October Newsletter 2012
October Newsletter 2012
October Newsletter 2012
Fountain Hills, AZ
From Our Pastor Help for your heart:
they strengthened the souls of the disciples and encouraged them to continue in the faith. . . (Acts 14:22) Many years ago, at a church far away I received a complimentary note concerning something I had done. A friend and ministry colleague gave me some really valuable advice: he said to keep it and put it in a file. Then he said that when I was having a difficult day, when everything was going wrong and I was overwhelmed, that I should take it out and re-read it. He said it would be even more important then. That it would help bring things back into focus. That it would encourage me. Encoragier is the 15th century French antecedent of our word encourage. In its original idiom, it meant -- quite literally -- to put heart into something. When we encourage someone, we are restoring their heart to them. This means that when Paul and Barnabus encouraged the churches at Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, the apostles put heart into the believers so that they might continue in the faith. Like those early churches, were going to do some heart stimulation here at FHPC on October 21st as we celebrate how far the Spirit has brought us on the Way with ENCOURAGEMENT SUNDAY. Worship will be a deeply personal and uniquely joyous experience as we take a look back at the marvelous things the Lord has been doing here in our midst over the past several years. We will hear personal stories and share pictorial memories. Our hearts will be lifted with great hymns and with music provided by singers, ringers and players from the youngest to the oldest among us. Together, we will rest in Gods embrace and raise our Ebenezer the biblical stone of memory which means thus far the Lord has brought us. After worship, our Fellowship Center will bustle with our All-Church Ministry Fair, where we will have the opportunity to visit personally with representatives from all the many ministries which make our common life so vibrant here at FHPC. We will share fellowship over a casual lunch graciously provided by the good folks at CLAF. You know, my friend was right. I still have that note from long ago. In fact, through the grace of God and the kindness of friends, it has since been joined by one or two others. And when the day is right (which is to say, when the day is wrong!), I pull them out of that file. And they put the heart back in me. So, come join us on Oct. 21st for ENCOURAGEMENT SUNDAY as we open our shared file and pull out all those notes which remind us just how far weve come together. Your heart will be glad. Grace and Peace,
October 2012
In Touch
Pastor/Head of Staff
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Focus on Finance
Aug. Income Aug. Expense $ 31,641 $ 37,319 Budget Budget $ 30,900 $ 32,259
Debby DeBernardi
Director Christian Formation
Marta Ludwig
Administrative Coordinator
Yr to date Income
$ 264,464
Budget Budget
$ 270,560 $ 272,396
Debbie Fisher
Director of Music Ministry
Dorothy Parris
Caryl Bates
Lynn Medley
CHURCH TREASURER John Skewes CHURCH SESSION Class of 2012 John Brockelman Susan Phillips Terri Schmidt John Wyman Class of 2013 Bob Lull Susan Owens Jim Roy Donna Yordy Class of 2014 Gail Botsford Jerry Cain Carol Hencz Jerry Maples Letha Neely Trey Uphoff BOARD OF DEACONS Moderator: Ruby Pearson Class of 2012 Ben Fast Ruby Pearson Bev Watters Chris Young Class of 2013 Yvonne Ellingson Sandy Heunisch John Schopbach Donna Sims Class of 2014 Irene Cain Phyliss Kern Linda Maples Helen Roesch ******
Rev. Glenn Atchinson Pastor Emeritus
August Income generally matched Budget expectations. So while we did not fall further behind, on a Year-to-Date basis we are still about $6,000 behind Plan. Congregational Pledges are the major Income component off target, so please keep current with your pledge to the best of your ability. Our Expenses have been setback by an uninvited $8,400 air conditioning system repair bill, which was paid 50% in July and 50% in August. Absent that, we are tracking Expenses according to Plan. Overall, we are $6,000 behind on Income (Pledges) and $6,000 ahead on Expenses (A/C repairs). Early results for September show the congregation responding wonderfully to our requests for Pledges, plus donations to help defray the A/C repair bill. THANK YOU! Respectfully, John Skewes, Treasurer
On the Inside:
From Our Pastor. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . Focus on Finance .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . Music Ministry . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Mission Ministry . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . Congregational Life and Fellowship .. . . . . . . . . . .. PW Survey. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . Presbyterian Women .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. Membership News.. .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stewardship 2013 . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . Angel Giving Tree.. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Queen City Jazz Concert .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. Kid Communities.. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. Christian Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. . .. .. . . . . . From the Director of Christian Formation .. . . . . . . . . Kidz at Heart News.. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . Eagle Scout Invitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. BLOG: Check it out! .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Library Footnotes.. .. . .. . . . . . Variety Show .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mens Fellowship . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . Need Accurate Addresses .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . Spotlight...Did You Know? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wedding Announcement.. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . ... Necrology for 2012 .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. October Birthdays .. . . .. .. Vision & Mission Statement . . . .. . .... . . . . ... .. .. . . . 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20
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October 2012
Music Ministry
For those of you returning to town, welcome back into the fold! You've been missed! We've been keeping your musical seats warm...literally. Those of you returning to choir, or bells, rehearsal times are the same. If anyone else, one who's new to our congregation or one who's ready to re-join our music ministry, please come into the rehearsals knowing you will be welcomed, and you'll fit right in. Care will be given so that you, too, might experience the glory of the harmony and language that comes with the music we integrate into our worship experience. You'll be in and amongst some excellent choral musicians and instrumentalists. Those of you who may need to brush up your music skills are welcomed into our groups. You will eventually feel the music will flow through you, taking an active role in helping you to express your gratitude to God. It has been said that, on average, we remember; 20% of what we read, 30% of what we hear, 40% of what we see, 50% of what we say, 60% of what we do, 90% of what we see, hear, say and do. The activity of singing incorporates all of the above! Also, the levels of the natural chemical oxytocin are RAISED by singing. That's the chemical known as the "Trust Hormone," and it's significant for social bonding. It also helps to affect the high levels of cortisol which are released into the bloodstream when a person experiences too much STRESS. I've learned through reading certain accelerated learning studies, that it's been proven that one of the biggest destroyers of the memory is STRESS, so, when you are STRESSED, you release high levels of cortisol into your bloodstream. The cortisol destroys glucose which is the brain's only source for food. The mere fact that music can affect all of the chemical transactions mentioned above is fascinating and, truly, a blessing. Singing, playing an instrument, whether you are a "Professional" or not, will help you to be healthy in a most enjoyable, painless way! Then, if you add the fact that you are singing for the glory of God...that's priceless! So, join the choir, or sing in the shower, or the car, or hum a tune, whether on key or not! (It is better on key, though!) I was so pleased with the experience of "The Queen City Jazz Band" coming to our town. To be able to host their toe -tapping sound in our sanctuary was a real treat. I hope they felt welcome enough to come back! Then, with the same afternoon of hymn-singing sponsored by CLAF, we should've had enough raised oxytocin levels to sleep all through the night! I am also pleased with the development of the Celebration Youth Singers. They are such a delightful group of young children to work with, and their parents, too, being such a delight to get to know better. You realize how much they care for their children and they want them to be surrounded by loving, Christian people. It's endearing. They are hugged and greeted by the BIG kids in the youth band "Committed," as they exchange spots during rehearsal day, Wednesday. It's a great couple of hours midweek! Our music through October is related to the sermon series Pastor Bill is taking, leading us through the book of Acts. This is a marvelous journey analyzing the development of the first Christian Church. To choose worship music to equally harmonize in the freshness of his God inspired sermons is truly an inspiration in itself. I appreciate the challenge! I'm grateful for a choir willing to put forth the sound, and, our fabulous accompanist, and accompanying instrumentalists' and soloists' willingness to cultivate the sound to a reverent level. Equally effective is when all is accompanied by the Audio Visual experience. It makes the worship hour last for a good week or so! And, don't you just love the enlarged print? They aim to please, that's for sure. It's nice when we hear every word from the congregation whether sung or spoken. Thank you, A/V and soundboard volunteers! Deborah Fisher Director of Music Ministries "God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet. Sing praises to our King, sing praises. For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises with a psalm." Psalm 47:5-7
In Touch
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Mission Ministry
Extended Hands Food Bank Contributions
The Extended Hands Food Bank is very appreciative of the food donations made by members of Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church. They have indicated that recently, since food costs have gone up, they are seeing a great increase in requests for food. Any non-perishable food items are accepted. At this time they have specified that they are in need of canned goods (especially tuna) and packaged pasta. Remember to bring your donations to church on the first Sunday of each month, or donations can be brought to the church office at any time. Thank you for your generous donations.
True communion
The Holy Supper is kept indeed in what we share with anothers need: not what we give, but what we share: for the gift without the giver is bare. Who gives himself with his alms feeds three: himself, his hungering neighbor and Me. -James Russell Lowell, The Vision of Sir Launfal The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc
ITS OCTOBER TIME TO SIGN CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR THE HOLIDAY BOXES FOR THE TROOPS Probably by now you have noticed, either in the Church Office or in the Narthex, boxes of Christmas Cards. Once signed, these cards will be sent to our deployed Troops in the Holiday Boxes. Please pick up a box of cards, take them home, write a little note and sign your name, along with the name of our Church. Hopefully, by starting the Signed Christmas Card Campaign a little earlier this year, it can be concluded by the end of October. You may leave your signed cards either in the Church Office, place them in the Troops Basket in the Narthex, or give them direct to me. October is also the month when it is time to load up on fresh snacks to be placed in the Christmas stockings. Just imagine the yummy fun our Troops will have munching on some fabulous tasting goodies. Always puts a smile on my face.
Also within the next few weeks, another Sorting Day will be held in my garage. Items donated up to that point in time will be sorted, separated and counted. This is done in order for me to know what I have on hand and what is still needed prior to bagging and boxing time. Every time I have been asked what is still needed, it has always been something different than before. I usually have at this point in time, at least half of what is needed for the Boxes but unfortunately, this year, I do not have on hand a single sweatshirt. If anyone would care to donate a much needed sweatshirt, Sizes L, XL, XXL, in dark colors, it would be more than appreciated. Again, I want to thank all who have made donations throughout this past year for this important Mission Project, and lastly and most important, please remember to keep all of our Troops in your thoughts and prayers. Donna Sims Deacon
We are so very proud to announce... Donna Yordy, PWP Moderator-Elect, has been selected to attend the 2013 USA Mission Experience which will be in Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina. The Unto These Hills mission experience will be June 18-26, 2013.
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October 2012
Youth Mission Trip YAV Presbyterian Mission Project Assist with Sanctuary AC repairs Total amount spent
CLAF members: Helen Roesch, Chris Young, Donna Yordy, Jen Young, Mary Martinson and Linda Warren
$ 3684.20
Some of the funds that are left will be kept in the C.L.A.F. account to help pay for future fellowships and socials. As the rest of the funds are disbursed to various church projects you will be notified in the monthly newsletter. Thank you for your help and support. C.L.A.F.
At our September C.L.A.F. meeting the members voted to give $1,000 to the finance committee to help pay for the new air conditioner compressors in the Sanctuary.
True joy
There is something sad in anyones running from church to church trying to get an injection of the joy of the Lord. Joy is not found in singing a particular kind of music or getting with the right kind of group or even in exercising the charismatic gifts of the Spirit, good as all those may be. Joy is found in obedience. When the power that is in Jesus reaches into our work and play and redeems them, there will be joy where once there was mourning. To over-look that is to miss the meaning of the incarnation. -Richard J. Foster, Celebration of
Women of Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church PW is trying to determine if there is interest in starting a new Circle group for women of our Church. Circle groups meet once a month to nurture faith through prayer and Bible study and to build an inclusive, caring community of women. Currently the morning group meets at 9 am on the second Thursday and the evening group at 7 PM on the fourth Tuesday. If you would be interested in joining a new group, please complete the following information and place it in the collection plate or return it to the Church office. Name Telephone Number
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In Touch
Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team for 2011-201 Moderator: Ilene Berg Mission Coordinator: Mary Alice Bivens Vice-Moderator (Program): Susan Lickman Historian: Barbara Oakeson Secretary: Linda Warren Membership/Yearbook Coordinator: Maria Berry Treasurer: Maria Berry Bible Study Coordinator: Evelyn Hrunek Publicity: Terry Martin Search Committee: Linda Capron
place during the Gathering, where budget, leadership and programmatic emphases is decided. In 2012, the Gathering was held July 1822 in Orlando, Florida, (all under one roof) at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center. Themed River of Hope, the 2012 Gathering focused on renewing our hope and exploring Psalm 46:45: The Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church was well represented. Donna Yordy, Evelyn Hrunek, Pat Tuttle will be bringing stories to life about the River of Hope Gathering during the October 20th Gathering being hosted here in Fountain Hills! We had old friends join in the World Wide Gathering and we hope they will be sharing with us in October what they came back with from their time in Florida. Marilyn Chaddock and Bev Roselieb will be joining us on the 20th.
PWP Fall Gathering October 20th John Calvin Presbyterian Church in Apache Junction
FHPC is well represented and the service will begin at 9:00 am. The Title is Singing A New Song. The keynote speakers will be from Streetlight USA a group of volunteers who go into Phoenix and assist in the recovery of those leaving the sex trade and human trafficking challenges. Pastor Cynthia Jennson will speak after lunch about the new Presbyterian Hymnal and The Joy of Music. The service will conclude with communion. All are invited.
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PW continued continued from page 6 Please, make registration application at the Narthex or through your Circle leaders.
October 2012
OWLS - stands for Older, Wiser, Loving Souls, and is the name of the Senior Outreach Ministry for FHPC.
The purpose of the ministry is to provide opportunities for fellowship, discipleship, and activities for seniors to the glory of God. It is a ministry for seniors living at Fountain View Village by seniors from FHPC. All OWLS join together twice a month for fellowship which could include a Bible study Hymn sing and history with a special scripture reading following the session. We value discipleship by having devotionals at activities, or studies when appropriate; all to Make Disciples that Make a Difference. We value each and every senior and opportunities are given for them to be teachers, mentors and to offer aid and encouragement as they assist in this ministry. We value your prayer for those involved in this ministry.
will meet on Wednesday, October 17, at 10 am at the home of Mary Morris, 15711 Yucca Dr. Barb Wyman will review the book Beckoning, the story of Carlos Montezuma, a Yavapai hero. All women who enjoy reading are invited to attend.
In Touch
If youre not yet a member of our Fountain Hills Presbyterian church family, but have been attending for a while, we want you to know that we value each and every one of you and we are very happy to have you with us. Maybe you are interested in membership but are unsure how this works, this article will show you how. I will list several scenarios for you and maybe one of them will pertain to your situation: *If you are attending our church and dont have membership in another church, you can join our church by profession of faith and receiving the Sacrament of Baptism or, if youve already been baptized, you can join by reaffirmation of faith in Jesus Christ. *If you belong to another church, but would like to transfer your membership to our church, we can arrange for a letter of transfer from your current membership-church to ours. *If you are a winter visitor and are an active member of another church back home, you can become an affiliate member at our church here and maintain your full active membership there. An affiliate member is entitled to all of the rights and privileges of active members with the exception of the right to vote and hold office. We periodically have inquiry meetings at 6:00 pm in the church narthex. The meeting lasts about one hour and if you choose to become a member, we would present you to Session and the congregation on an upcoming Sunday. Please feel free to contact us, Susan Phillips, at 480-837-1225 or Gail Botsford at 412-613-3312 or call the church office at 480-837-1763.
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Cookbooks are available in the church office. A corrections page has been printed. Pick up your correction page on Sunday morning or in the church office during the week. Please pick up as many correction pages as cookbooks you have purchased.
When you do that you will get news feeds directly from our site whenever anything new is added. It is just another way to stay connected.
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October 2012
Stewardship 2013
Stewardship 2013
As the church is gearing up for another year of activities, enthusiasm is high for continued spiritual growth under the leadership of Pastor Bill. And an integral part of our progress will depend upon another successful annual Stewardship Campaign. The 2013 campaign will commence at the end of this month. Once again the theme will be Forward by Faitha slogan which aptly reinforces the mission of FHPC. The spirit of our members is reflected in their participation of our many church activities. This bodes well for our efforts to continue meeting our financial challenge during the countrys economic listlessness. Our stewardship leadership is unquestionably bolstered by assistance from Jerry Cain and guidance from Norm Collins, last years chairman. Included with this newsletter is a brochure outlining the churchs core belief of stewardship. I encourage you to study this pamphlet and seek Gods counsel when you consider your monetary and volunteer commitments to Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church in the coming year. All we have is God given. How we use our time, talents and treasures demonstrates our love for Jesus Christ.
This year we have bracelets for all who participate to wear to help with awareness of the Angel Tree Project. The Green band displays a WDJD? He fulfilled. That is what you are doing as his hand and feet for these needy children. God Bless and Keep you! Contact: Tom or Terry Martin 480-322-1955 Pat Tuttle 480-837-3025 Linda Maples 480-836-0668 or call the office and we will call you asap.
In Touch In Touch
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October 2012
Sunday: A place to roll out a rug, pause and journal about where faith and life connect.
Wednesday a large group response time: Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil where we pray "I'm Sorry Prayers." The Cross where we reflect and respond in Thanksgiving for Forgiveness of sin and The Tree of Life where we journal about the Hope we now have that we are brought back into friendship with God because of Jesus!
Sunday Tent of Meeting: where kids may sit in the presence of God.
In Touch
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Christian Formation
October is upon us and there are some exciting things happening here in the Christian Formation department of the church. School has been going on for a couple of months and we are all settling into our routines. I will try and be brief and not go into to much detail, as I know that many of these things are repeated in other part of the newsletter. The Way (Formerly Wednesday evening Family night) September 12th began our 10week series The Bible from Scratch with Carl Johnson. This has been a fun and enjoyable series. We have had a big turnout for the series. Our youth programming has been growing and the children are enjoying their classes also. The teens have been taking turns helping with the young ones before dinner. Then they have their own programming after dinner. The little ones meet at 5:00 pm after Debbie Fishers Celebration Youth singing practice quits. We meet for dinner at 6:00 pm and the classes start at 6:30. So as you can see we have programming for the whole family on Wednesday nights. All are welcomed for dinner; all we ask is a donation of $5.00 for the adults eating. Come and join us and see what fun we are having. If any one is interested in cooking for us on Wednesday, please contact Terri at 837 -7083. Sunday Morning Elementary KidCommunity Begins Sunday morning at 10:30 there is a ministry for Elementary children. Debby DeBernardi has both teens and adults lined up as teachers and kids are having fun while learning. If you would like your kids or grandkids to attend, they meet directly after Fellowship on Sunday mornings in the kids education rooms. This will enable the adults to attend Pastors Bible Study.
So as you can see we are busy getting our programming underway. We are also making plans for doing our Living Nativity down on the Avenue of the Fountains, again this year. So stay tuned for upcoming events. Thank you all for your continued prayers as we continue to grow. We are so excited as we see new faces in our church and love to see them getting involved in all we have to offer. Times are changing here at Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church and we are so excited. Please show your support and join in on some of the things we have to offer. Church is more than Sunday mornings here on our campus. COME ON OUT AND JOIN IN ON OUR FUN AND EDUCATION. Terri Schmidt Christian Formation Elder ~ Laugh Loudly ~ Laugh Long ~ Laugh Wholly
Koffee Klatch
Stan is back with his Tuesday morning Koffee Klatch. If you are free on Tuesday mornings and are up for current up-to-date discussions, you are welcomed to join them on. They meet every Tuesday morning at 9:00am in the Adult Center classrooms. He has lined up many interesting discussions that you dont want to miss.
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October 2012
of Responsibility: This environment captures the ability to take ownership for ones life, gifts and resources before God. God has entrusted His world to us. The challenge is to take responsibility for our brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as for those who are spiritually lost. October we will begin the environment of Out of the Comfort Zone: God transforms me when I step out in faith. As children are challenged to step out of their comfort zone, they learn to experience a dependence on the Holy Spirit to equip and strengthen them. Elementary ages are developing competence and like to try on different roles. May their competence come from the Lord as they live it to learn it! May we, together, cultivate a generation that, instead of seeking comfort, will seek a life of faith in Christ Jesus. Isnt it exciting that the wind is stirring in our community?
In Touch
From our Director of Christian Formation...continued KidZ At Heart ..VBS 2012 raised funds for this organization
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Thought you all might enjoy reading about the impact of KidZ At Heart in South Africa. Xolani is a young childrens leader in a township church who has been to a few KidZ At Heart trainings, including the one that Bob, Charlotte and I conducted a couple of years ago. He is one of 5 trainers working with Walk thru the Bible and KidZ At Heart. -Gordon West
Hi Gordon, hope you and your family are well. I write just to share with you what God is doing in our children ministry through Kidz@heart. Remember the when you were where in S.A i shared with you that i was straggling with recruiting new volunteers, at that time we were a team of four. I am proud to let you know that as i write to you we are now a team of 10 dedicated children ministers. Teaching lessons that are L.E.A.R.N has change the way people in our church and community view our ministry, we were awarded with ministry of the month title two consecutive months in our church. Being part of the training team in South Africa has help me to grow as a son to God, a husband to my wife, a great dad to my three kids (yeh God has blessed us with a little girl) and a great children minister. There is so much that God is doing in my life and in the ministry, hope i will have a chance to share more with you. You trip to South Africa was not in vain, there are kids in a community of Katlehong who L.E.A.R.N best. So thank you so much may God grant you and the whole organization strength to reach and teach kids for Christ. Kind regards, Xolani Mthanyelwa South Africa
The family of
7:00 p.m.
This will be an outdoor ceremony so please dress appropriately!! Reception to follow in the Fellowship Hall of the church.
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October 2012
Greetings. This blog is an answer to a question. The more that we learn the more we should want to share. This blog is for the sharing of information to help with our journey / adventure towards a deeper understanding of our faith. You may also go online thru our website www.fhpresbyterian.info and click on the BLOG button and add your comments, as well as see what others are thinking. Check it out.
Makeover, Do Over? Jeremiah 29:11-13 Let the Master Artist reshape your life.
Do you recall the vivid imagination you had as a child? Wonderment was everywhere and pleasure was found in the simplest of things. Yet, somewhere along the way, we lost our natural instinct of doing what we liked to do and fell into the trap of doing what we needed to do. Over time, we designed our lives only to have our designs consume us. Throughout the Bible, God offers a delightful alternative, For I know the plans I have for you and they are good plans of hope and a future. Yet, why would we believe that the God who created every sunrise and sunset would know what to do with us? So, we never ask. And therein lies our struggle. Our rigid plans can lead us to resist Gods shaping the clay of our lives. Jesus wants us to surrender to what we think we desire for our lives and let Him mold us into the greatness He desires; a life so wonderful we could never conceive it on our own. I would love to hear about your stories and times with the Pottersend them to me.
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In Touch
Library Footnotes
BOOK REVIEW The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot Henrietta Lacks, an African-American was born in Roanoke, Virginia, on August 1, 1920. By early 1951, she had suffered for some time from what she described as a painful knot on my womb. She was guided to Johns Hopkins, a charity hospital and the only one around that treated black patients. The diagnosis: cervical cancer. Before administering radium for the first time, the doctor cut two small samples of tissue, one cancerous and one healthy, from Lackss cervix. No one asked permission or even informed her. The tissue was given to George Gey, a scientist who had been trying to find a continuously reproducing, or immortal, human cell line for use in cancer research. The sample tubes were labeled HeLa. HeLa succeeded where all other human samples had failed. George Gey gave away lab-grown cells to other scientists who grew cells in mass quantities and were used extensively to test the new polio vaccine. HeLa has benefited almost anyone who has ever taken a pill stronger than aspirin. Through the years, scientists became intensely interested about the other family Lacks members, asking to visit them and take blood samples. The Lackses, who were still living in poverty and too often were without health insurance, became suspicious and fearful that they might become infected with cancer by agreeing to anything. They also became aware that many people were getting rich from Henriettss cells, but her family benefited in no way. Deborah, the youngest daughter expressed it this way If our mothers cells done so much for medicine, how come her family cant afford to see no doctors? Rebecca Skloot, a science journalist, became curious about Lacks at an early age when a biology mentioned her name and skin color. As a graduate student, Skloot began researching this book in 1999 and completed it a decade later. She became very involved with the family and traveled with Deborah who continued to search for her mothers medical records, struggled to make peace with the existence of those cells and the science that made them possible. This book reads like a novel, is labeled as science and cultural studies, but it also needs to be labeled as American history. It is a true story told from the perspective of the advancement of science through living cells and the familys perspective of a real personmother, grandmother, wifewhose humanness becomes lost to the world. As Deborah held a vial of the living cells to her lips, she says, Youre famous; just nobody knows it. An amazing book that is difficult to put down. Enjoy!
-Vivian Virden
Heavenly Daze
SAVE THE DATE January 20, 2013
Start getting your act together now for HEAVENLY DAZE, new title for our all church talent/variety show coming on January 20th. Start thinking now of what you can contributesinging , acting, playing in the famous jug band, working behind the scenes, dancing contact Barbara Wyman with your ideas. This is OUR own show and it will be fun. - Barb Wyman
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October 2012
Back into action Four major spinal surgeries left Dr. Rob Traultoff permanently disabled, in pain and bedridden. He thought his medical career was over. To combat discouragement, Traultoff watched services at Saddleback Church via computer, Pastor Rick Warrens messages made Traultoff want to serve, so he asked God to use him. But he prayed, Youre gonna have to bring it to me cause I cant move. First, Traultoff hosted a small group online. Then, as part of Saddlebacks P.E.A.C.E. Initiative, he began providing real-time virtual advice to doctors in Rwanda. Thanks to technology, Traultoff and other physicians offer immediate medical consultations about complicated cases. Gods given me a wonderful second chance to be able to share my faith and to help care for patients literally around the world, Traultoff says. Hes taken me off the shelf, dusted me off and put me right back into action.
The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc
In Touch
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Joyous News! Our Church Family joins in sending Congratulations and Best Wishes to
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October 2012 Hospitalized? Call the church! If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from illness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a congregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to assume, when we dont see someone, that they are simply vacationing away. The truth is that some of you are sick and we are not aware of it. You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of your situation. We have an excellent support system in place due to the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you by communicating your situation.
With deepest sympathy we list those members who have passed away in 2012. Don Gallentine Don Tepfer Marjorie Rennie Esther D. Wilson Peggy Johnson Bob Brown Dorothy Delahanty Chandler Roesch Eldon Schwieman Roy Wulfmeier Bill Martin
I would like to extend a huge thank you to our church family for all the prayers and best wishes given to us during Roys last few months. Thank you to the Deacons for the cards, the food brought in, the lovely reception and all the caring and love shown to us. I will forever be grateful. Nancy Wulfmeier
Well done, Thou good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy Of thy Lord.
Matthew 25:21
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church 13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Non Profit Organ. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit NO. 299 Scottsdale, AZ
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To see the photos in beautiful living color, go to our website: www.fhpresbyterian.info
If anyone is not getting our newsletter or Presb-E-News and would like to, please let the church office know at 480-837-1763.
In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication. News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to [email protected] Editor, Marta Ludwig; Proof Reader, Helen Roesch; Staff Photographer: Gary Oakeson; Production and Circulation: Mary Wernecke, Bobbie Dangremond, Ruby Pearson, Arlene Olsen, Marilyn Humes, Barb Hegwood, Nancy Saine and Vivian Virden. Travel to Bulk Mail Post Office: Mary Martinson.
FHPC VISION & MISSION STATEMENTS Our Vision: We hear our LORDs commandments -- calling us to be a city on a hill; reflecting light into Fountain Hills and all the world beyond, giving glory to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. calls us to . . . Our Mission : We respond in faith, hope, and love stretching upward to the One God and reaching outward to all people through worship, education, fellowship and service.
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church 13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729 Office E-Mail Address: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday : 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. www.fhpresbyterian.info Pastor/Head of Staff: Rev Bill Good email: [email protected] cell phone: 480-329-8090