Mind Alchemy Workbook
Mind Alchemy Workbook
Mind Alchemy Workbook
How to Use the Alchemist Workbook
Use this workbook alongside the main Alchemist Guide. As you complete each chapter in the
main guide then do the corresponding exercise in this workbook.
All the chapters are listed above and can be clicked to go to the corresponding section of the 1
If you have any questions at all please contact me in the membership area by going to the
chapter video and leaving a comment, or if you have bought the ebook package you can
contact me on the main Mind Alchemy Facebook page or via [email protected].
Feeling intimidated by people is due to you associating a past experience with that person, or
someone very similar to that person. For example I used to get intimidated by very intelligent
people, as I used to feel I wasn't all that intelligent when I was younger.
Step 1 – Grouping
Using the example that you often feel intimated by certain people whilst in their company.
You can use anything from your past, I am just using this as an example. I’d like you to, in the
box below write down, or type out all the names of the people you have felt or feel intimated
by. Try and get a list of ten people if you can. Now write down roughly when and what your
situation was when you felt intimidated and why you feel intimidated.
So for example:
Situation: At work
Why: She is much more intelligent than me and makes me feel stupid
Name Situation Date Why
Step 2 – Re-Label
Now what I’d like you to do is to put a label on how you would like to feel around these
people – e.g. You might want to label yourself as ‘Intelligent’ when you are around these
Now to
Now it's time to listen to the first audio called HealRelationships which is in your downloads, and in
the members area of Mind Alchemy.
Use the guided meditation for everyone you would like to have a better relationship with over
next few weeks until you start seeing the difference it makes in your life.
Now whenever you have a thought or a picture in your mind of feeling intimidated, shrink
that image, to its smallest size, make it black and white and make it disappear from the movie
screen in your mind and replace it with the movie of you feeling confident, having intelligent
conversation with the person and make it as vivid and use all the five senses.
Using your past to heal your future
You can do this with any situation from your past, I just wanted to give you an example to use,
which was feeling intimidated.
Intelligence 5
Speaking in crowds
If there is a particularly strong one, use this exercise often to heal it. The guided meditation is
used for healing relationships from your past reality, but you can also use it to speak to
money, confidence, luck, procrastination etc, just replace the thing you're working on with a
symbol when you are listening to the mediation and speak to it, don't worry it will all become
clear when you listen to the meditation :) so you can use the guided meditation on almost all
If you've had a particularly traumatic event happen in your life, it is not advisable to do this
exercise on that particular situation, but it is entirely up to you.
You know now that your luck factor can be increased. If you still don't believe it, then I urge
you to truly practise the following exercises and see the difference it makes in your life after
only a few weeks. If nothing else I guarantee you that you will feel more positive about life in
On the next page I am going to give you a series of questions which was devised by Richard
Wiseman to calculate your 'Luck Profile'. Just click on the tickbox in the corresponding scale 7
Your score will automatically be detected at the bottom of the sheet and you will get a score
out of 60. The higher the better.
Read the following 12 statements and tick the box which corresponds to how much you agree
or disagree:
1. I sometimes chat to strangers when queuing in a supermarket or a bank?
In the box below write down six experiences that you would like to try - something you have
wanted to do but never done for whatever reason. It can be simple things like going to a Thai 9
restaurant, taking a trip to a town you've never been to before, or it can be big hairy
audacious events that you've always wanted to try, like sky diving, mountain trek, you get the
I would start with a list of six relatively simple things first to get you used to it.
When you have your six experiences, take a die and roll it, and whatever number it lands on
e.g. 3, you have to go out and carry out the experience that is numbered 3 on your list. This is
very important, don't swap it for something easier, just do the one that the die chose for you.
No Experience you'd like to try Done
When you've completed one of the experiences tick it as done and then move on to another
one, by rolling the die again.
This is a really fun games and can be used for anything like going out with a group of friends
and writing down the name of six clubs that no one has been to and rolling the die. Or writing
in six different restaurants and rolling the die.
Speaking to your intuition
This exercise is all about getting in touch with your intuition and learning to trust it. It may
field a bit weird at first, but after a few weeks of doing this, it will become second nature.
This is a very quick visualization exercise which can be done anywhere, but preferably in a
quiet place, when you've got five minutes to yourself. 10
Whenever you have a decision to make about something important try this exercise.
Close your eyes and imagine yourself on top of a mountain. The sun is shining, you can hear
the swaying of trees in the background, and overhead there are birds singing their song.
There are two rocks facing each other. They look really comfortable and you sit down on one
of them just looking out at the beautiful scene below and enjoying being in the heart of nature.
Then someone else joins you. It's another version of you, only they look more relaxed, wiser,
at peace and look as if they know all the answers in the world, and they do. Now ask the
other version of you about the decision you have to make, and be patient and listen out for and
remember the response you get.
Do that for about five minutes. You'll be really surprised at how powerful this exercise is,
and after doing it for a few weeks, you'll start to feel the right answer knowing that it is
coming from your intuition.
Distracting yourself
Whenever you have something happen to you that you consider to be bad luck, it's imperative
that you distract yourself. One great way to do this is to look for the positive side of your bad
luck. This is a great game and can distract you from dwelling on something for too long and
learning to stay positive, after all that's how lucky people are so lucky.
In the box below write down or type out a recent situation which you consider to be bad luck
on your part e.g. not getting that job you applied for, having a small bump in your car, your
computer crashing just as you'd type 1,000 word essay (actually just happened to me about 5
minutes ago, and I lost a 2,000 word chapter I had been writing, but on the plus side, I
checked out on the internet how to recover it and managed to get it :) )
But, as we spoke about in the Alchemist Guide on Beliefs, you first have to know what your
limiting beliefs are.
The best way to find out your limiting beliefs is to look briefly at your outcomes in life.
In the box below write down 4 outcomes you would like to achieve by the end of the year. 13
They can be small, or big outcomes e.g. lose 6 Ibs, run a marathon, write a book, start a
business, go to night school, anything you want.
Now take each outcome and write down 5 things you would need to believe for it to happen.
I'll give you an example:
So with each of your four outcomes you would look at 5 corresponding beliefs you know you
would need to have. If you totally believe in something you've written down, then that's fine
you don't need to touch that particular belief, if however you don't truly believe that you can
do it within the time frame you would look at this logically and say 'okay I've got 60 days to
lose 7Ibs' you then break that down and say 'I only need to lose 1 Ib every week to achieve
that' suddenly the belief that you can do it within the time frame becomes totally believable.
That's an example, so now try 4 different outcomes and look at 5 beliefs you'd need to hold
about each of them
4 Outcomes to reach by the end of the year
Beliefs I would need to have to reach my outcome
5. 14
Beliefs I would need to have to reach my outcome
Beliefs I would need to have to reach my outcome
Beliefs I would need to have to reach my outcome
For the next exercise we will look at limiting beliefs that may be holding you back in life and
finding evidence to the contrary.
The trick here is to start questioning the current beliefs you have about yourself and hold them
up to examine them. An amazing thing will happen; once you start to question a belief and
dissect it this way, you will realise that your beliefs are old, outdated and can be updated.
Okay, I will use an example here for the purposes of this exercise.
The example I will use is believing that you will never have any money in your life, or you
will never have enough to get what you truly want in life.
In the box below write down a negative belief you have about yourself e.g. I am not
intelligent, I will never have money in my life, I am unlucky in love, I am unlucky in general,
you get the picture. Now we're going to look for evidence to the contrary. I'll show you in
the example below:
Evidence Belief: I am never going to have enough money to get the things I
Against want in life
1. I am making more money now than I was last year
2. I have cut my debts in half from two years ago
3. I have a car that gets me from A to B, which I didn't have 3 years ago
4. I have a house with a little equity in it
5. If I sold everything I owned in the house I could raise $5,000 if I
really needed to
6. If I really wanted to I could work a few more hours per week to raise
an extra $500 per month, which I could save for 5 years to give me an
extra $30,000+ interest
7. To live the lifestyle I want I could, if I really wanted, take luxury
vacations and feel what's it's like to live the life of my dreams
8. I could save an extra $200 per month easily by cutting back on a few
things like smoking, going out for 1 less meal per week, cut down on
cable, switch electricity and gas suppliers, switch credit card
companies for 0% interest deal. After 5 years I would have an extra
$12,000 + interest.
When you do the exercise above you will start to see the possibilities opening up and you will
soon find that your old limiting belief starts to fade and will be replaced with a new, more
forward thinking, beliefs. This will make a huge impact on your life if you work on 4 limiting
beliefs per month. On the next 2 pages do this exercise with 4 of your limiting beliefs.
Evidence Belief:
5. 16
Evidence Belief:
Evidence Belief:
5. 17
Evidence Belief:
In this exercise you will be looking again at some outcomes you would like to achieve, but
this time they are short term outcomes, so make it outcomes you can achieve within the next 4
We'll be looking at your motivation direction for each of them. When you are writing your
outcomes, which we will discuss in the next chapter, write them in the present tense.
There is no right or wrong type of motivation to have and you can have a mixture of both, but
it is really useful to see what motivation direction you tend to take. So once again here are the
definitions for motivation directions:
Toward Motivation
People who move toward what they want focus on the possibilities and visions of the future.
On the next page write down four outcomes you would like to achieve in the next 4 weeks
and find out what you dominant direction is. Remember you may have a mixture of two
Why do you want it?
Motivation direction
Why do you want it?
Motivation direction
Why do you want it?
Motivation direction
Why do you want it?
Motivation direction
Okay, on the next few page you will see a form to fill in online, or you can print it off and fill it
in by hand. I have one sheet in this work book, but I have provided a single form for you to use
so you can print it off as many times as you would like, or you can save one form after filling it
in, then fill it in again and save it again as another name e.g. Health 1 Outcome, then health 2
It's pretty self explanatory how to fill this in, but to add the images you would need to fill in
the completed form, without images, then print it off and then add images from the net or 22
from magazines etc.
You can also print this sheet off and add it to a vision board, but in the next chapter I want to
show you a new type of vision board that you can use online, which might be more useful and
convenient than making a physical vision board.
Outcome Images:
So head on over to pinterest first and create an account if you don't already have one.
1. Once you’ve logged in to your Pinterest account, click Add+ from the menu bar on the top
2. Select Create a Board to make a new board. Call it Mind Alchemy Vision Board, My
MindAlchemy Board, Mind Alchemy whatever you choose is okay.
3. Now go to google.com and pick images of the types of outcomes and feelings you want to
achieve in your life. You can use images from your computer if you want to make it more
person. Save the images to your computer and then go back to pinterest.
4. On your board click 'Add a pin' and choose the image from your computer (or if you're
really into it you can download the app to pin images and clips automatically to your board.
5. Add either 'Outcome' or 'Feeling' and write a short description about your desired outcome
or feeling e.g. These are two pins from my vision board at Mind Alchemy Vision Board
6. Use the hashtag #MindAlchemy to stay connected to other Mind Alchemists. If you want
to see other Mind Alchemy vision boards just type #MindAlchemy into the search bar in
While your brain is technically capable of processing a great deal of input simultaneously, 27
your conscious thoughts play out in a certain sequence. One thought triggers the next, which
triggers the next, and so on. Sometimes these sequences have a few branches, but they’re still
subject to linear time, and at any given moment, you’re following one of those branches.
These thought sequences have a beginning, a middle, and an end, and it’s nearly impossible to
see the big picture overhead view of a sequence while you’re stuck in playback mode.
This is where 'free writing' can provide huge advantages. Free writing allows you to break
free of sequential thinking and examine your thoughts from a bird’s-eye view. When you
record your sequential thoughts, you can then go back and review those thoughts from a third-
person perspective. While you’re recording the thoughts, you’re in first-person mode. But
when you’re reading them, you can remain dissociated instead of associated. This
dissociative view will bring you much closer to seeing the truth of your situation.
On the next few pages I have provided a space for you to record your free thoughts. Do this
for 15 - 30 minutes. Don't think about what to write, just write and keep writing. Once
you're done writing, or typing, you can save the page or print it out and start a new one on
another day.
Start writing NOW
On the next few pages I have listed as many values as possible, over 300 of them which
should cover most of the ones we have or want in our lives.
For today's exercise we are going to look at what your core values are and pick a list of 10 for
each life category and to start inserting them into our lives, or strengthening the ones we
already have.
From the list of values that follow, put a tick beside all of the values which are important to 32
you in all areas of your life. It's important that when you do this, use your instinct rather than
your intellect, so if something doesn't appeal to you immediately, don't think about it, and
think to yourself, 'I really should have that as a value', this is about you, and not what you
think other people would pick as their values. Be honest!
Once you have completed this exercise you should have a list of all the values you have put a
tick against. These are the values that you either have just now, weak or strong, or values you
would like to have in your life.
Now look at each life category and choose the values from the list that you have ticked and
write them in the boxes provided below.
This exercise is best done when printed out so you see see a list of values when you are
writing in your category value box.
Abundance Devotion Inspiration Sacredness
Acceptance Devoutness Integrity Sacrifice
Accessibility Dexterity Intelligence Sagacity
Accomplishment Dignity Intensity Saintliness
Accuracy Diligence Intimacy Sanguinity
Achievement Direction Intrepidness Satisfaction
Acknowledgement Directness Introversion Security
Activeness Discipline Intuition Self-control
Adaptability Discovery Intuitiveness Selflessness 33
Adoration Discretion Inventiveness Self-reliance
Adroitness Diversity Investing Sensitivity
Adventure Dominance Joy Sensuality
Affection Dreaming Judiciousness Serenity
Affluence Drive Justice Service
Aggressiveness Duty Keenness Sexuality
Agility Dynamism Kindness Sharing
Alertness Eagerness Knowledge Shrewdness
Altruism Economy Leadership Significance
Ambition Ecstasy Learning Silence
Amusement Education Liberation Silliness
Anticipation Effectiveness Liberty Simplicity
Appreciation Efficiency Liveliness Sincerity
Approachability Elation Logic Skillfulness
Articulacy Elegance Longevity Solidarity
Assertiveness Empathy Love Solitude
Assurance Encouragement Loyalty Soundness
Attentiveness Endurance Majesty Speed
Attractiveness Energy Making a difference Spirit
Audacity Enjoyment Mastery Spirit
Availability Entertainment Maturity Spirituality
Awareness Enthusiasm Meekness Spontaneity
Awe Excellence Mellowness Spunk
Balance Excitement Meticulousness Stability
Beauty Exhilaration Mindfulness Stealth
Being the best Expectancy Modesty Stillness
Belonging Expediency Motivation Strength
Benevolence Experience Mysteriousness Structure
Bliss Expertise Neatness Success
Boldness Exploration Nerve Support
Abundance Devotion Inspiration Sacredness
Acceptance Devoutness Integrity Sacrifice
Accessibility Dexterity Intelligence Sagacity
Accomplishment Dignity Intensity Saintliness
Accuracy Diligence Intimacy Sanguinity
Achievement Direction Intrepidness Satisfaction
Acknowledgement Directness Introversion Security
Activeness Discipline Intuition Self-control
Adaptability Discovery Intuitiveness Selflessness 34
Adoration Discretion Inventiveness Self-reliance
Adroitness Diversity Investing Sensitivity
Adventure Dominance Joy Sensuality
Affection Dreaming Judiciousness Serenity
Affluence Drive Justice Service
Aggressiveness Duty Keenness Sexuality
Agility Dynamism Kindness Sharing
Alertness Eagerness Knowledge Shrewdness
Altruism Economy Leadership Significance
Ambition Ecstasy Learning Silence
Amusement Education Liberation Silliness
Anticipation Effectiveness Liberty Simplicity
Appreciation Efficiency Liveliness Sincerity
Approachability Elation Logic Skillfulness
Articulacy Elegance Longevity Solidarity
Assertiveness Empathy Love Solitude
Assurance Encouragement Loyalty Soundness
Attentiveness Endurance Majesty Speed
Attractiveness Energy Making a difference Spirit
Audacity Enjoyment Mastery Spirit
Availability Entertainment Maturity Spirituality
Awareness Enthusiasm Meekness Spontaneity
Awe Excellence Mellowness Spunk
Balance Excitement Meticulousness Stability
Beauty Exhilaration Mindfulness Stealth
Being the best Expectancy Modesty Stillness
Belonging Expediency Motivation Strength
Benevolence Experience Mysteriousness Structure
Bliss Expertise Neatness Success
Boldness Exploration Nerve Support
Daring Hygiene Resolution
Decisiveness Imagination Resolve
Decorum Impact Resourcefulness
Deference Impartiality Respect
Delight Independence Rest
Dependability Industry Restraint
Depth Ingenuity Reverence
Desire Inquisitiveness Richness
Determination Insightfulness Rigor
Now you should have a tick beside a lot of values from the previous few pages it's time to
categorize them into life categories.
In the boxes below write out your most important values in each category and by the end of it
you will have 80 Life values for you to live your life by.
When it is on paper like this and categorized you can start to live each area of your life
according to these values. This may take an hour or so to do, but the time and effort you put
into this is extremely powerful, so please don't skip it, it will be worth it.
★ Health Values
★ Outcomes Values
★ Spirituality Values
★ Money Values
★ Family Values
★ Career Values
★ Recreation Values
How to do the exercise
Write out your perfect day in the form of a story you are telling someone else.
To help you get the best out of this exercise, try to make it vivid with as much detail as
possible. When you are writing your story, answer all the questions below.
I think you'll love this exercise as it's really powerful and a lot of fun as well. Use the RETURN key to
move to the next line.
Spirituality Money
You have filled in the Wheel of Life on the previous page, so now it's time to write down a
brief explanation of why you gave this score. If necessary go back and change your Wheel of
Life on the previous page
Life area Your score Brief explanation as to why you gave this score
Choose the two lowest scoring areas on your wheel and think about what you could do to
improve your scores.
This is a great exercise to think about during the day when you've got a few minutes and keep
asking yourself 'What could I do to improve the score?'. This question will automatically get
your brain working in the background and will come up with solutions for you throughout the
days and weeks ahead.
We are looking at changing our questions with regards to any issue we have in life. When
we talk about issues, problems, hurdles etc we are really talking about an outcome we want
to achieve, so we will frame it as such here.
Think about one particular outcome you would like to achieve, you can use outcomes from
the previous exercises or you can think of something else for this particular exercise. You
might have a problem you are trying to solve just now, turn that problem around and make
it outcome focused and work from there.
On the next page you will see a table to fill in which you can fill with any outcomes you
would like to achieve. I have given you an example table to show you a completed one.
I have given enough spaces to look at three outcomes. What you can do is fill in the first
three outcomes, print off the sheets or save them on your desktop and then fill some more
Example of completed table with questions
I feel amazing, have a deep sense of freedom, and satisfaction as my business is generating at
Least £10,000 per month in profit, whilst helping others realize and live their dream lives.
5 Questions
How can I make the products better and create more value for the readers?
Are the products I create worth more than 10x the price?
Can the products be scaled up for the future?
Will this product still be around and valuable in 10 years time?
How could I feel better about charging readers for this product?
5 Questions
5 Questions
5 Questions
This really is a brilliant exercise to do because it's fun, you don't need to take it too seriously,
but once you start to see the power of it, you will more than likely use it a lot more often.
You don't have to sit down in a lotus position or anything like that for this exercise all you
have to do is think about it, you could be walking the dog, sitting at work staring at a
computer screen at work, waiting in a queue or sitting on the loo, you can really do it
anywhere as you are effectively day dreaming.
For this exercise just think about one of the outcomes you'd love to achieve in your life. It has
to be one you are willing to take action on. Then just imagine another version of yourself in a
parallel world having achieved exactly what your outcome is. See yourself having achieved it 49
and pay attention to the feelings you have. Then think about all the things your 'other self'
had to do to achieve the outcome, who they had to meet, who they spoke to, what they had to
learn, how many hours of work it took, how much it may have cost, everything they had to do
to achieve that outcome. You are now going deep into their conscious and subconscious mind
to get all the information and borrowing their knowledge, passion, enthusiasm, ideas, and
thought processes to get to where you want to go to achieve that outcome.
In the box on the next page we are going to ask your 'other self' some questions about how
they achieved their outcome. So after meeting your other self and gathering information you
are going to be responding to the questions as your other self.
What was your outcome?
How did you come up with the ideas needed to achieve your outcome?
Who did you meet that helped you to reach your outcome?
Write down one of your outcomes and then think of all the things that would make reaching
that outcome amazing. Then think of the downside of reaching that outcome. Sounds a bit
counterintuitive to do this, but it stops you from obsessing about your outcomes and holding
onto them too tightly, whilst still having a healthy focus on them. It also helps you to stop
seeing your outcome with rose tinted spectacles. This will not put you off reaching your 52
outcome, rather it will help you reach it with a clear head by exercising due diligence.
Hopefully there will be more amazing benefits than there are downsides.
You'll find that once you have completed them, a weight will have been lifted from your
mind, and you will feel a little less lighter.
Once you have completed the list, go through them one by one and start doing them, and
tick them off once you have completed them. This is another great tool for rewarding
yourself, seeing all those little ticks in the completed box below.
Once you have a full list of tasks ticked you can print off this page and then start another
Task Done
This exercise is a great one if we can take some time and think about what would really
make us feel content. We are looking at long term contentment, really think about what
outcome you could have that would give you the feeling of contentment.
1. Having a job I feel passionate about, and would love doing, that helps others in the
world. Score out of 10 = 9/10
In the table below think about your outcomes that will make you feel content. 56
It might feel strange at first, but pretty soon you'll feel a shift in your reality, and after a few
weeks it will become part of who you are as a person.
This exercise is to get you started, ideally you will be practicing this as you go through your
normal day and noticing things to be grateful for, and say these things in your head and 58
write them out when you can.
This should be a morning routine and will really supercharge your energy for the day ahead.
Believe me when I say you will notice a shift in your reality after a few weeks.
To eliminate fear from any situation it's important to get a balanced view of the potential
consequences or the potential upsides. So this is a shift in reality as you are not just focusing
on the fear itself.
For example:
De-nominalized: I would like to learn more about computers and increase my skills.
Current thought:
Current thought:
Current thought:
Current thought:
Current thought:
Current thought:
Current thought:
For this exercise I would like you to think of an unwanted emotion that comes up for you time
and time again. Don't worry if you can't think of one just now you will be able to come back
to this exercise if you think of one throughout the day.
We are going to go through the 7 step process for ridding ourselves of these unwanted
emotions one by one.
As a quick example here are the 7 steps:
Step 1 - I feel a lot of resentment every time my boss speaks to me
Step 2 - Resentment, anger 64
Step 3 - I feel this emotion and accept that my boss does not have control over how I feel
Step 4 - I feel let down by something that happened a while ago and cannot get over that just now.
Step 5 - I do feel resentment and accept that I feel this for a reason, but know I cannot harbour this resentment
all the time, otherwise it may harm my career prospects.
Step 6 - By feeling resentment I have learned that I don't like to be taken for granted and want other people to
have some integrity and honesty. However I will let go of this emotion and learn from my past mistakes.
Step 7 - I feel positive, knowing that I have learned to trust my instincts about others, and know I am in control
of my emotions. I can think of lots of times when I have learned to let go and learn from my emotions such as....
Step 2 - Name the emotion - Put a specific name to the emotion e.g. anger
Step 3 - Accept responsibility - Know that it is you who is feeling the emotion and only you,
you should not pass the blame for the emotion onto someone else.
Step 4 - Find another possible meaning - Ask yourself why you are feeling a particular way
and if it might be something you are feeling deep down.
Step 5 - Accepting your emotions - Whatever you are feeling is never wrong. The actions you
take because of the emotions may be wrong, but the emotion itself is never wrong
Step 6 - Does the emotion teach you anything - Are you learning from the emotion you are
feeling. Your mind is trying to get you to pay attention for a reason.
Step 7 - Change the emotion - Try and change the emotion by changing your state.
This exercise has two parts to it. You can print this out as many times as you want to focus on
different areas of your life. For example you might have different people for your business
life and you might have different people for your spiritual life (Don't worry it will all become
clear in a minute or two).
For the first part of the exercise I would like you to think of an area of your life you want to
focus on (refer back to the Wheel of Life Chapter to get all the different areas).
On the next page there is a seating plan for all the dinner guests you are going to invite. Just
add their name to the list and move onto the next exercise. When you are adding guests, think
about your choice carefully, as you are going to meet with them often, you can always change
them at a later date.
You can choose as many life categories as you want and have different mentors for different
areas of your life. So once you have completed one category for a seating plan, print off the
page and then add another category with different guests.
Please see the next page for the first part of the exercise.
Life Category:
Your Mentors:
When you have completed a table plan for your guests, you now want to have 3-5 questions
prepared for them.
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
When you have your questions prepared in your mind it's time to steal 15 minutes for
Find a comfortable place to sit and relax. Close your eyes and picture yourself in the scent of
a dinner party at your house. Every is clean tidy, and the table is prepared for some drinks and
nibbles. One by one you greet your guests and sit them down at the table and introduce them
to each other. You then start to chat to them, and they are naturally curious about you and
interested in what you have to say. You then ask them your 3 - 5 questions and wait for their
Really get into the scene and imagine it as vividly as you can. hear the tones in your guests
voices, see their faces clearly, and picture what they are wearing. Use all of your five senses
to really get into this.
One the next page record any interesting thoughts and ideas from each of your questions. If
nothing comes up first time, try it a few times, as I know something will come.
Record any insights from the questions you asked:
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5: