Advent Inserts 2010 - 2
Advent Inserts 2010 - 2
Advent Inserts 2010 - 2
We hope that these Lighting of the Advent Wreath We hope that these Lighting of the Advent Wreath
services are flexible enough to meet the needs of your services are flexible enough to meet the needs of your
congregation. They are designed so that stars of the congregation. They are designed so that stars of the
“reader” parts can be used either by an individual or by a “reader” parts can be used either by an individual or by a
group of readers. At least one of the stars tries to be easier group of readers. At least one of the stars tries to be easier
reading to make it easier for older children to participate. reading to make it easier for older children to participate.
Many churches use families as groups of readers Many churches use families as groups of readers
(encourage your church to use families of various sizes (encourage your church to use families of various sizes
and types).You might even try a group of young adults or and types). You might even try a group of young adults
a group of choir members. Younger children might be or a group of choir members. Younger children might be
included as candle lighters. included as candle lighters.
Most of all, we wish you a reflective Season of Advent, a Most of all, we wish you a reflective Season of Advent, a
joyous Christmas, and a period of Epiphany rest! joyous Christmas, and a period of Epiphany rest!
Blessings and peace in the name of our Lord, Blessings and peace in the name of our Lord,
Bill Allen, Regional Minister and President Bill Allen, Regional Minister and President
Christine Johns, Assistant to the Regional Minister Christine Johns, Assistant to the Regional Minister
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Regional Office Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Regional Office
NOVEMBER 28, 2010 NOVEMBER 28, 2010
Reader(s): Reader(s):
Watch! The time is coming! Watch! The time is coming!
God promised that a Messiah would be God promised that a Messiah would be
born that would transform our lives and our born that would transform our lives and our
world! world!
Jesus came into the world 2000 years ago, Jesus came into the world 2000 years ago,
but we have another chance to prepare. but we have another chance to prepare.
We have another chance to celebrate his We have another chance to celebrate his
birth by making our hearts ready and our birth by making our hearts ready and our
lives open to his presence. lives open to his presence.
Watch! Do not let the sparkle of the season Watch! Do not let the sparkle of the season
overshadow the message. overshadow the message.
God, we confess that with all of God, we confess that with all of
the preparations we have to the preparations we have to
make, all of the gifts we have to make, all of the gifts we have to
buy, and all of the baking we buy, and all of the baking we
need to do, we need Your help to need to do, we need Your help to
keep our eyes open. Help us to keep our eyes open. Help us to
watch and keep ready for the watch and keep ready for the
birth of the Christ-child. Amen. birth of the Christ-child. Amen.
Reader: We light this one candle to shine in the Reader: We light this one candle to shine in the
darkness. May this candle guide our lives and give us darkness. May this candle guide our lives and give us
hope to prepare our whole selves for Christmas even if hope to prepare our whole selves for Christmas even if
some of the less important things go undone. some of the less important things go undone.
(over) (over)
Your opportunity to support these ministries Your opportunity to support these ministries
of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
in Pennsylvania: in Pennsylvania:
The summer camping program touches the lives of our youth (and The summer camping program touches the lives of our youth (and
adults). Many of our current pastors in the Region heard their first adults). Many of our current pastors in the Region heard their first
call to ministry in a camping program. Camp Laurelview also call to ministry in a camping program. Camp Laurelview also
allows the Region to reach out to approximately 250 camp and allows the Region to reach out to approximately 250 camp and
conference participants (campers and staff). conference participants (campers and staff).
YOUTH FELLOWSHIP is a thriving group of people, not only YOUTH FELLOWSHIP is a thriving group of people, not only
within the congregations/districts, but also on a regional basis. within the congregations/districts, but also on a regional basis.
Youth provide leadership and leadership training comes from a Youth provide leadership and leadership training comes from a
nurturing (and fun) team of adult advisors and sponsors. Camp nurturing (and fun) team of adult advisors and sponsors. Camp
Laurelview is a vital part of the youth ministry. Junior High and Laurelview is a vital part of the youth ministry. Junior High and
Senior High Youth Lock-ins, Retreats and Weekends make Senior High Youth Lock-ins, Retreats and Weekends make
regional youth programs a way for young people to reach beyond regional youth programs a way for young people to reach beyond
Reader(s): Reader(s):
The one you have been waiting for is on his The one you have been waiting for is on his
way! way!
Malachi tells us that the messenger who will Malachi tells us that the messenger who will
prepare us is on the way. prepare us is on the way.
We will be shaped into the finest silver and We will be shaped into the finest silver and
gold - made fit for God. gold - made fit for God.
Will we be ready for the change? Will we be ready for the change?
Will we look for opportunities to grow, Will we look for opportunities to grow,
stretch, and serve even when it takes effort stretch, and serve even when it takes effort
and pushes us away from the status quo? and pushes us away from the status quo?
God, you created us and you God, you created us and you
restore us. Time after time, you restore us. Time after time, you
give us the opportunity to open give us the opportunity to open
ourselves to Your presence. ourselves to your presence. Shape
Shape us into the persons you us into the persons you would
would have us be. Grant us the have us be. Grant us the patience
patience and the strength to heed and the strength to heed the
the warnings of the prophets that warnings of the prophets that we
we might greet with joy the coming of Christ our might greet with joy the coming of Christ our
Redeemer. Amen. Redeemer. Amen.
Reader: We light these two candles to light the Reader: We light these two candles to light the
way into our Advent journey. way into our Advent journey.
(over) (over)
Your opportunity to support ministries Your opportunity to support ministries
of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
in Pennsylvania: in Pennsylvania:
Who do you call when you need to find a new way of Who do you call when you need to find a new way of
doing evangelism? Do you need the address or a form to report doing evangelism? Do you need the address or a form to report
your Mission Fund giving to the wider church? Do you have your Mission Fund giving to the wider church? Do you have
questions about men’s, women’s, and/or youth projects or what to questions about men’s, women’s, and/or youth projects or what to
bring to camp at Camp Laurelview? We hope you will call us. We bring to camp at Camp Laurelview? We hope you will call us. We
can help you order curriculum and help you wend your way can help you order curriculum and help you wend your way
through the General Office in Indianapolis. We can come to your through the General Office in Indianapolis. We can come to your
congregations to do presentations on evangelism, pastoral relations congregations to do presentations on evangelism, pastoral relations
committees, camp promotion, church revitalization, or writing a committees, camp promotion, church revitalization, or writing a
mission vision statement. We will be glad to talk about the new mission vision statement. We will be glad to talk about the new
funding systems or just to come and preach. funding systems or just to come and preach.
At the Regional Office, Bill Allen (Regional Minister) or At the Regional Office, Bill Allen (Regional Minister) or
Christine Johns (Assistant to the Regional Minister) are able to Christine Johns (Assistant to the Regional Minister) are able to
recommend a variety of regional experts and leaders to help you in recommend a variety of regional experts and leaders to help you in
many areas of ministry and mission. many areas of ministry and mission.
DECEMBER 12, 2010 DECEMBER 12, 2010
Reader(s): Reader(s):
In some ways Advent is such an unusual In some ways Advent is such an unusual
season. season.
The stores play Christmas music after The stores play Christmas music after
Halloween, but in church we try to hold off Halloween, but in church we try to hold off
until Christmas. until Christmas.
We read John the Baptist telling us to make We read John the Baptist telling us to make
ourselves ready, but culture tells us to make ourselves ready, but culture tells us to make
sure we prepare enough gifts. sure we prepare enough gifts.
How can Advent be a season of joy when How can Advent be a season of joy when
we are called to weeks of reflection and we are called to weeks of reflection and
repentance? repentance?
God of repentance and joy, help us God of repentance and joy, help us
to put the focus of the season fully to put the focus of the season fully
on preparing our hearts for the on preparing our hearts for the
coming of our Savior. When we coming of our Savior. When we
have to choose between the have to choose between the
preparations of our faith and the preparations of our faith and the
trappings of our culture, guide our trappings of our culture, guide our
choices. We know the joy of choices. We know the joy of
following Christ and the fresh experience of that joy following Christ and the fresh experience of that joy
that we celebrate at Christmas, but we need help in that we celebrate at Christmas, but we need help in
being faithful to the Advent journey. Amen. being faithful to the Advent journey. Amen.
Reader: We light these three candles to light the Reader: We light these three candles to light the
way into our Advent journey. way into our Advent journey.
(over) (over)
Your opportunity to support these ministries Your opportunity to support these ministries
of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
in Pennsylvania: in Pennsylvania:
The Keystone Christian is the publication of the Region. The The Keystone Christian is the publication of the Region. The
newsletter helps us keep up with our congregations, our districts, newsletter helps us keep up with our congregations, our districts,
the Regional Office and General Church. Its pages are the place to the Regional Office and General Church. Its pages are the place to
look for information on retreats, articles about the larger Church look for information on retreats, articles about the larger Church
and musings from the Regional Minister. and musings from the Regional Minister.
emergency the members of the Regional Staff are available for emergency the members of the Regional Staff are available for
intervention, facilitation, venting, listening, and crisis management. intervention, facilitation, venting, listening, and crisis management.
It is our policy to be as non-judgmental as possible and to offer the It is our policy to be as non-judgmental as possible and to offer the
resources we can. We can help bridge a gap between congregation resources we can. We can help bridge a gap between congregation
and pastor or help resolve a division in the congregation. and pastor or help resolve a division in the congregation.
DECEMBER 19, 2010 DECEMBER 19, 2010
Reader(s): Reader(s):
It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live or It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live or
how much you make. how much you make.
Christ is coming. God is coming. Christ is coming. God is coming.
The holy babe will be born even from the line of The holy babe will be born even from the line of
David, with all of its troubled families and David, with all of its troubled families and
imperfect characters. imperfect characters.
God will draw us together into one family and God will draw us together into one family and
bring peace. bring peace.
In a day and age where you can barely guess at what In a day and age where you can barely guess at what
true peace would be…a world without war, where true peace would be…a world without war, where
resources were plentiful, where neighbors allowed resources were plentiful, where neighbors allowed
each other grace and where families would be safe - each other grace and where families would be safe -
Come God, and be our shepherd. Bring peace to Come God, and be our shepherd. Bring peace to
our lives and our lands. our lives and our lands.
Reader: We light these four candles as a prayer Reader: We light these four candles as a prayer
for peace. May peace that passes all understanding come for peace. May peace that passes all understanding come
into our lives and into our world. into our lives and into our world.
(over) (over)
Your opportunity to support these ministries Your opportunity to support these ministries
of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
in Pennsylvania: in Pennsylvania:
Disciples Women’s Ministry (DWM) is vital in Disciples Women’s Ministry (DWM) is vital in
Pennsylvania. Traditional DWM ministry continues to be the Pennsylvania. Traditional DWM ministry continues to be the
cornerstone of the life of the Regional Office. Other types of cornerstone of the life of the Regional Office. Other types of
women’s groups - book groups, mother’s groups, support groups, women’s groups - book groups, mother’s groups, support groups,
Bible studies, and spirituality groups - are continuing to flourish Bible studies, and spirituality groups - are continuing to flourish
and grow. Your contribution to the Christmas Offering supports and grow. Your contribution to the Christmas Offering supports
resources and staff for women’s retreats, travel and publicity. resources and staff for women’s retreats, travel and publicity.
Disciples Men in Pennsylvania are on the move. Two Disciples Men in Pennsylvania are on the move. Two
regularly scheduled men’s gatherings occur in the Southwest and regularly scheduled men’s gatherings occur in the Southwest and
the Northeast with the Tri-County Christian Men’s Fellowship and the Northeast with the Tri-County Christian Men’s Fellowship and
the East Central District Christian Men’s Fellowship. Efforts are in the East Central District Christian Men’s Fellowship. Efforts are in
the process to begin again some type of regional men’s gatherings. the process to begin again some type of regional men’s gatherings.
Men are always helpful with the improvements at Camp Men are always helpful with the improvements at Camp
Laurelview. Laurelview.
DECEMBER 24, 2010 DECEMBER 24, 2010
Reader(s): Reader(s):
The holiday is finally here. Are you ready? The holiday is finally here. Are you ready?
The star shines bright to lead the way. The star shines bright to lead the way.
Will you seek him out? Will you seek him out?
Are you willing to see the hope of the world Are you willing to see the hope of the world
in the smile of a baby? in the smile of a baby?
Are you ready to travel with the shepherds Are you ready to travel with the shepherds
simply because you have seen the star? simply because you have seen the star?
Then come, call him Wondrous Counselor, Then come, call him Wondrous Counselor,
might King, Prince of Peace! might King, Prince of Peace!
(over) (over)
Your opportunity to support these ministries Your opportunity to support these ministries
of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
in Pennsylvania: in Pennsylvania:
Looking for a new pastor is one of the most difficult times Looking for a new pastor is one of the most difficult times
for most congregations. The Regional Staff provides a search for most congregations. The Regional Staff provides a search
committee orientation and then helps match possible candidates to committee orientation and then helps match possible candidates to
the specific situation. The Regional Minister will help you check the specific situation. The Regional Minister will help you check
references and work to make the process as smooth as possible. references and work to make the process as smooth as possible.
Need help figuring out how to put together a clergy package? Want Need help figuring out how to put together a clergy package? Want
to know how to structure compensation to fit tax legislation? We to know how to structure compensation to fit tax legislation? We
can help. can help.
The Regional Office represents our congregations beyond The Regional Office represents our congregations beyond
Discipledom. We participate in ecumenical services and Discipledom. We participate in ecumenical services and
organizations on your behalf. We share ecumenical camp resources organizations on your behalf. We share ecumenical camp resources
and partner with other denominations on justice issues. and partner with other denominations on justice issues.