Barriers and Facilitators To Overcoming Mental Block in Springboard and Highboard Diving
Barriers and Facilitators To Overcoming Mental Block in Springboard and Highboard Diving
Barriers and Facilitators To Overcoming Mental Block in Springboard and Highboard Diving
2 authors:
Emily Pattinson
Stewart Cotterill
University of Leeds
AECC University College
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Emily Pattinson on 25 January 2018.
ISSN: 1754-2375
ISBN: 978-0-9955744-2-7 (168 pages)
JQRSS Article No: 1/7-11-1-2017-PG[60]-104
Mental block can be a significant psychological challenge for many
springboard and highboard divers. Consequently, this study investigated the
barriers and facilitators to overcoming mental block in these performers. Three
former elite divers engaged in reflective interviews to discuss their experiences
of mental block. Four barriers (emotions, loss of control, poor coaching and
physical sensations) and four facilitators (preparatory skills, team mates, good
coaching and cognitive skills) emerged from analysed transcripts. Findings
from the current study suggest a link to self-efficacy theory as a potential
mediator of mental block in diving.
‘Diving is not just for nutters’
Although diving may seem a bizarre sport to some, the UK has a long tradition
of producing outstanding divers. From the flamboyant but technically basic diving
seen in the 1908 Olympic Games in London, to the diving master class demonstrated
by Jack Laugher and Chris Mears to win gold in 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.
However, diving is not as easy as our GB diving stars make it look. Springboard and
highboard divers are exposed to a highly competitive, stressful environment, which
can often lead to bouts of mental block (Huber, 2016). Mental block has been
attributed to many causes, including competition pressure, parent influence,
cognitive anxiety and even residual fear of injury (Collins et al., 1999; Day et al.,
2006). Some research has suggested that mental block and the associated effects on
motivation could be one reason that athletes drop out of sport (Enoksen, 2011;
Heydari et al., 2014). The current body of literature suggests that a better knowledge
of the barriers and facilitators affecting mental block in diving could help inform
coaching practise. An increase in knowledge of mental block in diving could help
reduce athlete drop out, as well as potentially improve the performance and
wellbeing of the UK’s emerging diving stars.
ISSN: 1754-2375 [print]
JQRSS Article No: 1/7-11-1-2017-PG[60]-104
Journal of Qualitative Research in Sports Studies 11, 1
The proposed causes of mental block appear to link with the influences on
developing self-efficacy beliefs. There is limited research that highlights the
potential relationship between self-efficacy and mental block (Howells, 2016).
Current research in self-efficacy suggests self-efficacy can be a mediator of similar
issues such as stress (Cascio et al., 2014; Nedeljkovic et al., 2013; Yu et al., 2015),
highlighting the possibility of self-efficacy to be used as a mediator or possibly
facilitator to the overcoming of mental block. A study by Maciejewski, Prigerson
and Mazure (2000) found that self-efficacy mediated approximately 40% of the
effects of high stress events in participants with prior experience of depression. A
similar effect of stress mediation using self-efficacy has been found more recently in
a sample of young adults (Sawatzky et al., 2013). In addition to potentially
mediating stress, self-efficacy and self-efficacy based interventions have also been
linked with improvements in skill acquisition (Avila et al., 2012). In addition the
effect of self-efficacy on skill acquisition has been documented in sport specific
environments, such as rowing (Anderson and Campbell, 2015) and golf (Palmer,
Chiviacowsky and Wulf, 2016). The potential effect of self-efficacy on stress
management and skill acquisition suggests a strong basis for applied psychological
Mental challenges are a large part of springboard and highboard diving (Huber,
2016), which make the sport interesting ground for sport psychology research.
Springboard and Highboard diving requires athletes to perform flawless
summersaulting and twisting skills from heights up to 10 metres into water with a
splash-less entry. Diving is an ‘early entry’ sport, which is defined as a sport in
which specialisation takes place before puberty (Malina, 2010), due to the acrobatic
nature and physical requirements of the sport. The average age of an international
elite diver in the UK is currently 21 years and national standard competition
beginning at the age of 8 years (Amateur Swimming Association, 2016; British
Diving, 2016). Existing research in diving is limited, focusing mainly on the
physicality of diving (Barris, Farrow and Davids, 2013; Furtner et al., 2006;
Zimmer, 2003). Some studies have addressed the psychological aspects of diving,
most notably Feltz and Mungo (1983) who used diving as a novel task to investigate
self-efficacy and Slobounov et al. (1997) who explored the effects of mastery
experience on diving performance. In addition research by Wang, Ren and Zhang
(2008) highlighted the apparent psychological characteristics of Chinese divers,
which included motivation, attention, volition, intelligence and emotion before
performance. New research has also highlighted the potential use of self-efficacy
within diving (Pattinson, Cotterill and Leyland, 2017).
Psychological setbacks and mental block are not uncommon in diving. Tom
Daley, British diving’s ten metre Olympic star, suffered from lost move syndrome
following the Olympic games in London in 2012 (Hart, 2014). In addition, David
Boudia, London 2012 ten metre gold medallist from the USA, has reported to use
self- efficacy based interventions such as biofeedback, visualisation and meditation
to overcome several mental blocks associated with his fear of heights (Brunner,
2016). Also Jack Laugher, the UK 3 metre gold and silver medallist from the Rio
Olympic games 2016, has been using expert modelling as a method of supporting
and encouraging young divers (Blickenstaff, 2014). The use of self-efficacy as a
potential support or applied intervention for mental blocks in diving is an interesting
concept. The link between self-efficacy, stress management and skill acquisition
suggest a potential basis for the development of an intervention for overcoming
mental block in diving. Yet before any intervention can be designed more
knowledge is needed into the barriers and facilitators of mental block in diving and
any potential links to self- efficacy. The current study aims to highlight the barriers
and facilitators for overcoming mental block and any existing use of self-efficacy or
associated interventions using reflective interviews with a sample of retired elite
A sample of three retired divers (M age = 26 years) were recruited to participate
in the study. All participants had competed at an elite standard at more than one
national event, and were no longer involved in competition. All participants had
reported suffering from mental block at least once in their diving career.
Participants were recruited by direct email, participation was voluntary, consent
was gained and participants were able to withdraw at any time during the study.
Before the interview began participants were asked to provide demographic
information to record their age, gender and years of diving experience. Semi-
structured interviews were conducted via Skype TM due to the availability and
commitments of the participants. Existing research in the fields of mental block and
self-efficacy was used to develop a set of seven questions written in an ideal open-
ended style (see figure 1), designed to encourage discussion around mental block as
well as the barriers and facilitators to overcoming mental block in diving.
Data analysis
All interviews were recorded using a SkypeTM and transcribed ver batim.
The same researcher conducted all three interviews. Transcripts were analysed and
interpreted using abductive reasoning by the primary researcher and an independent
coder (Gale et al., 2013). Abductive reasoning, (also called abduction, abductive
inference, or retroduction) is a form of logical inference which starts with an
observation then seeks to find the simplest and most likely explanation. In abductive
reasoning, unlike in deductive reasoning, the premises do not guarantee the
conclusion. The interview transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis with
open coding, this analysis has been used in other qualitative studies in diving
(Pattinson, Cotterill and Leyland, 2017). Transcripts were annotated, and then
meaning units were developed from the original annotations, followed by similar
meaning units being grouped into themes. These were lower order themes, grouped
and categorised to identify major themes from the data. The second independent
coder, who was familiar with diving, then analysed the transcripts using the same
process and was not privy to the original analysis. Data were collected using
interview transcripts, and researchers reflective comments. The triangulation of
different sources of the data helps to reduce bias and the possibility of missing
important data.
The current study highlighted both barriers and facilitators to the overcoming of
mental block in diving. Four higher order themes were identified in relation to the
barriers to overcoming mental block in diving: emotions, loss of control, poor
coaching and physical sensations. Four higher order themes were also identified in
relation to the facilitators to overcoming mental block in diving: preparatory skills,
team mates, good coaching and cognitive skills. For reader’s clarity each higher
order theme is presented separately. Full details of all lower order themes can be
found in figure 2 and 3, along with an indication of the amount of participants who
mentioned each theme in brackets.
Nervous (1)
Petrified (1)
Scared (3)
Fear (3)
Frustrated (3)
Tears (1) Emotions
Self-hatred (1)
Embarrassed (2)
Disappointed (1)
Angry (2)
Stressed (1)
Being taught how to do visualisation was really good. It meant I could prep it
throughout the day, everyday of the week, and think about how it should be done so that
when I came to do it all, I was thinking about the right way to do it as opposed to the
wrong way.
Another cognitive skill mentioned was modelling. Modelling refers to the
practise of an athlete watching others to gain experience and confidence in their own
ability. Participants mentioned that modelling played an intrinsic part in their diving
development. Some participants mentioned modelling elite and famous divers,
‘When we used to go and complete in leeds and see some of the top athletes, like
Rebecca Gallentree, I would just watch them train … that definitely inspired me so
much’ and ‘Pete Waterfield really inspired me, Leon Taylor did’. Yet other
participants mentioned that modelling athletes their own level helped them to
develop, ‘the (divers) in the group I was diving against a lot of the time, being mid
to lower half of the table makes you want to be better. You are constantly seeing
them and they are advancing a lot’. Some participants mentioned the use of self-talk
as a way of overcoming their mental block in relation to dives, ‘I start swearing at
myself, and swear a lot and remind myself its only pain’. Other mentioned how they
would adapt their training environment or equipment to allow them to progress, ‘I
just went up on 1 metre and did it because it was just too hard on poolside’, by using
a higher board the participant managed to complete a skill they previously had not
managed to successfully perform.
Visualisation (1)
Modelling (2) Cognitive Skills
Self-talk (2)
Adapting equipment (1)
The current study also supports the proposed causes of mental block posited by
existing research (Bennett et al., 2016; Day et al, 2006; Lawrence, 2016). The
barriers to overcoming mental block highlighted in the current study were; emotions,
loss of control, poor coaching and physical sensations. Existing research by Day et
al. (2006) posited emotions and coach pressure as some of the main causes of mental
block in sport, which link closely with the themes of emotions and poor coaching
highlighted in the current study. Another study by Lawrence (2016) proposed a mind
and body dichotomy could be a major cause of mental block, the theme of loss of
control highlighted in the current study is similar to a mind and body dichotomy.
Participants mentioned conflictions between their emotions and their physical
reactions, which further support Lawrence’s (2016) findings. Physical sensations
were also suggested as a potential cause of mental block by Bennett et al. (2016),
which was further reinforced by the findings of the current study.
The themes highlighted in the current study also suggest a link to Bandura’s
(1977) self-efficacy theory. Parallels can be drawn between the use of preparatory
skills and gaining self -efficacy thought mastery experience. The facilitators of team
mates and good coaching, along with the barrier of poor coaching can all be
associated with the self-efficacy factor of social persuasion. Finally the barriers of
loss of control, emotions and physical sensations are all very similar to the
influences of emotional states and physiological states described in self-efficacy
research (Feltz, Short and Sullivan, 2008). The current study provides further
support for the use of self-efficacy within a diving context. In addition, the
description of cognitive skills such as visualisation and self-talk being used to
mediate fear and anxiety, further identifies
the potential for self-efficacy to be used as a mediator to diving related stress (Cascio
et al., 2014; Yu et al., 2015).
The current study has taken an initial glance into the potential psychological
impacts of springboard and highboard diving on the athlete, and offered up potential
barriers and facilitators to diving performance and skill acquisition, which warrant
further investigation. The current study has opened the door for further research to
investigate the barriers and facilitators to diving performance and the overcoming of
mental block in differing ages and ability levels. Yet despite this minor limitation of
the current study, the results offer a new angle for potential research in diving
psychology. The use of cognitive skills such as visualisation and self-talk appears to
be in its infancy within a diving context, further research should aim to enhance the
use of these self-efficacy based interventions for possible performance enhancement
and wellbeing development.
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Stewart Cotterill2 is a Reader in Sport and Performance Psychology and head of the
department at the University of Winchester, Winchester, UK. Contact:
[email protected]
Reviewer Comments
This was paper was really enjoyable and well-written. I found the text to be
clear and concise, with definitions and explanations for what could be quite complex
ideas put forward in an engaging and accessible way. The paper stimulated thought
and reflection on the broader application of the ideas presented for other sports and
activities. In particular, although on the face of it not closely related, it encouraged
me to question my own practice when supporting students who may experience
mental blocks in their academic studies, especially when it comes to formally
assessed written work, but also less formal activities requiring greater independent
thought and creativity. A key takeaway in this article was the importance placed on
self-efficacy and its potential to reduce stress in performers – the authors make a
good case for its use, grounded in classic theory like Bandura’s work. I was left
wondering to what extent our contemporary systems and processes for ‘educating’
young people and athletes (as well as society at large) has this worthy focus
embedded within them? Or whether they in fact they might actually reduce the
likelihood of it emerging? Thank you for the food for thought.
Journal of Qualitative Research in Sports Studies 11, 1
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