Analysis of Image Segmentation Techniques: A Survey: Apurv Vashisht, Shiv Kumar
Analysis of Image Segmentation Techniques: A Survey: Apurv Vashisht, Shiv Kumar
Analysis of Image Segmentation Techniques: A Survey: Apurv Vashisht, Shiv Kumar
Analysis of Image Segmentation Techniques: A Survey
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-4, Issue-1, January 2016
Step4: sum sum + in [i, j]
Step5: if i = 0 then 4.2.2 Mean Shift Clustering:
Step6: intImg[i, j] sum This is an advanced technique for clustering based-method.It
Step7: else starts by taking a mean for each pixel, using which a kernel
Step8: intImg[i, j] intImg[i1, j] +sum desnity estimator is built. This is shifted throughout the
Step9: end if image. Typical kernel density estimators are Gaussian. By
Step10: end for iteratively shifting the mean based on the kernel, all the pixels
Step11: end for get drawn to a number of local points of convergence.
Analysis of Image Segmentation Techniques: A Survey
4.3.2 Sobel edge Detector: The above mentioned algorithms were tested on various
This is widely used first derivative operator to find edges and images. In here we present the results on the medical image
is modification of Prewitts operator, as will be discussed leuk.jpg.
next. It changes the center coefficient by 2. The Sobel
operatiors are given as [12]:
Algorithm [13]:
Step1: Apply mask Gx, Gy to the input image.
Step2: Apply Sobel edge detection algorithm and the
Step3: Masks manipulation of Gx, Gy separately on the input
Step4: Results combined to find the absolute magnitude of the
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-4, Issue-1, January 2016
The experimental results of the algorithms on the outdoor
image outdoor.jpg:
Analysis of Image Segmentation Techniques: A Survey
VI. CONCLUSION [8] Otsu, Nobuyuki. "A threshold selection method from gray-level
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ii. Both Mean Shift and Local Thresholding perform really Segmentation, International Journal Of Innovations In Engineering
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iii. Mean Shift clustering outperforms its counterparts under [11] Otsu N, Discriminant and Least Square Threshold
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the survey and particularly on the Medical Image and [12] A. M. Khan, Ravi. S Image Segmentation Methods: A Comparative
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and white Paper Image Volume-3, Issue-4, September 2013.
iv. K-Means is computationally exhaustive, though [13] Vincent, O. R., and Olusegun Folorunso. "A descriptive algorithm
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v. Edge Detection techniques cant be used independently,
though they give useful information that can be used in Apurv Vashisht, M.Tech Research Scholar, Department of Computer
Science & Engineering, Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan
some other step of image segmentation along with
some other technique. Mr. Shiv Kumar, Assistant Professor,Department of Computer Science &
Thresholding is computationally inexhaustive, but does not Engineering, Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan., India.
take the spatial features of an image into account and even
though it can be used independently it is more suitable as a
step in some image processing application.
While clustering techniques work quite well, they are
susceptible to noise and are highly dependent on the input
The second order edge operators (like Canny) give quite
reliable results, while the first order edge operators give
useful information which can be used as a step in some other
edge detection technique. Also, it is quite clear that no single
operator can be applied to all images and sometimes the edges
obtained are not continuous.
Thus, it seems that as sound as each method may sounds
theoretically, they have their limitations. The biggest one
being, that no method can be applied to all kinds of images,
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