Application For Transfer
Application For Transfer
Application For Transfer
The company is an Equal Opportunity Employer that does not discriminate because of sex, age, race, color, religious creed,
marital or veteran status, citizenship, national origin, ancestry, non-job related handicap or disability, obligation to serve in
the armed forces of the U.S., or any other characteristics protected by applicable Federal, State or Local laws.
It has always been the policy of the Company to afford opportunities for advancement to qualified employees. However,
transfers may only occur where an opening exists and an employee is qualified to perform the work available in the position
to which a transfer is requested.
Position Desired
Qualifications/Experience/Educational Background
within two business days after the employee has signed PART I. Forward the completed form directly to
the Recruiting and Employee Relations Department for processing. You will be advised by a Recruiter of
the disposition of your employee’s request. (Generally, if approved, transfers are effective 2 weeks after
notification of acceptance).
A. After reviewing all pertinent information, is this employee recommended for further consideration
with regard to this Transfer Request?
Job Posting Application Forms Exhibit 2-7 (continued)
Yes No
If the response is no, list the reasons below. If the response is yes, forward all transfer
documentation to the prospective supervisor for review.
B. Upon completion of the interview, list the specific reasons for accepting or rejecting this employee
for the position requested.
Return the completed form and all documentation to a Recruiter; do not contact the employee or the
employee’s supervisor.