Writing Rubric Tok 3RD Term
Writing Rubric Tok 3RD Term
Writing Rubric Tok 3RD Term
All the points in the Most of the points in the Some points in the Just one point in the No question points are
CONTENT question are covered question are covered question are covered question is covered and covered in the text, they
and they are relevant to and they are relevant to and they are relevant to it is relevant to the task, are focused on a
the task, It also the task, It also the task, It also It also considers if the different topic.
considers if the target considers if the target considers if the target target reader is properly
reader is properly reader is properly reader is properly informed.
informed. informed. informed.
COMMUNICATIVE The ideas are clearly Most of the ideas are Some ideas are clearly The ideas are not The ideas are totally
ACHIEVEMENT expressed in order to clearly expressed in expressed in order to clearly expressed in confusing and they
(format and achieve the order to achieve the achieve the order to achieve the don’t achieve the
communicative communicative communicative communicative communicative
purpose effectively. purpose effectively. purpose effectively. purpose effectively. purpose.
The text uses linking The text uses most The text uses some The text uses just one The text doesn’t use
ORGANISATION words effectively and linking words effectively linking words effectively linking word effectively, linking words
(Coherence and the paragraphs are and the paragraphs are and the paragraphs are and the paragraphs not effectively, and the
properly organised. properly organised. relatively organised. very well organised. paragraphs are
There is correct use of There is correct use of There is correct use of There is not very disorganised. There is
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. correct use of not correct use of
punctuation. punctuation.
All the sentences are Most of the sentences Some sentences are A few sentences are None of the sentences
GRAMMAR correctly constructed, are correctly correctly constructed, correctly constructed, are correctly
there is an important constructed, there is a there is some varied there is poor variation of constructed, there is no
varied range of varied range of structures and their structures and their variation of structures
structures and structures and length is not so length is short. and the length is poor.
consistent length. consistent length consistent.
Vocabulary is used Most of the vocabulary A limited part of the A very short part part of Vocabulary is not used
VOCABULARY properly showing an is used properly vocabulary is used the vocabulary is used properly and there is no
important variety of it. showing an important properly and there is properly and there is variety of it.
variety of it. some variety of it. poor variety of it.