Ekonomikas Un Kultūras Augstskola (EKA University of Applied Sciences) Riga, Latvia
Ekonomikas Un Kultūras Augstskola (EKA University of Applied Sciences) Riga, Latvia
Ekonomikas Un Kultūras Augstskola (EKA University of Applied Sciences) Riga, Latvia
Below you will find a list of courses offered for international students in the English language. As in our
University the language of instruction is mainly Latvian (except the courses provided for Management and
MBA(Master) programmes), we offer some courses only for international students in English in the form of
individual tutoring/ consultations. The only provision is that there should be at least 3 international
(ERASMUS+) students per course.
Below you will find the courses you can choose for the next semester (Spring 2020).
Kind regards,
Marina Tihomirova
EKA University of Applied Sciences
Institutional Erasmus+ coordinator
Spring Semester 03.02.2020-21.06.2020
Exam period – June, 2020
Courses in the form of individual tutoring/ consultations for ERASMUS students (in English)
Marketing 4 6
International Business 4 6
Management second
Sales Management 4 6
Human Resources Management 4 6
Statistics 4 6
Business Economics and Planning 6 9
Management third
Quality Management 2 3
Project Management 4 6
Document Management 2 3
No. Topic
part-time studies with e -
full-time studies part-time studies
learning elements
No. Topic
part-time studies with e -
full-time studies part-time studies
learning elements
studies with
e -learning
Credits 4
ECTS Credits 6
Student work load (academic hours) 160
Course abstract: Course is devised to impart knowledge of the nature and forms of international business; of
economic, management, state regulation and legal problems as relates to international
transactions and their resolution.
Course outcomes: During the course students will be prepared to evaluate national economy’s place in the world,
including in the EU system and to assess business efficiency improvement possibilities through
internal and external markets.
The course is devoted to the essence of conducting International business research and the
mythology of its practical application in International business, to help students in acquiring
skills of taking decisions related to the urgent issues of the enterprise International business
Forming student’s theoretical knowledge about developing International business under the
contradictory conditions of globalization processes and regionalization of modern world
Forming student’s skills of orienting in the theories of International business, skills of applying
the received knowledge into practical activities with the account of the foreign economic
specifics of the Latvian Republic.
Course outline:
1. Introduction and nature of modern International business.
2. Business in an age of Globalization.
3. Sequence of firm’s decisions in entering international markets.
4. Structures for operating in a foreign market.
5. Information applications for International business via the computer and Internet.
6. Ethics in modern International business.
7. Business contract’s content of selling-purchasing.
8. Future of International business.
Requirements for credits: 2 tests (30%), 1 individual assignment (20%), exam (50%).
Course abstract: The course is devised to provide students with knowledge about basics of marketing theory
and its practical application in the sphere of culture services. The tasks of the course: 1) to
introduce students with modern marketing theory concepts and general regularities; 2) to
provide knowledge about basic principles of company (organization) marketing activities; 3)
to describe marketing strategy in target market research; 4)to develop analytical working
skills of students in evaluation of marketing activities of culture services company
Course outcomes: Students will understand various marketing types and technology specifics; they will be able to
develop a company marketing plan taking into consideration target audience and chosen
communication channels’ specifics. Students will have skills of analyzing and controlling
marketing development in all kinds of companies.
Course outline:
1. The essence of marketing and its significance in company (organization) operations:
1.1. The essence of marketing and its importance in commercial and non-commercial organizations’ activities.
1.2. Basic elements and concepts of marketing.
1.3. Problems of modern marketing and social critics.
2. Concept of services, its specifics on the culture services market.
2.1. Peculiarities of services as specific products.
2.2. Marketing complex of a service company (organization).
2.3. Marketing activities’ trends of service company (organization).
3. Marketing information and analysis of marketing possibilities on culture service market.
3.1. Environment factors of marketing.
3.2. Information system and research of marketing.
4. Company’s marketing strategy and target market:
4.1. The essence of market segmenting and choice of target market.
4.2. Positioning of offer in the target market.
5. Marketing mix of a company (organization).
5.1. Product development and managing.
5.2. Price development method and strategies.
5.3. Development of distribution channels.
5.4. Complex and methods of product advancement activities.
5.5. Specific elements of services offer.
6. Management and organization of marketing in the field of culture services.
Requirements for credits: 2 tests (20%), 1 practical assignment (30%), exam (50%)
Part time
Credits 2
ECTS Credits 3
Student work load (academic hours)
Course abstract: The course is about logistics problems &solution within business environment.
No. Topic
part-time studies with e -
full-time studies part-time studies
learning elements
The final evaluation of the study course for part-time students consists of successfully completed two independent works,
successfully passed two tests, active participation in discussions (seminar) during the classes and successfully passed the
examination in the scope of the study course subjects
Evaluation criteria
Evaluation Minimum level Average level High level Excellent level
No. Learning outcome
method/-s (40% till 64%) (65% till 84%) (85% till 94%) (95% till
1. Know and understand the Selfstudy Familiar with the Knows the key Knows and Good
mane meanings and Discusion most important concepts, understands the knowledge
concepts of accounting test basic concepts, nature and most important and
their nature and importance in basic concepts, understanding
importance in accounting their essence of the nature,
accounting and importance meaning and
in accounting concepts of
2. Know the latest laws and Discusion Knows only minimal Partly familiar Knows and is Freely
regulations related to test requirements of the with the able to explain orientated to
accounting main accounting accounting the the
normative normative requirements of requirements
regulation regulation the normative of accounting
regulation of legislation
3. Is familiar with the Selfstudy Minimum Partly familiar Knows the Knows the
accounting process and Discusion knowledge in with the accounting accounting
the organization of test accounting accounting process and the process and
accounting organization and process and organization of the
accounting work the accounting work organization of
organization organization of accounting
accounting work very well
4. Able to apply the Selfstudy Unable to apply Is capable of Able to apply the Able to apply
acquired knowledge in Discusion accounting independently acquired the knowledge
the field of accounting test knowledge applying knowledge in acquired in the
independently accounting the field of field of
knowledge accounting, accounting in
related to a professional
accounting manner in
5. Able to express, justify Discusion Not able to There is a lack Able to express Able to
and defend his or her reasonably argue, of skills to their point of express,
opinion justify and defend express, justify view reasonably, justify, discuss
one's opinion and defend but have and defend
one's opinion difficulty arguing one's opinion
for it
6. Able independently Selfstudy It is difficult to Is capable of Able to Ability to
provide business Discusion independently carry independently independently independently
transactions, to prepare out accounting work carrying out perform perform
statements related to accounting accounting accounting
accounting of operations processes, but related
business processes related to the make mistakes accounting
accounting of in solving processes
business individual issues
7. Able to analyze the Selfstudy Is able to analyze Ability to Is able to Able to
accounting organization Discusion the organization of independently independently independently
test accounting work, is analyze and analyze and analyze and
not able to identify evaluate the evaluate the evaluate
problems and find organization of organization of accounting
possible solutions accounting accounting work, see
work, unable work, identify problems and
to identify problems and use different
problems and use different research
find possible research methods to
solutions methods, find find solutions
possible for improving
solutions accounting
No. Topic
part-time studies with e -
full-time studies part-time studies
learning elements
No. Topic
part-time studies with e -
full-time studies part-time studies
learning elements
studies with
e -learning
Evaluation criteria
Evaluation Minimum level Average level High level Excellent level
No. Learning outcome
method/-s (40% till 64%) (65% till 84%) (85% till 94%) (95% till
1. Knows and understands Independent Can name Knows the Is well familiar Fully familiar
the essence of work, basic basic concepts with the main with the main
philosophy and its role in discussion, test philosophical of philosophy, concepts of concepts of
society concepts, has is able to philosophy, can philosophy, is
some identify independently able to judge
understanding problems and judge the role of independently
of the role of describe them philosophy in the role of
philosophy in society philosophy in
society society and
use knowledge
in situation
2. Knows the historical and Independent Able to identify Is able to Is able to Freely
contemporary models of work, the main identify the identify the main orientates in
philosophical analysis discussion, test historical main historical models of historical
models of models of philosophical philosophical
philosophical philosophical analysis, to models of
analysis, to analysis, to characterize analysis,
describe them describe them them and to analyze them
superficially in depth analyze them in in
the modern contemporary
context context, make
3. Is able to accomplish Independent Able to identify Is able to Is able to Is able to
philosophical analysis of work, discussion some topical identify topical identify topical identify topical
the actual social socio- socio- socio-economic socio-
economic and cultural economic and economic and and cultural economic and
problems cultural issues, cultural problems, to cultural
to provide problems, to perform their problems,
insight into make a philosophical critically
philosophy philosophical analysis analyze them
description and offer
4. Knows the basic principle Discussion, Knows the Knows the Well oriented in Fully familiar
of text analysis group work fundamentals methods of the basic with the basic
of text text analysis, principles of text principles of
analysis, is is able to apply analysis, is able text analysis,
able to apply them in to independently is able to
at elemental practice conduct independently
level philosophical conduct
research of texts philosophical
5. Is able to apply the Discussion, Able to Able to Able to use Able to
methods of critical Independent identify, name identify, name critical thinking critically
thinking work, test and describe and describe techniques and analyze
thinking thinking techniques in information
mistakes mistakes, offer text and and situations,
solutions situation present their
analysis, to offer views and find
solutions solutions
6. Is able to construct an Independent Able to form Able to form Able to use Able to use
argument and defend the work, philosophical philosophical philosophical philosophical
personal position discussion, test reasoning reasoning argumentation argumentation
according to according to methods methods
the proposed the proposed creatively, to creatively, to
models models, to form counter- create
defend one's arguments, to counter-
opinion discuss arguments, to
discuss, to
7. Is able to gather and Independent Is able to find Is able to Is able to Is able to
evaluate information work, discussion the necessary independently independently independently
sources in find the find the find the
libraries and necessary necessary necessary
online sources in sources in sources in
databases with libraries, libraries, online libraries and
the help of a online databases, online
teacher databases, evaluate it and databases,
select and use it for use it
evaluate it research creatively in
research and
make original
8. Is able to present results Independent Able to Able to Is able to Able to
of the research, to write work describe the present the present the describe the
the argumentative essays results of the results of the results of the results of the
study in the study in the research in a study, to be
essay essay and reasoned essay, able to argue
present them justify its its
in the conclusions and conclusions, to
classroom present the speak in front
results to the of the
audience audience, and
to conduct
studies with
e -learning
Independently read the material about
market research opportunities
Market research about new business Presentation
idea realization possibilities 2 tests
Independently read the material about
market research opportunities
The evaluation of the study course learning outcomes: The final assessment of the study course for full-time students
consists of successfully passed 2 tests, presented business plan, participation in the seminar and successfully passed the
exam. Final assessment is formed by: 30% assessment of tests, 40% evaluation of the business plan developed during the
semester; 10% participation in the seminar; 20% exam evaluation.
The final evaluation of the study course for part-time students consists of successfully completed independent work - a
business plan, a successfully passed test and a successfully passed exam. Final assessment is formed by: 30% assessment
of tests, 40% evaluation of the business plan developed during the semester; 10% participation in the seminar; 20% exam
Evaluation criteria
No. Learning outcome Minimum level Average level High level Excellent level
(40% till 64%) (65% till 84%) (85% till 94%) (95% till 100%)
1. Understand the use of discusion Understands the Understands Understands the Perfectly
financial information in financial the financial financial understands the
the analysis of structure of structure of structure of financial structure
economic activity companie, can companies, companies, is of companies, is
analyze it analyzes able to analyze, able to analyze,
them, and explain, explain, justify
explains the substantiate opinion,
results their views, understands
understand the interconnections
2. Define the types of test Understand cost Has good Good Very well
costs and their impact structure understanding understanding of understood cost
on the performance of the cost the cost structure, impact
structure, is structure, can on performance
able to justify well justify the
mainly impact impact on
on performance
3. Be able to calculate the presentation Understands Good Good Understands the
cost of a product / costing understanding understanding of cost-costing
service methodologies, of costing costing methods very
able to name methods, the methods, ability well, they are able
pricing methods ability to to choose the to choose the
choose the most suitable most suitable and
most suitable, and apply in the apply in the cost
is able to calculation of calculation, are
name the cost, well able to very well able to
pricing offer pricing offer pricing
methods methods, methods, choose
choose the most the most
appropriate appropriate
4. Be able to Prepare a Presentation Are able to Able to Able to prepare Perfectly able to
business plan for a discusion prepare at least prepare a very well a prepare a
product / service the main complete complete complete
business plan business plan business plan business plan for
components for for a new for a new a new product /
a new product / product / product / service, all
service service, the service, all components of the
components of components of business plan are
the main the business properly prepared
business plan plan are and correctly
are properly properly calculated.
prepared prepared
5. Be able to argue to presentation Business plan Business plan Well-prepared Well-grounded
present your point prepared and prepared and and presented and well-
presented, able presented, business plan, presented
to tell about the able to tell able to tell about presentation of
calculations about the the research the prepared
made, is able to research done done and business plan,
answer at least and calculations, free to tell about
the most calculations, is well answered the researches
important issues mostly able to questions and calculations
answer carried out,
questions comprehensive
answers to
Responsible instructor:
Mg.iur, senior lecturer
Mg.iur, senior lecturer
Study course abstract: The course provides knowledge about document standards and procedures as well as helps
to acquire skills in preparing and using of legal documents. The course is focused on the development of the students'
skills to draft and analyse administrative documents, use the software and other information technology, including
electronic signatures, document preparation and pipeline process. The course develops students' competence to study
and select necessary information, systematize it and independently draft administrative documents.
For part-time students and part-time with e-learning elements students the course requirements are as
- successfully complete three independent tasks;
- successfully pass two tests;
- attend 50% of the lectures;
- attend 50% of practical classes;
- successfully pass the final examination.
The number of contact hours could be changed due to students prerequisites, interests and needs
No. Topic
full-time part-time part-time studies with e -
studies studies learning elements
Compulsory literature: 2, 10
Additional literature: 4
Other information sources: 1
full-time studies 3. Describe types of intellectual capital in enterprise and Presentation, Seminar, Discussion
evaluate amount of it. Explain what are main factors
influencing decision about intellectual capital investments
in the enterprise
Compulsory literature: 2, 7, 8
Additional literature: 9
4. Calculate non-financial return from the intellectual capital Workshop
Compulsory literature: 9
Other information sources: 3, 4
4. Gogan, L.M., Rennung, F., Istis, G., Drahici, A. (2014). A proposed tool for managing intellectual capital in small
and medium size enterprises. Procedia Technology, 16, 728-736.
5. Jordão, R. V. D., Novas, J. C. (2017). Knowledge management and intellectual capital in networks of small and
medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 18 (3), 667-692.
6. Kianto, A., Andreeva, T., Pavlov J. (2013). The impact of intellectual capital management on company
competitiveness and financial performance. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 11, 12-22.
7. Lapiņa I., Borkus I., Stariņeca O. (2012). Corporate Social Responsibility and Creating Shared Value: Case of
Latvia. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: Special International Journal Issues, 68,
8. Lentjušenkova, O., Lapina, I. (2016). The transformation of the organization’s intellectual capital: from resource
to capital. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 17 (4), 610-631.
9. Lentjušenkova, O., Lapiņa, I. (2015). Intellectual Capital Investments: Company’s Additional Expenditures or
Creating Shared Value? In: Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development: Economic,
Management, Finance and System Engineering from the Academic and Practioners Views: Proceedings of
Selected Papers, Czech Republic, Brno, 28-29 May, 2015. Conference Proceeding, 207-216.
10. Petty, R., Guthrie, J. (2000). Intellectual capital literature review: measurement, reporting and management.
Journal of Intellectual Capital, 1 (2), 155-176.
11. Piekkola, H. (2011). Intangible capital: The key to growth in Europe. Intereconomics, 4 (4), 222-228.
12. Zéghal, D. , Maaloul, A. (2011). The accounting treatment of intangibles – A critical review of the literature.
Accounting Forum, 35, 262–274.
13. Zéghal, D., Maaloul, A. (2010). Analyzing value added as an indicator of intellectual capital and its
consequences on company performance. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 11 (1), 39 – 60.
14. Viedma, J.M. (2001). ICBS Intellectual Capital Benchmarking System. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2 (2), 148-
Other information sources
1. Confédération Européenne des Associations de Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (CEA-PME), Fraunhofer
Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik (Fraunhofer IPK), London School of Economics and
Political Sciences (LSE) (2007). Intellectual capital statement - Made in Europe (InCaS). [skatīts 12.01.2019.]
Pieejams: http://www.psych.lse.ac.uk/incas/page114/files/page114_1.pdf
2. OECD (2013). Supporting Investment in Knowledge Capital, Growth and Innovation. [skatīts 12.01.2019.].
Pieejams: doi:10.1787/9789264193307-ne
3. Social Value UK (2012). A Guide to Social Return on Investment. [skatīts 12.01.2019.]. Pieejams: http://www.
4. Sveiby, K.E. (2001b). Methods for Measuring Intangible Assets. [Skatīts 12.01.2019]. Pieejams:
No. Topic
full-time part-time part-time studies with e -
studies studies learning elements
No. Topic
full-time part-time part-time studies with e -
studies studies learning elements
Evaluation criteria
Learning Evaluation
No. Minimum level Average level High level Excellent level
outcome method/-s
(40% till 64%) (65% till 84%) (85% till 94%) (95% till 100%)
1 Understands Tests Understands the Understands the Understands the Understands the
the core of the Exam meaning of value-related core of the value-related
value-related basic terms concepts, but has concepts and is concepts at the level
concepts some difficulties to able to discuss to be able to explain
discuss about about in a well- them to others
argued manner
2 Understands Tests Understands the Understands the Understands the Understands the
the principles Exam basic principles principles, but has principles and is principles of
of valuation some difficulties to able to discuss valuation
fundamental discuss about about in a well- fundamentals at the
approaches argued manner level to be able to
explain them to
3 Is able to apply Tests Is able to apply Is able to apply Is able to apply Is able to apply
valuation Exam basic valuation valuation various valuation various valuation
techniques to techniques, but techniques, but techniques and techniques, interpret
perform sometimes has has some interpret the the results and
business difficulties to difficulties to results suggest application
valuation apply them interpret the improvements
properly results
4 Is able to Tests Is able to apply Is able to apply Is able to apply Is able to apply
determine cost Exam basic techniques various various various techniques to
of capital to determine techniques to techniques to determine cost of
cost of capital, determine cost of determine cost of capital, interpret the
but sometimes capital, but has capital and results and suggest
has difficulties to some difficulties to interpret the application
apply them interpret the results improvements
properly results
5 Is able to Group work Is able to Is able to discuss Is able to discuss Is able to discuss
discuss value- Presentation discuss only value-related value-related value-related issues
related issues Discussion basic value- issues, but has issues in well- and suggest to solve
in well-argued related issues some difficulties to argued manner problems
manner find arguments
Responsible instructor:
degree, position Dr.oec. assoc. prof. Jelena Titko
degree, position Dr.oec. assoc.prof. Jelena Titko
Dr.oec. assist.prof. Konstantins Kozlovskis
Dr.oec. assist.prof. Julija Bistrova
Study course annotation: The course is elaborated for students of master programmes in fields of economics,
management, or finance. The focus is made on development of students’ skills to search and analyze the information
to identify problems in a financial sector or in the fields of corporate finance management, as well as on development of
students’ competence to provide substantiated solutions of the identified problems, applying scientific research and
analysis methods.
No. Theme
part-time part-time studies with e -
full-time studies
studies learning elements *
No. Theme
part-time part-time studies with e -
full-time studies
studies learning elements *
Is able to read and tasks in class
40-69% of the tasks 70-89% of the tasks 90-100% of the tasks
understand company’s Individual
performed correctly performed correctly performed correctly
financial reports work
Is able to develop a
Is able to develop a
financial plan for a
Is able to develop a Individual Is not able to financial plan for a
company, but has
financial plan for a work develop a financial company, as well as
some difficulties to
company plan for a company to substantiate every
discuss and
substantiate it
COMPETENCES (analysis, synthesis, evaluation)
Is able to find necessary
Is not able to find Is able to find
information in the field of Is able to find new
Independent necessary necessary
corporate finance sources of necessary
work information with no information without
management, financial information
assistance an assistance
markets and investments.
Is able to analyze the Is able to apply
Does not
situation in a financial appropriate
understand, which Is able to analyze the
sector or in the field of methods for
methods are situation, applying
corporate finance Independent situation analysis,
appropriate to appropriate research
management, applying work but it is difficult to
situation analysis. Is methods, as well as
appropriate research make conclusions
not able to identify to identify problems
methods, as well as to and identify
identify problems problems
Is able to find a solution of
the identified problem in a Is able to provide a
Independent Is not able to Is able to provide a
financial sector or in the solution, but cannot
work provide a solution substantiated solution
field of corporate finance substantiate it