9 6 3 1
Natural fluency and Adequate fluency Quite fluency and Poor fluency ang
wide range of and proper range of limited range of basic range of
Fluency and vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
Very clear tone of Clear tone of voice Clear tone of voice Unclear tone of
voice and excellent and adequate but not intonation voice and not
Voice and Intonation intonation intonation intonation
Total points:
Final Grade:
5 4 3 2 1
Delivery Student integrated Student had good Student spent Student Student did
posture, gestures, posture and use of the majority leaned on not make eye
and other non gestures. Student of the speech table, had lots contact with
verbal behaviors so maintained eye with feet of unnecessary the audience,
that they completed contact wirh the planted, movement. had lot of
and enhance the audience during the natural Eye contact extra
speech. Delivery speech . Delivery gestures, and with the movements,
was wholly was mostly adequate eye audience was slouched, held
extemporaneous. extemporaneous. contact but so limited. hands behind
there were back and etc...
periods where
there were
Language Meets criteria for Student spoke Student spoke Student spoke Stumbling, lost
good, while clearly and with only without vocal places, and
incorporating articulately with occasional variety and/or similar issues
creative use of consistent use of stumbling or difficulty detracted
language such as vocal variety. lost places keeping an from the
metaphor, similes, and use some appropriate quality of
analogies and etc.. vocal variety. rate of speech. speech.
4 3 2 1 0
Spelling and Virtually no A few spelling A number of There are great N/A
Punctuation spelling or and grammatical spelling and number of
grammatical errors grammatical spelling and
errors errors. grammatical
Use of Excellent use of Proficient use of Moderate use of Insufficient used Absent use of
Adjectives adjectives . They adjectives. For adjectives. A fair of adjectives. adjectives in
have been used thetje most part, number of There are only a the story.
at appropriate they have been adjectives havr few used
times used been used appropriately
throughout the appropriately appropriately throughout the
story, and throughout the throughout the story. They
greatly enhace story. They story. They hardly enhance
the meaning of strongly moderately meaning in the
the plot. enhance shows creativity. story plot.
meaning in the
story plot.
Incorporation of Excellent use of Proficient use of Moderate use of Insufficient use Absent use of
quotations quotations. quotations. For quotations. A of quotations.
They have been the most part, fair number of Only a few have quotations.
used with they have been quotations have been used with
correct used with been used with correct
punctuation. correct correct punctuations.
punctuation. punctuations.
Story Clarity and The story For the most The story The story The story does
Sequence sequence make part, the story sequence makes sequence is very not makes any
sense and is sequence make some sense. hard to follow sense.
very easy to sense and is and makes little
follow. easy to follow sense.
Correct Format:
Story has :
-Author's Name
-Space Paragraph's
Rating Criteria
Level 5 The students uses strong delivery Exceeds Target: Students has a
to respond to the question and knowledge or skills represented at
include storng information to the learning progression level that
support the conclusions. There is this item aligns with as well as
eye contact and strong evidence of knowledge and skills that exceed
preparation, organization, and learning progression level.
enthusiasm for the topic
Level 3 The student uses generally correct Below Target: Student has slight
delivery to respond to the misunderstanding / incomplete
question, but does not include knowledge
much supporting information. The
student does not make eye contact
and it appear that preparation and
organization are irregular.