Final Exam in PE and Health 10
Final Exam in PE and Health 10
Final Exam in PE and Health 10
General Directions: Choose your answer from the choices in the box below. Write the LETTER of your answer on the space
provided before each number. WRITE LEGIBLY.
____ 1. It is the ability of the heart (cardio) and circulatory system (vascular) to
supply oxygen to muscles for an extended period of time.
A. Physical Education ____ 2. Energy consumed is greater than energy expended that means more food
B. Fitness intake but less physical exertion.
____ 3. It is the capacity to propel the body or to project its parts.
C. Lifestyle ____ 4. It is the ability to maintain the equilibrium of the body regardless of outside
D. Non-Communicable influence.
____ 5. It is the capacity to change the direction or movement of the body or it’s
Diseases parts quickly.
E. Power ____ 6. It is the ability to integrate different types of movements into a smooth,
F. Health Benefit accurate, and active as a whole
____ 7. These are fitness components that enhance one’s performance in athletic
G. Cardiovascular Diseases or sports events.
H. Weight Gain ____ 8. Energy consumed is less than energy expended that means more
physical exertion but less food intake.
I. Weight Loss ____ 9. It is the ratio of body fat to lean body mass.( including the water, bones,
J. Health-Related Fitness muscles and connective tissues).
K. Skill-Related Fitness ____ 10. It is defined as a condition in which an individual has enough energy to
avoid fatigue and enjoy life.
L. Flexibility ____ 11. It is an integral part of the educational program which designed to
M. Physical Benefit promote an optimum development of the individual physically, mentally,
emotionally and socially in the performance of properly selected physical
N. Speed activities.
O. Agility ____ 12.These are results of an unhealthy lifestyle; these are not transmitted from
P. Balance person to person, yet kill more than 36 million people each year.
____ 13.These are components that focus on factors that promote optimum health
Q. Reaction Time and prevent the onset of disease associated with an activity.
R. Coordination ____ 14. Energy consumed equals energy expended that means physical
exertion is the same with food intake.
S. Body Composition ____ 15. It is the ability to perform rapid movement or move the body at a fast rate.
T. Cardiovascular
U. Weight Maintained
____ 1. It refers to the decisions you make about the purchase and use of health
A. Ampalaya information, products and services that will have a direct effect on your health.
B. Akapulko ____ 2. These refer to the data and facts about health products and services you
can get from media and people including professionals and agencies.
C. Bayabas ____ 3. These refer to substances, materials or equipment prepared or
D. Yerba Buena manufactured for you to buy and use for the maintenance of health and the
E. Health Professionals treatment of diseases.
____ 4. These refer to health information, actions, procedures or work performed to
F. Quack help satisfy your needs and wants as a consumer.
G. Nutrition Therapy ____ 5. A trained professional who provides people with healthcare.
____ 6. Individuals who are licensed to practice medicine and other allied health
H. Healthcare Providers programs.
I. Reflexology ____ 7. It is a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual
J. Consumer Health or group for the payment of healthcare costs.
____ 8. It is the process of assisting you to acquire the correct information so that
K. Quackery you will be able to make a wise decision about a certain health item.
L. Acupressure ____ 9. This is a modality of medicating which views diseases as a manifestation of
an alteration in the processes by which the body naturally heals itself.
M. Private Hospital ____ 10. A form of a health fraud, promotion, or sale of products and services that
N. Health Products have not been scientifically proven safe and effective.
O. Consumer Health ____ 11. This focuses on treating specific disorders through massaging of the soles
of the feet.
Education ____ 12. It is a form of energy medicine where long thin needles are inserted to
P. Health Insurance specific parts of the body to affect the energy flow.
____ 13. This is proven to have treated ringworms and other skin (fungal) infections.
Q. Teaching Hospital
____ 14. This is a herbal medicine for non-insulin dependent diabetic patients.
R. Naturopathy ____ 15. This is a herbal medicine for body aches and pains.
S. Acupuncture
T. Health Services
U. Health Information