December Newsletter 2016 B

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Fountain Hills, AZ

December 2016


Our Vision:

Living Gods love.

Our Mission :
calls us to . . .

Reach out to all with faith and love.

Rev. Bill Good, Pastor

Hope is Born as a child once brought hope to all of
us, so we bring hope to the children of Pwoje Espwa
Hope) in southern Haiti. We will be providing
OK. . . Lets see. . . Wheres that checklist. . . ?
opportunities during Advent to embrace 350 starving and
Replace old light strings
neglected kids with the saving arms of our Lord through a
Schedule with kids to decorate the tree
special offering. This will truly be a present wrapped in
Make the list of people and presents
Christmas joy!
Another stocking for new grandbaby. (Oh gosh,
Sunday Worship with each succeeding week, the season
what box did we put the stockings in?)
will be met with reverence and warmth, deepening reflec Purchase tickets for Community Chorus Concert
tion, inspiring music and the glow of Advent candlelighting. Oh come, let us adore him!
How are you coming with your Christmas preparations? Are
Faces at the Manger our worship on Sunday, Dec.
you getting your house ready? What about getting your heart
18th will be filled with music, scripture, and a dramatic
ready? How are you coming with that?
presentation featuring all those who gathered at the manger on that first Christmas to greet the Infant King.
Here at FHPC were doing some preparing of our own.
Christmas Eve Worship The
Were making plans to help you pretradition continues! Kid-friendly
pare for Christmas. . . the real ChristFamily Service with live nativity
mas. . . the one where the baby comes
at 4pm. Traditional Candlelight
and changes the world!
Service concluding under the
I am so grateful to all of you
stars begins at 7pm.
for the many ways you have
Heres what weve got for you:
Christmas Day Worship Come
walked alongside me on my personal
Stroll in the Glow Come share
join the family in the peace and
journey from darkness into light over
laughter and fellowship with friends
joy of this glorious day in a sinthe past year or so. So, it is with the
and neighbors at our Living Nativity
gle worship service in our Sancgreatest joy that Carolyn and I share
and Petting Stable from 5-7pm on
tuary at 10am.
in inviting our entire FHPC family to
Avenue of the Fountains.
join us as we exchange vows and celeGood News for All the People -- an
brate our marriage in our Sanctuary
Advent devotional by the Rev. Dr. Tim
Smith for those quiet times at home.
Friday, December 23rd
Not A Silent Night -- a remarkable
2:00 PM
multi-media reflection by Adam HamA reception follows in our Fellowship
ilton considering the birth of Christ
Center. The only present we could
from Marys point of view. This will
possibly ask is the pleasure of your
be the focus of our Noon and 6 oclock
WOW gatherings on Wednesdays from
now till Christmas.
RSVP 480-837-1763


(church office)

In Touch

page 2

Focus on Finance


Rev. Bill Good
Pastor/Head of Staff

Pastor Ken Brown

Oct. Income

$ 36,217


$ 29,458

Associate Pastor

Oct. Expenses

$ 30,696


$ 33,439

Yr to date Income

$ 343,974

YTD Budget

$ 331,983

Yr to date Expense $ 325,418

YTD Budget

$ 328,990

Marta Ludwig
Administrative Coordinator

Debbie Fisher
Director of Music Ministry

Dorothy Parris

Caryl Bates

Lynn Medley

Linda Lull
Class of 2016
Sally Atchinson
Bob Lull
John Skewes
Arlene Stewart
Class of 2017
Mary Alice Bivens
Bonnie Hollabaugh
Aleyne Larsen-Craig
Helen Roesch
Ron Waldo
Class of 2018
Norm Collins
Yvonne Ellingson
Jerry Miles
Helen Quigley
Jack Reynolds
Moderator: Nancy Wulfmeier
Class of 2016
Suzie McCready
Dorothy Rudack
Donna Sims
Nancy Wulfmeier
Class of 2017
Michele Hasley
Mary Lee Lehrich
Linda Warren
Class of 2018
Sandy Larson
Elvira Ruiz
Ray Schmidt
Bob Titus

October showed improvement over the slow summer

months. Pledges exceeded Budget, and total October
income exceeded budget by $6,759. We are keeping
the expenses down as much as possible. We are still
in need of funds to replace the 40 year old air conditioners. We hope to have them in place before next
summer. Thank you to all who have supported this
Linda Lull, Treasurer

Merry Christmas
from the Staff

On the Inside:
Pastor Bill Good .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. ..
Focus on Finance.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .
Upcoming Events: Dutton Concert .. . .. . ..
Life Line Screening .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . . .
Mission Ministry . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .
Trendsetters .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. .
Presbyterian Women .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. ..
Womens Bible Study with Sylvia Burke.. . .. .. . . . . ..
Blue Christmas.. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . ...
Library Footnotes.. .. . .. . . . . .
Pastor Ken .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. . .. .. .
Mens Fellowship .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. ..
Thanksgiving Feast.. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . .
Christian Formation .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .
2017 Concert Series .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. .
Music Ministry .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . ..
Lockboxes for Seniors. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . ..
Not Yet a Member? .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .
FHPC Foundation.. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .
Facebook. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . . ..
New Members .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .
Member Spotlight...Did you Know? .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . ...
Necrology for 2016 .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .
Thank YOU! .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. ..
December Birthdays .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ..
Baptism & 103rd Birthday . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .


page 3

December 2016

Upcoming Events
Concert in Mesa
Saturday, January 21, 2017
2:00 PM
Dutton Family Theaters
7420 E Main Street
Mesa, AZ 85207

Price $25 per ticket

Hilltop Hospitality invites you to attend a

concert with The Duttons, a large family of
accomplished musicians, singers and dancers. They were presented with the Lifetime
Award in Branson this fall. Their wide repertoire of music runs from bluegrass to classical to everything in between. Instruments included in the show are violins, guitar, bass, viola, banjo, mandolin,
keyboard, harmonic and drums. Simon Cowell saw the show and absolutely loved it! The group has
been on CBS, NBC, PBS, ABS and Fox. Their home theater is in Branson, Missouri where their
shows usually sells out.
Reservations will be taken starting on Sunday, December 4. Please make checks payable to FHPC.
We will be carpooling from the church. Lunch is not served but there are many restaurants nearby for
anyone interested. For more information about the group and to hear a musical clip, log onto http:// Please contact Helen Roesch 480-837-2142 if you have questions.
We had to cancel this event last year because of scheduling conflicts but you wont want to miss this year! For a personal testimonial talk to Norm Collins.

Life Line Screening, a leading provider of

community-based preventive health screenings will
be in our community on Friday, January 27, 2017 at
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church. Ultrasound
screenings to Identify risk factors for Cardiovascular
disease include; Carotid Artery (plaque buildup-a leading cause of stroke), Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (an
enlargement or weak area in the main blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body),
Peripheral Arterial Disease (hardening of the arteries in the legs), a Heart Rhythm Screening (an EKG to
detect Atrial Fibrillation-irregular heartbeat) and an Osteoporosis Risk Assessment for men and women. Being proactive about your health by knowing your risks helps you and your doctor address problems early.
Register online TODAY at and receive your
Advantage member discount and your Preferred Appointment!

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November 2012
page 4

In Touch

Mission Ministry
tion. These funds will be sent to the Food Bank because of their dire shortage of supplies.
We will also continue our outreach to Changing Lives
Center by donating $200 for their Thanksgiving/
Christmas meals.

**SOLD OUT Thank you to

all who participated in donating
for the Christmas Child
Jack Reynolds, Elder
Shoeboxes to serve the poorer
children of the world sponsored by Samaritans Purse.
FHPC members and friends filled 127 boxes with much
needed supplies and toys. This exceeded our projections and
we are deeply appreciative of your efforts. Thank you.
**HAITI AID -- We are also grateful to report that the Free
The Kids project in Haiti has received $8154 from FHPC
members to help with the relief effort from Hurricane Matthew. The funds are already on their way to provide supplies
for the rebuilding effort. Another thank you.


preparing and donating four holiday meals to
families as recommended
the school nurse.
She will select
one family from
each class. From
our budget we
have allocated
$500 for these
meals which will include a $50 gift certificate
recipient to purchase the perishable portions

will be

for the
of the

** LOCAL FEEDING PROGRAMS -- The Mission Committee has a remaining $300 from the rummage sale alloca-

Wheres your security?

When A Charlie Brown Christmas debuted in 1965, religious references were unheard of on television. Yet the shows climax features the Christmas story verbatim. As Linus begins reciting Luke 2, hes clutching his ever-present blue blanket. Yet, as pastor Jason
Soroski points out, Linus drops it right as he utters the words fear not (Luke 2:10).
Soroski believes the timing is intentional and that Peanuts creator Charles M. Schulz sends a simple, brilliant message. The birth
of Jesus separates us from our fears, Soroski writes. It frees us from the habits we are unable (or unwilling) to break ourselves.
The birth of Jesus allows us to simply drop the false security we have been grasping so tightly, and learn to trust and cling to him
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc

Want to help the children of Haiti without any cost to

Free The Kids is a registered charity with Amazon
When shopping on-line at Amazon go to the website: and set up an account if you don't have
one. If you do have one, go to the bottom in black and under Let Us
Help You on the right select Your Account. The go to Settings and
down towards the bottom select Change Your Charity. Type in Free
The Kids, Inc as your charity and we should be at the top of the selection choice.
Free The Kids receives 5% of the cost of the order. Happy shopping!

In Touch

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December 2016
page 4

Mission Ministry
We are nearing the end of our
Winter Project for Veterans and
deployed Troops and I would like
to say many thanks to all of you
who have again responded to this
annual project. As of the writing of
this article, we collected 18 brand
new sweatshirts, 23 new tshirts, 13 jackets and 66 pairs
of socks. The
cut-off date for
items being sent
overseas was
the end of November and any items
received after this date will be sent
to the many homeless veterans living on our streets. This particular
project always makes my heart feel
so good, just knowing that items
collected will be helping to make a
difference to a military member
and/or a homeless veteran.

Christmas cards to our Churchconnected military have either already been mailed overseas, or soon

will be mailed to those stationed

stateside. These cards are filled with
a number of personal handwritten
notes from many of our Deacons and
members of our Mission Committee.
It has always been a challenge to
keep up with the address and rank
changes, but eventually gets accomplished.
We were able to make a delivery of
magazines, books and puzzle books
to the Veterans Hospital/Home in

Phoenix in late-October. Other items received such as clothing, small household

items, toiletries, etc., are delivered to MANA
House in downtown Phoenix. Please remember that deliveries of these items are made
throughout the year when there are enough
items collected to do so. You can place your
donations in one of the two collection boxes,
one located in the Narthex on the table and/or
floor and the other one is
located in the Fellowship
Center on the left side as
you enter, or you may
drop off any items at the
Church office and they
will call me.

Donna Sims,

Be a Trendsetter Through Education Partner
Many of you have generously and faithfully made possible wonderful experience for young
Trendsetters as they are engaged in service and leadership experiences at their schools.
Collectively you have managed this by donating a portion of your Arizona State Tax Bill to
Trendsetters via the Arizona Extracurricular Tax Credits.
Couples may donate up to $400
Single persons who owe Arizona Taxes may give $200 toward our endeavor.
We are joined in a politically correct way to direct our dollars toward inspiring and encouraging young students. Your donation is
deducted from your Arizona Tax Bill.
For many years our dear friend and mentor, Rev. Stan Jones, loved and worked to make this opportunity
possible for as many sites as possible. With his passing, the momentum slowed. We are planning a robust and healthy campaign in February to continue Stan's legacy. Be watching for your opportunity to
join this meaningful movement.
Trendsetters practice the following:
Motto: Be Kind
Slogan: Look for the best in yourself and others
... raising the bar for tomorrow's leaders.
Questions, contact Sharon Eiversen, cell 602-284-4723

Rev. Stan Jones

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December 2011
page 6

In Touch

Presbyterian Women
December 1
December 6
December 8
December 10
December 19
December 21

10 a.m.
1 p.m.
9 a.m.
10 a.m.
7 p.m.
9:30 a.m.

Womens Bible Study Guide with Pastor Bill

Afternoon Circle, Fountain View Village Chapel with Jane Allen
Morning Circle, Adult Center, FHPC
Christmas Brunch (Fellowship Center)
Evening Circle, home of Donna Yordy
Hooked on Books, Fireside Room
Out N About, First Watch

Christmas solo by Debbie Fisher

Mary Did You Know?

Mary and Martha Ministry:

All ladies are invited to a Christmas Brunch on
Saturday, Dec. 10 at 10 a.m.
Quiche, fruit salad and cinnamon rolls!
Christmas Carol Sing-g-long with:
Margie Brown and Sandi Thompson
Gift Giveaway
Guest Speaker: Marietta Bell retired missionary
to Muslim world will share stories
of Gods love and caring
His Eye Is On The Sparrow.

Everyone is welcome.
Check the new Mary
and Martha logo created
by Carol Skewes and the
M&M trifold designed
by Michele Hasley listing three program events
and contacts for Circles,
Out n About and
Hooked on Books.
Registration tables for sign up will be on Sundays.
Call Monique Reynolds 336 382 8733 or email
[email protected] for reservations.
Volunteers Needed! Merry Christmas!


Out n AboutOut to Lunch

Hooked on Books will meet on

Wednesday, December 21 at 9:30
AM in the Fireside Room.
We will discuss Christmas traditions
and memories.
For further information please contact
Carol Fuls at 480-836-2346.

Out n' About will be having lunch at "First Watch" on

Dec. 21st at noon. It is located at Ancala Shopping
Center, 111162 N. Frank Lloyd
Wright Blvd. Suite E1
In Scottsdale.
Please call Nancy Wulfmeier
for reservations at 837-3021

page 7

December 2016

Video Study by Priscilla Shirer

The Armor of God.
Priscilla Shirer is a Bible teacher and conference speaker with a
Masters degree in Bible study from Dallas Theological Seminary.
Priscilla also starred in a recent Christian movie, War Room.
Convinced that the unseen but very real enemy plays havoc in all
our lives, Priscilla equips us with a 7-session study on The Armor
of God. She teaches women to dress as warriors. Says Priscilla,
The eagle knows when a storm is coming. It folds its wings and
prepares to ride out the storm using the winds. When storms of life
invade our lives we need, like the eagle, to be readyto dress ourselves like a spiritual warrior. Something in the storm we face can
cause us to become the woman God wants us to be.
Join Sylvia Burke for this 7 week study. The study begins on Monday night at 6:30 p.m. on January 16 and 9 a.m. Tuesday, January
17 in the lower level Adult Center study room of FHPC.
Call Marta at 480 837-1763 or contact [email protected] to
register and order a study book. The cost of study book is $14.50.

Surviving the Holidays

Overcoming despair
Christmas can be a difficult time for people who are hurting or grieving. In the 1860s, poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
had reason to despair: America was at war with itself, his son was
severely wounded in battle and his wife died in a fire. The First
Christmas after his wifes death, Longfellow wrote, How inexpressibly sad are all holidays.
Three years later, on Christmas Day 1864, Longfellow
penned a poem that later became the song I Heard the Bells on
Christmas Day. The lyrics move from despair to hopeand,
thanks to Jesus, so can we.
And in despair I bowed my head,
There is no peace on earth, I said!
For hate is strong, and mocks the song
of peace on earth, good will to men!
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
God is not dead, nor doth he sleep!
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
with peace on earth, good will to men!

-The Newsletter Newsletter

by Communication Resources, Inc

One day workshop on coping

Saturday, December 10
1:00 PM
Adult center
Facilitated by Michele Hasley

In Touch

page 8

Library Footnotes
Putting Humpty Dumpty
Together Again
By: S.D. Burke (Sylvia)
There are difficult times in each of our lives when we must
make adjustments to changes: married to divorced, happily
married to widow or widower, community-involved to
24 hour caregiver for a spouse with Alzheimers, physically
well to a diagnosis of heart disease, cancer or chronic disease.
Work needs to be done, gears shifted in our lives, time for
beginning a new and different segment of our lives.
Putting Humpty Dumpty Together Again
three sections:

is divided into

SpiritThere are times in our lives that although we know

of God we need a deeper, closer walk with Him. We need to
feel His presence and know Hes on our side. Were sure of
one thing; we cant do it alone. But how do we get hold of the
power of God?
A first step is asking God to be our Great Psychiatrist.
Dr. Charles Allen in his book, Gods Psychiatry, tells an interesting story of a man who visited his office. In this story,
Dr. Allen tells the businessman a way to plug into the power
of God. Dr. Allen states, We talked of how his physicians
had given him prescriptions and he had taken them. Then
Dr. Allen took a sheet of paper and wrote out a prescription
for him. He prescribed the Twenty-third psalm, five times a
day for seven days. No memorization. He must read each line
and think about it. Dr. Allen assured the man that in a week
things would be different for him. And they were.
Mindthe mind is not holy. Andall thoughts are not from
God. In depression we can wallow in self-pity thoughtsno
one really knows or cares building a wall to protect us from
those who do not understand or we can become a thought
detective and learn to police our negative thoughts.
Norman Vincent Peale stated, Change your thoughts and
you change your life.
Philippians 4:6-8 Be anxious for nothing but in everything
by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God
which surpasses all comprehension shall guard your hearts
and your minds in Christ Jesus. Further, Vs. 8 tells us to
replace negative thoughts in this way, Finally, whatever is
true, honorable, right, pure lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of
praise, let your mind dwell on these things. Fill your mind
with the beautiful! Take up the word of God which is the
sword of the Spirit and stab the lies that tell you no one
knows or cares. 1Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him
because He cares for you.

BodyThe question is, Can depression make you physically

ill? As I flew to Florida to help my family, I realized that my
84 year old father would be having a dangerous open-heart
surgery. My brother who lived in Naples was undergoing
chemotherapy after cancer surgery and was not doing well.
My mother whod been in and out of the hospital with her
own health issues was unable to keep any food down and her
weight had dropped below 90 lbs. She was scheduled to see a
gastroenterologist, her lung and heart doctor. According to
my husband, my hands would be full, but my mother would
be the challenge.
I accompanied her to her heart doctor who took her
hands in his and said, Jenny you need to go home and eat for
me, or I will have to put you in the hospital. Id been doing
the chicken soup and cracker routine but when we got home I
decided to ask her if there was something she would like to
eat. She said, Braunschweiger and crackers. I nearly
laughed. I rode to the corner store and that night we had
braunschweiger andmy mom kept it down. The next day I
asked the same question and she answered I like Pizza Hut
pizza with pepperoni. Suddenly I realized that what we had
been seeing was probably depression as all her care-givers
were in worse condition than she was. Can depression cause
physical symptoms or illness? Id bet my life on it.
Visiting my doctor and making sure I am nutritionally well and not a victim of low thyroid or other diseases that
in themselves cause depression is part of my search.
There were no antidepressants when I suffered a
post-partum depression. Perhaps an anti-depressant can be a
bridge of help. But anti-depressants can serve as a band-aid
covering up the roots of something I need to take time and
work through. Unlike the medical world, I do not look at depression as a mental illness unless suicide or physical harm is
involved. Depression slows us down and helps us take time,
if we are wise, to adjust to the curve balls of life.
In the last chapter of Humpty, Singing in the Rain,
we see that walking in faith through the difficult times of our
lives can be a wonderful demonstration to others of Gods
love and caring.

Broken and falling apart, Humpty, cannot put himself together again butthe King (God) can.
Sylvia Burke writes as patient, nurse, and Bible
DEPRESSIONPutting Humpty Dumpty Together
Again can be purchased from the author, or from Amazon or
Barnes & Noble online as a soft cover book or an E-book for
a Kindle or reader. It is also available from the church library.

page 9

December 2016

Pastor Ken
Its NOT What You Know, But Who
It was the Christmas season and I was supposed to speak
to a group of teens. Always a tough crowd! I was struggling to come up with a fresh approach to the well-known
and well-worn Christmas story about the wise men. Every
idea that I entertained ended up getting shot down in
Then, to top it all off, I had to run to the hospital unexpectedly to visit a patient. As I walked back out to the parking
lot from the hospital, I was extremely frustrated. I had to
go directly to the youth meeting and I was drawing a
blank. Then I hit paydirt! I saw a truck at the hospital with
a bumper sticker that read, God's last name is not Dammit!
That was the jump-start I needed. My mind started to race.
I thought of how often someone uses Gods
name in vain. How often people say "Jesus
Christ!" as a swear word. Or how often have
you heard someone say, "Go to hell!" without
thinking about what they're really saying. We
throw around all kinds of theological buzz
words without giving them a second thought.
I now had a fresh approach to the familiar
story of the wise men arriving unannounced in
Jerusalem. They were begging anyone who
would listen, Where is the Messiah supposed to be
born? The chief priests and scribes didnt hedge or hesitate. They knew the right answer. Bethlehem . . . just 6
miles south of Jerusalem.
But how many of those Jewish leaders made the 6 mile
trek to Bethlehem to see the newborn child? Trust your
first instinct. Your immediate response was Zero! Stick
with that answer. None of them bothered to make the short
You could say, they knew all about what "Christmas"
means, but they didn't give a rip. (Matt. 2:36). They

knew all the right answers but couldnt have cared less.
You see, knowing what Christmas is all about doesn't make
you a Christian!

Mary will not be in heaven because she gave birth to

Joseph will not be in heaven because he welcomed
Jesus into his home.
The shepherds will not be in heaven because they
heard the glad tidings of the angels and went to see a
baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.
The wise men will not be in heaven because they traveled hundreds and hundreds of miles to see a baby they
thought was the King of the Jews.
You won't end up in heaven just because you know
that a baby was born in Bethlehem of Christmas time,
then grew up to die on a cross on Good Friday and walked out of His tomb on Easter
Sunday morning.
Nor will the inn keeper be in hell because he wouldn't make room for a young
pregnant woman from Nazareth. Only if he
never made room for the Savior of the
world in his heart.

Corrie Ten Boom had it right: "If Jesus

were born one thousand times in Bethlehem
and not in me, then I would still be lost." You can know in
your head what Christmas is all about and still go to hell! It
is knowledge about the details of the Christmas story that
saved you. It is knowing and trusting in the Savior, the central figure of the saga, that makes all
"He who has the son has the life.
He who has not the Son has not the life"
It's NOT what you know, but WHO

Mens Fellowship
Our next gathering for FHPC men to reacquaint and share personal stories will be on Saturday morning, December 10 at 8:30
am. We will meet in the Adult Center below the Fellowship Center with coffee and pastries available. All men are invited.
Casual get together; no rules, no study, no homework.
Just connecting with other like minded men.


page 10

Preparations.with Maria Berry, Leanne Reynolds & Gail Botsford

Middle row:
Bottom row:

Jack Morris
Leanne Reynolds

Appetizers with Arlene Stewart, Linda Warren and Jane Realdsen

Nancy Grahlman
Karen Ford

Sally Atchinson
Sylvia Burke

page 11

December 2016

Debbie Fisher

Pastor Ken

Ho Hum, waiting is so much fun!

What was I thinking!

In Touch

page 12

Christian Formation
Christian Formation Opportunities:
10:15 AM Sabbath Day Bible Study
10:15 AM Elementary Life with God
11:15 AM Blessed Beginnings Nursery
11:15 AM Preschool Life with God

The Way on Wednesdays
12:00 PM Lunch & Bible Study
5:00 PM Elementary Big God Story
5:30 PM Dinner & Bible Study

Committed Youth Rehearsal

3:45 PM on Wednesdays

Womens Bible Study Circles

(Sept thru May)
9:00 AM 2nd Thursday
1:00 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
7:00 PM 3rd Monday

Mens Bible Study on

7:00 AM in the Adult Center

Spiritual Life Group

6:00 PM 1st & 3rd Monday

What an exciting time of the year to be part of the Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church family!! We will
be participating in the Fountain Hills Annual Stroll in the Glow on Saturday, December 3rd, from 5:00
7:00 p.m. This is the time of the year that Fountain Hills officially lights up the Avenue (of the Fountains) As part of this event, we will have a live nativity along with our petting zoo. Come out and see
the multitude of animals that will be with us! If you miss the petting zoo on the 3rd, you still have another opportunity to visit the animals our Christmas Eve service will be held at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday,
December 24th, and the animals will be joining us after that as well!

Bonnie Hollabaugh, Elder

This is a very special time of the year for many people its time for families to get together, time for us to wait excitedly for the
birth of the Christ Child. There is always an extra sense of community this time of the year, and that is something that I always can
appreciate. As a person whose biological family is 2,300 miles away, I am always very thankful of my unofficial family this time
of the year. Thank you to everything that you do, both within the walls of FHPC and out in the community. We are truly a family
that cares about each other, and cares about our community, and that is very evident this time of year.
I am looking forward to a lot of exciting opportunities in the new

page 13

December 2016

2017 Concert Series

Pat Covault Memorial
Concert Series
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
The Heartlight Show
(The Best of Neil Diamond
Performed by Jack Wright)
Jack is not an impersonator; he's a performer that took his time to put his heart
and soul into composing a certain style
of show that presents the life and music
of the legendary Neil Diamond in a
whole different presentation than just an
impersonator with a loud band.
Enjoy an intimate, sophisticated solo
performance by a performer with a natural voice that embraces the unique sound
of Neil himself. Memorable hit songs
and fan favorites are faithfully and powerfully expressed with guitar and piano,
supported by Jacks rich re-creations of
Neils live show arrangements. They fill
the venue with the sounds and dynamic
energy of a full orchestra. Being able
to sing Neil Diamond songs with a
voice that sounds a lot like his is a gift,
not an effort. Jack Wright.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Rich Natole (Comic Impressionist)
and Ariann Black
(Female Magician of the Decade)
Rich Natole is an extremely multitalented comic-impressionist who ranks
with the greatest mimics of all time. His
Voices Of A Generation show is a
people pleasing performance. Rich
showcases over 75 Celebrity Impressions in this fast moving, very funny,
family-friendly show.
Ariann Black has been a professional
magician & illusionist in Las Vegas for
over twenty years. Her show has elements from the 1900s when touring
magic shows were extremely popular.
The show features her bird act where she
produces birds from thin air. She is currently 1 of only 7 people in the world
performing this style of magic. There is

also a section where she performs with

soap bubbles. This routine has a beautiful
message for people following their
dreams. She has received many accolades and
awards for her gift and unique talent in
the world of magic. She was awarded the honor of Magician Of The Decade by
the International Divas of Magic. She was
also voted Magician Of The Year in
2011 by the International Conclave Of
Illusionists as well as Female Magician
Of The Year 3 times by the International
Magicians Society.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Arizona Trio
(A Musical Singing Trio)
Sing-a-long, laugh-a-long, clap-a-long
and smile-a-long as The Arizona Trio
celebrates a wide variety of musical nostalgia. From Roy Rogers and the Sons Of
The Pioneers to The Kingston Trios folk
music explosionfrom Broadway
Classics to Nashville Country and Bluegrass to International songs of Canada,
Ireland and more. Then throw in some
Everly Brothers, The Four Preps and
some Mamas and Papas and you have a
complete variety of musical styles for all
to enjoy.
The Arizona Trio brings to you, three
award winning musicians, original song
writers and fun, family-style entertainment all while playing more instruments
than in previous tours. Six and twelve
string guitars, three different style five
string banjos and a hand-monica
what?...... yes, a hand-monica and
more. So, sit back, relax and enjoy a
great evening full of musical memories.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Scarborough Fair
(A Simon & Garfunkel Experience featuring the Guthrie Brothers)

sion of Cecilia, prepare to fall in

love again with the music of Simon
& Garfunkel. The Guthrie Brothers
take the listener on a journey of one
of the worlds most recognized folk
rock duos. Through songs, stories
and trivia, Jeb and Jock blend their
rich voices together to weave an
enjoyable tapestry that leaves every
audience member smiling.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Dunlap and Pennington
Concert Artists
Funny, entertaining and WOW can
they play..and play they do!
Mega hits of Broadway, cool Pops,
hot Jazz and stunning Classical favorites. Mix in their sophisticated
style, witty humor and extraordinary
talent and audiences jump to their
feet wanting more by the end of the
Reviewer, standing ovations and
fans around the world agree on
Dunlap and Pennington. Accolades
they hear include Stunning Artistry, Fantastic, Gorgeous,
This Show is a Hit and
Breathtakingly Beautiful. Add to
that list from John List, Nova Singers, Nova Southeastern University
says, These guys make Liberace
look tame!, Take your kids! Take
your parents! Take your friends and
neighbors but take time to see this
show! You wont regret it.
Close your eyes hear a Symphony
Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble and Vegas Show Band all in one. Open
your eyes discover two amazing
world-class keyboard artists that just
signed with PBS to do their first TV
When ever stage sizes permits, large
video screens and multiple cameras
ensures you dont miss any of the
live action, emotion, humor and
artistry that is Dunlap and Pennington.

From their mesmerizing rendition of

Sound Of Silence to their playful verContinued on page 14...

In Touch

page 14

Music Ministry
brisk cool air singing "Silent Night" by candlelight.
Merry Christmas to all! On
behalf of the Music Staff
and all those who participate in the Music Ministry
of our church, we hope
and pray you have a season touched by the love of
God, filled with renewed
anticipation of the reason
of Christ's birth.
Debbie Fisher, Director of Music

"Faces at the Manger"

On December 18, you will hear the diverse musical
groups of our church as they present to you music that
defines the extraordinary people divinely guided to seek
the truth of Christ's birth. You will hear the Celebration
Singers, Celebration Ringers, Celebration Youth,
and the Pearwood recorders as they present music that
will touch our souls in tender and joyful thought as
we sing of this most glorious birth. This will be presented at both 9:00 and 11:15 services, with the 11:15
service music being presented by "Hilltop". The music
will be different at the 11:15 service, but the scriptures
the same.
We look forward to Christmas Eve, a Saturday Evening
with Music Presentations at both the 4:00 and the 7:00
p.m. services.
The 4:00 children's presentation of the "Wonder of
Christmas", along with the stable of live animals in the
front of the church is a wonderful experience, with singing with candles lit around the stable as the sun is setting. We will then experience another candle-lit service
at 7:00 pm with fabulous music by our pianist, Dorothy
Parris, and Organist, Caryl Bates, along with the Celebration Singers. We will end our evening outside in the

These services are offered that we might share in the

glorious news of our faith, with our families and friends,
that we might continue in the traditions established
here. We then can look forward to our combined service the next morning at 10:00 a.m., blending both
of our services to hear the wonderful words of the season, "Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward men" (and
women)! The choir will have the day off, but, rest assured there will be music and fellowship. It is a wonderful time of the year!
"I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, 'You
are my Son, today I have begotten You.'
Psalm 2:7
Deborah Fisher
Director of Music Ministries

Jesus is the Word

To say that Jesus is the Word is another way of saying he is God speaking to us. While we struggle with
our clumsy words, God needs only one Word to perfectly communicate the depth and mystery, the passion
and the overwhelming grace of who he is. By that
Word, Light became a living being. Manna became
man. Wisdom became a person. In Him, Life came to
life; all that God is came to us in that One Final Word
we call Jesus.
-Michael Card
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc

Continued from page 13 Pat Covault Memorial Concert Series for 2017
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Around the World In A Bad Mood
(A One Woman Play)
A 90 minute fun and cleverly written one woman play, along with video, features the comedy of
RENE FOSS as a flight attendant, while saying......."being a flight attendant is rather like being a
waitress on a Greyhound bus - with no tips". She works for one of the largest U.S. Based Major Airlines and boasts so much real material at her job that it only seemed befitting to take her singing and
acting talent, into writing this fun and whimsical cabaret show.

Tickets for the

series on sale in

page 15

December 2014

How can you help?

Lockboxes for Seniors

Fry's Community Rewards Program

The more our church family shops at Fry's, the more monetary support our church will have. Won't you consider registering to allow Fry's to donate a portion of your grocery
expenditures to our church programs?




How to Re-Enroll for the

Frys Community Rewards Program
* Go to
* Click on Sign-In.
Enter your email and password, click on sign in.
Click on your name (top right hand corner),
under Account Summary scroll down to
Community Rewards.
Click on Edit under Community Rewards.
Under Find Your Organization: Enter the NPO
number or name of organization then select
search. (You can get the NPO number from
your organization.) It is #84123
Under Select Your Organization, click on the
circle next to your organization.
Click on Enroll

** FREE **

If you have re-enrolled correctly, you should see a

green box with Your enrollment in the Community
Rewards Program has been updated. Thank you for
participating! You will also see the information listed
under Community Rewards on your Account Summary page.

God loves us the way we are but He loves us too much to leave us that way.
-Leighton Ford
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc

Not Yet A Member?

*If you are attending our church and dont have membership in another church, you can join our church by profession
of faith and receiving the Sacrament of Baptism or, if youve already been baptized, you can join by reaffirmation of faith in
Jesus Christ.
*If you belong to another church, but would like to transfer your membership
to our church, we can arrange for a letter of transfer from your current membership
church to ours.
*If you are a winter visitor and are an active member of another church back
home, you can become an affiliate member at our church here and maintain your full
active membership there.
For additional information, please contact Aleyne Larsen-Craig at 602-625-6201, Sally
Atchinson at 480-837-1054 or call the church office at 480-837-1763.

Sally Atchinson

& Aleyne Larsen-Craig

In Touch

page 16

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation
An Investment Today for the Life of Our Church Tomorrow

If you are considering making the Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation a part of your legacy, here is some suggested
wording to take to your attorney: I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to the
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation said funds or a percent of my estate for its most urgent needs as determined by
the Foundation Board of Trustees.
Federal Tax ID number: 46-2970452
Members of the Board of Trustees are available to answer your questions.
Give them a call!

Foundation Board of Trustees

Gary Oakeson
Matt Jefferson
Roy Nickel
John Skewes


Jean Ipema
Dawn Lau
Ben Fast


Christmas transformation
The earth has grown with its burden of care,
but at Christmas it always is young,
the heart of the jewel burns lustrous and fair,
and its soul full of music breaks the air,
when the song of angels is sung.
-Phillips Brooks
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc

FACEBOOK PAGE: Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church
Go to our website and click on Facebook on our home page. When you are there also click on the like it
icon. When you do that you will get news feeds directly from our site whenever anything new is
added. It is just another way to stay connected.

page 17

December 2016

New Members
Diane V. Runfola
Diane Runfola has lived in Arizona for 41
years and 20 of them in Fountain Hills.
Diane is from Staten Island, New York. She
was baptized in a Roman Catholic Church in
Queens, New York. Diane is a widow with
three sons, two of whom live in New Jersey
and her youngest lives in Phoenix.
Diane was first introduced to our church at a
memorial service and she and her brother
Hank enjoy our second service.

Henry Tufte
Henry Tufte is also Hank to us. He has lived
in Arizona 39 years, 20 of them in our town
with his sister Diane. Hank also cares for
Orene Hinkley, George Holtan, Nancy Grahlman, Hank Tufte, Diane Runfola
Hank has a favorite sports team in the
(Mary Holtan & Wendell Hinkley not pictured)
Phoenix Suns. Hank wants to help our church as he is
already doing. He is an important presence along with Diane
Nancy Grahlman
in our Home By Another Way services. Even though he
Jack Morris invited Nancy to our church. Nancy came and
works he remembers to give time to his church.
elected to become an important part of what we represent
and believe.
Orene Hinkley
Nancy was baptized in the Episcopal Church of Olean, New
Orene's home was Overland Park, Kansas. In 1985 she
York. She was also a member of Christ Episcopal Church in
moved to Scottsdale. Orene moved to Fountain Hills in 2002
Springfield, Missouri. Life for Nancy included relocations
from Cedaredge, Colorado. She married Wendell in 2004.
and transitions with the latest move occurring last year as she
Orene and Wendell divided their time between Monte Vista
came from Colorado to Fountain Hills to assist her father in
and Cedaredge, Colorado until altitude became a problem for
his illness.
Proudly Nancy is the grandmother of nine grandchildren and
Janet Jenkins is Orene's daughter in Fountain Hills. Her son
one more is expected very soon. Welcome, Nancy. Thank
John Jenkins and his wife Kathy live in Wichita, Kansas.
you for coming to serve our Lord here.
Orene holds a degree as a paralegal from UMKC.
Here at FHPC she was a Deacon, Sunday School teacher and
Mary Holtan
Office Angel. She promises to work in some of these capaciMary Holtan is now a resident of Fountain Hills after sharing
ties again and we welcome her talents. Her hobbies include
her time for thirteen years here in Minneapolis where she
reading, puzzles and caring for Cosmo, her Poodle-Bichon.
worked as a teacher and an administrator for 51 years. She
then was asked to take still another position in a leadership
Wendell Hinkley
role. Mary also owned a home decor and gift store for 10
Wendell was born in Appleton, Kansas. He lived in several
towns as his parents pursued their grocery store business.
Mary and George are the parents of three daughters and sons
Upon graduating Wendell joined the Army Air Force in 1943
-in-law and grandparents of ten children.
and served proudly in World War II, ending his career in
Social ministry is Mary's next endeavor and she has already
Honolulu with an honorable discharge in 1946.
demonstrated her abilities to be effective in the friendships
He attended and graduated from Optometry School in Memshared with Carol and Jim Bates and Mary and Jack Morris
phis, Tennessee. Wendell's career in Monte Vista, Colorado,
and others.
was from 1952-1995 as an optometrist. Wendell has two
sons from his first wife.
George Holtan
Equally admirable are the nearly 50 years that Wendell
George is well-known here for his many talents in the choir,
served as both Deacon and Elder in the First Presbyterian
as a soloist, a gardener, a worker with the homeless, stager of
Church of Monte Vista.
events and coordinator.
Fishing was a primary hobby and reading Bill O'Reilly's
In education for a career of 34 years George served as a
books a close second. Caring for Cosmo is also primary.
Reading Specialist. Other interests brought him to be the
Wendell has said "God bless this church and its members.
president of the Chamber of Commerce, the Lake Country
Christmas Tour President for over 10,000 attendees and a
specialist in coordination and artistic events on the Fourth of
July and other holidays.

In Touch

page 18

Member Spotlight . Did you know?

Jack was born at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, in
1947. He grew up and attended school in Hopkins, MN, suburb of Minneapolis, along with his
sister, Michelle, and brother Mike.
He made a decision in 10th grade
that he wanted to paint and through
the years his passion for art has continued to grow and prosper.

accomplishments, in his life were being involved in Gallery 118 show in Minneapolis, when he sold a piece of his
art to Metro Media which now
hangs in New York City in their
permanent collection, and sharing his work through various
collectors throughout the United

Jacks dad Jack Sr. gave him a

great piece of advice years ago.
He said, Jack, its time for you
to get your life in order and get
a job. So, Jack began his adventures in Des Moines, Iowa,
working for True Value where
he became manager of various
departments. In 1983, Jack decided to move to Minneapolis to
work at Menard Lumber Co.
His parents had moved to Fountain Hills and in 1995, Jack
Joined them down here. His
final job was working as a
driver for Fed Ex for 18 years.
John (Jack) Morris, Jr.
He retired in 2013 and now conJack has lived in Fountain Hills for
centrates on producing his art
21 years and been a member of
work. His work is about pushing and pulling color to
FHPC for 20 years. He stated that his life changing experiheighten interest in my painting. I love to see spontaneences included joining our church and becoming a member
ous color patterns develop.
of the choir. During these years, he has really enjoyed singing in the choir, working on planting cacti gardens, improvJacks parents had the most impact on his life. Through
ing landscape at the church and doing Homebound Visiting
their guidance, he found and joined FHPC and has learned
while a Deacon. Visiting people every Monday, sharing a
how God affects everyone in certain ways and brings out
bakery item with them, and engaging them in conversation,
each persons assets and qualities.
was a highlight to the beginning of every week for Jack.
Following his college career, Jack
shared his passion of art by teaching
at several schools, including his alma
mater, the University of Wisconsin,
Madison, University of Wisconsin
Marshfield, University of Colorado
and the Sheboygan Area School District in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. His
academic history includes a Bachelor
of Science Degree, with a major in
Art Education, from the University
of Wisconsin Stout and a Masters
Degree of Fine Arts, majoring in
painting, from the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

Jack pointed out that the most interesting events/

Gift-giving solutions
Trying to find gifts for certain peopleor letting others know what you wantcan be quite challenging. After all, most of
us dont need anything.
Realizing that the best gifts arent material items offers a new perspective on giving and receiving. Consider these in-sights
from author Charles Swindoll:
Some gifts you can give this Christmas are beyond monetary value: Mend a quarrel, dismiss suspicion, tell someone I
love you. Give something awayanonymously. Forgive someone who has treated you wrong. Turn away wrath with a soft answer. Visit someone in a nursing home. Apologize if you were wrong. Be especially kind to someone with whom you work. Give as
God gave to you in Christ, without obligation, or announcement, or reservation, or hypocrisy.
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc

page 19

December 2016
Hospitalized? Call the church!

With deepest sympathy we list

those members who have passed
away in 2016.
Patricia Culley
Ralph Berry
Gerry Hull
Dan Foster
Ruth Martin
Georgene Fenley
Susan Fuls
Mike George
John Wyman
Larry Hutcheson
George Mortimer
Charles Humes
John Whitcomb

If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from illness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a congregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended
summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to
assume, when we dont see someone, that they are simply
vacationing away. The truth is that some of you are sick and
we are not aware of it.
You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of your
situation. We have an excellent support system in place due to
the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you by communicating your situation.

Thanks, kisses and hugs

to my church family for
the prayers, concerns
and love shown to me in
my recent go around.
It took lots of time to figure what the
problem was but once they did it took
a short time to correct it.
Again thank you and God bless.

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Bobbie Dangremond

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Matthew 25:21

Do not have your concert first and tune your instruments afterwards. Begin the day with God.
-James Hudson Taylor
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc



Aleyne Larsen-Craig
Nancy Wulfmeier
Bud Fuls
Marianne Winchester
Carl Capron
Dorothy Christie
Marta Ludwig


Pauline Pollock
Arlene Stewart
Jeanne Hutchinson
Joyce Stott
Kimberly Wall
Emerson Uphoff
Carl Hayungs


Jack Reynolds
Linda Capron
Phyllis Rapp
Yvonne Ellingson
Edee Grider
Ilene Berg
Sunniva Graves

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268

In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication.
News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to
[email protected] Editor, Marta Ludwig; Proof Readers: Jean Ipema, Phyllis Rapp & Helen
Roesch; Staff Photographers: Gary Oakeson & Michele Hasley;

Pastor Bill blessing Baby Aurora Robinsons baptism

with Kristi & Ty and big sister Ella

Russ Larsons 103rd birthday party

with lovely wife Joan

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729
Office E-Mail Address: [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Pastor/Head of Staff: Rev Bill Good
email: [email protected] cell phone: 480-329-8090

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