Conversation and Writing Picture Prompts (Beginner) PDF
Conversation and Writing Picture Prompts (Beginner) PDF
Conversation and Writing Picture Prompts (Beginner) PDF
Below are some pictures that you can use as conversation practice with your
students and as writing prompts to expand on the conversation.
The questions will help you guide the conversation, depending on the level of
your students.
Each picture is accompanied by suggested word bank and sentence starters
for beginning level students.
The writing task for beginners includes manipulating the language they
already know, such as creating simple sentences and yes/no questions.
All images are from, a website for free images.
Word bank
bowl bread olives feta cheese peppers oil plate vegetables
grains healthy fat texture smooth rough sweet sour spicy
Conversation questions
1. Tell me what you see in this picture.
2. Is this something you would like to eat or not? Explain.
© 2018 Ieva Grauslys
. All rights reserved. May be photocopied for educational use only
3. What is your favorite food?
4. What is the traditional food of your country that you like very much?
5. What else can you tell me about this picture or the foods that you like?
Sentence starters
I see (a)
The food is in
The plate is on _____________________________ (where is the plate?)
I like _____________________________________________________.
I don’t like ____________________because ______________________.
It is ____________________________ in the picture. (what season or
time of day do you think it it?)
Conversation questions
1. Tell me what you see in the picture
2. What do you think is the relationship between the boy and the old lady?
3. Where are they?
4. What time of day and year do you think is shown in the picture?
5. Why do you think the little boy has his laptop?
6. Do you have an older person in your life that you have a good
relationship with? (grandmother/grandfather, aunt/uncle). Describe
© 2018 Ieva Grauslys
. All rights reserved. May be photocopied for educational use only
Sentence starters
I see a
The boy is
__________________________________________________ a laptop.
The woman is
_________________________________________________to the boy.
It is ___________________________________________ in the picture.
(what season is it?)
I have a
Conversation questions:
1. Tell me what you see in the picture.
2. Where are these people?
3. What time of day or year do you think it is?
4. Tell me about the weather in this picture.
5. Have you ever climbed a mountain?
6. Why do you think people climb mountains?
Conversation questions
1. Tell me what you see in the picture
2. Where in the world do you think this place is?
3. What kind of weather is it in the picture?
4. What are the people doing?
5. What shapes do you see in the picture?
Conversation questions
1. Tell me what you see in this picture.
2. What is the man doing?
3. Where is the man?
4. Why do you think he is using pebbles on his game board?
5. Why do you think he is alone?
6. What else can you tell me about this picture?