Ecosystem Recovery by Genotypic Diversity
Ecosystem Recovery by Genotypic Diversity
Ecosystem Recovery by Genotypic Diversity
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Conservation Biology intraspecific diversity in turkey oak
(Quercus laevis) leaves was positively
Ecosystem recovery enhanced by related to soil respiration rate due to
microorganisms at high soil nitrogen
genotypic diversity levels. It is unclear whether the effect
described by Reusch et al (2005) is
R Frankham restricted to low diversity ecosystems
........................................................... like seagrass, but it is unlikely, given the
Heredity (2005) 95, 183. doi:10.1038/sj.hdy.6800706; published online 27 July 2005 generally beneficial effects of species
diversity to ecosystem function.
he biodiversity of the planet is multiple genotypes. The number of R Frankham is at the Key Centre for Biodiversity