5 Miscellaneous: UDEC Has Been Tested On A Number of Different Computers. The Calculation Rates Are Compared

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5.1 UDEC Runtime Benchmark

UDEC has been tested on a number of different computers. The calculation rates are compared
here for a 100 elastic block model (400 zones, 500 gridpoints and 360 contacts) subject to isotropic
loading. The model is run for 6000 steps, and the rate is calculated by a FISH function. The data
file is given in Example 5.1; Table 5.1 summarizes the calculation rates for different computers.

Example 5.1 Benchmark data file — “TIMING.DAT”

def rate
rate = ((t1 - t0) * 1000.0) / (6000 * 500)
def time0
t0 = clock / 100.0
def time1
t1 = clock / 100.0
round 0.1
block 0,0 0,10 10,10 10,0
jset 0,0 10,0 0,0 1,0
jset 90,0 10,0 0,0 1,0
gen edge 1.1
prop mat 1 den 1000 bu 1e9 sh 7e8
prop jmat 1 jkn 1e9 jks 1e9 jcoh 1e10
bound stress 0.0 0.0 -2.0e6 range 0,10 9.9 10.1
bound stress -2.0e6 0.0 0.0 range 9.9 10.1 0,10
bound xvel 0.0 range -0.1 0.1 0,10
bound yvel 0.0 range 0,10 -0.1 0.1
damp local
step 1
set message off
step 6000
set message on
print rate

UDEC Version 4.0

5-2 User’s Guide

Table 5.1 UDEC 3.1 runtime calculation rates

Computer sec / gridpoint / 1000 steps Operating System
Dell 386 (25 MHz)∗ 1.0250
GATEWAY 2000 486 (33 MHz)∗ 0.2460
SUN SPARCStation 1+ (25MHz)∗ 0.2280
GATEWAY 2000 486DX2 (66 MHz)∗ 0.1420
DEC Station 5000/125∗ 0.1400
IBM RISC 6000 (RS 320)∗ 0.1300
IBM RISC 6000 (RS 530)∗ 0.1000
GATEWAY 2000 Pentium (60 MHz)∗ 0.0730
GATEWAY 2000 Pentium (90 MHz)∗ 0.0510
DEC ALPHA∗ 0.0400
HP 9000-730∗ 0.0400
GATEWAY 2000 Pentium (150MHz)∗ 0.0360
HP9000-735∗ 0.0200
Intel Pentium (233 MHz)∗ 0.0193
GATEWAY 2000 Pentium II (150MHz)∗ 0.0160
Intel Pentium M (1.6 GHz)∗ 0.0123 WinXP
Intel Pentium IV (3.06 GHz)∗ 0.0104 WinXP
Intel Celeron (366 MHz)∗ 0.0103 Win95
Intel Pentium II (300 MHz)∗ 0.0086 NT 4.0
Intel Pentium II (300 MHz)∗ 0.0086 Win95
Intel Pentium II (400 MHz)∗ 0.0064 Win95
Intel Pentium II (450 MHz)∗ 0.0059 Win98
Intel Pentium III (500 MHz)∗ 0.0052 Win95
Amd Athlon (1 GHz)∗ 0.0023 Win98
Amd 2000+ 0.0014 Win98
Intel Pentium IV (2.8 GHz) 0.0011 Win2000
Intel Pentium IV (3.06 GHz) 0.0010 WinXP
* Timings are from versions of UDEC prior to 4.0.

UDEC Version 4.0


5.2 Error Reporting

Although UDEC has been tested extensively, it is almost impossible to test all available combinations
of options in a code as complex as UDEC. For this reason, some errors may have evaded our notice.
If you discover a genuine bug, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may correct it.

5.2.1 Reporting via the Internet

Itasca’s current Internet e-mail address is

[email protected]
Please include the same information requested on the error notification form (in Section 5.2.2),
followed by the contents of your data file.

5.2.2 Reporting via Fax

A sample form for you to copy and mail or fax to us is given on the next page. Please fill out the
form completely, as this is the minimum information we will need to find and correct the error. The
sample file should, if possible, contain the minimum number of commands necessary to produce
the error. We may have to contact you for further information if we are unable to duplicate the error.
Be aware that it is always possible that the error is peculiar to your hardware, making it impossible
for us to duplicate.

5.3 Technical Support Service

Itasca and its offices and agents will provide telephone support, at no cost, to assist code owners
with the installation of Itasca codes on their computer systems. Additionally, general assistance
may be provided to aid the owner in understanding the capabilities of the various features of the
code. However, no-cost assistance is not provided for help in applying an Itasca code to specific
user-defined problems.
Questions should, in the first instance, be directed to the office or agent where UDEC was purchased.

UDEC Version 4.0

5-4 User’s Guide

UDEC Version 4.0



Found by:

Phone: Fax:


Computer: RAM:


Serial No.: Version*



* Type PRINT version to report your complete version number

Please attach a sample input file that produces the error.

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Phone: (1) 612-371-4711

Mill Place Fax: (1) 612·371·4717
111 Third Avenue South, Suite 450 E-Mail: [email protected]
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 USA Web: www.itascacg.com

UDEC Version 4.0

5-6 User’s Guide

UDEC Version 4.0


5.4 Utility Files

The directory \Program Files\ITASCA\Shared\Utility contains several utility programs to assist

users in operating UDEC. The support files are summarized in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 Support files on “UTILITY.ZIP”

File Instruction File Description
“MOVIE.EXE” “READMOV.TXT” View movie files generated with the MOVIE
“UPDATE.EXE” “READUP.TXT” Utility program used to update hardware key.

UDEC Version 4.0

5-8 User’s Guide

5.5 Hardware Key Drivers

The directory \Program Files\ITASCA\Shared\Drivers contains hardware drivers required for

UDEC to run under Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 or NT. These drivers are normally installed as
part of the installation procedure.

UDEC Version 4.0

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