Pemeriksaan Status Mental New
Pemeriksaan Status Mental New
Pemeriksaan Status Mental New
Ns. Gst. Kade Adi Widyas Pranata, S.Kep., M.S.
Defining Mental Status
• Mental status a person’s emotional (feeling)
and cognitive (knowing) function
• Mental health a state of well-being in which
every individual:
realizes his or her own potential,
can cope with normal stresses of life,
can work productively and fruitfully, and
able to make a contribution to community
Relative and ongoing
Defining Mental Status
• Mental disorder:
Apparent when a person’s response is much greater than
the expected reaction to a traumatic life event
Clinically significant behavioral, emotional, or cognitive
syndrome that is associated with significant distress (a
painful symptom) or disability (impaired functioning)
involving social, occupational, or key activities
• Organic disorders caused by brain disease of known specific
organic cause (e.g., delirium, dementia, alcohol and drug
intoxication, and withdrawal)
• Psychiatric mental disorder in which an organic etiology has not
yet been established (e.g., anxiety disorder or schizophrenia)
Mental Status inferred through assessment
No Individual’s Key Point
1 Consciousness Being aware of one’s own existence, feelings, and
thoughts and of the environment
2 Language Using the voice to communicate one’s thoughts and
3 Mood and Affect a temporary expression of feelings or state
Affect of mind
Mood a prolonged display of feelings that color the
whole emotional life (more durable)
4 Orientation The awareness of the objective world in relation to
the self (Person, place, and time)
5 Attention The power of concentration, the ability to focus on
one specific thing without being distracted by many
environmental stimuli
Mental Status inferred through assessment
No Individual’s Key Point
6 Memory The ability to lay down and store experiences and
perceptions for later recall
Recent memory evokes day-to-day events
Remote memory brings up years’ worth of
7 Abstract Pondering a deeper meaning beyond the concrete
reasoning and literal
8 Thought The way a person thinks; the logical train of thought
9 Thought What the person thinks - specific ideas, beliefs, and
content the use of words
10 Perceptions An awareness of objects through the five senses
Components of The Mental Status Examination
Appearance B Behavior
Thought processes
Cognitive Function
& Perception
Parameters Normal Abnormal findings
1. Appearance
a. Posture Erect and Anxiety: sitting on edge of chair or curled in bed, tense
position is muscles, frowning, darting and watchful eyes, restless
relaxed pacing
Depression: sitting slumped in chair, slow walk, dragging
b. Body Voluntary, Anxiety: Restless, fidgety or hyperkinetic appearance
Movements deliberate, Depression and dementia: Apathy & psychomotor slowing
coordinated, Schizophrenia: abnormal posturing and bizarre gestures
smooth and even
Autism spectrum
Eating disorders
Characteristic of Eating Problems