Library Development Plan

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Intramuros, Manila

S.Y. 2019-2022
Colegio de Sta. Rosa
Intramuros, Manila

Library Development Plan

S.Y. 2019-2022

Vision: To be an excellent information center for the advancement of learning.

Mission: To develop, maintain & update information resources, services and facilities while constantly adjusting
to meet the changing needs of the community.

Objective Strategy Personnel/ Office Target Budget

Responsible for

1. To continuously 1. Acquisition of School SY 2019-2022 Library Budget

update the Library’s books, periodicals, Administration/
collection in view of magazines and Lirarian
school’s curriculum journals
2. Involment of school
administrators, faculty
and students in the
development of the
library’s collection

2. To provide an 1. Improve the various School SY 2019-2022 Library Budget

efficient retrieval of ways of retrieving Administration/
information information such as Librarian
the card catalog and

3. To make Colegio de 1. Study the possibility School SY 2019-2022 Library Budget

Sta. Rosa Grade / of automating the Administration/
High school Library library starting with Librarian
competitive the Online Public
Access Catalog

4. To Achieve a 1. Continuous School Administration SY 2019-2022 Library Budget

globally competitive upgrading of the / Librarian
library services electronic facilities /
services to support
2. Upgrading of the
services / facilities and
acquisition of new
materials to meet the
needs of the

5. To make the Library 1. Encouraging library Librarian / Library SY 2019-2022 Library Budget
staff highly competent staff to attend Clerk
to offer efficient conferences, symposia,
services seminars and take
further studies

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