DS75176B/DS75176BT Multipoint RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers: General Description Features
DS75176B/DS75176BT Multipoint RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers: General Description Features
DS75176B/DS75176BT Multipoint RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers: General Description Features
July 1998
Multipoint RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers
General Description Features
The DS75176B is a high speed differential TRI-STATE ® n Meets EIA standard RS485 for multipoint bus
bus/line transceiver designed to meet the requirements of transmission and is compatible with RS-422.
EIA standard RS485 with extended common mode range n Small Outline (SO) Package option available for
(+12V to −7V), for multipoint data transmission. In addition, it minimum board space.
is compatible with RS-422. n 22 ns driver propagation delays.
The driver and receiver outputs feature TRI-STATE capabil- n Single +5V supply.
ity, for the driver outputs over the entire common mode n −7V to +12V bus common mode range permits ± 7V
range of +12V to −7V. Bus contention or fault situations that ground difference between devices on the bus.
cause excessive power dissipation within the device are n Thermal shutdown protection.
handled by a thermal shutdown circuit, which forces the n High impedance to bus with driver in TRI-STATE or with
driver outputs into the high impedance state. power off, over the entire common mode range allows
DC specifications are guaranteed over the 0 to 70˚C tem- the unused devices on the bus to be powered down.
perature and 4.75V to 5.25V supply voltage range. n Pin out compatible with DS3695/A and SN75176A/B.
n Combined impedance of a driver output and receiver
input is less than one RS485 unit load, allowing up to 32
transceivers on the bus.
n 70 mV typical receiver hysteresis.
Top View
Order Number DS75176BN, DS75176BTN, DS75176BM or DS75176BTM
See NS Package Number N08E or M08A
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Electrical Characteristics (Notes 2, 3) (Continued)
0˚C ≤ TA≤ 70˚C, 4.75V < VCC < 5.25V unless otherwise specified
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
IOSR Receiver Short-Circuit VO = 0V −15 −85 mA
Output Current
Note 1: “Absolute Maximum Ratings” are those beyond which the safety of the device cannot be guaranteed. They are not meant to imply that the device should
be operated at these limits. The tables of “Electrical Characteristics” provide conditions for actual device operation.
Note 2: All currents into device pins are positive; all currents out of device pins are negative. All voltages are referenced to device ground unless otherwise specified.
Note 3: All typicals are given for VCC = 5V and TA = 25˚C.
Note 4: Derate linearly at 5.56 mW/˚C to 650 mW at 70˚C.
Note 5: Derate linearly 6.11 mW/˚C to 400 mW at 70˚C.
Note 6: Differential - Input/Output bus voltage is measured at the noninverting terminal A with respect to the inverting terminal B.
Note 7: All worst case parameters for which note 7 is applied, must be increased by 10% for DS75176BT. The other parameters remain valid for −40˚C < TA
< +85˚C.
Switching Characteristics
VCC = 5.0V, TA = 25˚C
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
tPLH Driver Input to Output RLDIFF = 60Ω 12 22 ns
tPHL Driver Input to Output CL1 = CL2 = 100 pF 17 22 ns
tr Driver Rise Time RLDIFF = 60Ω 18 ns
tf Driver Fall Time CL1 =CL2 = 100 pF 18 ns
(Figure 3 and Figure 5)
tZH Driver Enable to Output High CL = 100 pF (Figure 4 and Figure 6) S1 29 100 ns
tZL Driver Enable to Output Low CL = 100 pF (Figure 4 and Figure 6) S2 31 60 ns
tLZ Driver Disable Time from Low CL = 15 pF (Figure 4 and Figure 6) S2 13 30 ns
tHZ Driver Disable Time from High CL = 15 pF (Figure 4 and Figure 6) S1 19 200 ns
tPLH Receiver Input to Output CL = 15 pF (Figure 2 and Figure 7) 30 37 ns
tPHL Receiver Input to Output S1 and S2 Closed 32 37 ns
tZL Receiver Enable to Output Low CL = 15 pF (Figure 2 and Figure 8) S2 15 20 ns
tZH Receiver Enable to Output High CL = 15 pF (Figure 2 and Figure 8) S1 11 20 ns
tLZ Receiver Disable from Low CL = 15 pF (Figure 2 and Figure 8) S2 28 32 ns
tHZ Receiver Disable from High CL = 15 pF (Figure 2 and Figure 8) S1 13 35 ns
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AC Test Circuits
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Switching Time Waveforms (Continued)
Note: Differential input voltage may may be realized by grounding RI and pulsing RI between +2.5V and −2.5V
FIGURE 7. Receiver Propagation Delays
Function Tables
DS75176B Transmitting
Inputs Line Outputs
RE DE DI Condition DO DO
X 1 1 No Fault 0 1
X 1 0 No Fault 1 0
X 0 X X Z Z
X 1 X Fault Z Z
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Function Tables (Continued)
DS75176B Receiving
Inputs Outputs
0 0 ≥ +0.2V 1
0 0 ≤ −0.2V 0
0 0 Inputs Open** 1
1 0 X Z
X — Don’t care condition
Z — High impedance state
Fault — Improper line conditons causing excessive power dissipation in the driver, such as shorts or bus contention
**This is a fail safe condition
Typical Application
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Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted
Lit. # 103669
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DS75176B/DS75176BT Multipoint RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers
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