31 25 13 Erosion and Sedimentation CNTRL
31 25 13 Erosion and Sedimentation CNTRL
31 25 13 Erosion and Sedimentation CNTRL
A. This Section pertains to the provisions for the control of erosion in the construction area and
in stockpile areas including seeding, the construction of temporary swales and sedimentation
basins as required and shown on the drawings. All areas where existing vegetation and grass
cover have been bared by construction activities shall be protected from erosion.
B. Contractor is responsible for meeting all local, state and federal regulations regarding erosion
control including the applicable provisions of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination
System, Phase II, regulations from the Clean Water Act.
C. This project shall be designed to meet LEED Silver design criteria. Construction activity
pollution prevention is a mandatory requirement.
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including A-Procurement and Contracting
Requirements, Division 00 and Division 01 apply to this section.
E. Section 33 40 00 Drainage
G. Harris County Public Infrastructure Department Engineering Division Specifications for the
Construction of Roads and Bridges within Harris County, TX – latest printing October 2003.
B. Block Sodding: Sodding for erosion control and for final stabilization shall consist of providing
and planting Bermuda grass, San Augustine grass, or other acceptable sod along or across
such areas as are designated on the drawings and in accordance with the specification
requirements herein outlined.
D. Silt Fence: The reinforced filter fabric barrier consists of geotextile fabric supported by a net
reinforced fence stretched across and attached to supporting posts or frame and
entrenched. Work shall be performed during construction operations and prior to final
stabilization to control erosion and sedimentation as designated on the plans and in
accordance with these specifications.
E. Inlet Protection Barriers: The inlet protection barrier consists of a geotextile fabric (filter
fabric) supported by a net reinforced fence structure and constructed around a storm drain
inlet, catch basin, or culvert. An alternative design of the inlet protection barrier, as
approved by the Engineer, consists of fiber rolls placed around a frame, staked in place (or
weighted down with clean gravel bags), and constructed around a storm drain inlet, catch
basin or culvert. This work shall be performed during construction operations and prior to
final stabilization to control erosion and sedimentation. As designated on the plans and in
accordance with these specifications.
G. Stabilized Construction Access: This work shall consist of the installation of temporary
erosion protection and sediment control stabilized construction access - type I, rock, utilized
during construction operations and prior to final stabilization, in accordance with these
specifications and construction drawings
H. Rock Filter Dams: Rock filter dams are temporary berms constructed of stone to intercept
and slow storm water runoff to retain sediment on the construction site.
1. Depending upon the type of rock filter dam specified in the construction plans as Type
1, 2, 3, or 4, the aggregate fill may be unwrapped, wrapped in twisted hexagonal wire
mesh, or confined in a gabion wire basket. Applications of RockFilter Dams are as
a. Type 1 dams may be used at toe of slopes, around inlets, in small ditches, and at
dike or swale outlets. Type 1 dams are recommended for erosion and sediment
control from a drainage area of 5 acres or less.
d. Type 4 sack gabions may be used in ditches and smaller channels to form an
erosion and sediment control dam
A. Codes and Standards: Install and maintain erosion control systems in compliance with all
authorities having jurisdiction.
A. Contractor shall strive to utilize sustainable materials, which include rapidly renewable
materials, regional materials, regionally manufactured materials, regionally extracted
materials, recycled contents.
A. Materials for erosion control seeding shall conform to TxDOT Item 164.
B. Materials for erosion control sodding shall conform to TxDOT Item 162.
A. Materials for fertilizing erosion control seeding and/or sodding shall conform to TxDOT Item
A. Use clean potable water for maintaining the grass developed after erosion control seeding
reasonably clean and free of oil, salt, acid, alkali, sugar, vegetable matter or other substances
injurious to the finished product.
B. Water sources other than the local municipal domestic water supply must be approved by
the Owner.
C. If onsite reclaimed water sources are used, tanks and apprentices must be clearly marked
with the words “non-potable” water.
A. Geotextile fabric for Silt Fences must meet the TxDOT Departmental Material Specifications
DMS 6230 Temporary Sediment Control Fence Fabric.
A. Standard rectangular hay bales bound by baling wire, clean and dry
C. Net reinforced fence shall be 2 inch by 4 inch welded wire fabric mesh. The mesh support
height shall be the equivalent height, or greater, of the geotextile fabric to be attached.
a. Elongation ³ 50 percent.
B. Geotextile fabric shall be resistant to commonly encountered soil chemicals, mildew, rot,
insects, and deterioration resulting from exposure to sunlight or heat. Geotextile fabric shall
provide an expected useable life comparable to the anticipated construction period.
C. Aggregate for the rock filter dams shall consist of crushed stone. Aggregate particles shall be
composed of clean, hard, durable materials free from adherent coatings, salt, alkali, dirt,
clay, loam, shale, soft or flaky materials or organic and injurious matter. Aggregate shall be
cubic or rounded form, not elongated, flat, shapes. Spalls, fragments, and chips shall not
exceed 5 percent by weight. Crushed concrete shall not be substituted for the crushed stone
unless as approved by the Engineer. *[NOTE THAT CRUSHED CONCRETE IS TYPICALLY A
SENTENCE ACCORDINGLY FOR LEED PROJECTS] Aggregate size shall depend upon the type of
rock filter dam specified in the construction plans. Aggregate size based on type of rock filter
dam is as follows:
D. Mesh is required for reinforced type rock filter dams. Mesh shall be 20 gauge galvanized
double twisted hexagonal wire mesh with 1-inch diameter hexagonal openings. Mesh wire
shall be zinc coated prior to being double twisted. Reinforcing spiral binders, lacing wire, and
stiffeners shall be made of wire having the same coating material and same wire size as the
wire mesh. Gabion wire baskets shall equal or exceed the requirements of the wire mesh.
A. Protection
B. Preparation:
1. Use all means necessary to control dust on and near the work, and on and near off-site
storage, and spoil areas, if such dust is caused by performance of the work of this
Section, or if resulting from the condition in which Project Site is left by Contractor.
2. Moisten surfaces, as required, to prevent dust from being a nuisance to the public,
neighbors, and concurrent performance of other work on Project Site.
C. Install erosion control systems at the site's boundary at locations where stormwater runoff
will leave the site prior to starting any clearing, stripping, or earthwork operations
F. Store construction materials in designated areas away from drainageways and low areas.
H. Construct containment berms and utilize drip pans at fuel and liquid storage tanks and
A. Install erosion control devices to protect adjacent and downstream properties from damage
and pollution resulting from erosion caused by the work of this Contract.
B. Install silt fence located along perimeter of site or grading limits immediately following site
clearing operations specified under Division 31 Section 31 11 00 Clearing and Grubbing.
1. Install silt fence fabric from a continuous roll for the length of the silt fence whenever
possible to minimize the number of joints.
a. Create joints in fabric by securely fastening fabric at the support post with
overlap extending to the next post.
3. Excavate a 4 inch wide by 4 inch deep trench on up-slope side of silt fence.
C. Install straw bale fence at completion of grading operations in affected area as indicated on
1. Install erosion control devices at storm sewer inlets immediately after completion of
the storm sewer.
2. Place straw bales in a single row, lengthwise on the contour, and embedded 4 inches
into soil.
3. Secure each individual bale in place by stakes or reinforcement bars driven through
bales into the ground to a depth of not less than 18 inches.
G. Rock filter dams shall be installed so as to prevent downstream deposition of sediment and
debris from the construction site. Rock filter dams shall be constructed to meet the following
1. Type 1:
a. Non-reinforced.
2. Type 2:
3. Type 3:
4. Type 4:
5. The separation geotextile fabric and wire mesh shall be sized and placed in accordance
with the rock filter dam detail and as specified by the type of rock filter dam shown in
the construction plans. The separation geotextile fabric may be omitted only as
approved by the Engineer. The separation geotextile fabric and wire mesh shall be
securely staked with wooden or metal stakes to the bottom and side slopes of the
ditch or channel prior to aggregate placement. Sack gabions for Type 4 rock filter dams
shall be securely staked with wooden or metal stakes to the bottom and side slopes of
the ditch or channel, as well.
6. Aggregate fill shall be placed to the width, length, height and slopes in accordance
with this specification and the rock filter dam detail and as specified by the type of
rock filter dam shown in the construction plans. The height of the dam shall be
measured vertically from the existing ground to the top of the filter dam. The length of
the dam shall be measured across the top centerline of the dam from embankment to
embankment and includes the additional length embedded into the embankment.
Width of the dam shall be measured along the top face of the dam.
7. Wire mesh shall be folded upstream side over the aggregate fill and tightly secured to
itself on the downstream side using wire tires. Hog rings may be substituted for wire
8. Additional aggregate fill or gravel bags shall be placed and secured at the embedded
section to prevent low flows from short circuiting the dam at the adjacent dirt
embankment area.
9. The Contractor shall be responsible for periodic reshaping, repairing, and maintaining
of rock filter dams as directed by the Engineer.
10. The Contractor is responsible for removal and proper disposal of sediment and debris
from the rock filter dam. Removed sediment and debris shall not be allowed to flush
into the storm sewer system, waterways, jurisdictional wetlands, or onto adjacent
properties. Sediment deposits shall be removed before they reach one-third of the
height of the dam. Uncontaminated sediment can be placed at the project spoil site
or, if properly handled, spread out to supplement fill requirements. If sediment has
been contaminated, then it shall be disposed of in accordance with the applicable
federal, state, and local regulations. Offsite disposal shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor. Contractor is encouraged to reuse aggregate and wire mesh if remaining
materials meet original spec requirements.
A. Exposed fill and stockpile areas shall be protected from windborne erosion if the phasing of
the construction operations is anticipated to leave the exposed fill and stockpile areas
unattended for 6 weeks or more. At completion of stockpiling operations, stockpiles shall be
shaped and graded to drain. Provide a layer of mulch to all sides of the stockpile to protect
the stockpile from windborne erosion.
B. Areas designated on the drawings to be seeded shall be seeded in accordance to the Texas
Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, Item 164, titled "Seeding for Erosion
Control". Broadcast seeding method shall be used as described in TxDOT, Item 164.4 unless
otherwise instructed.
C. Areas to be seeded with slopes steeper than 10H:1V shall also utilize a soil retention blanket
as specified in TxDOT Item 169 Soil Retention Blanket.
A. Temporary drainage swales shall be provided as required to carry drainage away from the
work area to an approved outfall point.
B. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, swales shall be earthen "V" shaped channels
graded to a sufficient depth and slope to carry the anticipated runoff, but at least two (2)
feet deep with a slope of 0.1%.
C. Swales not designated to remain in place at the completion of the contract shall be cleaned
of any muck, debris and other unsuitable material and filled with approved fill before final
grading operations begin.
A. Fill slopes in all cases shall be no steeper than 3:1 unless specifically stated on the plans or
approved by the Owner's Geotechnical engineer.
B. When cut slopes exceed 2:1 for depths over three (3) feet, proper bracing and shoring per
OSHA requirements shall be used and maintained.
C. For permanent slopes, cut or fill, between 2:1 and 10:1, erosion protection shall be provided
with hydromulching seeding, sodding, or other method as approved.
D. Where cut slopes of more than 5 feet deep, extend more than 100 feet in length, contractor
shall provide a backfill drain at the top of the slope to ease in drainage and erosion control.
B. All drainage from cleared areas shall be routed through the sedimentation basin.
C. Contractor will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the pond during
A. Check all erosion control measures after each rainfall event to ensure that they are in proper
working order.
2. During the course of construction all temporary swales constructed for this contract
shall be maintained so as to allow proper drainage from the construction area. Before
Contractor leaves the site at the end of construction, all temporary swales must be
reworked to meet final conditions as set forth in the drawings and specifications.
3. The Contractor shall assure that all subwork with other contractors at the site
understand the importance of the erosion control features. The Contractor shall
require all subcontractors to respect the function of the erosion control features and
enlist their coordination in maintaining existing swales and ditches.
1. Immediately replace damaged portions of the silt fences, including portions which
have collapsed, contain tears, have decomposed, or have become ineffective.
C. Maintain erosion control devices in place, as specified, until completion of the work of this
1. At completion of work, inspect all systems, make necessary repairs, remove and
dispose of all accumulated sediment, and turn completely operable systems over to
Owner for continued maintenance.
D. Where necessary for equipment and vehicular access to the work areas, adequately sized
culverts shall be installed and maintained to provide the access without disturbing the site
E. Sedimentation Basins.
1. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the pond and the outfall and sediment
retarding structure in good working condition throughout the time the pond is to be in
2. When sediment and debris fill the pond to over one third (1/3) its designed capacity,
the pond shall be cleaned out.
3. The sediment from the clearing operation shall be stockpiled with like materials per
Specification 31 11 00 Clearing and Grubbing. If the material is found to not meet the
stockpiling requirements listed in 31 11 00, they must be removed from the site as
described in 31 11 00.
A. Inspect all erosion control systems and devices at least once every seven calendar days.
B. Inspect all erosion control systems and devices within 24 hours of the end of any storm which
results in precipitation of 1/2 inch or more.
C. During inspections, locations where stormwater leaves the site shall be inspected for
evidence of erosion or sediment deposition.
E. Complete a report of each inspection. Report shall contain the following minimum
1. Inspector's name
2. Inspection date
6. Authorized signature