Segmentation Techniques Comparison in Image Processing: Abstract
Segmentation Techniques Comparison in Image Processing: Abstract
Segmentation Techniques Comparison in Image Processing: Abstract
Image Processing
The Image segmentation is referred to as one of the most important processes of image processing.
Image segmentation is the technique of dividing or partitioning an image into parts, called segments.
It is mostly useful for applications like image compression or object recognition, because for these
types of applications, it is inefficient to process the whole image. So, image segmentation is used to
segment the parts from image for further processing. There exist several image segmentation
techniques, which partition the image into several parts based on certain image features like pixel
intensity value, color, texture, etc. These all techniques are categorized based on the segmentation
method used. In this paper the various image segmentation techniques are reviewed, discussed and
finally a comparison of their advantages and disadvantages is listed.
MRF, Edge Detection, Image segmentation ,similarity detection ,edge detection, fuzzy clustering ,
Digital image processing is the use of computer algorithms to perform image processing on digital
images. Image segmentation is an important and challenging process of image processing. Image
segmentation technique is used to partition an image into meaningful parts having similar features
and properties. The main aim of segmentation is simplification i.e. representing an image into
meaningful and easily analyzable way. Image segmentation is necessary first step in image analysis.
The goal of image segmentation is to divide an image into several parts/segments having similar
features or attributes. The basic applications of image segmentation are: Content-based image
retrieval, Medical imaging, Object detection and Recognition Tasks, Automatic traffic control
systems and Video surveillance, etc. The image segmentation can be classified into two basic types:
Local segmentation (concerned with specific part or region of image) and Global segmentation
(concerned with segmenting the whole image, consisting of large number of pixels). The image
segmentation approaches can be categorized into two types based on properties of image.
A. Discontinuity detection based approach This is the approach in which an image is segmented into
regions based on discontinuity. The edge detection based segmentation falls in this category in
which edges formed due to intensity discontinuity are detected and linked to form boundaries of
B. Similarity detection based approach is the approach in which an image is segmented into regions
based on similarity. The techniques that falls under this approach are: thresholding techniques,
region growing techniques and region splitting and merging. These all divide the image into regions
having similar set of pixels. The clustering techniques also use this methodology. These divide the
image into set of clusters having similar features based on some predefined criteria . In other words,
also we can say that image segmentation can be approached from three perspectives: Region
approach, Edge approach and Data clustering. The region approach falls under similarity detection
and edge detection and boundary detection falls under discontinuity detection. Clustering
techniques are also under similarity detection.
There are several existing techniques which are used for image segmentation. These all techniques
have their own importance. These all techniques can be approached from two basic approaches of
segmentation i.e. region based or edge based approaches. Every technique can be applied on
different images to perform required segmentation. These all techniques also can be classified into
three categories
A. Structural Segmentation Techniques :- The structural techniques are those techniques of image
segmentation that relies upon the information of the structure of required portion of the image i.e.
the required region which is to be segmented.
B. Stochastic Segmentation Techniques :- The stochastic techniques are those techniques of the
image segmentation that works on the discrete pixel values of the image instead of the structural
information of region.
C. Hybrid Techniques :- The hybrid techniques are those techniques of the image segmentation that
uses the concepts of both above techniques i.e. these uses discrete pixel and structural information
together . In further parts of this paper the various techniques of segmentation are discussed and
compared. Mathematical description is avoided for simplicity therefore all the techniques are
described theoretically. The popular techniques used for image segmentation are: thresholding
method, edge detection based techniques, region based techniques, clustering based techniques,
watershed based techniques, partial differential equation based and artificial neural network based
techniques etc. These all techniques are different from each other with respect to the method used
by these for segmentation.
A. Thresholding Method
Thresholding is the easiest way of segmentation. It is done through that threshold values which are
obtained from the histogram of those edges of the original image . The threshold values are
obtained from the edge detected image. So, if the edge detections are accurate then the threshold
too. Segmentation through thresholding has fewer computations compared to other techniques.
Segmentation is based on “his ton”. For a particular segment there may be set of pixels which is
termed as “his ton”. Roughness measure is followed by a thresholding method for image
segmentation. Segmentation is done through adaptive thresholding. The gray level points where the
gradient is high, is then added to thresholding surface for segmentation .The drawback of this
segmentation technique is that it is not suitable for complex images.
1) Global Thresholding:- This is done by using any appropriate threshold value/T. This value of T
will be constant for whole image.
2) Variable Thresholding:- In this type of thresholding, the value of T can vary over the image.
3) Multiple Thresholding:- In this type of thresholding, there are multiple threshold values like T0
and T1. The values of thresholds can be computed with the help of the peaks of the image
histograms. Simple algorithms can also be generated to compute these.
B. Edge Based Method
The edge detection techniques are well developed techniques of image processing on their own. The
edge based segmentation methods are based on the rapid change of intensity value in an image
because a single intensity value does not provide good information about edges. Edge detection
techniques locate the edges where either the first derivative of intensity is greater than a particular
threshold or the second derivative has zero crossings. In edge based segmentation methods, first of
all the edges are detected and then are connected together to form the object boundaries to
segment the required regions. The basic two edge based segmentation methods are: Gray
histograms and Gradient based methods. To detect the edges one of the basic edge detection
techniques like sobel operator, canny operator and Robert‟s operator etc can be used. Result of
these methods is basically a binary image. These are the structural techniques based on
discontinuity detection.
The region based segmentation methods are the methods that segments the image into various
regions having similar characteristics. There are two basic techniques based on this method .
1) Region growing methods:- The region growing based segmentation methods are the
methods that segments the image into various regions based on the growing of seeds (initial pixels).
These seeds can be selected manually (based on prior knowledge) or automatically (based on
particular application). Then the growing of seeds is controlled by connectivity between pixels and
with the help of the prior knowledge of problem, this can be stopped.
2) Region splitting and merging methods:- The region splitting and merging based
segmentation methods uses two basic techniques i.e. splitting and merging for segmenting an image
into various regions. Splitting stands for iteratively dividing an image into regions having similar
characteristics and merging contributes to combining the adjacent similar regions.
D. Clustering based segmentation method:
Segmentation is also done through Clustering. They followed a different procedure, where most of
them apply the technique directly to the image but here the image is converted into histogram and
then clustering is done on it . Pixels of the color image are clustered for segmentation using an
unsupervised technique Fuzzy C. This is applied for ordinary images. If it is a noisy image, it results to
fragmentation .A basic clustering algorithm i.e., K-means is used for segmentation in textured
images. It clusters the related pixels to segment the image . Segmentation is done through feature
clustering and there it will be changed according to the color components . Segmentation is also
purely depending on the characteristics of the image . Features are taken into account for
segmentation. Difference in the intensity and color values are used for segmentation . For
segmentation of color image they use Fuzzy Clustering technique, which iteratively generates color
clusters using Fuzzy membership function in color space regarding to image space. The technique is
successful in identifying the color region . Real time clustering based segmentation. A Virtual
attention region is captured accurately for segmentation. Image is segmented coarsely by
multithresholding .It is then refined by Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. The advantage is applied to any
multispectral images Segmentation approach for region growing is K-Means Clustering. A Clustering
technique for image segmentation is done with cylindrical decision elements of the color space. The
surface is obtained through histogram and is detected as a cluster by thresholding .Seeded Growing
Region (SRG) is used for segmentation. It has a drawback of pixel sorting for labeling. So, to
overcome this boundary oriented parallel pixel labeling technique is obtained to SRG .
1) Hard Clustering: Hard clustering is a simple clustering technique that divides the image into set of
clusters such that one pixel can only belong to only one cluster. In other words it can be said that
each pixel can belong to exactly one cluster. These methods use membership functions having
values either 1 or 0 i.e. one either certain pixel can belong to particular cluster or not. An example of
a hard clustering based technique is one k-means clustering based technique known as HCM. In this
technique, first of all the centers are computed then each pixel is assigned to nearest center. It
emphasizes on maximizing the intra cluster similarity and also minimizing the inter cluster equality.
2) Soft clustering: The soft clustering is more natural type of clustering because in real life exact
division is not possible due to the presence of noise. Thus soft clustering techniques are most useful
for image segmentation in which division is not strict. The example of such type of technique is fuzzy
c-means clustering. In this technique pixels are partitioned into clusters based on partial
membership i.e. one pixel can belong to more than one clusters and this degree of belonging is
described by membership values. This technique is more flexible than other techniques.
E. Watershed Based Methods:- The watershed based methods uses the concept of topological
interpretation. In this the intensity represents the basins having hole in its minima from where the
water spills. When water reaches the border of basin the adjacent basins are merged together. To
maintain separation between basins dams are required and are the borders of region of
segmentation. These dams are constructed using dilation. The watershed methods consider the
gradient of image as topographic surface. The pixels having more gradient are represented as
boundaries which are continuous.
G. Artificial Neural Network Based Segmentation Method:- The artificial neural network
based segmentation methods simulate the learning strategies of human brain for the purpose of
decision making. Now days this method is mostly used for the segmentation of medical images. It is
used to separate the required image from background. A neural network is made of large number of
connected nodes and each connection has a particular weight. This method is independent of PDE.
In this the problem is converted to issues which are solved using neural network. This method has
basic two steps: extracting features and segmentation by neural network.
The various segmentation techniques are performed in this section. A simulation study is done to
compare the various methods for segmentation and to detect the edges accurately.
Fig 4: Shows the result of Canny edge detection, where the image is detected in the Sobel and then
processed in the canny edge detector.
Fig 5: LoG
Fig 6: Shows the result of thresholding which gives us the accurate result.
Fig 6: Thresholding
Fig 7: Shows the result of Laplacian edge detector
Fig 7: Laplacian
In this review of image segmentation techniques, various image segmentation techniques are
detailed described and compared. These all techniques are suitable for many medical image
applications. These techniques can be used for object recognition and detection. In medical images
these can be used to detect cancer and in satellite images these can be used to detect roads and
bridges. Thus it is clear that various methods are suitable for various types of image applications. But
from the study it is clear that no single method is sufficient for every image type and no all methods
are suitable for a particular image type. Due to the need of image segmentation in many
applications, it has a challenging future.
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