Multi Frequencies and Bearing Target Motion Analysis: Properties and Sonar Applications

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Multi Frequencies And Bearing Target Motion Analysis :

Properties and Sonar Applications

Claude Jauffret Pierre Blanc-Benon Denis Pillon
Université Sud Toulon-Var Thales Underwater Systems Thales Underwater Systems
CNRS, IM2NP (UMR 6242) Route Sainte-Anne-du-Portzic 525 Route des Dolines
Bâtiment X, BP 132, F-83957 29601 Brest, France 06903 Sophia-Antipolis, France
La Garde Cedex, France [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
Abstract - Multi frequency lines, concurrently processed We propose in this paper to prove and illustrate the benefit
with bearing measurements, are widely used for passive of such a method, called in the sequel multi frequency and
sonar target motion analysis (TMA). This paper analyzes bearing target motion analysis (MFBTMA).
the impact of utilizing additional narrow band (NB) lines
on the target range accuracy obtained after TMA. More The paper is articulated as follows:
specifically, the TMA range and velocity accuracy In section 2, the architecture of a narrow band sonar
improvement that is obtained from adding multiple system is recalled. Then in section 3, the specific block
frequency lines is demonstrate mathematically. This is a structure of Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) in the case of
new result, since to date this performance improvement single frequency line is presented. This structure is
has only been shown numerically via Monte Carlo generalized to the case of MFBTMA. It is then used in
simulations. Data recorded at sea is utilized to validate subsection 4.3 to demonstrate the TMA accuracy
the results and demonstrate the improvement obtained by improvement. Finally, in section 5, real data collected at-
using additional frequency tracks in the TMA process. sea from a towed array sonar illustrate this benefit.
This is a good example of the benefit of the association
and fusion of multiple frequency bearing tracks. 2 Narrow band sonar system.
Keywords: TMA, Cramer Rao lower bound, passive
We recall shortly the treatments necessary to the
sonar, narrow band, tracking, track-to-track association.
construction of the measurement lines. In sonar
1 Introduction. narrowband signal processing, the typical architecture of
the processing chain is the following.
The most standard target motion analysis (TMA) consists First, different bands in the frequency domain are defined
in estimating target's position and (constant) velocity from by an appropriate resolution cell and a center frequency.
bearings-only measurements corrupted by noise [1]. When The received signal is sampled and filtered in these bands
frequency line is also available, own ship’s maneuver is before applying the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and beam
not necessary provided that the emitted and unknown forming. Then, an interpolation algorithm returns a fine
frequency is a constant and the bearing rate is not equal to angle of arrival estimate [6]. An ad-hoc threshold is used to
zero [5][16]. This well known method will be called in the declare the detection. Finally, automatic detection and
sequel FBTMA1 for frequency and bearing target motion tracking (ADT) is performed to associate elementary
analysis. detections from one scan time to another. Many methods
In some cases, the source can emit several frequencies; in are available, from the simplest one (PDA, NNA [7]) to the
such a situation, taking simultaneously into account several most recent ones (MHT [8], Multi-Dimensional
frequency lines must improve the accuracy of the final Assignment [9], [10]).
result as we conjectured in a previous paper [2]. The A single target can be detected and tracked by several
fundamental question is then the following: is the bearing and frequency lines. That is the reason why the
improvement of the accuracy (in terms of covariance need of automatic track-to-track association is important. It
matrix) always guaranteed whereas the state dimension consists in clustering all detected track into a partition of
augments with the number of frequency lines? mutually disjoint subsets. A human operator would not be
In [2], a partial answer was given by Monte Carlo efficient at manually detecting and extracting significant
simulations, but not rigorously demonstrated information related to every single potential threat. For
mathematically. example, in the case of a large surveillance acoustic
system, sonar operators have to handle more than thousand
tracked lines, which are radiated from numerous merchant
ships and a few from warships. Thus, automatic track-to-
In the literature [2, 17], its name is also Doppler and
bearing TMA.

track association algorithms ([11], [12]) are an important β m (tk ) = β ( X S , tk ) + ε β (tk )
requirement for modern sonar systems.  for ( k = 1,...., K )
 f m (tk ) = f (YS , t k ) + ε f (tk )
where ε β (t k ) et ε f (t k ) are the additive noise on
bearings and frequencies, respectively. In the sequel, these
3 Frequency and bearing target noise are assumed independent, 0-mean Gaussian and their
motion analysis (FBTMA) standard deviations are σ β (t k ) et σ f (t k ) , respectively,
assumed known (or previously estimated).
3.1 Notation and hypotheses. Remarks :
a) The azimuths are defined by X S only while the
The observer (O) and the single source (S) are assumed
traveling in the common plane at constant velocity and frequency must be defined by YS .
constant heading. Moreover, the source emits a single tone
b) In a TMA context, f 0 has to be considered as a
with constant and unknown frequency f 0 . The state
nuisance parameter, in the sense that we must
vector YS is hence defined as follows: estimate it but we are concerned essentially by the

YS = f 0 , x S ( t * ), y S ( t * ), v xS , v yS ] T
vector X S .

* *
where f 0 , xS ( t ), y S ( t ), vxS , v yS are respectively the
3.2 The FIM in the FBTMA
the unknown emitted frequency, the components of the
position at time t * (the chosen reference time ) and the The Fisher information matrix (FIM) about YS takes the
components of the velocity of the source. For commodity following form:
reason, we denote the last four components of YS by
F (YS βm , f m ) = ∑
∇YS β( X S , t k )∇YTS β( X S , t k )
X S = xS ( t ), y S ( t ), v xS , v yS
* *
] T
. k =1 σ (t k )

So [
YS = f 0 , X ST ] T
. (2) +∑
∇YS f (YS , t k )∇YTS f (YS , t k ) (5)
k =1 σ (t k )
The noise-free azimuths are defined by f
 x (t ) − xO (t k )  Due to the special structure of the state vector (2), the FIM
β ( X S ,t k ) = atan  S k  (3)
 y S (t k ) − yO (t k )
(5) can be partitioned into four blocks:
 γ0 c0T 
where xO (t k ) and yO (t k ) are the components of F (YS β m , f m ) =   (6)
observer’s position at time tk . c0
 F ( X S βm ) + F ( X S f m )
The noise-free Doppler-shifted frequency is then with:
f ( t ) = f 0 1 − v(t ) / C (4) ]
F (X S β m ) = ∑
where v( t ) is the radial velocity and C is the sound ∇ X S β ( X S , t k )∇ XT S β ( X S , t k )
speed in the medium (about 1500 m/s in water). The radial k =1 σ (t2
βk )
velocity must be expressed in terms of X S : which is nothing else but the usual FIM about the state
vector X S given the bearing measurements.
( )
ν ( X S , t ) = v x S − v xO sin [ β ( X S , t )] The FIM about X S given the frequency measurements is
+ (v yS − v yO )cos [β ( X S , t )] the following (4× 4) matrix
v xO and v xO are the components of observer’s
F (X S f m ) = ∑ 2
where K
∇ X S f (YS , t k )∇ XT S f (YS , t k ) (7)
speed vector. k =1 σ f (t k )
Under those classical assumptions, the so-called
frequencies and bearings target motion analysis (FBTMA) The last two blocks of (5) are the vector (4×1) ,
consists in estimating YS from a collection of couples of K
1  ∂ f (YS , t k )
c0 = ∑  ∇ X f (YS , t k ) (8),
k =1 σ (t k ) 
measurements 2
∂ f0  S

and the scalar b) Again, the N unknown frequencies
1  ∂ f (YS , t k ) 
K f 0 , f1 ,m , f N −1 are nuisance parameters.
γ0 = ∑   (9).
k =1 σ (t k )  ∂ f0
2 c) We insist on the fact that the bearing rate is not
f  equal to zero and that the measurements are
We are going to exploit this decomposition of the FIM to d) The numbering of the frequencies is arbitrary.
prove a remarkable property about the accuracy of the e) The association between traks is supposed error-
TMA when the number of received frequencies increases. free.
4 Multi Frequency and bearing target
motion analysis (MFBTMA) 4.2 Expression of the FIM in a block
4.1 Notations. As previously (16), the FIM of MBFTMA can be
In this section, the source is supposed to emit N pure partitioned as:
stable and unknown frequencies f 0 , f1 ,  , f N −1 .
F YS βm , f 0,m ,m, f N −1,m = )
The state vector (1) must hence be augmented as follows:
YS = f 0 , f1 , , f p , , f N −1 , X ST ] T
. The measurements
 γ0 0 0 c0T 
collected by the observer is then { βm , f 0 ,m ,m , f N −1,m }. 
0 r 0

 
The N measured frequencies are given by  0 0 γ N −1 c TN −1 
f p ,m (t k ) = f p (Y S, t k ) + ε f p (t k ), 
( )
c0 m c N −1 F (X S βm ) + F X S f 0,m + m + F X S f N −1,m ( )

for p = 0,1,m , N − 1 , with, as previously (4)
f p ( Ys , t k ) = f p [1 − v( X s ,t k ) / C ] .
The vectors c p and the scalars γ p are similarly defined
The variance of ε f p (tk ) is denoted σ f p (tk ) .
than c0 (8) and γ 0 (9) respectively.
We are interested by the inverse of the submatrix
The fundamental question of the MFBTMA is the
following: ( )
F ( X S βm ) + F X S f 0 ,m + m + F X S f N −1,m ( ) corres-
Does the MFBTMA potentially improve the accuracy of ponding to the position and the velocity of the source.
the estimate of X S ? In terms of Cramèr-Rao lower bound We are going to use the following classic result of linear
algebra (see [13]):
(CRLB), the question is
BCR X S βm , f 0 ,m ,m, f N −1,m , f N ,m ) Let a non-singular matrix A and B its inverse, both
partitioned in four blocks
≤ BCR X S βm , f 0 ,m ) ?
 A11 ( p × p ) A12 ( p × q ) 

A= 
Remarks:  A21 (q × p ) A22 (q × q )
a) We implicitly assume that there is one single
 B11 ( p × p ) B12 ( p × q ) 
bearing measurement, the same one for all the
frequencies at each sampling time. In reality, a B= .
measured frequency is always linked to a  B21 (q × p ) B22 (q × q )
measured bearing. Hence, we should have as
many azimuths as frequencies. Because all these −1
azimuths are relative to the same line of sight, then B22 = A22 − A21 A11−1 A12 provided A11 is
they are averaged and the result is a more accurate non-singular.
single measured bearing. In order to make a fair
comparison, the standard deviation of the bearing We then identify
has been kept at the same value. So, the impact of
the extra frequency lines will be objectively

γ0 0 0  4.3 Fundamental property of the MFBTMA
  Now we are able to answer the question about the
A11 to  0 r 0  ,
  improvement of the accuracy concerning X S only when
 0 0 γ N −1  we measure an extra frequency, in a recursive way:
A22 to (
BCR X S β m , f 0 ,m ,m , f N −1,m , f N ,m )
[F (X S ( )
β m ) + F X S f 0, m + m + F X S f N −1, m ( )] (
≤ BCR X S β m , f 0 ,m ,m , f N −1,m ? )
, or equivalently
 c0T  (
BCR X S β m , f 0 ,m ,m , f N −1,m , f N ,m )−1

 
A12 to  o  and (
≥ BCR X S β m , f 0 ,m ,m , f N −1,m )
c TN −1 
 
A21 to [c0 m c N −1 ] . We can re-write (11) as follows
BCR X S β m , f 0 ,m ,m , f N −1,m , f N ,m )−1

(X ) ( )
Because the bearing rate is not equal to zero, the frequency −1
rate are non null too and as a consequence the matrix A11 BCR S β m , f 0 ,m ,m , f N −1,m + F X S f N ,m − γ N−1 c N c NT .
is non singular. The recalled result can be applied. The answer is unambiguous if the matrix
We get (
B22 = BCR X S βm , f 0 ,m ,m , f N −1,m given by ) ( ) −1
F X S f N ,m − γ c N c is non negative.

BCR X S β m , f 0 ,m ,m , f N −1,m )
γ N
c T
is satisfied since the matrix

[F (X ( )
βm ) + F X S f 0 ,m + m + F X S f N −1,m ( )]
  is the Fisher information matrix
c N
 (
F X S f N ,m  )
γ0 0

0 

 c0T 
  ( )
F YS f N ,m , if we measure f N ,m only. Hence, this
− [c0 m c N −1 ] 0 r 0   o . matrix is a symmetric non negative matrix.
    The property (10) is then rigorously proven.
 0 0 γ N −1  c TN −1 
 
4.4 Algorithm aspects
We show readily that
−1 The MFBTMA can be obtained via several estimators:
  γ0 0 0   c0T  
 - The recursive estimators given by the pseudo
   
[c m c ] 0 r 0   o   = linear filters [4], or by the extended Kalman filter
N −1
 0    
[3] which all suffer from the same instability than
  0 0 γ N −1  c N −1  
T in BOTMA, especially when the source is far
  from the CPA (Closest Point of Approach). The
N −1
particular filters [15] could be used for a recursive
p =0
p c p c pT . estimation.
- The batch estimators, for example those given by
the so-called MIV (for modified instrumental
As a consequence, we get method) [2] [17], or the least squares estimator
equivalent to the maximum likelihood estimator

( )
in the case of additive and Gaussian noise.
BCR X S βm , f0,m ,m, f N−1,m = We suggest retaining the latter estimator which consists in
minimizing the following quadratic criterion
[F(X β ) + F(X
S m S )
f0,m +m+ F X S f N−1,m ( )].
N −1
− ∑γ−p1 c pcpT (11).
This first result is will help us to prove the fundamental
property of the MFBTMA in the coming section.

minutes (corresponding to the ticks displayed in Fig. 2).
 β (t ) − β ( X S , t k ) 
C (YS ) = ∑  m k  +
The obtained results were exploitable after the 26th minute,

k =1  σ β (t k ) 
before the weak observer maneuver which occurred at the
32nd minute.
 f p ,m (t k ) − f p (YS , t k ) 
N −1 K The relative error of the estimated range is less 20% at the
∑∑ 
p = 0 k =1  σ f p (t k )
 . 30th minute and less than 10% at the final instant.
 
The estimate ŶS is reached with the Gauss-Newton 5.3 Comparison between FBTMA and
procedure (or the Newton-Raphson one) demanding less MFBTMA at sea
then twelve iterations. The initialization point must be
carefully chosen (or guessed): according to the situation, With each frequency line, we ran the FBTMA with the
we can benefit from prior information or we can use a batch algorithm in the same previous conditions. We
coarse estimate chosen among the nodes of an ad-hoc grid. obtained seven estimated range history displayed in Fig.5.
We recommend to employ the so-called pseudo-linear The result are disperse and the error can reach 30 to 60 %
estimator (given by the first iteration of the MIV), as at the 30th minute depending on the chosen frequency line.
suggested in [2]. Concerning the frequencies, we propose The same report can be made at the final time.
to used the mean value of each track as initial value of the For instance, with the frequency line around 90Hz or by
emitted frequency. around 110Hz, the error in the estimated range can reach
20 % at the final time, whereas with these close to 97Hz,
the result is excellent. We can conclude that the accuracy
5 Experimental Results of the FBTMA depends hence on the chosen frequency
line and so not very reliable. This is likely due to some bias
5.1 Experimental scenario of the measurement lines.
If these seven FBTMA results are averaged, we obtain the
The experiment was held in coastal shallow waters [14]
dash line of the fig. 5 very close to the similar curve
(see Fig. 2 for geographic plot). The range between the two
displayed in fig. 4 concerning the MFBTMA.
mobiles was between 12 and 18 km. The duration was ~60
The advantage of the MFBTMA on the FBTMA is that a
minutes and the target reached the CPA at time ~40
sole run of the ad-hoc algorithm provides a reliable
minutes. We can see that the observer was not strictly in
straight line, but this maneuver was inefficient for the solution while the FBTMA demands as many runs as
frequency lines to get the same result. This point
bearing-only TMA; consequently, the frequency
disqualifies the use of the FBTMA in case of a large
measurements allowed one to perform the TMA.
Bottom depth is approximately 100 m. Acoustic number ( N ≥ 100 ) of frequency lines.
propagation was such that interferences between direct and
reflected paths occurred (see Fig. 1). Those interferences 6 Conclusion
caused measurement lines interruptions. More than ten
In passive narrow band sonar, it is usual to track targets
frequency lines were detected from the target on the so
emitting several pure single tones. At each sampling time,
called lofargram as depicted in Fig. 1. Among the set of
the available measurements are a bearing and a set of
frequency lines, seven were chosen for the study: those
frequencies. The crucial question we answered was to
corresponding to the frequency lines at about 64 Hz, 66
know if it’s worth using all these frequencies in a TMA
Hz, 77 Hz, 84 Hz, 90 Hz, 97 Hz and 110 Hz, respectively
function, since each frequency augments the dimension of
(they can be “guessed” in the Fig. 1).
the state vector.
Typical bearing and frequency accuracies are respectively
We have rigorously demonstrated that the more
2 degrees and 0.1 Hz for the sonar measurements.
frequencies are taken into account in the TMA, the more
5.2 MFBTMA at sea results accurate the target trajectory estimate (positions and
speeds) will be: it is a theoretical point obtained by the
Batch TMA processing is performed to estimate the target computation of the CRLB.
state vector successively from overlapping time periods. The confrontation to at sea data confirms that fact: more
Fig. 3 displays an example of the time evolution of the precisely, we observe shorter convergence of the algorithm
normalized residuals: the top of fig. 3 is concerned by and better accuracy on the estimated target range (or
bearing residuals and the bottom by frequency residuals. conversely a better accuracy within the same time).
Obviously, the MBFTMA performs properly on real data The same approach can be conducted in the case of
provided the assumptions are respected. frequency comb, i.e. harmonically separated frequency
Fig.4 presents the true range history and the estimated lines.
range history obtained by the MBFTMA with the seven
frequency lines, the estimation period being equal to 2

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Figure 1: Lofargram with interferences and chosen frequency lines (green markers)

Figure 2: Scenario used for the comparison

Bearing normalized residuals for successive TMA estimations

Frequency normalized residuals for successive TMA estimations

Figure 3: Normalized residuals vs. time in min. (vertical axis) of the estimates returned by the MFBTMA.

Estimated Target Range versus Time (MFBTMA)
64, 66, 77, 84, 90, 97, 110 Hz
Ground Truth


A 12

20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Time (mn)

Figure 4: MFBTMA estimated range and real range between the 20th and the 56th minute.

Estimated Target Range versus Time (FBTMA)


18 64 Hz
66 Hz
77 Hz
15 84 Hz
R 90 Hz
A 97 Hz
N 12
110 Hz
E 7-averaged
9 Ground Truth

20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Time (mn)

Figure 5: Several Single FB TMA results and averaged result.


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