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Click here for Belarc's PC Management products, for large and small
Microsoft - Internet
(Key: X4682-4BKMH-
Microsoft - Money
(Key: TM66R-2Q86K-
Microsoft - Office 54185-640-0000025-17308
XP Professional with (Key: FM9FY-TMF7Q-
FrontPage KCKCT-V9T29-TBBBG)
Microsoft - Streets
and Trips 2001
Microsoft -
WebFldrs XP
Microsoft - 55274-644-4512655-23825
Windows XP (Key: X4682-4BKMH-
Professional M4MRW-MY32H-FC8BD)
Microsoft - Works
(Key: TM66R-2Q86K-
Microsoft - Works
Suite 2001
Software Versions
Adobe Reader Version * Microsoft Office XP Version 10.0.2627 *
Ahead Software AG im Stoeckmaedle 6 76307 Microsoft Open Database Connectivity Version
Karlsbad, Germany e-mail: info@nero.com - InCD 3.520.7713.0 *
Version 3, 3, 2, 0 * Microsoft Outlook Version 10.0.2616 *
Ahead Software AG Karlsbad Germany Phone: ++49- Microsoft Streets & Trips 2001 Version
7248-911-800 Fax: ++49-7248-911-888 e-mail: *
info@nero.com - LANGUAGE_English2 Version 5, Microsoft Windows Media Player Version
5, 9, 9 * *
Ahead Software AG - InfoTool Application Version 1, Microsoft(R) MSN (R) Communications System
2, 0, 0 * Version 6.10.0016.1624 *
Ahead Software Gmbh NeroCheck Version 1, 0, 0, 2 Microsoft(R) Windows Media Player Version
* *
ahead software gmbh, karlsbad - Cover Designer Microsoft® Works 6.0 Version 6.00.1903.0 *
Version 2, 2, 1, 2 * MindVision Software - Installer VISE Version 3.1.1 *
Avance Sound Manager Version 5.0.02 * NetCracker Designer *
Belarc, Inc. - BelManage Client Version 6.0j * Network Probe 0.5 *
Cinematronics - 3D Pinball Version 5.1.2600.0 * Paragon Software Ltd FoneSync Version 4, 0, 19, 0 *
Cisco Systems VPN Client Version 4.0.1 (Rel) * Peer Points Manager Version 1, 0, 0, 0 *
Download Driver * Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - RtlRack Application
Erik Deppe - DriveSpeed Application Version 1, 5, 0, Version 1.0 *
0* RealVNC Ltd. - Windows vncviewer Version 3, 3, 7,
Erik Deppe - Nero CD Speed Application Version 1, 0*
0, 0, 0 * RealVNC Ltd. - WinVNC Version 3, 3, 7, 0 *
Iomega Active Disk Version 3, 2, 1, 5 * Sharman Networks - Kazaa Media Desktop Version 2,
Iomega App Services Version 2, 0, 2, 5 * 5, 1, 0 *
Iomega imgicon Version 6, 3, 0, 56 * South Bay Software - NoAds Version 2001.12.21 *
Iomega refresh Version 4, 0, 1, 0 * Stunt Track Driver *
IomegaWare Version 4.0.0 * Symantec Corporation - Common Client Version
Mattel Interactive - Electronic Registration 1.08.01 *
(USA.WIN32) Version 2, 0, 3, 2 * Symantec Corporation - Event Manager Version
Mattel, Inc. - Stunt Track Driver 2 Version 1.0 * 1.03.4 *
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Version Symantec Corporation - LiveUpdate Version
10.0.2609 * *
Microsoft Clip Organizer Version 10.0.2625 * Symantec Corporation - Norton AntiVirus Version
Microsoft Corporation - IMAPI Module Version 1, 0, 8.00.61 *
0, 2 * Symantec Corporation - Norton AntiVirus Version
Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer Version 9.05.1015 *
6.00.2600.0000 * Symantec Corporation - Norton Internet Security
Microsoft Corporation - Messenger Version 4.0 * Version 6.02.1015 *
Microsoft Corporation - Windows Installer - Unicode Symantec Corporation - Norton Utilities Version
Version 2.0.2600.0 * *
Microsoft Corporation - Windows Movie Maker Symantec Integrator Version 6.00.17 *
Version 1.1.2427.0 * Symantec ScriptBlocking Version 1, 1, 0, 126 *
Microsoft Corporation - Windows® NetMeeting® Symantec Shared Components Version 2.0 *
Version 3.01 * Update Display Settings *
Microsoft Corporation - Zone.com Version 1.2.626.1 Virtos GmbH - WaveEdit DLL Version 1, 0, 4, 1 *
* Yahoo! Messenger Version 5, 6, 0, 1347 *
Microsoft Money Version 9.00.0715 *
Microsoft Office Document Imaging Version
1.03.2349.1 *
Microsoft Office Save My Settings/Profile Wizard
Version 10.0.2609 *
* Click to see where software is installed.
a. Megahertz measurement may be inaccurate if other programs were busy during last analysis.
b. Data may be transferred on the bus at one, two, or four times the Bus Clock rate.
c. Memory slot contents may not add up to Installed Memory if some memory is not recognized by
d. Memory slot contents is reported by the motherboard BIOS. Contact system vendor if slot contents are
e. This may be the manufacturer's factory installed product key rather than yours.
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Legal notice. U.S. Patents 6085229, 5665951 and Patents pending.