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Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Issue Two
Date June 2000

Safe Asset
Management of
Infrastructure -

This document sets out requirements
for maintaining the structural integrity
of tunnels.

Submitted by

This document is the property of

Railtrack PLC. It shall not be
reproduced in whole or in part without
Dean Benson the written permission of the Controller,
Standards Project Manager Railway Group Standards,
Railtrack PLC.

Authorised by Published by
Safety & Standards Directorate
Railtrack PLC
Railtrack House DP01
Euston Square
London NW1 2EE
Brian Alston
© Copyright 2000 Railtrack PLC
Controller, Railway Group Standards
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Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Safe Asset Management of Infrastructure – Issue Two
Tunnels Date June 2000
Page 1 of 7

Section Description Page

Part A
Issue Record 2
Responsibilities 2
Compliance 2
Health and Safety Responsibilities 2
Supply 2

Part B
1 Purpose 3
2 Scope 3
3 Definitions 3
4 Principles 3
5 Requirements 4
6 Other Works 6
7 Best Practice 6
8 Competency 6
9 Records 6

References 7

Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Issue Two
Date June 2000
Safe Asset Management of Infrastructure -
Page 2 of 7 Tunnels

Part A
Issue Record
This document will be updated when necessary by distribution of a complete

Amended or additional parts of revised pages are marked by a vertical black line
in the adjacent margin.

Issue Date Comments

One January 1996 Original Document
Two June 2000 General revision

Railway Group Standards are mandatory on all members of the Railway Group *
and apply to all relevant activities that fall into the scope of each individual’s
Railway Safety Case. If any of those activities are performed by a contractor, the
contractor’s obligation in respect of Railway Group Standards is determined by
the terms of the contract between the respective parties. Where a contractor is
a duty holder of a Railway Safety Case then Railway Group Standards apply
directly to the activities described in the Safety Case.

* The Railway Group comprises Railtrack and the duty holders of the Railway
Safety Cases accepted by Railtrack.

Except as specified otherwise the provisions in this document shall be complied
with from 2 December 2000.

Tunnel Management Strategies as required by section 5.2.1 shall be developed

by 1 April 2002.

The requirements of clause 5.5 with respect to marking shall be complied with by
1 July 2001.

The requirements of section 5.6 with respect to notifying owners and /or
occupiers of open, blind or hidden shafts that are known to exist or are likely to
exist shall be complied with by 1 April 2002.

Health and Safety

In issuing this document, Railtrack PLC makes no warranties, express or
implied, that compliance with all or any documents published by the Safety &
Standards Directorate is sufficient on its own to ensure safe systems of work or
operation. Each user is reminded of its own responsibilities to ensure health and
safety at work and its individual duties under health and safety legislation.

Controlled and uncontrolled copies of this document may be obtained from the
Industry Safety Liaison Dept, Safety and Standards Directorate, Railtrack PLC,
Railtrack House, DP01, Euston Square, London, NW1 2EE.

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Railway Group Standard

Safe Asset Management of Infrastructure – Issue Two
Tunnels Date June 2000
Page 3 of 7

Part B
1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to set out the requirements for maintaining the
structural integrity of tunnels so that they are fit for purpose.

2 Scope
The overall scope of Railway Group Standards is as specified in Appendix A of

This document contains requirements which are applicable to the duty holders of
the following categories of railway safety case :

Infrastructure controller

Specifically the contents of this document apply to the fitness for purpose of all
tunnels or parts of tunnels within the areas of railway infrastructure identified in
GA/RT6001 as being applicable to Railway Group Standards. It applies to all
persons responsible for keeping them in a safe operating condition.

This document does not cover the design and construction of new tunnels.

3 Definitions
Blind Shaft
A temporary shaft which has been sealed or capped in such a way as to render
the position of the shaft discernible.

Hidden Shaft
A shaft which has been sealed or capped in such a way as to render the position
of the shaft indiscernible.

Maintenance refers to all repairs, renovation or renewal work to an existing

Other works
Works not directly related to the safe asset management of the tunnel, but which
could nonetheless affect its fitness for purpose.

Structures Manager
The person with formally delegated responsibility for the management of the
structural integrity of a structure.

A structure provided to allow the railway to pass under higher land, buildings
and/or water, which has been excavated without removing the surface of the
land. The term includes any associated shafts, adits and portals.

It also includes other types of construction, where in the opinion of the Structures
Manager, the structure needs to be managed as a tunnel.

4 Principles
This document supports the following HMRI principle:

“Earthworks and supporting structures above or adjacent to the railway should

be capable of supporting the loads imposed upon them and afford protection to
the railway system.”

A tunnel management strategy is developed for each tunnel because of their

special nature and the potentially serious consequences of failure.

Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Issue Two
Date June 2000
Safe Asset Management of Infrastructure -
Page 4 of 7 Tunnels

5 Requirements
5.1 General requirements
The general requirements for the safe asset management of structures are set
out in GC/RT5100.

5.2 Tunnel management strategy

5.2.1 Provision
A tunnel management strategy for each tunnel shall be developed to maintain
the fitness for purpose of the tunnel including support to the overlying land.

The tunnel management strategy for each tunnel shall include:

• assessment of the fitness for purpose of the tunnel (see section 5.3);
• creation and upkeep of the planned examination and maintenance
programme for the tunnel (see section 5.4)
• effective management of water, including prevention of ice formation;
• a procedure to report any change in use of the land above and adjacent to
the tunnel, so far as is reasonably practicable;
• a method of marking distances within the tunnel to enable the distance from
a portal to be readily determined (see section 5.5);
• a method of marking to identify positions of shafts from within the tunnel and
their location (see section 5.5);
• the maintenance and location of records.

The requirements for maintaining track in tunnels are set out in GC/RT5021.

5.2.2 Review
The tunnel management strategy shall be reviewed and amended if appropriate:

• after each detailed tunnel examination as detailed in GC/RT5100 “Safe

Management of Structures”; or as determined by the Structures Manager;
• when maintenance or other works are proposed;
• when the type and speed of traffic using the tunnel is significantly altered;
• following an identified change of use of the land above or adjacent to the
tunnel where such a change is likely to affect the fitness for purpose of the

The Structures Manager shall ensure that appropriate actions are taken following
the review.

5.3 Assessment of fitness for purpose

The assessment of the fitness for purpose of a tunnel shall include to the extent
that is reasonably practicable:

• a thorough investigation into the history, type and method of construction,

including any remaining temporary works;
• as-built details including voids, shafts, etc; particular attention shall be given
to locating blind or hidden shafts;
• geology of the surrounding material and its influence on the tunnel lining;
• construction materials, their strength, current condition and level of
• cover and tunnel dimensions;
• thickness of lining where present ;
• condition and significant defects;
• history, type and method of repair;
• structural features affecting operational safety including clearances;
• effect of present type of traffic on the tunnel structure;
• effect on tunnel of other works;
• presence of water and known watercourses;
• presence of combustible materials in the tunnel (including shafts, adits,
portals and other passages) and the vulnerability of the tunnel to fire;

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Railway Group Standard

Safe Asset Management of Infrastructure – Issue Two
Tunnels Date June 2000
Page 5 of 7

• the risk from current or abandoned mineral extraction workings;

Prior to the speed of any train using the tunnel being significantly increased, the
aerodynamic effects shall also be considered including the following where

• the effects on the integrity of the tunnel;

• the effects on tunnel equipment, fittings and non-structural linings;
• the effects on temporary materials and other legitimately stored materials in
the tunnel;
• the effects on temporary works.

The requirements for refuges are set out in GC/RT5203.

5.4 Creation and upkeep of a planned examination and maintenance

An appropriate process shall be developed and implemented to reduce the risk
to the safe operation of the railway to as low as reasonably practicable. The
process shall include the measures identified in sections 5.4.1 to 5.4.4.

5.4.1 Examination
The requirements for examination of tunnels are set out in GC/RT5100.

5.4.2 Actions following examination

Where defects or features likely to affect fitness for purpose are identified
and / or reported following an examination, the following additional measures
shall be considered:

• more detailed or frequent examination;

• monitoring and management of the defect or feature (see also
section 5.4.3);
• maintenance, restrictions on use or closure taking into account the present
and foreseeable use and life of the tunnel (see also sections 5.4.4 and

Unless otherwise justified, measures to treat such defects or features shall be

based on the areas affected and prioritised and actioned as part of a planned
maintenance programme and included in the management strategy for the

5.4.3 Monitoring
Where movement of the tunnel lining is suspected or established, such
movement shall be monitored at a frequency sufficient to ensure that the
operational safety of the tunnel is maintained.

If necessary, appropriate action shall be taken to protect the safety of train

operations and others.

5.4.4 Maintenance
Maintenance shall be planned and carried out in a way that does not
compromise the safety of the tunnel.

The following shall be taken into account in determining the scope and method
of the work:

• history of the tunnel, including type and method of construction and previous
repairs, renovations and renewals;
• foundations;
• geology and cover of the surrounding material, including mineral workings;
• effects of water presence, drainage and known water courses;
• construction type and details;
• compatibility of materials;

Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Issue Two
Date June 2000
Safe Asset Management of Infrastructure -
Page 6 of 7 Tunnels

• dimensions and clearances;

• other works being carried out simultaneously;
• aerodynamic effects, including cross section requirements;
• climatic effects;
• services (utilities);
• track condition.

Where maintenance involves other than like for like replacement, the works shall
be subject to technical approval procedures. These are set out GC/RT5101.

5.5 Marking of distances and positioning of shafts

Every tunnel shall be clearly marked so that the distance from one portal can be
readily determined by anyone carrying out an examination of the tunnel whether
walking the track or riding on a vehicle.

Where blind or hidden shafts are known to exist, or there is evidence that they
are likely to exist, they shall be clearly marked inside the tunnel.

Where there is evidence that a hidden shaft is likely to exist, action to the extent
that is reasonably practicable, shall be taken to confirm whether the shaft exists
or not.

5.6 Management of shafts with respect to neighbours

Where an open or a blind or hidden shaft exists or where there is evidence that a
hidden shaft is likely to exist, the Infrastructure Controller shall ensure, so far as
is reasonably practicable, the avoidance of risks to owners and occupiers of land
above or adjacent to the tunnel. The Infrastructure Controller shall ensure that
the owner and/or occupier of the land is made aware of the existence or likely
existence of the shaft.

Where the Infrastructure Controller becomes aware of a hidden shaft, they shall
ensure that the owner and/or occupier of the land above or adjacent to the tunnel
is made aware of the hidden shaft as soon as is reasonably practicable but not
later than six months after discovery.

6 Other Works
The Infrastructure Controller shall have procedures in place for the Structures
Manager to review the fitness for purpose of the tunnel before other works are
undertaken. Requirements for maintaining track in tunnels are set out in

7 Best Practice
The Infrastructure Controller shall seek to promote best practice in the safe asset
management of tunnels.

8 Competency
The responsibilities of those persons involved in the management of tunnels
shall be clearly defined in writing.

The competence of those persons involved in the management of a tunnel shall
be appropriate to the nature of the tunnel and its surrounding features.

9 Records
The requirements for record keeping in relation to structures are set out in

In general, the requirements for the contents of records set out in GI/RT7001 are
satisfied by the documented evidence contained in the tunnel management

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Railway Group Standard

Safe Asset Management of Infrastructure – Issue Two
Tunnels Date June 2000
Page 7 of 7

GA/RT6001 Railway Group Standards Change Procedures
GC/RT5021 Track System Requirements
GC/RT5100 Safe Management of Structures
GC/RT5101 Technical Approval Requirements for Changes to the Infrastructure
GC/RT5203 Infrastructure Requirements for Personal Safety in Respect of Clearances and
GI/RT7001 Safety Related Records of Elements of the Infrastructure

The Catalogue of Railway Group Standards and the Railway Group Standards
CD-ROM give the current issue number and status of documents published by
the Safety & Standards Directorate.


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