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2.1 UDEC-Specific Errors

*** ACAP must be larger than 0.0

The domain capillary pressure reference aperture cannot be negative or zero.

*** Access denied - file already exists

DOS file-handling error

*** Address is not a contact

The prescribed address number is not a contact address.

*** Address i is not a block

The prescribed address number is not a block address.

*** All bytes not written (disk full?)

An error has occurred writing to disk; it may be full.

*** Arc specified has zero radius

Check the coordinates specified for the ARC command.

*** At least one cable segment has zero length

Check specified spacing for cable nodes.

*** Attempt to open DOUBLE PRECISION save file with a SINGLE PRECISION code

You must restart this file with the double precision version of UDEC.

*** Attempt to open SINGLE PRECISION save file with DOUBLE PRECISION code

You must restart this file with the single precision version of UDEC.

UDEC Version 4.0

2-2 Command Reference

*** Axial stiffness not set for cable element i

Properties for cable element i have not been properly specified. See PROPERTY

*** Axial stiffness not set for local reinforcement i

Properties for local reinforcement i have not been properly specified. See PROP-
ERTY command.

*** Axial stiffness not set for structural element i

Properties for structural element i have not been properly specified. See PROPERTY

*** Axial stiffness not set for support element i

Properties for support element i have not been properly specified. See PROPERTY

*** Bad command string

UDEC failed to recognize the command entered.

*** Bad conversion parameter i (string)

The ith parameter on the command line was not in the format required by the com-
mand syntax.

*** Bad keyword parameter i (string)

Parameter i on the command line was not processed by UDEC. Check the command

*** BCAP must be larger than 1

The domain capillary pressure coefficient (beta) must be greater than 1.0.

*** Block bulk and shear modulus undefined --- cannot cycle

The block bulk and shear moduli must be defined with the PROPERTY command in
order to execute UDEC.

UDEC Version 4.0


*** Block has less than 3 corners

A block must have at least 3 corners.

*** Block linked to itself

Check coordinates used for the LINK command.

*** Blocks must be created before boundary command

The BOUNDARY command must be given after all the block generation is complete.

*** Cable bolt density must be specified

The material density property for cable bolts must be given.

*** Cannot delete final contact in problem

Only one contact remains in the model. The connected block cannot be deleted.

*** Cannot find block in range

Check coordinate range specified.

*** Cannot find connecting corner for link

Check coordinates specified with the LINK command.

*** Cannot find file command.com

Cannot find command interpreter which is required to jump to DOS.

*** Cannot fix/free fully-deformable block

The FREE and FIX commands only work with rigid blocks.

*** Cannot link two flying blocks

At least one of the blocks specified in a link command must be in contact with
another block. Use cell space detection logic (CONFIG cell).

UDEC Version 4.0

2-4 Command Reference

*** Cannot open file file

UDEC was unable to open the file file. If reading, the file probably does not exist.
If writing, the file may already exist in a protected state.

*** Cannot remove incomplete crack

Internal error in UDEC. Please contact Itasca.

*** Cannot restart BB save file with this version

The key used on this machine does not have the BB option.

*** Cannot restart CREEP save file with this version

Creep models cannot be used unless the proper CONFIG command is given as the
start of the data file.

*** Cannot restart UDM save file with this version

The key used on this machine does not have the UDM option.

*** Cannot split fully-deformable block

All blocks must be created before zone generations.

*** Cannot use Barton-Bandis joints with this version of UDEC

The Barton-Bandis joint option has not been enabled for this copy of UDEC.

*** Cannot use GEN after cycling

Generally, blocks may not be zoned after cycling. However, there is a new option,
GEN rezone, that allows blocks to be rezoned after cycling. All zone stresses in
the block are reset to zero by use of this command. This is generally used only for
highly deformed null model blocks.

*** CONFIG has already been specified

The CONFIG command may only be used once; therefore, all options must be placed
on one line. Type NEW command to respecify CONFIG.

UDEC Version 4.0


*** CONFIG must be done before BLOCK command

The CONFIG command affects the amount of storage allocated for blocks, zones and
contacts. Therefore, the UDEC model configuration must be specified before the
BLOCK command is issued.

*** CONFIG tflow option not set

The CONFIG tflow configuration option must be specified before the SET flow tran-
sient command is used.

*** CONFIG THERMAL command must precede block command

The CONFIG command must precede all other model building commands.

*** Constitutive number out of range

An invalid constitutive number was specified. See the CHANGE command for valid

*** Contact overlap too great

The overlap (or relative displacement) between blocks at a contact has exceeded the
tolerance. This is usually caused by a low normal stiffness value for a joint. (See
Section 3.9 in the User’s Guide.)

*** Contact stiffnesses undefined --- cannot cycle

The properties jkn and jks must be specified before UDEC can cycle. This can be
done via the PROPERTY or JOINT commands.

*** Corner not found

Specified corner address was not found.

*** Density for block material i is zero - cannot cycle

The block density for material property type i has not been specified. See PROPERTY

UDEC Version 4.0

2-6 Command Reference

*** Density for cable element material i is zero - cannot cycle

The density for cable element property type i has not been specified. See PROPERTY

*** Density for free field material i is zero - cannot cycle

The density for free field material property type i has not been specified. See PROP-
ERTY command.

*** Density for structural element material i is zero - cannot cycle

The density for structural element material property type i has not been specified.
See PROPERTY command.

*** Density not set for cable element i

The density for cable element number i has not been specified. See PROPERTY

*** Density not set for structural element i

The density for structural element number i has not been specified. See PROPERTY

*** Domain address required

The WALL command requires the address of a domain. Use PLOT dnum or the FISH
function d near (x, y) to find an appropriate address.

*** Drive not ready

UDEC was unable to access a disk drive. The most probable cause is a floppy drive
with no disk in it.

*** End of file

UDEC has come to the end of a call or batch file.

*** Energy option has not been set

SET energy on must be specified before energy history terms, or PRINT energy may
be used.

UDEC Version 4.0


*** Error accessing free memory

UDEC failed in an attempt to utilize unused memory; contact Itasca.

*** Error accessing virtual memory

UDEC was unable to temporarily store data to the hard disk; check available disk

*** Error during opening of restart file

Check to see that the specified file exists.

*** Error in accessing file

A file does not exist, or UDEC has been unable to access the file. The file may be
in use by another program.

*** Error in accessing hardware key

(Required for cycling.) Please check hardware key on printer port. Check to see
that the appropriate device drivers for the hardware key have been installed. Press:
<SPACE> to try to find the hardware key again, <ESC> to abort UDEC, <RETURN>
to continue UDEC without cycling. The hardware key was not found. The hardware
key is shipped with the UDEC executable and must be installed on the printer port.
There are software drivers that must be installed for UDEC to find the key. These
drivers are automatically installed if UDEC is installed from the CD-ROM.

*** Error in Barton Bandis joint property

One or more of the properties required for the Barton Bandis joint model has the
value of zero.

*** Error in cable element property

A required property for cable elements has not been specified. Use the PROPERTY
command to set the properties.

*** Error in calculation of elasticity matrix (MATINV)

An error occurred while trying to invert the stiffness matrix for the specified
anisotropic properties.

UDEC Version 4.0

2-8 Command Reference

*** Error in color table selection

An out-of-range number has been entered in an attempt to change the color table or
color-table assignments.

*** Error in elastic constants

The elastic material property values are not positive. Use PROPERTY command to
set values.

*** Error in local reinforcement property

A required property for local reinforcement has not been specified. Use the PROP-
ERTY command to set the properties.

*** Error in material constants

One or more of the required material constants for the current model has an unac-
ceptable value.

*** Error in mixed discretization

Internal error in the zone data structure

*** Error in reading input file

An error has been encountered in reading a call or batch file.

*** Error in structural element

An error occurred while trying to create structural elements. Check the input com-

*** Error in structural element property

A required property for structural elements has not been specified correctly. Use the
PROPERTY command to set the properties.

UDEC Version 4.0


*** Error in system date/time, check your system data/time

The date and/or time is older than the last time UDEC was executed. Please check
the system date and time to see if it is current. This can be caused by switching a
lease key between two computers that have different dates or time.

*** Error opening file string

The file probably does not exist in the current directory or is in use by another

*** Error positioning file string

A disk error has occurred while accessing file string.

*** Error reading file string

String is either not the type of file expected, or there is an error on the hard drive.

*** Error reading history file

Input history file cannot be read.

*** Error writing file filename

Your drive is probably full.

*** Error writing or reading save file

UDEC was unable to read or write to a file. When reading, this may indicate a
corrupted save file. When writing, this may indicate a problem with the disk. Check
the available disk space.

*** ESC key pressed to halt

*** Failed attempt to remove support

No support element was found to be removed.

UDEC Version 4.0

2 - 10 Command Reference

*** FF y-range undefined

A y-range is required for this FF command.

*** file: filename is not in DCX format, cannot append

The specified file is not a UDEC.DCX format movie file.

*** File length <=0

DOS file-handling error

*** File not found

The file specified does not exist in that directory.

*** FLOW COMPRESSIBLE requires fluid bulk modulus

A bulk modulus value must be specified for the fluid when doing compressible flow
calculations. Set FLUID bulkw command.

*** Fluid time step required (use SET DTFLOW)

The fluid flow time step has not been set. See SET dtflow command.

*** Free-field not defined

The free field is activated but not defined. See the FF command.

*** Free-field properties not defined

The free-field material number has not been specified. See the FF command.

*** Frequency must be positive

The frequency specified for Rayleigh damping must be greater then zero.

*** GCAP cannot be smaller than 0

The domain capillary pressure coefficient (gamma) cannot be negative.

UDEC Version 4.0


*** Gridpoint outside block

A gridpoint specified for manual zoning falls outside a block.

*** Hardware key is for a previous version of UDEC

You may choose to continue to execute UDEC but you will not have access to any
code options or be able to step. Press: <SPACE> to try to find the key again, <ESC>
to abort UDEC, <ENTER> to continue executing UDEC. You must upgrade your
license to use this version of UDEC.

*** Hardware key was not found

The hardware key is shipped with the UDEC executable and must be installed on
the printer port. There are software drivers that must be installed for UDEC to find
the key. These drivers are automatically installed if UDEC is installed from the
CD-ROM. Please be certain that the hardware key drivers have been installed. The
drivers are found in the \Program Files\Shared\Utility directory. You may choose
to continue to execute UDEC, but you will not have access to any code options or
be able to cycle. Press: <SPACE> to try to find the hardware key again, <ESC> to
abort UDEC, <ENTER> to continue executing UDEC. The hardware key was not

*** History i already exists

History ID numbers must be unique.

*** ID # required for line plot

An ID # is required to plot a graph of value vs. distance on cables, structural elements

or plines. Use PRINT struct, PRINT cable, PLOT struct number or PLOT cable number
to obtain ID #s.

*** If only one block, it must be FDEF to cycle

UDEC can cycle with a block that has no joints. However, that block cannot be a
rigid block. You must use the GEN command to make it fully deformable.

*** Insufficient disk space i required, j available

UDEC estimates that i bytes are required to save the file, and that j bytes are available
on the target disk. Either pick a new destination or free space on the drive.

UDEC Version 4.0

2 - 12 Command Reference

*** Insufficient memory for file buffer...

*** Insufficient memory to jump to DOS - returning to UDEC

Not enough memory to run DOS command interpreter. Try running UDEC with
less memory specified.

*** Internal error in delc

UDEC has encountered an error while deleting a contact.

*** Internal error in delcap

UDEC has encountered an error while deleting a corner.

*** Internal mass damping too high

Reduce mass damping factor.

*** Invalid access code

DOS file-handling error

*** Invalid drive specification

The drive specified is not available.

*** Invalid handle

DOS file-handling error

*** IO error on scratch file

Error accessing a scratch file created during call-nesting. Check available space on
hard drive.

*** Joint normal stiffnesses calculated from NSTABLE cannot be negative

Check input for normal stiffness table.

UDEC Version 4.0


*** Lease version expired, contact Itasca for update

*** Line option not available for this plot

Check Table 1.7 for plot types which can use the line option.

*** Liner thickness not defined

Must specify thickness for structural element liner.

*** Local storage exceeded in subroutine reinf

Specified reinforcement intersects more than the maximum number of edges. Re-
specify with multiple segments of shorter length.

*** Local storage exceeded in subroutine XYCRAK

The number of stored cuts exceeds the maximum allowed.

*** Macro recursion error

A macro cannot refer to itself.

*** Macro string not found

String is not a currently defined macro.

*** Mass damping for rigid-body motion too high

The mass damping value may not exceed 1.

*** Material number assigned to block i is out of range

The material number must be greater than zero and less than 51. A material number
must be specified in each PROPERTY command.

*** Material number assigned to cable element i is out of range

The material number must be greater than zero and less than 51. A material number
must be specified in each PROPERTY command.

UDEC Version 4.0

2 - 14 Command Reference

*** Material number assigned to free field node i is out of range

The material number must be greater than zero and less than 51. A material number
must be specified in each PROPERTY command.

*** Material number assigned to structural element i is out of range

The material number must be greater than zero and less than 51. A material number
must be specified in each PROPERTY command.

*** Material number is not defined

A material number must be specified in each PROPERTY command.

*** Material number is out of range

The material number must be greater than zero and less than 51. A material number
must be specified in each PROPERTY command.

*** Material property for boundary elements is not defined

The material number must be greater than zero and less than 51. A material number
must be specified in each PROPERTY command.

*** Maximum number of histories is <n>

An attempt has been made to define more histories than can fit in the space reserved
for them.

*** Maximum storage exceeded in subroutine STRGRD (use a coarser grid)

Insufficient memory remains for a finer contouring grid. Change contouring grid
with grid nx, ny plotting switch.

*** Maximum number of colors for plotitem name exceeded

More colors were specified than a plotitem of type name will use.

*** Memory allocation error

UDEC has run out of available memory on your system.

UDEC Version 4.0


*** Memory overflow

UDEC has run out of memory with which to store data or model variables. The
model size must be reduced, more memory installed, or UDEC started with more
memory specified on the command line (i.e., UDEC 12 will use a maximum of 12

*** Missing center x- or y-coordinate

The STRUCT generate command requires a central point to be specified. The ele-
ments are then placed between fang and theta.

*** Missing data

Data expected for the execution of a GEN command have not been found.

*** Missing end quotation mark

Check input for unbalance quotation marks.


Filename for file-handling operation (that is, CALL, SAVE, RESTORE, etc.) has not
been given.

*** Missing keyword

A command requires a certain keyword to be involved. Check Section 1.

*** Missing parameter ???

A command requires a greater number of parameters than has been entered. The
sequence number of the missing parameter will be given.

*** Must use CONFIG UDM before defining model

DLL models cannot be used unless the proper CONFIG command is given as the start
of the data file.

*** Must use GEN command to create zones prior to assigning models

The blocks must be fully deformable and zoned prior to assigning zone models.

UDEC Version 4.0

2 - 16 Command Reference

*** Negative or zero block area

Check the coordinates specified with the BLOCK command.

*** Negative or zero zone area

Check the coordinates specified with the BLOCK command and check zone shapes.

*** New block overlaps block

Multiple blocks defined when using the cell space detection logic cannot overlap.

*** Non-wetting fluid bulk modulus must be > 0

The nonwetting fluid bulk modulus must be set greater than zero.

*** No block has been defined

The BLOCK command must be given.

*** No domain found containing given point

UDEC was unable to find a domain containing the center point. The center point in
the STRUCT generate command must lie within the model.

*** No flow type selected

A SET flow command specifying the type of fluid flow is required.

*** Normal stiffness not set for structural element interface

Check the material properties for the structural element.

*** Not enough space on drive to save

n bytes are required
m bytes are available

This save file is too large to fit on the current drive. Either delete files on this drive
or save to a different drive.

UDEC Version 4.0


*** Not UDEC save file

A restore was attempted on a file that was not generated by UDEC.

*** Not same device

DOS file-handling error

*** NSTABLE x-values must be negative or zero

(joint normal displacements are negative in compression

Check normal stiffness table for correct values.

*** NSTABLE y-values must be positive or zero

(joint normal stresses are positive in compression

Check normal stiffness table for correct values.

*** Number of boundary element nodes exceeds limit of n

Reduce the number of gridpoints on the exterior of the model.

*** Number of data point in table entry is out of range

Check the values entered for the TABLE command.

*** Number of FF nodes must be at least 2

See the input instructions for the FF command.

*** Number of points not defined

The number of nodal points for the STRUCT generate command must be defined.

*** Old structural commands are not supported

A STRUCT GEN command is required; please see Section 1.

*** One end of support does not intersect a block edge

Both ends of a structural support must intersect a block.

UDEC Version 4.0

2 - 18 Command Reference

*** Only one block may be created at present --- use ‘‘split’’ for more

More than one BLOCK command cannot be specified unless the cell space detection
logic is used. See CONFIG cell.

*** Options THERMAL and AXISYM are not compatible

Cannot specify both CONFIG thermal and CONFIG axi.

*** Original system area is zero --- cannot compute volumetric strain

The area of the initial block is zero; volumetric strain calculations are impossible.

*** Out of plane tensile failure causes disruption of plane stress condition

Tensile failure in the out-of-plane direction is not permitted for the plane stress
condition. Check the stress state.

*** Parameter <n> has bad format

Check the format used for this parameter.

*** Path not found

The specified file path does not exist.

*** Pline # specified does not exist

An attempt has been made to plot across a pline that does not exist. Type SET pline
for a list.

*** Poisson’s ratio of 0.5 is not allowed, bulk modulus is infinite

Poisson’s ratio cannot be set to 0.5.

*** Poisson’s ratio of -1.0 is not allowed, shear modulus is infinite

A Poisson’s ratio of -1.0 is not allowed.

*** Property JCSo not set for contact i

Barton-Bandis property JCSo is required.

UDEC Version 4.0


*** Property JKN not set for contact i

The property jkn is required for Barton-Bandis joints and is the normal stiffness limit
used to calculate a stable time step.

*** Property JRCo not set for contact i

Barton-Bandis property JRCo is required.

*** Property Lo not set for contact i

Barton-Bandis property Lo is required.

*** Property SIGMAC not set for contact i

Barton-Bandis property sigmac is required.

*** Range list buffer exceeded

The maximum number of specified addresses in range is 10.

*** Recursive use of names in range

A name was given to a range that matches a name used by one of its elements. This
recursive relationship is not allowed, and the new range is not saved under that name.

*** Referenced non-existent auxiliary input (i)

This error should never occur; if it does, contact Itasca.

*** Rounding length too great

The rounding length is too large for the current zone size. Either decrease the
rounding length, or increase the size of the zones.

*** Save file created with different version

The version number of the current UDEC program is not the same as that used to
create the save file.

UDEC Version 4.0

2 - 20 Command Reference

*** Saved state created by a later version

The version number of the current UDEC program is not the same as that used to
create the save file.


Mechanical iterations must be enabled to do transient fluid flow calculations.

*** Spacing must be non-zero

The spacing of joints in a JSET command must not be zero.

*** Specified address is not a domain

The address specified is not the address of a domain. Use PRINT domain or PLOT
dnum to obtain domain numbers

*** Specified group does not exist

There are no objects with this group name assigned.

*** Specified structural node does not exist

A node with the ID specified has not been defined.

*** Table does not exist

A reference was made to a table number that does not yet exist. Use PRINT table
command to get list of tables.

*** Table out of range

A table has been requested which does not exist. Use PRINT table command to get
list of tables.

*** Temporary storage exceeded in subroutine auto

Number of zones exceeds local storage; increase zone edge length or subdivide the

UDEC Version 4.0


*** Thermal option not set (must give CONFIG THERMAL command before
block command)

The CONFIG command must precede all other model building commands.

*** THERMAL step limit is smaller than NTHER

Thermal step limit (RUN step) should be increased, or thermal sub-stepping incre-
ment (SET nther) should be decreased.

*** This block constitutive model is not available

See Table 1.2 for allowable block constitutive models.

*** This command cannot be used with CONFIG CELL

Fluid flow cannot be used with the CONFIG cell option.

*** This command is not available for cable elements

An attempt has been made to plot a property across cable elements that is only
available on structural elements.

*** This command is not available for structural elements

An attempt has been made to plot a property across structural elements that is only
available on cable elements.

*** This joint constitutive model is not available

See manual for allowable joint constitutive models.

*** This version of UDEC requires a Rainbow dongle.

The attached key is not supported by this version. Please contact Itasca for further
instructions. You may choose to continue to execute UDEC, but you will not have
access to any code options or be able to cycle. Press: <SPACE> to try to find
the hardware key again, <ESC> to abort, UDEC, <ENTER> to continue executing
UDEC. This version of UDEC is not compatible with some keys shipped with older
version of UDEC. The Rainbow key is tan colored. The obsolete keys are black
and do not have a bar code on the side.

UDEC Version 4.0

2 - 22 Command Reference

*** Too many files open

The maximum number of files open at one time in DOS has been exceeded. This
can be modified with the FILES= command in “CONFIG.SYS.”

*** Too many input characters (max.=4000)

The maximum number of characters in a command string (including continuations)

is 4000.

*** Too many input parameters (max.=400)

The maximum number of parameters in a command string (including continuations)

is 400.

*** Trace must be non-zero

The trace length parameter for the JSET command must be non zero.

*** UDEC.cfg file is corrupt

The configuration file is a mirror image of the information stored in the hardware
key. This file is created the first time UDEC is executed. Thereafter, this file allows
the user to create models and generate plots without the hardware key attached. The
hardware key is still required to be attached in order to cycle. The configuration
file detected has invalid information; attach your hardware key to regenerate it or
replace the configuration file specified.

*** UDEC.CFG file is for a previous version of UDEC.

You need to attach the hardware key to update the file. You may choose to continue
to execute UDEC but you will not have access to any code options or be able to cycle.
Press: <SPACE> to try to find the key again, <ESC> to abort UDEC, <ENTER>
to continue executing UDEC. You must update your UDEC.CFG file by attaching
your hardware key.

*** Unable to execute command.com

“COMMAND.COM” must be available on the DOS path to use SYSTEM.

*** Unable to open file

UDEC Version 4.0


*** Undefined timestep (check properties)

Some properties required to calculate a stable time step have zero values.

*** Unknown error number

The error code is not supported.

*** Unrecognized command string

Command spelling or syntax is in error.

*** Unrecognized keyword i string

An improper keyword string has been entered following a command.

*** Unrecognized parameter i, name

The ith taken on the command line (name) did not match anything expected by

*** Unrecognized range keyword parameter i string

Range keyword spelling or syntax is in error.

*** XU must be greater than XL

Values for x-coordinate upper and lower limits are not specified correctly.

*** YU must be greater than YL

Values for y-coordinate upper and lower limits are not specified correctly.

*** Zero bulk and shear moduli in zone

These properties cannot be zero. Assign new values using the PROPERTY or ZONE

UDEC Version 4.0

2 - 24 Command Reference

*** Zero compressive yield strength, mat i element i

The specified structural element has been assigned a material property number for
which a compressive yield strength has not been specified.

*** Zero cross-section area, element i

The identified structural element has not been generated with a cross-sectional area.
The element must be regenerated.

*** Zero cross-section inertia, element i

The identified structural element has a zero cross-sectional moment of inertia.

*** Zero cross-section shape factor, element i

The specified structural element has a zero cross-section shape factor.

*** Zero FF density

A density value has not been specified for the free-field material property number.

*** Zero length

A structural support element has zero length.

*** Zero length element

A structural element has collapsed to zero length.

*** Zero length FF zone

Error in specified range for the free field.

*** Zero mass block(s) present --- cannot cycle

A block exists in the model that has zero mass, preventing UDEC from cycling.
Check material density.

UDEC Version 4.0


*** Zero rotational stiffness, node i

Check input properties for structural elements.

*** Zero stiffness, node i

Check structural element interface properties.

*** Zero support stiffness

Check structural support material properties.

*** Zero thickness, element i

Check input for structural elements.

*** Zero time step (check properties)

Some properties required to calculate a stable time step have zero values.

*** Zone edge length too small for rounding length

Zoning length is too small compared to the current rounding length; either increase
the zone size or decrease rounding.

*** Zone generation for this block failed --- to deal with this problem
do one of the following:
a. continue problem using smaller zone edge length;
b. repeat problem with larger rounding length (see round) or
larger minimum edge length (see set edge)

UDEC ’s zone generation algorithm has failed to zone this block.

*** Zone pointer references non-existent gridpoint

Bad input for manual zone generation.

UDEC Version 4.0

2 - 26 Command Reference

UDEC Version 4.0

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