Workbook Updated To 2008 Ver
Workbook Updated To 2008 Ver
Workbook Updated To 2008 Ver
Institute of Quality
Confederation of Indian Industry
ISO 9001: 2008 CLAUSES
3) An Emission from XYZ Company was found to have a pollutant that may
cause adverse impact on health of the employees in the long run.
4) Tiger Toys Ltd., designs and produces toys and play equipment, as per
product codes and regulations. The regulations do not require the QMS to
include design, for the safety class of the products of the Company.
Based on this, Tiger Toys also decides to exclude clause 7.3 from its
5) ABC Projects Ltd., designs, develops and produces heavy equipment, but
does not have in house design facility. The design activities are sub
contracted to XYZ Co. Ltd., which is an engineering consultancy
Company. During the audit, the Project Manager says, “we leave the
complete Design Process to them”.
7) During the audit of a Paint Shop of an auto part, it was found that the
doors and windows of the shop were all left open.
10) The Training Manager of a Company says that increasing profits of the
Company amply demonstrates the effectiveness of their training plans
and programmes.
11) Laxmi Bank is implementing ISO 9001: 2008 for the realization of its
various services. The Bank has excluded 7.5.3 & 7.5.4 from its QMS.
12) Corrective Action Procedure of the company does not include results of
Self Assessment.
Documentation Review of GECL’s Quality Management System Documentation.
Perform a documentation review or stage one audit of the Quality Manual and
Sample Process Documentation of Materials Department of GECL in order to
assess whether documentation meets ISO 9001: 2008 requirements and to
determine whether adequate arrangements are in place to justify proceeding
with the implementation (onsite) audit.
Please present your responses in the following format on transparency sheet
also identify which of these you would check during the onsite audit.
Clause / Nonconformance Immediate Add to Remarks
Sub-clause clarification Checklist
number required
Yes No Yes No Yes No
Copy No.: 10
Issue Date: 22/03/2009
Issued by: MR
Revision No. 2
Goodwill Equipment Company Limited was founded in 1955 and since 1990
has been owned and managed by the present Managing Director.
With the expansion of the Company and with the technical skills available
with the Engineering and Quality Assurance, electrical and electronic
assemblies were also added to the Assemble shop. The Company started its
operation initially from Srirampur Works and later moved into the present
facility at Gopal Ram Nagar. The Srirampur Works has the Foundry, Machine
shop and Heat Treatment facilities. The final assembly of both mechanical
parts and electronic items is carries out at Gopal Ram Nagar Works from
where the management team functions.
Since 1990, when the present Managing Director took over, the company has
grown to its present strength of 575 employees.
The quality controller is responsible for carrying out the directives in this
manual. He shall have the organizational freedom to identify quality
problems and procedure solutions.
Quality Policy
Contents AA -
Record of Revision BB -
Quality Manual Operation CC -
Quality Management System 4.0 4
Management Responsibility 5.0 5
Resource Management 6.0 6
Product Realization 7.0 7
Measurement, Analysis 8.0 8
Annexure 1
QMP Diagram –
Internal Audit Process 9.0 8
Annexure 2
“ 7 “Production Process
“ 8 Details of CAG
The holder of the controlled copy shall not make further copies of the
manual. If additional copies are required, a requisition is to be sent to MR.
When the holder of controlled copy of the manual ceases to be an authorized
copy holder, all the copies in his possession are to be returned to MR with
due acknowledgement.
The MR will review this Manual periodically with the Departmental Heads to
affirm its adequacy. Changes to the Manual are made by the Departmental
Heads who revise the Manual. All the changes / amendments cancel and
replace any previous copy of the Manual. Authorized copyholders shall
maintain updated copy of the Manual. Departmental Heads maintain the
amended version for reference and use.
Uncontrolled copies of this Manual (with no copy number) may be issued but
these are not subject to updating procedure. Such copies are for information
only. These copies may be identified as ‘Uncontrolled Copy’ on the contents
page of the Manual.
The MR will retain copies of all previous issues / amendments of the Manual.
The quality management system of the company is based on the ISO 9000-
2005 and it demonstrates the company’s ability to consistently meet the
customer requirements. It aims to enhance customer satisfaction through
implementation of the system including process for continual improvement.
4.2 Documentation
It is ensured that the documents required by the QMS are controlled and are
available at relevant points of use. Adequate controls are:
B) Quality Policy
The quality policy followed by te company is stated in this manual. It is
ensured that the quality policy is communicated and understood within the
organization. The policy is communicated through the available channels of
in-company communication and displays. The understanding of quality policy
is verified during Internal Audits, Operation Reviews and shops floor
briefings. Management Reviews consider the adequacy of the policy for its
continuing suitability.
Engineering Director
Machine Shop
Company Secretary
General Manager
Heat Treatment
Managing Director (Includes Foundry)
Director Sales
Company Secretary, Mr. Ashok Mitra: He is responsible for all legal matters
in relation to the company’s. legal and statutory matters & concerning Board
of Directors. He is also responsible for auditing of administrative functions
including documents.
Director Sales, Mr. Kapur: He is responsible for obtaining orders for supply of
products as also to quote, negotiate and finalise technical and commercial
terms of contract, to carry out review of quotations, contract and
amendments to orders. He should also ensure timely delivery orders.
Director Materials, Mr. Jasbir Singh: He is responsible for all purchase and
store functions, selection and approval of vendors and sub contractors,
release of purchase orders, vendor evaluation and advice to vendors and sub
contractors, receiving and storage of raw materials and identification and
issue of raw materials and engineering stores.
The in-charge, Machine Shop, Mr. Nair: Assembly, Mr. Deshpande: Heat
Treatment, Mr. Reddy have supporting functions in their respective areas to
the General Manager.
E) Management Review
The Management Representative of the company carries out review of QMS
once in every quarter. This review is conducted to ensure continuing,
suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the QMS. Opportunities for
improvement and need for changes are also identified during these meetings.
The meetings are attended by representatives from departments.
After the review, the management representative prepares the minutes and
copies are distributed to the department heads. The MR keeps track of
implementation and the follow up activities. Records of management review
are maintained by all concerned.
Review inputs: - The following issues are considered to form the inputs.
a) Results of internal & external quality audits.
b) Customer feedback & complaints
c) Corrective & preventive actions
d) Follow up actions from previous review.
e) Performance evaluation of suppliers & subcontractors
f) Resources & Training needs (annual)
g) Changes & Recommendations for improvements in QMS
Review output: - The management review outputs are documented in the
form of minutes & issued to the Departmental Heads.
The Quality Policy of the Company has been translated into the following
Company level Quality Objectives:
Human Resources
It is ensured that all the personnel engaged in performing work affecting the
products are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills
and experience.
The company is equipped with facilities such as well designed and well
furnished rooms, dining area, transportation etc which are maintained in
good condition at all times.
D) Purchasing
The company ensures that purchased product and services conform to
specification requirements. This is carried out through the Materials
The company has established inspections and other activities to ensure that
the purchased product meets the specified requirement. The Quality
department carries out these inspections and related activities, which are
product specific, whereas the user departments perform these, are non
product related purchases. These inspections and checks are mentioned in
their respective procedure. Neither the company nor its customers perform
verification at the supplier premises.
E) Production process
1) The company plans and carries out production operation under
controlled conditions. The applicable controlled conditions include:
a) The availability of information at appropriate places. This includes
foundry, heat treatment section, assembly, machine shop etc.
b) Availability of work instructions whenever necessary. Work instructions
are available for all product related activities.
c) The use of suitable equipment in production areas.
d) Use of monitoring and measuring devices in areas related to product
preparation and engineering services.
The above controls are exercised by the respective department heads.
2) Validation of process
There are no processes in the company where the resulting output cannot be
verified. Hence the clause on validation of processes is not applicable.
4) Customer property
The company exercises utmost care with the customer’s property when the
customer provides any product or information for incorporation into the
products supplied. Utmost care is taken to ensure that the customer does not
lose or suffer damage to his belongings. The overall responsibility rests with
the Manager Personnel & Administration who ensures the security of
customer belongings through a well – organized security force.
5) Preservation of product
The products provided by the company are handled, packed, stored and
preserved as appropriate. Electronic items and small sized products are
packed properly, whereas bigger items are not packed. It is the customer
responsibility for such products.
B) Customer Satisfaction
The management of the company lays a great stress on importance on
satisfying customer needs. This includes customer complaints and evaluation
of customer complaints redressals.
C) Internal Audit
Internal audits are carried out at planned intervals to determine the
effectiveness of the QMS and to verify whether the QMS meets the planned
arrangements, which are in line with the ISO 9001-2008. The management
representative has overall responsibility for organizing internal audit and the
reporting on the findings to the management team. The internal audits are
generally carried out on a quarterly basis to ensure that all activities are
audited in each cycle.
Selected executives of the company are trained to carry out audits and the
selections of auditors for specific audits are made such that the auditors do
not audit their own work. Efforts are made to obtain objectivity & impartiality
of the audit process. The management representative follows a documented
procedure (GEC / QSP / 02) for implementing internal audits.
G) Analysis of data
The individual departmental heads collect appropriate data on issues
described earlier for example customer complaints, process and product
conformance, nonconformance, internal audits etc.
This data is analyzed in the respective sections to verify and confirm the
suitability of the QMS and to evaluate areas for continual improvement of the
H) Continual improvement
The company strives to continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS
primarily during the management review meetings and other means such as
achievement of quality objectives, audit results, analysis of data, corrective &
preventive actions.
I) Corrective action
The CAG identifies the nonconformities during the processing of product and
delivery. Other opportunities such as internal quality audit, monitoring of
service process etc. are used to identify areas for improvement.
J) Preventive action
The documented procedure (GEC/QSP/04) covers the action taken to
eliminate causes of potential non-conformities or potential problems.
Copy No. : 05
Issue Date : 22/03/2009
Issued By : MR
Revision No. : 0
Prepare an On-Site Audit Plan after completing the Documentation Review of
GEC Ltd.
Refer to Session 3 f) of your Course Notes for preparing an on-site audit plan
covering points on Audit’s scope, linkage between Policy, Objectives, Targets
monitoring and continual improvements. The plan should consider the core
and support business processes and their interaction reflect the organizations
goals, priorities and all other relevant points. Tutors should clearly steer the
participants away from functional thinking.
Please present your responses in any preferred format and submit your
presentation on paper to the tutors.
This is a group exercise
Nominate a time keeper
The output of the exercise is part of the formal continuous
assessment and will therefore be marked by tutors and feed back
would be given to the participants.
Prepare two checklists for
1. auditing a Quality Management System Process
2. verifying compliance with the requirements of a clause of ISO9001:
Read the text of the exercises enclosed.
Please refer to section 8 of your course notes and prepare
separate checklist for both the exercises
For exercise No. 1 consider the PDCA principle in terms of
inputs, outputs, result, process measures, linkages with quality
objectives & continual improvement.
Please present you response in any format preferred by you and submit the
same to the tutors.
This is a group exercise
Nominate a time keeper
The output of the exercise is part of the formal continuous assessment
and will therefore be marked by tutors and feedback would be given to
the participants
Prepare a checklist that would guide you through a process audit of this
area and state the relevant ISO 9001 clauses.
To conduct an Opening Meeting in line with what has been covered in the
course notes.
Each team should nominate a team leader who will conduct the role of a Lead
Auditor in the Opening Meeting. This will be a role play and we request all
participants to prepare for it as close as possible to the real life situation.
Each team should spend about one hour to do the following activities:
Each team should plan the opening meeting including agenda points in
line with session 9 and the case study.
The team leader prepares introductory and closing remarks
The team agrees upon the presentations to be made by each member
and the team leader (roles and responsibilities must be clear including
handling questions).
Ensure the meeting is complete in 15 minutes.
No visual aids will be allowed.
Adhere to a single nomenclature (either NCRs /CARs/ Discrepancies
Be brief, clear and crisp.
The team leader to chair the meeting and be responsible for controlling
and running the meeting to plan.
As this is a second party audit there is no certificate at stake. Also the
organization is a prestigious one giving you reasonably good products.
This is a group exercise
Nominate a time keeper, Team leader and Audit team members.
This roleplay exercise is part of the formal continuous assessment and
will therefore be marked.
Time allotted
Preparation : 30 minutes
Role Play : 15 minutes
Feedback : 15 minutes
To conduct an Onsite Audit of GEC Limited in a Manufacturing and Service
Case studies CS2 and CS3 are used to highlight a typical description of an
audit teams progress during the compliance audit of GEC Limited. CS2
relates to manufacturing areas while CS3 relates to Service areas. The audit
has been carried out against ISO9001:2008 and the company’s own QMS by
a prestigious customer. Whatever happened in the audit has been recorded
in the different paragraphs which are numbered serially.
The syndicate groups will discuss these paragraphs within their respective
teams, and raise Non Conformance, only when objective evidence of non
compliance either against GEC’s own QMS or against ISO9001:2008 is found.
Some findings would furnish strong clues to objective evidence and could be
proved as NCRs only after further probing. The syndicate groups are
expected to identify such situations and term these findings as Potential Non-
Conformances (PNCR) and write down what further probing may be required
to infer that they are NCRs.
2. When 1 group plays the role of the auditor, the other groups will
provide feedback.
3. The incidents that would be taken up for the role play would be
communicated to the participants at an appropriate time before the
Time allotted:
1) After reaching Srirampur Works, the Auditor met the Works Manager
in his office. After brief introduction formalities with the Works
Manager and Shop Incharges of Heat Treatment and machine Shop,
the Auditor enquired about the Quality Policy and Overall Objectives.
The Auditor noted that the replies were in line with the company
documents he had seen earlier.
The Auditor asked the Works Manager how the objectives are
established here, in line with overall objectives. The Works Manager
replied that the objectives are established at the Srirampur Works and
he monitors these objectives closely. The Auditor enquired whether
objectives are also established for the Shops such as machine Shop
and Foundry & Heat Treatment. The Works Manager clarified that
objectives for individual shops are not established since he reports to
the GM on the overall performance of the Works. He added further
that the Shop Incharges of Heat Treatment and Machine Shop only
assist him in achieving these objectives.
In the office, the area is untidy and several process cards are lying
around. On the wall, the pockets for storage of process cards are
quite empty.
The Auditor asked the Supervisor whether that is the way. The
Supervisor replied that he had no complaints so far from the hardness
7) After the audit team had a brief meeting where-in the Lead Auditor got
feedback from Audits of Heat Treatment and assembly shops, the Lead
Auditor and one Auditor proceeded to meet the General Manager.
They were greeted by the General Manager who explained the brief
history and background of the Company. He offered to show a video
film on some of the project installations where the Company’s products
were installed. The Lead Auditor asked how long that would take and
upon being informed that it is a little more than 20 minutes, the Lead
Auditor politely declined the offer and said he would prefer to go ahead
with the audit.
8) The Lead Auditor asked how the responsibilities and authorities are
established and made known to the concerned staff. The GM
explained that organization charts have been made and displayed in
each Manufacturing Area Office and individuals have been issued
documents/letters informing them of their responsibilities and
10) The Lead Auditor asked the GM as to how the 8 quality management
principles are incorporated in the system, specifically in relation to
involvement of people, process approach and continual improvement.
The GM explained that people at all levels are aware of Customer
specifications and the requirements of quality products. Hence the
Company has succeeded in involving people to a considerable extent.
With respect to process approach, the GM explained that the processes
in each area of Manufacturing are identified with their respective
inputs and outputs. When the Lead Auditor asked about the inter-
relationships and monitoring of processes, the GM replied that there is
no special effort required since the problems are reviewed in the
Monthly Production meetings held in the GM’s office. The Lead Auditor
enquired whether the other Departments such as Sales, Materials and
Engineering also attend these meetings. The GM replied that each
Director conducts his own review meetings at his convenience. When
asked about continual improvement, the GM responded that there are
not many improvements in the recent past. In fact, he stated that it is
11) The Lead Auditor proceeded to the Purchase Department and the
second Auditor proceeded to the assembly area. The Auditor was
introduced to the Area Supervisor and the Senior Inspector in the
Assembly Area. The Supervisor welcomed the Auditor and informed
him that he has limited time for an hour after which he would leave for
an important meeting. The Auditor made note of the point and
informed the supervisor that he would try to relieve the gentlemen, as
early as possible.
13) In the Assembly Shop the Auditor went to an Electrician who was
working on an assembly job. The Job Card was on the Operators
bench together with a drawing. The Auditor asked Electrician if he had
the WPC, to which the operator replied that he gets only the Job
Cards. At this point the Auditor asked the Supervisor whether the
Works Process Cards can be fetched. Upon examination, the Auditor
noted that the Drawing available had revision “C” and that there was
no reference to the revision on the WPC nor in the Job Card, only the
Drawing Number was quoted. The Supervisor said that as a policy
they all followed the latest drawing issue as correct drawings. He
further stated that revision “C” has been issued, this would be the
correct one for use. However, he had not confirmed with the
Engineering Department or with the Quality Department on this point.
The Auditor noted the details of the Drawing in his work book.
14) The Auditor asked the Electrician as to how many assemblies were
covered in the Job Card. The Electrician replied that his team is
working on five similar assemblies covered by the same Job Card. The
Auditor enquired whether the assemblies were all available in the Shop
Floor area. The Electrician informed that two of the units have been
moved to the Final Test Bay. The Auditor looked through the Job Card
and asked why there is no mention of the two units moved to the final
test bay. The Electrician replied that all of them knew where the units
are and more over, some times we need to take out some of the
components for assembly checks on the work in progress. This is
because all the parts listed in the parts list for all five units may not be
available at the same time. The Auditor asked as to who keeps track of
these movements to which Electrician showed a piece of paper
inserted in between two components which had some scanty notings.
The Auditor then asked how the units and Sub Assemblies are
identified. The Electrician replied that after final testing the
components and Sub Assemblies are Labeled with aluminum tags. The
Auditor asked how the components are identified during assembly. To
this the Electrician replied “we all know what is what”. The Auditor
15) One of the Guides took one of the Auditors to the Calibration Lab
and introduced to him to the Incharge. The Auditor asked the Lab-
Incharge to explain the functions carried out by the Lab. The Lab-
Incharge explained that the Lab caters to the product testing for
physical and chemical properties. Some of the testing work is given to
a well known Laboratory in the neighborhood. The Lab-Incharge also
explained that the Lab carried out calibration of instruments, gauges
etc. The Auditor asked him whether the Lab sends the Technicians for
on the work spot calibration also. For this the Lab-Incharge mentioned
that at the work spot, calibration is attended to by the Engineering
section. The Auditor asked whether this leads to confusion and
duplication. The Lab-Incharge replied yes, it leads to duplication and
sometimes, some items are left uncalibrated. We are trying to
improve the system but some how neither the Engineering Director
nor Director Quality seem to agree on a common approach”. The Lab-
Incharge explained that under the prevailing circumstances, both the
Laboratory and Engineering Department are doing their best.
16) The Auditor asked whether the Lab Incharge maintains a list of
instruments which need calibration from the Lab. To this the Lab-
Incharge answered that the gauges and instruments are frequently
moved from one section to another, thereby it becomes difficult for
him to maintain an inventory list so that he can call for instrument.
The Auditor asked who ensures that calibration is done as per
schedule. The Lab-Incharge replied that calibration stickers are
provided on the equipment and the Supervisors of the various shops
have to keep track of the instruments/gauges with them. He further
explained that this is quite convenient since the Supervisors and the
GM often send the items for calibration to outside Laboratory also.
18) The Auditor picked up another Test Report from another External
lab which referred to an electronic instrument. He asked the Lab
Incharge whether the External Lab indicates their instruments against
which the Company’s instrument was checked. The Lab-Incharge
looked for a long time through the report and finally showed the
Auditor an instrument number at the end of the second page. The
Auditor asked whether the Lab-Incharge would know if that instrument
belonging to the External Lab is calibrated. The lab Incharge replied
that this External lab is an approved Lab by the GM and he assumed
that their instruments would be certainly calibrated. The Auditor
explained that he was looking for traceability of calibration to National
or International Standards. Since the certificate makes no mention of
the calibration of the instrument owned by the External lab, he is
unable to conclude on traceability. The Lab-Incharge responded that
one of his relative works there and he knows that this Lab has foreign
collaboration also. The Auditor made notes and proceeded with the
20) The Auditor asked whether the Lab-Incharge has carried out any
survey of the measurement uncertainty of the available
instrumentation or any analysis of the performance of the instruments
during its validity of calibration. To this the Lab-Incharge looked
puzzled and wondered in what way it would help if such an exercise
was carried out. The Auditor said that he would refer to the MR who
might have read and understood the ISO 9001 and ISO 9004
standards. To this the Lab-Incharge replied that he himself is the MR.
The Auditor politely smiled and said he would come back to audit the
MR function in the afternoon. The Auditors then proceeded from the
Calibration lab.
1) The Lead Auditor was taken to the Director – Sales. After the brief
introduction and formalities, the Director Sales excused himself for a
few minutes stating that he has an important and urgent message in
the communication room, where hot lines have been established to
project sites of the Customers. In the mean time, tea and snacks
were served to the Lead Auditor. After full 20 minutes, the Lead
Auditor asked the Guide whether he could arrange for the second
person in the Department to arrive with an organization structure of
the Department. The Sales Manager for Standards Products soon
responded and anxiously presented the Departmental Organization
Chart which also had the roles and responsibilities of different
Executives. The Organization Chart showed Sales Offices at two
metros. The Auditor asked what role these Offices had in the Sales
function. The Manager (Standards Products) explained that these
Offices are mainly liaison Offices for Customer contacts and sometimes
for follow up of imported items. The Lead Auditor asked as to how the
Officers in these Metro Offices interact with Customers. The Manger
explained that these Offices are provided with product Catalogues and
information on new development and new supplies. The Lead Auditor
asked whether the Manager is aware of what Catalogues and
information is available at these Offices. The Manager said that there
is no formal method of updating the Catalogues or information
available with them. The Lead Auditor asked whether the Manager is
aware of the latest Catalogues and information issued to them. The
Manager replied that he was not aware and may be the Director is
aware, but no records are available.
3) The Lead Auditor asked whether the inputs, outputs and interactions
for the sales order processing have been identified. To this the
Director Sales replied “we all know our Customers requirements well
and also any additional requirements such as the recent order L-41,
wherein special types of process Instrumentation was called for”. The
Lead Auditor asked as to what was the action taken. The Manager
replied that clarification was sought from Engineering Department on
this specification. The Lead Auditor asked whether this order has
progressed. He called for the file and on going through the file, he
indicated that there were some comments from materials Department
regarding procurement and hence the job could not progress. The
Director Sales replied that there were problems faced by materials and
Quality Assurance regarding that type of instrumentation.
The Lead Auditor explained that if the process and interactions had
been identified, such problems could have been avoided or foreseen.
The director Sales appeared to agree to the Lead Auditor’s point and
the Manager added. “We do not yet know what the Manufacturing and
Assembly would come up with”.
The Lead Auditor explained that the ISO 9001 Standard requires the
organization to be pro-active, rather than passive. It expects the
organization to look for Customer Satisfaction as well as
dissatisfaction. The Director Sales replied that the company has done
whatever possible towards customer Satisfaction. He said for
Corporate and bigger Customer there is a proper communication
whereas for smaller Customers and for product supply contracts there
is no definite way of obtaining feed back. He said that many of such
Customers appear to be quite satisfied. Still he said he will look into
the matter and do something.
5) The Lead Auditor asked how the Customers requirements are reviewed
before acceptance of the order. The Director Sales replied that all the
Sales Engineers who prepare the quotations are aware of the
requirements and any changes during the negotiation. The Lead
Auditor asked if any notes are being maintained by the Sales
engineers when they attend the negotiation meetings. To this, the
Director Sales replied that most of the negotiation meetings are
attended by him and the Sales Engineers accompany him. The Lead
Auditor looked through the register of orders and asked for the file on
supply order S-481 which was finalized during the last month. He
compared the quotations and the final order and saw that there were
some differences in delivery requirements and some changes in the
material for fabrication. He asked whether the production order has
been released. The concerned Sales Engineer was called to reply. The
Sales engineer said that he has been very busy on a new project and
he is not sure whether the formal production order has been released.
He however said that he has informed the supervisor of the Fabrication
Shop about the order and procurement is already arranged. There
6) The Lead Auditor further looked through the order S-481 and said that
there were some Aluminium parts to be incorporated. He enquired
from the Sales director whether the fabrication facilities for Aluminium
working are available. To this the Sales Director looked surprised and
said “I was not informed about this”. There was also a structure of 25
meters to be fabricated in one piece. The Sales Director was aware of
this but he said “at present we do not have equipment to handle this
size of job”. He said that he was considering different alternatives,
one was to take up with the Customer to fabricate the job in two units
and the second alternative was to take up with the Managing Director
for putting up a long fabrication bench. The Lead Auditor asked as to
when the resource and infrastructure facilities are reviewed. The Sales
Director replied that as and when problems come, they are solved.
The Lead Auditor concluded the audit, thanked the Director and
Manager and requested the Guide to escort him to the Purchase
8) The Lead Auditor proceeded to the Purchase Section and asked the
Manager Purchase as to how the Suppliers are selected. The Manager
Purchase said that the decision is with the Director Materials. We
maintain a list of suppliers but expressed that it is not always possible
to adhere to this list. The Lead Auditor asked whether the selection of
Suppliers has been identified as a part of purchasing process. To this,
the Manager replied that it is identified as a process and the inputs and
outputs are clearly identified. The Lead Auditor asked if there are any
interactions identified with other Departments or processes. The
Manager said that the selection of Suppliers is a prerogative of the
Purchase Department alone. The Lead Auditor asked whether any
controls and monitoring are identified. The Manager replied that the
Director Materials decides on the supplier and hence he exercises
9) The Lead Auditor was going through some Purchase Orders and
noticed that there was a section on certain electronic items which
needed testing by the supplier before dispatch. He asked the Manager
Purchase whether anybody from the Company visits this Supplier for
seeing or witnessing the tests as there was a mention of testing prior
to dispatch. To this, the Manager replied that in some cases, an
Engineer from the Engineering Division is sent to carry out these types
of tests. The Lead Auditor asked whether this activity is included in
the process diagram. The manger Purchase replied that the overall
Process diagram is kept with the Director Materials. The Lead Auditor
and the Manager Purchase moved into the Director’s Office. The
Director arranged for tea and biscuits and then they got down to
10) The Lead Auditor asked the Director Materials as to the process
followed in selecting Suppliers for placement of orders. The Director
said that he has to keep everyone happy and so he decides the
supplier, on case to case basis. The Lead Auditor mentioned that he
had seen a number of purchase orders being placed on Suppliers who
are not listed as approved. The Director said, “oh, I keep meeting a
lot of young and bright entrepreneurs at many social meetings and
clubs etc”. When they give an introduction and if I feel comfortable, I
try them out for Supplies. If they are found reliable, they become our
regular Suppliers. The Lead Auditor asked how long that would take.
To this, the Director said that in some cases may take a few years.
The Lead Auditor asked whether he keeps track of the performance
and does he analyse such data. To this, the Director produced a folder
containing details of Suppliers and the performance details. Each
12) The Auditor asked one of the Engineers to be called in. He asked the
Engineer which are all the sites he has been deputed for. The Engineer
rattled out a number of names, out of which one of them was of
interest to the Auditor. The Auditor asked the Engineer, if he could
explain what the equipment he had handled was. The Engineer stated
that there were lot of welding jobs, structural fabrication and pressure
vessels. There were also lot of Instrumentation and electronic controls
for which another Engineer was working. The Auditor asked him to
explain his background of education and training. The Engineer
13) The Auditor requested for meeting another Engineer present in the
Department. The Auditor went to his table and after exchange of a few
formalities; he wanted to start the Audit. The Engineer was quite
nervous and. the Auditor had to calm him down. The Auditor asked
him that he has seen that there are a number of situations wherein the
parts do not match properly at site or there are mistakes in
instructions. In such cases, the Auditor wanted to know what would
be the Engineer's role. The Engineer expressed his helplessness at the
situation and said that at the project site the Engineer has to complete
the job somehow. Otherwise he gets a bad remark from his seniors.
The Auditor asked him whether such problems are communicated back
to the works. The Engineer said that even if they write, he gets no
response and no action is taken.
15) The Auditor pointed out to the Director Engineering that there is a
procedure established in the QMS, which relates to the product and
process non conformities. He further asked whether the problems
faced by the Engineers at the Customers project site can be
considered for inclusion in this procedure. The Director said "we never
thought so and I don't think these points can be considered for
inclusion since nothing can be done".
16) The Auditor asked the Director Engineering as to when was the last
Management Review meeting held. The Director Engineering replied
that a meeting was held last week. The Auditor asks for the copy of
the meeting minutes. The Director Engineering took out his copy and
presented it to the Auditor. The Auditor saw that the report was
running into number of pages. Though many of the important issues,
as required, were discussed, the topics presented were not structured
to facilitate understanding. The Auditor looked up for results of internal
audits which appeared in a number of places in the minutes. He picked
up a few internal audit findings which needed immediate action. There
were incidents of inadequate identification, process documentation and
quality policy display. Though there were lengthy discussions on these
topics, there was no plan of action or responsibility assigned.
17) The Auditor informed Director Engineering, that he has gone through a
few of the Departments, particularly the Heat Treatment shop. In this
shop, many of the operators were not aware that the company has
18) One of the Auditors was with the General Manager during the audit and
asked whether a list of process equipment and machinery is available.
The General Manager produced a list which was dated 3 years back.
The Auditor asked him whether this list is reviewed at all. The GM said
that the list is updated only when some new additions are made. The
Auditor asked the General Manager whether the adequacy of
equipment and machinery in relation to the Customer contracts being
negotiated is reviewed. The General Manager replied that the Sales
people are aware of our existing equipment and quote accordingly. The
Auditor said that in the Sales Department he came across a contract
already in progress which requires fabricating a structure of 25mts in
length in one piece. The General Manager expressed surprise and
exclaimed "nobody ever told me".
19) During the audit with the General Manager, the Auditor expressed that
in the Foundry, Heat Treatment and a few other shops, there are too
many fumes and no proper exhaust ventilation. The General Manager
said that the company has been in existence for a long time and have
been adding equipment and machines whenever the need arises. May
20) The Auditor asked the General Manager whether the company has
strategic decisions taken towards improvement. The General Manager
said, the company has been growing continuously by the grace of God.
As you might have seen from the Quality Manual and the company
brochures, we have been growing in size and expanding into a new
business. The Auditor wanted to know if any improvement in the
systems and particularly quality management system is being
perceived. The General Manager said that "as management, we are
happy with the growth of the company and now we have implemented
the systems as per ISO 9001 Standards."
Write and grade Non Conformance Reports (NCRs)
Please write and grade NCRs for the given incidences. If you do not think that
there is sufficient objective evidence of nonconformity then you should state
your reasons in the space below the report. You should also state what the
auditor should do next.
Please present your responses in the given format, on OHP/ flip chart.
This is a group exercise.
Nominate a time keeper, presenter.
The output of the exercise is part of the formal continuous
assessment and will therefore be marked.
Incident Number 1
During an audit of management review activities you notice from the minutes
of management review meetings that the meetings are not attended by any
of the top management team. When you query this, the management
representative tells you that management review has evolved into a two tier
process, as it was proving so difficult to get all of the departmental and top
managers available at the same time. The process is now that departmental
managers meet and conduct the first level of management review. The
management representative prepares a summary report including actions
and recommendations. This is passed round each of the top management
team for comment, and the Managing Director finally agrees the action plan.
Incident Number 2
During an audit of internal audits you are shown internal audit reports from
the last audit. These include a non conformity report stating that 3 people in
the purchasing department had not been trained in the use of the approved
supplier list. The corrective action taken was to train the 3 members of staff.
The audit report has been closed. The management representative tells you
that no further investigation was made as the corrective action was obvious.
The internal auditor had checked the training records of the staff concerned
before closing the reports.
Incident Number 3
In the Purchasing Department the auditor asks how the new subcontractor
for TMX 101 items was selected. The purchasing clerk explains was placed
with a subcontractor which they had never used before, only because the
price quoted was extremely low. The clerk states that no other evaluation
was conducted.
……………………………………… ……………………………………………
Auditor Date:
To prepare an accurate, meaningful, Audit Summary Report.
Now that the audit at GEC Ltd. is completed, prepare an Audit
Summary Report, using the learning of session 11.
The report should cover among other items, scope and
objectives of the audit, positive audit findings, opportunities for
improvement and recommendations.
Please prepare your Audit Summary in the Annexed format and submit on
paper to the Tutors.
This is a group exercise
Nominate a time keeper
The output of the exercise is part of the formal continuous
assessment and will therefore be marked by tutors and feedback
would be given to the participants
On behalf of ………………………………….
Audit Criteria 1.
Recommendations / Conclusions
1. Summary Statement
1. This audit is based on limited samples and other non-conformances
may exist.
2. This report and its contents should be treated as confidential
To conduct a Closing Meeting in line with what has been covered in the course
Each team should nominate a team leader who will conduct the role of a Lead
Auditor in the Closing Meeting. This will be a role play and we request all
participants to prepare for it as close as possible to the real life situation.
Each team should spend about one hour to do the following activities:
Each team should select NCRs(3) from the case study which was
presented on the previous days from CS1, CS2 & CS3. NCRs should have
been adequately supported with objective evidence, attribution and
The team leader prepares introductory and closing remarks.
The team agrees upon the presentations to be made by each member and
the team leader(roles and responsibilities must be clear including handling
Ensure the meeting is complete in 30 minutes. Decision on selection of
nos of NCRs should be based on the time frame.
No visual aids will be allowed.
Adhere to a single nomenclature (either NCRs / CARs/ Discrepancies etc).
Be brief, clear and crisp.
Do not rattle of Clause, sub-clause from the standards. Top management
do not necessarily know them well.
This is a group exercise
Nominate a time keeper, Team leader and Audit team members.
This roleplay exercise is part of the formal continuous assessment and will
therefore be marked.
Time allotted
Preparation : 30 minutes
Feedback : 30 minutes
Evaluation of effectiveness of corrective action.
For the Non Conformance reports (NCR) raised, enclosed please find some
proposals on corrective actions. Consider the two incidents and evaluate the
proposals with respect to effectiveness of corrective action.
Your evaluations should address:
1. Whether actions taken by Company are correction or corrective action?
2. If it is corrective action, is there enough information in the proposal on
what they are going to do?
3. By reading the proposal, do you think they have done a root cause
4. What is your judgment on the effectiveness of the proposal?
Please present your response in any format preferred by you and submit the
same to the tutors.
This is a group exercise
Nominate a time keeper.
The output of the exercise is part of the formal continuous assessment
and will therefore be marked by tutors and feed back would be given
to the participants
Incident 2
NC: The internal audit resulted in correction, but there is no evidence that
the cause of the non conformity was determined, or that action was taken to
prevent its recurrence. A review of the actions taken failed to identify that
action had not been taken to prevent recurrence of the problem. (8.5.2)
Proposed action
a) Internal auditors will be trained to distinguish between correction and
corrective action.
b) NCR format is modified. The internal auditors need to put their
comments on the effectiveness of the corrective action taken before
closing the NCRs
Incident 3
NC: A subcontractor of TMX101 item was selected on the basis of price and
no further evaluation 6f the supplier was made. (7.4.1)
The time allowed is two hours. There is no additional time allowed for reading the question
paper. There are a maximum of 80 marks available; the pass mark is 70% (56 marks) and
you must also achieve at least 40% in each of the four sections.
Your answers must be written on the sheets that are supplied. Additional loose sheets will not
be accepted.
The phrase "ISO 9001" and “standard” always refer to ISO 9001:2008.
The word "clause" refers to a paragraph or section of ISO 9001 that is identified by a
number such as 5.4.1 or a number and letter such as 7.1b.
Comprises questions which require you either to place a circle around the letter (a, b, c, d or e)
to indicate which you judge to be the best answer. You must only give one answer for each
question. If it is not clear which option you have selected, you will be awarded zero marks.
Comprises questions that require a brief written answer in the space provided.
Comprises questions that require a detailed written answer that will normally fill the space
Comprises a number of audit situations for which a nonconformity report (NCR) may be
a. an internal audit.
b. an audit by the customer or client.
c. an audit by an independent organization.
d. all of the above.
e. none of the above.
1.04 Which of the following activities must be carried out by someone who does not perform
the activity being evaluated?
a. a contract review.
b. an inspection of product.
c. a quality system audit.
d. all of the above.
e. none of the above.
a. objective evidence.
b. a deficiency.
c. a nonconformity report.
d. all of the above.
e. none of the above.
1.07 What information is being sought during a third party audit of a quality system?
1.09 The process approach to a quality management system seeks to help organizations:
1.10 The extent of documentation of the quality system should be determined by:
2.1 There are three types of quality system audit based on a first, second and third
party involvement. Explain the specific features that distinguish each of them. (5
2.4 An auditor is conducting a third party audit. The guide, who has been appointed to
accompany the auditor around the various departments, is called away by a senior
manager. After five minutes the guide has not returned.
3.1 You are planning a process audit of an organization that consists of the following
- sales and marketing
- purchasing
- warehouse
- packing and despatch
- support services
The top management team consists of the Managing Director and departmental
managers from each of the above areas.
a) What would be your two main considerations in deciding the sequence of
activities for the audit? (4 marks)
3.02 You are conducting an audit of a medium sized organization. During the
document review you have raised a concern about the organisation’s system for
ensuring the competence staff.
Prepare a checklist that would guide you through a process audit of competence of
staff and state the relevant ISO 9001 clauses. (10 marks)
Three incidents that occur during a third party audit of a supplier are described below. They
contain situations for which nonconformity reports may be required. Examine each incident
carefully then take one of the following actions:
a) If you think that there is sufficient objective evidence of nonconformity, you should
complete a nonconformity report and categorise it as major or minor.
b) If you do not think that there is sufficient objective evidence of nonconformity, you
state why you think there is insufficient evidence of nonconformity
make a list of things you would look for as evidence that the situation is under
Incident Number 1
During an audit of management review process, the auditor notices from the
records of the management review meetings that the meetings are not
attended by any of the top management team. When the auditor queries this,
the management representative explains that management review has evolved
into a two tier process, as it was proving so difficult for all of the departmental
and top managers to be available at the same time. The process is now that
departmental managers meet and conduct the first tier of management review.
The management representative prepares a summary report including actions
and recommendations. This is passed round each of the top management team
for comment, and the Managing Director finally agrees the action plan.
Or, if you do not think that there is sufficient evidence of nonconformity, state the reasons
for your decision and state also what further actions the auditor should take
Page 10 of 12
Examination for Auditors of Quality Management Systems
Incident number 2
During an audit of internal audits the auditor is shown internal audit reports from
the last audit. These include a nonconformity report stating that 3 people in the
purchasing department had not been trained in the use of the approved supplier list.
The corrective action taken was to train the 3 members of staff. The audit report has
been closed. The management representative tells you that no further investigation
was made as the corrective action was obvious. The internal auditor had checked
the training records of the staff concerned before closing the reports.
Or, if you do not think that there is sufficient evidence of nonconformity, state the reasons for
your decision and state also what further actions the auditor should take.
Or, if you do not think that there is sufficient evidence of nonconformity, state the reasons for
your decision and state also what further actions the auditor should take.
End of examination
Reference Title
1.0 Purpose
1.1 The purpose of this guideline is to inform delegates on the appeal procedure.
2.0 Scope
2.1 This work instruction covers all the complaints relating to administration,
conduct and management of certificated courses.
3.0 Responsibility
3.1 Delegates are responsible for raising complaints. Management of CII is
responsible for resolving them. IRCA / NRBPT has an adjudicating note in
this `appeal’ procedure.
4.0 Complaints
4.1 Complaints could be raised for any of the following reasons:
- Integrity, impartiality of personnel involved as tutors or in the
course administration & management of certificated courses
- Non-responsiveness of administration and/or tutor to reasonable
- Delays in receipts of certificates/confirmation information/
acknowledgment of receipt of payment
- Others
Reference Title
1 of 2
2 3 01-10-06
4.3 In case complainant is not satisfied with CII’s actions, , they have the right
to appeal to IRCA and/or NABET at the following address :
6.0 References
6.1 Forms
(Please write your name very clearly as you would like to see on your certificate)
Designation :
(Please indicate your opinion in each section by marking the appropriate number. If you grade
any feature 1 please state your reasons in the “COMMENTS” area (on page 3 of 3))
1 of 3
Form 6/Oct 2006/01
ii) The purpose, content and 4 3 2 1
interrelationship of ISO 9000, ISO
9001, ISO 9004 and ISO 19011.
a) Clarity
b) Time Management 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
c) Coverage 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
d) Response 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
e) Presentation 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
a) Was the subject level (pl. tick) Too About right Too
advanced elementary
b) Were the subjects (pl. tick) Partly
Very relevant Not at all
relevant relevant
RIGHTS Every delegate has the right to complain to CII in case they are
dissatisfied with any aspect in the course. In case unsatisfactory
action is taken by CII, you may also directly write to IRCA / NABET.
Refer WI/81. On `How’ to do so.
* 1. T1 refers to the Lead Tutor where more than one Tutor is conducting the course.
3 of 3
Form 6/Oct 2006/01
2 of 4
Form 6/Oct 2006/01
Work Book / Case Studies April 2010 100
4 of 4
Form 6/Oct 2006/01