Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Fear related Within 24 hours of - Provide for the - In severe anxiety, After 24 hours of
- Decrease to response to nursing client’s safety the client fears rendering proper
in self- phobic interventions, the total nursing interventions,
assurance stimulus patient will be able disintegration and the patient was be able
- Feelings to: loss of control. to:
of alarm, - Acknowledg - Maintain a - The patient’s - Acknowledge
dread and e and discuss relaxed and feeling of stability and discussed
panic fears, accepting increases in a fears,
recognizing demeanor while peaceful and non- recognizing
Objective: healthy vs. communicating threatening healthy vs.
- Increased unhealthy with the patient. environment. unhealthy fears
heart rate fears - Suggest that the - To decrease the - Verbalize
- Increased - Verbalize client substitute level of anxiety accurate
respirator accurate positive experienced. To knowledge of
y rate knowledge of thoughts for give the client an and sense of
- Increased and sense of negative ones alternative way of safety related
blood safety related looking at the to current
pressure to current problem. situation
- Shortness situation - Discuss the - The anticipation - Display
of breath - Display process of of a future phobic lessened fear
- Tremblin lessened fear thinking about reaction allows as evidenced
g muscles as evidenced the feared the client to deal by relief of
- Focus by relief of object/situation with the physical signs and
narrowed signs and before it occurs. manifestations of symptoms
to the symptoms fear. - Manifest
source of - Manifest - Acknowledge - To promote an coping
fear coping normalcy of fear attitude of caring behaviors
behaviors and give and opens the
permission to door for
express feelings discussion
freely and addressing reality
appropriately. of situation.
- Explore things - Provides the
that may lower client with a
fear level and sense of control
keep it over the fear.
- As the fear - Recognition and
subsides, explanation of
encourage the factors leading to
patient to fear are vital in
involve himself developing
or herself to alternative
specific events responses.
preceding the
onset of the
- Allow the - Relaxation
patient to have improves ability
rest periods. to cope.
- Suggest the - This method can
patient to bring enhance feelings
comforting of security in a
objects when new environment.
away from
- Initiate - Meditation,
alternative prayer, music,
treatments. Therapeutic
Provide verbal Touch, and
and nonverbal healing touch
reassurances of techniques help
safety if safety lighten fear.
is within