Office of The Secretary 000 Navy Pentagon Washington, DC 20350-1000

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WASHINGTON, DC 20350-1000

15 Dec 2005

From: Secretary of the Navy


Ref : (a) 10 U.S.C.

(b) DODD 1332.30 of 14 Mar 97
((2) SECNAVINST 1850.4E
(dl DODI 1336.1 of 6 Jan 89
(el OASD (Force Management and Personnel) Memo of
11 JAN 93 (NOTAL)
Defense Officer Personnel Management Act (DOPMA),
P.L. No. 96-513, 94 Stat. 2835 (1980)
DODD 1304.19 of 11 JUN 04

Encl: (1) Definitions

(2) Policy Governing Voluntary Separation
(3) Policy Governing Involuntary Separation
(4) Guidelines on Separations For Cause
(5) Guidelines on Characterization of Service
(6) Guidelines on Recommendations - Grade at
Notification Procedure
Board of Inquiry Procedures
Guidelines for Fact-finding Inquiries into
Homosexual Conduct

1. Purpose. To revise policies, standards, and procedures for

the administrative separation of Navy and Marine Corps officers
from the Naval Service per references (a) and (b). This
instruction is a complete revision and should be reviewed in its

2. Cancellation. SECNAVINST 1920.6B.

DEC 1 5 2005

3. Effective Date

a. This instruction is effective immediately and shall

control all administrative separation proceedings initiated on
or after that date. Proceedings are considered to be initiated
on the date a command receives a written request for separation
from an officer, or on the date a command delivers to an officer
a notice of intent to start separation proceedings.

b. Separation proceedings initiated prior to the effective

date of this instruction will be continued under policy and
instructions in effect prior to that date.

4. Applicability

a. Under the authority of references (a) and (b), this

instruction provides for the discharge, termination of
appointments, release from active duty, retirement for length of
service, and dropping from the rolls of Navy and Marine Corps
officers. The policies, reasons for separation, and provisions
for characterization of service set forth in this instruction
apply to all officers and warrant officers of the Regular and
Reserve components of the Navy and Marine Corps.

b. This instruction does not apply to discharge or

dismissal by reason of court-martial sentence under reference
(a), or discharge or retirement for physical disability under
reference (c).

5. Definition. Definitions and rules of interpretation used in

this instruction are provided in enclosure (1).

6. Background. Once individuals have legally accepted a

commission or warrant as a Regular or Reserve officer in the Navy
or Marine Corps and have executed the oath of office, they have
acquired a legal status that continues until it is terminated
through a specific, legally authorized process. Neither
retirement nor release from active duty affects an individual's
status as a commissioned or warrant officer until the officer's
commission or warrant has been terminated.

7. Policy. It is Department of the Navy (DON) policy to

promote the readiness of the Naval Service by maintaining
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authorized strength levels in each grade and competitive
category and by maintaining the highest standards of conduct and
performance in the officer corps. To meet these objectives, it
is necessary to provide for orderly and expeditious
administrative separation of officer personnel.

a. The administrative separation policies and procedures in

this instruction will support accession, promotion,
redesignation, retirement, and resignation policies to

(1) maintain authorized strength in each competitive

category and grade.

(2) ensure planned promotion flow and reasonable career

opportunities in each competitive category.

(3) attain and maintain an all Regular active-duty

career force in each competitive category, supplemented when
necessary with Reserve officers to meet current authorized
strength and special skills requirements.

(4) sustain the traditional concepts of honorable

military service and special trust and confidence placed in
commissioned officers.

b. Officers being processed for separation for cause shall

be processed expeditiously. Such officers should receive
sufficient supervision to preclude adverse effects on the good
order and discipline in their unit. Further, when local
processing has been completed and separation has been
recommended, the officer concerned shall be physically separated
from the command whenever possible by means of leave, temporary
reassignment, or other methods while processing is being
completed by the chain of command.

c. Standards and procedures established in execution of

these policies are intended to achieve consistency of application
in a naval leadership system based on command responsibility,
accountability, and discretion. The standards and procedures are
set forth in enclosures (2) through (9), under guidance from
references (a) through (n).

8. Completion of Statutory Service Obligation. Officers will

normally be retained in a commissioned status in order to fulfill the
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statutory service obligation referred to in section 651 of reference
(a) and subparagraph 4a of enclosure (2). Exceptions to this general
rule are as follows:

a. Officers who are or otherwise could be discharged from a

Regular component for cause for any reason will normally not be
tendered a Reserve commission and therefore will not be
transferred to the Ready Reserve to fulfill their statutory
service obligation.

b. Reserve officers on active duty who are or could

otherwise be discharged for cause for any reason will normally
not be transferred to or retained in the Ready Reserve to
fulfill their statutory service obligation.

c. Officers will not be transferred to or retained in the

Ready Reserve when there are medical reasons why they would not
be available to meet mobilization requirements.

9. Separation Pay. Reference (m) governs entitlement to

separation pay for officers who are involuntarily separated
under the provisions of this instruction.

10. Processing Time Goals. To support policy objectives and

further the efficient administration of officer separations, every
effort shall be made to adhere to the following time goals for
processing separations. Failure to process an administrative
separation within the prescribed time goals shall not create a bar
to separation or characterization. Separation processing should
be completed

a. by the date of fulfillment of service obligation for

separations upon fulfillment of service obligation.

b. by the convening authority, 30 calendar days from the

date a command notifies an officer of the commencement of
separation proceedings in cases where no Board of Inquiry (1301)
is required.

c. by the convening authority, 90 calendar days from the

date a command notifies an officer of the commencement of
separation proceedings in cases where a BOI is required.
DEC 1 5 2005
d. by the date granted in any extensions. Extensions must
be approved in advance by the Show Cause ~uthority,based on a
written request.

11. Establishing Additional Reasons for Separation. Should the

need arise to separate officers for a reason not established in
enclosures (2) or (3) of this instruction, the Chief of Naval
Operations (CNO) and the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) may
propose to Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), the establishment of a
new reason for separation to be included in this instruction.
Submission for such additional reasons shall contain the basis
for separation, recommended characterization of service or
description for the separation, and the procedure for the
separation. Separation under any proposed reason will not be
executed until the proposal has been approved.

12. provision of Information Durina Sewaration Processine.

During separation processing, the purpose and authority of the
Discharge Review Board and the Board for Correction of Naval
Records (BCNR) shall be explained in a fact sheet. It shall
include an explanation that a discharge under Other Than
Honorable conditions, resulting from a period of continuous
unauthorized absence of 180 days or more, is a conditional bar
to benefits administered by the Veterans Administration
notwithstanding any action by a Discharge Review Board. These
requirements are a command responsibility and not a procedural
entitlement. Failure on the part of the member to receive or to
understand the explanation required by this paragraph does not
create a bar to separation or characterization.

13. Responsibilities

a. For all purposes under this instruction, with the

exception of cases involving flag and general officers, the
Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
(ASN (M&RA)) is designated to act on behalf of SECNAV.

b. CNO and CMC are responsible for implementing the

policies, standards, procedures and goals established in this
instruction in a manner that ensures consistency in separation
policy including revision or cancellation of conflicting
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c. CNO and CMC shall ensure that only the specific reasons
for separations provided in this instruction are used in
classifying officer administrative separations. They shall also
ensure that these specific reasons appear on appropriate copies
of the officer's DD 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from
Active Duty, under reference (d) and are reported using the
separation codes of reference (e). In all cases involving drug
offenses, the applicable drug offense shall be shown.

d. The Chief of Naval Personnel (CHNAVPERS) and the Deputy

Chief of Staff for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (DC ( M & R A ) ) are
designated as the Show Cause ~uthorityfor the Navy and the
Marine Corps respectively, and are delegated the authority to
review records to determine whether an officer should be
required to show cause for retention in the Naval Service and to
convene BOIs as provided in enclosure ( 8 ) . CHNAVPERS may
further delegate this authority to Commander, Navy Personnel
Command (COJ!TNAVPERSCOM)and Officers Exercising General Court-
Martial Jurisdiction (OEGCMJ) with a Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)
assigned. The CMC may further delegate this authority to the
Director, Marine Corps Staff. Show Cause Authority may be
further delegated within the Marine Corps to generals and
lieutenant generals in command. Additionally, CHNAVPERS and DC
(M&RA) are delegated the authority of approving
Resignation/Discharge Orders and certificates in routine
matters. CHJVAVPERS may further delegate this authority to
Commanding Officer, Naval Reserve Personnel Center

14. Report. The reporting requirements contained in this

instruction are exempt from reports control per SECNAVINST

SNDL Parts 1 and 2
MARCORPS PCN 71000000000 and 71000000100
DEC 1 5 2005

1. Active commissioned service. Service on active duty as a

commissioned officer or commissioned warrant officer.

2. -Active
- -duty. Full-time duty in the active military service
of the United States. This term includes full-time training
duty, annual training duty, and attendance, while in the active
military service, at a school designated as a service school by
law or by SECNAV.

3. Active duty for training. Active duty for Reserve training

with automatic reversion to inactive duty upon completion.

4. Active-duty list. Separate lists of Navy and Marine Corps

officers, required to be maintained by SECNAV under section 620
of reference (a) of all officers on active duty in the Navy and
Marine Corps, other than officers described in section 641 of
reference (a).

5. Active service. Service on active duty.

6. Active status. The status of a Reserve commissioned or

warrant officer who is a member of the Ready Reserve or Standby
Reserve-Active, including Reserve officers on the active duty

7. Bisexual. A person who engages in, attempts to engage in,

has a propensity to engage in, or intends to engage in
homosexual and heterosexual acts.

8. Board of Inquiry (BOI). A board convened under section 1182

or section 14903 of reference (a) to receive evidence and make
findings and recommendations as to separation for cause and
characterization of service under an officer.

9. Board of Officers. A board of at least three commissioned

officers, appointed by CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA), who are senior in
grade to any officer being considered by the board, convened
pursuant to reference (a) or this instruction. Such boards may
be promotion boards reconvened for the particular purpose or may
be convened separately under such regulations as CHNAVPERS or
CMC may prescribe.

Enclosure (1)
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10. BOI report. Includes the BOI summarized record of
proceedings (which includes verbatim transcript when directed by
the Show Cause Authority) and BOI findings and recommendations
(results of the Board).

11. Characterization of service. Classification of quality of

service rendered.

12. Commander. A commissioned or warrant officer who, by

virtue of rank and assignment, exercises primary command
authority over a military organization or prescribed territorial
area that, under pertinent official directives, is recognized as
a "command."

13. Commissioned officer. An officer in any of the Military

services who holds a grade and office under a commission signed
by the President, and who is appointed as a Regular or Reserve
officer, other than a commissioned warrant officer or retired
commissioned officer.

14. Commissioned service. All periods of service as a

commissioned officer or a commissioned warrant officer in the
Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps, while on active duty or
in an active, inactive, or retired status.

15. Continuous active service. Military service, unbroken by

any period in excess of 24 hours.

16. Controlled substance. A drug or other substance included

in Schedules I, 11, 111, IV, or V of the Comprehensive Drug
Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 (84 Stat. 1236) (NOTAL)
as updated and republished under the provisions of that Act, as

17. Convening Authority. SECNAV or his delegates authorized to

appoint boards under this instruction.

18. Counsel. A lawyer qualified under article 27(b), Uniform

Code Military Justice (UCMJ), or a civilian lawyer retained at
the officer's expense.

19. Discharge. The termination of an officer's obligation to

render service and complete severance from all military status.

Enclosure (1)
DEC 1 5 2005
20. Dismissal. Separation of a commissioned officer, effected
by sentence of a general court-martial, or in commutation of
such a sentence, or, in time of war, by order of the President,
or separation of a warrant officer, W-1, who is dismissed by
order of the President in time of war. A complete severance
from all military status.

21. Drop from the rolls. A complete severance of military

status under specific statutory authority, without
characterization of service.

22. Homosexual. A person, regardless of sex, who engages in,

attempts to engage in, has a propensity to engage in, or intends
to engage in homosexual acts.

23. Homosexual Act. Any bodily contact, actively undertaken or

passively permitted, between members of the same sex for the
purpose of satisfying sexual desires and any bodily contact that
a reasonable person would understand to demonstrate a propensity
or intent to engage in such an act.

24. Homosexual conduct. A homosexual act, a statement by the

member that demonstrates a propensity or intent to engage in
homosexual acts, or a homosexual marriage or attempted marriage.

25. Homosexual Marriage or Attempted Marriage. When a member

has married or attempted to marry a person known to be of the
same biological sex.

26. Legal advisor. A judge advocate certified per article

27(b), Uniform Code of Military Justice, appointed to assist a
Board of Inquiry

27. Non-probationary officer. A commissioned officer other

than a probationary officer.

28. Probationary officer. A commissioned officer on the active

duty list with less than 5 years of active commissioned service.
A Reserve commissioned officer with less than 5 years of
commissioned service. Regular warrant officers with less than 3
years and Reserve warrant officers, including those serving in
the grade W-1, with less than 5 years of service as a warrant
DEC 1 5 2005
29. Propensity to Engage in Homosexual Acts. A likelihood that
a person engages in or will engage in homosexual acts, which is
more than an abstract preference or desire to engage in
homosexual acts.

30. Qualified resignation. A resignation for which the least

favorable characterization of service allowed is General (Under
Honorable Conditions).

31. Release from active duty. The transfer of a Reserve

officer from active duty to inactive duty.

32. Reserve Active-Status List (RASL). Each of the separate

lists required to be maintained under section 14002 of reference
(a) for the Navy and Marine Corps Reserve which shall include
the names of all Reserve officers of each armed force except
warrant officers (including commissioned warrant officers) who
are in an active status and are not on an active-duty list.

33. Resignation. The request, by officers, to be divested of

their commission or warrant. May be classified as unqualified,
qualified, or for the good of the service as defined in this
enclosure. Upon acceptance by SECNAV and completion of all
administrative procedures, it represents a complete severance
from all military status.

34. Resignation for the good of the service. A resignation for

which the least favorable characterization of service allowed is
under Other Than Honorable conditions.

35. Respondent. A commissioned officer required to show cause

for retention on active duty or as a member on the RASL.

36. Retention on active duty. The continuation of an

individual on active duty as a commissioned or warrant officer
of the Regular Navy or Marine Corps or the Naval or Marine Corps

37. Separation. A general term which includes discharge,

dismissal, dropping from the rolls, termination of an
appointment, retirement, or resignation.

38. Separation Processing. Generally, the administrative

procedures established under this instruction for the separation

4 Enclosure ( 1)
of officers. ~lthoughseparation processing may take a variety
of forms, it is always triggered by the written notification of
officers of the intent to separate them from the Naval service.

39. Sexual Orientation. An abstract sexual preference for

persons of a particular sex, as distinct from a propensity or
intent to engage in sexual acts.

40. Sexual perversion. Includes

a. lewd and lascivious acts.

b. sodomy.

c. indecent exposure.

d. indecent act(s) with, or indecent assault on, a person

below the age of 16.

e. transvestitism or other abnormal sexual behavior.

f . other indecent act (s) or offense (s)

41. Show Cause Authority.

~- Any of the following when expressly
designated by SECNAV:

a. See paragraph 13.d. of basic instruction.

b. Officers (not below the grade of major general or rear

admiral) to determine, based on a record review, that an officer
shall be required to show cause for retention in the military

42. Statement that a Member is a Homosexual or Bisexual, or

Words to that Effect. Language or behavior that a reasonable
person would believe was intended to convey the statement that a
person engages in, attempts to engage in, or has a propensity or
intent to engage in homosexual acts. This may include
statements such as "I am a homosexual," "I am gay," "I am a
lesbian," 'I have a homosexual orientation," and the like.

43. SECNAV. The Secretary of the Navy.

44. Unlawful drua involvement. Includes

Enclosure (1)
D E C 2 5 2005

a. drug abuse - the illegal or wrongful use or possession

of controlled substances.

b. drug trafficking - rhe illegal or wrongful distribution

or possession with intent to sell or transfer controlled

c. drug paraphernalia - the illegal or wrongful possession

or distribution of drug paraphernalia as set forth in reference

45. Unqualified resignation. A resignation for which the only

characterization of service allowed is Honorable.

Enclosure (1)
DEC 1 5 2005

1. Resignation

a. General. Officers serve at the pleasure of the

President and no terminal dates are established for their
commissions. SECNAV, by virtue of his authority to act for the
President, may establish such criteria for the voluntary
resignation of an officer's commission as deemed necessary for
the maintenance of a sound officer corps.

b. Submission of Requests. CHNAVPERS and DC (M&RA) shall


establish procedures for thesubmission of individual

resignation requests.

c. Processing resignation requests. CHNAVPERS and DC

(M&RA) may, on behalf of SECNAV, accept voluntary resignations
for reasons authorized in paragraph 5 of this enclosure
following the guidelines in subparagraphs (1) through (3).

(1) CHNAVPERS and DC (M&RA) may deny, for SECNAV,

requests that do not satisfy the criteria set forth in
paragraphs 4 and 5 of this enclosure. In addition, requests for
voluntary resignation for reasons specified in paragraph 5 of
this enclosure will normally be denied when

(a) the officer does not comply with the procedures

established by CHNAVPERS and DC (M&RA) for the submission of
individual resignation requests.

(b) the officer has not completed all service

prescribed in the officer program through which accessed and
which was incurred by the officer in consideration for being
tendered an initial appointment.

(c) CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA) has determined that a

significant personnel shortage in the officer's competitive
category, designator, occupational field, military occupational
specialty (MOS), or other authorized officer classification
constitutes a compelling military necessity requiring the
officer's retention.

(dl the officer has not completed obligated service

incurred for advanced education or technical training requiring

Enclosure (2)
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additional obligated service, including postgraduate education,
service school or college, law school, medical residency, flight
training, naval flight officer training, and equivalent

(e) the officer has been officially notified of

orders, or has executed orders and has not served the required
period of time at the new duty station, as prescribed by

(f) the officer has not completed obligated service

incurred as a result of

1. transfer into the Regular Navy or Marine

2. lateral transfer between competitive
categories or designators,

3. entering a program, or

4. receiving an incentive pay, continuation pay,
or bonus.

(2) A resignation has no effect until accepted by SECNAV

or by CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA) when acting on behalf of SECNAV.

(3) Guidelines for officers being considered for

separation for cause under enclosure (3) are contained in
paragraph 12 of enclosure (4).

d. Characterization of Service. Generally, officers whose

resignations are accepted by SECNAV for any reason set forth in
paragraph 5 of this enclosure shall be honorably discharged from
the component of which they are members. Discharge may be
General (Under Honorable Conditions) or Other Than Honorable
when an officer requests such characterization and such
characterization is consistent with guidelines contained in
enclosure (5) of this instruction.

2. Release of Reserve Officers from Active Duty. CHNAVPERS or

DC (M&RA) may, acting for SECNAV, release Reserve officers upon
their request from active duty for reasons set forth in

Enclosure ( 2)
DEC 1 5 2005
paragraph 5 of this enclosure, unless processing for separation
for cause under paragraph 1 of enclosure (3) is warranted.

3. Regular Officers Requesting Reserve Commissions Upon


a. Regular officers requesting resignation under the

provisions of this enclosure who have completed the statutory
service obligation referred to in paragraph 4a of this enclosure
and who request a Reserve commission upon resignation from the
Regular Navy or Marine Corps shall normally be tendered such a
commission, provided a requirement exists for the officer's
skill in the grade and competitive category in which the officer
would serve in the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve. CHNAVPERS and
DC (M&RA) shall neither tender nor award Reserve commissions to
such officers whose voluntary resignation request is incident to
separation in lieu of trial by court-martial under enclosure (3)
or in lieu of separation for cause processing under enclosure

b. The Marine Corps Reserve has no limited duty officers

(LDOs). Marine Corps Regular LDOs requesting resignation from
the Regular Marine Corps who request a Reserve commission shall
normally be tendered such a commission in the warrant officer
grade they would have held had they been serving as a warrant
officer in the Regular Marine Corps, provided a requirement
exists for their MOS in that grade in the Marine Corps Reserve.

c. Regular officers whose requests for Reserve commissions

are approved shall be assigned in the Ready Reserve upon
resignation from the Regular Navy or Marine Corps and acceptance
of the appointment in the Naval or ~ a r i n eCorps Reserve.

4. Statutory Service Obligation

a. Under the guidance provided by DOD Instruction 1304.25

of 25 August 1997, each person who becomes a member of the Armed
Forces on or after 1 June 1984 shall serve in the Armed Forces
for a total of 8 years. Any part of the service obligation that
is not performed on active duty shall be performed in a Reserve

b. Except for reasons of dependency or hardship (paragraph

5d(l) of this enclosure), resignation requests from Regular

3 Enclosure (2)
DEC 1 5 2005
officers who have not completed the statutory service obligation
referred to in paragraph 4a of this enclosure will normally be
approved only upon acceptance of a Reserve commission that shall
be held at least until completion of such service.

c. Except for reasons of dependency or hardship or for

discharge to become a minister (paragraphs 5d(l) and 5h of this
enclosure), resignation requests from Reserve officers who have
not completed the statutory service obligation referred to in
paragraph 4a of this enclosure will normally be denied by
CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA). However, Reserve officers who are
serving on active duty may be voluntarily released from active
duty for reasons set forth in paragraph 5 of this enclosure and
transferred to the Ready Reserve until completion of that
obligation, unless medical reasons preclude such transfer.
CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA) shall accomplish such releases from
active duty under the provisions of section 12313 of reference
(a) and this instruction.

d. CHNAVPERS and DC (M&RA) may waive active obligated

service incurred for technical training in cases where members
who have completed technical training are permanently
disqualified for operational services in their designator,
warfare specialty, military occupational specialty, or special
qualification through no fault of the member.

5. Reasons for Voluntary Separation

a. Expiration of Statutory Service Obligation. An officer

may be separated upon completion of the statutory service
obligation referred to in paragraph 4a of this enclosure
provided the officer has no other obligated service.

b. Expiration of Obligated Service. An officer may be

separated upon completion of all service prescribed in the
officer program through which accessed, any other obligation
incurred by the officer in consideration for being tendered an
initial appointment, and any additional obligated service
incurred by the officer while serving on active duty, or in an
active status in the Ready Reserve.

c. Change of Career Intention. Some officers who completed

their minimum service requirement and then decided to remain on
active duty intending to serve full careers may later seek

4 Enclosure (2)
DEC 1 5 2005
separation before attaining retirement eligibility to pursue a
civilian career. Officers who submit resignations after
continuing in service beyond their minimum service requirement
shall be separated for Change of Career Intention unless
retention is warranted by the criteria set forth in paragraph
lc(1) of this enclosure.

d. Convenience of the Government. An officer may be

separated for the Convenience of the Government for the reasons
set forth below. Separation of an officer for the Convenience
of the Government is subject to the resolution of any
outstanding disciplinary actions involving the officer.

(1) Dependency or Hardship. Separation of an officer

may be directed when genuine dependency or undue hardship exists
under the following circumstances:

(a) The hardship or dependency is not temporary,

(b) Conditions have arisen or have been aggravated

to an excessive degree since entry into the service, and the
officer has made every reasonable effort to remedy the

(c) Separation will eliminate or materially

alleviate the condition, and

(d) There are no other means of alleviation

reasonably available.

(2) Pregnancy or Childbirth. A pregnant officer may

request separation from active duty. Requests for separation
will not normally be approved unless there are extenuating
circumstances or the request otherwise complies with criteria
for separation contained in this instruction. CHNAVPERS and DC
(M&RA) will prescribe the maximum period possible for eligible
officers to consider this course of action, in order to minimize
subsequent separations for parenthood or dependency and provide
prompt replacement of separated personnel. The chain of command
shall ensure that servicemembers will be afforded the
opportunity to take of available legal assistance for
advice regarding their options in establishing paternity.

Enclosure (2)
DEC 1 5 2005
(3) Conscientious Objection. An officer shall be
separated if authorized under DODD 1300.6 of 20 August 1971.

(4) Surviving Family Member. An officer shall be

separated if authorized under DODD 1315.15 of 26 September 1988.

(5) Separation of Aliens. An officer who is an alien,

an individual who is neither a natural born nor a naturalized
citizen of the United States, may be separated on the basis of
being an alien who no longer wishes to serve.

(a) The request will normally be denied when

retention is warranted by the criteria set forth in paragraph
lc(l) of this enclosure.

(b) Notwithstanding the limitations in subparagraph

5d(5)(a), a request for separation may be approved when, in the
judgment of CHNAVPERS or DC ( M & R A ) , the applicant has
demonstrated overriding and compelling factors of a personal
need which justify separation.

(6) Separation to Accept Public Office. Unless

retention is warranted by the criteria set forth in paragraph
lc(l) of this enclosure, an officer who has completed the
obligated service referred to in paragraph 5b of this enclosure
may be separated for the purpose of performing the duties of the
President or Vice President of the United States; a Presidential
appointee to a statutory office; a member of either of the
legislative bodies of the U.S.; a Governor; any other State
official chosen by the voters of the entire State or States; or
a judge of courts of record of the U.S., the States, or the
District of Columbia.

(7) Officers Married to Other Servicemembers. Unless

retention is warranted by the criteria set forth in paragraph
lc(l) of this enclosure, an officer may be separated who has
completed the obligated service, referred to in paragraph 5b,
and who cannot be stationed near enough to the spouse to permit
the maintenance of a joint residence.

(8) Separation to Attend College. At the discretion of

CHNAVPERS o r D ~(M&RA) , officers may be separated for the
purpose of enrolling in a full-time course of study leading to a
baccalaureate degree or graduate degree, provided such

6 Enclosure (2)
DEC 1 5 2005
separation occurs within 90 days of the date of expiration of
the obligated service, referred to in paragraph 5b of this
enclosure, and retention is not warranted by the criteria set
forth in paragraph lc(1) of this enclosure.

e. Interservice Transfers. Interservice transfer requests

will be processed in accordance with reference (n).

f. Selected Changes in Service Obligations. An officer may

be separated under specific programs established by the CNO or
CMC permitting separation within 90 days of the date of
expiration of active obligated service. Such programs shall
have as objectives the maintenance of prudent management
flexibility and the conservation of limited resources. An
example of such a program is the release of an officer from
active duty prior to extended deployment to avoid separation
outside the continental United States. The CNO and CMC shall
submit to SECNAV for approval and incorporation into this
instruction, the reasons for separation under these programs
prior to their implementation. The following reasons for
separation are authorized under this paragraph when CHNAVPERS or
DC (M&RA) determines that such separations are more economical
or efficient for the Government:

(1) Separation Upon Completion of Overseas Tours.

Officers having less than 90 days of obligated service, referred
to in paragraph 5b of this enclosure, remaining upon completion
of an overseas tour other than Hawaii, may be separated upon
completion of that tour, unless retention is warranted by the
criteria set forth in paragraph lc(1) of this enclosure.

(2) Separation for Major Federal Holidays. Officers

whose obligated service, referred to in paragraph 5b of this
enclosure, expires during a Federal holiday program established
by the CNO or CMC may be separated at the conmencement of that
program, unless retention is warranted by the criteria set forth
in paragraph lc(1) of this enclosure.

g. Retirement. An officer may be retired if requested and

if eligible and authorized under SECNAVINST 1811.3M or

h. Discharge of A Reservist to Become A Minister. Officers

who becomes a regular or ordained minister of a religious faith

7 Enclosure (2)
DEC 15 2005
group is entitled, upon their request, to be discharged from the
Naval or Marine Corps Reserve per section 12682 of reference
(a), if the officers satisfactorily establishes that

(1) they will, or do regularly, engage in religious

preaching and teaching,

(2) the ministry is, or will be their main and primary

calling--a vocation rather than an avocation,

(3) their standing in the congregation is, and or will

be, recognized as that of a minister or leader of a group of
lesser members, and

(4) their religious faith group is organized exclusively

or substantially for religious purposes.

i. Failure to Receive Initial Appointment Benefits. Newly

appointed officers may be separated at their request or with
their consent for failure or inability on the part of the Naval
Service to give the benefits promised incident to initial
appointment; e - g . ,service credit or entry grade. The screening
for mobilization potential specified in paragraph 14 of
enclosure (3) for Reserve component officers is not applicable.
Newly appointed officers separated for this reason have not
served the statutory service obligation prescribed in DOD
Instruction 1304.25 of 25 August 1997.

j. Expiration of Term of Active Duty Order In The Case of

Reservists. Reservists may be released from active duty at the
expiration of their term of service specified in their order to
active duty.

6. Expungement of Resignations from Officer Service Record

a. CHNAVPERS and DC (M&RA) will, upon their approval of an

officer's written request to withdraw a resignation, expunge the
following from the officer's official record:

(1) For officers on active duty - resignations,

disapproved resignations, and related correspondence in their

(2) For officers who resign and subsequently return to

8 Enclosure (2)
DEC 1 5 2005
active duty in the Naval Service - portions of resignation
correspondence which contain reasons for resignation. Such
expungements will include portions from letters of intent to
resign and letters of resignation and endorsements.

b. Other resignation-related material such as separation

orders, fitness reports, and DD 214s will not be expunged.

Enclosure (2)
DEC 1 5 2005

1. Separation for Cause. Officers who do not maintain required

standards of performance or professional or personal conduct may
be processed for separation for cause per this instruction when
there is reason to believe that one or more of the following
circumstances exist. Nothing in this instruction is intended to
preclude disciplinary action to include trial by court-martial,
when appropriate.

a. Substandard Performance of Duty. Inability of an

officer to maintain adequate levels of performance or conduct as
evidenced by one or more of the following reasons:

(1) Failure to demonstrate acceptable qualities of

leadership required of an officer in the member's grade.

(2) Failure to achieve or maintain acceptable standards

of proficiency required of an officer in the member's grade.

(3) Failure to properly discharge duties expected of

officers of the member's grade and experience.

(4) Failure to satisfactorily complete any course of

training, instruction, or indoctrination which the officer has
been ordered to undergo.

(5) A record of marginal service over an extended time

as reflected in fitness reports covering two or more positions
and signed by at least two reporting seniors.

(6) Personality disorders, when such disorders interfere

with the officer's performance of duty and have been diagnosed
by a physician or clinical psychologist per the section on
Mental Disorders, International Classification of Diseases and
Injuries-9 (ICD-9), Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV)
of Mental Disorders, and NAVMED P117, Manual of the Medical

(7) An officer who has been referred to a program of

rehabilitation for personal abuse of drugs may be separated for
failure, through inability or refusal, to participate in or
successfully complete such a program. Nothing in this provision
precludes separation of an officer who has been referred to such

Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2005
a program under any other provision of this instruction in
appropriate cases.

(8) An officer who has been referred to a program of

rehabilitation for alcohol abuse may be separated for failure,
through inability or refusal, to participate in or successfully
complete such a program. Nothing in this provision precludes
separation of an officer who has been referred to such program
under any other provision of this instruction in appropriate

(9) Failure to conform to prescribed standards of dress,

weight, personal appearance, or military deportment.

(10) Unsatisfactory performance of a warrant officer,

not amounting to misconduct, or moral or professional

b. Misconduct, or Moral, or professional Dereliction

Performance or personal or professional conduct (including
unfitness on the part of a warrant officer) which is unbecoming
an officer as evidenced by one or more of the following reasons:

(1) Commission of a military or civilian offense which

could be punished by confinement of 6 months or more and any
other misconduct which would require specific intent for

(2) Unlawful drug involvement. Processing for

separation is mandatory. Exception to mandatory processing may
be made on a case-by-case basis by SECNAV.

(3) Sexual perversion.

(4) Intentional misrepresentation or omission of

material fact in obtaining appointment.

(5) Fraudulent entry into an Armed Force or the

fraudulent procurement of commission or warrant as an officer in
an Armed Force.

(6) Intentional misrepresentation or omission of

material fact in official written documents or official oral

Enclosure (3)
D E C 1 5 2005

(7) Failure to satisfactorily complete any course of

training, instruction, or indoctrination which the officer has
been ordered to undergo when such failure is willful or the
result of gross indifference.

(8) Marginal or unsatisfactory performance of duty over

an extended period, as reflected in successive fitness reports,
when such performance is willful or the result of gross

(9) Intentional mismanagement or discreditable

management of personal affairs, including financial affairs.

(10) Misconduct or dereliction resulting in loss of

professional status including withdrawal, suspension, or
abandonment of license, endorsement, certification, or clinical
medical privileges necessary to perform military duties in the
officer's competitive category or Marine Corps Occupational
Field. When the loss of professional qualification results
solely from the removal of the ecclesiastical endorsement,
processing under paragraph 2 of this enclosure is required.

(11) A pattern of discreditable involvement with

military or civilian authorities, notwithstanding the fact that
such misconduct has not resulted in judicial or nonjudicial
punishment under the UCMJ.

(12) Conviction by civil authorities (foreign or

domestic) or action taken which is tantamount to a finding of
guilty, which would amount to an offense under the UCMJ.

(13) One or more substantiated incidents of serious

misconduct resulting from the officer's active participation in
extremist or supremacist activities which, in the independent
judgment of the Show Cause Authority, is more likely than not to
undermine unit cohesion or be detrimental to the good order,
discipline, or mission accomplishment of the command or unit.
Such misconduct must relate to:

(a) illegal discrimination based on race, creed,

color, sex, religion, or national origin.

(b) advocating the use of force or violence against

3 Enclosure ( 3 )
DEC 15 2005
any Federal, State, or local Government, or any unit or agency
thereof, in contravention of Federal, State, or local laws.

(14) An officer who has been referred to a program of

rehabilitation, education and counseling for sex offenders may
be separated for failure, through inability or refusal, to
participate in such a program. Nothing in this provision
precludes separation of an officer who has been referred to such
a program under any other provision of this instruction in
appropriate cases.

c. Homosexual Conduct

(1) Homosexual conduct is grounds for separation from

the Naval Service. Homosexual conduct includes homosexual acts,
a statement by a servicemember that demonstrates a propensity or
intent to engage in homosexual acts, or a homosexual marriage or
attempted homosexual marriage. A statement by a servicemember
that demonstrates a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual
acts is grounds for separation not because it reflects a
member's sexual orientation, but because the statement indicates
a likelihood the servicemember engages in or will engage in
homosexual acts. A servicemember's sexual orientation is
considered a personal and private matter, and is not a bar to
continued service unless manifested by homosexual conduct under
the terms set forth in subparagraphs (a) through (c).
Commanders are to report homosexual conduct to CHNAVPERS or CMC
as appropriate. The Show Cause Authority and a BOI shall
recommend an officer for separation if one or more of the
following approved findings is made:

(a) The officer has engaged in, attempted to engage

in, or solicited another to engage in a homosexual act or acts,
unless there are further approved findings the officer has

1. such acts are a departure from the officer's

usual and custorn~rybehavior, and

2. such acts, under all the circumstances, are

unlikely to recur, and

3 . such acts were not accomplished by use of

force, coercion, or intimidation, and

Enclosure ( 3 )
DEC 1 5 2005

4. under the particular circumstances of the

case, the officer's continued presence in the Naval Service is
consistent with the interest of the Naval Service in proper
discipline, good order, and morale of the service, and

5. the officer does not have a propensity or

intent to engage in homosexual acts.

(b) The officer has made a statement that he or she

is a homosexual or bisexual, or words to that effect, unless
there is a further approved finding the officer has demonstrated
he or she is not a person who engages in, attempts to engage in,
has a propensity to engage in, or intends to engage in
homosexual acts. A statement by an officer that he or she is
homosexual or bisexual, or words to that effect, creates a
rebuttable presumption that the officer engages in, attempts to
engage in, has a propensity to engage in, or intends to engage
in homosexual acts. The officer shall be advised of the
presumption and given the opportunity to rebut the presumption
by presenting evidence demonstrating that he or she does not
engage in, attempt to engage in, have a propensity to engage in,
or intend to engage in homosexual acts. Propensity to engage in
homosexual acts means more than an abstract preference or desire
to engage in homosexual acts. It indicates a likelihood that a
person engages in or will engage in homosexual acts. In
determining whether an officer has successfully rebutted the
presumption that he or she engages in, attempts to engage in,
has a propensity to engage in, or intends to engage in
homosexual acts, some or all of the following may be considered
(this list is not exhaustive) :

1. Whether the officer has engaged in

homosexual acts.

The officer's credibility.

3. Testimony from others about the officer's

past conduct, character, and credibility.

4. The nature and circumstances of the

officer's statement.

Any other evidence relevant to whether the
DEC 15 2005
officer is likely to engage in homosexual acts.

(c) The officer has married or attempted to marry a

person known to be of the same sex (as evidenced by the external
anatomy of the persons involved).

(2) The officer shall bear the burden of proving

throughout the proceedings, by a preponderance of the evidence,
that retention is warranted under the limited circumstances
described in lc(1)(a) and lc(1) (b) of this enclosure.

(3) Nothing requires that an officer be processed for

separation when a determination is made that

(a) the officer engaged in acts, made statements, or

married or attempted to marry a person known to be of the same
biological sex solely for the purposes of avoiding military
service, and

(b) separation of the officer would not be in the

best interest of the Armed Forces.

(4) An officer may be considered for separation under

all reasons for which minimum criteria are met; however,
separate findings under each reason are required. No officer
shall be retained without the approval of SECNAV when an
approved finding of homosexual conduct is made. SECNAV is the
separation authority in all cases.

d. Retention is not Consistent with the Interest of

National Security. An officer (except a retired officer) may be
separated from the Naval Service when it is determined the
officer's retention is clearly inconsistent with the interests
of national security. This provision applies when a
determination has been made under the provisions of reference
(g) that administrative separation is appropriate.

e. Se~arationin Lieu of Trial bv Court-Martial

(1) Basis. In cases where an officer is pending a trial

by court-martial (charges preferred with respect to an offense
for which a punitive discharge is authorized), the officer may
submit a request for resignation in lieu of trial by
court-martial. This provision may not be used when Rule for

6 Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2005
Courts-Martial (R.C.M.) 1003 (d) of the Manual for Courts-Martial
provides the sole basis for a punitive discharge unless the
charges have been referred to a court-martial authorized to
adjudge a punitive discharge.

(2) Characterization of Service. Under Other Than

Honorable Conditions, but General (Under Honorable Conditions)
may be warranted under the guidelines in enclosure (5)
Characterization of service as Honorable is not authorized
unless the respondent's record is otherwise so meritorious that
any other characterization would be clearly inappropriate.

(3) Procedures

(a) The resignation shall be submitted in writing

and signed by the officer.

(b) Officers shall be afforded an opportunity to

consult with qualified counsel. If the members refuse to do so,
the commanding officer (CO) shall prepare a statement to this
effect which shall be attached to the file, and the officers
shall state that they have waived the right to consult with

(c) Unless the officer has waived the right to

counsel, the request shall also be signed by counsel.

(d) In the written request, the officers shall state

that they understand the following:

The elements of the offense or offenses

2. That characterization of service under Other

Than Honorable conditions is authorized, and

3. The adverse nature of such a characterization

and possible consequences.

(e) The request shall also include

1. an acknowledgment of guilt of one or more of

the offenses charged, or of any lesser included offense, for
which a punitive discharge is authorized, and
DEC 1 5 2005

2. a summary of the evidence or list of

documents (or copies thereof) provided to the officer pertaining
to the offenses for which a punitive discharge is authorized.

(f) Statements by the officer or the officer's

counsel submitted in connection with a request under this
subsection are not admissible against the member in a
court-martial except as provided by M.R.E. 410, Manual for

f. Multiple Reasons. An officer shall be processed for

separation for all of the aforementioned reasons which are

2. Failure of Selection for Promotion. It is DON policy to

retain competent and effective officers who satisfy the
authorized strength needs, by grade, competitive category, or
special skills authorized by CNO or CMC. However, some
officers, who may be less qualified to fill skill needs, must be
terminated by reason of failure of selection for promotion, by
reason of involuntary separation, or retirement for years of
service. In execution of this policy, officers may be separated
or released from active duty for reason of failure of selection,
involuntary separation or years of service as follows:

a. Reaular officers above the grade of CW05

(1) Regular 02s, other than LDOs, who twice fail of

selection for and who are not on a list of officers recommended
for promotion to 03 shall be Honorably discharged per section
631 of reference (a) on the date requested by the officer and
approved by SECNAV, but not later than the 1st day of the 7th
calendar month beginning after the month in which the report of
the selection board that considered the officer for the second
time is approved.

(2) Regular 03s and 04s, other than LDOs, who twice fail
of selection for and who are not on a list of officers
recommended for promotion to the next higher grade shall be
Honorably discharged per section 632 of reference (a), unless
selectively continued to meet requirements in their competitive
category and grade per section 637(a) of reference (a), on the
date requested by the officers and approved by SECNAV, but not

8 Enclosure (3)
DEC i 5 20Kj
later than the lst day of the 7thcalendar month beginning after
the month in which the report of the selection board which
considered the officers for the second time is approved, except
as provided in paragraph (3) below.

(3) Exception concerning discharge under paragraphs (1)

and (2) above: Per DODD 1320.8 of 21 October 1996, Regular
officers serving in the grade of 04 who are subject to discharge
under section 632(a) of reference (a) shall normally be selected
for continuation by selective continuation boards if the officer
will qualify for retirement under section 6323 of reference (a)
within 6 years of the date of such continuation, unless the
officer is being processed for separation for cause.

(4) Regular 05s, unless selectively continued to meet

requirements in their competitive category and grade per section
637(b) of reference (a) shall, if not on a promotion list to 06,
be involuntarily retired on the lst day of the month after the
month in which they complete 28 years of active commissioned
service per section 633 of reference (a). However, 05s who are
not on a promotion list may be subject to selective early
retirement after two failures of selection to 06 per section 638
of reference (a), unless they have been approved for voluntary
retirement, or they are to be involuntarily retired under any
provision of law, during the fiscal year in which the selection
board is convened or during the following fiscal year.

(5) Regular 06s, unless selectively continued to meet

requirements in their competitive category and grade per section
637(b) of reference (a), shall, if not on a promotion list to 07
or retired earlier, be involuntarily retired on the lStday of
the month after the month in which they complete 30 years of
active commissioned service per section 634 of reference (a).
However, 06s who are not on a promotion list may be subject to
selective early retirement (SER) after 4 years in grade per
section 638 of reference (a) unless they have been approved for
voluntary retirement in the fiscal year in which the SER board
convenes, or they are to be involuntarily retired under any
provision of law, during the fiscal year in which the SER board
is convened or during the following fiscal year.

(6) Unless continued under section 637(b) of reference

(a), a Regular officers serving in the grade of 07 who are not
on a promotion list to 08 shall, if not retired earlier, be

9 Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2005
retired on the 1st day of the 1st month beginning after the date
of the 5th anniversary of their appointment to that grade or on
the 1"'-day of the month after the month in which they complete
30 years of active commissioned service, whichever is later, per
section 635 of reference (a). Such officers are, however,
subject to SER under the provisions of section 638 of reference
(a) if they have served at least 3% years of active duty in the
07 grade and are not on a list for promotion to 08, unless they
have been approved for voluntary retirement, or they are to be
involuntarily retired under any provision of law, during the
fiscal year in which the selection board is convened or during
the following fiscal year.

(7) Unless continued under section 637(b) of reference

(a), Regular officers serving in the grade of 08 shall, if not
retired earlier, be retired on the lst day of the lSLmonth
beginning after the date of the 5 t h anniversary of their
appointment to that grade or on the lSt day of the month after
the month in which they complete 35 years of active commissioned
service, whichever is later, per section 636 of reference (a).
Such officers are, however, subject to selective early
retirement under the provisions of section 638 of reference (a)
if they have served at least 3% years of active duty in the
grade of 08, unless they have been approved for voluntary
retirement, or they are to be involuntarily retired under any
provision of law, during the fiscal year in which the selection
board is convened or during the following fiscal year.

(8) Regular officers, other than warrant officers and

LDOs, serving in the grades of 04 through 06 on 15 September
1981, or who were on a promotion list to such grades on that
day, shall be retired on the date provided under the laws in
effect on 14 September 1981, unless promoted or continued after
that date under the provisions of reference (h).

(9) A deferral of retirement or separation and

continuation on active duty shall be for a period not to exceed
5 years, but shall not extend beyond the date of the officer's
62nd birthday. However, in the case of officers serving in a
grade above 08, CNO or CMC may recommend to SECNAV that he
request the President to defer the retirement until the 1"' day
of the month following the month in which the officer becomes 64
years of age. No more than 10 deferments to age 64, for all the
armed forces, may be in effect at any one time to meet unusual
DEC 1 5 2005
requirements of the service.

(10) In the case of an officer serving as a chaplain,

SECNAV may defer retirement as required in the best interests of
the Navy. Officers serving as Chief or Deputy Chief of
Chaplains may, upon approval of SECNAV, have their retirement
deferred. Such deferment may not extend beyond the first day of
the month following the month in which the officer reaches 68
years of age.

(11) Notwithstanding any other section of this paragraph

(failure of selection), officers who are within 2 years of
qualifying for retirement under section 6323 of reference (a) on
the date on which they are to be discharged shall be retained on
active duty until qualified for retirement under that section of
law unless sooner discharged or retired for cause under the
provisions of this instruction.

b. Reserve officers above the grade of CW05

(1) Naval Reserve officers on the active-duty list

(a) In the grades of 02 or 03 who twice fail of

selection for promotion to a higher grade while on the active
duty list shall be involuntarily released from active duty and
placed on the RASL no later than the 1st day of the 7 t h calendar
month beginning after the report of the selection board which
considered the officer for the second time is approved.
However, officers subject to separation under this paragraph may
be selectively retained on active duty by a board convened by
CHNAVPERS under the provisions of paragraph 16 of this
enclosure, based on a need for that officer's specific skills
and unique qualifications.

(b) In the grade of 04 who twice fail of selection

for promotion to the next higher grade while on the active-duty
list shall, if qualified, be given an opportunity to request
transfer to the Retired Reserve or if not so transferred, such
officers shall be involuntarily released from active duty no
later than the lSt day of the 7th calendar month beginning after
the report of the selection board which considered the officer
for the second time is approved, unless the officer is retained
on active duty by a board convened by CHNAVPERS under the
provisions of paragraph 16 of this enclosure, based on a need

11 Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2005
for that officer's specific skills and unique qualifications, or
per section 12646 or section 12686 of reference (a).

(c) In the grade of 05 who twice fail of selection

for promotion to the next higher grade while on the active-duty
list shall, if qualified, be given an opportunity to request
transfer to the Retired Reserve. If not so transferred, such
officers shall be involuntarily released from active duty no
later than the lSt day of the 7 t h calendar month beginning after
the report of the selection board which considered the officer
for the second time is approved, unless the officer is retained
on active duty by a board convened by CHNAVPERS under the
provisions of paragraph 16 of this enclosure, based on a need
for that officer's specific skills and unique qualifications, or
per section 12646 or section 12686 of reference (a).

(d) In the grade of 06 shall be given an opportunity

to request transfer to the Retired Reserve if qualified, or will
be involuntarily released from active duty at the end of their
current obligation unless the officers are retained on active
duty by a board convened by CHNAVPERS under the provisions of
paragraph 16 of this enclosure, based on a need for that
officer's specific skills and unique qualifications. Such
officers not qualified to transfer to the Retired Reserve will
be involuntarily released from active duty and placed on the
RASL and, if not sooner selected for promotion to the next
higher paygrade, discharged on the lSt day of the month following
the month in which the officers complete 30 years total
commissioned service per section 14706 of reference (a),unless
retained in an active status under sections 12646 or 12686, or
continued in an active status under section 14701 thereof.

(2) Marine Corps Reserve officers on active duty in the

grades of 02 and 03, who twice fail of selection for promotion
to the next higher grade shall be Honorably discharged no later
than the 1st day of the 7 t h calendar month after the month in
which the report of the selection board that considered them for
the second time is approved. Officers separating under this
guidance who are authorized full payment of nondisability
separation pay will enter into a written agreement to serve in
the Ready Reserve for a period of not less than 3 years
following separation from active duty.

(3) Marine Corps officers on active duty designated for

12 Enclosure ( 3 )
SECNAVINST 1 9 2 0 . 6 C
DEC 1 5 2005
the Active Reserve (AR) proqram

(a) In the grade of 0 2 who twice fail of selection

for promotion to a higher grade and whose names are not on a
list of officers recommended for promotion to the next higher
grade shall be honorably discharged not later than the lstday of
the 7 t h calendar month beginning after the report of the
selection board that considered the officers for the second time
is approved. If officers subject to discharge under this
paragraph have not completed 8 years commissioned service, they
shall be released from active duty and retained in an active
status in the Reserve component until the completion of 8 years
in a commissioned status.

(b) In the grade of 03 who twice fail of selection

for promotion to a higher grade and whose names are not on a
list of officers recommended for promotion to the next higher
grade shall be involuntarily released from active duty no later
than the lStday of the 7 t h calendar month beginning after the
report of the selection board that considered the officer for
the second time is approved.

(c) In the grade of 04 career-designated officers

who twice fail of selection for promotion to a higher grade, if
not on a promotion list to a higher grade, shall, if not earlier
removed from the RASL, be involuntarily released from active
duty no later than the l s t day of the 7 t h calendar month beginning
after the month in which the report of the selection board that
considered the officers for the second time is approved.
Release will be deferred, if necessary, to enable the officers
to become eligible for an active service retirement with pay,
consistent with the service limitations established by section
1 4 5 0 6 of reference (a). Under no circumstances will the
officers be retained beyond the lst day of the month following
the month in which the officers complete 20 years of active
Federal service, at which time they shall be given an
opportunity to request transfer to the Retired Reserve or to be
honorably discharged.

(d) In the grade of 05 career-designated officers

who twice fail of selection for promotion to a higher grade, if
not on a promotion list to a higher grade, shall, if not earlier
removed from the RASL, be involuntarily released from active
duty. Release will occur not later than the lstday of the 7 t h

13 Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2005
calendar month beginning after the month in which the report of
the selection board that considered the officers for the second
time is approved. Release will be deferred, if necessary, to
enable the officers to become eligible for an active, service
retirement, but not later than the first day of the month
following the month in which the officers complete 28 years
total commissioned service, (unless the officers are chosen for
release from active duty by a Selective Early Release from
Active Duty (SERAD) Board) at which time they shall be given an
opportunity to request transfer to the Retired Reserve, if
qualified, or be honorably discharged, as required by section
14507 of reference (a).

(e) In the grade of 06 career-designated AR colonels

may only serve on active duty until completing 30 years total
commissioned service (unless the officers are chosen for release
from active duty by a SERAD Board) at which time they shall be
given an opportunity to request transfer to the Retired Reserve,
if qualified, or be honorably discharged, as required by section
14507 of reference (a).

(4) Naval Reserve Full-Time Support (FTS) officers on

active duty, but not on the active duty list. This category
includes Naval Reserve Canvasser Recruiter (CANREC) officers,
and temporary recall (Three Year Recall/One Year Recall/Active
Duty for Special Work) officers:

(a) In the grade of 01 who have been found not

qualified for promotion to a higher grade shall be involuntarily
released from active duty and eliminated from an active status
at anytime after being found not qualified for promotion per
section 14503 of reference (a).

(b) In the grade of 02 who twice fail of selection

for promotion to a higher grade shall, if not on a promotion
list to a higher grade, be involuntarily released from active
duty and eliminated from an active status not later than the lSt
day of the 7 t h calendar month beginning after the month in which
the report of the selection board which considered the officers
for the second time is approved per sections 14504 and 14513 of
reference (a), unless specifically retained on active duty under
sections 12686 or 14504(b) thereof. If officers subject to
release from active duty and elimination from an active status
under this subparagraph have not completed the required minimum

14 Enclosure (3)
DEC 15 2005
commissioned service per section 651 of reference (a), they
shall be released from active duty and retained in an active
status until the completion of required service per section
12645 of reference (a).

(c) In the grade of 03 who twice fail of selection

for promotion to a higher grade shall, if not on a promotion
list to a higher grade, be involuntarily released from active
duty and eliminated from an active status not later than the 1st
day of the 7th calendar month beginning after the month in which
the report of the selection board that considered the officers
for the second time is approved per sections 14505 and 14513 of
reference (a), unless specifically selected for continuation on
the RASL under section 14701 of reference (a) or retained on
active duty under section 12646 or 12686 of reference (a).

(d) In the grade of 04 who twice fail of selection

for promotion to a higher grade shall, if not 011 a promotion
list to a higher grade, be involuntarily released from active
duty. Release from active duty will occur not later than the lSt
day of the 7thcalendar month beginning after the month in which
the report of the selection board that considered the officers
for the second time is approved. FTS (formerly TAR) officers
will be retained on active duty, if necessary, to enable the
officers to become eligible for retirement with pay. Retention
of FTS officers on active duty may not extend beyond the lSt day
of the month following the month in which the officers first
complete 20 years of active service. In no case shall retention
of FTS 04s on active duty extend beyond the lst day of the month
following the month in which the officers complete 20 years of
commissioned service, unless an extension is addressed in a
SECNAV approved continuation and retention plan or the members
are retained on active duty per section 12686 or reference (a).

(e) In the grade of 05 who twice fail of selection

for promotion to a higher grade shall, if not on a promotion
list to a higher grade, be involuntarily released from active
duty. Release from active duty will occur not later than the lSt
day of the 7th calendar month beginning after the month in which
the report of the selection board that considered the officer
for the second time is approved. FTS officers will be retained
on active duty, if necessary, to enable the officer to become
eligible for retirement with pay. Retention of FTS officers on
active duty may not extend beyond the lSt day of the month

15 Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2005
following the month in which the officers first become eligible
for retirement with pay (including early retirement). In no
case shall retention of FTS 05s on active duty extend beyond the
1st day of the month following the month in which the officers
complete 28 years of commissioned service, unless the officers
are selected for continuation on the RASL under section 14701 of
reference (a) or retained on active duty under section 12646 or
section 12686 of reference (a).

(f) In the grade of 06 who are on active duty and

whose names are not on a list of officers recommended for
promotion to the next higher grade shall be involuntarily
released from active duty upon completion of 30 years of
commissioned service not later then the 1"' day of the month
following the month in which they complete that service, per
sections 14507, 14514 and 14706 of reference (a), unless
continued on the RASL under section 14701 of reference (a) or
retained on active duty under section 12646 or section 12686 of
reference (a).

(5) Naval and Marine Corps Reserve (not on active duty);

elimination from an active status

(a) Subject to completion of obligated service under

section 651 or reference (a), a Reserve officer serving in the
grade of 02 in an active status who twice fails of selection to
the next higher grade and whose name is not on a list of
officers recommended for promotion shall be eliminated from an
active status not later than the 1st day of the 7'" month after
the month in which the report of the selection board that
considered the officer for the second time is approved per
sections 6389, 12645, 14504 and 14513 of reference (a), unless
retained under sections 12646 or 12686 or 14504(b)(1).

(b) A Reserve officer in an active status serving in

the grade of 03 who twice fails of selection for promotion to
the next higher grade and whose name is not on a list of
officers recommended for promotion shall be eliminated from an
active status not later than the 1st day of the 7th month after
the month in which the report of the selection board that
considered the officer for the second time is approved per
sections 14505 and 14513 of reference (a), unless retained under
section 12646 or 12686 or continued in an active status per
section 14701 of reference (a).

Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2005

(c) Reserve officers in an active status serving in

the grade of 04 who twice fails of selection for promotion to
the next higher grade and whose names are not on a list of
officers recommended for promotion shall be eliminated from an
active status on the later of

1. the lSt day of the month after the month in

which the officers complete 20 years of commissioned service, or

2. the lSt day on the 7thmonth after the month

in which the president approves the report of the board which
considered the officers for the second time unless retained
under section 12646 or 12686 or continued in an active status
under section 14701 of reference (a).

(d) Reserve officers serving in the grades of 05 or

06 in an active status whose names are not on a list of officers
recommended for promotion to the next higher grade shall be
eliminated from an active status (if not earlier removed from
the RASL) upon completion of 28 or 30 years of commissioned
service, respectively, not later than the 1st day of the month
after the month in which the officers complete such service, per
sections 14507, 14514 and 14706 of reference (a), unless
retained under section 12646, 12686, or 14703 or continued in an
active status under section 14701 of reference (a).

(e) Officers of the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve in

an active status in the permanent grade of 07, shall, 30 days
after they complete 30 years of total commissioned service
computed under section 14706 of reference (a) or on the 5th
anniversary of the date of their appointment to that grade,
whichever is later, be transferred to the Retired Reserve, if
qualified and applies therefore, or discharged from the Naval or
Marine Corps Reserve if not qualified or does not apply for such
transfer, under sections 14508(a) and 14514 of reference (a).
Officers who have been recommended for promotion and who would
otherwise be removed from an active status under this paragraph
shall be retained in that status until they have been appointed
or have refused appointment to the permanent grade of 08.

(£1 Officers of the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve in

an active status in the permanent grade of 08 shall, 30 days
after they complete 35 years of total commissioned service
DEC 1 5 2005
computed under section 14706 of reference (a) or on the 5 t h
anniversary of the date of their appointment to that grade,
whichever is later, be transferred to the Retired Reserve, if
qualified and applies therefore, or discharged from the Naval or
Marine Corps Reserve, if not qualified or does not apply for
such transfer, under sections 14508(b) and 14514 of reference

(g) Notwithstanding paragraphs 3b (5) (a) through ( f)

above, Naval Reserve officers who are described in former
sections 6397 or 6403 of reference (a), relating to Nurse Corps
officers and women officers, will be treated as they would have
been treated under those sections as in effect before 1 October
1996, if that treatment would result in the date for the
officers' separation from an active status being a later date
than the date established under the law in effect on or after 1
October 1996.

(6) Notwithstanding any other provision in this

paragraph, the following provisions of sections 12646 and 12686
of reference (a) are applicable to Reserve officers in an active

(a) As per section 12646 of reference (a), Reserve

officers who are entitled to be credited with at least 18 but
less than 19 years of service computed under section 12732 of
reference (a) on the date prescribed for discharge or transfer
from an active status, may not be discharged or transferred from
an active status without their consent before the earlier of the
following dates:

1. The date on which they are entitled to be

credited with 20-~ears of service computed under section 12732
of reference (a), or

2. The 3rd anniversary of the date on which they

would otherwise be discharged or transferred from an active

(b) As per section 12646 of reference (a), Reserve

officers who are entitled to be credited with at least 19, but
less than 20 years of service computed under section 12732 of
reference (a) on the date prescribed for discharge or transfer
from an active status may not be discharged or transferred from
DEC 9.5 2005
an active status without their consent before the earlier of the
following dates:

1. The date on which the are entitled to be

credited with 2oPyears of service, computed under section 12732
of reference (a), or

2. The second anniversary of the date on which

they would otherwise be discharged or transferred from an active
(c) Section 12646 sanctuary does not apply in cases
of separation for cause, disability, or reaching maximum age 60.

(d) Per section 12686 of reference (a), unless

specifically authorized by SECNAV, Reserve officers on active
duty (other than for training) who are within 2 years of
qualifying for retirement under section 6323 of reference (a) on
the date on which they would otherwise be removed from an active
status, shall not be involuntarily released from active duty
before qualifying for retirement under that section. Officers
who are retained on active duty under this provision may not be
removed from an active status while they are on that active
duty, except when separated for cause or physical disability.

(e) Per section 12686 of reference (a), unless

specifically authorized by SECNAV, Reserve officers who are on
active duty and are within 2 years of becoming eligible for
retired pay under section 6323 of reference (a), may not be
involuntarily released from that duty before they become
eligible for that pay, except when separated for cause, for
physical disability, or when eligible for retired pay under
section 12731 of reference (a).

(f) Per section 14513 of reference (a), normal

separation of Reserve officers in an active status who are not
on active duty shall be via either transfer to the Retired
Reserve, if such officers are eligible and so request, or
discharge. Transfer to the inactive status list shall only be
used when CHNAVPERS or CMC makes a finding the officers have a
specific skill which cannot be met by the Active and Reserve
forces in time of mobilization.

c. LDOs
DEC 1 5 2005
(1) Permanent LDOs. The separation and retirement of
Regular permanent LDOs are governed by section 6383 of reference

(a) Unless selectively continued to meet

requirements of their competitive category and grade per
procedures under references (i) or (j), Regular permanent LDOs
below 05 in the Navy and Regular permanent LDOs in the Marine
Corps shall be retired on the last day of the month following
the month in which they complete 30 years of active Naval
Service, exclusive of active duty for training in a Reserve
component. Under no circumstances may LDO officers remain on
active duty beyond age 62.

(b) Permanent LDOs serving in the grade of 03 or 04

who have twice failed of selection for promotion to the next
higher grade and are not on a promotion list to a higher grade
shall be retired, if eligible to retire, or Honorably discharged
on the date requested by the officers and approved by SECNAV,
but not later than the lSt day of the 7 t h calendar month beginning
after the month in which the President approves the report of
the board in which the officers failed of selection for the
second time. Permanent LDOs serving in the grade of 03, who
twice fails of selection to 04, or an 04 who twice fails of
selection to 05, may be selectively continued on active duty
upon the recommendation of a selection board convened by SECNAV
until the completion of 20 years of active service.

(c) Unless continued by a selection board convened

by SECNAV, Regular permanent LDOs in the grade of 05 in the Navy
who have twice failed of selection for promotion to the grade of
06, and are not on a list of officers recommended for promotion
to the grade of 06 shall, if eligible for retirement as a
commissioned officer, be retired on the date requested by the
officers and approved by SECNAV but not later than the lSt day of
the 7thcalendar month beginning after the month in which the
President approves the report of the board in which the officers
are considered as having failed of selection for the second
time. If the officers are not eligible for retirement as a
commissioned officer, they shall be retired not later than the
lst day of the 7thcalendar month beginning after the month in
which the officers become eligible for retirement as a
commissioned officer.

Enclosure ( 3)
DEC 1 5 2005
(2) Temporary LDOs

(a) The appointments of temporary LDOs who are not

selectively continued on active duty under reference (i) or (j)
are terminated on the earlier of the following dates

1. the last day of the month following the month

in which the officers complete 30 years of active Naval Service,
other than active duty for training, or

2. a date requested by the officers, and

providing the requested retirement date does
approved by S E C N ~ ,
not exceed the required statutory retirement date resulting from
the second failure to select for promotion per reference (i).

a. Temporary LDOs with a permanent Regular

warrant officer status whose LDO appointment is terminated will
be afforded the option of voluntary retirement in lieu of
reversion to permanent warrant officer status. Temporary LDOs
who revert to a permanent warrant officer status are subject to
involuntary retirement or Honorable discharge as a warrant
officer under applicable statutes and as provided for under
paragraph 3d of this enclosure.

b. Temporary LDOs with a permanent Regular

enlisted status whose appointment are so terminated will be
afforded the option of voluntary retirement in lieu of reversion
to permanent enlisted status and where applicable, Honorable
discharge by reason of expiration of enlistment.

(b) Temporary LDOs who are not eligible for

retirement under section 6323 of reference (a) and who have
twice failed of selection to the next higher temporary grade,
may either be retained on active duty in the temporary grade
held if within 2 years of retirement eligibility, per enclosure
(2) of reference (i), as of 30 June of the fiscal year in which
the second failure of selection occurs, or may be reverted to
permanent warrant officer or enlisted status if not within 2
years of attaining retirement eligibility.

d. Permanent Regular Warrant Officers

(1) Unless selectively continued on active duty in the

Navy under reference (i), or in the ~ a r i n eCorps under reference

21 Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2005
(I), permanent Regular warrant officers who have at least 30
years of active service shall be retired on the lstday of the lSt
month beginning after a period of 60 days have run from the date
that they complete that service.

(2) Unless retired or separated sooner under some other

provision of this instruction, permanent Regular warrant
officers who have twice failed of selection for promotion to the
next higher permanent Regular warrant officer grades shall

(a) if they have more than 20 years of active

service on

1. the date when SECNAV approves the report of

the board under section 576(e) of reference (a), or

2. the date when their name was removed from a

promotion list under section 579 of reference (a), whichever
applies, be retired not later than the 1st day of the 7th
calendar month beginning after the applicable date above.

(b) I£ they have at least 18 but not more than 20

years of active service on

1. the date when SECNAV approves the report of

the board under section 576 (e) of reference (a), or

2. the date when their name was removed from a

promotion list under section 579 of reference (a), whichever
applies, be retired not later than the date determined under the
next sentence unless they are selected for promotion to the next
higher Regular warrant officer grade before that date. The date
of retirement of warrant officers under the preceding sentence
shall be on a date specified by SECNAV, but not later than the
lstday of the 7ih calendar month beginning after the date upon
which they complete 20 years of active service.

(c) If they have less than 18 years of active

service on

1. the date when SECNAV approves the report of

the board under section 576(e) of reference (a), or

the date when their name was removed from a

22 Enclosure ( 3)
DEC 1 5 2005
promotion list under section 579 of reference (a),whichever
applies, be Honorably discharged from the Regular Navy or Marine
Corps not later than the 1"' day of the 7 t h calendar month
beginning after the applicable date.

(d) Notwithstanding paragraph 3d(2) (c), immediately

above, if on the date on which warrant officers are to be
separated under that paragraph the warrant officers have at
least 18 years of active service, they shall be retained on
active duty until retired under paragraph 3d(2)(b) in the same
manner as if the warrant officers had had at least 18 years of
service on the applicable date under paragraph 3d(2)(b).

(3) Notwithstanding paragraph 3d(2) (c), permanent

Regular warrant officers with less than 18 years of active
service creditable toward retirement who are subject to
discharge as a result of having twice failed of selection to the
next higher permanent Regular warrant officer grades, and who
hold a temporary appointment in a grade above CW05, shall
continue serving on active duty until qualified for retirement
under reference (a).

(4) ~ o t w thstanding
i paragraph 3d (2) (c), permanent
Regular warrant officers with less than 18 years of active
service creditable toward retirement who are subject to
discharge as a result of having twice failed of selection to the
next higher permanent Regular warrant officer grades, may
request enlistment and, in the discretion of SECNAV, be enlisted
in a grade prescribed by SECNAV, but not in a grade lower than
that held immediately before original appointment as warrant
officers. In making recommendations to SECNAV, CHNAVPERS and
CMC shall consider the individual's record of service as warrant
officers, the length of service performed as warrant officers,
and the relationship of inventory to approved authorizations in
the Navy enlisted classification or military occupational
specialty in which the individua1.s would serve in an enlisted

(5) SECNAV may defer, for not more than 4 months, the
retirement or separation of any Regular warrant officers if,
because of unavoidable circumstances, evaluation of their
physical condition and determination of their entitlement to
retirement or separation for physical disability require
hospitalization or medical observation that cannot be completed

23 Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2005
before the date on which they would otherwise be required to be
retired or discharged.

e. Permanent Reserve Warrant Officers

(1) Permanent Reserve warrant officers who have at least

30 years of active service, other than active duty for training,
or have completed at least 30 years of service computed under
section 12732 of reference (a), shall be transferred to the
Retired Reserve or the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve Retired
List, as appropriate, not later than 6 months after they
complete that service. Warrant officers of the Naval or Marine
Corps Reserve who are subject to separation under this
paragraph, may be selectively retained to meet requirements
identified for their grade, competitive category, and designator
per procedures described in references (j) or in this

(2) Unless retired or separated under some other

provision of this instruction, Reserve warrant officers
(exclusive of CW04) who have twice failed of selection for
promotion to the next higher permanent warrant officer grades,
who are not on a promotion list, and who have

(a) performed more than 20 years of active service

or who have performed at least 20 years of service computed
under section 12732 of reference (a) on

1. the date when SECNAV approves the report of

the promotion selection board, or

2. the date when their name was removed from a

promotion list, whichever applies, shall be transferred to the
inactive status list, or upon their request, to the Retired
Reserve or Naval or Marine Corps Reserve retired list, as

(b) performed at least 18 but less than 20 years of

service computed under section 12732 of reference (a) on

1. the date when SECNAV approves the report of

the promotion serection board, or

- the date when their name was removed from

24 Enclosure ( 3
DEC 1 5 2005
the promotion list, whichever applies, shall not be discharged
or transferred from an active status without their consent
before the earlier of the following dates unless sooner
separated for cause under paragraph 1 of this enclosure:

a. The date on which they are entitled to

be credited with 20 years of service computed under section
12732 of reference (a).

b. If they have at least 19 years of service

computed under section 12732 of reference (a), the second
anniversary of the date on which they would otherwise be
discharged or transferred from an active status.

3. If they have at least 18 but less than 19

years of service computed under section 12732 of reference (a),
the third anniversary of the date on which they would otherwise
be discharged or transferred from an active status

(c) performed less than 18 years of service computed

under section 12732 of reference (a) on

1. the date when SECNAV approves the report of

the selection board, or

2. the date when their names are removed from

the promotion list, whichever applies, may request enlistment
and in the discretion of SECNAV be enlisted in a grade
prescribed by SECNAV, but not in a grade lower than that held
immediately before original appointment as warrant officers. In
making recommendations to SECNAV, CHNAVPERS and DC (M&RA) shall
consider the individual's record of service as warrant officers,
the length of service performed as warrant officers, and the
needs of the Service in the Navy enlisted classification or
military occupational specialty in which the individual would
serve in an enlisted status.

(d) Not requested transfer to the Naval or Marine

Corps Reserve retired list as provided in paragraph 3e(2)(a), is
not eligible for retention in an active status as provided in
paragraph 3e(2)(b), and does not request enlistment as provided
in paragraph 3e (2)(c), or is denied enlistment, shall be
Honorably discharged from the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve.

Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2 ~ 0 5
(3) Reserve warrant officers on active duty (other than
active duty for training) who, on the date when they would be
otherwise discharged or removed from an active status without
their consent under paragraph 3e(2), and have competed 18 or
more years of active service, shall not be involuntarily
released from active duty before qualifying for retirement under
that section, unless the officers are not physically qualified,
are being separated for cause, or whose release have been
approved by SECNAV.

3. Not Qualified for Promotion. The Secretary of the Navy

delegates to the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and to the
Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) the authority to determine
whether 0-1s and W-1s are qualified for promotion.

a. Under sections 630 and 14503 of reference (a), officers

serving in the grade of 01 who are found not qualified for
promotion to 02 shall be honorably discharged at the end of the
18-month period beginning on the date on which the officers are
first found not qualified for promotion.

b. Per section 5596 of reference (a), temporary LDOs

serving in the grade of 01 who are found not qualified for
promotion to the next higher grade may, prior to the expiration
of the 18 month period referred to in paragraph a. above, have
their appointment terminated by SECNAV and be reverted to their
permanent warrant or enlisted status.

c. Per section 6383 (e)(2) of reference (a), LDOs on the

active duty list of the Navy, or on the active duty list of the
Marine Corps, who are serving in the grade of 01, who are found
not qualified for promotion to the next higher grade, shall be
honorably discharged on the date requested by the officers and
approved by SECNAV, but not later than the lSt day of the 7th
calendar month beginning after the month in which the officers
were found not qualified for promotion.

d. Per section 6383 (e)(1) of reference (a), LDOs on the

active duty list of the Navy, or on the active duty list of the
Marine Corps, who are serving in the grade of 02, who are
considered as having failed of selection to the next higher
grade, shall be honorably discharged on the date requested by
the officers and approved by SECNAV, but not later than the lSt
day of the 7th calendar month beginning after the month in which

26 Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2005
the President approves the report of the selection board in
which the officers are considered as having failed of selection
for promotion to the higher grade for the second time.

e. Per section 1165 of reference (a), non-retirement

eligible warrant officers, with less than 36 months of
continuous active service since the date of original appointment
who are serving in the grade of W1 and found not qualified for
promotion to CW02 may be honorably discharged by SECNAV, upon
the recommendation of CMC or CNO, not later than the end of the
36-month period beginning on the date on which the warrant
officers were first appointed. Per section 12241(c) of
reference (a), non-retirement eligible Reserve warrant officers,
with less than 60 months of service since the date of original
appointment who are serving in the grade of W1 and found not
qualified for promotion to CW02 may be honorably discharged by
SECNAV, upon the recommendation of CMC or CNO, not later than
the end of the 60 month period beginning on the date on which
the warrant officers were first appointed. All non-retirement
eligible warrant officers that have been found not qualified for
promotion to CW02 and were not separated pursuant to section
1165 or section 12241(c) of reference (a), shall be reconsidered
for promotion to CW02, upon the Wl's request, after 1 year from
the date that the W1 was determined not qualified for promotion.

f. Per section 1166 of reference (a), non-probationary

warrant officers or retirement eligible warrant officers serving
in the grade of W1 who have been found not qualified for
promotion to CW02, shall be referred to a BOI for a
determination on whether the W1 is fit for continued service. A
determination of not qualified for promotion to CW02 is evidence
of unfitness for continued service.

(1) A non-probationary W1 that is determined to be

unfit for continued service by a BOI, convened pursuant to
section 1166 of reference (a), shall be discharged.

(2) A non-probationary W1 that is determined to be fit

for continued service by a BOI, convened pursuant to section
1166 of reference (a) shall be reconsidered for promotion to
CW02, upon the W l l s request, after 1 year from the date that the
W1 was determined not qualified for promotion. Wls that are
again determined not qualified for promotion to CW02 shall not
be again referred to a BOI and will be reconsidered for

27 Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2005
promotion to CW02, upon the Wl's request, after 1 year from the
date the W1 was last determined not qualified for promotion,
until the W1 is promoted, retired, or separated under some other
provision of law.

(3) A retirement eligible W1 that is determined to be

unfit for continued service by a BOI, convened pursuant to
section 1166 of reference (a), shall be retired. Per section
1371 of reference (a), recommendations for a retirement grade
determination are neither appropriate nor required.

(4) A retirement eligible W1 that is determined to be

fit for continued service by a BOI, convened pursuant to section
1166 of reference (a), shall be reconsidered for promotion to
CW02, upon the Wl's request, after 1 year from the date that the
W1 was determined not qualified for promotion. Wls that are
again determined not qualified for promotion to CW02 shall not
be again referred to a BOI and will be reconsidered for
promotion to CW02, upon the W l l s request, after 1 year from the
date the W1 was last determined not qualified for promotion,
until the W1 is promoted, retired, or separated under some other
provision of law.

g. Regular officers subject to separation solely under the

provisions of paragraphs 4a or b who have not satisfied their
statutory military obligation, as described in section 651 of
reference (a), shall be required to accept an appointment in a
Reserve component in an active status.

h. Reserve officers subject to separation solely under the

provisions of paragraph 4a or b who have not satisfied their
statutory military obligation, as described in section 12645 of
reference (a), may be so separated without regard to military

i. The authority to separate officers under this section

shall not be used when separation for cause under the provisions
of reference (a) and paragraph 1 of this enclosure is

4. Failure to Accept an Appointment to 02

a. Officers who fail to accept a permanent or temporary

appointment to the grade of 02 shall be processed for an

28 Enclosure (3)
DEC L 5 2065
honorable discharge using the notification procedure of
enclosure (7).

b. As provided in DOD Instruction 1304.25, CHNAVPERS or DC

(M&RA) may not separate officers under this section until the
officers have satisfied the obligated service, referred to in
paragraphs lc(1) and 4a of enclosure (2), except in the case of
Reserve officers, who may be separated under section 14503(c) of
reference (a) under regulation prescribed by the Secretary of
Defense .

5. Parenthood. Officers may be separated by reason of

parenthood if it is determined the officers are unable to
perform their duties satisfactorily or are unavailable for
worldwide assignment or deployment.

6. Force Management Considerations. When necessary to meet

budgetary requirements or to control end strength, promotion
flow points, or grade allowances, or for any other reason, as
approved by SECNAV, CHNAVPERS:

a. May convene Board of Officers to consider commissioned

officers for involuntary release from active duty or, subject to
section 651 of reference (a), separation from the naval service.
CHNAVPERS shall justify selective release from active duty or
separation in plans submitted for SECNAV approval.

b. May release Reserve officers from active duty or,

subject to section 651 of reference (a), separate probationary
officers, and non-probationary officers who have not completed
their minimum service obligation, who have failed to complete an
initial course of instruction necessary to obtain a designator
or professional or warfare qualification. To the extent
practicable, officers shall be advised that this policy is in
effect prior to the commencement of such an initial course of

c. Subject to sections 12646 and 12686 of reference (a),

officers identified in paragraph a or b will be released from
active duty or separated, as appropriate, not later than the lSt
day of the 7th calendar month beginning after the month in which
the report of the board was approved or the officer was
determined to have the course of instruction.

Enclosure ( 3)
DEC 1 5 2005
7. Release from Active Duty

a. When determined to be in the best interest of the

service, SECNAV may release a Naval or Marine Corps Reserve
officer from active duty, without the requirement for the
officer to be heard by a Board of Officers or any other formal
board before the release.

b. The following statutory limitations exist regarding the

release of Reserve officers from active duty:

(1) Under section 12313 (b) of reference (a), Reserve

officers may be released from active duty (other than for
training) in time of war or national emergency declared by
Congress or the President only upon the recommendation of a
Board of Officers approved by CHNAVPERS or DC ( M & R A ) , as
appropriate, unless the officers waive the board or their
release is otherwise authorized by law. Specific procedures
governing the convening of such boards will be established by
SECNAV as required. This subparagraph does not apply to either
the Navy or Marine Corps during a period of demobilization or
reduction in strength of that service.

(2) Under section 12312 of reference (a), Reserve

officers serving on active duty under an active duty agreement
executed under section 12311 of reference (a) may not be
involuntarily released from active duty during the period of the
agreement because of a reduction in actual personnel strength or
for any other reason unless such release is recommended by a
Board of Officers, except when they are

(a) dismissed or discharged under the sentence of a


(b) released because of an unexplained absence

without leave for at least 3 months,

(c) released because of a conviction and sentence to

confinement in a Federal or State penitentiary or correctional
institution and the sentence has become final, or

(d) released under paragraph 3 of this enclosure for

having twice failed of selection for promotion.

Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2005
(3) Under section 12686 of reference (a), Reserve
officers who are on active duty (other than for training) and
have completed 18 or more years of active service shall not be
involuntarily released from that duty except in the case of
physical disability or separation for cause before they become
eligible for retired pay, other than under the retirement system
in Chapter 1223 of reference (a), unless their release is
approved by SECNAV.

c. All Marine Corps AR field grade officers (excluding

officers within 2 years of becoming eligible for retirement with
pay) are subject to release from active duty when selected for
early release from active duty by DC (M&RA)-directed Selective
Early Release from Active Duty (SERAD) Board per subparagraph d
of this paragraph. Non-career-designated AR officers and
statutory tour AR officers serving on active duty shall be
released from active duty upon expiration of active service, as
specified in the active duty agreement under which serving.
There are no approved general officer billets in the AR
competitive category. An AR 06 who desires to compete for the
grade of Reserve 07 and is otherwise eligible to compete for 07
except for being a member on the AR program must be released
from active duty in the AR program at least 60 days prior to the
convening date of the Reserve general officer selection board.

d. When required, DC (M&RA) shall convene SERAD Boards,

which shall recommend the early release from active duty of
Marine Corps AR officers in the grades of 04, 05, and 06.
Specific procedures governing the convening of SERAD Boards,
including the number of officers in each field grade that will
be considered by a particular SERAD Board will be established by
DC (M&RA) .

(1) Normally, 04 and 05s shall become SERAD-eligible

when they attain 3 years time-in-grade, and 06s shall become
SEWD-eligible when they attain 2 years time-in-grade.

(2) Any officer who is selected for early release from

active duty as a result of the action of a SERAD Board and who
is not on a promotion list will be released from active duty by
the end of the fiscal year for which that SERAD Board was
convened. If necessary, involuntary release will be deferred to
enable the officer to qualify for retirement with pay. Such
deferments will end on the earlier of either:

Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2005

(a) the lst day of the month following the month in

which the officer qualifies for retirement with pay, or

(b) the day on which the officer must be removed

from an active status under section 14506 or 14507 of reference
(a) (the officer will then be given the opportunity to request
transfer to the Retired Reserve or to be honorably discharged).

e. When required, CHNAVPERS shall convene a SERAD Board

which shall recommend the early release from active duty of FTS
05s. CHNAVPERS shall establish numbers for the SERAD board by
grouping FTS 05s by their competitive category and their
promotion fiscal year group. The board must review the record
of all eligible FTS officers in each competitive category as of
the board's convening date. Normally, FTS 05s shall become
SERAD-eligible during the 4th fiscal year after their date of
rank. FTS 05s who are not on a promotion list, have attained 20
or more years of commissioned service as defined in enclosure
(I), and are selected by a SERAD board, shall be involuntarily
released from active duty by 1 September of the SERAD fiscal
year (i.e.,the fiscal year in which the SERAD board was
convened), or the lSt day of the 7th month following the month in
which the SERAD board's report is approved--whichever is later.
FTS 05 SERAD selectees who would have less than 20 years of
active service on 1 September of the SERAD fiscal year, will be
released from active duty on the lSt day of the month after the
month in which they attain 20 years active service. If
necessary, officers selected for SERAD will be retained on
active duty to enable the officers to qualify for retirement
with pay (including early retirement). Retention of SERAD-
select FTS 05s on active duty may not extend beyond the lSt day
of the month following the month in which the officers qualify
for retirement with pay (including early retirement). Retention
of SERAD-select FTS 05s on active duty will not extend beyond
the lSt day of the month following the month in which the
officers complete 28 years of commissioned service, unless the
officers are selected for continuation on the RASL under section
14701 of reference (a) or retained on active duty under section
12686 thereof. FTS 05s considered but not selected by a SERAD
board will not be considered again while in the grade of 05.

f. FTS officers in the grade of 06, if not on a promotion

list to a higher grade, shall be involuntarily released from

32 Enclosure ( 3 )
DEC 1 5 2005
active duty at the end of 3 years time in grade, unless
specifically retained by a FTS Captain Selective Retention
Board. CHNAVPERS shall convene a FTS Captain Selective
Retention Board under the provisions of paragraph 16 of this
enclosure whenever required to retain those FTS captains best
fitted to meet requirements. Officers initially retained by
such a board will be released from active duty not later than
the lst day of September of the 5th fiscal year following the
fiscal year of promotion, unless retained by a second FTS
Captain Selective Retention Board until their completion of 30
years of commissioned service. FTS officers subject to
involuntary release from active duty under this subparagraph
will be retained on active duty, if necessary, to enable the
officers to become eligible for retirement with pay under
section 6323 of reference (a). In no case shall retention of
FTS 06s on active duty extend beyond the lSt day of the month
following the month in which the officers complete 30 years of
commissioned service, unless the officers are selected for
continuation on the RASList under section 14701 of reference

g. FTS officers above the grade of 06 will be involuntarily

released from active duty on the lst day of the month following
the fourth anniversary of the officer's effective date of rank
to the grade of 07.

h. When required, CHNAVPERS shall convene an Involuntary

Release from Active Duty (IRAD) Board to control end strength
ceilings, grade allowances, or other requirements of the CANREC
program. CANREC officers selected for IRAD shall be
involuntarily released from active duty not later than the lst
day of the 7th calendar month beginning after the month in which
the report of the IRAD board was approved, unless the officers
are retained on active duty under section 12686 of reference
(a). Additionally, CANREC officers may be released from active
duty at the end of their specified orders for performance or
other reasons as promulgated in BUPERSINST 1001.40A.

i. Temporary recall officers not on the active duty list

(Three Year Recall/One Year Recall/Active Duty for Special Work)
shall be released from active duty not later than the end of
their specified orders unless specifically extended by
subsequent orders or retained under section 12686 of reference

Enclosure ( 3 )
GEC 15 2005

8. Selective Early Retirement of Regular Officers in the Grades

of Above 04. Under the ~rovisionsof section 638 of reference

(a) and DODD 1332.32 of 30 September 1996, Regular officers in

the grades of above 04 may be considered for early retirement by
a selection board convened by SECNAV under the provisions of
reference (1). The purpose of the selective early retirement
provision is to provide a means to manage an officer grade
imbalance or strength overage in a competitive category such as
may occur during a reduction in force. Selective early
retirement shall not be used in cases where separation for cause
under the provisions of reference (a) and this instruction is
warranted. CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA) shall justify selective early
retirement in promotion plans submitted to SECNAV per reference

9. Selective Early Removal of Reserve Officers from the W S L .

Under the provisions of section 14704 of reference (a), whenever
SECNAV determines that there are too many Reserve officers on
the RASL in any grade and competitive category who have at least
30 years of commissioned service under section 14706 of
reference (a) or at least 20 years of service computed under
section 12732 of reference (a), such officers may be eliminated
from an active status by action of a continuation board which
SECNAV may convene under section 14101 (b) of reference (a).

10. Age Restrictions for Reserve Officers

a. Age in Grade Restrictions. Reserve officers who have

not been recommended for promotion to 07 or above and are not a
member of the Retired Reserve will be involuntarily separated
under section 14515 of reference (a), unless the officers are
sooner separated or continued in an active status under another
provision of law, as follows: they will be transferred to the
Retired Reserve, if they so request and are qualified, or if not
so qualified, honorably discharged from the Naval or Marine
Corps Reserve not later than the last day of the month in which
the officers reach the following maximum ages in grade,
established by sections 14509, 14510, and 14511 of reference

Below 08 ----------- 60 years

08 ----------- 62 years

Enclosure (3)
DEC 15 2005
b. Retention Beyond Maximum Age in Grade. Except as
provided in section 12686 of reference (a), Reserve officers
will not be retained in an active status past the age in grade
restrictions outlined in paragraph lla, except as follows:

(1) Under section 14703 of reference (a), SECNAV may,

with the officer's consent, retain in an active status any
Reserve officers appointed in the Medical Corps, Dental Corps,
Nurse Corps, or Chaplains Corps or appointed in the Medical
Service Corps and designated to perform as a veterinarian,
optometrist, podiatrist, allied health officer, or biomedical
sciences officer. Retention may be authorized as specified in
an approved SECNAV retention and continuation plan, or
individually, if approved by SECNAV upon recommendation of
CHNAVPERS or CMC, for whose skills a military requirement exists
which cannot be met by a Regular or Reserve officers on active
duty under age 60 or Reserve officers in the Ready Reserve under
that age, provided that such officers are not subject to
discharge, transfer or release from active duty under sections
14503, 14504, 14505, or 14506 of reference (a). Reserve
officers will not be retained in an active status, or retained
on or recalled to active duty in a retired status, solely for
the purpose of increasing retired pay or as a reward for long,
distinguished service. When service under these limitations is
rendered after eligibility for retired pay has been achieved,
such service shall be credited to the officers, under section
12308 of reference (a). Officers may not be retained in an
active status under this paragraph later than the date on which
the officers become 67 years of age.

(2) Under section 14512 (b) of reference (a), SECNAV may

defer the retirement under sections 14510 or 14511 of Reserve
officers in a grade above 06 and retain the officers in an
active status until they become 64 years of age. Officers so
deferred shall be involuntarily separated under section 14515 of
reference (a), as described in paragraph lla of this enclosure,
not later than the last day of the month in which the officers
reach the age of 64. Not more than 10 officers may be deferred
at any one time, distributed between the Navy Reserve and the
Marine Corps Reserve as SECNAV determines.

11. Removal from the RASL. Under sections 10149 and 10152 of
reference (a), Reserve commissioned officers on the RASL may be
removed from that list and transferred to the Inactive Status

35 Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2005
List by CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA) under the following

a. Officers who have attained eligibility to receive

non-Regular retired pay at age 60 per section 12731 of reference
(a) and who, during an anniversary year, failed to earn 50
points (including membership points) per DOD Instruction 1200.15
of 18 September 1997.

b. Officers who have completed their military service

obligations under section 651 of reference (a) and have earned
less than 27 retirement points (including membership points) per
anniversary year and for whom no shortage of officers with their
skills exists in their competitive categories and grades.
However, Reserve officers may not be removed from the RASL for
failure to meet this standard if training during the anniversary
year is denied by reason of lack of funds or facilities to
provide appropriate training or if circumstances of an unusual
nature exist which preclude the officers from attaining at least
27 retirement points.

c. Officers who have completed their military service

obligations under section 651 of reference (a) and who lack
mobilization potential identified per screenings required by
section 10149 of reference (a) and DODD 1200.7 of 18 NOV 99.

d. Officers required by law to be separated and who are

retirement eligible, but whose retirements have not been
completed by the date of required separation. Transfer to the
Inactive Status List under this authority is an interim measure
and is not to be used in lieu of final separation actions
requiring retirement or discharge.

12. Separation and Retirement of Reserve Officers in an

Inactive Status in the Standby Reserve. Under section 12683 of
reference (a), CHNAVPERS and DC (M&RA) may honorably discharge
or retire Reserve officers in an inactive status in the Standby
Reserve under the following circumstances:

a. The officers have been on the Inactive Status List

(Standby Reserve) for at least 1 year.

b. In cases where officers are not eligible for Retired

Reserve benefits at age 60, the officers may be honorably

36 Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 20C5
discharged if they have been notified per paragraph 2 of
enclosure (7) and did not reply within the specified period of
time or did not object to the discharge.

c. In cases where officers are qualified for Retired

Reserve benefits at age 60, the officers shall be notified and
offered options of returning to the Ready Reserve (if
appropriate) or transferring to the Retired Reserve. If no
response is received within the specified time period, the
officers may be transferred to the Retired Reserve if qualified.

13. Separation of Reserve Officers Not on Active Duty for Lack

of Mobilization Potential

a. Under sections 12641, 12642, and 12683 of reference (a),

SECNAV shall, when necessary, convene a board of officers to
screen Reserve officers not on active duty for their potential
and availability for mobilization to active duty. Such
screening will include, but is not limited to, officers in the
following categories:

(1) Officers who have been found by Chief, Bureau of

Medicine and Surgery (CHBUMED) to be not physically qualified
for active duty or retention in the Naval or Marine Corps
Reserve. Such officers shall be afforded an opportunity for
full and fair hearing before a Physical Evaluation Board prior
to final action on their cases.

(2) Officers who have been found by CHBUMED to be

militarily unfit or unsuitable as a result of a medical finding
not constituting physical disability. Such officers are not
entitled to a hearing before a Physical Evaluation Board.

(3) Officers who fail to undergo a physical examination

as required by current regulations.

(4) Officers who fail to keep the command or activity to

which the officers are attached informed of the officer's
current mailing address.

(5) Officers who fail to respond to or comply with

official correspondence within a reasonable period of time.

(6) Officers who decline to accept a permanent

37 Enclosure (3)
DEC 1 5 2C05
appointment to the next higher grade within 6 months of approval
of the report of the promotion selection board that recommended
the officers for promotion.

(7) Officers who have lost professional qualifications

for the designation/MOS held and for whom no other
designation/MOS is appropriate.

(8) Officers who fail to mobilize when ordered to do so

(9) Officers who fail to maintain physical readiness


(10) Officers who fail to maintain prescribed service


b. Prior to the convening of a board referred to in this

paragraph officers considered will be notified and afforded an
opportunity to submit matters for consideration by the board.

c. CHNAVPERS or CMC, upon recommendation of the Board that

officers referred to in this paragraph should be separated for
lack of mobilization potential, shall take the following action:

(1) Transfer the officers to the Inactive Status List if

the officers are not qualified or do not request transfer to the
Retired Reserve, or

(2) Recommend to SECNAV the officers be transferred to

the Retired Reserve if the officers are qualified and request
such transfer, or

(3) Recommend to SECNAV the officers be Honorably

discharged from the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve.

14. Release from Active Duty of Naval Reserve Officers on the

Active Duty List by Reason of Retirement Eligibility. Naval
Reserve commissioned officers and warrant officers on the active
duty list who are eligible to retire with pay under the
provisions of any retirement law will be released from active
duty with a minimum of 6 months advance notice not later than
the lSTday of the month following the month in which they become
ellgible to retire unless

Enclosure (3)
OEC i 5 2005
a. earlier separation is dictated under any other
provisions of this instruction, or

b. they officially request retirement in lieu of release

from active duty, or

c. they are retained on active duty through the

administrative Retention Board and consent to being so retained,

d. the conditions described in section 12313(b) of

reference (a) pertain. To obtain retirement benefits, officers
must officially request and be approved'for retirement.
Officers eligible to retire under section 12731 of reference (a)
and qualified for retired pay who are retained on active duty
must have prior approval of SECNAV in order to receive active
status credit per section 12308 of reference (a).

15. Boards authorized by.' this instruction. Boards that are

convened by CHNAVPERS or CMC under this instruction shall be
convened per regulations prescribed by CHNAVPERS or CMC as

16. Secretarial Authority. Nothing in this instruction shall

be interpreted as preventing SECNAV from separating, releasing
from active duty, or requiring officers to show cause for
retention where otherwise authorized by law or regulation.

Enclosure ( 3 )
DEC 1 5 2005

1. Advance Notification. COs shall report to CHNAVPERS or DC

( M & R A ) , as appropriate, all incidents (including information
received through any source, e - g . ,Naval Criminal Investigative
Service, Naval Inspector General) involving any officers whose
performance or conduct is such that processing for separation
may be appropriate under this instruction.

2. Action of the Show Cause Authority. CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA),

as the Show Cause Authorities, shall review and evaluate the
record of the officers concerned and

a. evaluate all information presented about the case under


b. determine whether the record contains sufficient

information as to one or more of the reasons specified in this
instruction to require the officers to show cause for retention
before a BOI. A statement of the reason(s) for making such a
determination shall be provided to the officers in writing.

(1) Cases supported by a preponderance of the evidence

that involve homosexual conduct shall be referred to a B O I .

(2) No recommended characterization of service shall be

made except when appropriate under paragraph 2c of this

c. if the Show Cause Authority recommends that probationary

commissioned officers be separated with an Honorable or General
(under Honorable conditions) discharge, per enclosure (5)
(Guidelines on Characterization of Service), processing shall be
initiated using notification procedures outlined in enclosure
( 7 )-

d. close the case if the Show Cause Authority determines

that the record does not contain sufficient information to
require the officers concerned to show cause for retention. If
the Show Cause Authority closes the case, all proceedings shall

Enclosure ( 4
DEC 15 2005
3 . Processing for Separation. CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA) shall
initiate processing for separation under the following

a. Cases referred to them under paragraph 1, when

considered appropriate under this instruction.

b. When they receive information involving officers whose

performance or conduct is such that processing is considered
appropriate under this instruction.

c. Officers on the active duty list above the grade of CW05

reported to SECNAV by a selection board under references (j) or
(k),whose record indicates the officers should be required to
show cause for retention on active duty because of substandard
performance of duty, misconduct, moral, or professional
dereliction, or because their retention is clearly inconsistent
with the interests of national security.

d. Reserve officers not on the active-duty list above the

grade of CW05 reported to SECNAV by a selection board under
chapters 1403 and 1405 of reference (a) and this instruction
whose record indicates the officers should be separated because
of substandard performance of duty, misconduct, moral, or
professional dereliction, or because their retention is clearly
inconsistent with the interests of national security.

e. Every warrant officer reported to SECNAV by a selection

board under references (i), (j), or this instruction whose
records/reports establish, in the opinion of the board, their
unfitness or unsatisfactory performance in their warrant grade
or that their retention is clearly inconsistent with the
interests of national security.

4. Probationary and Non-probationary Officers

a. Probationary Officers

(1) Probationary officers being considered for

separation for one or more of the reasons contained in paragraph
1 (Separation for Cause) or paragraph 6 (Parenthood) of
enclosure (3) shall be processed for separation under the
notification procedures in enclosure (7). Neither a hearing nor
a board proceeding is required. In cases where deemed

2 Enclosure (4)
DEC 1 5 2005
appropriate, a recommendation may be made to SECNAV by CHNAVPERS
or DC (M&RA) to separate such probationary officers with an
Honorable or General characterization of service. This is in
addition to the authority to either close a case after initial
review, or refer it to a BOI. SECNAV may approve the separation
and characterization, or reject the recommendation and direct
that the case be referred to a BOI.

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this

instruction, probationary officers, other than W-l's, may, upon
approval of SECNAV, be discharged when there is a need to reduce
the number of officers in either the Navy or the Marine Corps to
meet budgetary or force size requirements. The provisions of
enclosure (7) do not apply to the discharge of probationary
officers under this authority. This authority will be exercised
per procedures established by CHNAVPERS and DC (M&RA) and
submitted for approval to SECNAV prior to implementation.

(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this

instruction, an inactive duty probationary officer undergoing
initial qualification training, who fails to successfully
complete the program required for retention of the appointment
or issuance of the subsequent required reappointment, as
appropriate, may be honorably discharged by CHNAVPERS and DC
(M&RA), after notification per enclosure (7) of this

(4) SECNAV may refer any case which he considers

appropriate to a BOI.

b. Non-probationary Officers. Non-probationary officers

being considered for separation for one or more of the reasons
contained in paragraph 1 (Separation for Cause) or paragraph 6
(Parenthood) of enclosure (3) shall be processed for separation
per the BOI procedures in enclosure (8).

5. Permanent Reserve Warrant Officers

a. Reserve warrant officers with less than 5 years of

service as a warrant officer may be separated from the Naval or
Marine Corps Reserve at any time without the benefit of a
hearing or board procedure for any reason discussed in
paragraphs 1 (Separation for Cause) or 6 (Parenthood) of
enclosure (3). The notification procedure contained in

3 Enclosure (4)
BEC 1 5 2005
enclosure (7) shall be used.

b. Reserve warrant officers, regardless of length of

commissioned service or service as a warrant officer, may be
separated from the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve at any time
without the requirement of a hearing or board procedure for any
reason discussed in paragraphs 11 (Age Restrictions) or 14 (Lack
of Mobilization Potential) of enclosure (3).

c. Reserve warrant officers with more than 5 years of

service as a warrant officer may be separated for any reason
discussed in paragraphs 1 (Separation for Cause) or 6
(Parenthood) of enclosure (3) only upon recommendation of a BOI
as provided in enclosure ( 8 ) .

6. LDOs and Warrant Officers with Temporary Promotions or

Appointments. As prescribed by section 5596 of reference (a),
SECNAV may at any time terminate the temporary promotion or
appointment of LDOs or warrant officers of the naval service
without the requirement for a hearing or a board of officers.
The notification procedure of enclosure (7) shall be used.
Accordingly, individuals whose temporary appointments are
terminated revert to their permanent status as warrant officers
or enlisted members. The provisions of this instruction apply
to the administrative processing of individuals who revert to
warrant officer status. The provisions of SECNAVINST 1910.4B
apply to the administrative processing of individuals who revert
to enlisted status.

7. Permanent Regular Warrant Officers

a. Permanent Regular warrant officers who, from the date

when they accepted their original permanent appointments as
warrant officers in that component, have not completed 3 years
of continuous active service may, under section 1165 of
reference (a), have their appointments terminated at any time
without the requirement of a hearing or board proceedings. The
notification procedure of enclosure (7) shall be used.

b. Permanent Regular warrant officers who have completed 3

or more years of continuous active service from the date when
they accepted their original permanent appointments as warrant
officers may have their appointments terminated because of any
reason contained in paragraphs 1 (Separation for Cause) or 6

4 Enclosure (4)
DEC 1 5 ;iuu~

(Parenthood) of enclosure (3) only upon recommendation by a BOI

as provided in enclosure (8).

c. Permanent Regular warrant officers, who are not eligible

for retirement, may apply for enlistment in the highest enlisted
grade previously held under section 515 of reference (a) if
Honorably discharged (such discharge not to include General
under honorable conditions) because of any reason contained in
paragraph la (Substandard Performance of Duty) of enclosure (3).
Other bases listed in paragraph 1 of enclosure (3) that
represent separation for cause, including Misconduct, will bar
application for enlistment under section 515 of reference (a).
Permanent Regular warrant officers with 3 or more years of
continuous active service from the date of acceptance of
original permanent appointment who are identified by a promotion
selection board as being unfit or unsatisfactory in the
performance of duty shall be afforded the opportunity to appear
before a BOI prior to separation or termination of appointment.

8. Retention to Fulfill Statutory Service Oblisation

a. At the discretion of SECNAV, Regular officers who have

not fulfilled the statutory obligation referred to in paragraph
4a of enclosure (2), and who are Honorably discharged from the
Regular component by SECNAV for reasons set forth in paragraph
la (Substandard Performance of Duty) or paragraph 6 (Parenthood)
of enclosure (3), may be tendered a Reserve commission and
transferred to the Ready Reserve to fulfill that obligation,
unless medical reasons preclude availability to meet
mobilization requirements.

b. At the discretion of SECNAV, Reserve officers on active

duty or in an active status not on active duty who have not
completed the statutory obligation referred to in paragraph 4a
of enclosure (2), and who would otherwise be Honorably
discharged from the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve by SECNAV for
reasons set forth in paragraph la (Substandard Performance of
Duty) or paragraph 6 (Parenthood) of enclosure (3) , may be
released from active duty and transferred to the Ready Reserve
or be retained in the Ready Reserve if not on active duty, to
fulfill that obligation, unless medical reasons preclude
availability to meet mobilization requirements.

c. To assist SECNAV in deciding whether the action referred

5 Enclosure (4)
QEC 1 5 2005
to in paragraphs 8a or 8b should be taken, CHNAVPERS or CMC
shall include in the endorsement to SECNAV under the provisions
of enclosure (7) or enclosure (8) an assessment of the officer's
potential for future mobilization.

9. D r o ~ ~ i nfrom
s the Rolls

a. Under sections 1161, 12684, and 6408 of reference (a),

the President or SECNAV, depending upon the applicable statute,
may drop from the rolls of an Armed Force a Regular or Reserve
officer who

(1) has been absent without authority for at least 3


(2) has been sentenced to confinement in a Federal or

State penitentiary or correctional institution after having been
found guilty of an offense by a court other than a court-martial
or other military court, and whose sentence has become final, or

(3) except for warrant officers, W-1, has been sentenced

to confinement for more than 6 months by a court-martial, when
the officers have served in confinement for a period of 6 months
and their sentence becomes final.

For purposes of this section, finality of the sentence of a

civilian or military court will occur upon completion of all
appeals to which the defendant is entitled by law.

b. Action to initiate dropping officers from the rolls

shall normally be undertaken by CHNAVPERS or the DC ( M & R A ) , on a
case-by-case basis, after a finding that one or more of the
above conditions exist, and the return of the officers to
military control for processing for separation for cause under
this instruction will serve no useful purpose.

(1) Dropping from the rolls of officers of Regular

components or Reserve officers of flag or general rank will be
accomplished by action of the President.

(2) Dropping from the rolls of officers of Reserve

components, other than officers of flag grade, will be
accomplished by action of SECNAV.

Enclosure (4)
DEC 1 5 2005
c. Neither a hearing nor a Board is required in order to
drop officers from the rolls. However, officers so considered
shall be notified of such prospective adverse action (or
reasonable efforts shall be made to provide such notification if
actual notification cannot be made) and provided the opportunity
to respond within 30 days of receipt of notification. Upon
completion of the dropping from the rolls action, notification
will be addressed to the officers concerned. No certificate of
discharge is issued upon separation by dropping from the rolls
since such service is not characterized. For the purpose of any
Federal benefit based upon characterization of service, dropping
from the rolls shall be considered as a discharge under Other
Than Honorable conditions. Except for members who are absent
without authority, members who are entitled to retired pay may
not be dropped from the rolls unless they are ineligible to
receive their retired pay under authority of subchapter 11,
chapter 83, 5 U.S.C..

10. Special Provisions

a. No officers shall be discharged under Other Than

Honorable conditions, under this instruction, without first
being afforded the opportunity to have their case heard before a

b. If proceedings by a BOI are mandatory in order to

release officers from active duty or discharge the officers,
such action will not be taken except upon the approved
recommendation of such a board.

11. Limitations

a. Subject to subparagraph llc, officers who are processed

for separation because of Substandard Performance of Duty
(subparagraph la of enclosure (3)) or Parenthood (paragraph 6 of
enclosure (3)) and who are determined to have established that
they should be retained on active duty may not again be
processed for separation for the same reasons within the 1-year
period beginning on the date of that determination.

b. Subject to subparagraph llc, officers who are processed

for separation for Misconduct, Moral, or Professional
Dereliction (subparagraph lb of enclosure (3)), Homosexual
Conduct (subparagraph lc of enclosure (3)) , or in the Interest

7 Enclosure ( 4
DEC 1 5 2005
of National Security (subparagraph Id of enclosure ( 3 ) ) and who
are determined to have established that they should be retained
on active duty may again be required to show cause for retention
at any time.

c. Officers may not again be processed for separation under

subparagraphs lla or llb solely because of performance or
conduct which was the subject of previous proceedings, unless
the findings and recommendations of the board that considered
the case are determined to have been obtained by fraud or

d. Whenever evidence of preservice misconduct is presented

to a board, the board may consider it only for the purpose of
deciding whether to recommend separation or retention of the
respondent. Such evidence shall not be used in determining the
recommendation for characterization of service. The board shall
affirmatively state in its report that such evidence was
considered only for purposes of determining whether it should
recommend retention or separation of the officers.

e. Performance or conduct identified more than 5 years

prior to the initiation of processing for separation under
paragraph 3 of this enclosure shall not form the basis for
processing under this enclosure. Performance or conduct is
deemed to have been "identified" when it is reported to the
respective Service's Show Cause Authority. "Initiation of
processing" is deemed to have occurred when officers are
officially notified of administrative separation processing
the respective Service's Show Cause Authority.

12. Final Diswosition of Cases Processed Under Board


Procedures. SECNAV shall take final action in any case wherein

the commission or warrant of officers are to be terminated or
the officers are to be discharged under board action. In
addition to directing retention on active duty SECNAV may take
the following actions:

a. Retirement and Resignation. Officers (Regular or

Reserve, Temporary or Permanent) who are being considered for
removal from active duty per this instruction and who are
eligible for voluntary retirement under any provision of law on
the date of such removal, may, upon approval by SECNAV, be
retired in the highest grade in which they served satisfactorily

8 Enclosure ( 4)
DEC 1 5 2005
as determined by SECNAV under the guidelines of enclosure (6).
Such a retirement is considered voluntary for purposes of
determination of the officer's retirement. Officers who are not
eligible for retirement may submit a request for a qualified or
unqualified resignation or a resignation for the good of the
service. Eligibility for retirement pay of officers convicted
by a court other than a court-martial or other military court
shall be determined per subchapter 11, chapter 83, 5 U.S.C..

(1) Requests for such resignations and retirements shall

be addressed to SECNAV, via CHNAVPERS or the DC (M&RA), as

(2) CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA) shall, unless the request is

denied, submit the request to SECNAV with the case file and
recommendations. CHNAVPERS and DC (M&RA) shall normally deny,
on behalf of SECNAV, such resignations and requests for
retirement while actions against the officer under the UCMJ are

(3) Unless the requested characterization of service is

consistent with the guidelines contained in enclosure (5) of
this instruction, such resignations will normally be denied.

(4) Under section 6329 of reference (a), no officers of

the Navy or Marine Corps may be retired because of misconduct
for which trial by court-martial would be appropriate.

(5) A request for resignation or retirement has no

effect unless accepted or approved by SECNAV.

b. Discharge. Officers (Regular or Reserve, Temporary or

Permanent) discharged for cause per this enclosure, if
ineligible for voluntary retirement under any provision of law
on the date of such removal, shall, at the direction of SECNAV,

(1) honorably discharged in the grade then held when the

only basis for discharge is Substandard Performance of Duty
under subparagraph la of enclosure ( 3 ) , or Parenthood under
paragraph 6 of enclosure (3).

(2) discharged with an appropriately characterized

discharge under guidelines in enclosure (5) when the grounds for

9 Enclosure (4)
DEC 1 5 2005
discharge are Misconduct, Moral, or Professional Dereliction,
Homosexual Conduct, or because Retention is not Consistent With
the Interests of National Security under subparagraphs lb, lc,
or Id of enclosure (3).

c. SECNAV may retain the officers under the provisions of

paragraph 8 of this enclosure.

Enclosure (4)
DEC 1 5 2005

1. General Guidance. Characterization of service incident to

separation for cause will be based on the officer's record of
performance and conduct including particularly the acts or
omissions giving rise to separation for cause.

a. When the separation is solely for reasons constituting

substandard performance of duty or solely for removal of
ecclesiastical endorsement, the characterization must be

b. The serious nature of misconduct, moral, or professional

dereliction on the part of commissioned officers require the
separation normally be under Other Than Honorable Conditions.
However, characterization as General (Under Honorable Conditions)
may be warranted under the guidelines below. Characterization as
Honorable is not authorized unless the officer's record is
otherwise so meritorious that under the particular circumstances
any other characterization would be clearly inappropriate.

c. When separation is for reasons of national security, the

characterization should be based on the seriousness of the acts
or omissions and the guidelines below.

2. Characterization of Service

a. Honorable. Officers whose quality of service have

generally met the standards of acceptable conduct and
performance of duty for officers of the Naval Service, or are
otherwise so meritorious that any other characterization would
be clearly inappropriate, shall have their service characterized
as Honorable.

b. General (Under Honorable Conditions). If an officer's

service has been honest and faithful but significant negative
aspects of the officer's conduct or performance of duty outweigh
the positive aspects of the officer's military record, it is
appropriate to characterize that service as General (Under
Honorable Conditions).

c. Under Other Than Honorable Conditions. This

characterization is appropriate when the officer's conduct or
performance of duty, particularly the acts or omissions that

Enclosure (5)
DEC 1 5 2005
give rise to the reasons for separation, constitute a
significant departure from that required of officers of the
Naval Service. Examples of such conduct or performance include
acts or omissions which, under military law, are punishable by
confinement for 6 months or more; abuse of a special position of
trust; an act or acts which bring discredit upon the armed
services; disregard by a superior of customary
superior-subordinate relationships; acts or omissions that
adversely affect the ability of the military unit or the
organization to maintain discipline, good order, and morale or
endanger the security of the United States or the health and
welfare of other members of the Armed Forces; and deliberate
acts or omissions that seriously endanger the capability,
security, or safety of the military unit or health and safety of
other persons.

d. Limitations

(1) Service will be characterized as Honorable when the

grounds for separation are based solely on preservice
activities, other than intentional misrepresentation, or
omission of facts, in obtaining an appointment or in official
statements or records.

(2) Service will be characterized as Honorable when the

sole reason for discharge is personal abuse of drugs, as defined
in reference (f), and the evidence of the unlawful drug
involvement is developed as a result of the officer's
volunteering for treatment under a self-referral program for
treatment of drug abuse per reference (f).

(3) Conduct in the civilian community of members of a

Reserve component who are not on active duty or active duty for
training may form the basis for characterization as Under Other
Than Honorable Conditions only if such conduct affects directly
the performance of the members' military duties. Such conduct
may form the basis for characterization as General (Under
Honorable Conditions) only if such conduct has an adverse impact
on the overall effectiveness of the Naval Service, including
military morale and efficiency. If a member tests positive for
the presence of illegal drugs in the member's body while in an
active or inactive duty status, the drug abuse shall be deemed
to have affected directly the member's readiness and performance
of military duties.

Enclosure (5)
DEC 1 5 2005
e. Service will be characterized as Honorable or General
(Under Honorable Conditions), consistent with the guidance in
paragraphs 1 and 2, when the sole basis for separation is
homosexual conduct unless aggravated acts are included in the
findings. A separation under Other Than Honorable Conditions
may be issued if there is a finding the officers attempted,
solicited, or committed a homosexual act

(1) by using force, coercion, or intimidation,

(2) with a person under 16 years of age,

(3) with a subordinate in circumstances that violate

customary military superior-subordinate relationships,

(4) openly in public view,

(5) for compensation,

(6) aboard a military vessel or aircraft, or

(7) in another location subject to military control,

under aggravating circumstances noted in the finding, that have
an adverse impact on discipline, good order, or morale comparable
to the impact of such activity aboard a military vessel or
aircraft .
DEC 1 5 2005

1. Satisfactorv- Service in the Grade Currently Held. Officers

who retire from the Naval Service may be retired in the highest
grade that they served on active duty satisfactorily, as
determined by SECNAV. This determination will be made by SECNAV
without a BOI in those cases, forwarded per paragraph lc or 2 of
this enclosure, where the officers have submitted voluntary
retirement requests. In any other case where CHNAVPERS or DC
(M&RA) determines that retirement in lesser grade may be
appropriate, a BOI shall be tasked, per enclosure (8), to
recommend whether the officers should be retired in the current
grade or a lesser grade. In making this recommendation, the BOI
must determine the grade in which the officers last served
satisfactorily for a period of not less than 6 months. The BOI
determination is merely a recommendation and the final decision
as to retirement grade rests with SECNAV. Finally, the
procedures in this enclosure do not apply to officers retiring
in the grades of 09 and 010. DOD Instruction 1320.4 of 14 March
1995 provides procedures applicable to officers retiring in
grades 09 and 010.

a. General Guidance. A recommendation that officers have

or have not served satisfactorily in the grade currently held
should be based on a determination made after considering all
relevant factors, such as the nature of the misconduct and its
effect on professional performance. If a BOI is held, the
record must support such a determination. In the case of
retirement-eligible officers, the BOI or officials reviewing the
retirement request should recommend retirement in a lesser
paygrade if the BOI or reviewing officials determine the
officer's misconduct was serious enough to constitute a
significant departure from the conduct required of officers of
the Naval Service. Examples of such misconduct include, but are
not limited to: abuse of special position of trust; an act or
acts which bring discredit upon the armed services; disregard by
a superior of customary superior-subordinate relationships; acts
or omissions that adversely affect the ability of the military
unit or the organization to maintain discipline, good order, and
morale or endanger the security of the United States or the
health and welfare of other members of the Armed Forces; and
deliberate acts or omissions that seriously endanger the
capability, security, or safety of the military unit or health
and safety of other persons. However, when the officer's

Enclosure ( 6)
DEC 1 5 2005
record, in spite of the misconduct, is otherwise so meritorious
as to demonstrate the officer served satisfactorily in the grade
currently held, the recommendation should be for retirement in
that grade.

b. Specific Factors. In considering whether an officer

served satisfactorily in the grade currently held, the following
factors should normally be considered:

(1) Nature and severity of the misconduct.

(2) The misconduct and its relation to, and effect on,
the performance of military duties.

(3) All fitness reports and other portions of the

service record which reflect performance in the current grade.
In this regard it is appropriate to consider whether the
misconduct was known by reporting seniors, and if not, what
effect, if any, it might have had on the officer's record.

(4) Time in current grade, and relation between such

time and the time of misconduct.

(5) Other relevant matters presented either by the

record or the officer.

(6) Chain of command recommendations.

c. Forwarding Procedures. All voluntary retirement

requests from officers who have been the subject of any
substantiated adverse finding or conclusion from an officially
documented investigation or inquiry (except minor infractions as
determined by CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA)) shall be forwarded to
SECNAV for a retirement grade determination if: for officers in
paygrades 07 and 08, the investigation or inquiry was completed
subsequent to the officer's most recent Senate confirmation; or,
for officers in paygrades 05 and 06, the investigation or
inquiry was completed within 2 years of the date the voluntary
retirement request is submitted. However, CHNAVPERS or DC
(M&RA) may, in their discretion, forward a case completed prior
to the 2 years before the date of the voluntary retirement
request if circumstances warrant.
DEC f 5 2005
(1) Prior to forwarding a voluntary retirement request
to SECNAV, CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA) shall notify the officer in
writing of the following:

(a) That the officer's voluntary retirement request

is being forwarded to SECNAV for a retirement grade

(b) The factual basis supporting the substantiated

adverse finding or conclusion from the officially documented
investigation or inquiry.

(c) The recommended retirement grade.

(d) That the officer may submit a rebuttal or

decline to make a statement.

(e) That the officer has the right to confer with

counsel as provided in paragraph 3 of enclosure (7).

(f) That the officer will, upon request, be provided

copies of the records or documents to be forwarded to SECNAV,
provided the documents would not be exempt from release under
any provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy
Act. Classified documents may be summarized.

(g) That the officer has the right to waive

subparagraphs (d), (e), and (f), and that failure to respond
shall constitute waiver of the rights in these paragraphs.

(h) That the officer has a specified period of time

to respond to the notification as provided in paragraph 4 of
enclosure (7).

(2) The officer's response shall be forwarded to CHNAVPERS

or DC (M&RA) with appropriate command recommendat ions. CHNAVPERS
or DC (M&RA) shall review the request and all related material and
forward the case file to SECNAV, via CNO or CMC for officers in
paygrade 07 or 08, with a retirement grade recommendation.

d. The final determination of retirement grade rests

exclusively with SECNAV. Commanders are not authorized to enter
into agreements in which an officer is to be retired at a
particular grade level.

Enclosure (6)
DEC P 5 2005
2. Retirement-Elisible Officer

a. Any officer being considered for administrative show

cause proceedings per this instruction who is eligible for
voluntary retirement under any provision of law may request
voluntary retirement. The request shall be submitted via
CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA) and shall include the following

(1) A statement that the officer understands that a BOI

will not be convened to make a recommendation to SECNAV on
retirement grade.

(2) A statement that the officer understands that SECNAV

may retire him or her in a lesser paygrade than currently held;
and the retirement grade will be the highest grade in which the
officer served satisfactorily, as determined by SECNAV.

(3) A statement that the officer has consulted with

counsel, including counsel's name, grade, and branch of service.
If civilian counsel is retained, provide name and address.

(4) A statement that the officer admits that his or her

performance of duty was substandard, and if the officer is being
required to show cause for misconduct, that he or she admits
committing the misconduct.

( 5 ) A statement that the request is voluntary and may be

withdrawn only with the permission of SECNAV.

(6) A statement by the officer that he or she does or

does not desire to provide supplemental material to SECNAV for
consideration. Any supplemental material provided by the officer
will be attached to the request.

b. The request shall also include a copy of the

investigation or other documentation pertaining to the

c. The request shall be forwarded with appropriate command

endorsements. Each endorsement shall include a recommendation
to approve or disapprove the request and a statement indicating
the highest grade in which the officer served satisfactorily.
Any relevant information or investigative material not included

4 Enclosure (6)
DEC 1 5 2005
in the original request should also be included. Any new
factual material shall be provided to the officer for review and
DEC 2 5 2005

1. The Notification Procedure Shall Be Used When

a. Probationary officers are processed for separation for

any reason specified in paragraph 1 (Separation for Cause) or 6
(Parenthood) of enclosure (3).

b. Action is taken to terminate the appointment of

temporary LDOs or temporary warrant officers for any reason
specified in paragraph 1 (Separation for Cause) or 6
(Parenthood) of enclosure (3) .

c. Action is taken to process Regular or Reserve officers

for separation for the reason specified in paragraph 5 (Failure
to Accept Appointment to 02) of enclosure (3).

d. Action is taken to separate Inactive Duty Reserve

Officers per paragraph 13 (separation and Retirement of Reserve
Officers in an Inactive Status in the Standby Reserve) of
enclosure ( 3 ) .

2. Notification. The Show Cause Authority (Navy) or the

Officer Recommending Separation (Marine Corps) shall notify the
officers in writing of the following:

a. The reason or reasons specified in enclosure (3) for

which the action was initiated, including the specific factual
basis supporting the reason.

b. The recommended characterization of service is Honorable

or General (Under Honorable Conditions).

c. That the officers may submit a rebuttal or decline to

make a statement.

d. That the officers may tender a resignation in lieu of

separation processing per subparagraph 12a of enclosure (4).

e. That the officers have the right to confer with

appointed counsel as provided in paragraph 3 of this enclosure.

f. That the officers will, upon request, be provided copies of

the records or documents to be forwarded to SECNAV to support the
DEC 15 2005
proposed separation, provided the documents would not be exempt
from release under any provisions of the Freedom of Information Act
and Privacy Act. Classified documents may be summarized.

g. That the officer has the right to waive subparagraphs c ,

d, e, and f, and that failure to respond shall constitute waiver
of the rights in these subparagraphs:

h. That the officers have a specified period of time to

respond to the notification as provided in paragraph 4.

3. Riaht to Counsel

a. A respondent has the right to consult with qualified

counsel when the Notification Procedure is initiated, except
under the following circumstances:

(1) The respondent is attached to a vessel or unit

operating away from or deployed outside the United States or
away from its overseas homeport, or to a shore activity remote
from Judge Advocate resources,

(2) No qualified counsel is assigned and present at the

vessel, unit, or activity,

(3) The CO does not anticipate having access to qualified

counsel from another vessel, unit, or activity, for at least the
next 5 days, and

(4) The CO determines the needs of the Naval Service require

processing before qualified counsel will be available.

b. Nonlawyer counsel shall be appointed whenever qualified

counsel is not available under paragraph 3a. An appointed
nonlawyer counsel shall be a commissioned officer with no prior
involvement in the circumstances leading to the basis of the
proposed separation, and no involvement in the separation
process itself. The nonlawyer counsel shall be encouraged to
seek advice by telephone or other means from any judge advocate
on any legal issue relevant to the case whenever practicable.
When a nonlawyer counsel is appointed, the appointing letter
shall state that qualified counsel is unavailable for the
applicable reasons in paragraph 3a of this enclosure and the
needs of the Naval Service warrant processing before qualified

2 Enclosure (7)
DEC f 5 2005
counsel will be available; a copy of the appointing letter will
be attached to each copy of the written notice of separation
processing. The respondent may also consult with a civilian
counsel at the respondent's own expense. Respondent's use of a
civilian counsel does not eliminate the requirement to furnish
counsel in paragraph 3a or 3b of this enclosure. Consultation
with civilian counsel shall not delay orderly processing per
this instruction.

4. Response

a. The respondent shall be provided a reasonable period of

time, normally 5 working days, but more if in the judgment of
the CO additional time is necessary, to act on the notice. An
extension may be granted by the CO upon a timely showing of good
cause by the officer.

b. If the respondent fails to acknowledge receipt of

notification or submit a timely reply, that fact shall
constitute a waiver of rights and an appropriate notation shall
be recorded on a retained copy of the appropriate form.

c. If the respondent declines to respond as to the

selection of rights, such declination shall constitute a waiver
of rights and an appropriate notation will be made in the case
file. If the respondent indicates that one or more of the
rights will be exercised, but declines to sign the appropriate
notification statement, the selection of rights will be noted
and notation as to the failure to sign will be made.

5. Submission to SECNAV

a. The CO shall forward the case file to SECNAV via

CHNAVPERS or DC ( M & R A ) , as appropriate. The case file shall
contain a copy of the written notification to the respondent,
documentation substantiating the conduct or performance, and any
written statement which the respondent desires to make. If the
respondent tenders a resignation, it shall accompany the case

b. CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA) shall forward the case file to

SECNAV with recommendations on each reason for separation and
the facts supporting it, the recommendation for separation, and

Enclosure (7)
DEC 1 5 2005
a recommendation for acceptance or rejection of a resignation,
if one is tendered.

c. CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA) may disapprove the separation of

probationary commissioned officers when the reasons for
separation are solely in the category of Substandard Performance
of Duty (subparagraph la of enclosure (3)) and there is not
sufficient evidence to support one or more of those reasons.

6. Action of SECNAV

a. SECNAV shall determine whether there is sufficient

evidence supporting the allegations set forth in the
notification for each of the reasons for separation.

b. If there is sufficient factual basis for separation,

SECNAV may order the officer separated. If the officer tenders
a resignation, SECNAV may accept or reject it.

c. If SECNAV determines the recommended Honorable or

General (Under Honorable Conditions) characterization of service
is inappropriate, he may refer the case directly to a B O I .

d. SECNAV may retain the officer under the provisions of

paragraph 8 of enclosure (4).

Enclosure (7)
DEC 1 5 2005

1. Purpose. The purpose of a BOI is to give officers a

full and impartial hearing at which they may respond to and
rebut the allegations which form the basis for separation for
cause/retirement in the current grade or a lesser grade and
present matters favorable to their case on the issues of
separation/characterization of service.

2. Convening Authority. The Show Cause Authority shall

convene, or direct to be convened, a BOI upon determination that
an officer should be required to show cause for retention. A
BOI shall also be convened by such authority when required under
the provisions of enclosures ( 3 ) , (4), or (6).

3. Active Duty Orders and Expenses. In no case shall the

affording of a hearing to officers, who are not otherwise on
active duty at that time, place the officers on, or return the
officers to, active duty. There is no authority for the
issuance of any form of initial orders to active duty for the
sole purpose of facilitating appearance by officers for a
hearing. There is no authority for the payment or reimbursement
of any expenses which may be incurred by officers, or by any
person on their behalf, in connection with any administrative
separation proceeding under these regulations.

4. Membership, Recorder, Legal Advisor. BOIs shall consist

of not less than three officers in the same Armed Force as the

a. In the case of Regular commissioned officers other

than temporary LDOs and warrant officers, members shall be
highly qualified and experienced officers in the grade of 05 or
above, except that at least one member shall be in the grade of
06 or above. Each member shall be senior in grade to any
officer to be considered by the board. They shall be Regular
officers on the active duty list.

b. In the case of Reserve commissioned officers other

than warrant officers, members shall be highly qualified and
experienced officers serving on active duty or in an active
status in the grade of 05 or above, except that at least one
member shall be in the grade of 06 or above. Each member shall
be senior in grade to any officers to be considered by the

Enclosure (8)
DEC 1 5 2005
board. At least one member must be a Reserve officer. This
last requirement shall not apply in cases where the respondents
are Reserve officers serving in their initial period of
obligated service.

c. For Navy cases, a BOI must have at least one member

from the same competitive category as the respondent. This is
especially important when considering an officer for substandard
performance. However, in cases involving small competitive
categories, isolated geographic locations, or for reasons of
operational necessity, competitive category membership may be
waived by the convening authority if no suitable officer is
reasonably available. For Marine Corps cases, the concept of
"competitive category" is not a criterion applied in assembling
BOIs .

d. In the case of temporary LDOs and warrant officers,

the members comprising the board shall be senior to the
respondent unless otherwise directed by SECNAV.

e. At least one member shall be an unrestricted line

officer. Such officers should have command experience, whenever

f. The convening authority is not limited to officers

under their direct command in selecting qualified officers to
sit on a BOI.

g. When a sufficient number of highly qualified and

experienced active duty officers are not available, the
convening authority shall complete Board membership with
available retired officers who meet the criteria of paragraph
4.a. and 4.b. other than the active duty or active status list
requirement, and who have been retired for fewer than 2 years.

h. Officers with personal knowledge pertaining to the

particular case shall not be appointed to the Board considering
the case. No officer may be a member of more than one board
convened under this instruction to consider the same officer.

i. The senior member shall be the presiding officer, and

rule on all matters of procedure and evidence, but may be
overruled by a majority of the Board. Board members are subject
to challenge for cause only. If appointed, the legal advisor

2 Enclosure (8)
DEC 1 5 zoo5
shall rule finally on all matters of procedure, evidence and
challenges except challenges to themselves. The convening
authority will rule finally on all challenges for cause to the
legal advisor.

j. The convening authority shall appoint a nonvoting

Recorder to perform such duties as appropriate. The recorder
shall not participate in closed sessions of the Board.

k. The convening authority may appoint a nonvoting legal

advisor to perform such duties as the Board desires. The legal
advisor shall not participate in closed sessions of the Board.

5. Notice to Respondent. The respondents shall be notified

in writing at least 30 days before the hearing of their case
before a BOI, of each of the reasons for which they are being
required to show cause for retention in the Naval Service, the
least favorable characterization of service which may be
recommended by the Board, and of the rights of a respondent.
When the Board is required in the case of a retirement-eligible
officer, to consider whether to recommend the respondent be
retired in the current grade or a lesser grade, the respondent
shall be informed of all reasons therefore, and the right to
present evidence that their service, in the grade currently held,
has been satisfactory.

6. Rights of a Respondents. The respondents shall be given

the following rights, which may be exercised or waived:

a. In addition to the 30 days provided in paragraph 5 ,

the respondents may, for good cause, further petition in a timely
manner for a continuance not to exceed 30 calendar days.
Requests for continuance will be decided by the convening
authority if made prior to the convening of the BOI. Once the
BOI is convened, the senior member may rule on such requests or
refer them to the convening authority for decision. Any requests
for continuance which would delay the completion of the BOI
hearing beyond a total of 60 calendar days from the date of
notification to the respondents per paragraph 5 must be approved
by the Show Cause Authority.

Enclosure (8)
DEC L 5 2005
b. The right to counsel, as provided in paragraph 7.

c. The opportunity to present matters in their own

behalf. If suspected of an offense, the officers should be
warned against self-incrimination under article 31, UCMJ, before
testifying as a witness. Failure to warn the officers shall not
preclude consideration of the testimony of the officers by the

d. Full access to, and copies of, records relevant to the

case, except that information or material shall be withheld if
CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA) determines that such information should be
withheld in the interest of national security. When information or
material is so withheld, a summary of the information or material
will be provided to the extent the interests of national security

e. The names of all witnesses in advance of BOI

proceedings. Failure to provide any information or the name of
a witness shall not preclude the board from considering the
information or hearing the witness, provided the respondents
have had the opportunity to examine any statement, or talk with
any witness presented, prior to consideration by the Board.

f. The right to challenge any member for cause. The

respondents may submit for appropriate action, any relevant
matter which, in their view, indicates that a particular member
or members should not consider the case. A member shall be
excused if found by the legal advisor, or by the convening
authority if a legal advisor has not been appointed, to be
unable to render a fair and impartial decision in the
respondent's case. If such an excusal results in the membership
of the Board falling below the number required in paragraph 4 of
this enclosure, the convening authority shall appoint a new
member who is qualified per that paragraph. Such new member may
be challenged in the same manner as the member who was
previously appointed and excused.

g. The right to request from the Convening Authority or

the BOI the appearance before the Board of any witness whose
testimony is considered to be pertinent to the case, as provided
in paragraph 9.

Enclosure ( 8)
DEC 1 5 2005
h. The right to submit, at any time before the board
convenes or during the proceedings, any matter from the
respondent's service record, letters, answers, depositions,
sworn or unsworn statements, affidavits, certificates, or
stipulations. This includes, but is not limited to, depositions
of witnesses not deemed to be reasonably available or witnesses
unwilling to appear voluntarily.

i. The respondents and counsel may question any witness

who appears before the BOI. Testimony of witnesses shall be
under oath or affirmation.

j. The right to give sworn or unsworn testimony. The

respondents may only be examined on sworn testimony. The
respondents should be warned against self-incrimination as
required by article 31, UCMJ. Failure to so warn the
respondents shall not preclude consideration of the testimony by
the BOI.

k. The respondents or counsel may present oral or written

argument, or both, on the matter to the Board.

1. The respondents shall be provided with a copy of the

BOI report. In cases involving classified matter withheld in
the interests of national security, any record or information to
be provided the respondent will be edited prior to delivery to
them to remove classified material and preserve its integrity.

m. The respondents may submit a statement in rebuttal to

the findings and recommendations of the BOI for consideration by

n. The respondents may appear in person, with or without

counsel, at all open proceedings of the Board.

o. Failure of the respondents to invoke any of these

rights shall not be considered as a bar to the BOI proceedings,
findings, or recommendations.

7. Counsel
DEC 1 5 2005
a. Respondents are entitled to have appointed as counsel
by the convening authority, a lawyer certified per article 27(b),

b. Respondents may request military counsel of their

choice provided the requested counsel is reasonably available.

c. The determination as to whether individual counsel is

reasonably available shall be made per the procedures set forth
in section 0131 of JAGINST 5800.7D for determining the
availability of Individual Military Counsel for courts-martial.
Upon receipt of notice of the availability of the individual
counsel, the respondents must elect between representation by
appointed counsel and representation by individual counsel.
Respondents may be represented in these proceedings by both
appointed counsel and individual counsel only if the Convening
Authority, in their sole discretion, approves a written request
from the respondents for representation by both counsel; such
written request must set forth in detail why representation by
both counsel is essential to insure a fair hearing.

d. Respondents may also engage civilian counsel at no

expense to the government, in addition to, or in lieu of,
military counsel. Consultation with, or retention of civilian
counsel, shall not delay orderly processing per this

e. Respondents should be advised that retained counsel

will be expected to comply with any established board schedule
absent extraordinary circumstances.

8. Waiver. Respondents may waive any of the aforementioned

rights before the BOI convenes or during the proceedings.
Failure to appear, without good cause, at a hearing constitutes
waiver of the right to be present at the hearing. Failure to
respond after being afforded a reasonable opportunity to consult
with counsel constitutes a waiver of the rights in paragraph 6
of this enclosure.

9. Witnesses

a. Witnesses whose testimony will add materially to the

case shall be invited to appear to offer testimony before the
Board if such witnesses are reasonably available.

Enclosure (8)
DEC 1 5 2005

b. Witnesses not within the immediate geographical area

of the Board are considered not reasonably available, except as
provided for in subparagraph d.

c. Statements or depositions shall be admitted and

considered by BOI from witnesses not reasonably available to
testify during a board proceeding.

d. The convening authority shall request that COs make

available, for personal appearance before a BOI, active duty or
civilian witnesses under their jurisdiction whose personal
appearance is essential to a fair determination, unless they

(1) are unavailable within the meaning of Military

Rule of Evidence ( M . R . E . ) 804(a), or

(2) decline an invitation to testify before a Board

Civilian employees may be directed to appear by their
supervisors. Military personnel can be ordered to appear by
their CO.

e. Respondents will specify in their request for

witnesses to the convening authority or, once proceedings have
commenced, the BOI, the type of information the witness is
expected to provide. Such a request shall contain the following

(1) A synopsis of the testimony that the witness is

expected to give.

(2) An explanation of the relevance of such

testimony to the issues of separation or characterization

(3) An explanation as to why written, recorded,

telephonic, or video teleconferencing testimony would not be
sufficient to provide for a fair determination.

f. Requests for witnesses may be denied if not requested

in a timely manner.

g. Witnesses not on active duty must appear voluntarily

and at no expense to the government, except as provided for by
subparagraph i.

Enclosure ( 8)
DEC 1 5 2005

h. The convening authority shall make all final decisions

on the appearance of witnesses.

i. If the convening authority determines that the

personal appearance of a witness is necessary, they will
authorize expenditure of funds for production of the witness
only if the presiding officer (after consultation with a judge
advocate) or the legal advisor (if appointed) advises that

(1) the testimony of a witness is not cumulative.

(2) the personal appearance of the witness is

essential to a fair determination on the issues of separation or

(3) written, recorded, telephonic, or video

teleconferencing testimony will not accomplish adequately the
same objective.

(4) the need for live testimony is substantial,

material, and necessary for a proper disposition of the case;
and the significance of the personal appearance of the witness,
when balanced against the practical difficulties in producing
the witness, favors production of the witness. Factors to be
considered in relation to the balancing test include, but are
not limited to, the cost of producing the witness, the timing of
the request for production of the witness, the potential delay
in the proceeding that may be caused by producing the witness,
or the likelihood of significant interference with military
operational deployment, mission accomplishment, or essential

j. If it is determined the personal testimony of a

witness is required, the hearing will be postponed or continued,
if necessary, to permit the attendance of the witness.

k. The hearing may be postponed or continued to provide

the respondents with a reasonable opportunity to obtain a
written statement from the witness or arrange for video
teleconferencing/teleconferencing if a witness requested by the
respondent is unavailable in the following circumstances:

(1) When the presiding officer determines the

8 Enclosure ( 8)
DE@ 1 5 20U5
personal testimony of the witness is not required,

(2) When the CO of a military witness determines

that military necessity precludes the witness' attendance at the
hearing, or

(3) When a civilian witness declines to attend the


10. Hearing. Hearings by BOIs must be conducted in a fair

and impartial manner to ensure the respondents have the
opportunity to present their case. At the discretion of the
convening authority, a BOI may be convened to hear the cases of
multiple respondents.

a. BOIs are not courts-martial and the rules of evidence

do not apply.

b. Oral or written matter not admissible in a court of

law may by accepted by BOIs.

c. Oral or written matter presented may be subject to

reasonable restrictions as to authenticity, relevance,
materiality, and competency as determined by the BOI.

d. Except for closed sessions during which the board will

deliberate on the evidence presented, the proceedings of the
board should normally be open to the public at the discretion of
the convening authority. Once convened, the senior member may
close the proceedings upon motion by either side upon good cause

11. Decision of BOI. The board will make the following

determination, by majority vote, based on the evidence presented
at the hearing.

a. A finding on each of the reasons for separation

specified (note: where a reason for separation is based on an
approved finding of guilty by a court-martial or a civilian
criminal conviction, such a finding of guilty or criminal
conviction shall be binding on the BOI; however, in all other
cases, a finding on a reason for separation shall be based on a
preponderance of the evidence) and one of the following:
DEC 15 2005
(1) The respondent is recommended for separation
from the Naval Service for the specific reason or reasons
provided in paragraph 1 (Separation for Cause) or paragraph 6
(Parenthood) of enclosure (3) supported by a preponderance of
the evidence. Based on those reasons, the evidence presented,
the overall record of service, and consistent with enclosure
(5), the Board must recommend a characterization of service.

(2) That none of the reasons specified are supported

by sufficient evidence presented to warrant separation for cause
and the case is, therefore, closed.

b. The Board shall recommend separation for misconduct

by reason of homosexual conduct if it finds that one or more of
the circumstances requiring separation under subparagraph lc of
enclosure (3) is supported by a preponderance of the evidence.

c. In the case of a retirement-eligible officer, if

separation is recommended, the Board shall recommend whether the
officer should be retired in the current grade or a lesser
grade. The Board must recommend the grade in which the officer
last served satisfactorily for a period of not less than 6

12. Record of Proceedings. The Convening Authority shall

make a separate record of proceedings for each respondent.

a. It shall include:

(1) a transcript of the BOI's proceedings, including

the evidence of record, and

(2) a report of the findings and recommendations of

the Board. In all cases, the transcript shall be in summary
form unless a verbatim transcript is directed by the Show Cause

b. In addition, it shall include

(1) the individual officer's service and background

(2) each of the specific reasons from enclosure (3)

for which the officer is required to show cause for retention.

Enclosure (8)
DEC 1 5 2005
( 3 ) each of the acts, omissions, or traits alleged.

(4) the position taken by the respondent with

respect to the allegations, reports, or other circumstances in
question and the acts, omissions, or traits alleged.

(5) the findings on each of the reasons for

separation specified.

(6) the recommendations of the Board the respondent

be separated and receive a specific characterization of service,
or, if retirement-eligible, the officer be retired in the
current grade or in a lesser grade per subparagraph ll.c., or
the finding of the Board that separation for cause is not
warranted and that the case is closed.

(7) A copy of all documents and correspondence

relating to the convening of the Board, e.g., witness requests.

c. The BOI transcript shall be authenticated by the

signature of the senior member of the board only. The report of
the findings and recommendations shall be signed by all members
of the board and by the counsel for respondents (or by the
respondents themselves if counsel was not elected) immediately
upon completion of the BOI.

d. Any nonconcurring member(s) shall sign the report and

submit separate minority report(s) which will include the extent
of nonconcurrence with the Board report as to each finding and
recommendation and the reasons therefore.

e. The counsel for respondent (or respondent if no counsel

was elected) shall be provided a copy of the record of proceedings
and shall be provided an opportunity to submit written comments to
CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA) within 10 days of service. Such comments
will be submitted via the respondent's chain of command, however,
the respondent may submit a copy directly to CHNAVPERS or DC
(M&RA). A certificate of service should be included with the
record of proceedings verifying submission to respondent's counsel
or respondent.

f. Per section 1182(c) of reference (a), as amended

by P.L. 107-314, when a board of inquiry has made a
recommendation that an officer not be retained on active

11 Enclosure (8)
DEC 2 5 2005
duty, that officer may be required to take leave, to begin
at any time following the officer's receipt of the BOI
report and the expiration of any period allowed for
submission by the officer of a rebuttal to that report.
The leave may be continued until the date on which action
by SECNAV concerned on the officer's case is completed or
may be terminated at any earlier time.

13. Action on the Record of Proceedings of the BOI. The

record of proceedings shall be submitted via the convening
authority to CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA), as appropriate, for
termination of proceedings or review and endorsement prior to
forwarding to SECNAV for final determination. This submission
shall include any minority report and rebuttal or statement of
the respondent. The record of proceedings of a BOI convened
solely to determine the grade in which a retirement-eligible
officer should be retired shall be forwarded directly to
CHNAVPERS or DC (M&RA) for a forwarding endorsement to SECNAV,
who will make the final determination of the grade in which an
officer shall be retired. If a retirement-eligible officer who
has not submitted a voluntary retirement request has failed to
show cause for retention, the BOI shall make a recommendation
concerning retirement grade as set forth in subparagraph 1l.c.

14. Action on the Report of the BOI

a. The report of a BOI that recommends separation shall be

delivered to SECNAV, with any desired recommendations of CHNAVPERS
or DC ( M & R A ) , for final determination.

b. If the BOI closes the case, all proceedings will be


c. If the BOI recommends separation or retirement,


(1) direct retention,

(2) direct separation of the respondent for the

specified reasons, and a characterization of service not less
favorable than that recommended by the BOI, or

(3) direct retirement of the respondent in the

highest grade satisfactorily held as determined by SECNAV.

12 Enclosure ( 8)
DEC 1 5 2 ~ 0 5

1. Responsibility

a. Only the servicemember's commander is authorized to

initiate fact-finding inquiries involving homosexual conduct.
Commanders may initiate a fact-finding inquiry only when they
have received credible information that there is a basis for
discharge. Commanders are responsible for ensuring that
inquiries are conducted properly and that no abuse of authority

b. A fact-finding inquiry may be conducted by the

commanders personally or by a person they appoint. It may
consist of an examination of the information reported or a more
extensive investigation, as necessary.

c. The inquiry should gather all credible information that

directly relates to the grounds for possible separation.
Inquiries shall be limited to the factual circumstances directly
relevant to the specific allegations.

d. If commanders have credible evidence of possible

criminal conduct, they shall follow the procedures outlined in
the Manual for Courts-Martial and implementing regulations
issued by SECNAV.

e. The guidelines in this enclosure do not apply to

activities of defense criminal investigative organizations and
other DOD law enforcement organizations.

2. Basis for conduct in^ Inauiries

a. Commanders will initiate an inquiry only if they have

credible information that there is a basis for discharge.
Credible information exists when the information, considering
its source and the surrounding circumstances, supports a
reasonable belief that there is a basis for discharge. It
requires a determination based on articulable facts, not just a
belief or suspicion.

b. A basis for discharge exists if

(1) the servicemembers have engaged in a homosexual act,

Enclosure (9)
DEC 1,5 2005

(2) the servicemembers have said that they are

homosexual or bisexual, or made some other statement that
indicates a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts,

(3) the servicemembers have married or attempted to

marry a person of the same sex.

c. Credible information does not exist when

(1) the officer is suspected of engaging in homosexual

conduct, but there is no credible information as described, to
support that suspicion,

(2) the only information is the opinions of others that

the officer is homosexual,

(3) the inquiry would be based on rumor, suspicion, or

capricious claims concerning an officer's sexual orientation, or

(4) the only information known is an associational

activity such as going to a gay bar, possessing or reading
homosexual publications, associating with known homosexuals, or
marching in a gay rights rally in civilian clothes. Such
activity, in and of itself does not provide evidence of
homosexual conduct.

d. Credible information exists when

(1) Reliable persons state that they observed or heard

the officer engaging in homosexual acts, or saying that he or
she is a homosexual or bisexual, or is married to a member of
the same sex,

(2) Reliable persons state that they heard or observed

the officer make, or discovered that the officer has made a
spoken or written statement that a reasonable person would
believe was intended to convey the fact that the officer engages
in, attempts to engage in, or has a propensity or intent to
engage in homosexual acts, or

(3) Reliable persons state they observed behavior that

amounts to a nonverbal statement by the officer that he or she

Enclosure (9)
DEC 1fi 2005
is a homosexual or bisexual; i.e., behavior a reasonable person
would believe was intended to convey the statement the officer
engages in, attempts to engage in, or has a propensity or intent
to engage in homosexual acts.

3. Procedures

a. Informal fact-finding inquiries and administrative

separation procedures are the preferred method of addressing
homosexual conduct. This does not prevent disciplinary action
or trial by courts-martial when appropriate.

b. Commanders shall exercise sound discretion in

determining if credible information exists. They shall examine
the information and decide whether an inquiry is warranted or
whether no action should be taken.

c. Commanders or appointed inquiry officials shall not ask,

and servicemembers shall not be required to reveal, whether
members are heterosexual, a homosexual, or a bisexual. However,
upon receipt of credible information of homosexual conduct (as
described in paragraph 2), commanders or appointed inquiry
officials may ask servicemembers if they engaged in such
conduct. But the servicemembers shall first be advised of the
DOD policy on homosexual conduct (and rights under article 31,
UCMJ, if applicable). Should the servicemembers choose not to
discuss the matter further, the commander should consider other
available information. Nothing in this provision precludes
questioning servicemembers about any information provided by
them in the course of the fact-finding inquiry or any related
proceeding, nor does it provide the servicemembers with any
basis for challenging the validity of any proceeding or the use
of any evidence, including a statement by the servicemembers, in
any proceeding.

d. At any given point of the inquiry, commanders or

appointed inquiry officials must be able clearly and
specifically to expla'in which grounds for separation they are
attempting to verify and how the information being collected
relates to those specific separation grounds.

Enclosure ( 9 )
DEC 1 5 2005
e. A statement by a servicemember that he or she is a
homosexual or bisexual creates a rebuttable presumption that the
servicemember engages in, attempts to engage in, has a
propensity to engage in, or intends to engage in homosexual
acts. The servicemember shall be given an opportunity to
present evidence demonstrating that he or she does not engage
in, attempt to engage in, or have a propensity or intent to
engage in homosexual acts.

f. The servicemembers bear the burden of proving, by a

preponderance of the evidence, that they are not persons who
engages in, attempts to engage in, has a propensity to engage
in, or intends to engage in homosexual acts.

4. Legal Effect. The procedures in this enclosure create no

substantive or procedural rights.

Enclosure (9)

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