Ecosystem Recovery by Genotypic Diversity

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Heredity (2005) 95, 183

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Conservation Biology intraspecific diversity in turkey oak
(Quercus laevis) leaves was positively
Ecosystem recovery enhanced by related to soil respiration rate due to
microorganisms at high soil nitrogen
genotypic diversity levels. It is unclear whether the effect
described by Reusch et al (2005) is
R Frankham restricted to low diversity ecosystems
........................................................... like seagrass, but it is unlikely, given the
Heredity (2005) 95, 183. doi:10.1038/sj.hdy.6800706; published online 27 July 2005 generally beneficial effects of species
diversity to ecosystem function.

he biodiversity of the planet is multiple genotypes. The number of R Frankham is at the Key Centre for Biodiversity

T rapidly being depleted, largely as

a direct and indirect consequence
of human activities (the ‘sixth extinc-
shoots was 34% higher in the six-
genotype plots than the monocultures,
and the biomass was 26% greater. In
and Bioresources, Department of Biological
Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW 2109,
Australia, and The Australian Museum, 6 College
Street, Sydney, NSW 2090, Australia.
tion’: Leakey and Lewin, 1995). IUCN, addition, there were benefits in terms of
the World conservation Union, recog- higher abundance (but not diversity) for E-mail: [email protected]
nizes the need to conserve biodiversity several eipfaunal groups associated Frankham R, Ballou JD, Briscoe DA (2002).
at three levels: genetic, species and with seagrass. Benefits were found for Introduction to Conservation Genetics. Cam-
ecosystem diversity (McNeely et al, juvenile bivalves and grazers (snails bridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
1990). Genetics is known to be involved and isopods), but no benefits accrued Hughes AR, Stachowicz JJ (2004). Proc Natl Acad
Sci USA 101: 8998–9002.
in the first and second of these, but for detritivorous crustaceans. Leakey R, Lewin R (1995). The Sixth Extinction:
has not previously been recognized as The mechanism generating the en- Biodiversity and its Survival. Phoenix: London.
important in ecosystem conservation hanced ecosystem function for the sea- Loreau M et al (2001). Science 294: 804–808.
(Frankham et al, 2002). A recent paper grass was genotypic complementarity, Madritch MD, Hunter MD (2003). Oecologia 136:
in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA by Reusch rather than selection. There were large McNeely JA, Miller KR, Reid WV, Mittermeier
et al (2005) provides evidence that interactions in performance of clones RA, Werner TB (1990). Conserving the World’s
genotypic diversity enhances ecosystem when measured singly versus in mix- Biological Diversity. IUCN, World Resources
recovery following an unprecedented tures. For example, the clone that Institute, Conservation International, WWF-
US and the World Bank: Washington, DC.
heat wave. performed best singly was ranked 5 Reusch TBH, Ehlers A, Hämmerli A, Worm B
Species diversity generally enhances out of 6 in six clone mixtures and the (2005). Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 102: 2826–2831.
ecosystem function (reviewed by Schla- worst clone singly was ranked third in Schlapfer F, Schmid B (1999). Ecol Appl 9: 893–912.
pfer and Schmid, 1999; Loreau et al, six clone mixtures.
2001). Reusch’s group hypothesized This work implicates genotypic di-
that genotypic diversity would act in a versity as important for ecosystem Further Reading
similar manner to species diversity to function, in addition to its previously
Chapin III FS et al (2000). Consequences of
enhance ecosystem function and resili- known roles in species survival. Clearly, changing biodiversity. Nature 405: 234.
ence, especially in ecosystems with low it is important to establish how wide- Daily GC (1999). Developing a scientific basis for
species diversity. spread such effects are across geo- managing Earth’s life support systems. Conserv
To test this hypothesis, in 2003 they graphic regions and different ecosys- Ecol 3: 14 [online] URL http://www.consecol.
set up replicated seagrass (Zostera mar- tems. Hughes and Stachowicz (2004) Primack RB (2002). Essentials of Conservation
ina) plots in shallow seas in the south- reported that genotypic diversity en- Biology, 3rd edn. Sinauer: Sunderland, MA.
west Baltic Sea with one, three or six hanced community resistance of the Rodrigues ASL et al (2004). Effectiveness of the
clonal genotypes. An unprecedented same species of seagrass to disturbance global protected area network in representing
species diversity. Nature 428: 640.
heat wave occurred during the experi- by grazing geese in the USA. The effect Umina PA et al (2005). A rapid shift in a classic
ment. Recovery following the heat wave is not restricted to seagrass. Madritch clinal pattern in Drosophila reflecting climate
was much better in the plots with and Hunter (2003) demonstrated that change. Science 308: 691.

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