Letter Rubric 7-8
Letter Rubric 7-8
Letter Rubric 7-8
Criteria 4 3 2 1 NR
Creates Original Text Creates an original Creates an original Creates an original Creates an original Does not demonstrate
(2.3.5) letter which letter which letter which letter which an understanding of the
demonstrates excellent demonstrates good demonstrates basic demonstrates limited form or technique of
knowledge of the form knowledge of the form knowledge of the form knowledge of the form letter writing.
and technique of and technique of and technique of and/or technique of
effective letter writing. effective letter writing. effective letter writing. effective letter writing.
Generate Ideas Demonstrates excellent Demonstrates good Demonstrates basic Demonstrates limited Ideas are not focused
(4.1.1) ability to focus topic by ability to focus topic by ability to focus topic by ability to focus topic by on topic.
integrating ideas from integrating ideas from integrating ideas from integrating ideas from
experiences and other experiences and other experiences and other experiences. Details
sources. Details reflect sources. Details reflect sources. Details reflect reflect lack of
very good good understanding of minimal understanding understanding of
understanding of relationship between of relationship between relationship between
relationship between content, form, content, form, content, form,
content, form, audience, and purpose. audience, and purpose. audience, and purpose.
audience, and purpose.
Organizes Ideas Excellent use of Good use of Basic use of appropriate Limited use of Does not demonstrate
appropriate appropriate organizational patterns appropriate organizational skills.
(4.1.3) organizational patterns organizational patterns modeled. Difficult to organizational patterns
modeled. Effortless to modeled. Easy to follow follow student thought modeled. Unable to
follow student’s student thought process and distracts follow student’s
thought process. process. from understanding. thought process.
Impedes understanding.
Enhance Artistry Excellent use of Good use of language Basic use of language to Limited use of language Does not demonstrate
language to enhance to enhance meaning enhance meaning and to enhance meaning the use of language to
4.2.4 meaning and emphasis and emphasis using emphasis using words, and emphasis using enhance meaning and
using appropriate appropriate words, sentence patterns, and words, sentence emphasis.
words, sentence sentence patterns, and transitional devices. patterns, and
patterns, and transitional devices. transitional devices.
2015 ELA Assessment of Communication Power of One Printable Document Marking Rubrics
transitional devices.
Grammar and Usage Excellent use of subject- Good use of subject- Basic use of subject- Limited use of subject- Does not demonstrate
verb agreement and verb agreement and verb agreement and verb agreement and use of subject-verb
(4.3.1) appropriate verb-tense; appropriate verb-tense; appropriate verb-tense; appropriate verb-tense; agreement and
correct pronoun correct pronoun correct pronoun correct pronoun appropriate verb-tense;
reference used reference used reference used reference used incorrect pronoun
consistently consistently somewhat consistently inconsistently reference used
throughout. throughout. throughout. Errors may throughout. Errors consistently
distract from distract from throughout. Impedes
understanding. understanding. understanding.
Spelling Applies appropriate Applies most Applies some Applies few appropriate Does not apply spelling
spelling conventions appropriate spelling appropriate spelling spelling conventions conventions and
(4.3.2) and patterns. conventions and conventions and and patterns. Errors patterns. Extensive
Essentially error free. patterns. Errors do not patterns. Errors may interfere and distract errors impede
interfere with message. interfere with message. from message. communication.
Punctuation and Consistently uses Uses most conventions Uses some conventions Uses few conventions Does not demonstrate
Capitalization conventions of of capitalization and of capitalization and of capitalization and use of conventions of
capitalization and punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. capitalization and
(4.3.3) punctuation. punctuation.
Note: Check grade level curriculum documents for clarification. Grade 7 = Grade 6 Outcomes. Grade 8 = Grade 7 Outcomes.
2015 ELA Assessment of Communication Power of One Printable Document Marking Rubrics