MPSC Judicial Services Syllabus JMFC
MPSC Judicial Services Syllabus JMFC
MPSC Judicial Services Syllabus JMFC
judge ( junior Division ) & Judicial Magistrate ( First Class) ( Preliminary) Examination
under judicial Service of the Government of Maharashtra .
Syllabus-Civil Judge/1
Syllabus for Competitive Examination for recruitment to the posts of
Civil Judge (Junior Division)& Judicial Magistrate( First Class)(Main) Examination
under Judicial Service of the Government of Maharashtra.
Standard : Suitable to the post Nature of the paper : Conventional type
Medium : Marathi/English Maximum Marks : 100 Duration : Three Hours
(अ) िस हल ोिसजर कोड ( Civil Procedure Code)
(ब) ा सफर ऑफ ॉपट ॲ ट (Transfer of Property Act)
(क) पेिसिफक िरलीफ ॲ ट ( Specific Relief Act)
(ड) लॉ ऑफ कॉ टस, सेल ऑफ गुडस ॲ ट तसेच पाटनरशीप ॲ ट (Law of Contracts, Sale of Goods Act
& Partnership Act.)
(अ) इंिडयन िपनल कोड (Indian Penal Code)
(ब) ए हड स ॲ ट ( Evidence Act)
(क) कोड ऑफ ि िमनल ोिसजर (Code of Criminal Procedure)
(ड) अनुसिू चत जाती,अनुसिू चत जमाती [अ याचार ितबंधक]अिधिनयम-1989 व नागरी ह क संर ण
अिधिनयम - 1955 (Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes [Prevention of Atrocities]
Act-1989 And Protection of Civil Rights Act - 1955)
(इ) कायदे िवषयक ता या घडामोडीबाबत िनबंध (Essay On Current Legal Topic) [Approximately 800 Words]
मौिखक व य तीम व चाचणी - 50 गुण