Keywords: Question-Answer Relationship Strategy, Reading Ability

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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa (Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris)

STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung



Neng Hapsah,1Imam Subari,2 Eva Nurchurifiani3

123STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The aim of this research was to find out whether QAR Strategy has
influence towards students’ reading ability. This strategy helped the students to find
out the information from the passage and helped the students to answer the
question based on the passage given. The approach of this research was
quantitative research. In this research, the writer used experimental method. The
population were all students of the eleventh class. The sample was taken by using
Cluster Random Sampling Technique. There were two classes for the sample, first
class was experimental class and the second class was the control class. It consist of
61 students from experimental class and control class. The main technique in
measuring students’ reading ability was multiple choice which consisted of 40 items
test. Each item had four options a,b,c,and d, the score of each item was 2.5. In
calculating the data, the writer used t-test formula. Based on the data analysis, the
writer got the result that 𝐻𝑎 was accepted. It was obtained that 𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 = 5.67, ttable for
α=0.05 was 1.68 and for α=0.01 was 2.42 (5.67>1.68<2.42). So H a was accepted. It
meant that there was significant influence of QAR Strategy towards students’
reading ability of the Eleventh Class of SMA Negeri 14 Bandar Lampung in
2018/2019. The average score of students’ reading ability who was taught through
QAR Strategy was higher than was taught through direct instruction. It was
69.78>53.67. Based on the result above, it is clear that QAR Strategy can improve
students’ reading ability.

Keywords: Question-Answer Relationship Strategy, Reading Ability.

INTRODUCTION shows that, each human must master

English is one of international language English to do daily activities well. In
that is used in the world. It means that, Indonesia learning English start from
English is a very important language elementary school until university. It
and all of countries must master it. means that English is a very important
English can help us to be easier to do subject to be learned.
our activities. In our daily activities, we
can find many things that use English, Learning English as a foreign language
such as: computer, internet, book, sign, is difficult, because it has different
food, technology and many others. It characteristics from mother tongue.

Neng Hapsah, Imam Subari, Eva Nurchurifiani.

Many people have studied English for Negeri 14 Bandar Lampung in

long time but still cannot master 2018/2019”.
English well. There are some skills that
have to be mastered in learning English
With the identification of problems as
as a foreign language, they are listening,
speaking, reading, and writing.
1. The students’ reading ability need
Reading is one of skills which must be to be improved;
mastered. We can get much 2. The students found difficulty in
information from reading. Reading can reading.
increase our knowledge of target 3. The students’ vocabulary need to be
language. By reading, we can also enriched.
understand about target culture which 4. The students found difficulty in
different with our culture. Reading can answer the question from the
make us understand the sentences in reading text.
written which author inform, in order 5. The teacher had never used QAR
to get much knowledge. All of people strategy in teaching reading.
must have reading ability, especially
students, because students are hoped FRAME OF THEORY
to have good reading ability. Frame of Theory
In this chapter, the writer explain about
Based on the preliminary research at the concept of language, the concept of
SMA Negeri 14 Bandar Lampung, the teaching English as foreign language,
writer found that the students’ reading the concept of reading, the concept of
ability need to be improved and learning and teaching reading, the
students’ vocabulary need to be principle of teaching reading, the
enriched. They found difficulties in component of reading, the concept of
comprehending reading texts. The questions-answer-relationship (QAR)
writer also found that the teacher had strategy, the procedure of questions-
never used Question-Answer answer-relationship (QAR) strategy,
Relationship (QAR) Strategy in teaching and the benefits of questions-answer-
reading. relationship (QAR) strategy.

Based on the background of problem The Concept of Language

above, the writer was interested to Every country in the world has its own
improve students’ reading ability by language. Language is a very important
applied Question-Answer Relationship and can not be separated from our
(QAR) Strategy in teaching reading. lives, because each activity needs tool
Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) to deliver the aim that is language.
Strategy is a strategy used in teaching
reading in which students are asked to Language also makes everyone more
connect the information in their mind easily understand each aim from the
and the information in the text. text. It is supported by Bruner in
Therefore, the writer proposed a Cameron (2001:8) that “Language is
research entitled: “The Influence of the most important tool for cognitive
Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) growth and he has investigated how
Strategy Towards Students’ Reading adults use language to mediate the
Ability at the Eleventh Class of SMA world for children and help them to
solve problem”.

Neng Hapsah, Imam Subari, Eva Nurchurifiani.

It means that if we want to doing the learn the language if we spend all our
activities we need language, because time outside of classroom speaking our
language has an important role in own native language.
people’s life. Without language people
can convey what they meant. Based on the theories and explanation
The writer concludes that language is above, the writer concludes that
the most important things and the most teaching English as foreign language
important tool for people in the world. should be done by good English
It can not be separated from people’s teachers. The students do not have
life. With language, people can deliver many opportunities in using English.
their idea, can express their feeling, and Therefore,the teacher has to be the
can communicate to each other. People main model of English. When the
can do their activities well because they teaching process is interested, the
have language and they can students will be enjoy in the classroom.
communicate. On the other hand, teaching English
needs affected by several factors that
The Concept of Teaching English As should be handled appropriately.
Foreign Language
Wallace (1992:7) states that, “English is
The Concept of Reading
being learned as a second or foreign In the daily life, reading skills has an
language ‘language practice’ may take important role. It is facilitating people
the form of reading round the class.” It
to comprehend the written materials.
means that English as foreign language
People can get a lot of information from
is not acquire automatically like first many resources in order to enhance
language or mother tongue. The second their knowledge by reading. By reading,
language or foreign language have to be
people can enhance their knowledge,
learned in the classroom.
people will get knowledge or
information as much as they want to
Brown (2001:116) states that “Foreign read.
language contexts are those in which
students do not have ready-made
Alderson (2000:28) states that
context for communication beyond
“Reading is an enjoyable, intense,
their classroom.” It means that to private activity in which the readers get
master English, students have to use much pleasure and can totally absorb
English not only in the classroom. They
the reading.” It means that by reading,
may use English to communicate to
people can get many informations,
each other in the environment when people can enrich their knowledge
they go out of the class. through the enjoyable ways.
Learning a foreign language is not
According to Wallace (1992:6-8), There
merely learning the language forms, but are some reasons of reading, as follow:
learning how to use it for the purpose 1) Reading for Survival
of communication.
We might call some kinds of reading in
it is matter of developing and
response to our environment “reading
maintaining a skill through practice, it for survival.” Indeed some reading is
is not appropriate for us to say that we almost literally a matter of life and
have learnt foreign language if we
death, for example a ‘stop’ sign for a
cannot use it for communication in
motorist. Survival reading serves
real-life situation, and we shall never
immediate needs or wishes.

Neng Hapsah, Imam Subari, Eva Nurchurifiani.

2) Reading for Learning According to Brown ( 2004:187-188),

As well as a means finding out there are two skills in reading, micro-
information on a strictly utilitarian skills and macro-skills.
basis reading for survival-reading
serves the wider role of extending Micro and macro skills for reading
our general knowledge of the world. comprehension are recognizing the
Much day-to-day reading is for this meaning, grammar used in the text and
purpose of learning. Moreover, we coherence of the sentences contained in
may want not to so much to learn the text besides defining the written
something new as to remind symbols.
ouselves about half-know facts or
vaguely formulated opinions. One Based on the explanation above, the
might expect reading for learning to writer concludes that reading is the
be exclusively school related. On process when readers try to find and
fact, while a good deal of reading to understand the meaning or information
support learning clearly takes place based on written text that they read.
in academic contexts. There are also
many kinds of reading activities It is also one of the language skills in
sanctioned and supported by English as a second language that must
educational institutions which be mastered by the learners.
arguably have little to do with Furthermore, reading lesson is the
acquiring facts or opinions. lesson which students need not just to
read but they also want to know or
3) Reading for Pleasure comprehend something. Strategy used
While reading for survival involves is needed in order to become a good
an immediate response to situation reader. Therefore, reading is one of the
and reading for learning is also goal essential language skill needed.
oriented, albeit in a rather different
way, reading for pleasure is done
for it’s own sake. We do not have to The Concept of Learning and
do it. Thus point may be lost on Teaching Reading
children in school where literature, Nuttall (1996:30) states that, “Reading
originally written primarily to offer widely is a highly effective means of
enjoyment, is required reading for extending our command of language,
examination. so it has an important place in
classrooms where language learning is
Based on the definitions above, reading the central purpose.
is important for people’s life, reading is
not only about the process of getting However, students also need to learn
the written symbols correspond to on how to read for meaning, and it is not
spoken language but it is also the always possible to teach for both
process of making the meaning of purposes at the same time or with the
words, sentences and connected text same time”. It means that reading can
that can be called comprehension. By be an effective way to help people to
reading we can enrich or adds our comprehend the text or information, so
knowledge through the enjoyable way. reading have an important place in the
classroom. Reading is important, so
that is why reading must be teached in
the classroom.

Neng Hapsah, Imam Subari, Eva Nurchurifiani.

Nuttall (1996:40) states that, “Teacher with individual sounds in spoken

can help by setting clear purposes for words.
reading in the class”. It means that in 2) “Word Recognition” Phonics
the classroom teacher has a role to Word recognition refers to the skills
manage and organize the students, by that readers need in order to read
way of explaining the purpose of unknown words. Phonics means
reading, so students can understand decoding a word by breaking it
the purpose of reading in the class. down into units (syllables and
Based on the theories and explanations 3) Comprehension
above, it can be concluded that reading Comprehension (understanding)
must teaches in the classroom. By has to be developed from the very
teaching reading students will be able start.
to read the text in foreign language. 4) Vocabulary
Teaching reading can help students to To develop as readers, learners
get much information to comprehend need to have knowledge and
the text. Without learning reading understanding of a wide range of
student will difficult in learning other words.
skills. Learning reading also can 5) Fluency
increase students’ vocabulary and Fluency is a key indicator of
grammar. It make students easier in comprehension. If the learners are
learning foreign language. reading just one word at the time,
without fluency, it probably means
that they also have problems in
The Principle of Teaching Reading understanding the text.
According to David Nunan (2003:74-
77), there are eight teaching principles Based on the explanation of the
that may be appropriate in teaching component of reading above, the writer
reading that is summarized below. concludes that students have to
1) Exploit The Reader’s Background observe the components of reading so
Knowledge they can read the passage well.
2) Build a Strong Vocabulary Base Students can improve their fluency, and
3) Teach For Comprehension vocabulary, besides that if students
4) Work on Increasing Reading Rate develop their understanding from the
5) Teach Reading Strategies very start or from the short passage,
6) Encourage Readers to Transform the students will easier to comprehend
Strategies Into Skills the long passage.
7) Build Assessment and Evaluation
Into Your Teaching The Concept of Question-Answer-
8) Strive for Continuous Improvement Relationship (QAR) Strategy
as a Reading Teacher According to Taffy Raphael (1982) in
McKnight,S.Katherin (2010:118),
The Component of Reading “Question-Answer relationship
Maharaj (2008) states that there are requires students to create question of
five component in teaching reading, specific types, enabling them to become
such as: more strategic in their comprehension
1) Phonemic Awareness because they will understand where
Phonemic awareness is the ability the information that is needed to
to notice, think about, and work answer the question will come from.” It

Neng Hapsah, Imam Subari, Eva Nurchurifiani.

means that Question-Answer identify which of the QAR levels

Relationship is a strategy that show the they used.
students about the relationship 4) Have students work individually on
between question and answer. It clarify questions from longer passages. Get
how students approach the tasks of students to examine the types of
reading texts and answering question. questions in their textbooks.

The Procedure of Teaching Reading The Benefits of Teaching Reading

through Question-Answer- through Questions-Answer-
Relationship (QAR) Strategy Relationship (QAR) Strategy
According to T.E.Raphael (1982), in According to Coe and Glass (2005:187)
National Behaviour Support Service The benefits of using Question-Answer
(2008:1) the procedure of teaching Relationship (QAR) Strategy, as follows:
reading through Question-Answer 1) Help the teacher and also students
Relationship, as follows: identify different levels of questions
1) Introduce the strategy showing the and the relationship between
relationship of the Questions to questions and answers.
Answers. An enlarged chart of this 2) Helped the students find the
can be hung in the classroom location of the answer of each
where students can refer to it. question.
2) Create QAR questions from small 3) Helped students realize the need to
sections of text (not longer than five consider information in the text and
sentences) for each of the four that from their own background
levels. Using these questions, model knowledge.
how each level of the QAR questions
can be identified and answered. Related Research
Discuss the differences between The first study did by Ria Raditya
questions using the class text book (2016:80), she was student at
and subject exam papers. Yogyakarta University, Yogyakarta. She
Right There: the answer is found in was conducted the research entitled
the text, usually as a phrase “The Effectiveness of Question-Answer
contained within one sentence. Relationship Strategy Towards
Think and Search: while the answer Students’ Reading Skill in Comprehend
is in the text, the student is required Descriptiven Text at The Seventh Class
to combine separate sections or of SMP Negeri 4 Kalasan Sleman”.
pieces of text to answer the The aims of this research ware to find
question. out whether there was a significant
Author and You: as the answer is not difference in students’ reading
directly stated in the text, the comprehension in term of main idea,
student draws on prior knowledge vocabulary, detailed information and
as well as what the author has inference for students who were
written to answer the question. thought using Question-Answer
On Your Own: requires students to Relationship Strategy compared to
think about what is already known those taught through conventional
from their reading and experience method.
(prior knowledge) to formulate an
answer. The second study did by Rina Arifanti
3) Give the students sample questions (2013:63), she was conducted the
to answer in small groups and research at Yogyakarta, she did a

Neng Hapsah, Imam Subari, Eva Nurchurifiani.

research entitled “The Effectiveness of The Hypothesis

Question-Answer Relationship Strategy
There was a significant influence of
in Learning Reading at The Eighth Class
implementing Question-Answer
of SMP Negeri 2 Tempel”. The purpose
Relationship (QAR) strategy towards
of conducted this research was to prove
students’ reading ability.
whether the students’ reading ability
can be improved through Question- Method of Research
Answer Relationship Strategy.
This research was quantitative
The result of this research showed that research. In this research, the writer
students’ reading ability that taught used experimental method. In this
through Question-Answer Relationship research, the writer as the researcher
Strategy was better than taught used two classes as the sample of the
through direct method. research, The first class was XI MIA3 as
the experimental class, which was
The Frame of Thinking taught through Question-Answer
By reading, people can get many Relationship (QAR) Strategy, and the
information and knowledge, because
second class was XI MIA2 as the
reading can open people’s minded, and
control class which was taught through
people’s perception. People who can
not read well will get misunderstanding direct instruction.
about the information and it will give The population of this research were
bad impact to life. They can not the students at the eleventh class of
comprehend anything if they not read SMA Negeri 14 Bandar Lampung in
well. 2018/2019. The total numbers of
In order to master reading, students eleven class in SMA Negeri 14 Bandar
have been taught since they were in Lampung consist of 10 classes, the total
elementary school. Teaching numbers of the students in the eleventh
elementary students different with class are 294 students.
In this research, the writer used Cluster
senior high school students. They are Random Sampling technique to
not in beginner level, so to teaches determined the experimental clas and
student in senior high school, teacher
the control class because the
need to use strategies or techniques.
Strategies and techniques can make population were in the classes and the
students easier in comprehend the classes were homogenous. The class
reading text. took randomly.
To get data of students’ reading
In this study, the writer is going to use ability the writer used reading test. In
Question-Answer Relationship Strategy this research, the writer used multiple
to help students comprehend the choice tests in measured the students'
passage, and teacher have to reading ability. The test was multiple
monitoring students improvement. choice which consist of 40 items, each
The teacher make it sure that they have item consist of four options: a,b,c, and
understood about the passage and can d. The point of each item was 2.5 so, the
answer the questions well. highest score is 100, and the lowest
score is 0. In counting the result of
research, the writer used t-test formula.
Neng Hapsah, Imam Subari, Eva Nurchurifiani.

Validity of Test X1  X 2
To ensured the validity of the test, the t test 
1 1
writer used content of validity. It S 
means that the test designed based on n1 n 2
the English curriculum at SMA Negeri
14 Bandar Lampung.
n1  1S12  n2  1S 22
Reliability Test S2 
n1  n 2  2
In analyzing reliability test, the writer
used Product Moment Formula: Equality Test of Two Average
The criteria is accepted if
𝑟𝑥𝑦= 𝑁 ∑ 𝑥𝑦−(∑ 𝑥)(∑ 𝑦)
at the
√{𝑁 ∑ 𝑥2 −(∑ 𝑥)2 }−{𝑁 ∑ 𝑦2 −(∑ 𝑦)2 }
significance level 5% and 1%.
(Sudjana, 2005:239).
The result by using product
moment formula above was included Different Test of Two Average
into Spearman Brown formula. The The criteria is accepted if
writer got 𝑟11 = 0.98. It was found that at the
reading tyout test was very high significance level 5% and 1%. (Sudjana,
reliability, it was 0.98. Therefore, the 2005: 246.
test can be used to measure the
students’ reading ability. REPORT AND DISCUSSION
Data Normality Test In this part, the writer would like to
It was used to know whether the data explain about the data normality test of
has normal distribution or not. experimental class, the data of
normality test in control class, the
 2
Oi  Ei 2 homogenity test of variance, and the
Ei hypothesis test.
i 1

The report students’ reading test in

Homogenity Test
experimental class which was taught
It was used to know whether the data
through QAR Strategy was higher than
were homogeneous or not.
the result students’ reading test of
(𝑡ℎ𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒) control class which was taught through
𝐹= Direct Instruction. The normality data
(𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒) in the experimental and control class
The criteria H0 is accepted if 𝐹 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 < are compared by using Chi Square
𝐹 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 ½  (1.2). formula and the description of the
students’ scores as follows:
Hypothesis Test
It was used to prove the hypothesis 1) The Report of Experimental
proposes by the writer whether they Class
were accepted or not. By using t-test The writer used test on experimental
formula: class in order to see the students’
achievement in reading ability. After
presenting whole materials used QAR
Strategy on experimental class and

Neng Hapsah, Imam Subari, Eva Nurchurifiani.

gave the test. The writer got the result The average score:
that the highest score was 85 and the
lowest score is 50 with (n) = 25 Σ𝐹𝑖 . 𝑋𝑖
𝑥̅𝑖 =
students. Obtained the result: Σ𝐹𝑖
Σ𝐹𝑖 = 25 𝑥̅𝑖 =
Σ𝐹𝑖 𝑋𝑖 = 1744.5 𝑥̅𝑖 = 53.67
Σ𝐹𝑖 𝑋𝑖 2 = 124058.25
With standard deviation √81.43 = 9.02.
The average score:
Then it counted into chi-square
Σ𝐹𝑖 . 𝑋𝑖 formula:
𝑥̅𝑖 =
1744.5 2
(𝑂𝑖 − 𝐸𝑖 )2
𝑥̅𝑖 = 𝜒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜
25 𝐸𝑖
𝑥̅𝑖 = 69.78
𝜒 2 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = 2.23 + 0.57 + 0.33 + 0.56 + 0.74 = 4.43

With standard deviation √96.96 = 9.85

From the result of x-ratio it was
Then it counted into chi-square obtained at significance level of 0.05
formula: and also 0.01 that 𝜒 2 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 < 𝜒 2 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 =
4.43 < 5.99 < 921. Since 𝜒 2 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 <

𝜒 2
(𝑂𝑖 − 𝐸𝑖 )2 𝜒 2 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 therefore, the criterion was
𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 𝐸𝑖
𝑖=1 accepted. It means that the data have
normal distribution.
𝜒 2 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = 0.31 + 0.25 + 0.01 + 1.72 + 0.32 + 2.06 =
The Homogenity Test
From the result of x-ratio it was From the result of homogenity test by
obtained at significance level of 0.05 comparing to the f-table (by looking at I
and also 0.01 that 𝜒 2 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 < 𝜒 2 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 = table). It was obtained Fratio was 1.19.
4.67 < 7.81 < 11.3. Since 𝜒 2 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 < Ftable at significant level of 0.05 was
𝜒 2 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 therefore, the criterion was 2.08 and 0.01 was 2.86. Since Fratio <
accepted. It means that the data have Ftable, therefore Ho was accepted (1.19 <
normal distribution. 2.08 < 2.86). It means that the variance
of the data in experimental class and
2) The Report of Control Class control class are homogeneous.
The writer used test on control class in
order to see the students’ achievement The Hypothesis Test
in reading ability. After presenting In calculating the end of result, the
whole materials through direct writer used t-test formula:
instruction on control class and gave
the test. The writer got the result that 𝑋̅1 −𝑋̅2
the highest score was 75 and the lowest 𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 = 1 1
𝑆√ +
score was 40 with (n) = 21 students. 𝑛1 𝑛2

Obtained the result: with,

Σ𝐹𝑖 = 21 (𝑛1 − 1)𝑆12 + (𝑛2 − 1)𝑆22
Σ𝐹𝑖 𝑋𝑖 = 1127 𝑆2 =
𝑛1 + 𝑛2 − 2
Σ𝐹𝑖 𝑋𝑖 2 = 62111
Neng Hapsah, Imam Subari, Eva Nurchurifiani.

It was obtained 𝑆 2 = √89.90 =9.48. And and signficant result to students’

t-test = 5.67. reading ability, and it can improve
students’ reading ability. By applying
1) Equality Test of Two Averages this strategy, the students can be
To know the equality test of two averages, motivated and they more interested in
the writer consulted t-test with t-table (by learning English, especially learning
looking at G table). It was got ttest 5.67 > reading.
1.68 < 2.42. Criterion Ha accepted if ttest
> ttable .Therefore, Ha was accepted, it Therefore, the students more easier
means there was an influence of in finishing their task. It is clear that if
Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) students can pick out important points
Strategy towards students’ reading in reading passage and see
ability at the Eleventh Class of SMA relationships among pieces of
Negeri 14 Bandar Lampung in information, it can help students to
2018/2019. understanding or comprehending the
reading passage.
2) Difference Test of Two Averages
To know the equality test of two averages, Conclusion
the writer consulted t-test with t-table (by 1)There is an influence of Question-
looking at G table). It was obtained ttest Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy
was higher than ttable 5.67 > 2.02 < 2.70. towards students’ reading ability at the
Therefore, Ha was accepted. It means Eleventh Class of SMA Negeri 14
that the average score of students’ Bandar Lampung in 2018/2019. It can
reading ability which was taught be seen that the result 𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 = 5.67, 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒
through QAR Strategy higher than for α= 0.05 was 1.68 and for α=0.01
which was taught through direct was 2.42 (5.67 > 1.68 < 2.42).
instruction at the Eleventh Class of SMA
Negeri 14 Bandar Lampung in 2)The average score of students’
2018/2019. reading ability which was taught
through Question-Answer Relationship
Discussion (QAR) Strategy higher than which was
Based on the data analysis by using t- taught through direct instruction. It can
test and testing of hypothesis. The be seen that the average score of
writer got the result that Ha was experimental class was 69.78 and the
accepted. It showed by ttest was higher average score of control class was
than ttable with significance level 5% 53.67.
and 1% (5.67 > 1.68 < 2.42). It means
that there was significant influence of Suggestion
QAR Strategy towards students’ 1) For the Teacher
reading ability. It was proved by the The teacher is suggested to use a
average score in experimental class technique in teaching, in order to make
was higher than in control class (69.78 teaching-learning process effectively
> 53.67 and 5.67 > 2.02 < 2.70). and make a summary in the end of
material, so that the students will
In the end of discussion, the writer
remember the material last longer.
would like to inform that Question-
Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy is 2) For the Students
the effective strategy in teaching The students should pay more
reading. QAR Strategy gave possitive attention and follow all of the teacher’s

Neng Hapsah, Imam Subari, Eva Nurchurifiani.

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teaching reading and in other aspects Nuttal,C.(1996).Teaching Reading Skills in a
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