Nature 2001
Nature 2001
Nature 2001
Horsetails and ferns are a monophyletic group and the closest living relatives
to seed plants
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618 © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE | VOL 409 | 1 FEBRUARY 2001 |
letters to nature
be very useful in inferring deep phylogenetic patterns4±6. With few We obtained DNA sequences (5,072 aligned base pairs) of four
exceptions12,20, broad phylogenetic studies rely solely on combined genes from two plant genomes: plastid atpB, rbcL and rps4, and
nucleotide sequence data, with authors arguing that morphological nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA. We also assembled a con-
character homology assessment among ancient and divergent gruent data set of 136 vegetative and reproductive morphological/
groups is too challenging. This practice ignores the higher complex- anatomical characters. We sampled 35 representatives from all major
ity of morphological characters that can conserve character states monophyletic lineages of land plants. The selection of taxa re¯ects
over time and that have a lower probability of random evolution of our focus on basal vascular plants, and all six Euphyllophytina1
similar structures. lineages are represented by two or more members. Five bryophytes
100/100 Pteridium
90/91 polypodiaceous
-/- Dicksonia
100/100 86/100 Cyathea
leptosporangiate ferns
tree ferns
88/96 100/100 Marsilea
-/64 Lygodium heterosporous
water ferns
100/100 Phanerosorus
70/81 Gleichenia
100/100 Hymenophyllum gleichenioid ferns
whisk ferns
89/- Gnetum
100/96 Cycas
100/100 55/- Ginkgo
100/100 Austrobaileya
seed plants
75/93 Selaginella
100/99 Isoetes
91/- Polytrichum
69/- Sphagnum
94/59 Marchantia
Anthoceros bryophytes
Figure 1 Phylogenetic relationships for all the main lineages of vascular plants inferred them are arbitrary. Branches leading to the three monophyletic clades of vascular plants
from maximum-likelihood (ML) analysis of the combined chloroplast rbcL, atpB, rps4 and (lycophytes, seed plants and horsetails+ferns) are drawn medium thick. The branch
nuclear small-subunit rDNA data set. Numbers at nodes and before the slash are ML supporting the Euphyllophytina, with horsetails+ferns as sister group to seed plants, is the
bootstrap values $50%; maximum parsimony (MP) bootstrap values $50% appear after thickest. Wiggled lines (at straight arrows) indicate three areas of con¯ict between the ML
the slash when these same nodes were supported in the MP unequally weighted analysis and MP analyses. Branch lengths are proportional to number of substitutions per site
of the combined four-genes plus morphology data set (single MP tree = 14165.04 steps). (scale bar). Thumbnail sketches of plant representatives accompany major clades.
A minus sign indicates a node had less than 50% bootstrap support in one or the other Taxonomy follows ref. 1.
analysis. The topology is rooted by all bryophytes, hence relationships depicted among
NATURE | VOL 409 | 1 FEBRUARY 2001 | © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd 619
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were speci®ed as outgroups. We analysed the data sets using our knowledge, this relationship has been proposed only once
both maximum-parsimony (MP) and maximum-likelihood (ML) previously1, as a tentative hypothesis on the evidence of a single
optimization criteria; bootstrap (BS) analyses were conducted to anatomical character (protoxylem distribution). This led to the
measure the stability of observed phylogenetic patterns. provisional classi®cation of the horsetail±fern clade as infradivision
Using ML on the combined four-gene data set we recovered one Moniliformopses (moniliforms); Psilotidae, however, was not
most likely tree (-ln likelihood = 36466.6365) for each of the 100 included in that study1. Although this same deep dichotomy is
replicates (Fig. 1). We also observed an essentially identical topology also robustly resolved in the MP analysis of the combined four-
using MP on the combined four-gene and morphology data set genes plus morphology data set, the Euphyllophytina node is weakly
(three areas that differ are highlighted on Fig. 1). Regardless of the supported (,50% BS). Exceptionally long branches in each of the
analytical approach (MP or ML), three major lineages emerged as three main clades (Fig. 1: Selaginella, Gnetum and Equisetum) and
monophyletic clades with exceptional support (100% BS). The ®rst the greater sensitivity of MP over ML to long-branch attraction
clade comprises the Lycophytina, increasingly recognized as a (statistical inconsistency) effects21,25 probably explain why par-
distinct group of vascular plants only distantly related to other simony bootstrapping failed to recover this clade with high con-
extant pteridophytes and seed plants1,16. The second diverging ®dence. When these long-branch taxa were removed and the
lineage corresponds to seed plants. The third, novel, clade includes combined four-genes plus morphology data set was re-analysed
all non-seed-producing lineages of Euphyllophytina, including with MP, this same basal Euphyllophytina node was highly sup-
horsetails (Equisetopsida), leptosporangiate ferns (Polypodiidae), ported (83% BS, results not shown). Each of our separate single-
eusporangiate ferns (Marattiidae, Ophioglossidae) and whisk ferns gene analyses, with the exception of rps4, did not resolve the
(Psilotidae). Seed plants, ferns and horsetails are united as a horsetail±fern clade, and none was able to determine con®dently
monophyletic group, to the exclusion of lycopods, in both the ML the closest relatives to seed plants. Only our morphological data set,
(92% BS) and MP (,50% BS) analyses. when analysed alone with MP, provided the same conclusions
We observed one unambiguous length discrepancy in rps4 that
can be interpreted as a molecular `signature' providing additional
support for horsetail±fern monophyly. A portion of the rps4
alignment is shown for base pairs 646±696 (Fig. 2), which includes
27 ambiguously aligned base pairs (658±684) ¯anked by unam-
biguously aligned regions. The ambiguously aligned region was
excluded entirely from the ML analysis. In the MP analysis, the same
region was recoded simply as a single absence/presence character for
the observed length increase. This multi-residue length increase in
horsetails and ferns is not as likely to be a random convergence as is
a single point mutation and provides further evidence for this clade.
Within the horsetail±fern lineage, Psilotidae is most closely
related to Ophioglossidae (100% BS). Although this association
was only weakly suggested in recent single-gene analyses11,19,20, the
current evidence unambiguously invalidates the traditional mor-
phological and palaeobotanical view that Psilotidae are relatively
unaltered descendants of the psilotophytes, among the earliest
vascular plant fossils7,18. Ophioglossidae and Psilotidae differ so
radically in phenotype that this close relationship, implying a shared
origin of phenotypic simpli®cation, was never before explicitly
considered. All other ferns and horsetails make up its sister clade
(87% BS). The relationships of horsetails also have been con-
troversial: sister to seed plants7, sister to leptosporangiate (Poly-
podiidae) and eusporangiate (Ophioglossidae and Marattiidae)
ferns1, or as a basal grade euphyllophyte lineage17. Our analysis
clearly (100% BS) places Equisetum within the non-lycophyte
pteridophyte clade, although its exact relationships within this
clade are not yet well resolved. In the ML analysis, Equisetum is
sister to Marattiidae (62% BS), whereas in the MP analysis, it is
sister to leptosporangiate ferns (,50% BS). This study also con-
®rms a sister relationship between tree ferns and the more derived
`polypodiaceous' leptosporangiate ferns (90% BS), and places the
heterosporous water ferns as sister to this clade (100% BS) (Fig. 1).
Relationships among these groups were equivocal in earlier
The only noteworthy disagreement between our ML and MP
analyses is localized within seed-plant relationships, a subject of
much current controversy21,23,24. Our ML analysis resolved gymno-
sperms as monophyletic (65% BS) and Gnetum as sister to Pinus
(89% BS). Our MP analysis supports Gnetum as basal among seed
plants (87% BS), and all other gymnosperms as monophyletic (67%
BS) and sister to angiosperms.
In the ML analysis of the combined four-gene data set, there is Figure 2 A portion of the chloroplast rps4 alignment. An ambiguously aligned region (grey
persuasive support for the Euphyllophytina (92% BS), with a basal box) containing a 9-base-pair length difference distinguishes horsetails and ferns (bottom
dichotomy indicating that the horsetail±fern clade (100% BS) is block) from bryophytes, lycophytes and seed plants (top block). Amino-acid translations
the closest relative to seed plants (100% BS). To the best of are interleaved below each DNA sequence. Dashes indicate gaps.
620 © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE | VOL 409 | 1 FEBRUARY 2001 |
letters to nature
regarding the Euphyllophytina as when the four genes were analysed probabilities for each of six substitution types, plus three heterogeneous rate categories
across sites following a discrete approximation of the gamma distribution, 100 random-
simultaneously with ML. A study using mitochondrial small-sub-
addition replicates) analyses using PAUP* version 4.0b2a30. The ML analysis was restricted
unit rDNA sequence data10 with a smaller selection of taxa suggested to the combined four-gene data set because it is not possible to simultaneously implement
support for this hypothesis; however, critical euphyllophyte taxa two models of evolution, one for morphology and one for DNA sequence data, in any
(Psilotidae and Marattiidae) were not included. A more recent currently available computer programs. We further performed both parsimony bootstrap
study26 that combines data from two genes (nuclear and mitochon- (unequal weighting schemes, 1,000 replicates, each with 10 random-addition replicates
and TBR branch swapping) and likelihood bootstrap analyses (212 replicates, using
drial small-subunit rDNA) strongly corroborates a horsetail±fern identical parameters to those used to ®nd the most likely tree).
clade as sister to seed plants, despite a limited sampling of only seven
Received 25 July; accepted 27 November 2000.
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phylogenetic analysis will be published elsewhere (K.M.P. et al., manuscript in prepara-
tion). Most atpB, rps4, nuclear small-subunit rDNA, and some rbcL sequences were Supplementary information is available on Nature's World-Wide Web site
generated as part of this study. For voucher information, GenBank numbers and the ( or as paper copy from the London editorial of®ce of Nature.
aligned data matrices, see Supplementary Information and
research_collections/botany/botany_sites/ferns/publications.html; data matrices are also
available in TreeBASE, accession number S543, at We thank R. Lupia, F. M. Lutzoni, B. D. Mishler, L. Newstrom-Lloyd and S. Zoller for
critical comments on the manuscript; Z. Dabich, J. BeÂlisle, R. Lupia and D. Kieffer for
assistance in rendering Fig. 1; F. M. Lutzoni and V. A. Funk for advice on phylogenetic
Phylogenetic analyses analyses; I. Capesius, S. Boyles, B. Gof®net, M. Hasebe, M. Kato, M. Kessler, B. D. Mishler,
We conducted heuristic MP (unequal weighting schemes, 1,000 random-addition R. Moran, J. Shaw, W. C. Taylor, Y.-L. Qiu, D. Wall, J. Wheeler, and greenhouse managers at
replicates, tree bisection-reconnection (TBR) branch swapping) and ML (general time- Humboldt State University, University of California at Davis, University of California
reversible model, accommodating unequal nucleotide frequencies and different- Botanical Garden at Berkeley, New York Botanical Garden for plant material; S. W.
NATURE | VOL 409 | 1 FEBRUARY 2001 | © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd 621
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Graham, P. S. Soltis and J. Therrien for sharing unpublished sequence data; and examined the interaction of SNO±Hb5,6 with inside-out vesicles
D. Ferguson, E. Grismer, J. Irwin and L. Sappelsa for general assistance in the initial stages
(IOVs) prepared by everting RBC membrane ghosts11. IOVs incu-
of the project. This work was supported by grants from the NSF to K.M.P., A.R.S., P.G.W.
and R. C., the Green Plant Phylogeny Research Coordination Group (USDA grant), and by bated with SNO±Hb and washed at pH 8 to remove bound Hb
the Pritzker Foundation Fund of The Field Museum. incorporated about 450 pmol NO per mg of TX100-extracted IOV
protein (Fig. 1d). All the incorporated NO was present in complex
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to K.M.P.
(e-mail: kpryer@® with thiol, that is, as SNO. It is important to note that SNO was not
detected in extracts of IOVs exposed to NO in the absence of Hb
(data not shown).
To rule out the possibility that apparent NO group transfer
to IOVs was an artefact of residual membrane-bound SNO±Hb,
................................................................. we incubated IOVs with SNO±Hb immobilized on Sephadex
beads. After centrifugal separation, washes at pH 7 and solubiliza-
Export by red blood cells tion in TX100, extracts of IOVs were free of Hb as assessed by
spectrophotometric detection of haem. SNO was present in those
of nitric oxide bioactivity extracts at somewhat higher levels than in extracts derived from
IOVs incubated with free SNO±Hb (suggesting a greater loss of
John R. Pawloski, Douglas T. Hess & Jonathan S. Stamler
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Medicine, Box 2612, a cytosol
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710, USA 120
81 membrane
.............................................................................................................................................. 100
%NO recovered
Previous studies support a model in which the physiological O2 80
whereas both O2 and NO diffuse into red blood cells, only O2 can 0
diffuse out3±5. Thus, for the dilation of blood vessels by red blood 1:1000 1:500 1:250 1:100
ated from imported NO, is associated predominantly with the red 60
blood cell membrane, and principally with cysteine residues in the 40
haemoglobin-binding cytoplasmic domain of the anion exchan- 20
ger AE1. Interaction with AE1 promotes the deoxygenated struc- 0
ture in SNO±haemoglobin, which subserves NO group transfer to 1:1000 1:500 1:250 1:100
the membrane. Furthermore, we show that vasodilatory activity is c
released from this membrane precinct by deoxygenation. Thus, 120
is, none was lost to nitrate (Fig. 1a). In this model system, about 15± 200
20% of NO incorporated by RBCs was present as SNO; the 100
remainder was ascribed largely to iron nitrosyl haem (FeNO)1,3,4,6. PCMPS Chymo
622 © 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE | VOL 409 | 1 FEBRUARY 2001 |
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