nominal BHA OD, in
OD, in not less than Top (box) Bottom (nipple)
5 1/2” 20.0-23.0
1PROK-GRPB-2-112-Х1 4.41 1,81
5 3/4” 24.5
1PROK-GRPB-2-114-Х1 5 1/2” 17.0-23.0 4.49
5 1/2” 15.5-20.0
1PROK-GRPB-2-116-Х1 4.57 2 7/8”
5 3/4” 22.0-24.5
5 1/2” 15.5-17.0 302 2 7/8”
1PROK-GRPB-2-118-Х1 4.65
5 3/4” 20.0-24.5
5 3/4” 15.5-20 4.8
1PROK-GRPB-2-136-Х1 6 5/8” 28.0-32.0 5.35
1PROK-GRPB-2-142-Х1 6 5/8” 20.0-24.0 5.6 2,28 3 1/2”
1PROK-GRPB-2-145-Х1 7” 20.0-38.0 5.71

* Other threads are available upon request.

Configuration number.

Sample order code for BHA of the first configuration:

1PROK-GRPB-2-114-1, where:

1PROK - single packer BHA by SPF “Paker” Ltd.;

GRPB - massive hydraulic fracture;
2 - two emergency disconnection assemblies;
114 - BHA OD;
1 - the first configuration.

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

packers FOR technological operations

Mechanical Equalizing Valve (rated to 10000 psi)
It is designed to equalize the pressure in the annulus above the packer and the pressure
inside the tubing string.

-- it is used in combination with a packer during hydraulic fracturing and other well operations
after which circulation between the tubing annulus and interior is mechanically generated.

-- it provides easy packer releasing after hydraulic fracturing or other well opera-
-- the valve has a spline joint that provides torque transmission via tubing string to
the equipment installed below it;
-- this valve can be used multiply during one round-trip operation;
-- it eliminates complications while packer releasing in multi-packer BHAs caused
by significant pressure differences above and below a packer.

-- the valve is mechanically actuated by tensioning the tool upwards;
-- the valve actuation force is adjusted by the manufacturer upon the customer’s request;
-- the valve is closed by unloading the tool.

KUM-82 KUM-112 KUM-136
Parameter, unit of measurement
AХA 4.465.016-01 AХA 4.465.001 AХA 4.465.002
Minimum inner diameter of the production
3.42 4.67 5.67
string, in
Force required to actuate the valve when the
2.2-111 2.2-13.21 2.2-13.21
tool is tensioned upwards, klb
Maximum inner pressure sensed by the
valve in closed position (inside the tubing), 10000
Maximum temperature, F 302 302
Equivalent diameter of side ports, in 0.59
Dimensions, in:
- OD, not more than 3.22 4.4 5.35
- ID 1.57 2.32 2.99
- length, not more than 30.7 29.1 31
Weight, lb (not more than) 48.5 61.7 92.6
NUE connection thread*
Top (box) 2 3/8” 2 7/8” 3 1/2”
Bottom (nipple)

* Other threads are available upon request.

Actuation force needed while tensioning the tool upwards can be changed upon the customer’s request.


1. the valve is closed (Tubing pressure) 2. the valve is open (Annulus pressure)
The valve is closed by unloading the tool on it. The valve is open to equalize pressure after the tool is
tensioned upwards by the force exceeding the specified
(preset) actuation force taking into account the weight of
the equipment that has been run in.

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

packers FOR technological operations

Safety Sub
This sub is designed to easily disconnect tubing from stuck downhole equipment during
well operations.


-- for formation hydraulic fracturing;
-- for pumping water in injection wells;
-- for oil and gas wells operation;
-- for squeeze cementing and other well operations during which downhole equipment can get

-- in case equipment gets stuck disconnection is carried out by right hand rotation
of the tubing string.

-- connection pressure-tightness is ensured without rubber sealing elements.

PB-60 PB-73 PB-89
Parameter, unit of measurement
AХA 6.340.006 AХA 6.340.001 AХA 6.340.003
Maximum inner pressure , (inside the tubing), psi 10000
Dimensions, in, not more than:
- OD 3.07 3.67 4.48
- ID 1.97 2.44 3
- length 12 12 13.38
Weight, lb, not more than 11 15.4 26.4
NUE connection thread*
Top (box) 2 3/8” 2 7/8” 3 1/2”
Bottom (nipple)

* Other threads are available upon request.

-- Safety subs with different sizes and various connection threads can be manufac-
tured upon customer’s request.

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

PR Drillable Packer (rated operating pressure up to 5075 psi).
Comprised of IUG Setting Tool and PRZ Drillable Cementing Plug
It is designed for sealed separation of the casing string intervals.

-- simple design;
-- IUG setting tool can be used multiply;
-- enlarged passage bore;
-- IUG design allows to pump fluid for circulation along the string and not into
-- easy to transport and install due to small dimensions;
-- IUG can be used multiply.

-- setting and disconnection pressure of 2175…2465 psi;
-- for remedial works performed above or below PRZ installation area;
-- for two-interval remedial works performed successively in the upward direction;
-- for isolation of the lower formation without cementing.

Casing Packer components

NUE connection thread*

Weight, lb, not more
Length, in, not more
Packer ID, in, not

temperature, F
Packer OD, in

less than

Type Code Nominal



OD, in Drillable Plug Setting Tool

Weight, lb/ft

PR-82 AХA 2.889.603 4” 7.5 3.23 55,1 PRZ-82

PR-88 AХA 2.889.603-01 15.0-17.7 3.46 0,82 89,8 PRZ-88 IUG-82 2 3/8”
4 1/2” 56,2
PR-92 AХA 2.889.603-02 9.5-13.5 3.62 PRZ-92
5 1/2” 14,0-20,0
PR-114 AХA 2.889.401 4.49 112,4 PRZ-114
5 3/4” 22-24.5
1,73 102,83 302 IUG-114
5 1/2” 14,0-15,5
PR-120 AХA 2.889.527 4,72 121,2 PRZ-120
5 3/4” 15.5-22,0 2 7/8”
6 5/8” 20,0-28,0
PR-140 AХA 2.889.527-01 5,51 152 PRZ-140
7” 35,0-40,6 1,89 104,33 IUG2-132
PR-148 AХA 2.889.527.01-01 7” 17,0-32,0 5,82 154,3 PRZ-148
* Other threads are available upon request.


novelt y

packers FOR technological operations

PRZ Drillable Cementing (Bridge) Plug (rated operating pressure up

to 5075 psi)
It is designed for pressure-tight separation of the casing string intervals.

-- it is used as a cementing or a bridge plug;
-- easy to install by generating excess pressure within the tubing;
-- pressure tightness at the top and at the bottom after installation and retrieval of the setting tool;
-- protection against premature setting of the slips;
-- small length of the drillable area;
-- good drillability of the applied materials;

-- average time to drill out PRZ with a three-cone bit is 6.30 hrs.

-- the plug has two valves to prevent cement from overflowing from above and below the PRZ
installation area;
-- individual design of the slips teeth ensures secure fastening with the casing string and prevents
PRZ from rotating while drilling out;
-- allows pressure cementing above PRZ.


temperature, F

Weight, lb, not

Length, in, not
Packer OD, in

Packer ID, in,

not less than

more than

more than
Type Code Nominal Weight, Setting Tool
OD, in

PRZ-82 AХA 5.884.129-20 4” 7.5 3.23 7.7

PRZ-88 AХA 5.884.129-01 15.0-17.7 3.46 1.49 1020 9.7 IUG-82
4 1/2”
PRZ-92 AХA 5.884.129-02 11.6-13.5 3.62 9.7
5 1/2” 14,0-20,0
PRZ-114 AХA 5.884.022-20 4.49 14.7
5 3/4” 24.5
2.36 302 1102 IUG-114
5 1/2” 14,0-15,0
PRZ-120 AХA 5.884.022-21 4,72 17.6
5 3/4” 15.5-20,0
6 5/8” 20,0-28,0
PRZ-140 AХA 5.884.121-20 5,51 22
7” 35,0-38,0 2.36 1102 IUG2-132
PRZ-148 AХA 5.884.121-21 7” 17,0-32,0 5,82 24.2

* Other threads are available upon request.

novelt y

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Hydraulic Setting Tool
It is designed for tripping in and setting of PRZ drillable plug.

-- simple design;
-- this tool can be used multiply;
-- enlarged passage bore;
-- IUG design allows to pump fluid for circulation along the string and not into

-- easy disconnection after setting of the cementing drillable plug;
-- possibility of emergency disconnection by tensioning.

and disconnection
Operating setting

pressure, psi Length, Plain-end

in, not Weight, lb, not
Type Code OD, in ID, in NUE connection Drillable Plug
more more than
than thread*

IUG-82 AХA 5.889.120-20 4” 0,82 91.6 66 2 3/8” PRZ-88
IUG-114 AХA 5.889.010-20 4 1/2” 1,73 2175-2465 109.5 127
2 7/8”
IUG2-132 AХA 5.889.113-20 5 1/2” 1,89 102.5 154

* Other threads are available upon request.

Maximum differential pressure on IUG is 5075 psi.


novelt y

packers FOR technological operations

Multiple-use Circulating Valve (rated to 10000 psi)
It is designed for sealed separation and communication between the annulus and the
interior of tubing.

-- in emergency situations to kill the well when used jointly with a packer;

-- in combination with a packer during formation hydraulic fracturing as well as various well op-
erations in the course of well completion and operation.

-- these valves can be used multiply for one tripping operation;

-- proven by years of successful application experience;

-- low price;
-- high repairability.

-- the valve is opened by generating annulus pressure that exceeds the pressure inside the valve
and the tubing.


Overall dimensions, in

sensed by the valve (inside

for the production string, in

Equivalent diameter for the

the operating environment,

Plain-end NUE connection

required to open the valve
in case the ring breaks up
Maximum temperature for

Weight, lb, not more than

(after the initial opening),

Maximum inner pressure

Minimum inner diameter

required to initially open

Pressure differential

Pressure differential

length, not more than

OD, not more than
the tubing), psi
the valve, psi

side ports, in


Type Code

KCM-112 AХA 2.505.021 4.67 7250 4.41 2.36 21.3 51.8
KCM-114 AХA 2.505.001 4.67 0.82 4.49 2.36 39.7
KCM-118 AХA 2.505.001-01 4.90 1080±1451 302 290±145 4.65 2.36 44.0 3 1/2”
KCM-136 AХA 2.505.002 5.67 5.35 2.99 83.8
1.06 24.2
KCM-140 AХA 2.505.002-01 5.79 5.51 2.99 90.4

* Other threads are available upon request.

Pressure differential required to initially open the valve can be modified upon the customer’s request within the
range of 870 to 2320 psi.

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

The valve is open after generating The valve is closed after equalizing
the initial annulus pressure which ex- the pressure between the tubing an-
ceeds the inner tubing pressure. This nulus and interior. The spring brings
causes the ring to break, the piston the piston back to its initial position,
to move downwards and circulating the circulating ports are shut off.
ports to open. To keep the the valve
further open a pressure difference of
290±145 psi must be generated.

CNC machines shop

Casing Anchor BHA for well operation with ESP
It is designed for operation of the wells with high gas
ratio well fluid with submersible pump equipment. It al-
lows to operate with the closed tubing using APG gaslift
effect for production strings with nominal outside diam-
eter of 5 1/2’’-9 5/8’’.
Bypass valves


-- to reduce pumping unit vibration;
-- to extend the overhaul period of the submersible pump;
-- to reduce production costs;
-- to ensure a more complete output of the reserves from a
well drainage area;
-- to reduce load on tubing;
-- to perform direct flushing of ESP unit.

Safety assembly -- allows to operate wells with such gas factors values at
which submersible pump units cannot operate in a continu-
ous mode;
-- reduces the bringing out of the mechanical rock particles
from a formation together with well fluid;
-- excludes hydrate plugging of the passages
in Xmas tree especially in autumn and winter
-- increases the formation fluid flow rate due to
Hydraulic anchor
APG gaslift effect;
-- extends the overhaul period of a well due to the
reduced vibration of the pump unit.

Knock out valve

Check flush valve

Power cable

Submersible pump


Casing NUE connection thread*

temperature, F

Type Nominal Weight, BHA OD, in in, not Bottom
OD, in Top (box)
lb/ft less than (nipple)

5 1/2” 15.5-17.0
YAKPRO-CPG-1-118-Х1 4.65
5 3/4” 20.0-24.5 1.97 2 7/8”
5 3/4” 15.5-20 4.8
YAKPRO-CPG-1-136-Х1 6 5/8” 28.0-32.0 5.35 302
YAKPRO-CPG-1-142-Х1 6 5/8” 20.0-24.0 5.6
3 1/2”
YAKPRO-CPG-1-145-Х1 7” 20.0-38.0 5.71
YAKPRO-CPG-1-158-Х1 7 5/8” 24.0-43.0 6.22
YAKPRO-CPG-1-182-Х1 8 5/8” 28.0-49.0 7.17
4 1/2”
YAKPRO-CPG-1-204-Х1 9 5/8” 36.0-58.4 8.03
* Other threads are available upon request.
Configuration number.

Sample code for ordering the first BHA configuration

when placing an order for YAKPRO-CPG-1-118-1, where:

YAKPRO – anchor BHA by SPF “Paker” Ltd.;  

CPG – cyclic bypass of gas;
1 – one emergency disconnection assembly;
118 – BHA OD;
1 – first configuration.

BHA is supplied only with the engineering support which includes:

-- Designer calculation of the BHA scheme;
-- Follow-up calculation of introduction efficiency.

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]


KPE Bypass Valve for Operation with Submersible Pumping

Equipment (rated up to 5075 psi)
It is designed to bypass fluid or gas from the annulus to tubing when they are operated
with the closed annulus.

-- flowing well operation;
-- pumping of wells with high gas ratio;
-- mixed well operation (start up with a pump and flowing operation after the pump is shut down).

-- large passage area across the valves allows the pump unit to operate in its nor-

mal mode as well as with a closed annulus;

-- allows well operation in the flowing mode with the pump equipment tripped in;
-- the valves generate harmonic oscillations of the bottomhole pressure and in-
crease well flow rates;
-- in combination with the ESP Unit it allows to operate wells with high gas ratio (up
to several thousands of m3/m3) – an engineering calculation is required.

-- valve has a rotating body with a slot for the submersible electric equipment cable;
-- flowing capacity doesn’t decrease in any position of its body.

EUE con-
Maximum inner pressure sensed

Equivalent Diameters of the side

Pressure differential required to
Minimum inner diameter for the

open the valve, MPa (not more

Overall dimen-

installation point, degree (not

by the valve in its the closed
Maximum t for the operating

Well inclination angle in the

position (inside tubing), psi


Weight, lb, (not more than)

sions, in
production string, in

environment, F

length (not more than)

more than)
OD (not more than)

ports, in

Bottom (nipple)
Design Documenta-

Type Version

top (box)
tion code
Min. ID

KPE-115 AХA 2.505.134-20/02 Standard

4,77 302 5075 29 4.52 2.44 13.78 22 0.63 25 2 7/8”
Corrosion and
KPE-115 AХA 2.505.138-21/02

* Other threads are available upon request.

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]


1. the Valve is closed 2. the valve is open

Annulus pressure. Pressure inside the tubing.


Single-Packer BHA for Wells Operation with Submersible Electric Pump with
Simultaneous Isolation of Leak Interval Located Above (rated up to 3625 psi)



Power cable

Safety assembly

Leak interval

Knock out valve

Packer with cable entry

Knock out valve

Check valve

ESP unit


It is used for pumping production of oil with simultaneous isolation of a leak interval located above with water in-
flow in production strings casing OD from 5 1/2’’ to 7’’ in.


-- to turn the well back on after a non-production or shutdown period due to a high water-cut of the product,
to put the well back to the stock of producing wells;
-- to develop the well drainage area with the maximum possible output of hydrocarbon reserves;
-- to isolate a water inflow or leak interval in a fast, reliable and cost-effective manner;
-- to avoid expensive remedial works (cost savings up to 1 mln rub.).

-- reliable isolation of the production string leaking section;
-- attachments:
• safety assembly enables to release the packer in case of complications related to its head padding thus enhancing the
safety during workover and emergency works;
• check flush valve provides conditions for wells production with minimum possible complications and maximum oil flow
rate. The valve enables to flush the pump cavity in the course of well production or to treat the pump with various chemi-
cal agents;
• makes the assembly of the BHA possible at subzero temperature of the environment.

Casing NUE connection thread*
BHA ID,in, not less
Code Nominal Weidht, BHA OD, in
OD, in than Top (box) Bottom (nipple)
5 1/2” 15.5-17.0
1PROK-IVE-1-118-Х1 4.65
5 3/4” 20.0-24.5 1.97 2 7/8”
1PROK-IVE-1-122-Х1 5 3/4” 15.5-20,0 4.8
6 5/8” 20.0-28.0
1PROK-IVE-1-142-Х1 5.6
7” 35.0-38.0 2.36 3 1/2” 2 7/8”
1PROK-IVE-1-152-Х1 7” 23.0-29.0 5.98

* Other threads are available upon request.

Configuration number.

Sample order code for BHA of the first configuration –

1PROK-IVE-1-118-1, where:

1PROK - single-packer BHA by SPF “Paker” Ltd.;

IVE - for isolation of the leak interval located above in the production string when the well’s operated with submersible
electric pumps;
1 - one emergency disconnection assembly;
118 - BHA OD;
1 - the first configuration.

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]


Hydromechanical Packer with Cable Entry
This packer is designed for well operation with submersible electrical pumping equip-
ment with leak intervals of the production string above producing formations.

-- for well pumping.

-- when used in an underground BHA with an electrical submersible pump it en-
sures continuity of the power cable line;
-- two additional passages that allow to inject various chemical agents, to bypass
gas from the area below the packer;
-- it allows to save up to 1 mln rub. on remedial works;
-- possibility of installation at subzero temperatures of the surrounding environment.

-- the packer is installed into the well hydromechanically and comprises:
-- a packer setting device used for sealed separation of the casing string intervals;
-- a bottom anchor device used to engage with the casing string and prevent the packer from
moving downwards;
-- cable sealing assembly enabling to control its pressure-tightness after it’s installed into the
packer prior to tripping it in;
-- no axial tubing movements required when setting a packer;
-- sealing assembly reliability has been tested by hundreds of introductions of this packer in Rus-
sia and CIS countries.
-- 1 Upon special order the packer is provided with either one or two capillary
tubes with the outside diameter and connection dimensions agreed with the

Maximum load on the packer during NUE connection
temperature, F

Casing Length, in, Weight, lb

tripping operations, lbf thread*

Paker Paker ID, in

Type (not more (not more
Nominal Weight, OD, in (not less than) Bottom
OD, in Compressive load Tensile load than) than) Top (box)
lb/ft (nipple)
5 1/2” 15.5-17.0
P-EGM-118 4.65 165
5 3/4” 20.0-24.5 302 2 3/8”
P-EGM-122 5 3/4” 15.5-20,0 4.8 176
22040 35274 90.55 302
6 5/8” 20.0-28.0
P-EGM-142 5.6 220
7” 35,0-38,0 2.36 2 7/8”
P-EGM-152 7” 23.0-29.0 4.65 242

* Other threads are available upon request.

• Maxumum differential pressure on the packer is 3625 psi.
• Packer setting load is 6613-17637 lbf.
• Upon customer’s request other dimensions can be manufactured as well as manufacturing a mechanical axial set

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Packer with the cable gland of mechanical installation
It is intended for the well operation with the electric submersible pumping equipment with
the production casing leak intervals above the productive formations, as well as in the dual
production and injection ones.

designated area:
-- for pumping well operation.

-- If you use the electric submersible pump together with the underground equip-
ment, it ensures the power cable line continuity;
-- The presence of two additional channels allows injecting of various kinds of
chemicals during the working process, carrying over gas from the below-packer
area1, installing the geophysical devices on the cable in the below-packer area.

The packer is set in the borehole by mechanical means and consists of:
-- packer device for hermetic separation of the intervals of well hole boring casing;
-- lower-anchoring device for hooking with the boring casing and preventing packer downward
-- the possibility of cable hermetization in the packer without the armor welding (compound injec-
-- hermetic seal allowing monitoring the cable integrity after the packer installation and before its
trip in hole.

In the case of special order, the packer is equipped with one or two capillary tubes with
the outer diameter of 0,39 in with the connection dimensions agreed with the customer.

Maximum load on the packer
Casing NUE connection thread*
temperature, F

during tripping operations, lbfPacker ID, Length, in, Weight, lb,


Design Documentation Packer

Type in (not less not more not more
Code Nominal OD, in Compressive Bottom
OD, in Tensile load than) than than Top (box)
Weight, lb./ft load (nipple)
5 1/2” 13.0-17.0
P-EMO-118 АХА 2.839.606-20 4,64 165
5 3/4” 22.0-24.5 1,968 90,55
P-EMO-122 АХА 2.839.606-21 5 3/4” 15.5-22.0 4,80 176
6 5/8” 22.0-28.0 22040 35274 302 2 7/8”
P-EMO-142 АХА 2.839.650 5,51
7” 38.0-40.6 220
2,441 90,15
P-EMO-145 АХА 2.839.650-01 7” 32.0-35.0 5,7
P-EMO-152 АХА 2.839.650-02 7” 23.0-29.0 5,98 142

* Other threads are available upon request.

• Maxumum differential pressure on the packer is 3625 psi.
• Packer setting load is 6613-17637 lbf.
• The type of the used cable of ESP is agreed with the Customer.


General-Purpose String Disconnector
It is designed to set and disconnect a tubing string, to provide a movable pressure-tight
connection between the tubing string and packer and anchor equipment in the produc-
tion string as well as to retrieve this equipment.

-- recommended for multiple-zone production and multiple-zone injection;
-- in injection, oil and gas production cased wells;
-- remedial cementing and other technological operations that require disconnection of the tubing
string from the downhole equipment;
-- operations requiring a compensation for the tubing string axial movements and maintaining the

-- disconnection assembly can be actuated in three ways:
-- after dropping a ball into the tubing and generating pressure inside the tubing;
-- without dropping the ball by generating pressure inside the tubing or
-- by generating pressure in the annulus;
-- movable (up to 85.12 in) pressure-tight connection between the tubing string and packer and
anchor equipment;
-- this tool can be used multiply;
-- using this tool for downhole well operations allows to reduce the workover time and material

-- sealing assembly;
-- spline joint for rotation transmission;
-- disconnecting and fishing devices are combined in one RKU assembly.

Load on RKU, lbf (not NUE connection
Dimensions, in

Weight, lb (not more than)

Disconnection pressure
more than) thread*
Casing ID in, (not less

in the tubing or in the

temperature, F
Travel length, in

annulus, psi
Design Documentation

Type Length, in
Code Compression Tensile Top Bottom
OD ID compressed

load load (box) (nipple)


RKU-118 AXA 4.89 59.00 4.64 2.32 85.12 67461 78705 1015-65251 302 275 3 1/2”

* Other threads are available upon request.

Disconnection pressure in the tubing or in the annulus depends on the number of the set pins.

Upon customer’s request Design Documentation is prepared and other standard sizes are manufactured.

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Hydraulic Split Sleeve
It is designed for disconnection of the tubing string in case of complications with trip-
ping the downhole equipment in and out.


-- flowing and gaslift well operation;
-- well pumping;
-- in packer downhole BHAs during well operations or downhole procedures;
-- used with P-EGM packer.

-- in case of complications it enables to disconnect downhole equipment and tub-
ing string in the MRG installation point;
-- reduces the risk of serious complications during well pumping with ESP units,
with high scale build-up;
-- the sleeve contains a spline joint that provides torque transmission via the tub-
ing string to the equipment installed below.

-- it has movable cams to connect the case and the rod;
-- it has a movable bushing and a ball to disconnect the case and the rod.

MRG-89 MRG-93 MRG-108
Parameter, unit of measurement
AХA 4.239.006 AХA AХA
Casing ID, in (not less than) 3.82 4 4.5
Maximum pressure differential, psi 5075
Diameter of the ball used to open the valve, in 1.96 2.16 2.56
Dimensions, in:
- OD; 3.5 3.66 4.25
- ID; 1.89 2.08 2.44
- length. 14.17 19.13 19.68
Weight, lb, not more than 20.5 28.6 39.2
Pressure differential to disconnect the sleeve
725 362-1380 1
(after the ball is dropped), psi
NUE connection thread*
Top (box) 2 7/8” 3 1/2”
Bottom (nipple)

* Other threads are available upon request.

Modified by the number of the shear pins.


KOT Three-Position Check Valve

(rated to 7250 psi)
It is used for a two-way fluid bypass through its cavity and as a check valve in the tubing

-- flowing well operation;
-- well operation with rodless pumps;
-- mixed well operation (start-up with a pump and flowing operation after the pump is shut down).

-- enables to perform a direct flushing of the space below the valve or chemical
agents injection in the course of flowing well operation;
-- enables to flush the pump cavity or inject chemical agents in the course of well
-- increases operation time between failures of the pumping unit.


-- it has a check valve to maintain the column of fluid in the tubing string;
-- it has a movable bushing to provide communication between the space above and below the
valve when preset pressure differential is generated in the tubing.

Parameter, unit of measurement
AХA 2.505.012-07
Minimum casing ID, in 4.4
Maximum temperature, F 302
Maximum pressure differential, psi 7250
Pressure differential required to open the valve, psi:
- normal upwards 1.45
- for direct crossflow, downwards1 2175-50752
Dimensions, in:
- OD (not more than) 3.66
- ID 1.57
- equivalent diameter of the flushing port 1.14
- length (not more than) 28.62
Weight, lb (not more than) 0.94
NUE connection thread*
Top (box) 2 7/8”
Bottom (nipple)

* Other threads are available upon request.

When an ESP unit is used during the operation it is installed instead of the check valve above
the ESP.
Pressure differential required to open the valve for the direct crossflow “downwards” is adjusted
upon the customer’s request within the indicated values and can be also readjusted unassisted
in accordance with the operation manual.

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]


1. the Valve is open 2. the valve is closeD 3. the Valve is open

The valve is open upwards for oil The valve is closed. Check valve The valve is open downwards for
production. function. direct flushing of the pump cavity.


PRO-YAT-O Mechanical Double Grip Pipe Hanger Packers with the

ability of tubing tensioning (rated up to 5075 psi)
These packers are designed for sealed separation of casing string intervals and protec-
tion of the casing against the dynamic effect of various well operations.


   recommended for multiply repeated well operations associated with generating

pressure and fluid pumping with alternating pressure differential within one set-
ting of the packer;
-- for separation of formations during multiple-zone production and multiple-zone injection;
-- for long-term autonomous (without connection to the tubing) isolation of the production string
interval which needs to be separated;
-- for installation into injection wells and for other long-term well operations with cyclic pressure
differential across the packer.

-- packers contain expandable supports to prevent rubber seal elements extru-
sion into annulus which increases the reliability of sealing and relieves packers
-- ability to tension tubing up to 264 lb after the packer is seated without breaking of the sealed
separation of the production string intervals;
-- reliable sealing of the production string for a long-term period as well as during the cyclic fluid
supply, is achieved due to a top mechanical anchor provided in the packer design unlike other
packers with similar functions that are provided with a top hydraulic anchor;
-- easy packer releasing without additional tensile load.

-- PRO-YAT-O packer is mechanically set into the well by axial tubing movements (no tubing rota-
tion is required) and brought into transit position by tensioning of the string;
-- PRO-YAT packer is set into the well by one quarter right hand rotation of the string with set
down motion, brought into transit position by tensioning of the string;
-- this equipment can be used multiply for one round-trip operation;
-- high repairability.


If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Casing NUE connection thread*
Range of tubing tensioning

temperature, F
Weight, lb, not
Length, in, not
Packer ID, in,
not less than

more than

more than
Design Packer admissible forces after the
Type Nominal Weight, Top Bottom
Documentation Code OD, in OD, in packer is seated, lbf (not
lb./ft (coupling) (nipple)
more than) 1

Axial set packers

PRO-YAT-O-88 AXA 2.839.368 15.0-17.7 3.46 127.6
4 1/2” 110 1.33 90.67 2 3/8” 1.900”
PRO-YAT-O-92 AXA 2.839.368-01 11.6-13.5 3.62 138.6
5 1/2” 17.0-23.0
PRO-YAT-O-114 AXA 2.839.259 4.49 198.0
5 3/4” 22-24.5
5 1/2” 15.5-17.0 1.96 102.67 2 7/8” 2 3/8”
PRO-YAT-O-118 AXA 2.839.259-01 4.65 213.4
5 3/4” 20.0-24.5
PRO-YAT-O-122 AXA 2.839.259-02 5 3/4” 15.5-20 4.8 222.2
PRO-YAT-O-136 AXA 2.839.503 6 5/8” 28.0-32.0 5.35 106.3 286.0 302
6 5/8” 24.0-28.0 110-284
PRO-YAT-O-140 AXA 2.839.320 5.51 268.4
7” 38.0
PRO-YAT-O-142 AXA 2.839.320-01 6 5/8” 20.0-24.0 5.6 2.44 275.0 3 1/2” 2 7/8”
6 5/8” 20.0
PRO-YAT-O-145 AXA 2.839.321 5.71 112.00 343.2
7” 32.0-38.0
PRO-YAT-O-152 AXA 2.839.501 7” 20.0-29.0 5.98 107.67 327.8
Rotation set packers
5 1/2” 17.0-23.0
PRO-YAT-114 AXA 2.839.260 4.49 86
5 3/4” 22-24.5 2 3/8”
5 1/2” 15.5-17.0 1.96 87.8 91 2 7/8”
PRO-YAT-118 AXA 2.839.260-01 4.65
5 3/4” 20.0-24.5
PRO-YAT-122 AXA 2.839.260-02 5 3/4” 15.5-20 4.8 96
6 5/8” 28.0-32.0 110-284 242 302
PRO-YAT-140 AXA 2.839.318 5.51
6 5/8” 24.0-28.0
7” 38.0 248.6
PRO-YAT-142 AXA 2.839.318-01 5.6
6 5/8” 20.0-24.0 2.44 3 1/2” 2 7/8”
6 5/8” 20.0
PRO-YAT-145 5.71 96.85 255.2
7” 32.0-38.0
PRO-YAT-152 7” 20.0-29.0 5.98

* Other threads are available upon request.

The value of the admissible tensioning force of the string after setting of the packer is specified within the range of 110-284
lbf upon the customer’s request.

• Packer setting load is 26977-35968 lbf.

• Upon special request packer setting device can be equipped with two rubber sealing elements.
• Maximum axial setting force generated by the tubing weight is 56200 lbf.
• Upon Customer’s request packers can be manufactured with other sizes.


2PROK-SIAG-1 Stand-alone Two-Packer BHA for Selective Isolation with

Hydraulic Disconnection from the Tubing (rated up to 5075 psi)



Axial-set packer


Equalizing valve

Leak interval

Safety assembly

Axial set packer


Bypass valves


End plug

-- to isolate the leak interval by a well servicing team with minimum costs;
-- to turn the well back on after a non-production or shutdown period due to a high water-cut of the product,
to put the well back to the stock of producing wells;
-- to develop the well drainage area with the maximum possible output of hydrocarbon reserves;
-- to decrease the water-cut percentage of the well fluid down to 10-30% and enhance oil production by water-repellent
treatment of the bottom-hole formation area (an engineering calculation is needed);
-- to avoid expensive remedial works.

-- after BHA is set the tubing is disconnected hydraulically without tubing string rotation;
-- reliable isolation of the production string leak interval;
-- workover activities to replace downhole pumping equipment are carried out without plugging and decreasing the reservoir
properties or the formation bottom-hole area;
-- attachments: bypass valves create conditions for well production with maximum oil output, equalizing valve and safety as-
sembly enhance the safety during workover and emergency activities.

Casing NUE connection thread*
BHA ID, in (not Maximum
Nominal Bottom
Code BHA OD, in temperature,
OD, in Weight, less than) Top (box)
F (nipple)
5 1/2” 15.5-17.0
2PROK-SIAG-1-118-Х1 4.65
5 3/4” 20.0-24.5 1.96
2PROK-SIAG-1-122-Х1 5 3/4” 15.5-20 4.8
6 5/8” 28.0-32.0 302 3 1/2” 2 7/8”
2PROK-SIAG-1-140-Х1 5.51
6 5/8” 24.0-28.0
6 5/8” 20.0
2PROK-SIAG-1-145-Х1 5.71
7” 32.0-38.0
* Other threads are available upon request.
Configuration number.

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]


Mechanical Setting Tool
It is designed for the tubing string connection and disconnection with the stand-alone
packer and anchor equipment in the production string.

-- for oil and gas wells operation;
-- for remedial works and other well workover operations.

-- high reliability of the setting tool sealing assembly enables to carry out annulus
pressure testing of a packer and subsequent disconnection from it after run-
ning the tool together with the packer into the well and subsequent setting of the
-- this tool can be used multiply;
-- using this tool allows to reduce material costs significantly during remedial works and other
well workover operations.

-- the complete set of IPM consists of a tool for setting a stand-alone packer and subsequent dis-
connection from the tubing, a tool for connection between the tubing and a stand-alone packer
and anchor equipment and its further release and retrieval from the well;
-- after a packer is set into the well the tool and the tubing are disconnected from it by a 5 to 8
turn right-hand rotation of the tubing with simultaneous unloading of the tool from the weight of
the run-in tubing;

-- tool attachment: the top part (run-in) and the bottom part (left in the well) are attached by ap-
plication of an axial force (without rotation) within the range of 13488 to 20232 lbf generated by
the weight of the tubing.

Maximum axial load transferred
to the packer through the tool,
pressure sensed by the tool,

Weight, lb (not more than)

Length, in (not more than)
Maximum inner and outer

OD, in (not more than)

lbf (not more than)

NUE connection
Casing ID, in
Design thread*
ID, in


Documentation Code

Top Bottom
Min Max
(box) (nipple)
IPM-114 AXA 4.241.001 4.77 4.96 4.49 77
1.96 26.96 2 7/8”
IPM-118 AXA 4.241.001-01 4.90 5.19 5075 44000 4.65 92.4
IPM-140 AXA 2.839.258 5.74 5.98 5 1/2” 2.44 26.57 110 3 1/2”
* Other threads are available upon request.

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Hydraulic Setting Tool
It is designed for installation, disconnection and connection of the tubing string with the
stand-alone packer and anchor equipment in the production string.


-- for oil and gas wells operation and water injection;
-- for remedial works, multi-packer BHAs installation and other well workover operations.

-- high reliability of the setting tool’s sealing assembly enables to carry out all the
required operations at maximum pressure differential across the packer;
-- pressure-tight connection of the fishing tool after its attachment allows to carry out well opera-
tions at a pressure up to 3625 psi or continue the well operation;
-- using this tool saves up considerable material costs in the course of remedial works, multi-
packer BHA’s installation and other well workover operations;
-- no rotation of the tubing needed for disconnection.

-- IPG set consists of a tool for setting a packer, disconnection from the latter for autonomous
operation and IL fishing tool for a pressure-tight connection with IPG tool body and subsequent
packer releasing;
-- IPG is hydraulically disconnected after the ball is dropped, and IL fishing tool is connected by

mechanical unloading of the tubing weight not less than 11240 lbf.

Maximum compressive load, lbf
differential, psi

Tool releasing pressure, psi

Weight, lb

Maximum tensile
Casing Dimensions, in connection
load, kN
Design thread*
Type Documentation
Code ID, in
Fishing tool

Fishing tool

Fishing tool
Setting tool

Setting tool

Setting tool

Top (box)
Fishing tool
Setting tool

OD, in

OD, in Weight,

5 1/2” 15.5-17.0
IPG-118 AXA 4.241.007 4.64 23.62 57 39 3 1/2” 2 7/8”
5 3/4” 20.0-24.5 536-
IPG-136 AXA 4.241.014 6 5/8” 28.0-32.0 31901 7250 3625 77160 44090 77160 5.35 2.28 2.08 24.05 79 46
3 1/2”
IPG-152 AXA 4.241.019 7” 20.0-26.0 7 24.01 79 46
* Other threads are available upon request.
Adjusted by the number of shear pins.

CNC turning machine
Pakers for
Pakers for Formation Pressure Maintenance

Mechanical Double-Grip Packers (rated up to 5075 psi)
These packers are designed for long-term sealed separation of injection well casing
string intervals and protection of the casing against the dynamic effect of the injected


   recommended for installation in injection and production strings;

-- for long-term stand-alone (without connection to the tubing) isolation of a production string
interval which needs to be separated;
-- for use in multiple-packer BHAs;

-- packers contain expandable supports to prevent rubber seal elements extru-
sion into annulus which increases the reliability of sealing and relieves packers
-- reliable long-term sealing of the production string as well as during the cyclic
delivery of the injected fluid is ensured by the top mechanical anchor provided in
the packer design unlike similar packers with the top hydraulic anchor;
-- easy to release without additional tensile load;
-- use of this packer allows to reduce as much as possible the non-production time and extend
the well overhaul period as well as save materials, time and energy resources;
-- packer design has been verified by many years of its successful application.

-- PRO-YADZH-O packer is mechanically set into the well by axial movements of the string (no
tubing rotation required), it’s brought into its transit position by tensioning the string;
-- PRO-YADZH packer is set into the well by ¼ right-hand rotation of the string with simultaneous
downward movement and it is brought into its transit position by tensioning of the string;
-- this equipment can be used multiply during one tripping operation;
-- simple design and easy maintenance.

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Casing Length, in Maximum NUE connection thread*
Design Documentation Packer ID, in, Weight, lb (not
Type Nominal Packer OD, in (not more temperature, Bottom
Code2 OD, in not less than more than) Top (box)
Weight, lb./ft than) F (nipple)
Axial set packers
5 1/2” 17.0-23.0
PRO-YADZH-O-114 AXA 2.839.193 4 1/2” 198
5 3/4” 22-24.5
5 1/2” 15.5-17.0 1.96 94.48 2 7/8” 2 3/8”
PRO-YADZH-O-118 AXA 2.839.193-01 4.65 204
5 3/4” 20.0-24.5
PRO-YADZH-O-122 AXA 2.839.193-03 5 3/4” 15.5-20 4.8 211
6 5/8” 24.0-28.0
PRO-YADZH-O-140 AXA 2.839.214 5 1/2” 220
7” 38.0
96.81 302
6 5/8” 20.0-24.0
PRO-YADZH-O-142 AXA 2.839.214-01 5.6 242
6 5/8” 20.0 2.44 3 1/2” 2 7/8”
7” 32.0-38.0
PRO-YADZH-O-145 AXA 2.839.215 5.71 264
7” 20.0-29.0 97.9
PRO-YADZH-O-152 AXA 2.839.373 6 5/8” 24.0-28.0 5.98 396
PRO-YADZH-O-182 AXA 2.839.350 8 5/8” 28.0-49.0 7.17 3.15 108.66 605
4 1/2”
9 5/8” 36.0-58.4 8.03 3.54 116.14 660
Rotation set packers
5 1/2” 17.0-23.0
PRO-YADZH-114 AXA 2.839.190 4 1/2” 165
5 3/4” 22-24.5
5 1/2” 15.5-17.0 1.96 2 7/8” 2 3/8”
PRO-YADZH-118 AXA 2.839.190-01 4.65 79.13 176
5 3/4” 20.0-24.5
PRO-YADZH-120 AXA 2.839.190-02 5 3/4” 15.5-20 4.8 182
PRO-YADZH-122 AXA 2.839.190-03 6 5/8” 24.0-28.0 5 1/2” 187
7” 38.0 2.44
PRO-YADZH-140 AXA 2.839.217 5.6 209
6 5/8” 20.0-24.0 302
6 5/8” 20.0
PRO-YADZH-142 AXA 2.839.217-01 5.71 215 3 1/2” 2 7/8”
7” 32.0-38.0
7” 20.0-29.0
PRO-YADZH-145 AXA 2.839.249 6 5/8” 85 220
24.0-28.0 5.98
8 5/8” 28.0-49.0 7.17 90.55 352
9 5/8” 36.0-58.4 8.03 3.15 84.64 550
4 1/2”
5 1/2” 17.0-23.0 4 1/2” 3.54 102.36 616

* Other threads are available upon request.

Design documentation is developed and prepared upon customer’s request.
• Setting load is 26997-35968 lbf.
• Upon Customer’s request packers can be manufactured with other sizes.

Pakers for Formation Pressure Maintenance

Two-packer system for dual injection (rated up to 5075 psi)







Open end of pipe

It is used for maintenance of reservoir pressure during the development of oil fields with the dual
water injection to several production intervals for the production casings with the nominal outer
diameter from 5 1/2’’ to 7’’ in.


-- carrying out the water injection to several production intervals via one borehole;
-- significantly reducing the capital expenditure and operating costs during the construction and operation
of waterflooding patterns in oilfields;
-- installing and removing the systems during one tripping.

-- dual injection via one OWT elevator;

   change of the outlets by the geophysical elevator during one tripping;

-- implementation of the integrated researches - general researches as well as of each reservoir sepa-
-- geophysical researches of the injectivity profile of the lower reservoir with the outlet from OWT;
-- measurements of injection flow and pressure with the help of standart geophysical equipment;

   there is no need to use the downhole systems and wireline technique;

the divider installation can be implemented with its dumping into the casing of OWT.

Casing Maximum NUE connection thread*
BHA ID, in (not temperature,
Code Nominal Weight, BHA OD, in F
OD, in less than) Top (box) Bottom (nipple)
5 1/2” 15.5-17.0
2PROK-ORZ-1-118-Х1 4.65
5 3/4” 20.0-24.5 2 7/8”
2PROK-ORZ-1-122-Х 1
5 3/4” 15.5-20 4.8
2PROK-ORZ-1-140-Х1 6 5/8” 28.0-32.0 5.51
2.32 302 2 7/8”
6 5/8” 20.0-24.0 5.59
7” 35.0-38.0 3 1/2”
6 5/8” 20.0
2PROK-ORZ-1-145-Х 1
7” 23.0-35.0
* Other threads are available upon request.
Configuration number.

If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov Zilya DINMUKHAMETOVA

Head of sales and service development departmen The specialist of sales and service development
in Russia and foreign markets department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01; +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Advertising column of SPF Paker

Experience does not only come with time, but it is also
a mutually beneficial thing. SPF Paker not only adopts the
experience of the world’s enterprises, but also shares it with
all the representatives of business organizations. We hold
us out as an open platform for experience exchange in the
issues concerning the formation of the enterprise corporate
For its development, you need new ideas, insights, tips.
Therefore, we try to build partnerships with all our partners
and look forward to see you at our enterprise, in order to
share experiences, successes and failures and to move for-
ward together. We wish the development of the enterprises
all over the world, and we hope each of us can make this
world a little bit kinder and warmer.

April 14, 1992
The foundation of the Limited Liability Company, SPF Paker.

Marat Mirsatovich Nagumanov headed SPF Paker LLC.

SPF Paker LLC was certified for the compliance with the quality
management system requirements according to the standard DIN EN Founder of LLC SPF Paker
ISO 9001:2000, TUV CERT (Germany). NAGUMANOV
Mirsat Mirsalimovich

The first service center was opened in Nizhnevartovsk, the Tyumen
region, KhMAD-Yugra.

SPF Paker started the implementation of the subsystems of
“Lean production”: Improvement/5S, General productive equipment
maintenance (TPM), Lean office.
The award ceremony of the
President Award of the Republic
of Bashkortostan in the sphere of
2010 quality goods and services, Ufa,
The service centers and offices were opened: in Nyagan of the 2012
Tyumen region KhMAD-Yugra, in Muravlenko of the Tyumen region
YNAO, in Leninogorsk of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The quality management system of LLC SPF Paker passed the
recertification in TUV Thuringen e.V. (Germany) for the compliance
with the standard requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001:2008.

2012 г.
21st World Petroleum Congress,
SPF Paker LLC was awarded with the prize of the President of the Moscow, 2014
Republic of Bashkortostan for the first place in the field of product
quality (goods and services) for 2011.
The government of the Republic of Tatarstan rewarded SPF Paker
LLC with the diploma for the achievement of the significant results in
the field of quality in 2012.
The company was acknowledged with the diploma of the laureate
of rating of Russian high-tech fast-developing companies “TehUspeh”,
being in the top 30 of the best companies.
During the award ceremony of the
Government of the Republic of
Tatarstan for the quality, 2013

SPF Paker LLC was endowed with the diploma of
Laureate of rating of Russian high-tech fast-developing
companies “TehUspeh”, being in the top 50 of the best
companies (the diploma of the Ministry of Economic
Development of the Russian Federation).
The newspaper “Respublika Bashkortostan” awarded
the director of SPF Paker LLC Nagumanov M.M. with the
title “Man of the Year”, 2013for the idea of creation of the
state system of health preservation of workers. During the award ceremony of the
Government of the Russian Federation in
The director of SPF Paker LLC Nagumanov M.M. was 2013 in the sphere of quality
graced with the Diploma of “Russian Quality Leader”
within the competition “Russian Quality Leader”. Q1-2091

SPF Paker LLC was awarded with the title of Laureate of

the award competition of the Government of the Republic PAKER SCIENCE AND PRODUCTION COMPANY,
7, Severnaya Street
Oktyabrskiy, Bashkortostan Republic

of Tatarstan for the quality in 2013. Russian Federation

Design, Manufacture, Delivery and Service of

2014 г.
Packers and Anchor Equipment

No Exclusions Identified as Applicable

SPF Paker LLC has been prized with the award of Effective Date:
Expiration Date:
Registered Since:
June 26, 2014
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2014

the Government of the Russian Federation in 2013 in the

sphere of quality for the achievement of the significant
results in sphere of quality of products and services and
the implementation of highly effective methods of quality Certificate API Spec Q1
The certification procedure of quality management
system of SPF Paker LLC for compliance with the 2188

requirements of the American Petroleum Institute for the PAKER SCIENCE AND PRODUCTION COMPANY,
7, Severnaya Street

specification API Spec Q1 has been finished.

Oktyabrskiy, Bashkortostan Republic
Russian Federation

ISO 9001:2008

It has received the Certificate API Spec Q1, valid from Design, Manufacture, Delivery and Service of
Packers and Anchor Equipment

June 26, 2014 to June 26, 2017.

No Exclusions Identified as Applicable

As a part of this certification, the evaluation of the Effective Date: June 26, 2014
Expiration Date: June 26, 2017

quality management system of SPF Paker LLC has been Registered Since: June 26, 2014

implemented for compliance with the requirements of

ISO 9001: 2008 and, accordingly, the certification body
(APIQR) has issued the certificate. Certificate of Quality
Management System for ISO,
issued by API

Production characteristics
SPF Paker LLC provides a complete production cycle from raw stock cutting to control
operation, including:

• turning and milling, heat treatment;

• marking;
• assembly;
• testing of finished products;
• packing and shipment to the customer.


Production Characteristics

Turning machining centers with СNС which allow

turning, drilling and milling of blanks with maximum
diameter of 420 mm, 650 mm length and blanks with
diameter of up to 160 mm, length up to 2000 mm in
a back rest, accuracy of machining is up to 7 qual-
ity class. Axis motion: X is 210 mm; Y is 50 mm; Z is
2040 mm;

Vertical milling machining 3-axis CNC center with a

turn table (4th axis), which allow to do 3-D machining
of prismatic blanks as well as cylindrical blanks with
CNC machines shop
length of up to 1500 mm and diameter of up to 400
mm by using an angle turn table, back rest of back
center, accuracy of machining is up to 7 quality class.

Table dimensions: 1750x770mm. Axis motion: X is

1600 mm; Y is 810 mm; Z is 630 mm;

The fleet of all-purpose turning, milling, drilling ma-

chines; equipment for hydraulic pressure testing up
to 700 kg/cm2 (by oil); band sawing equipment (maxi-
mum diameter of cut circle is 320 mm) and others.

CNC machine

Machine fleet and equipment are

constantly renewed to meet the
demands of our clients

Threads calibration

Hydraulic anchor body

In 2008-2011 SPF Paker LLC opened 5
service centers and representation of-
fices in the regions of Russian Federa-
Highly qualified specialists work in these
service centers which are equipped with
modern equipment thus allowing to provide
the following range of services:
• Selection and rental of packer as-
semblies manufactured by SPF Paker
LLC for Hydraulic Fracturing, Forma-
tion Pressure Maintenance, operation, Service centre
intensification and workover of oil and
gas wells;
• Engineering and technological services
with packer equipment (transportation
of equipment to the facility, erection,
setting and releasing), selection of
equipment with development of effi-
cient methods for its use, as applied to
conditions of customer with application
of our own techniques;
• Development and manufacture of non- Transport for service operations
standard packer and other equipment
according to the requirements of the
• Repair of the whole list of packer equip-
ment manufactured by SPF Paker LLC.
SPF Paker sales its products to Rus-
sian Federation companies and to the
CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Belorussia,
Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbeki-
Since 2010 NPF Paker started to enter
the world markets. In the period of 2010-
2014 employees of SPF Paker visited
and attended such world exhibitions
as:  PETROTECH-2010, OGAV-2011,
CIPPE-2012, GPS-2011, GPS-2013,
OTC-2011, OTC-2013, OTC-2014, ADI-
PEC-2012, ADIPEC-2013 business trips to
Algeria and visits to national oil company
SONATRAC in 2012-2013. In the men-
tioned period the products were shipped to
Serbia, Oman and Cuba. Service job on the well


Due to increase of our production capaci-

ties and diversification SPF Paker offers
manufacture of metal items according to the
customer’s drawings.


full product cycle coverage: from designing

to manufacture of finished products, thanks
to application of modern automation systems
for design and process documentation such
as SolidWork, SprutCAM, SWR-PDM;

Manufacture of parts in machining centers

by world machine-building leaders like Mori
Seiki (Japan), Sigma (Italy), FMB (Italy),
DANOBAT (Spain);

Work of highly qualified personnel and CNC

machine operators trained in Japan and Italy
on the territory of machine-building leaders
Quality control Mori Seiki and Sigma;

Functioning quality management system,

certified by TÜV Thüringen e.V. for compli-
ance with the requirements of DIN EN ISO

In June 2014 NPF Paker achieved the QMS

certificate of API Q1 Standard (American
Petroleum Institute).

NPF “Paker” aims at long-term

and mutually beneficial
cooperation with its partners.

15 1
00 7

Work operation
Marking of the tools

In the SPF Paker the ceremony of guest recep- proceeded to implementation of the “Lean Produc-
tion is perfected to automatism: delivery of pro- tion” principles, managing for a short period of time to
tective headpieces at the entrance control post greatly advance in the chosen way. Introducing all the
(it is forbidden to be at the territory of the fac- people concerned with first results of project imple-
tory with no helmet), safety rules introduction, mentation, Marat Nagumanov represents his enter-
excursions across the workshops and engineer- prise in the following way:
ing departments, which are conducted like in the
- The company “Paker” is the best machine-building
Hermitage. Everything is done accurately like
company in Russia. The company “Paker” will be one
clockwork. Receiving delegations almost every
of the best self-training and self-developing compa-
day, it seems that hosts of the enterprise have ex-
nies in the world because the best personnel and
tensive experience in that. And the guests who
self-training and self-developing director work here.
get their own framed photo with the caption “We
are partners!” on it at the end of excursion, leave And after a short pause he adds:
welcoming “Paker” amazed. As there is no such - So far it corresponds to the reality by 0.1 percent (in
other enterprise, perhaps, even on a scale of the terms of self-training and self-development) – we’re
country. doing our first steps to get the access to the world lev-
el. But without the first step all the rest are impossible.

There will not be the second Think in a new way

step without the first one What is “Lean Production”? Originally, the idea be-
A little bit of history for beginning. On 14th of April longed to the Japanese corporation Toyota and the
SPF Paker celebrated its 19th anniversary. Then, point is in the utmost optimization of the production
back in 1992 when science funding stopped at once system by detecting and eliminating losses at each
and research institutes employees with academic area. Starting travelling across the world, the term
degrees had to be sellers, the father of the current has been creatively was being creatively rethought,
head of the plant Mirsat Nagumanov, PhD. and emi- acquiring new meaning, and gradually turning into a
nent inventor of BashSSR, took a risk and organized certain philosophy, system of values, in which achiev-
his own production in Oktyabrsky city. He started with ing maximum efficiency of labour comes first. And
a small design department, dealing with development which means to use the company decides in its own
of equipment to repair oil and gas wells. In 1996 he way. There are no stereotypes as there are no two
rented areas where “Paker” is located now. In several identical enterprises.
years he managed to redeem them, and then he en- - Two main principles of “lean production” are to re-
larged them by attaching production premises of the duce losses and respect people – Yuriy Chinchik,
bankrupted factory. Today, SPF Paker LLC, being the manager of quality service, voices his position.
family business of the Nagumanovs, is known as one – Reducing losses of time, raw materials, mate-
of leaders in designing and production of packer-and- rial resources, energy and efforts of employees, we
anchor equipment for oil and gas production. Among achieve increase in productivity, cost improvement
its consumers there are over 250 Russian oil and per item, and, respectively, increase in its competi-
gas producers, oil-well experts of Belarus, Ukraine, tiveness at the market. But it is impossible to realize
Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan. The enterprise is devel- lean production unless each member of the team is
oping so fast that the foremost American companies involved. That is why the super-idea of the project can
many times offered Marat Nagumanov, its current
head, to sell the company. “We are not interested in
that,” Marat Mirsatovich shakes his head. “Foreign
companies which at present have bought “half of
Russia”, tomorrow will dictate us how to live for our
money. And who will then restore the country? That is
why we are ready to develop partnership, but we will
run our business by ourselves”.
The 1st of May 2009 became the beginning of a new
era for SPF Paker LLC. Since that day the factory

CNC machines

to simplify the office processes within the framework

of the system, small groups were created. They com-
bine, depending on a set goal, employees of various
departments– process engineers, designers, market-
ing experts, and economists. The approach to office
arrangement also changed. Engineers are gradually
transferred from small rooms isolated from each oth-
er to common rooms, equipped as per the western
offices model. As a result, work performance is re-
markably increasing. All this success of the “cutting
down” would be impossible without continuous work
of the whole personnel and consulting support of the
be called “readjustment” of people minds who should mentioned Vladimir Rastimeshin and Tatyana Kupri-
not just work but also think in a new way, clearly see- yanova.
ing the relation between the enterprise success and
their own well-being.
At the first stage of “Lean Production” system imple- Put diamonds on the table!
mentation, the personnel were trained. Manage-
Oktyabrsky “Paker” got its own “Diamond Fund” long
ment consultants, invited from Moscow, Vladimir
before starting the “Lean Production” project. It refers
Rastimeshin and Tatyana Kupriyanova (authors of
to the “Diamond” system – that is what they call a
“Orderliness. A way to create quality work place”)
faulty part presented by the employee who has made
conducted five seminars each lasting for three days,
it. No punishment threatens him for that.
explaining to the department managers, lead special-
ists and employees what the essence of innovation is - The main thing for the factory is that the faulty part,
and how it is necessary and useful for them person- if any, would not get to consumer, - Yuriy Chinchik
ally. “I don’t know what management consultant can explains. – Controllers cannot notice all fault and we
teach me, a turner with twenty years of experience”, - strive for an employee not to have a reason for hid-
one of workers frankly said spending three days away ing his mistake. There are tables for “diamonds” in all
from his machine. “It turns out that we have so many production areas. They are in plain view, reminding:
reserves to increase labour productivity, but we’re less losses there are, higher the salary budget. The
not using them!” – he exclaimed upon completion of reasons of defects are analyzed on a mandatory ba-
the seminar and, without waiting for an official order, sis, and process engineers search for ways of their
implemented the first steps of the “Orderliness/5S” at elimination.
his work place: he took away all unnecessary things,
Excursions across the factory workshops leave an in-
divided the space in areas, rationally placed tools.
delible mark. First thing they see, entering any area,
Thus, workplaces of a turner, a miller, a CNC opera-
are school whiteboards full of notes. Problematic is-
tor, arranged in a similar manner, appeared at the en-
sues, arising during work and requiring a solution, are
terprise. At these workplaces every little thing is at
written down on them. Until the problem is solved, a
hand. 1500 unused tools and appliances, detected
record is not erased. Thus, each comment is being
during implementation of the system, were returned
addressed and not forgotten. Although, it is not all that
back to the warehouse. Another, more important
simple. Sometimes some problems are not solved for
component of the project is the “Lean office” system.
a long time, and pessimists begin to resent: “What’s
To implement the principle of “Lean Production” in of-
the point to write, if nothing is done”. The main thing
fice is a more difficult issue than in a workshop, but
in this case is not to give up and continue to move on,
it is here where the great amount of losses are. It is
proving by work that the system works.
impossible to count how many orders the enterprise
loses, if it does not respond to a customer’s request, The working day of a machine-tool operator begins
without proposing a convenient scheme of coopera- with taking care of a machine. In a special log book,
tion, exceeding the allotted time for contract consid- it is accurately scheduled what an employee should
eration. For timely decision of current problems and do before pushing a start button, to check oil level,

54 CNC machine
grease guides and so on. Thanks to this, a person of losses – here, of course, there’s room for improve-
considers himself a master of his workplace, and ment, - Yuriy Alekseevich notes.
the machine serves him without troubles. Taking into
consideration a huge load on equipment (the factory
operates 24/7), it is not hard to imagine how much WE WANT TO LIVE BETTER
this unsophisticated method saves up for the enter-
prise. Competition between operators for the best In a prominent place not far from central entrance in
work place serves the same goal. Its final results are the administrative building of SPF Paker there is a
summarized every month, and the prize is a cake, a plate “We are working without injuries and accidents
bottle of honey and…a dinner with the director in the for 372 days”. Figures are updated every day, and
city restaurant. the principle remains unchanged: business, Marat
Mirsatovich keeps repeating, is first of all, second of
Personnel qualification has a primary importance in all and third of all occupational safety. And only then
terms of lean and reasonably organized production. goes the rest.
What is the point in building super modern factories
and bringing expensive equipment from abroad, if - Some years ago there was an accident at one of the
there is nobody to work on it, the director fairly sug- city enterprises: a facing bounced off from the ma-
gests. That is why a keystone in “Paker” is self-train- chine right into the worker’s eye and he became blind
ing, self-development, transfer of knowledge. Here is – accompanying people tell. – Our director then said:
one example. Having purchased eight metal working if within ten years of wearing glasses we manage to
centers with program control in Japan several years save at lease one eye, that’d be worth it. Since then all
ago, factory employees invited a company represen- our employees and visitors when entering production
tative for to stay in Oktyabrsky for 90 days, occupied areas put on glasses. The same strict requirements
with commissioning work and training of employees. are as follows: wearing head protection and special
In addition, machine operators and repair personnel, clothing, safeyt shoes, and from May 2010 the sug-
18 people in total, visited Japan on their own to attend gestion system “For safe labour” has become effec-
advanced courses, and now they can cope with all tive at the enterprise. It works simply but efficiently.
the work related to maintenance and repair by them- Employees record suggestions to enhance industrial
selves. Needless to say that people had seen such safety and signals from places in special forms and
production culture which they should strive at. put them into boxes, and the director receives them
daily. Actions are taken immediately.
As per geography Oktyabrsky machine builders trav-
elled over the significant part of the world. Japan, The same principle was applied in 2006 when a sys-
Germany, France, Spain, Italy, China, Malta, India, tem for submission of rational suggestions was orga-
UAE and others – specialists of the enterprise care- nized to optimize the working process “We want to
fully study the experience of world leaders, participate live better”. Nobody knows better than the employ-
in large industry exhibitions. Planning to get access ees themselves what should be done to increase
to the international market, today, “Paker” actively their working efficiency, - it was decided at the enter-
builds up the complex of services in maintenance, in- prise, asking employees to review their workplaces
stallation and repair of its equipment right at the well and say what is wrong and suggest a solution. The
and at the same time it is preparing for certification most part of the team is involved in a rationalization
according to the worldwide acknowledged system of activity: engineers, locksmiths, turners, packagers
American Petroleum Institute (API). Although, it is not
an easy task, the Americans do not hurry to let extra
competitors to their market.
- We are ready to compete with foreign manufactur-
ers both in price and in many quality parameters. As
per production culture we almost keep up with them.
And as for manufacturing efficiency and elimination

Tool storage room


interrupting each other suggest to upgrade the de-

sign of this or that machine, equip a machine with
additional appliances or just fix a door check. None,
even the most utopian idea, remains unanswered;
authors of implemented rational suggestions are re-
warded with money. In 2010, 1301 suggestions were
submitted, 300 of them are implemented, the authors
of the ideas received over 300 thousand rubles. The
main problem is the delayed implementation. The
company management fairly announced that it can-
not implement all the suggestions without the authors’
help and asked them to participate in implementation,
having changed accordingly the motivation system
for suggestions. Taking into account the advanced
world experience, since January 2011 SPF Paker has that were missing. By the way, for the crisis period the
adopted a new principle of taking decision about the director set his salary in the amount of … one ruble.
reasonability of a suggestion: now working groups Now we are approaching to the point from which, per-
and small groups themselves will decide if this or that haps, we should start our story about the research
suggestion submitted by their group member is useful and production company “Paker”: to the idea of re-
or not. The task of the management is to create all the specting people, which would be just a slogan, no
conditions for implementation. matter which principles the company implied, if the
management did not have the relevant personal qual-
The director’s salary is one ruble.
ities. However, the director himself sets forth this idea
Perhaps, it might seem strange to somebody, but all far shorter: first of all, you need to be a human, and
the information about orders received, won tenders, then build business.
profits– in brief, all that is considered a commercial
- The basis of any business, the core of all its suc-
secret – is displayed for everybody in SPF Paker.
cess and failures is the attitude to people, - Marat Na-
Here they think that any employee should know what
gumanov tells his deepest conviction. – If you man-
is going on at the enterprise.
age make the enterprise feel like it’s their own place
- The tradition came up during the crisis, - our guide where everyone is willing to devote themselves to
Yuriy Chinchik explains. – In order to stop rumours work, then such team will bring the company out of
among the staff about reductions and administrative any trouble, will find a way out of any dead end. The
leaves, the administration decided to keep people hardest part is to achieve that, but it is necessary to
informed. This is in line with the principles of “lean look for such methods.
production” thus allowing each person to feel their
More than 600 people work in SPF Paker LLC. Many
participation in the common deal.
of them came from bankrupted companies with wan
It should be mentioned that crisis did not come by the eyes and a lost heart. How to make them believe in
company: from November 2008 to March 2009 the success, teach them not to be afraid of world leaders?
salary for the whole team was reduced by 30 percent. First of all, the director believes that it is necessary to
But no employee was either fired or put on enforced let people feel like a human, create conditions for pro-
leave. On the contrary, when factories stopped their ductive work and only then demand the results. For
work and many highly qualified specialists were out of example, in SPF Paker they are ashamed to pay low
work, the company “Paker” recruited more than one salary. A boy, who comes to the workshop as an ap-
hundred people, although the profits at the enterprise prentice for his internship, will at once get a monthly
that year dropped in three times in comparison with salary in the amount of 7.5 thousand rubles. If he has
the previous year. It was, of course, a difficult time, a college diploma, he will be get 12.5 thousand rubles
but the management was thinking about the future, and more. On the whole, average monthly salary of
and moreover service centers were opened and the employees in the factory amounted to 26.6 thousand
enterprise required experts with the field experience rubles in March 2011. In addition, there’s a standing

56 Tool box
rule in the company: 10 percent of net income, if any,
is for employees’ bonuses, and this amount is divided
equally for each person.
- I want people to understand that if tomorrow we in-
crease profits by five times, the bonus of each em-
ployee will be increased by five times as well, - Na-
gumanov says. – We’re just beginning to create an
effective personnel motivation system. This is one
of the most complicated issues in the world, but we
should try. As a rule, in order to evaluate attitude of the
management to the staff, you just need to walk around
the enterprise, look into personal service rooms and
locker rooms. They showed us locker rooms of the
“Paker” employees: “personal” lockers with name
tags, shower cabins, special driers for shoes. Work-
ers take dirty work clothing to the laundry and get a “I used to avoid any type of guests in the factory – ei-
clean and ironed outfit instead. Everywhere – in the ther ministry delegation or journalists” , Nagumanov
offices, workshops, hallways – there are coolers with underlines sincerely. “And now I came to understand:
drinking water; there are thermoses with herbal tea one can’t build up an ideal society in a closed-door
on tables. During viral infections periods, the medi- company. We have to develop the society in general,
cal department of the factory prepares herbal teas. raise the manufacturing culture, share our successful
It should be noted that “Paker” health center is one experience. That is why we have people visiting from
of the best equipped centers in the republic. There Kazan, Perm, Moscow region, Siberia etc.”
are two physicians receiving patients here, medical Marat Mirsatovich does all the things that are tradi-
treatment room and physiotherapeutic room are op- tionally considered uncomfortable and unbeneficial.
erating in two shifts during the whole week, and there For instance, during excursions he enjoys demon-
is a day patient department. Anyone willing can get a strating not only advantageous but weak spots of
free membership for a swimming-pool, shaping, fit- the company as well. It works as a great incentive
ness, aqua aerobics and yoga. The company assigns to fix the problem. He has no fear to be surrounded
money to dental services for employees, treatments by strong and intelligent people: communicating with
in a preventive clinic, helps to get rid of nicotine ad- such people makes him grow as a person. He is look-
diction by inviting an acupuncture doctor. Smoke con- ing for a reliable partnership with any company, thus
trol is real here and not just to observe formalities. preferring to unite with the competitors and becoming
At the factory territory, cigarettes are outlawed. Non- twice as strong. Because so far the companies within
smokers started receiving fruits on a monthly basis one industry are extinguishing each other and then
from March 2011. the Americans arrive and win over the market.
- We should love people and treat them in a human “We are only doing our first steps in business and the
way, without building a wall between a cleaner and a most important point now is to gain new knowledge,
chief accountant. We all are equal, we all came here explore the world practice, learn to manage”, the di-
to work, - he says. rector of SPF Paker LLC says. –There’s no moving
Nagumanov believes that the most important point is ahead until educated and modern entrepreneurs start
not to leave out of account those who are at the low- working in the Economics. Such entrepreneurs that
est step of the social ladder. In August, a new canteen are ashamed to look you in people’s eyes until these
was opened at the enterprise. Till November a set people have what they need the most.
lunch consisting of three meals including fruits and Tatyana Kruglova
baked goods cost one hundred rubles. Marat Mirsa-
tovich pondered for a while, calculated the expenses Press-correspondent for
and… cancelled the lunch payment for good. “The Republic of Bashkortostan”

In the autumn of 2008 in the midst of global economic crisis, a
team of professionals of SPF Paker successfully mastered a
new activity direction – metalwork of the products according to
the customer’s drawings.
A high level of quality, individual approach to each client proved
that SPF Paker is a reliable partner in the production of non-
core products, which, in its turn, contributed to the development
of long-term relationships with the companies of engineering
and defense industries and research institutes.
The existing enterprise philosophy of “lean production” contrib-
utes to the achievement of a constant high level of quality and
compliance with the standards; the guarantee of the result con-
sistency and its improvement is the certification in accordance
with the standard ISO 9001:2008.

General characteristics of the

• turning, milling, boring and drilling processing of parts;
• heat treatment;
• phosphate treatment; Work at the machining center
• laser and dot peen marking;
• assortment of material from in-stock: seamless hot-de-
formed pipes of general-purpose GOST 8731-74, GOST
8732-78; bare pipes for machine processing GOST 23270-
89; hot-rolled round steel GOST 2590-88, 4543-71.

Distinguishing features
• a progressive cutting tool of international manufacturers is
in use;
• the coverage of the complete production cycle: from the de- Finished part
sign concept with the help of modern automation systems
for the creation of engineering and technological documen-
tation, such as SolidWorks, SprutCAM, PLMClient to the
production of finished products and their testing;
• high-skilled personnel and operators of CNC machines,
trained in Japan and Italy.
If you have any questions regarding equipment purchase, feel free to contact us:

• turning CNC machining centers, allowing turning, drilling and milling (with the movement of the
tool along the axis Y±50 mm) of the raw stock with maximum diameter of 360 mm and length up to 2000
mm in centers and the raw stock with diameter up to 160 mm and length up to 2000 mm in the lunette,
the processing accuracy is up to 7 quality class (the movement along the axes: X-210 mm; Z-2040 mm;
Y±50 mm);
• vertical milling 3-coordinate CNC machining centers with the rotary table (4th axis), allowing pro-
cessing the prismatic raw stock along three coordinates, as well as cylindrical raw stock with length up to
1500 mm and diameter up to 400 mm with the use of the corner rotary table, lunette or rear center, the
processing accuracy is up to 7 quality class (table size: 1750x770 mm. The movement along the axes:
X-1600 mm; Y-810 mm; Z-630 mm);
• vertical milling 5-coordinate CNC machining centers with the table 2300x730 mm;
• the park of universal turning, milling and drilling machines;
• band resaw (the maximum diameter of the being cut circle is 320 mm) and others.

Specific features
• gas carburizing in the hydrocarbon environment;
• laser marking of parts: logo marking, 2D code on
metal, plastic, rubber, painted surfaces;
• hydraulic product testing with pressure up to
1000 kg/cm²;
• carrying out of non-destructive testing (ultrasonic
testing, ultra-sonic thickness measurement, mag-
netic particle method, method of metal magnetic
memory, eddy current method);
• incoming control of materials (chemical analysis,
macrostructure control, microanalysis, determi-
nation of mechanical properties, determination of Part process


Dinar Sufiyanov
Head of sales and service development departmen
in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected]

The specialist of sales and service development The part measuring after turning with the help
department in Russia and foreign markets of hole gauge
E-mail: [email protected]


Metrological service of SPF Paker LLC was created in
In December 2013, it received the certificate of
registration in Russian calibration system for compliance with
the requirements of Russian calibration system, GOST ISO/
IEC 17025-2009.
The metrological service carries out the repair of the
measuring devices of geometric quantities and calibration work
according to the competence recognition area in particular,
the implementation of the calibration work, which includes
the measuring devices of geometric quantities, including the
gauges, as well as the measuring devices of mechanical
quantities - only 29 items. Certificate of registration in
Russian calibration system

For implementation of calibration works, the metrological service has all the necessary
a) working standards and calibration tools ensuring the transfer of unit sizes from the standards
to the calibrated measuring tools;
b) normative and technical documents regulating the organization and implementation of
calibration works, including the calibration techniques developed by the metrological service of LLC
SPF “Paker”;
c) trained and certified staff according to the prescribed manner;
d) facilities, corresponding according to the production area the condition and provided
requirements of the applicable legal requirements for calibration, sanitary norms and rules,
requirements of occupational safety and health and the environment.

In order to define the caliber gauge parameters,

the caliber gauges are used as well as stationary
equipment: two-coordinate measuring device
DIP-3M and horizontal length gage Labconcept
500 of Swiss Company Trimos.

Advantages of horizontal length gage

Labconcept 500:

1) The possibility to control the smooth and

threaded gauge rings and the internal thread
of the above mentioned types, up to 550 mm;

2) Accuracy ±0,3 mkm.

Check of gauges of oil assortment for


The metrological service of SPF
Paker LLC provides the services to
external organizations in repair and
calibration of measuring devices of
geometric quantities, as well as the
calibration of thread and smooth caliber
gauges for the control of external
and internal threads (caps and rings):
metrical, trapezoidal, compressing,
joint, cylindrical, conical inching and
tapered pipes.

A metrology engineer calibrates the threaded metric rings according to

the control caliber gauges

A workplace for studying the machine operators and supervisors and

the rules of measuring device use

Two-coordinate measuring device DIP-

3M for measuring the linear and angular

Repair laboratory of measuring devices

Dinar Sufiyanov
Head of sales and service development departmen
in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01;

E-mail: [email protected]

The specialist of sales and service development
department in Russia and foreign markets
E-mail: [email protected]


Central Plant Laboratory (CPL) monitors the quality of metal, finished
products, process liquids according to the legal requirements, approved pro-
cedures and instructions for compliance with the requirements of LR for prod-
ucts and materials.
The laboratory is certified as a testing laboratory by the Federal Bud-
get Institution “State Regional Center of Standardization, Metrology and Test-
ing in the Republic of Bashkortostan” and has a certificate of assessment
of measuring devices in the laboratory No SMCC RB.OSI.PR.02442 issued

CPL is accredited by the accreditation body of OJSC “SPF

“Industrial safety” as a testing laboratory of destroying and other
types of testing in accordance with the requirements of GOST ISO/ Certificate of assessment of
measuring devices in the
IEC 17025-2009 “General competence requirements to the testing and laboratory
calibration laboratories” and SAR-15-2009 “Requirements to the testing
The guarantee of work quality is the high qualification of personnel
(higher professional education, certification in NOAP on Level II) and the
advanced testing and measuring equipment from leading international manu-
facturers (TESA SA, SHIMADZU, “Spektrosoft”, OLYMPUS, et al.)

Testing machine for determination of the Investigation of metal microstructure

mechanical properties of steels

The main types of tests:
1. Mechanical static tests:
1.1 Tension capacity at normal temperature
1.2 Flexing strength
2. Mechanical dynamic tests:
2.1 Determination of impact toughness at low, ambient
and high temperatures
3. Methods of hardness measurement:
3.1 According to Brinell (ball indentation)
3.2 According to Rockwell (indentation of the pattern
(product) of the diamond cone or steel ball attachment in
the surface)
3.3 Microhardness according to Vickers (diamond pyramid
4. Technological tests: flattening
5. Metallographic surveys (determination of the bad Tensile machine for 1 ton for
quality causes, production control) determination of the mechanical
properties of materials
5.1 Microanalysis
5.1.1 Determination of the amount of non-metallic
5.1.2 Determination of grain grade
5.1.3 Determination of the depth of the decarburized
and cemented layer
5.2 Macroscopic analysis, including analysis of the
fractures of welded joints
6. Spectral analysis of steels, cast irons and non-ferrous
alloys based on Al, Ni

YOU ARE Pendulum impact bending machine

Dinar Sufiyanov
Head of sales and service development departmen
in Russia and foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected]

The specialist of sales and service development
department in Russia and foreign markets
+7-34767-5-21-01; Control of materials
E-mail: [email protected]


• Will provide services for implementation of non-destructive
equipment and material control;
• Will help to improve the equipment reliability, to reduce
the risk of accidents due to the early detection of stress
concentration zones (SCZ), endurance defects of the
critical structural elements.
Certificate of Attestation

Magnetic particle test of parts Eddy current test of thread

The laboratory of non-destructive methods of control of LLC SPF “Paker” is certified in the
unified system of conformance evaluation in the sphere of industrial and environmental safety,
energy and construction safety.

The main laboratory objective is:

To exclude the equipment failures due to latent defects, to ensure the reliability, objectivity and accuracy
of the required control results.

Timely and quality control is performed by qualified laboratory personnel, certified according to the
rules of personnel certification in the sphere of non-destructive control and the availability of modern

The laboratory is equipped with:
• The modern devices and equipment for non-destruc-
tive control implementation.
• Highly skilled specialists of the 2nd and 3rd level, cer-
tified according to the prescribed manner, both Russian and
European standards, having the proper training, theoretical
knowledge and practical experience necessary for quality
work according to TC.

The methods of non-destructive

control and diagnostics used in
the laboratory:
• Ultrasound (ultrasonic thickness measurements, ultra-
sonic welding examination)
• Magnetic (magnetic particle, magnetic metal memory)
• Eddy current test
• Visual and measuring
Ultrasonic testing

Welding examination according to the magnetic metal memory Ultrasonic testing


Dinar Sufiyanov

Head of sales and service development departmen
in Russia and foreign markets

+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01;
E-mail: [email protected]


The specialist of sales and service development
department in Russia and foreign markets
E-mail: [email protected]



Guard desk of the enterprise

Fire post

Entry into the enterprise territory

First of all, business is

labour safety, and only
then making profit...

Annual personnel training for first aid treatment Training on fire safety

A box “We are for safe labour” for massages about any bugs or safety violations and violations in
the field of occupational safety

The icons in the corridors and marking in industrial premises

Stand with information about the number of Plan of emergency exits and first aid kit
days without any occupational injuries



Meeting of a small group Stand with information about ordering 5S

A box for suggestions in order to

improve the working processes
Problem discussions of the personnel and working conditions

TPM is a system of equipment maintenance, allowing

providing its highest efficiency over the entire work cycle

Journal of equipment maintenance by the Regulations for independent equipment

operator of CNC machine maintenance


Storage of stationery at ETP

Storage of tools in the workshop

Storage regulations
5S - everything is
always in its place,
everything is always
“at hand” Storage of tools at the warehouse

Organization of a comfortable working

Storage of tools at the warehouse place for a group of operators of CNC



Recreation area for employees

In order to preserve the health

of the employees, in all the
premises there are coolers with
bottled water
Lounge for drivers coming for finished products

Free meals for all the employees (TIPI is only kept -

Table for herbal tea 13% of the cost of food)


Shoe dryer

Showers for employees

Washing of work clothes in the laundry room

In the locker room of the production
personnel, the lockers are assigned to
specific employees

Minor repairs of work clothes Training of employees



Cameras with UV radiation

for storage of sterile medical
Physiotherapy room

and their families
have free health
care services

Medical treatment room

KUF apparatus for the treatment of ENT diseases Phototherapy lamp “Solluks”

Stand of medical service Massage chair

Diagnosis of smoking with the

help of the detector Smoke
Check Nebulizer “Omron”

Hand disinfection Magnetic therapy


A very pleasant and professional
visit. Congratulations for your
achievements and best wishes for
the future in Europe.

Director of Department of European
social charter and European Code of
Social Security, Council of Europe

Seminar «European social charter» September 4, 2013

General director of “Toyota
Engineering Co.”
Kazuhiko Suzuki

I’m very glad that I managed to visit

I felt that there is a corporate culture
created in this company that is
based on respect for a person and
there’s peculiar its own corporate
way of thinking. There’s a lot to
learn from here. I give thanks from
all my heart for a warm welcome
and excellent job of the people
accompanying us.

«Toyota Engineering Co.»

August 23, 2012


It is my pleasure to visit NPF Paker
company and see the advanced
technology led by great scientist,
leaders and technologists. NPF
Paker is a great company, well
organized and applying latest
methods of technology and
safety award system as well as
encouraging employees for better
All the best and wish bright future
and looking forward for better
future and mutual business benefits
between Isograd Oil and Gas

Masad Al-hatmi, Manging Director

Isograd Oil and Gas Services


Isograd Oil and Gas Services, Oman May 27, 2013

Lean Coaching LTD, London, England
Thank you for your kind hospitality
and accepting our team within your
company and facility. Please continue
on your ‘lean’ journey
‘live lean & prosper’
Donal Finn
Lira Churilova

Lean coaching Ltd November 6, 2012



LLC SPF Paker is the

laureate of the Government
award of the Russian
Federation in the sphere of


Laureate of the Government award of the

Republic of Tatarstan for the quality

Among Top 50 of the best companies of “TehUspeh” ranking































SPF “Paker” invites you to visit our enterprise to develop partnership
relations, as well as to get acquainted with the first steps in the
corporate culture building.
We adopt the experience from various Russian and foreign
companies, as well as sincerely share it with everyone who wants to
develop their companies. We hold us out as an open platform for
experience exchange in the issues concerning the formation of the
enterprise corporate culture. We wish development of enterprises all
over the world, we hope, each of us can make this world a little bit
kinder and warmer.
Director of SPF Paker
Marat Nagumov



CNC machines shop Personnel competency development

Laundry for special clothes

If you have any questions regarding the visit

of our enterprise, feel free to contact us:

Dinar Sufiyanov
Head of sales and service development
in foreign markets
+7-937-318-87-56, +7-34767-5-21-01;
Company pays for the employees’ lunch The medical center is provided by the E-mail: [email protected]
modern equipment

Zilya Dinmukhametova
Specialist of sale and service development
in foreign markets
E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]
http:// www.npf-paker.com
Active sport activities Equipped sitting area

7, Severnaya Str., Oktyabrsky, Republic of Bashkortostan,

452606, Russia
Tel.: (34767) 6-63-64,6-71-91; fax: (34767) 6-75-15

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