Phylogeny and Diversification of Bryophytes
Phylogeny and Diversification of Bryophytes
Phylogeny and Diversification of Bryophytes
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The bryophytes comprise three phyla of embryophytes that are well established to occupy the first nodes among extant lineages in
the land-plant tree of life. The three bryophyte groups (hornworts, liverworts, mosses) may not form a monophyletic clade, but they
share life history features including dominant free-living gametophytes and matrotrophic monosporangiate sporophytes. Because of
their unique vegetative and reproductive innovations and their critical position in embryophyte phylogeny, studies of bryophytes are
crucial to understanding the evolution of land plant morphology and genomes. This review focuses on phylogenetic relationships within
each of the three divisions of bryophytes and relates morphological diversity to new insights about those relationships. Most previous
work has been on the mosses, but progress on understanding the phylogeny of hornworts and liverworts is advancing at a rapid pace.
Multilocus multigenome studies have been successful at resolving deep relationships within the mosses and liverworts, whereas single-
gene analyses have advanced understanding of hornwort evolution.
Key words: Anthocerophyta; Bryophyta; bryophyte phylogeny; hornworts; liverworts; Marchantiophyta; mosses; tree of life.
As the only land plants with a dominant gametophyte gen- rophyte: sporangium, seta, and foot. In contrast, an apical mer-
eration, liverworts, mosses, and hornworts exhibit structural istem initial develops in the embryo of tracheophytes and is
and reproductive attributes that are exclusive, unifying, and subsequently responsible for continuous production of repeat-
innovative. Their persistent gametophyte is responsible for ex- ed shoot and root modules in these plants (Bierhorst, 1971;
ploratory growth as well as for proliferation of a new gener- Kato and Imaichi, 1997). Capsules of bryophytes are structur-
ation through either sexual or asexual processes. As a conse- ally elaborate and, in some instances, exhibit complicated
quence, bryophyte gametophytes exhibit a degree of diversity mechanisms for spore production and dispersal. Basal sporo-
and complexity unparalleled in tracheophytes. They are char- phyte elongation with nonsynchronized spore production in
acterized by modular growth (repeated patterns) from a gen- hornworts, elaters in liverworts, and peristomes of mosses pro-
erative apex, range in habit from upright to procumbent, and vide examples of this complexity.
include thalloid to leafy forms (Mishler and DeLuna, 1991). General treatments of bryophyte morphology can be found
Within mosses and liverworts, leafy gametophytes are the in Leitgeb (1874–1881), Campbell (1895), Goebel (1905),
norm, rivaling the leafy sporophytic growth forms of some Smith (1955), Parihar (1965), Watson (1971), Puri (1973),
tracheophytes, especially lycophytes (Renzaglia et al., 2000). Richardson (1981), Schofield (1985), and Crum (2001). The
However, because they depend on water for sexual reproduc- Manual of Bryology, edited by Verdoorn (1932), contains au-
tion, the gametophytes of bryophytes are small relative to most thoritative treatments of selected bryology topics that sum-
vascular plant sporophytes. Sexual reproduction in bryophytes marized the state of our knowledge at that time, and the New
involves release of motile male gametes into the environment Manual of Bryology, edited by Schuster (1984), provided ex-
and requires successful navigation of these naked cells from panded updates more than fifty years later. Both manuals are
the male to the female sex organs via an external water source. still useful. Other edited volumes on various aspects of bryo-
Sporophytes of bryophytes are without exception monospo- phyte biology especially relevant to the tree of life include
rangiate and matrotrophic throughout their life span (Graham Clarke and Duckett (1979), Smith (1982), and Shaw and Gof-
and Wilcox, 2000). Ephemeral and dependent on the game- finet (2000).
tophyte for nutrition and protection, they never exhibit the
modular, indeterminate growth form of the gametophyte gen- The crucial position of bryophytes in embryophyte evolu-
eration. In their greatest structural complexity, bryophyte spo- tion—An unambiguous conclusion from the multitude of con-
rophytes consist of a nutritive foot, elongating pedicel or seta, temporary phylogenetic investigations of streptophytes is that
and a single terminal sporangium or capsule. Formative divi- bryophytes are the first green plants to successfully radiate into
sions in the embryo produce all precursor components of the terrestrial niches. These small, inconspicuous plants have ex-
sporophyte; i.e., distinct embryonic regions are determined to isted for several hundreds of millions of years and have played
develop into the three organographic zones of the mature spo- a prominent role in shaping atmospheric and edaphic change
and the subsequent evolution of all forms of plant life on land.
Manuscript received 5 January 2004; revision accepted 15 June 2004.
Explorations of life history phenomena in bryophytes and a
Various aspects of the research presented here were supported by NSF solid understanding of interrelationships among them are nec-
grants from the Systematic Biology and Assembling the Tree-of-Life Pro- essary to reconstruct the early evolution of embryophytes.
grams (DEB-0089131 to AJS and DEB-0235985 and DEB-0228679 to KSR). The concept that the embryo/sporophyte evolved in land
We are grateful to Christine Cargill, Cymon Cox, Barbara Crandall-Stotler, plants through intercalation of mitotic divisions between fer-
Christine Davis, R. Joel Duff, Laura Forrest, Bernard Goffinet, Xiaolan He- tilization and meiosis is widely accepted (Graham, 1993; Gra-
Nygrén, and Juan Carlos Villarreal for providing data and sharing unpublished
manuscripts. We are also indebted to Andrew Blackwell and Scott Schuette
ham and Wilcox, 2000). Based on this axiom, land plant evo-
for contributions of images and expert technical assistance. Molly McMullen lution proceeded in the direction of progressively more elab-
kindly edited an earlier manuscript draft. orate sporophytes. Although generally true, unconditional ac-
E-mail: [email protected]. ceptance of this trend leads to conclusions that ignore
processes of reduction and parallel/convergent evolution, phe- development are underway, and, in the context of phylogenetic
nomena that have occurred repeatedly during bryophyte di- analyses of bryophytes, the early evolution of these genes is
versification (Schuster, 1992; Niklas, 1997; Boisselier-Dubayle now a tractable problem for investigation (Himi et al., 2001).
et al., 2002). A defining characteristic of embryophytes is the
meiotic production of spores in tetrads and sporopollenin-im- Relationships among the three lineages—Relationships
pregnated spore walls. Because of their resistance to degra- among the three lineages of bryophytes remain one of the
dation, fossil spores have provided valuable clues to the initial major unresolved questions in plant evolutionary biology
stages of land colonization (Taylor, 1995; Wellman and Gray, (Goffinet, 2000). Virtually every conceivable hypothesis has
2000; Wellman et al., 2003). The earliest confirmed land plant been put forth in regards to primary branching patterns at the
fossils are spores, speculated to be from an ancient liverwort base of embryophytes. Most commonly, bryophytes are
dating to the middle Ordovician, some 475 million years ago viewed as a grade of three monophyletic lineages, with an
(mya) (Wellman et al., 2003). uncertain branching order (Mishler et al., 1994; Qiu et al.,
Gametophytes of bryophytes also provide critical clues 1998). Controversy often focuses on which bryophyte group
about land plant evolution. Thalloid and filamentous growth is sister to all other embryophytes, with two hypotheses most
forms are shared with pteridophytes, but the completely sub- frequently supported: liverworts as sister to other embryo-
terranean and nonphotosynthetic life histories found in many phytes vs. hornworts as the sister group (Mishler et al., 1994;
lycophytes and some ferns show no homology in bryophytes Hedderson et al., 1996, 1998; Malek et al., 1996; Garbary and
(Bierhorst, 1971). The achlorophyllous gametophyte of the liv- Renzaglia, 1998; Qiu et al., 1998; Beckert et al., 1999; Duff
erwort Cryptothallus is a recent acquisition within a strictly and Nickrent, 1999; Nishiyama and Kato, 1999; Soltis et al.,
photosynthetic lineage (Renzaglia, 1982). Unlike pterido- 1999; Nickrent et al., 2000; Renzaglia et al., 2000; Stech et
phytes, bryophyte gametophytes frequently show organ de- al., 2003). A moss-plus-liverwort clade has been recovered in
velopment (leaf, stem, and rhizome) and extensive tissue dif- several of these analyses (Hedderson et al., 1996, 1998; Ni-
ferentiation, including conducting and supportive tissues (Hé- shiyama and Kato, 1999; Nickrent et al., 2000; Renzaglia et
bant, 1977; Ligrone et al., 2000). Production of multicellular al., 2000). Recently, it was postulated that hornworts, not
gametangia was an innovation in embryophytes that was a mosses, are the closest living relative of tracheophytes. This
necessary precursor to embryo development (Graham and Wil- speculation finds support in sequence data as well as in struc-
cox, 2000). Among land plants, only mosses and liverworts tural genomic features (Samigullin et al., 2002; Kelch et al.,
produce superficial gametangia, which are variously protected in press). In contrast, recent analyses of amino acid sequences
by elaborate appendages, including leaves. Hornworts seques- based on entire plastid genomes provided support for a mono-
ter vulnerable organs in internal compartments (Renzaglia et phyletic bryophyte assemblage; however, these results must be
al., 2000; Renzaglia and Vaughn, 2000). viewed with caution because of severe limitations in taxon
A lack of intermediate forms in both life history phases and sampling (Nishiyama et al., in press).
the potential to interpret morphological transitions in opposite The focus of this review is to present the current state of
directions have obscured relationships among bryophytes and knowledge on phylogenetic relationships within, not among,
pteridophytes. Understanding morphological evolution re- hornworts, liverworts, and mosses. Emphasis is placed on syn-
quires unambiguous establishment of phylogenetic relation- thesizing results of recent molecular investigations that have
ships among and within bryophyte lineages. Over the past de- revolutionized interpretations of genetic and morphological di-
cade, great strides have been made toward reaching this goal; versification within each of these groups. Intriguing new per-
however, fundamental questions remain. spectives on character evolution have emerged from these
In addition to elucidating early patterns of morphological studies.
diversification in embryophytes, bryophytes are crucial to un-
derstanding plant genome evolution. Approximately 66% of ANTHOCEROTOPHYTA
genes identified from expressed sequence tag analyses of gene
expression in gametophytes of Physcomitrella patens have ho- Hornwort classification and relationships—For centuries,
mologues in the Arabidopsis genome, consistent with the hy- botanists have marveled at the structural peculiarities of horn-
pothesis that genes expressed in the diploid plant body of an- worts (Hofmeister, 1851; Leitgeb, 1879; Campbell, 1895,
giosperms were expressed in the gametophytes of early land 1917, 1924; Goebel, 1905; Lang, 1907; Bower, 1935). In no
plants and were recruited for sporophytic morphogenesis later other branch of the green tree of life does extension of each
in plant phylogeny (Nishiyama et al., 2003). Phylogenetic and sporophyte involve continuous, presumably indeterminate, ba-
functional analyses of genes expressed in Physcomitrella ga- sipetal growth of a single elongated sporangium. All stages of
metophytes have clarified the phylogenetic history of several spore development, from undifferentiated cells through pre-
important gene families, including MIKC-type MADS-box meiotic/meiotic spore mother cells to sequentially more mature
genes (Krogan and Ashton, 2000; Henschel et al., 2002; Hohe spores, can be found in a single hornwort sporangium. A con-
et al., 2002) and homeobox genes (Champagne and Ashton, stant production of spores therefore ensures dispersal through-
2001). Phylogenetic analyses of the KNOX (homeobox) gene out the growing season for as long as the gametophyte persists.
family across the land plant tree of life have provided insights This mode of sporophyte development has no counterpart in
into the history of gene duplication and functional divergence other plant groups, thus obscuring the phylogenetic position
during embryophyte history (Champagne and Ashton, 2001). of hornworts among green plants.
Because KNOX genes are involved in expression of meriste- Hornworts have remained relatively unexplored at all levels
matic activity in vascular plant sporophytes, functional anal- of phylogenetic inquiry (Renzaglia and Vaughn, 2000; Stech
yses of KNOX genes in mosses, liverworts, and hornworts are et al., 2003; Duff et al., in press). The perception that horn-
central to understanding evolution of plant development in em- worts are invariable, elusive, and difficult to identify has con-
bryophytes. Comparable studies of genes involved in flower tributed to the paucity of systematic studies within the group.
Fig. 2. Diversity in growth forms among hornworts. A. Photograph of Anthoceros punctatus L. Small orbicular gametophyte with both immature and almost
ripe sporophytes, growing on soil. Image provided by Christine Cargill. B and C Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of gametophyte of Dendroceros crispatus
(Hook.) Nees. B. Ventral surface showing monostromatic wings and thickened midrib with bulging Nostoc colonies (arrow). Note the numerous small pores
(mucilage clefts) along either side of the midrib. C. Dorsal surface showing sunken archegonia (arrow) on the midrib and developing sporophytes enclosed
within gametophytic involucre. D. SEM of Notothylas orbicularis (Schwein.) Sull. Small orbicular gametophytes growing on bare soil; note the numerous small,
horizontally oriented sporophytes enclosed in involucres. Bar 5 0.2 mm, except in A, bar 5 3 mm.
Fig. 4. Cross sections of hornwort sporophytes. A. Light micrograph of Leiosporoceros dussii (Steph.) Hässel. Tissue is differentiated from outside to inside
as follows: single-layered epidermis, 9–10 layers of assimilative cells, abundant sporogenous tissue with several layers of tetrads intermixed with elaters, and
an indistinct columella. The suture is clearly defined as a longitudinal groove that extends nearly to the sporogenous tissue. Bar 5 100 mm. B. Scanning electron
micrograph of Phaeoceros carolinianus (Michx.) Prosk. In contrast to Fig. 4A, this sporophyte contains an assimilative zone of four cell layers, sporogenous
tissue with one layer of large tetrads intermixed with small elaters, and a columella of 16 cells. Bar 5 1 mm.
With only a single species included in the rbcL sequence anal- (Lange, 1907; Proskauer, 1960). An evaluation of this hypoth-
ysis, it is not possible to evaluate monophyly of Folioceros. esis requires increased taxon sampling across the hornworts.
The remaining hornworts form a monophyletic group that Diversity within Phaeoceros is particularly evident in spore
includes two well-supported assemblages: Phaeoceros laevis morphology (Schuster, 1992). Phaeoceros laevis s. l., includes
sensu lato (represented in Fig. 1 by P. carolinianus) plus No- species with spiny papillate spores, whereas ornamentation in
tothylas and Megaceros plus Dendroceros. A close affinity the remaining species varies from vermiculate to blunt, wart-
between Phaeoceros and Notothylas was suggested by Hässel like projections. As described later, the three representatives
de Menéndez (1988), who placed these two genera in the fam- of Phaeoceros with vermiculate spores included in molecular
ily Notothyladaceae. Both genera have chloroplasts with analyses are more closely related to Megaceros than to P. lae-
prominent pyrenoids, spores with an equatorial girdle (Fig. vis s. l.
5C), and 2–4 (–6) antheridia per chamber. However, because A close relationship between Megaceros and Dendroceros
of the distinctive sporophyte of Notothylas (Fig. 2D), most is evident in morphological characters such as spiraled pseu-
systematists have segregated this genus into a monotypic sub- doelaters (Fig. 5E, F), absence of stomata, and solitary an-
family, family, or order (Singh, 2002). Notothylas is the only theridia. The only epiphytic hornwort, Dendroceros, has a
hornwort taxon in which growth of the sporophyte is abbre- thickened, central midrib with perforated wings (Fig. 2B, C);
viated, spore production appears synchronized, stomata are ab- large, central pyrenoids in each plastid; and multicellular
sent, and the columella is normally absent to poorly developed, spores (Fig. 5E) (Hasegawa, 1980; Renzaglia and Vaughn,
a combination of characters that indicate affinities with liver- 2000). Diagnostic features of Megaceros include unicellular
worts. Consequently, it has been suggested that the Notothylas green spores with distal mammilla (Fig. 5F), the absence of a
sporophyte is plesiomorphic, representing a structural ‘‘link’’ pyrenoid, and multiple plastids per cell (Hasegawa, 1983; Val-
with other bryophytes. Under this interpretation, hornwort ra- entine et al., 1986; Vaughn et al., 1992). However, as discussed
diation involved an elaboration of sporophytes in more derived next, the demarcation between Megaceros and Dendroceros is
taxa (Campbell, 1895; Mishler and Churchill, 1984; Graham, not always well defined, especially with regard to growth form
1993; Hyvönen and Piippo, 1993; Hasegawa, 1994). An al- (Proskauer, 1953; Hässel de Menéndez, 1962).
ternative hypothesis, supported by molecular data, is that spo- A clade containing two species of Dendroceros is sister to
rophytes in Notothylas are not representative of the ancestral a monophyletic assemblage that includes species previously
condition in hornworts but are highly reduced and specialized placed in Megaceros, Phaeoceros, Nothoceros, and Dendro-
(Lang, 1907; Bartlett, 1928; Proskauer, 1960; Renzaglia, 1978; ceros (Fig. 1). This taxonomically heterogeneous group in turn
Schofield, 1985; Schuster, 1992). Features such as the exis- consists of two clades: the first includes two Old World species
tence of a relictual and largely nonfunctional suture in some of Megaceros, the Austral-Asian M. flagellaris and M. denti-
species support the derived nature of the Notothylas sporo- culatus (Hasegawa, 1983; Glenny, 1998), and the second is an
phyte. If parallel reduction in sporophye complexity occurred assemblage of species from four generic segregates. Three
among hornwort genera, Notothylas may be polyphyletic Phaeoceros species, P. coriaceus (Steph.) Campbell, P. hirti-
ious mucilage papillae, hairs, scales, bracts, cups, or flask- taxa. Davis (in press) provided the most extensive analysis of
shaped structures protect the meristem, gemmae, and other relationships among leafy liverwort genera available to date.
vegetative organs. Especially vulnerable are the superficial sex Davis (in press) reconstructed ‘‘backbone’’ relationships
organs that often occur in clusters protected by flaps of tissue, among liverworts based on a combined data set including two
leaf lobes, young leaves, or modified branches (Fig. 9B). nuclear, three mitochondrial, and eight loci sequenced from 20
The uniformity and uniqueness of liverwort sporophytes liverworts and three outgroup mosses (Fig. 7). The data were
provide compelling evidence for monophylly of hepatics. Un- analyzed using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood,
like mosses and hornworts, sporophytes of liverworts reach and Bayesian inference, and most of the results were robust
maturity within the confines of protective gametophytic tissue to these alternative methods. The liverworts are resolved as
that develops from the shoot/thallus (5 perigynium or coelo- monophyletic, as are class Marchantiopsida (complex thal-
caule) and/or archegonium (5 calyptra). Additional gameto- loids) and Jungermanniidae (leafies). Metzgeriidae are re-
phytic structures such as perianths, pseudoperianths, bracts, solved as a grade paraphyletic to Jungermanniidae, in agree-
scales, and involucral flaps may further surround the sporo- ment with earlier studies. Although Forrest and Crandall-Sto-
phyte and associated protective tissue. In such a milieu, pho- tler (in press) sampled different species, results of their anal-
tosynthesis is limited, and the sporophyte derives nourishment ysis of five plastid loci are congruent with those of Davis (in
from the gametophyte through a placenta. The seta is pale to press).
hyaline, and the capsule is devoid of stomata. The majority of Although Haplomitrium has generally been regarded as an
liverwort sporophytes are differentiated into foot, seta, and early-diverging lineage within the liverworts (Smith, 1955;
capsule; in the occasional marchantioid taxon (e.g., Riccia, Schuster, 1984; Renzaglia et al., 1994), the precise placement
Corsinia), the seta and/or foot is vestigial or absent. At com- of this genus remains problematic. The gametophyte of Hap-
pletion of meiosis and spore development, cells of the seta lomitrium is erect and radially symmetrical and therefore rem-
typically undergo rapid elongation through water imbibition iniscent of both jungermannialean liverworts and mosses. Pri-
and thus elevate the capsule away from the substrate. Sterile, or to the discovery of antheridia and sporophytes in Takakia
elongated elaters have hygroscopic, spiraled, inner-wall thick- (Smith and Davison, 1993; Renzaglia et al., 1997), Haplomi-
enings, that are strategically interspersed among spores to fa- trium was considered closely related to Takakia because of
cilitate their separation and dispersal (Fig. 9E). Capsule de- gametophytic similarities (Schuster, 1972, 1984). More recent
hiscence normally entails a patterned separation into four lon- molecular and morphological data have come together to so-
gitudinal valves, but variations range from two valves through lidify the placement of Takakia among mosses (see later). Di-
irregular fragments or plates to cleistocarpous capsules. vergent opinions have been expressed with regard to the re-
lationship of Haplomitrium to other hepatics. A conclusion
The backbone of liverwort phylogenetic relationships— from Bartholomew-Began’s (1990, 1991) extensive morpho-
Crandall-Stotler and Stotler (2000) used morphological char- genetic reevaluation of Haplomitrium was that the genus is a
acters in a cladistic analysis of liverworts. Their analyses in- member of the simple thalloid lineage. In their analysis of land
cluded 34 taxa and 61 characters, and they resolved two main plant relationships based on rbcL sequences, Lewis et al.
lineages: complex thalloids (Marchantiopsida) and simple thal- (1997) noted that the precise position of the genus depended
loids plus leafies (Jungermanniopsida: Metzgeriidae, Junger- on the data set analyzed (1st and 2nd vs. 3rd positions, all po-
manniidae, respectively). However, their sampling was not ex- sitions, ‘‘ts/tv’’ weighting); Haplomitrium fell out sister to all
tensive enough to address phylogenetic issues within any of other embryophytes, sister to all other liverworts, or nested
the major clades. There are a few taxa for which placement within the liverworts and sister to the leafy taxa. Nuclear 18S
relative to the three large groups is ambiguous on the basis of rDNA sequences resolved Haplomitrium (without bootstrap
morphological, ultrastructural, and chemical features. These support) as sister to the class Jungermanniopsida (i.e., leafies
include Treubia and Apotreubia (Treubiales), Monoclea (Mon- plus simple thalloids; Hedderson et al., 1996).
ocleales), Sphaerocarpos, Geothallus and Riella (Sphaerocar- Recent multigene analyses have focused on two hypotheses:
pales), Blasia and Cavicularia (Blasiales), and Haplomitrium Haplomitrium is either sister to Jungermanniopsida or sister to
(Haplomitriales [Calobryales]). Early molecular analyses of all other liverworts. In contrast to almost all other nodes on
the liverworts were limited to single genomic regions with her tree, Davis (in press) reported that the placement of Hap-
limited taxon sampling (e.g., Lewis et al., 1997; Bopp and lomitrium varied among analyses. Under parsimony, likeli-
Capesius, 1998; Beckert et al., 1999; Stech and Frey, 2001) hood, and Bayesian methods, Haplomitrium is resolved with
but recent multigene analyses with increased sampling have strong support as sister to Jungermanniopsida (simple thalloids
begun to clarify phylogenetic relations among (and within) the plus leafies), and this inclusive clade is in turn sister to Mar-
major groups of liverworts. Phylogenetic relationships within chantiopsida (complex thalloids; Fig. 7). However, the most
Marchantiopsida (complex thalloids) from DNA sequence data complex heterogeneous Bayesian substitution model, with 21
were analyzed by Bischler (1998), Wheeler (2000), and Bois- partitions, yielded Haplomitirum as the sister group to all other
selier-Dubayle et al. (2002). Forrest and Crandall-Stotler (in liverworts. Forrest and Crandall-Stotler (in press) and Qiu
press) focused on Metzgeriidae (simple thalloids), whereas He- (2003) reported that Haplomitrium plus Treubia form a clade
Nygrén et al. (in press) sampled a wide diversity of liverwort sister to all other hepatics. However, the sister-group relation-
Fig. 8. Phylogenetic relationships among liverworts, especially the Jungermanniidae (leafies). Homogeneous Bayesian 95% majority rule tree from a four-
gene data matrix (Davis, in press). Bold branches indicate significant support for the clade in all Bayesian analyses (homogeneous and heterogeneous posterior
probabilites $95). Parsimony bootstrap values $50 are shown on the tree.
Fig. 9. Morphological diversity in liverworts. A. Photograph of complex thalloid gametophyte of Conocephalum conicum (L.) Lindb. Note polygonal air
chambers on the dorsal surface. Bar 5 1.0 cm. B. SEM of simple thalloid gametophyte of Pallavicinia lyellii (Hook.) Gray showing monostromatic wings and
thickened midrib. Flaps of tissue on either side of the midrib cover protect antheridia in this male plant. Bar 5 1.0 mm. C. Photograph of leafy gametophyte
of Bazzania trilobata (L.) S. Gray showing incubous leafy insertion from dorsal aspect. The shoot on the right is seen from the ventral side revealing the small
row of underleaves. Bar 5 1.0 mm. D. Light micrograph of large oil bodies in the leaves of Calypogeia muelleriana (Schiffn.) K. Muell. Bar 5 50 mm. E.
Light micrograph of spores and elongated spiraled elaters in Pallavicinia lyellii (Hook.) Gray. Image provided by Scott Schuette. Bar 5 50 mm.
ship was unsupported. When Treubia was excluded from the complex thalloid liverworts include relatively drought-resis-
analysis by Forrest and Crandall-Stotler (in press), the position tant species. Many morphological features of Marchantiopsida
of Haplomitrium was unresolved. Thus, the affinities of Hap- indicate xeromorphic adaptations (Schuster, 1992; Wheeler,
lomitrium are not yet satisfactorily resolved; Davis (in press) 2000). In addition to air chambers in the dorsal part of the
felt that the weight of the current evidence supports a position thallus (Fig. 9A), marchantioid liverworts are characterized by
for the genus as sister to the class Jungermanniopsida, whereas two types of rhizoids (smooth and pegged), archegonial in-
Qiu (2003) and Forrest and Crandall-Stotler (in press) favor a volucres, unlobed spore mother cells, four primary androgones
position as sister to all other hepatics. in the antheridium, six rows of neck cells in the archegonium,
Although unexpected, the affinity between Treubia and idioblastic oil body cells, ventral thallus scales, unistratose
Haplomitrium finds support in morphology. Both are ‘‘leafy’’ capsule walls, and a simple locomotory apparatus in the small
taxa with gametangia situated in leaf axils or lobules. Treubia biflagellated sperm cell (Schuster, 1966, 1992; Renzaglia et
is decisively more dorsiventral, with an oblique to transverse al., 2000; Renzaglia and Garbary, 2001). Of these, only fea-
leaf insertion (succubous) and small dorsal lobules (Renzaglia, tures of the sperm appear to be universal in all species.
1982), whereas some species of Haplomitrium tend toward Although Marchantiopsida are resolved as monophyletic,
anisophylly and succubous insertion (Bartholomew-Begin, traditional relationships among taxa generally are not sup-
1991). In both genera, a tetrahedral apical cell is responsible ported by molecular data. The classical morphological sepa-
for shoot growth. Perhaps the most compelling evidence for a ration of this liverwort class into three orders; i.e., Monocle-
close relationship between these two genera icomes from the ales, Sphaerocarpales, and Marchantiales, is challenged by nu-
peculiar yet similar sperm cells that they produce. Cladistic cleotide sequence data (Wheeler, 2000; Boisselier-Dubayle et
analyses based on spermatogenesis consistently recovered a al., 2002). Incongruence between morphological and molecu-
Treubia plus Haplomitrium clade that is sister to the remaining lar patterns may be attributed to parallel changes in multiple
liverworts (Garbary et al., 1993; Renzaglia and Garbary, lineages (Boisselier-Dubayle et al., 2002).
2001). Stech et al. (2000) elevated Treubia to class Treubiop- The multigene analyses of Davis (in press, Fig. 8) and For-
sida based on trnL intron sequence divergences between it and rest and Crandall-Stotler (in press) provided strong support for
other liverworts. the placement of Blasia as a member of the complex thalloids,
a result that conflicts with the traditional placement of this
Systematics and phylogeny of the Marchantiopsida (com- liverwort within the simple thalloids (Renzaglia, 1982). Sperm
plex thalloid liverworts)—Unlike other hepatic groups, the cell features, persistent ventral scales, a small wedge-shaped
as monophyletic and include Hymenophyton, Moerckia, Hat- a single leaf (Zartman, 2003). These organisms are important
torianthus, Podomitrium, Pallavicinia, Jensenia, Xenothallus, components of tropical forest diversity, and the diversity of
and Symphyogyna (Crandall-Stotler and Stotler, 2000; Forrest epiphylls (almost exclusively Lejeuneaceae) is a sensitive in-
and Crandall-Stotler, in press). This morphologically uniform dicator of habitat change associated with forest fragmentation
group contains upright or procumbent taxa, most with prom- (Zartman, 2003).
inent midribs and monostromatic wings (e.g., Pallavicinia, Jungermanniidae are distinguished from Metzgeriidae in
Fig. 9B). Lens-shaped apical cells (Fig. 10C) are responsible having tetrahedral apical cells, gametophytic shoots with (usu-
for vegetative growth. An autapomorphy of this group is the ally) well-differentiated stems and leaves, leaves formed from
production of specialized strands of dead, water-conducting two initial cells, acrogynous perichaetia (terminating the main
cells that predominate in most taxa (Ligrone et al., 2000). Ex- stem or branch), bracts and perianths (modified, fused leaves)
tensive variability is seen in position and type of protective associated with the perichaetium, and capsules that regularly
structure associated with gametangia and sporophytes (Ren- dehisce into four valves (Crandall-Stotler and Stotler, 2000).
zaglia, 1982; Fig. 9B). The perianths of leafy liverworts are diverse and provide im-
The apparent affinity between suborder Metzgeriinae (sim- portant taxonomic characters in many genera and families.
ple thalloid II) and Jungermanniidae (‘‘true’’ leafy liverworts) Leaves of leafy liverworts may be entire or more often have
in the multigene analyses of both Davis (Fig. 8) and Forrest two large lobes or teeth. They are most commonly differen-
and Crandall-Stotler (in press) was unexpected. Members of tiated as two rows of lateral leaves and a single row of ventral
Metzgeriinae epitomize the simple thalloid condition, with underleaves (amphigastria; Fig. 9C). Underleaves are frequent-
fleshy (Aneuraceae) and midrib-plus-wing (Metzgeriaceae) or- ly small or lacking. Insertion of the lateral leaves may be trans-
ganizations. All of these thalli develop from a lens-shaped api- verse, or, more commonly, they are oblique and the plants are
cal cell (Fig. 10C), and no ‘‘leafy’’ forms exist (except perhaps more or less flattened because the leaves overlap. In plants
Pleurozia, discussed next). Endogenous branches in Metzger- with incubous leaf orientation, the forward leaf margin over-
iaceae are reminiscent of those in leafy liverworts (Renzaglia, laps the trailing margin of the next younger leaf, resembling
1982). the arrangement of roof shingles (Fig. 9C). In sucubous ori-
One of the most surprising results from the Davis (in press) entation, forward margins of older leaves are covered by over-
analyses was the placement of Pleurozia in Metzgeriinae (sim- lapping trailing margins of the younger leaves. In species with
ple thalloid II) rather than among the ‘‘true’’ leafy liverworts complicate–bilobed leaves, lateral leaves are each folded to
(Figs. 7, 8). Pleurozia is composed of about 11 species dis- form ventral and dorsal lobes. The dorsal lobe is larger in most
tributed primarily in the tropics. Leaves are complicate-bi- taxa, and the ventral lobe may be highly modified into the
lobed, and for that reason, Pleurozia has traditionally been form of a pouch or helmet-shaped lobule that holds water.
included in or near Porellales within the leafy liverworts Schuster (1966, 1984) assumed that the most primitive liv-
(Schuster, 1984; Crandall-Stotler and Stotler, 2000). However, erworts would be the most mosslike, with leafy, radially sym-
leaf morphology in Pleurozia is unique in that the leaf lobule metric gametophytes and therefore placed leafy taxa at the
is dorsal in orientation, not ventral (Thiers, 1993), and the base of his subjectively derived ‘‘phylogenetic trees’’ (e.g.,
plants grow from a lenticular apical cell (Crandall-Stotler, Schuster, 1966, pp. 406, 696). He considered leafy taxa with
1976) rather than a tetrahedral cell as in all ‘‘true’’ leafy liv- radial symmetry and three rows of transversely (or nearly so)
erworts. The placement of Pleurozia in the metzgerioid liv- inserted leaves (e.g., Herbertineae) to be early diverging
erworts indicates that the ‘‘leafy’’ gametophytes of Pleurozia, groups, and from these he showed the branching of lineages
with their complicate–bilobed leaves, may have evolved con- or clusters of lineages with increased anisophylly and more
vergently in a group otherwise characterized by thalloid ga- obliquely inserted leaves (Schuster, 1966, 1972, 1984). One
metophytes. In contrast to the single leaf initial in simple thal- group includes Schistochilaceae, Cephaloziaceae, Lepidozia-
loids that have ‘‘leafy’’ gametophytes (Fig. 11A), leaves of ceae, and Pleuroziaceae, whereas the other progresses through
Pleurozia develop from two initial cells, as is typical of leafy Ptidiaceae to Jungermanniaceae, Frullaniaceae and Lejeune-
liverworts (Fig. 11B; Crandall-Stotler, 1976). The phyloge- aceae. (His diagram shows extant families ancestral to other
netic position of Pleurozia should be further investigated, al- families.) The classification of Crandall-Stotler and Stotler
though its placement within subclass Metzgeriidae is strongly (2000) has a sequence of families in five orders, Lepicoleales
supported by both the 12- and four-locus analyses of Davis (in (including Ptilidiaceae, Lepicoleaceae, Schistochilaceae, and
press). Lepidolaenaceae), Jungermanniales (including Herbertaceae,
Balantiopsidaceae, Geocalycaceae, Lepidoziaceae, Cephalo-
Systematics and phylogeny of the Jungermanniidae (leafy ziaceae, Jungermanniaceae, and Gymnomitriaceae), Porellales
liverworts)—The leafy liverworts, with some 4000–6000 spe- (including Porellaceae, Jubulaceae, and Lejeuneaceae), and the
cies, are by far the largest of the liverwort groups. They occur monotypic Radulales and Pleuroziales. Their classification im-
in most terrestrial and aquatic habitats but are especially di- plies similar concepts of evolution in leafy liverworts to those
verse in high-moisture environments. Many species are epi- of Schuster.
phytic on bark, and in the tropics, epiphyllous liverworts may In a liverwort backbone tree based on 12 loci, Davis (in
cover the leaves of angiosperm trees and shrubs in shaded, press) resolved two major clades within subclass Jungerman-
high-humidity forests. More than 75% of the liverworts of niidae (Fig. 7). One clade contains most of the taxa with com-
tropical lowland forests and almost all the epiphylls belong to plicate–bilobed, incubous (or transverse) leaves (mainly Po-
Lejeuneaceae (Gradstein, 1994, 1997). Lejeuneaceae comprise rellaceae, Jubulaceae, Radulaceae, and Lejeuneaceae), whereas
approximately 93 of the 307 genera (30%) of leafy liverworts, the other contains the remaining families of leafy liverworts.
and well over 1000 species (Gradstein, 1979, 1994, 1997; In a more taxon-extensive analysis that included 81 liverworts,
Crandall-Stotler and Stotler, 2000). In lowland equatorial for- two mosses, and a hornwort, based on sequences from 26S
ests, as many as 20 species of Lejeuneaceae may co-occur on nrDNA, two plastid loci ( psbA and rps4), and mitochondrial
nad5, the same two leafy liverwort clades were resolved (Fig. occurs during development, and this plasticity may have pro-
8). The noncomplicate-bilobed group consists of three sub- vided fuel for evolutionary change (Renzaglia et al., 2000).
clades for which sister group relationships are ambiguous (A, Depending on the position of Haplomitrium in the trees, either
B, and C in Fig. 8). Species in clade A have incubous or a tetrahedral or wedge-shaped cell is plesiomorphic. Similarly,
transverse leaf insertion, well-developed underleaves, and mul- either an upright ‘‘leafy’’ habit or a flattened thallus is ances-
tilobed lateral leaves (Davis, in press). Herbertus, assumed by tral in hepatics; both hypotheses have garnered support
Schuster (1984) to be primitive among leafy liverworts, is re- (Schuster, 1992; Mishler and Churchill, 1984). Outgroup com-
solved in a derived position within clade A (Fig. 8). Moreover, parisons provide no further resolution of this issue as hornwort
other isophyllous taxa (e.g., Anthelia, Triandrophyllum) are and pteridophyte gametophytes are thalloid with wedge-
also resolved in relatively derived phylogenetic positions. Taxa shaped apical cells, whereas mosses are leafy with tetrahedral
in clade B have sucubous or transverse leaves and generally cells.
lack underleaves; however, lateral leaf shape is variable. Leaf Within liverworts, significant evolutionary changes can be
shape, insertion, and underleaf development are highly vari- inferred at the cellular level based on the consensus topology
able in clade C, but many of the species are characterized by of recent molecular analyses. Monoplastidic meiosis occurs in
having perichaetia formed in fleshy perigynia or marsupia, all mosses and hornworts. However, it is restricted in liver-
which do not occur elsewhere in the leafy liverworts. worts to Haplomitrium, Blasia, and Monoclea (Renzaglia et
Among suborders of leafy liverworts recognized by Schus- al., 1994) and is best interpreted as plesiomorphic. Monoplas-
ter (1984), only Radulineae and Balantiopsidineae are mono- tidic meiosis involves precise control of plastid division and
phyletic based on the four-locus analysis of Davis (in press). migration prior to chromosomal separation (Brown and Lem-
The classification of Crandall-Stotler and Stotler (2000) is also mon, 1990). Polyplastidic meiosis predominates in liverworts
in conflict with many of the phylogenetic inferences from Da- and is a derived state. Similarly, lobed spore mother cells that
vis’s analysis (Fig. 8). Notably, Lepicoleales are extensively occur in liverworts such as Haplomitrium, Treubia, and Blasia
polyphyletic, and Radulales are nested within Porellales. Her- are shared with other bryophytes and represent a plesio-
bertaceae, Lepidoziaceae, Balantiopsidaceae, Cephaloziaceae, morphic condition (Brown and Lemmon, 1988). Sporocyte
Porellaceae, and Radulaceae are supported as monophyletic. lobing was lost within Marchantiopsida, whereas spores united
Lejeuniaceae are monophyletic only if Bryopteris is included in permanent tetrads are viewed as derived within Sphaero-
within them (Bryopteridaceae, fide Crandall-Stotler and Sto- carpales. Among bryophytes, pre-meiotic patterning of spore
tler, 2000). Jungermanniaceae, Gymnomitriaceae, Geocalyca- wall ornamentation occurs in Apotreubia and Haplomitrium
ceae, Cephaloziaceae, Lepidolaenaceae are paraphyletic (Da- and presumably has been lost in more derived liverwort line-
vis, in press). ages (Brown et al., 1986). Further ultrastructural studies across
a range of hepatic groups are likely to provide new insights
Inferences about morphological evolution in liverworts into the nature and direction of changes in cellular processes
from molecular analyses—Leaves or leaflike lobes have during early land plant evolution.
evolved in every major group of hepatics. Haplomitrium and
Treubia have leafy appendages. Blasia and Sphaerocarpos, BRYOPHYTA
taxa within the marchantioid line, have leafy habits. Phylloth-
allia, Noteroclada, and Pleurozia, with leafy gametophytes, Moss classification and relationships—Division Bryophy-
are scattered among simple thalloid taxa. The leaves of these ta, or mosses, include about 10 000 species (Crosby et al.,
plants are typically succubous to transversely inserted and may 2000). Systematic knowledge about the mosses has grown
be formed from any one of three apical cell types: wedge- steadily since Hedwig (1801), the starting point for moss no-
shaped, lenticular, or tetrahedral. In Phyllothallia and Noter- menclature (excluding Sphagnum), recognized 32 genera.
oclada (Fig. 10A), each leaf develops from a single initial, Most classifications of the 19th century depended on gameto-
whereas in Pleurozia there are two initials. A single initial is phyte characters for defining the major groups of mosses (e.g.,
also responsible for development of wings and lateral thallus Bruch et al., 1851–1855; Kindberg, 1897). Mosses (excluding
in all simple thalloids, complex thalloids, hornworts, and many Sphagnum and Andreaea) were divided into acrocarpous and
pteridophyte gametophytes and is thus best viewed as plesio- pleurocarpous taxa (Mitten, 1859). Acrocarpous mosses have
morphic. archegonia terminating the main stems, which tend to be
An autapomorphy of the Jungermanniidae is the production sparsely if at all branched. Pleurocarpous mosses, in contrast,
of bifid leaves from two leaf initials in a derivative from a have archegonia borne laterally along relatively highly
tetrahedral apical cell (Fig. 10B). Once ‘‘locked’’ into this pat- branched, generally procumbent or pendent, extensively inter-
tern of cell divisions, a number of variations on the ‘‘typical’’ woven stems. The two forms of gametophyte architecture are
bifid leaf of hepatics evolved, including complicate–bilobed often obvious, but some taxa are confusingly intermediate
leaves. A narrower ventral cutting face in the apical cell is (e.g., Rhizogoniaeae, Orthotrichaceae, Hedwigiaceae) because
associated with a smaller size or absence of underleaves that they have moderately branched stems with archegonia termi-
originate from it. Incubous leaf insertion results from a ventral nating short to long lateral branches. La Farge-England (1996)
(downward) tilt of the apical cell (Crandall-Stotler and Stotler, clarified the definitions of these forms of gametophytic archi-
2000), a feature that is often correlated with taxa that grow on tecture and discussed possible phylogenetic relations between
vertical substrates such as tree bark (e.g., Leujeuniaceae). Con- taxa characterized by acrocarpous, pleurocarpous, and clado-
versely, succubous leaf arrangements are correlated with a dor- carpous gametophyte architecture (the latter including the
sal (upward) tilt of the growing tip. seemingly intermediate forms).
Few conclusions can be drawn at present about the evolu- Philibert (1884–1902) published a series of seminal papers
tion of apical cell shapes and growth forms in liverworts. describing variation in the structure of the moss peristome
Transformation from one apical cell type to another readily (sporophytic) and distinguished several basic types character-
stomes but not the diplolepideous-opposite (Funaria-) type. but present in Andreaeobryum), mode of capsule dehiscence,
Anticlinal walls in the Polytrichum-type nematodontous peri- and timing of perichaetium differentiation relative to sporo-
stomes are not offset (Wenderoth, 1931), and there is little if phyte development. Newton et al. (2000), Goffinet et al.
any offsetting of the walls in Tetraphis-type nematodontous (2001), and Cox et al. (2004) resolved Andreaea and An-
peristomes (Shaw and Anderson, 1988). The peristome of Di- dreaeobryum in a single clade, but without impressive support
physcium has a developmental pattern that conforms in all de- from the bootstrap, Bremer support indices, and Bayesian pos-
tails to the haplolepideous peristomial type and has a 4 : 2 : terior probabilities. It remains possible, though not likely, that
3 formula at maturity despite the unique structure of the ma- Andreaea and Andreaeobryum form a paraphyletic grade lead-
ture peristome (Shaw et al., 1987). ing to the ‘‘true’’ (peristomate) mosses. Murray (1988) noted
Developmental studies have succeeded (even if based on morphological similarities that might link Andreaeobryum
few taxa) in defining when and how the basic peristome types with Takakia.
differ from one another. These studies do not, however, claritfy One of the most exciting insights from phylogenetic anal-
phylogenetic relationships among the types. One of the central yses of mosses is that the monospecific genus, Oedopodium,
goals of higher-level phylogenetic analyses for mosses has appears to be sister to all remaining peristomate taxa (Fig. 15).
been to resolve these relationships. Much progress has been A critical position for Oedopodium corroborates the results of
made, but a full resolution is still forthcoming. Newton et al. (2000) from combined analyses of morphology
and four plastid DNA regions and of Goffinet et al. (2001)
The backbone of moss phylogenetic relationships—Vari- based on a taxon-extensive analysis of plastid rps4 sequences.
ous approaches to resolving relationships among mosses have Goffinet et al. (2001) resolved Oedopodium as sister to a clade
included taxon-extensive analyses using a single plastid gene containing Tetraphidaceae and Polytrichaceae at or near the
(rps4: Goffinet et al., 2001; rbcL: Tsubota et al., 2002), and base of peristomate mosses, but relationships were not fully
analyses of multigene, multigenomic data sets with more syn- resolved and without bootstrap support. Newton et al. (2000)
optic taxon sampling (Cox et al., 2004). Both approaches have and Magombo (2003), based on four plastid DNA regions,
their merits, but it is clear that resolution of well-supported resolved Oedopodium, both with moderate to strong bootstrap
relationships among the major groups of mosses will not be support, as sister to all peristomate mosses.
accomplished using one or a few genes, even if such analyses Oedopodium griffitheanum (Dicks.) Schwaegr. is a small ac-
succeed in placing more genera into monophyletic groups. The rocarpous moss with soft obovate to spathulate leaves, thin-
best-supported ‘‘backbone’’ for mosses was derived from an walled hexagonal leaf cells, erect capsules with a well-devel-
analysis of eight genes representing the mitochondrial, plastid, oped, long-tapered sterile neck region, a well-developed oper-
and nuclear genomes of 30 exemplars that represent major culum but no peristome (Fig. 15). Stalked multicellular gem-
lineages based on previous studies (Cox et al., 2004). The mae are sometimes formed in the leaf axils (Smith, 1978). The
following synopsis is based on that analysis, with discussion species is uncommon, but reported from Alaska, Greenland,
of supportive and/or contradictory evidence when appropriate. Britain, Scandinavia, and Japan, and it is disjunct in the South-
With sequences from four species of liverworts as the out- ern Hemisphere on the Falkland Islands, where it grows on
group, the Bayesian reconstruction presented by Cox et al. peaty soil, typically in rock crevices (Smith, 1978; Mahú,
(2004) indicated that Sphagnum and Takakia form a clade sis- 1979; Noguchi, 1988). Oedopodium has previously been clas-
ter to all remaining mosses (Fig. 12). A close relationship be- sified near Funariaceae, mainly because of similarities in ga-
tween Sphagnum and Takakia was also resolved by Hedderson metophyte morphology (especially the broad, soft-textured
et al. (1998), Newton et al. (2000), and Yatsentyuk (2001) leaves with large, thin-walled cells). The absence of a peri-
from nucleotide sequences, although Newton et al. (2000) stome in Oedopodium may well be plesiotypic, although the
were not able to identify any morphological synapomorphies possibility of secondary loss cannot be eliminated (Cox et al.,
uniting the two genera. Gametophytes of Sphagnum and Tak- 2004).
akia could not be more divergent: those of Takakia are tiny, Mosses characterized by nematodontous peristomes form a
simple in structure, and reminiscent of liverworts, whereas grade paraphyletic to the arthrodontous taxa (Fig. 12). Poly-
those of Sphagnum are large and characterized by a number trichales form a monophyletic group sister to the rest of the
of autapomorphies. The sporophyte of Takakia is mosslike in peristomate mosses; Tetraphis (representing the small family,
development (Renzaglia et al., 1997) with a well-developed Tetraphidaceae) is next diverging, then Buxbaumia, and Di-
seta, a cylindrical capsule, and spiraled dehiscence (Fig. 14), physcium. Monophylly of Polytrichales based on the eight-
whereas capsules of Sphagnum are ovoid in shape, open by gene data set corroborated earlier results of Hyvönen et al.
an apical operculum, and are elevated on gametophytic pseu- (1998), Newton et al. (2000), and Magombo (2003). Tetra-
dopodia. In the analyses of Cox et al. (2004), support for the phidaceae, characterized by four massive, nematodontous peri-
clade containing Sphagnum and Takakia was lower when sub- stome teeth, are not part of the monophyletic Polytrichaceae.
stitution patterns were modeled separately for each of the eight This result makes sense in terms of peristome structure and
genomic regions than when a single model was applied, thus development; Tetraphis does not have the ‘‘extra’’ anticlinal
raising the possibility that resolution of the Sphagnum-Takakia division that characterizes the amphithecial layers of Polytri-
clade may be an artifact. Phylogenetic relationships among chaceae (Shaw and Anderson, 1988) nor the complex pattern
species within Sphagnopsida (Sphagnum and Ambuchanania) of cell malformation that occurs during peristome development
have been described by Shaw (2000) and Shaw et al. (2003a). in Polytrichaceae. Aside from their nematodontous structure,
After Sphagnum and Takakia, the next diverging clade of peristomes of Tetraphidaceae and Polytrichaceae have little in
mosses contains the two genera, Andreaea and Andreaeo- common.
bryum. These two mosses, although similar in gross morphol- Molecular phylogenetic analyses, as well as peristome struc-
ogy, differ in several seemingly fundamental morphological ture and development, support the interpretation that Buxbau-
features including development of a seta (absent in Andreaea mia and Diphyscium are intermediate between nematodontous
Fig. 13. Anatomy and development of moss peristomes. A. Polytrichum juniperinum Hedw. Bar 5 45 mm. B. Transverse section of a young Polytrichum
capsule showing two innermost amphithecial layers of 32 cells (arrows) resulting from ‘‘extra’’ periclinal divisions early in development. Bar 5 100 mm. C.
Transverse section of an older Polytrichum capsule showing cell deformation. Bar 5 30 mm. D. Tetraphis peristome. Bar 5 350 mm. E. Buxbaumia aphylla
Hedw. peristome. Bar 5 425 mm. F. Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) Gaertn. et al. (diplolepideous-alternate) peristome showing 16 outer exostome teeth
surrounding a keeled endostome. Bar 5 200 mm. G. Transverse section of a young Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. capsule showing symmetric anticlinal divisions
(arrows) in the inner peristomial layer (IPL). Bar 5 100 mm. H. Diphyscium peristome. Bar 5 450 mm. I. Dicranum scoparium Hedw. (haplolepideous)
peristome. Bar 5 75 mm. J. Transverse section of a young Bryum peristome showing asymmetric anticlinal divisions (arrows) in the IPL. Bar 5 100 mm. K.
Funaria peristome (diplolepideous-opposite). Bar 5 125 mm. L. Timmia peristome, viewed from the inside, showing the endostome consisting of cilia but no
segments. Bar 5 55 mm.
lationship between taxa characterized by haplolepideous and rocarps from which pleurocarps evolved (Cox and Hedderson,
diplolepideous-alternate peristomes but with weak bootstrap 1999; Cox et al., 2000; Tsubota et al., 2002). Goffinet et al.
and/or Bayesian support. This is an important relationship in (2001) and Cox et al. (2004) resolved Orthotrichacae as sister
the context of understanding peristome evolution. As noted to Splachnaceae (the dung mosses). This result has significant
before, Newton et al. (2000) found evidence of a close rela- support (i.e., .95% posterior probability) in the analyses of
tionship between Encalyptaceae and haplolepideous taxa, but Cox et al. (2004).
they nevertheless resolved the haplolepideous plus Encalyp- The traditional family Rhizogoniaceae (e.g., Brotherus,
taceae clade as sister to the diplolepideous-alternate mosses. 1924) are consistently resolved as nonmonophyletic by mo-
Within the diplolepideous-alternate clade, acrocarpous taxa lecular data (Goffinet et al., 2001). Members of Rhizogon-
form a paraphyletic grade leading to pleurocarps (Fig. 12). iaeae, however, along with the genera Orthodontium (tradi-
Pleurocarpous mosses form a strongly supported monophyletic tionally placed in Bryaceae; Brotherus, 1924; Vitt, 1984) and
group derived from an acrocarpous grade in all analyses with Aulacomnium, appear to be close to the ancestral acrocarps
sufficient sampling conducted to date (Buck et al., 2000; De from which pleurocarpous mosses originated (Cox et al., 2000;
Luna et al., 2000; Tsubota et al., 2002). De Luna et al., 2000; Goffinet et al., 2001; Tsubota et al.,
2002). These taxa are critical to questions about the origins of
Phylogenetic relationships within acrocarpous and clado- pleurocarpy, and progress is being made resolving relation-
carpous mosses—Cox and Hedderson (1999) reconstructed re- ships among taxa traditionally classified in Rhizogoniaceae (A.
lationships among acrocarpous mosses with diplolepideous-al- Newton, British Museum, Natural History, personal commu-
ternate peristomes based on nuclear 26s rDNA and plastid nication).
rps4, and trnL-trnF sequences. Their study upset many long-
established taxonomic concepts. In particular, they showed that Phylogenetic relationships among pleurocarpous moss-
the large family, Bryaceae, is phylogenetically heterogeneous. es—The pleurocarpous mosses include some 5000 species, ap-
Leptobryum, always previously classified in Bryaceae, turned proximately 50% of all mosses. Pleurocarps are diverse in
out to be in Meesiaceae, a conclusion corroborated by subse- tropical forests, although they are also well represented in
quent studies (Cox et al., 2000; Goffinet and Cox, 2000; Gof- Northern and Southern Hemisphere temperate regions. It is
finet et al., 2001). Orthodontium was removed from Bryaceae well established that the pleurocarps are monophyletic and
in favor of a placement among (largely unresolved) acrocar- evolved from acrocarpous ancestors (De Luna et al., 2000;
pous genera near the base of the pleurocarps. Most striking, Newton et al., 2000; Goffinet et al., 2001; Cox et al., 2004).
however, was their finding that even the core bryaceous gen- Pleurocarpous mosses have traditionally been classified in
era, Bryum, Brachymenium, Pohlia, Mielichhoferia, do not three orders: Hookeriales, Hypnales, and Leucodontales. There
form a monophyletic group. Pohlia and related genera (e.g., is now little question that Leucodontales, defined primarily on
Mielichhoferia, Mniobryum) are part of a clade including taxa the basis of reduced peristomes (Brotherus, 1924–1925; Vitt,
traditionally classified in Mniaceae, leaving only Bryum and 1984; Buck, 1991), are nonmonophyletic (Buck et al., 2000;
related genera to form a more restricted Bryaceae. Pohlia has De Luna et al., 2000; Tsubota et al., 2002). Relationships with-
relatively narrow, nonbordered leaves and long leaf cells; in Hypnales have been recalcitrant to phylogenetic resolution
Bryum and relatives have broader, frequently bordered leaves because of short branch lengths at the base of the hypnalean
and shorter hexagonal or rhombic leaf cells; and Mniaceae are clade (Buck et al., 2000). Shaw et al. (2003a) provided mo-
characterized by broader still, sometimes elliptical leaves gen- lecular evidence that Hypnales underwent a rapid radiation
erally with a strong border and isodiametric cells. The un- early in their history. Consequently, resolution of family re-
equivocal placement of Pohlia in Mniaceae could never have lationships within Hypnales is likely to require a tremendous
been predicted from morphological observations and showed amounts of nucleotide sequence data and/or comparative in-
clearly how misleading morphological patterns can be about formation about genome structure. Although relationships
phylogenetic relationships (notwithstanding many congruent among hypnalean families are largely unresolved at present,
patterns of relationship inferred from morphology and molec- some apparently monophyletic groups have been identified
ular data in the mosses). Moreover, phylogenetic insights and generic relationships within them investigated (Chiang and
gained from molecular analyses raise questions about the na- Schaal, 2000; Quandt et al., 2000; Tsubota et al., 2001a, b;
ture of large morphological transitions within monophyletic Blöcher and Capesius, 2002; Pedersen and Hedenäs, 2002;
groups such as Mniaceae. Stech et al., 2002; Vanderpoorten et al., 2002a, b). A difficult
Cladocarpous taxa have archegonia borne on lateral branch- but critical issue confronting phylogenetic analyses of generic
es, seemingly intermediate between acrocarpous and pleuro- relationships within families of hypnalean pleurocarps has
carpous architectures (La Farge-England, 1996). Diverse been the identification of well-supported monophyletic groups
groups of cladocarps include Hedwigiaceae, Orthotrichaceae, appropriate for detailed investigations.
and Rhizogoniaceae. Placement of Orthotrichaceae is also im- Buck et al. (in press) resolved ordinal relationships in the
portant in the context of interpreting basic peristome types in pleurocarps based on four genes (nuclear 26S rDNA, plastid
mosses (discussed earlier). Unfortunately, relationships of Or- rps4, trnL-trnF, and mitochondrial nad4). They found (with
thotrichaceae are still unresolved, although all studies to date strong support) that a clade including traditional Garovagli-
have indicated that the family is nested within groups char- aceae and Ptychomniaceae is sister to Hookeriales plus Hyp-
acterized by diplolepideous-alternate peristomes (Goffinet et nales. These orders are also supported as monophyletic. On
al., 2001), possibly among a group of relatively derived ac- this basis, Buck et al. (in press) reclassified the pleurocarps in
Fig. 15. Oedipodium griffitheanum (Dicks.) Schwaegr. habit. Drawing by C. Zartman.
two superorders, the Pychomnianae and Hypnanae. Ptychom- The teeth of haplolepideous peristomes develop in positions
nianae include the single order, Ptychomniales (with one fam- that would be opposite exostome teeth were the latter formed
ily: Ptychomniaceae), whereas Hypnanae encompass Hooker- (clearly shown in Vitt, 1981). Thus, in terms of development,
iales and Hypnales. They also resolved familial and generic the single row of teeth in haplolepideous peristomes are ho-
relationships within the Hookeriales, recognizing seven fami- mologous with the opposite endostome segments of the Fu-
lies, and reconstructed the evolution of morphological char- naria-type. Like Funaria-type endostomes, haplolepideous
acters on the basis of their results. Obtaining phylogenetic res- peristomes also lack a basal membrane and are relatively mas-
olution within Hookeriales proved less problematic than in sive. Groups characterized by haplolepideous and diplolepi-
Hypnales because Hookeriales do not appear to have under- deous-alternate peristomes appear to be sister groups, implying
gone the sort of rapid radiation that characterizes Hypnales that asymmetric anticlinal cell divisions in the IPL during peri-
(Shaw et al., 2003b). Branch lengths along Hookerialean back- stome development may be a synapomorphy for that clade.
bone are substantially longer than in Hypnales. Diplolepideous-alternate peristomes have additional anticlinal
IPL walls that become offset during development relative to
Inferences about morphological evolution in mosses from those in the PPL. This pattern is likely a synapomorphy for
molecular phylogenies—Cox et al. (2004) conservatively stat- the clade characterized by such peristomes.
ed the morphological implications of their phylogenetic results
for the mosses. These inferences are briefly summarized here. CONSPECTUS
Taxa near the base of the moss tree have the capsule ele-
vated on a gametophytic pseudopodium rather than on a spo- We are currently in a period of exponential change in our
rophytic seta (i.e., Sphagnum and Andreaea), but the ancestral understanding of bryophyte phylogeny. Relationships among
condition in mosses is ambiguous because Takakia and An- the major moss clades are relatively well resolved in compar-
dreaeobryum have a seta. Cox et al. (2004) concluded that the ison to the liverworts and hornworts. However, current work
pseudopodium evolved independently in Sphagnum and An- on all three groups is progressing at such a fast pace that even
dreaea. Because stomata are absent in Takakia, Andreaea, and by the time this review is in print, new discoveries and insights
Andreaeobryum and those of Sphagnum are nonfunctional, are likely.
Cox et al. also concluded that stomata-like structures in Sphag- The molecular hypothesis presented here on hornworts (Fig.
num may not be homologous with stomata of more derived 1) is a critical first step toward a modern phylogenetic under-
mosses or to those of tracheophytes and hornworts. Their pres- standing for the group. Comprehensive analyses using genes
ence in some hornworts indicates, to the contrary, that stomata from all three genomes in combination with morphological
may be homologous in mosses and hornworts, which implies data, with sampling from all 12 genera of hornworts, are re-
multiple losses in mosses. Alternatively, stomata could have quired to verify the novel relationships described earlier. Sys-
been lost once in the early evolution of mosses and regained tematic studies of hornworts have lagged so far behind those
in class Bryopsida. of other land plants that any molecular analysis must first be-
The acrocarpous habit is clearly pleisiotypic in peristomate gin with a clear delineation of morphological characteristics in
mosses, but acrocarps are a paraphyletic group within which the specimens/species that are examined. Worldwide collecting
pleurocarps are nested. Although resolution among cladocar- and basic taxonomic evaluations are essential. With their
pous taxa is poor, it appears that cladocarpy evolved several unique adaptations to land, including basal elongation of the
times. It may be that hypnalean pleurocarps evolved from a sporophyte and internalization of vulnerable tissues, hornworts
cladocarpous ancestor, but additional resolution among acro- will continue to provide essential information about early land
carps near the origin of pleurocarps is needed. plant evolution.
Absence of a peristome in Oedopodium makes the phylo- A general understanding of liverwort relationships has
genetic node at which peristomes originated ambiguous, and emerged from recent molecular studies, and this has led to
it is not clear whether nematodontous peristomes of the Po- major reinterpretations of evolutionary changes in the group.
lytrichum-type evolved independently of arthrodontous peri- For example, isophylly in leafy liverworts and conducting tis-
stomes. The unique anticlinal divisions in the IPL of Polytri- sue in simple thalloid taxa are now clearly seen as derived,
chaceae, leading to twice the ‘‘normal’’ number of cells in this not ancestral. However, critical unanswered questions in liv-
layer, may be an apomorphy for that clade. These divisions erwort phylogeny remain, and these include the position of
appear to be characteristic not only of Polytrichum, but also Haplomitrium (and Treubia), the placement of Pleurozia
Atrichum and Pogonatum, also in Polytrichaceae (Shaw, L. among the simple thalloid vs. leafy clades, and the precise
Anderson, Duke University, and B. Mishler, University of Cal- positions of Sphaerocarpos and Lunularia within the complex
ifornia, Berkeley, unpublished data). These divisions do not thalloid lineage. Relationships among simple thalloid taxa, es-
occur in the developing sporophyte of Sphagnum or Andreaea pecially Pellia, Phyllothallia, Calycularia, and Cavicularia
(Shaw, unpublished data). Phylogenetic considerations lend (the last sister to Blasia, Renzaglia, 1982) have not been re-
support to the hypothesis of Vitt (1984) that the Funaria-type solved using multilocus studies to date and will require addi-
arthrodontous peristome with opposite exostome and endo- tional sequences and more taxon sampling. Most striking is
stome teeth is primitive in arthrodonts. Cox et al. (2004) noted the lack of representation of critical genera and families in any
that although Timmia lacks endostome segments, the most par- one study and the need for a concerted, collaborative effort to
simonious interpretation of its endostome (which consists of a obtain and share specimens of poorly known taxa.
basal membrane and cilia), given its phylogenetic position, is Still outstanding questions with regard to moss phylogeny
that it conforms to the opposite type. Developmental studies include the relationship among Takakia, Sphagnum, and An-
of peristomial layers in Timmia are sorely needed. Of critical dreaea (do they form a monophyletic group sister to all other
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