Compassion Without Compromise
Compassion Without Compromise
Compassion Without Compromise
A Publication of Presbyterians for Faith, Family and Ministry Vol 7 No 6 • Nov/Dec 2001
This issue of Theology Matters is being sent to every PCUSA congregation as a resource for you to use in the current and
on-going debate regarding homosexual practice. This all-church mailing has been funded by the Presbyterian Coalition.
By Robert A. J. Gagnon
This article is adapted from Dr. Gagnon’s workshop at the Presbyterian Coalition Gathering on October 1, 2001, in Orlando.
A Theocentric and Christocentric Preface to makes righteous the person whose life is based on faith
the Sexuality Debate in Jesus. (Rom 3:21-26; cf. 1:16-17)
6) In terms of Paul’s understanding of nature, Paul There are a number of problems with concluding that
distinguished between innate passions perverted by the male homosexual brains differ from male heterosexual
Fall and exacerbated by idol worship on the one hand— brains. Simon LeVay’s 1991 study of an area of the
and, by the way, one does not have to create a statue to hypothalamus known as INAH3 in 41 cadavers contended
worship idols—and material creation that was left that INAH3 was two times larger in the heterosexual
relatively intact despite human sin on the other hand. males than in the females and homosexual males.
There is a whole series of behaviors and passions listed in However, his study was inconclusive at numerous points:
Rom 1:29-31, following the reference to same-sex
intercourse in 1:24-27, that certainly have some innate • It was a single-author study; multi-author studies are
basis. People do not choose to be covetous or envious, for best for checking the accuracy of measurements.
example. They are simply born with an innate proclivity • The study involved an extremely small sample size,
to feel bad when others have attractive things or persons rendering suspect any broad generalizations.
that they do not have. That does not mean that • LeVay made problematic assumptions about the
covetousness and envy are natural or in accordance with sexual orientation of the subjects prior to death,
nature in the Pauline sense. So the innateness of assuming heterosexual orientation for cadavers whose
homosexual passions would not subvert Paul’s view of medical charts did not specify homosexual
them as contrary to nature since by nature Paul meant orientation. If all six of the “heterosexuals” who died
God’s intended design for creation untouched by the of AIDS—this at a time when AIDS was even more
introduction of sin into the world (i.e., the anatomical, of a homosexual disease than it is in the United States
procreative, and interpersonal complementarity of male- today—were in fact homosexuals then the average
female sexual bonds as more secure heuristic clues than size differences of the INAH3 for the two groups
innate passions). would not be significant.
• Several of the homosexuals had an INAH3 larger
7) Current theories of homosexual development are than that of the average heterosexual male, while
essentially compatible with Paul’s own view of sin. In several of the “heterosexual” males had an INAH3
Romans 5 and 7 Paul speaks of sin as an innate impulse smaller than that of the average homosexual male.
operating in the human body, transmitted by an ancestor • LeVay’s study has not been replicated.
human, and never entirely within the control of human
will. This is precisely how homosex-affirming advocates Even if brain differences between male homosexuals and
describe homosexual orientation. And Rom 1:24-27 itself male heterosexuals were to exist, it would not establish
talks about God “giving over” people to pre-existing that these differences arose prior to birth rather than
passions for members of the same sex, passions which, subsequent to birth. Plastic structures in the hypothalamus
apart from God’s help, are beyond control. If Paul could might be altered by any one of a number of post-natal
be transported into the twenty-first century and told that factors:
homoerotic desires have (at most) a partial and indirect
connection to innate causation factors, he doubtless would
• The AIDS virus and use of AIDS drugs
have said either “I could have told you that” or at very
least “That fits well into my own understanding of sin.” • Early childhood trauma or sexual arousal
• Other aspects of sexual behavior such as promiscuity
and contact with fecal matter
• Level of physical conditioning (sports, exercise)
On current socio-scientific data:
Here we will focus on four main areas in which socio- • Stress levels
scientific data impacts on the question of whether
homosexual desires are congenital and immutable: (1) the Any one of these, or a combination thereof, might affect
alleged existence of a distinct homosexual brain; (2) the the size of INAH3. In this case, differences could be
alleged existence of a special homosexual gene; (3) assigned to distinctive environmental and behavioral
indications of childhood factors in sexual development; patterns after birth, perhaps even well into adulthood,
(4) indications of the cultural malleability of homosexual rather than to conditions before birth. The notion of
desire. someone being born into some immutable condition
impervious to the effects of environment and personal
behavior would be (to mix metaphors) dead in the water.
• Children who exhibit a high degree of gender The years some homosexuals spend trying without
nonconformity have an increased likelihood (though success to conform to conventional expectations
not an inevitability) of exhibiting homosexual regarding gender and sexual orientation tell
behavior as an adult (so say LeVay and Hamer, against the most extreme claims of sexual
among others). Gender nonconformity may serve as a plasticity. However, in the absence of any evidence
middle term between genes and brain development on linking the peculiar sexual practices of Melanesia
the one hand and individual responses to with genetic difference, it is reasonable to suppose
environmental factors on the other (e.g., familial that if a bunch of Melanesian infants were to be
relationships, peer socialization, cultural gender- transported in infancy to the United States and
norm markers). adopted, few would seek out the pederastic
• Daryl Bem, a homosexual professor of psychology at relationships into which they are inducted in New
Cornell, has proposed the “exotic becomes erotic” Guinea, or take younger homosexual partners
theory: individuals develop sexual attraction for when they reached maturity. Similarly, American
those whom they find to be dissimilar to themselves children raised in New Guinea would
in childhood. In this scenario, gender nonconformity accommodate themselves to the Melanesian
precedes homosexual identity. practices. Where social definitions of appropriate
• According to some psychoanalytic thought, a child’s and inappropriate behavior are clear and
perceptions of distancing on the part of the same-sex consistent, with positive sanctions for conformity
parent and/or later by same-sex peers may intensify and negative ones for nonconformity, virtually
yearnings for same-sex acceptance and affirmation to everyone will conform irrespective of genetic
a point where they become sexualized. This may well inheritance and, to a considerable extent,
be the single most important factor, though not a irrespective of personal psychodynamics. (p. 487)
necessary one. Perceived difficulties in opposite-sex • The 1992 National Health and Social Life Survey
relationships (parental and/or peer) may also play a (NHSLS), conducted mainly by University of
role. Chicago researchers (Laumann, et al.) and still the
• Another factor in some homosexual development may most significant study of sex in America, found that:
have to do with relatively early sexual arousal. Self- o Urban males were nine times more likely to self-
identified homosexuals and bisexuals are three to identify as homosexuals than rural males; urban
nine times more likely to have experienced sex as a females 2.5 times more likely than rural females.
child (usually with an adolescent or adult male) than o Females who were college graduates were nine
their heterosexual counterparts. times more likely to identify themselves as
• Finally, human initiative in the face of cultural lesbian or bisexual than females who were not
permissiveness cannot be discounted. The greater the educated beyond high school; for males the figure
latitude for sexual experimentation, especially in the is two times more likely.
period from late childhood through adolescence and o The researchers concluded that their results did
early adulthood, the greater the incidence of self- not “fit with certain analogies to genetically or
identifying homosexuals. biologically based traits such as left-handedness
or intelligence.” Rather, “an environment that
The last point underscores that fact that individual life provides increased opportunities for and fewer
experiences do not occur in a vacuum but rather are negative sanctions against same-gender sexuality
shaped and even precipitated by broader cultural may both allow and even elicit expression of
influences. It is to that concern that we now turn. same-gender interest and sexual behavior” (p.
• Other data suggests that lifetime sexual orientation
shifts along the Kinsey spectrum, both minor and
major, are the norm for those who experience any sort
Presbyterians for Faith, Family and Ministry Page 11
of homosexual desire (and particularly so among is not only someone who never experiences a desire for
lesbians). Moreover, even the majority of those who sex with women other than his wife. The true ex-
identify themselves as “exclusively homosexual” have homosexual (or, more precisely, ex-”homosexer”) is
been sexually aroused by members of the opposite sex someone who, by God’s grace and the power of the Spirit,
at some point(s) during their lives (so say the studies no longer acquiesces to homosexual impulses.
by Alfred Kinsey, Bell and Weinberg, the Family
Research Institute, and the NHSLS researchers). (b) Both the level of incidence of homosexual desire and
• Reparative therapists and transformation ministries fluctuations in its intensity and degree of exclusivity can
report some success in achieving for motivated be affected by:
clients considerable to complete change from
homosexual to heterosexual orientation—a rate of • The degree of cultural incentives, opportunities, and
success comparable perhaps to that achieved by indoctrination for or against homosexual behavior;
Alcoholics Anonymous. • Experiences at various points in an individual’s life,
including the degree and character of parental and
(5) Caveats and Qualifications peer-group affirmation (especially same-sex), early
sexual arousal, sexual experimentation, unsolicited
In making the above points, I do not contend that self- erotic encounters, exposure to the homosexual
identified homosexuals can be easily rid of homoerotic subculture, the availability (or absence) of sex
desires. Disordered sexual “orientations” of any stripe, not partners or satisfying sexual relationships, and
just homosexual ones, do not change easily. This includes vulnerability to outside influences (owing to
orientations toward multiple sex partners, sex with personality type, stress, etc.);
members of the inner family circle, sex with children or • Therapeutic intervention.
adolescents, sex with animals, commercial sex,
sadomasochistic sex, and coercive sex. Patterns of sexual The different types of change possible and the existence of
arousal wired in the brain by life’s experiences are usually various external mechanisms for producing change
not easily removed, even after years of therapeutic combine to put homosexual proclivities on an entirely
intervention. Ironically, those who argue that homosexual different footing than race or sex. Furthermore, the
behavior should not be disavowed precisely because it is behavior arising from homosexual desire is associated
resistant to change would—to be consistent—have to with a disproportionately high rate of health problems
contend that non-monogamous relationships be accepted (sexually transmitted diseases, mental health issues) and
for male homosexual relationships. For statistical of non-monogamous and short-term relationships, as well
evidence to date strongly suggests that male homosexuals as with an annihilation of basic societal gender norms.
have extraordinary difficulty, relative even to lesbians, in These negative effects cannot be explained away by one-
forming monogamous unions. sided appeals to societal homophobia (for which see pp.
452-60, 471-89). So, since church and society can play a
No, my point is more basic: homoerotic desire is not like significant role in reducing the incidence of homosexual
race or anatomical sex. It is not a fixed, immutable behavior in the population, they can and should do so.
birthright. It is closer to an entrenched (but not
irrevocable) taste than to physical differences impervious
to cultural shifts. This can be perceived by reviewing (a) Summary and Concluding Thoughts
the different levels of change that are possible for
homosexual tastes and (b) the different mechanisms for We may now summarize the main points of this article.
inducing change.
First, we looked at texts from both Paul and John to show
(a) It is erroneous to restrict the meaning of change in this that arguments favoring homosexual behavior overturn
context to the complete eradication of homosexual desire. not only Scripture’s explicit teaching on such but also
As we have seen above, change can include: other basic principles enshrined in Scripture. In insisting
that God and Christ could not possibly deny one whole
• A reduction or elimination of homosexual behavior; form of consensual sexual expression, pro-homosex
• A reduction in the intensity and frequency of arguments not only ignore parallel instances where the
homosexual impulses; church denies consensual sexual activity but also give only
• The experience of heterosexual arousal (whether in subordinate weight to the theocentric posture of Scripture,
place of or in conjunction with homosexual arousal); the basic Christian paradigm of grace amidst cruciformity,
• Reorientation from exclusive or predominant homo- and the image of Jesus as the sufficient Answer to all
sexuality to exclusive or predominant heterosexuality. life’s desires.
Ultimately, in terms of Christian self-definition, the true Second, we analyzed the appeal made to a set of analogies
ex-homosexual is not only someone who never for disregarding Scripture’s stance on homosexual
experiences homosexual impulses, just as the ex-adulterer behavior: the analogies of Gentile inclusion, slavery,
Amendment H is a rewrite of the entire chapter G-14 of churches (with representatives chosen by their sessions)
the Book of Order (“Ordination, Certification, and and Ministers. To give vote in presbytery to these
Commissioning” ), which is accompanied by related particular elders solely because of the training and
changes in other parts of the Book of Order. The stated certification they have received is not appropriate.
intent is to make G-14 shorter by eliminating procedural
details. Instead, procedures will be determined by each 3) “Constitutional questions” (“ordination vows”) for
presbytery (which may use “advisory handbooks” which officers will be moved out of the Form of Government
will be prepared by General Assembly entities in G-14 and into the Directory for Worship (proposed W-
consultation with the Office of the General Assembly and 4.4003) The ordination vows define crucial requirements
middle governing bodies). for ordained office, and affirmative answers to the
constitutional questions are mandatory for ordination and
The concept of a less detailed Book of Order is a popular installation of Deacons, Elders, and Ministers. Having
one. However, in this particular case, the proposal also 1) these questions in the Form of Government (where they
allows for temporary pastoral relationships to be made are now) emphasizes the role of these questions as
permanent, 2) makes significant changes in the status of defining requirements for ordination and ministry, and
Certified Christian Educators, 3) moves the makes them an appropriate focus for one contemplating
“constitutional questions” (“ordination vows”) to the or preparing for ordained office. Moving the questions to
Directory for Worship and requires them for persons who the Directory for Worship makes the ordination vows
are not necessarily officers, and 4) also opens the door to appear to simply function as liturgy in a special worship
other significant changes in ordination. The proposed service. Even though all three sections of the Book of
revision should therefore be defeated. Order are part of our constitution and the questions
remain mandatory in this draft, the Form of Government,
1) The proposed amendment allows any minister Directory for Worship, and Rules of Discipline have
serving a church in a temporary pastoral relationship different roles, and where items are placed does impact
to serve that church in a permanent relationship with how they are understood and interpreted. Constitutional
the approval by 2/3 of the presbytery. The Association questions for officers belong in G-14.
of Stated Clerks writes, “The proposed amendment would
permit any minister serving a church in a temporary 4) Proposed W-4.4003 gives broader application of
pastoral relationship (Interim pastor, or associate pastor, “constitutional questions” (“ordination vows”) as
organizing pastor, stated supply, or temporary supply) to “Constitutional Questions to Officers and
serve that church in a permanent or designated pastoral Commissioned Persons”. Currently affirmative answers
relationship with approval by a two-thirds vote of the to the constitutional questions (“ordination vows”) are
presbytery.... The amendment also makes the designation required only for officers: Deacons, Elders, and Ministers
of temporary pastoral classifications discretionary on the of the Word and Sacrament. (They also are now required
part of the presbyteries.” for Commissioned Lay Pastors, but by definition these
persons must already be Elders.) The rewrite will
2) Proposed G-14.0704c will give Certified Christian mandate the “constitutional questions” for the ceremony
Educators voice and vote (vote only if they are elders) recognizing and commissioning someone a Certified
in presbytery. Currently they do not have vote in Christian Educator (whether or not that person is an
presbytery. The proposed wording does not even require elder). Certified Christian Educators don’t have to be
that these elders have to be employed as a Certified elders, so this is the first case in which the “ordination
Christian Educator in the presbytery to have a vote there. vows” are required by the Book of Order for someone
Our polity specifies (G-11.0101) that a presbytery consists who is not an officer. This begins a blurring of the
of all the churches and Ministers of the Word and distinctions between “officer” vs. “non-officer” and
Sacrament within a certain district and that when a between ordination to a lifelong office in the church vs.
presbytery meets, each church shall be represented by one recognizing someone’s particular accomplishments in
or more elders commissioned by the session. meeting requirements for receiving certification as an
educator. It is appropriate to recognize those
Giving a vote to elders because they are Certified accomplishments, but the ceremony should not appear to
Christian Educators impacts the number of elders who be the same as ordination to a lifelong office.
can be commissioned by their sessions to vote in
presbytery through redress of imbalance. 5) Content of ordination exams could be changed
without consent of the presbyteries. Currently the Form
Giving vote to Certified Christian Educator elders also of Government (G-14.0310d) specifies the content of each
departs from the concept that a presbytery consists of ordination exam. The proposed change will leave only
Doctrine Drives Polity Church government is not a program agency, but an inter-
Ministers (5.096-7) and church officers (6.169-70) have relatedness established by God for our benefit. It is
been given the keys to the kingdom, however, since the through church government that the keys to the kingdom
Fall, their ability to govern is tainted by sin. Therefore, are administered. Church government is not a hindrance
church government was established by God both to to the Gospel but is in fact a safeguard to the Gospel.
restrain human sinfulness within the body of believers and
to provide checks and balances on leaders who are also Church Government Demonstrates our Unity
subject to sin. Presbyterian government with its sessions, presbyteries
and General Assembly demonstrate to the world our
James Madison’s description of the theological connectedness as the Body of Christ. We give witness to
implications of human sinfulness on the newly formed God’s word that “there is one body and one Spirit,
federal government can also be applied to the church. He Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.”
wrote, “But what is government itself but the greatest of (Ep 4:4-6) When an elder, clergy, session, or presbytery
all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no departs from that Lord, faith, and baptism, the church
government would be necessary. If angels were to govern governs by exercising discipline so that unity might be
men, neither external nor internal controls on government restored and the world might see our unity.
would be necessary. “
What Reforms are Needed
Church government was instituted by God because we are If government is provided by God for our blessing, what
not angels but sinners. We need the restraint of do we do when governing bodies act in opposition to
government upon our sinful natures. And in turn we need Scripture and the Constitution? How can we go about
to hold our governing officials accountable, lest their reforming church government so that its practice reflects
sinful natures affect their ability to govern in accordance its beliefs?
with God’s word and will. Thus, theologian David Hall
concludes, “Polity is a divine gift, betokening the grace, There are three areas that need to be addressed. We will
care, and love of the Savior for the church.” address these areas more fully in future issues of Theology
The extensive and important nature of governance is 1) There must be an assurance of fitness for leadership at
explained in the Preamble to the Rules of Discipline in every level of church government. Those who govern—
our Book of Order. Although the following appears as clergy and elders—must know and accept God’s Word as
the Preamble to the Rules of Discipline which includes revealed in Scripture. They must know and accept the
specific judicatory remedies, the Preamble describing doctrines of the church as expressed in the confessions.
“discipline” should be understood in the wider role of
church governance and not just particular judicatory 2) Lower governing bodies must have free and open
remedies. access to higher governing bodies to hold them
Thus, the purpose of discipline is to honor God by accountable, to redress wrongs, and to facilitate changes
making clear the significance of membership in the to advance the mission of the Gospel.
body of Christ; to preserve the purity of the church by
nourishing the individual within the life of the 3) Higher governing bodies must hold lower governing
believing community; to correct or restrain bodies accountable to the Gospel which is given
wrongdoing in order to bring members to repentance expression in our Confessions. Teaching must be sound
and restoration; to restore the unity of the church by and practice must conform to teaching.
removing the causes of discord and division; and to
Susan Cyre is editor of Theology Matters and pastor of Dublin
Presbyterian Church, VA.
The Rev. Dr. Kari McClellan is President Presbyterians for Faith, Family and Ministry NON-PROFIT
of Presbyterians for Faith, Family and ORGANIZATION
Ministry (PFFM). Rev. Susan Cyre is
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