Modern Methods of Teaching

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Through the Word with Mathematics

In search of new methods of teaching Mathematics and related subjects


Modern Methods of
Teaching – Learning
Mathematics and
Related Subjects

Małgorzata Podolak
Małgorzata Młynarska
Adam Kawałek
Wiesław Śnieżek
Genowefa Napiórkowska

Funded by European Union under Erasmus+

Through the Word with Mathematics
In search of new methods of teaching Mathematics and related subjects

Modern Methods of Teaching

– Learning Mathematics

and Related Subjects

The publication was financed from the European Commission funds under Erasmus+

The publication was financed from the European Commission funds. The publication reflects
only the views set out by its authors and neither the European Commission nor the Polish
National Agency for Erasmus+ may be held responsible for the information contained therein.


Małgorzata Podolak
Małgorzata Młynarska
Adam Kawałek
Wiesław Śnieżek
Genowefa Napiórkowska

Funded by European Union under Erasmus+

Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3
I. Teaching Mathematics and Natural Sciences ............................................................ 4
1.Situation-based Learning .................................................................................................... 5
2.Problem-based Learning ..................................................................................................... 5
3.Learning by doing, experiencing and communicating ....................................................... 7
4.Action teaching ................................................................................................................... 8
5.Anticipating education ....................................................................................................... 8
II. Teaching methods and learning strategies based on experience – Kolb’s cycle ... 12
III. Characteristics of the selected teaching methods in Mathematics and Natural
Sciences ........................................................................................................................ 16
III.1 Strategies of managing students’ independent work ............................................. 16
Educational games ................................................................................................... 16
Panel discussion ....................................................................................................... 16
Delphi method ......................................................................................................... 16
Morphological analysis ............................................................................................ 16
JIGSAW ................................................................................................................... 17
III.2 Methods for creating and defining ideas ................................................................ 18
Timelines ................................................................................................................. 18
Association chains ................................................................................................... 18
Mindmapping ........................................................................................................... 18
Information window ................................................................................................ 19
III.3 Hierarchical methods ............................................................................................... 19
Diamond ranking ..................................................................................................... 19
Priority piramid ........................................................................................................ 20
Criteria poker ........................................................................................................... 20
Learning priorities ................................................................................................... 21
III.4 Creative problem solving techniques ..................................................................... 21
Laboratory work ...................................................................................................... 21
Triangle technique ................................................................................................... 22
Six thinking hats ...................................................................................................... 22
6-3-5 Brainwriting ................................................................................................... 23
III.5 Effective argumentation and stating opinions techniques .................................... 24
Brainstorming .......................................................................................................... 25
Decision tree ............................................................................................................ 25
Fishbone diagram..................................................................................................... 26
Discussion ................................................................................................................ 26
Talkin-point discussion ............................................................................................ 27
Snowballing ............................................................................................................. 28
Debate ...................................................................................................................... 28
For and against debate ............................................................................................. 28
Fishbowl .................................................................................................................. 28
Carpet of ideas ......................................................................................................... 28

Metaplan technique .................................................................................................. 28
SWOT analysis ........................................................................................................ 29
Sustainability compass............................................................................................. 30
Modelling-based learning ........................................................................................ 30
Case-based method .................................................................................................. 31
Situation-based method ........................................................................................... 31
III.6 Visualisation techniques ........................................................................................... 31
Memory hooks ......................................................................................................... 31
III.7 Practical methods ...................................................................................................... 31
Film-based activities ................................................................................................ 31
Project work ............................................................................................................. 32
Guided instruction method ...................................................................................... 33
III.8 Strategies for developing mental skills and planning own work .......................... 33
What are my learning modalities? ........................................................................... 33
Semantic differential scale profile ........................................................................... 33
III.9 Evaluation methods .................................................................................................. 33
Questionnaire ........................................................................................................... 34
Mood Barometer ...................................................................................................... 34
Graffiti Board ........................................................................................................... 34
Feedback .................................................................................................................. 34
Class atmosphere ..................................................................................................... 35
Basket and briefcase ................................................................................................ 35
Sky map ................................................................................................................... 35
Cooperation assessement ......................................................................................... 36
Dartboard evaluation ............................................................................................... 36
III.10 Group work ............................................................................................................. 36
Summary ............................................................................................................................ 37
Subject literature: .................................................................................................................. 38

Nowadays knowledge allows you to live a couple of years at the most,
whereas the method of acquiring it – entire lifetime.
J. Andrzejewska


Teaching Mathematics and Natural Sciences is taking place in rapidly changing

conditions. It is necessary to look for optimal didactic and educational solutions
encompassing goals and contents as well as forms and teaching methods allowing for
preparing students to face the challenges of the contemporary world.
The most significant role of educational system in terms of teaching Mathematics and
Natural Sciences is developing and promoting subject competences as an important factor
fostering student’s personal development and the development of society. Well organised
mathematical and natural sciences education facilitates logical thinking and expressing ideas,
organizing own work, planning and organizing the learning process, collaboration and
responsibility; it prepares for life in a modern world and enables to perform many jobs. The
teacher is required to pay more attention to students’ awareness of developing learning skills
and study habits, recognizing and analysing problems and predicting solutions to them.
Undeniably, the implementation of modern teaching methods and techniques enhances
students’ curiosity about Mathematics and Natural Sciences and increases their understanding
of the basis of mathematical and scientific knowledge. In accordance with the trends teaching
Mathematics and Natural Sciences is supposed to help students understand and solve
everyday problems.
The aim of this publication is not only to present and depict active methods, but also to
confirm that they encourage contemporary students to work in class, acquire knowledge and
skills that are necessary in life. Moreover, the results of the research are to show how teachers
applying active methods assess the effectiveness of their work and how students respond to
this way of teaching.

I. Teaching Mathematics and Natural Sciences

On account of social changes towards the knowledge society and new educational
needs relating to strategies, methods and techniques for teaching Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, new pedagogical trends appear, promoting “learning by doing, experiencing and
communicating”. The abovementioned relies on four educational and tutorial pillars: to know
what, to know why, to know how and to know who.
Knowledge should fulfil four basic functions:
 activating function – i.e. stimulating previously acquired knowledge in order to
broaden it,

 triggering function – i.e. stimulating the acquisition of new information via coming up
with new ideas,
 practical function – i.e. defining means of performing actions and activities,
 educational function – i.e. enhancing positive emotions, creating attitudes and
increasing motivation.

Knowledge should be perceived as a process not a product. Today, students are

constructing mathematical and scientific knowledge. The educational perspective has been
changed – from focusing on thoroughly prearranged tasks, which must be completed by
students, to concentrating on a learning process and students’ previous educational
Modern teaching requires transition from teacher’s subjectivity to that of a student.
Transmitting subject knowledge, teachers provide students with creative and critical thinking
skills, which consequently let them develop the skill of self-development. Teacher’s role is to
enhance students’ knowledge and skills acquisition in new situations. The process of learning
and self-improvement should rely on students’ understanding the structure, functions and
integration of the brain, sensory preferences, differences in functioning brain hemispheres,
brain dominance profiles, learning styles, copying with stress, and the different types of
As far as new educational solutions are concerned, learning strategies facilitating the
acquisition of students’ knowledge by means of solving theoretical and practical problems are
brought to the fore. They comprise practical and intellectual actions as well as the ones that
facilitate emotional development, i.e. learning by doing (situation-based learning), learning by
communicating (problem-based learning) and experiential learning (simulations, creative
thinking techniques, techniques facilitating critical thinking and asking questions).
They include:
1. Situation-based learning

Situation-based learning relies on context and refers to particular situations that

require acting, decision-making and communicating. Teaching is treated as a social process,
during which knowledge is built collectively by a student and a teacher. Knowledge must be
contextual and refer to particular situations, whereas learning must take place in a particular
social environment.
Frequently, while applying situation-based learning teachers make use of a task-based
Depending on a trained skill, one out of five types of tasks controlling different fields
of knowledge can be chosen:
 theoretical tasks, which aim at monitoring and evaluating integrated tasks,

 control-oriented tasks and tasks evaluating the degree of knowledge and skills acquisition
concerning planning, predicting results, undertaking theoretical and practical tasks,
 corrective tasks, aiming at correcting and controlling task situation,
 decision-making tasks, requiring from students the skill of solving problems in a particular
situation, relying on previously acquired knowledge,
 tasks controlling and evaluating the skill of communicating in different situations.
2. Problem-based Learning

Modern problem-based learning neither rely on arranging problem situations, so called

pseudo problems (after all each difficulty is a problem), nor on tasks which do not require
creative thinking, asking questions, answers to which can be found in a course book as well as
wrongly formulated questions, unclear or including the answer. If this were the case, the
teacher would seem to be the only person in the class who has a problem to solve, while
students would easily get accustomed to apparent participation in a lesson.
Problem-based Learning relies on the following: organizing problem situations,
depicting problems, providing students with indispensable assistance in solving problems and
in this way checking solutions, managing the process of systematizing and reinforcing the
required knowledge.
A problem situation occurs when we know what we want to achieve, but we do not
know how to do it. In turn, a problem task appears if there is no algorithm (an explicit and
reliable instruction composed of the finite sequence of operations, that is necessary to be
performed to achieve a particular goal).

Didactic problem is a theoretical or practical difficulty, the solution to which students

owe to their own research. The following types of problems can be identified:
– indicative problems (cognitive) – decision-making (requiring making a decision) –
executive (requiring taking actions),
– open problems – closed (having the set of possible solutions),
– convergent problems (having one solution) – divergent (having many solutions).

The stages of Problem-based Learning:

 creating a problem situation,
 eliciting and defining a general problem,
 identifying specific problems,
 putting forward and confirming hypotheses,
 establishing the means of solving specific and general problems,

 verifying hypotheses in practice,
 drawing conclusions and solving a problem.
In practical terms the problem-solving method may take the form of:
A discovery method is used by teachers while solving mathematical and scientific subject
problems. It involves actions which aim at revealing and naming relations between
phenomena by means of laws and rules. While solving problems by a discovery method,
students develop learning skills and learn to apply acquired knowledge by analysing real
A discovery method relies on a mental process of innovativeness or inventiveness. Searching
for new solutions, students should follow the path of an innovator. This method is applied
to raise students’ awareness of the shortcomings or flaws of an object, so that they are
forced to look for improvements by eliminating deficiencies and discovering a rule which
allows for finding a new solution.
Action planning method is used for solving technological, production, economic and
structural problems. It follows the subsequent stages:
 becoming aware of necessary actions in a particular situation,
 identifying the main task, needed to carry out to achieve the objective, a detailed
analysis of the present and desired situation, developing a solution and valuing
different projects,
 preparing and implementing a new action plan.
3. Learning by doing, experiencing and communicating

The choice of a teaching strategy depends on whether we want students to come up

with their own new ideas (learning by doing) and confront them with their experience or a
situation (experiential learning) or to accept a controversial idea (learning by communicating).
Learning by doing, experiencing and communicating lays the basis for the research-
oriented attitude of students and conditions the development of skills in terms of: putting
forward and verifying hypotheses concerning natural phenomena and processes, practical
application of knowledge, observations, measurements and experiments, as well as
broadening the knowledge of the methodology of Natural Sciences. The acquisition of the
abovementioned competences is defined by educational objectives and goals.
Learning by doing, experiencing and communicating can be applied in everyday
situations, in which students deal with own tasks and projects. As far as advantages of this
practical method are concerned, the most crucial ones are facing real life challenges that every
person has to cope with, as well as developing social skills and dealing with changes.
In this strategy scientific thinking, scientific reasoning and scientific competences of
learners play a crucial role.

Scientific thinking is an ability of applying scientific knowledge to identify and solve
problems as well as drawing conclusions based on empirical observations of nature and
Scientific reasoning refers to understanding characteristic scientific procedures (a sort
of mental activity), methods and tools thanks to which scientific research is conducted and
conclusions are drawn, e.g. distinguishing between information based on facts or scientific
evidence and information including opinions or assumptions.
Induction (inferring general conclusions on the basis of observations) and deduction
(inferring the specific from the general) constitute the starting point for reasoning.
Scientific competences refer to abilities and willingness to employ knowledge and
methodology for explaining phenomena in order to formulate questions and draw evidence-
based conclusions.

4. Action teaching

The overall aim of this method is to gain operational knowledge by a student

through a well-planned set of actions. Students construct their knowledge integrating it with
materials and various tasks through the prism of their experience.
Action teaching is a strategy of a teaching-learning process rooted in Piaget’s theory of
cognitive development, applied mainly in teaching Mathematics. It aims at gaining
operational knowledge not merely by means of chaotic attempts of solving mathematical
problems, but via pre-planned by a teacher student’s actions. The tasks shall be selected in
such a way that enables students’ transition from concrete operations, through symbolic to
abstract ones. A thorough analysis of operations within concepts, which must be acquired by
students, is the starting point for planning and selecting tasks. Thus, as the designer and
promoter of this strategy in Poland – Zofia Krygowska claims, there are two basic teaching
principles that the teacher is required to implement:
1. By means of a analysis extracting from a subject matter basic operations within each
definition, theorem and proof.
2. Creating problem situations that enhance interiorization and student’s mathematical
thinking as a specific and conscious use of gradually adopted operations. Moreover, the
consistent application of didactic processes aims at ensuring the accuracy and effectiveness
of this process. While developing the understanding of concepts, it is necessary to plan the
didactic process properly, so that enactive representations will result from specific actions,
iconic representations will stem from symbolic operations and symbolic representations
will derive from abstract operations.

The trial and error method, a spontaneous, intuition-based means of dealing with tasks
and solving problems, can be an element of action teaching. This involves performing

seemingly chaotic actions (for these who are used to applying schemes and analogies),
until a desired result is achieved.
The trial and error method constitutes the basis for many other methods which lead to
discoveries and solving problems.
In Mathematics it is called a method of successive approximations, i.e. rethinking and
searching for something new and good. That is why it develops critical thinking, creativity,
originality and resourcefulness of students.
5. Anticipating education

Anticipating education relies on the assumptions of constructivist learning theory:

from references to students’ prior knowledge (most often common-sense knowledge, but also
semantic one) or external sources, through processing to systematization so as to finally with
the assistance of the teacher build learner’s system of categories.
The essence of anticipating education involves learners’ active organizing and
acquiring knowledge before the lesson during individual collecting information as well as
searching for references in own prior knowledge concerning the subject matter, which is
finally discussed during the lesson. In order to gain preliminary, general or psychological
understanding of new material, students use existing knowledge, experience, assumptions,
emotional-cognitive relations, common-sense knowledge or even semantic knowledge. They
search memory for information and experience which will allow them to understand and
personalize new material. Only after developing an overall picture of the planned topic, a
directed action takes place in accordance with the tasks that are precisely defined by the
teacher. A prepared in such a way learner, comes to the class to present his/her knowledge to
the teacher, whose role is to inspire the learner to systemize acquired information. It is
learner’s self-assessment that primarily finalizes the whole process. Students are familiarized
with tasks before a lesson, which directs learners’ thinking not towards the material presented
by a sender-teacher, but towards self-gathering and organizing information, in other words
mental processing of acquired information. In this way new information is/can be actively
associated with the one stored in memory. According to Jean Piaget two processes occur here
– accommodation and assimilation. The existing schema is/ can be accommodated, and the
new one assimilated. In this way the essential lesson is the response to anticipatory
operations. In this type of learning students are first of all inspired to build a bridge between
the existing schema, common-sense knowledge as well as experience and information that
they are supposed to acquire. (Kruszewski, 2004) Anticipating education, as suggested by the
authors, may seem to be useful for building such a bridge. It assumes that school education
falls into three stages:
 looking for references in existing schemata and external sources,
 information processing,
 systematization and categorization.
Actually, students gather information, organize it and then build their personal subject
knowledge via constructing contents, performing tasks, so as to finally with the help of the

teacher systemize the acquired knowledge. While performing tasks connected with the
upcoming lesson, learners first of all make use of the abovementioned tools. They also use
them while communicating with a teacher.
Anticipating education takes place in stages. Each stage is connected with particular
actions aiming at attaining desired goals.

Activating students, their common-sense knowledge about objects, phenomena and

problems takes place at this stage. Learners reflect themselves as well as with the aid of a
teacher (teacher-directed reflection) on the subject matter of the lesson. Activating prior
knowledge of the subject matter is the core of students’ actions at this stage. Teacher’s role is
to support and encourage learners’ creative thinking, to inspire the creation of personal
information concerning the subject matter, based on various sources, own thoughts and

This is the stage at which learners perform particular tasks connected with the subject
matter, using various educational materials. Students work individually and in groups,
communicating with one another and with a teacher, and tend to collate and sort out collected
material. At this stage it is crucial to use such mental processes as: analysis, synthesis,
generalization, making comparisons, defining and reasoning (proving, explaining,

This stage takes place during the lesson at the presence of the teacher. At this stage
students systematize information acquired while answering questions and solving problems.
They develop the awareness of personal cognitive constructs and incorporate them into a
scientific categories system, in accordance with a defined and selected by a teacher category
of educational goals. Categories are also specified in terms of pragmatic thinking. What? In
which context...? Why and how? With what results...?

Students deal with acquired knowledge at this stage. They act as critics, reviewers,
making statements concerning their work and achievements, what has changed in their
knowledge since they started dealing with the subject matter, what can be added, how it can
be organized better.
Teacher’s task is to evaluate students’ work on the basis of collaboratively elaborated
with them criteria.
This stage is to shape students’ belief that answers to questions always arise new
questions, that knowledge is never final, that it has a temporary and existential dimension.
The elements of verification and evaluation appear at each stage of the anticipating

Depending on the evaluator, there can be distinguished:
 Self-assessment – the act of evaluation which shifts the focus from external
control to self-control.
 Peer-assessment – the act of evaluation during which a learner collaborating with
the group or presenting the output of his work in front of peers receives feedback
from them, which has a formative character.
With regard to the subject of correction and evaluation there can be distinguished:
 Student’s source-based work assessment – the anticipating education strategy is
largely based on students’ personal engagement in diverse information source-
based work. Learner’s work results are placed in an electronic portfolio and are
presented in the class to all participants of the lesson. In this case the subject of
evaluation can be the analysis of source texts, distinguishing the relevant
information from the less important one, or verification of the reliability of
sources. Consideration may also be given to self-reliance in dealing with issues.
After all, interpreting information is different from copying it.
 Student’s work assessment – frequently material works, such as posters, projects,
e.g. connected with survey research and its analysis or a social campaign are the
results of tasks performed within the anticipating strategy. The originality of
students’ works, reliability, honesty in research, etc. can be the subject of
 Student’s involvement evaluation – e-learning requires considerable
commitment from students, manifested by activity in chat rooms and internet
forums likewise during lessons, when numerous discussions take place. In this
case, learner’s activity, the content of statements, the ability of providing
arguments based on facts and distinguishing them from judgements will be the
subject of assessment.
 Student’s knowledge assessment – tests measuring students’ knowledge
connected with the current subject matter.

II. Teaching methods and learning strategies based on experience –

Kolb’s cycle

What I hear, I forget.

What I hear and see, I remember a little.

What I hear, see, and ask questions about or discuss with someone else, I begin to
What I hear, see, discuss and do, I acquire knowledge and skill.
What I teach to another, I master.
Mel Silberman

The role of the teacher is to create educational situations enhancing the process of
learning and to monitor this process.
Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle is a universal method of designing an
effective didactic process.
Kolb’s model, among others, is based on experience and practical application of
knowledge and skills. Learning by experience does not begin by getting familiarized with the
sequenced set of principles, concepts and rules, as in the traditional way of learning, but it
starts with specific experiences or activities that are observed; and on their basis reflections
are provided, and additionally, concepts and principles suitable for use in different situations
are formed.

Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle is a four-stage process and falls into:

1. Gaining concrete experience through activities, by performing individually and in

small groups different real tasks.

2. Reflective observation, i.e. self-reflection and a group discussion about a performer, a

task or an activity as well as expressing opinions and feelings.

3. Abstract conceptualization: gaining theoretical knowledge, formulating ideas and

rules, familiarizing with background information connected with a task or an activity.

4. Active experimentation, i.e. testing personal theories and concepts in various

conditions, applying acquired skills at work and in everyday life, as well as defining
own needs in terms of anticipated experience.

simulations, games

Application Reflection
reference to work conclusions drawn
realities from experience

lecture, theories,
laws and rules

Experiential Learning Model

Experiential Learning is based on three assumptions:

1. We learn best if we are personally involved through our actions and emotions in an
educational situation.

2. We learn best if we are allowed to set ourselves educational goals and preserve the
freedom of achieving them within established limits.

3. Experiential learning is a process of generalizing own experiences and drawing

conclusions from them. It engages an individual in learning and requires taking partial
responsibility for systematizing conclusions drawn from experience.

The effectiveness of learning through experience is conditioned by:

1. following the whole learning cycle,
2. taking into account various individual learning styles and pace,
3. different approaches to the role of a teacher and a student:
 teacher’s deeper understanding of students and establishing emotional contact with
them, holistic approach to students, developing closer relations and emotional
bonds with students,
 creating the atmosphere of collaboration, acceptance, trust and mutual support,
 establishing rules with students to make group work efficient, and to allow
students to take responsibility for their own choices and effective communication
with others,

 while assessing, paying attention to the positive reinforcement as a significant
element of developing proper self-esteem,
 introducing the elements of fun and humour which activate and improve
concentration and group integration.
Application of active methods is supposed to foster student’s independence and master
learning skills.
Students should take on some responsibility for their own learning, understand their
own needs in terms of learning, know own learning styles and their advantages and
disadvantages as well as refer acquired knowledge to themselves and their situation.
The teacher should be a guide, a leader, an animator of learners. He should watch the
dynamics of group work – organize group work, assign tasks for groups and be able to use all
the resources and skills. He shouldn’t assume the role of „an expert”, but should possess
communication skills, create the atmosphere of safety, be able to maintain a balance between
the established program and participants’ needs as well as between the needs of the group and
its individual members.
As far as the experience-based model of teaching and learning is concerned, teachers
often use a variety of active methods, allowing for the effective implementation of
mathematical and natural sciences contents in junior school.
The following methods are applied in experiential learning:
 Problem-solving methods, which enhance developing critical thinking, rely on
presenting to students problem situations and organizing a cognitive process. For
that purpose various sources of information are used, e.g. educational films,
photos, drawings, the Internet or figures. Cognitive and educational processes,
occurring then, comprise analysis, explanation, evaluation, making comparisons
and concluding. Some exemplary methods are: brainstorming, an observation, a
panel discussion, a problem-solving method and a case study.
 Methods of impression and expression focus on emotions and experience. They
facilitate students’ emotional engagement. This is the result of sensations and
experiences related to the performance of particular tasks (e.g. educational games).
Some exemplary methods are: drama technique, simulation, mind mapping,
laboratory work or project.
 Visualization methods, by means of which a decision making process is
presented by a diagram or a drawing. They encourage independent decision-
making. Some exemplary methods are: a decision tree, fishbone, a poster, mind
mapping, snowballing, and an association map.
 Operative teaching techniques, such as map reading, the analysis of statistics,
graphs, charts and diagrams are widely used by teachers.
 Exposing methods are the ones which rely on exhibiting natural specimens and
are essential for teaching complicated natural sciences issues.

III. Characteristics of the selected teaching methods in Mathematics and
Natural Sciences

III.1 Strategies for managing students’ independent work

 Educational games
 Panel discussion
 Delphi method
 Morphological analysis

EDUCATIONAL GAMES include the elements of situation-based teaching, panel

discussion, simulation, drama, etc. Using games prepares students for performing different
social roles, leads to a better understanding of environmental phenomena and facilitates the
analysis of various situations.

PANEL DISCUSSION requires roles allocation. Individual students take on assigned roles
and act as experts, scientists or the representatives of various professions. Lesson’s topic is set
beforehand and students prepare their presentations, collect necessary materials and
arguments before the discussion starts. The teacher reminds the motion of the discussion and
theses, sets time limits and gives debaters the floor. Discussion participants express their
views, polemize with experts’ statements presenting their arguments and counterarguments.
The appointed earlier team of independent judges analyses facts and opinions cited by the
panellists and demands additional expert reports and clarifications in order to finally
formulate a statement. Information and knowledge integration takes place and new problems
emerge which requires further analysis and solutions, either as part of homework or during the
next lesson.

DELPHI METHOD uses an indirect form of expressing opinions by experts, whose task is
to respond to special questionnaires including subject matter questions. The Delphi method
deals with a hypothetical course of future events.
MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS is understood as any attempt to arrange a system with
regard to its components or a form. At the beginning it is necessary to make a list of possible
aspects, which may determine the problem. Preferably there should be applied a two or three-
aspect morphological analysis of the problem. In turn, the list of attributes determining
particular aspects is created. Next diverse connections between attributes are analysed and the
most interesting ideas, e.g. a wood-colour round watch, are explored. Then the ideas are
evaluated in terms of their suitability.

JIGSAW is a cooperative learning technique. This method has a universal character and can
be successfully used for teaching different subjects. It aims at involving students in the

learning process. It promotes in-depth learning by making students responsible for teaching
some part of material to their classmates. JIGSAW technique is used when students have to
acquire some contents, which can be divided into coherent pieces that compose a jigsaw-like
structure. All the students are to achieve progress in accordance with the principle that the
best way of learning is teaching. Just as in a jigsaw puzzle, each element – each learner’s part
is crucial for the completion of the final product, i.e. the final results of all the students.
JIGSAW falls into the following stages:
 I stage – personal learning – each participant in the group receives a different text
to read and analyse

 II stage – consolidation, explanation; experts

 III stage – learning ( groups as in the first stage)

 IV stage – subject knowledge testing

III.2 Methods for creating and defining ideas
 Timelines
 Chain association
 Mental mapping
 Information window

TIMELINES is a method of a visual representation of the problem in a chronological order.

It shows a linear course of events and the sequence of time. Time spans, facts and the subject
matter of the lesson are marked on long strips of paper.
CHAIN ASSOCIATION has a form of a note written on an A2 or A4 sheet. Learners receive
a chain made up of empty links, which they fill in with terms, they have learnt during the
lesson, as well as with associations fitted to the subject matter context.
MIND MAPPING – is used for visualising an idea, a term, a problem or a phenomenon, etc.
Divided into groups, learners receive large sheets of paper. In the middle of the poster they
write down a term, which is a subject of associations. They can illustrate it. The teacher
explains the idea of mind mapping and presents a diagram. Students’ task is to draw a similar
map for a given word. Having finished the task, students present their maps, and on their basis
they jointly formulate a definition.

INFORMATION WINDOW is a form of creative note. A sheet of paper is divided into four
parts (horizontally, vertically or diagonally). In the first window the term of concern is written
down. In the second window the definition of the term is placed (from a lexicon or provided
by students, etc.). Metaphorical meaning of the word is written in the third window (a joke, a
rebus, etc.). The fourth window can have a form of a comic, a dialogue or a caricature
referring to a given word.

III.3 Hierarchical methods
 Diamond ranking
 Priority pyramid
 Criteria poker
 Learning priorities

DIAMOND RANKING – this technique is also known as „diamonds”. The

arrangement of principles resembles the shape of a diamond or „diamonds”.

PRIORITY PYRAMID – this technique aims at making a list of principles in

accordance with pre-set criteria, e.g. the criterion of importance or order criterion.
During a brainstorming session students put forward subject matter ideas. They
work in groups. Each group is given sticky notes and a poster with a pyramid.
Students choose ten most important phrases and write them down on sticky notes.
Then they stick them on the priority pyramid, matching a given criteria. Having
completed the task, they make a collective class pyramid.

CRITERIA POKER is a board game. The teacher prepares a poker board with an inscribed
standard and spaces for the primary, secondary and tertiary criteria, and then distributes cards
with criteria. Students compete with each in accordance with the established in advance rules,
which should be written on a poster and hung in the classroom.

LEARNING PRIORITIES – The teacher familiarize learners with a topic – the subject of
evaluation. Working in groups, students define the lists of specific subjects, which according
to them are related to the main issue. They write them down on the poster. Then the groups
present their posters, and individual students by means of self-adhesive price labels (e.g. 3 per
student) mark their priority issues or the ones they would like to deal with. The procedure of
counting points up is followed by the obligatory ranking of issues. This method can be used at
the beginning of the school year for planning the course and the content of lessons.

III.4 Creative problem solving techniques

 Laboratory work
 Triangle method
 Six thinking hats
 6-3-5 Brainwriting

LABORATORY WORK falls into three phases: preparatory, implementation and control.
During the first phase it is necessary to prepare adequate materials and teaching aids,
indispensable for proposed activities. It is essential to carry out preliminary observations and
experiments, as well as prepare the instructions to follow. Conducting observations and
experiments should result from emerged problems and formulated hypotheses that occurred
on the previous or present lesson. The instruction should have a form of a reasonably set
sequence of activities to be performed. Laboratory method requires formulating experiment
objectives and a research problem, putting forward a hypothesis, conducting the experiment,
presenting results, drawing conclusions and confirming or rejecting a hypothesis.

Research procedure:

TRIANGLE METHOD is used for the purpose of a creative problem solving. An

inverted triangle symbolizes a problem. On one side it has the causes – supporting
force, and on the opposite side it has the means of eliminating the causes –
inhibiting force. The method involves defining the causes and looking for
solutions to the problem.
The teacher distributes the sheets of paper, on which students write down what helps
or disturbs them during the lesson. Students read out their points and the teacher writes them
down on the board, ticking out the ones which are repeated. By means of “price labels”
students mark the prevalent causes, the ones that disturb them to learn. The teacher divides the
class into groups. Each group is given a poster with an inverted triangle into which one of the
problems is written down. Then the students analyse the factors which pose the problem and
write them on the left side of the triangle. Next the students consider the ways of eliminating
destructive factors and write them on the right side of the triangle. The groups choose their
representatives who present problems and discuss solutions to them.

SIX THINKING HATS – this method is particularly useful when students are
expected to cooperate with each other and in accordance with their predispositions

participate in solving problems. The teacher prepares six different coloured hats
and informs students that each hat identifies one of six modes of thinking.

White hat – facts, figures, the measured and the proved, source-based information,
analyses outputs and statistic data.
Black hat – a pessimist who can see threats, shortages and dangers of a suggested solution;
criticism, precaution, taking a black view of things.
Red hat – emotions, gut reactions.
Blue hat – analysing processes; a conductor, a chairman who presides a meeting, gives a
voice to discussion participants, sums up a debate.
Green hat – opportunities; an innovator, a creative person.
Yellow hat – optimism; seeing the word through rose-coloured glasses, noticing
advantages and benefits of a solution, positive thinking.

6-3-5 BRAINWRITING is a technique that involves groups of 6 persons who are required to
write down 3 solutions to a problem on special worksheets which are passed to a person on
the left. The procedure is repeated 5 times.
The teacher divides the class into 6 groups. Each of them receives worksheets. The
teacher presents the problem. The task of the groups is to find three solutions to the problem
and write them down into the numbered blanks.
When the teacher says „start”, students pass worksheets clockwise. Groups read the
ideas written down by the previous groups. They fill in the blanks with three own ideas, trying
not to repeat formerly written ones. The swap of worksheets occurs 5 times. Having
accomplished the task, students present completed worksheets. They evaluate ideas and select
the achievable ones.

1 1 2 3
2 1 2 3
3 1 2 3
4 1 2 3
5 1 2 3
6 1 2 3

III.5 Effective argumentation and stating opinions techniques

 Brainstorming
 Decision tree
 Fishbone diagram
 Discussion
 Talking-point discussion
 Snowballing
 Debate
 For and against debate
 Fishbowl
 Carpet of ideas
 Metaplan technique
 SWOT analysis
 Sustainability compass
 Modelling-based learning
 Case-based learning
 Situation-based method

BRAINSTORMING, also called IDEAS EXCHANGE, requires group work and relies on
generating as many new and sometimes astonishing ideas as possible as well as on providing
solutions to problems. It creates the sense of freedom and competition. When all possible
ideas are collected, evaluation takes place.

DECISION TREE is a technique which makes use of a tree-like graph with a decision
analysis displayed. The problem and possible solutions to it have to be written down
respectively in the “trunk” of the tree and on the level of its branches. The positive and
negative consequences of particular solutions are gathered on the third level. The aims and
values taken into account by decision-makers should be defined in the „crown” of the tree.

A simplified decision tree:

Question or problem:

Benefits Dangers Benefits Dangers

Your decision:

FISHBONE DIAGRAM– this method is used for identifying problem generating factors.
The poster of the fishbone model should be prepared. The problem is written down in the
„head” of a skeleton. Brainstorming, students identify main causes and write them down into
relevant boxes at the top of “the big fishbone”. The number of groups equals the number of
„big fish bones”. Each group has one “fish bone” and is responsible for identifying the origins
of a main cause, i.e. sub-causes. Next the representatives of each group write them down into
sub-causes gaps and out of the gathered data indicate the most significant ones. They draw
conclusions and the problem is solved. It is required to set time limits for performing the task.

A DISCUSSION is simply an exchange of views, arguments, opinions and assessments
concerning a particular subject matter. It is carried out in several stages:
1. Initial stage – clarifying the theme and purpose, setting time limits and rules.
2. Development stage – admitting free discussion.
3. Arrangement stage – proposing partial themes and steps, „throwing a ball” and passing it,
ensuring the principal theme and summing up subsequent stages of the discussion.
4. Final stage – enumerating and connecting discussed items as well as summarizing the

A discussion will allow for learning about students’ attitudes to a problem and
different points of view, but it does not have to lead to one solution. While organizing a
discussion, it is worthy to exploit the following techniques: challenging the facts technique,
giving examples, making comparisons, boomerang strategy, joke strategy, scoffers’ loge and
sycophant’s’ loge.
TALKING POINT DISCUSSION – Students have a discussion in groups of 6-8 people,
while the other students and the teacher listen to them. The discussion lasts from 8 to 20
minutes, depending on the subject and the age of students. Participants use a discussion plan
so as not to stray from the subject matter. Each time students take the floor they can score or
lose points, which is recorded on a previously prepared score sheet.
Students score points for:
 taking a stand on the issue,
 presenting factual information or information obtained by means of a research,
 making relevant comments,
 encouraging other students to join the discussion.
Students may lose points for:
 interrupting, disturbing,
 monopolizing the discussion,
 personal attacks,
 making irrelevant comments.
Monopolizing the discussion by one student is the most serious offense, as the others
cannot join the discussion and lose the opportunity to gain points. The perspective of losing a
point makes a student more attentive and helps the teacher maintain discipline and capture the
attention of other debaters. This method can be an alternative to a traditional revision. Its
additional advantage is making students discuss in a polite manner, so as not to offend anyone
as well as neither monopolize nor control the discussion.

SNOWBALLING is an organized whole-class discussion.

Working individually, each student prepares, usually in a written form, suggestions for
solving a problem. In pairs students discuss their proposals and provide a single one. Then the

proposals are talked over in groups of four and a collaborative proposal is formulated.
Similarly, students work in groups of eight and sixteen (half of the class). Finally, a common
solution to the problem is agreed by the entire class. With regard to the nature of the described
strategy, snowball is sometimes called a discussion.
DEBATE – Working in two opposing groups, students respectively gather and discuss for
and against arguments and write them down in a column.
FOR AND AGAINST DEBATE– this type of debate is applied if students are supposed to
approach the problem from two different points of view, to analyse it and make a decision.
This form of discussion develops the skills of logical thinking, argumentation and problem
solving. It fosters searching for and organizing information, verifying own, often superficial,
views, etc. The teacher chooses the topic, defines the rules of the debate, helps students to
prepare for it and divides them into the supporters and opponents of the motion. The teacher
listens carefully to students, but does not comment on their discussion. Debating parties
present their arguments. Observers (on the basis of observation cards) or listeners (by means
of voting) decide whose arguments were more convincing. For and against debate should be
led by a chairperson, who is in charge of opening the debate, giving the floor or removing
from the floor in case of accessing a time limit or violating the culture of a debate.
FISHBOWL – Characteristically for this type of a discussion, several participants sit in a
circle, leading a conversation on a certain topic. The others, sitting around them, are observers
and analyse the course of discussion in terms of arguments selection, efficiency of
argumentation, respecting discussion principles and the overall course of the conversation.
The objective of this discussion technique is primarily peer teaching and developing the skill
of argumentation.
CARPET OF IDEAS is used for holding group discussions on a posed problem. Students
write on cards possible solutions to a problem (one per card). Then they read them aloud and
pin to the board, grouping the same or similar ones. When all the cards are pinned, a
collaborative evaluation is made. Each student may give 1 point to the solution that is in
his/her opinion the best one. The winning solution is the one that scores the greatest number
of points. The final result can be discussed once again at the end of the activity.
METAPLAN TECHNIQUE is a graphic, poster-like way of holding discussion, either in
small groups or larger ones. The discussion revolves around a specific topic, written on a
coloured piece of paper in a "cloud" at the top of the poster. The participants write down their
ideas in a short clear form, on a multi-coloured small pieces of paper of different shapes (oval,
circle, rectangle), focusing on the analysis of the current state of knowledge on the subject
matter (What is it like?), imagining an ideal state (What should it be like?) and wondering
why it is not as it should be. Developing proposals for further improvement constitutes the
summary of the discussion.

SWOT ANALYSIS aims at the analysis of the problem situation and developing possible
solutions to it. At the initial stage of SWOT analysis it is required to provide the description
of a current state of affairs, i.e. to establish what is satisfactory, what mistakes have been
made or find out where shortcomings are. Consequently, it is necessary to look into the future
and consider what should be changed and to what extent, and what threats may be posed
concerning the proposed alterations.
As far as Natural Sciences are concerned, it can be used e.g. for extracurricular
activities in chemistry, biology, physics, for instance with reference to the condition of natural
environment in my city/town/village (or a selected component, such as the cleanliness of
water, the air, a noise level). The application of SWOT analysis in the above-mentioned
situation can be an interesting experience, as it is mainly used for resolving conflicts and
social problems.

SUSTAINABILITY COMPASS is a technique which allows for developing the skills of

diagnosing and thinking in terms of sustainable development.
The teacher draws a sustainability compass/ a compass rose and marks the directions: N is for
NATURE, S is for SOCIETY, W is for WELL-BEING and E is for ECONOMY. Each vector
is divided into 10 parts, which correspond to the maximum number of points for each field
(assuming that there are 5 questions and 0-2 points can be scored for each).

Having prepared questions relating to each field, a diagnosis and an evaluation are made.
Finally, the points are scored and scores are marked on each vector; then the marked points
are joined. A model of a certain shape appears. The teacher and the group focus on the
shortest vectors and try to find out the causes of such an undesirable situation. Then a
recovery program is suggested.

MODELLING-BASED LEARNING exploits making, using and applying the

models of organisms and their functions as well as the models of the interdependence of
processes and phenomena during Natural Sciences lessons. Theoretical and experimental
models are used in order to carry out experiments on them, to illustrate natural phenomena.
The use of this method fosters developing the following skills: recognizing the need of
modelling (structures, phenomena or interdependencies), constructing theoretical and physical
models, presenting relations illustrated by means of models, perceiving analogies between
models and structures, processes and phenomena, using the results of model analysis as a
basis for formulating new hypotheses.
Making use of computer programs expands the possibilities of constructing models of
different processes and simulating their course.
THE CASE-BASED METHOD is relatively simple. It involves a particular case analysis
and problem solving in a small group of students. Having received a case description and a set
of several questions to answer, the participants are given a few minutes to frame questions
concerning the case, and the teacher is supposed to answer them. The solution does not have
to be obvious. Quite often a number of possible solutions is accepted, but then students may
demand explanations.
THE SITUATION-BASED METHOD is similar to the case-based method. Students are
involved in a complex set of circumstances, which combines problem solving by means of
discussing for and against arguments. Students have to understand the situation and make a
decision in order to find a solution to the problem, and then predict the consequences of this
decision and any other decisions. The implementation of this method is difficult, as it requires
the preparation of descriptions, tables, diagrams, etc.

III.6 Visualisation techniques
 Memory hooks

MEMORY HOOKS is a technique which involves stimulating imagination and enhances

better memorization of numbers, size, relations and constructing association systems. It uses a
natural ability to create in the mind images of different states of affairs. The teacher
introduces students into the situation, asks them to imagine certain things and stimulates their
imagination by means of asking questions. (Imagine the journey to the Land of Inventors.
What can you see? Describe your experience). Students can also work with work cards,
prepared by the teacher.
III.6.1 Practical methods
 Film-based activities
 Project work
 Guided instruction method

FILM-BASED ACTIVITIES – Students watch a film. Either they are given tasks to perform
during the presentation or they are asked to focus only on watching a film.
Having watched the film, they receive worksheets to work individually or in groups.

 Creating the end of a film
Students are shown the film, when it reaches the climax, the teacher stops it and the
students speculate about the end of the film. They present their ideas in groups, choose the
best ending and work on it. Then they compare a fictional film ending with the real one.
PROJECT WORK is a strategy which lets students learn, observe, measure and predict
changes in a natural world and human activity. It allows for gathering information and
drawing conclusions, as well as puts into practice mathematical and natural sciences
knowledge. Students work more intensively and independently, which fosters a long-term
retention of knowledge and skills. The project is an active method; it is a cognitive and
practical activity at the same time. Thanks to pre-planned activities, the full mobilization of
students takes place. They solve real problems, existing in the surrounding environment.
Project work has the following stages:
1. Choosing the topic.
2. Preliminary preparation i.e. formulating instructions, distributing tasks, setting up a
project contract with students and establishing deadlines for consultations.
3. Implementation, which involves collecting and organizing information, tasks
implementation and writing a report.

4. Presentation, which requires following instructions and all the members of the group
participate in it.
5. Evaluation, which combines group work assessment, personal evaluation as well as the
evaluation of the implementation of project stages and the end-products in accordance
with the instruction criteria. Students’ self-assessment should be part of evaluation.

GUIDED INSTRUCTION METHOD is a variation of a project work. Students perform

tasks that are premeditated and prearranged by an educator. It is a form of problem-solving
teaching. Learners receive a practical task. They have access to all the data. They are also
provided with information concerning the solution of analogous problems. Students work
independently referring to so called „guiding texts” i.e. “guiding questions”. Instead of using
instructions, including all the information necessary for fulfilling a task, learners plan their
work independently using source materials. Questions prepared by the teacher beforehand
help students find solutions.

III.7 Strategies for developing mental skills and planning own work
 What are my learning modalities
 Semantic differential scale profile
WHAT ARE MY LEARNING MODALITIES? This strategy allows for identifying class
prevalent learning styles. Students are given questionnaires and are asked to fill in the gaps, in
accordance with their first impressions, with the phrases provided by the teacher: “I can see”,
“I can hear” or “I can feel”. Having summed individual students’ scores, it is required to
prepare a class summary and let students draw conclusions. It is advisable to raise students’
awareness of their learning styles, give them some prompts and suggest writing them down in
their notebooks.
SEMANTIC DIFFERENTIAL SCALE PROFILE – the teacher prepares a scale profile
with antonymous phrases depicting learning process, placed on the opposite ends of the scale.
Each learner determines the value which in their opinion reflects their assessment of learning.
Having the points connected, each learner can see their individual learning styles. Then the
results are transferred into a collective poster. The comparison of profiles should lead to
making a decision concerning the improvement of the class learning profile.

III.8 Evaluation methods

 Questionnaire
 Mood Barometer

 Graffiti Board
 Feedback
 Class atmosphere
 Basket and briefcase
 Sky map
 Cooperation assessment
 Dartboard evaluation

QUESTIONNAIRE is a research instrument, adapted for the purpose of gathering opinions,

which guarantees students’ anonymity.
MOOD BAROMETER is one of evaluation techniques used for assessing the mood of the
group, and can be applied at the end of the lesson or at any stage of the lesson. On the poster
with pictograms individual students dot their mood and at the end of this activity a final
discussion takes place.
 Smiley Chart
A poster with a lesson assessment diagram is prepared (specific criteria are provided).
Students choose and dot with a felt-tip pen a place (one for each criterion), which is a
response to a question asked by the teacher, e.g. “Was the subject of today's lesson attractive?
Was the new content presented in an understandable way? Was the atmosphere in class
good?” At the end of the lesson the results are discussed. In this way you can evaluate the last
three lessons by asking the question: “Which of the last three lessons was in your opinion the
most interesting one?”
GRAFFITI BOARD –students (individually or in groups) complete written by the teacher
sentences and displayed on the classroom posters, e.g. “I have liked…/I haven’t liked…”/ “I
hope that by the end of the lesson ...” / “Personally, I can contribute to lessons in such a way
that ...” or “…is what I like about this hero.”/ “…is what I don’t like about this hero.”/ If I
were him, I would…”.Posters should be used for discussion or conversation.
FEEDBACK – it is an attitude or a matter of culture rather than a strategy; each person’s
statement evokes the reaction of the person – a message recipient. In turn these reactions
affect the behaviour of the first speaker and other members of the group. Feedback may be
positive or negative. It is also a form of communication, not always a verbal one. Gestures,
body language, voice or even silence can be a form of expression.
 Information backpack
Some students have a document sleeve attached to their backs. The other students
write down on the slips of paper answers to questions (e.g. “Have you enjoyed working
with me? Why?”, “What did you like about me most?”, “What didn’t you like about me?”,
“How would you like to work with me?”) and put them into “the backpacks” of the people,

who are expected to answer their questions. Each person goes through the answers and
provides a brief feedback on them.

 Packing suitcases
Students receive cards, which symbolize a suitcase, and write down their names on
them. One by one the students come out of the room. In the meantime, other students prepare
feedback and write it on suitcases. Having returned, the “owners” of the suitcases read silently
the feedback given by the class and may respond briefly to that information.
CLASS ATMOSPHERE – this method is used for providing feedback on the atmosphere in
the classroom and fosters introducing changes. Students fill in a questionnaire prepared by the
teacher and prepare a summary report in groups. Then they form a group of experts to prepare
a collaborative summary concerning a particular issue. The results of the work are recorded
on the poster. Each group presents its poster by formulating a proposal, which results from the
previous analysis. Conclusions are written on the board. Everyone looks for solutions that will
improve learning atmosphere.
BASKET AND BRIEFCASE – this method is part of a SWOT analysis (S - strengths W -
weaknesses O – opportunities/ chances T - threats). The teacher prepares two posters, one
with a basket and one with a suitcase. Students receive cards in two colours. On one of them
they write e.g. positive character traits of a literary hero and on the other the negative ones.
They stick the cards onto the posters: the ones with positive characteristics are placed on the
poster with a suitcase and the ones with negative characteristics on the poster with a basket.
One of the students reads out information from notes, and then all the students express their
opinions and discuss the results of the work.

SKY MAP – the teacher prepares the picture of a sky map and informs students that the map
symbolizes their class or group. Students’ task is to mark on the scheme their place in the
classroom or in a group, and possibly also the place of other group members or a particular
classmate. Students can also highlight places where they would feel best. The results should
be discussed. All the students should explain why they have chosen a given position and who
is the nearest to them, who is the farthest and for what reasons.
COOPERATION ASSESSMENT – students fill in a questionnaire, which can be used to
assess class work. The appointed group prepares a questionnaire at home and presents the
results at the beginning of the next lesson.

DARTBOARD EVALUATION – the teacher draws a dartboard on the board or a poster,
taking into account some aspects of the lesson that are to be assessed by students, e.g. class
atmosphere, teachers, classmates or teaching aids. Each student is given four darts (small self-
adhesive notes, so-called price labels) and is asked to stick them on the dartboard. The teacher
may leave a classroom for a while. Results can be discussed with the class, but it is not
necessary, unless students want to comment on them.

III.9 Group work

If for the purpose of the lesson it is necessary to analyse or solve specific problems,
the best results are achieved by working in small groups. Working in small groups involves
collective, set by the teacher, task or exercise performance. It activates all students, because
they have to cooperate while analysing a task, discussing, determining the methods of solving
a problem, organizing knowledge in a creative way, before the final results are presented.
Working in small teams has many advantages, but in order to be effective, it must be well
planned and organized.


A paradigm shift in mathematical and nature sciences education, student-centre

teaching and the growing popularity of constructivism as a starting point of planning a
teaching process has aroused an interest in modern methods of teaching and experience-based
A modern approach to teaching methods, from the perspective of both a teacher
and a student, relies on the following assumptions:
 The teacher and the student are partners – both sides are equally responsible for the
results of joint work. They decide together on the ways of obtaining results.
 The teacher and the student take on new roles. No longer is the teacher an
omniscient authority, but he becomes an advisor and an organizer. Students from a
passive recipients turn into active participants, responsible for planning, organizing
and evaluating their own work. The reversal of roles is possible provided both
sides are required to articulate their needs including methodological support.
 The aim of school is to prepare the student for independent work; students need to
be told how to organize their own workshop, how to rationally plan the time of
learning, and in general how to learn (at home, while doing projects, during
individual work in the classroom).
 Mobilising the internal potential of the teacher and the student does not need
ready-made solutions, but examples and impulses as well as incentives to
experiment and to gain knowledge in different ways.
Searching for ideal solutions fosters the effectiveness of teaching and learning
Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Subject literature:

1. Arends R. J., Uczymy się nauczać, Warszawa 1994.

2. Brudnik E., Moszyńska A., Owczarska B., Ja i mój uczeń pracujemy aktywnie. Poradnik
po metodach aktywizujących, Kielce 2000.
3. Dylak S., Architektura wiedzy w szkole, Warszawa 2013.
4. Dryden G., Vos J., Rewolucja w uczeniu, Poznań 2000.
5. Hamer H., Klucz do efektywności nauczania, Warszawa 1994.
6. Krzyżewska J., Aktywizujące metody i techniki w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej.
Część I, Suwałki 1998.
7. Krzyżewska J., Aktywizujące metody i techniki w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej.
Część II, Suwałki 2000.
8. Petty G., Nowoczesne nauczanie, Warszawa 2005.
9. Potyrała K., Walosik A., Edukacja przyrodnicza wobec wyzwań współczesności.
10. Okoń W., Wprowadzenie do dydaktyki ogólnej, Warszawa 1998.
11. Stawiński W., Dydaktyka biologii i ochrony środowiska, Warszawa 2006.
12. Woynarowska B., Podstawy teoretyczne i strategia edukacji zdrowotnej w szkole,
w: Lider nr 1”99.
13. Żylińska M., Neurodydaktyka. Nauczanie i uczenie się przyjazne mózgowi, Toruń 2013.

Through the Word with Mathematics
In search of new methods of teaching Mathematics and related subjects

The publication was financed from the European Commission funds under Erasmus+

The publication was financed from the European Commission funds. The publication reflects
only the views set out by its authors and neither the European Commission nor the Polish
National Agency for Erasmus+ may be held responsible for the information contained therein.


Funded by European Union under Erasmus+

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