M& Co RegistrationForm
M& Co RegistrationForm
M& Co RegistrationForm
Direct Sales
ID no: Sponsor: MARY JOY E. OSORIO Personal Information Last nameFirst name Home address: No. & Street, Village/Subdivision Barangay Town/District City/Province Zip Code Home Phone Gender Male Female Birthdate (mmddyy) Filipino Work Background Occupation Present Employer Office Address In case of Emergency Complete Name Complete Address Educational Attainment Elementary Family Background Name of Spouse Office Address Beneficiary Last Name Complete Address Highschool Vocational Occupation Office Tel. no. Mobile Phone. First Name Middle Name Telephone No. Some College Mobile Phone Email Address Sponsors ID no: 0219131 Middle name
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Contact No.
I hereby certify that the foregoing facts are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. In the event that any information has changed, I undertake to immediately inform Milk & Co. of such change. _______________________________ Members Signature over printed name _____________________ Date
M & CO.
Direct Sales
ID Information Member ID No Last Name Name of Sponsor MARY JOY E. OSORIO Encoded by Date Date of Registration First Name Sponsors ID No. 0219131 Verified by Date PR no. Date Branch Middle Initial TIN 256-421-359
Members Agreement
This agreement is made into this _________ day of __________________ between Milk & Co., hereinafter as the as the Company and ________________________ hereafter known as Member. The Company Agrees: 1. To allow the Members to purchase the products if the company at the prevailing Members price. 2. To provide incentive rebates on minimum purchases, from time to time, at the option of the company.
The Member Agrees: 1. To purchase products from the Company exclusively for resale and to be responsible for obtaining all permits and licenses required to sell the products on retail. 2. To pay accounts for purchases made in accordance with company policies and procedures in Credit Terms and Due Dates without need of further notice or demand. 3. The Member agrees to post a non interest bearing cash bond in an amount equal to credit provided for under this agreement. It is likewise agreed that said cash bond shall at all time be equal to the credit line provided for the Members in accordance with company policies and procedures in credit granting and shall answer for his/her religious and prompt compliance with the undertaking. For breach of any in the terms and agreement, the company may without notice call on the said cash bond be applied to any obligation if any, of the member.
The Company and the Member mutually agrees; 1. That the company may change its incentive rebates policy. 2. That this agreement shall in no way makes the Member and employee of the Company, therefore the Member has no authority to bind the Company in any contracts with other parties. 3. That the member is an independent retailer as far as the company is concerned, and shall have the sole discretion to determine where and how products purchased from the Company will be sold. 4. However, the Member shall not sell such products lower or above suggested retail price (SRP) fixed by the Company. 5. The husband / wife team is considered as one. 6. That either party may terminate this agreement at will, with or without cause, at anytime upon notice to the other. 7. In the event of a dispute arising directly from the execution of this agreement from its termination, only the courts of Mandaluyong City shall have the jurisdiction over the case. All other venues are waived.