Real Proposal Akuh

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A. Background of Study
Communication play as an important role in human life, through
communication they establish relationship with others human and language
is one of the tools used by human to communicate. Nowadays, English is
rapidly becoming the language of communication in all contexts, both local
and global. The demand for English speakers in every country is very high.
Therefore, the importance of English cannot be understated since it has
emerged as a main language for communication with people worldwide.
English is called the international language and is also second
language of many countries in the world. In Indonesia English is regarded
as a foreign language, which means that English is not the primary language
for daily communication and it is used limited. yet, many schools and
universities in Indonesia have applied their classes which lesson are taught
by using English language. uttering in the academic setting, proficiency in
English is essential for speakers to exchange knowledge and information
with others.1
In addition Mede et al. stated that since English is widely used to
accomplish academic goals and maintain worldwide contact, oral
proficiency teaching has taken center stage in many English as a foreign
language (EFL) classrooms.2 So, it can be pointed out that mastering
English language especially speaking is essential for EFL student to gain
and exchange knowledge and experience with others. it is the reason why
English become a compulsory lesson from junior high school up to
university in Indonesia.

Parupalli Srivinas Rao, “The Importance of Speaking Skills in English Classrooms,”
Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ) 401, no. 2 (2019): p
Enisa Mede, Gulcin Cosgun, and Derin Atay, “ NS / NNS Models in Teaching Speaking
,” in The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, 2019.
Learning English as a foreign language is more difficult than to
learning Indonesian language because the two languages differ in structure,
pronunciation, and other aspects. However, all languages require the same
four skills to master, and these four skills form the foundation for mastering
language communication. The mastery of English will open up countless
opportunities for individuals in both their personal and professional to
interact globally and speaking skills is the most important aspect of learning
a foreign language, especially in education.
However, every student has different perception about speaking. not
all students perceive speaking in same feeling. many students judge
speaking is a difficult subject to be learned. there are many factors that cause
student getting problem in learning speaking. many students are lack of
vocabulary as not knowing what to say in English. Besides, students feel
that they are lack of confidence as the result they feel shyness. student are
also lack of practicing English neither in the classroom nor in the real
communication. they prefer to speak their mother language rather than
English because they feel it is more natural and easier to speak in Indonesia
language. it happened because they are not accustomed to use English in
and out the classroom. 3
The current government in Indonesia is changing the paradigm of
education, so that education is now student-centered rather than teacher-
centered through the independent curriculum. The students are the central
focus of instruction in this program. The government creates this curriculum
and implements it in a way that modifies learning corridors based on student
characteristics and achievement levels. In other words, students take charge
of their own learning, design their content of learning and define their
learning paths in the independent curriculum. Learning strategies are needed
to motivate students because by having their own learning strategies,

Penny Ur, A Course in language teaching of Theory, (Cambridge University Press,
1996). p 121.
students are able to know and manage their own ways of learning goals and
to make a choice in order to become autonomous learners.

Sahmudi argues that Students must put in a lot of study time in order
to speak English. However, it is unable to ensure their success. In addition
to other factors that significantly affect the outcome of speaking English,
we would also require some additional crucial components like motivation,
passion, self-assurance, intelligence, and the significant impact on the
outcomes of speaking English is the strategy used.4 Therefore, if the
students utilize the best learning strategies for them and practice how to use
the strategies appropriately, they would become more successful student.
O’Malley and Chamot defines learning strategies are ideas or
behaviours that humans use to grasp, learn, or remember new knowledge. 5
According to the statement, strategy is a method adopted by students to
solve problems or tasks during learning. Students engage the process of
learning of a second language in many ways. It is based on the
characteristics of the students themselves. For a deeper understanding of
what they have learned, students can select the learning strategies that is
best for them.
Oxford distinguished between direct and indirect learning strategies.
She characterizes direct strategies involve the target language directly in the
sense that they require mental processing of the language, whereas indirect
strategies as providing indirect support for language learning through
focusing, planning, evaluating, seeking opportunities, controlling anxiety,
increasing cooperation and empathy, and other means. the direct strategies

ENCOUNTERED IN SPEAKING,” Al-Madaris Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Keislaman 3,
no. 1 (2022). p 105.
J. Michael O’Malley and Anna Uhl Chamot, Learning Strategies in Second Language
Acquisition, Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition, 1990. p 1.
consisted of memory, cognitive, and compensation strategies. indirect
strategies consisted of metacognitive, affective, and social strategies. 6
Based on the writers pra-survey in SMA Negeri 1 Terbanggi besar,
the teacher found difficulties in teaching English in eleventh grade. The
teacher said that when she implemented the same teaching strategies in
different classes, she found many students feel hard to grasp her teaching.
She aware that every students have their own learning style and ability to
catch the material. The teacher also said that the quality of speaking ability
in eleventh grade was unbalanced, there are several of them have a good
speaking ability while others do not have it.
Based on situation above the writer will conduct a research entitled:

B. Problem Identification

Referring to the Background above, this study aims to find out

whether students’ learning strategies correlates to students’ speaking ability.

C. Problem limitation

Due to focusing the research, the writer limits his study to the
students’ learning Strategies and their speaking ability that use by students
in the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Terbanggi Besar. the learning Strategies
here focus on the direct strategies and indirect Strategies by oxford theory.
And the speaking here focusses on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,
and fluency.

D. Problem Formulation

“Rebecca L.(Rebecca L. Oxford) Oxford - Language Learning Strategies_ What Every
Teacher Should Know-Heinle ELT (1990)” (n.d.). p 14-15.
In line based on the identification and limitation of the problem
above, the problem formulation “is there any correlation between students’
Learning Strategies and their speaking Ability at SMAN 1 Terbanggi

E. Objective and Benefits of the Research

1. Objective of the Research
Referring to the background of the research, this study intends to
measure the correlation between students’ Learning Strategies and their
speaking Ability at SMAN 1 Terbanggi Besar.
2. Benefit of the research
a. For English Teacher
By knowing the relationship between learning strategies and
learning achievement in students, teachers are expected to be able to
adjust teaching strategies and assignments according to the way
students catch the material so that student achievement significantly
b. For Students
After understanding the effect of learning strategies on their
learning achievement, students will focus to utilize appropriate
learning strategies to improve their speaking skill.
c. For Further Researcher
In addition to complementing and concluding earlier
research, this study will serve as a resource for future research

F. Prior Research
There are several previous studies who have conducted this research,
these previous studies will support this research. The first, from Bahrul
(2021), in title “A Survey Research: The Students’ Language Learning
Strategies in Speaking Activity at MAN 1 Pekanbaru”. The purpose of this
study is to identify the various language learning strategies employed by
MAN 1 Pekanbaru students, both male and female. The researcher found
that the student in MAN 1 pekanbaru some of them have good speaking
ability, while others lack such proficiency on it. The researcher used
quantitative method in a single variable. The findings showed that students,
both boys (with a score of 3.52) and women (with a score of 3.59),
frequently employed the compensatory strategies.
The second, from Sitti (2018), entitled “Language Learning
Strategies Used By Learners In Learning Speaking at The First Grade in
SMA 22 Makassar”. The research focus on investigating to find out the
language learning strategies used by students with good and poor scores in
SMA Negeri 22 Makassar. This study was conducted under a descriptive
quantitative approach. The most learning strategies used by good learners
were cognitive strategy with score (M=3.71) and the fewest learning
strategies used by good learners were affective strategy with the score
(M=3.13). while The most learning strategies used by poor learners were
compensation strategy with score (M=3.63) and the fewest learning
strategies used by poor learners were memory strategy with score (M=2.16).
The third, Duma (2022), in title “Learning Strategies of ELESP
Learners at Universitas Negeri Jakarta in Online Speaking Class”. The
research focused to identify students’ language learning strategies and
speaking learning strategies used by English Education Program students in
online learning class. This study adopted the descriptive qualitative method.
In order to conduct this study, the researcher utilized a questionnaire. A
study using Oxford's SILL version 7.00 (1990) was undertaken with 80
participants to gather information about the language learning strategies
adopted by the students. Based on the Language Learning Strategies
framework by Oxford (1990), the second questionnaire was created by
modifying indicators of language learning strategies in online learning. It
was an open-ended test. According to the findings, students using online
learning environments most frequently apply the metacognitive method.
Additionally, the results showed that most students used a variety of
speaking-skills related activities to support their learning and enhance their
speaking abilities.
This study shows similarities to the earlier researchers mentioned
above. Specifically, talking about speaking abilities and learning strategies.
Prior studies have been limited to identifying the learning strategies that
students employed to enhance their speaking comprehension.The use of the
correlation methode distinguishes this study from earlier research.

A. The Concept of Learning Strategies

1. Definition of Learning Strategies
learning Strategies play an important role in achieving the success
of learners to achieve their learning outcomes in school. Furthermore,
it become as the way for students to make their learning more effective
and efficient. There are several experts defined the learning strategies
as follows:
Chamot (1987:71) learning strategies are techniques, approaches,
or deliberate action that students take in order to facilitate the learning
and recall of both linguistic and contents area information. While
Weden (1987:6) stated learning strategies refers to language learning
behaviours learners engage in to learn and regulate the learning of a
second language… what they know about strategies they use… what
they know about aspect of their language learning other than the
strategies they use. 7 More specific explanation according to
Oxford8(1990:8) learning strategies is specific action taken by the
learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-
directed, more effective and more transferable to new situation.
In sum, learning strategies are the steps students take to help them
understand and assimilate the most recent information they encounter
throughout the learning process. Students utilize learning strategies as
a conscious way to control how they learn and apply those strategies. It
will be much easier to manage student learning if they can monitor
their own achievements, and this method is quite effective in
increasing student learning motivation.

Macaro, E. (2001) Learning Strategies in Foreign and Second Language Classrooms.
London: Continuum, p.17.
“Rebecca L. Oxford - Language Learning Strategies_ What Every Teacher Should
Know-Heinle ELT (1990)” (n.d.), p.8.
2. Classification of Learning Strategies
Learning strategies are needed to motivate students because by
having their own learning strategies, students are able to know and
manage their own ways of learning and goals to make a choice in order
to become autonomous learners. However, most students choose their
unique learning strategies to get them responsive to learn speaking and
the different learning strategies can be employed by them as language
learners. Learning strategies have been classified in many different
ways, but there are two popular theories have been done. The first was
classified by O’malley & Chamot (1990) and the second classification
was made by oxford (1990).
a. O’malley & Chamot

b. Oxford
Oxford (1990) has categorized learning strategies as direct and
indirect strategies. Each of them divided into three parts.
3. Importance of Learning Strategies
B. The Concept of Speaking Ability
1. Definition of Speaking
Speaking is an essential skill to develop by learner of English
language, through speaking we gain information from other and from
speaking we express our idea, suggestion, or opinion to other. Speaking
has defined by many experts and these are the explanation from several
According to Nunan, Speaking is defined as a means of clearly
communicating orally for either an interpersonal or commercial
purpose.9 oxford (1987) speaking means to say words. An individual
uses their minds and any number of unrelated organs to produce a phrase

Muhamad Zayyinul Muttaqin, “Enhancing Speaking Skills in the Material of Remedial
Learning Through Community Language Learning in SMP Multazam Semarang,” Vision:
Journal for Language and Foreign Language Learning 8, no. 1 (2019): 3.
or utterance while performing this. The speaker wants to convey
something important to the person he is speaking to through his
actions.10 On the other side fulcher defined that Speaking may be
referred to as speech, or spoken language or verbal language; it is the
medium through which one expresses thoughts, feelings, and emotions;
conveys information; reacts to other persons and situations; influences
other human beings and communicates intentions with others. 11
In sum, speaking is defined as an action performed by an individual
utilizing spoken language to make a phrase or expression that is
demonstrated to the other person in order to communicate expression in
the form of an idea, feeling, thinking, emotion, or external information.
Speaking with someone has the power to influence others' opinions
about what has been said, and the speaker may receive feedback in the
form of positive or negative things from the other person. It will be
easiest to understand the aim of our speech and avoid misunderstandings
if we openly share the thoughts, feelings, and emotions we must express
to those around us.
2. Component of Speaking
In learning speaking, there are several components that the learner
should fulfilled while they learn and practice the language. All the
components could be the tools to measure the speech whether it is
good or not. Those are fluency, comprehension, grammar, vocabulary,
and pronunciation. Based on brown the description is as follows:
a. Fluency
Fluency is a style of speaking that is well-delivered without
stuttering; this is because the speaker is confident in their ability to
communicate and choose words with confidence.
b. Comprehension

READING AND SPEAKING,” Al-Ta lim Journal 19, no. 2 (2012): 126.
Fulcher, G. (2003). Testing second language speaking. Peason. 23-24.
Comprehension is the capacity of a pupil to comprehend
what the other person says in the conversation and to be ready to
respond appropriately.
c. Grammar
Grammar is a structure that regulates the words in a
sentence to ensure that the sentence is constructed correctly. It's
crucial to maintain this to prevent sentence construction errors.
d. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a set of words chosen by the speaker
specifically for the context of the speech. This appears in every
language skill, the better the word selection, the higher the
proficiency level.
e. Pronunciation
Pronunciation is relating to the speaker's correctness in
uttering a word in the proper manner of delivery. This is intended
to make it easy for the interlocutor to understand what the speaker
is saying. 12
3. Difficulties of Speaking
Every student faced their learning problem, especially the
difficulties in learning speaking is common happened in to learning
activity. Penny Ur has divided the factors that causes the difficulties in
a. Inhibition
Speaking in front of an audience demands some level of live
audience interaction, in contrast to writing, reading, and listening
exercises. Learners often experience barriers when trying to
communicate in a foreign language in the classroom. Worry about

Yenny Rahmawati and Ertin Ertin, “DEVELOPING ASSESSMENT FOR SPEAKING,”
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education) 1, no. 2 (2014): 201–202.
Penny Ur, p. 121.
making failures, fear criticism or lose face, or simply be ashamed of
the attention directed at them.
b. Nothing to Say
Sometimes students feel that no one has in their mind to say
something, even though nothing is holding them back. This makes
students feel guilty about what they should have done.
c. Low or Uneven Participant
When speaking in large groups, each member will have
limited speaking time because only one person can speak at a time
and the others are not necessarily heard. This difficulty is made
worse by learners who tend to dominate, while others say little or
d. Mother Tongue Use
Students more often use their mother tongue when gathering
with their friends in class, this is because the topics discussed more
often lead to their mother tongue. This habit they consider something
good, namely adjusting the interlocutor. This kind of student
response if dominated by many students, it will be very difficult to
get students who persist in using their targeted language. Moreover,
it is supported by a lack of motivation and high enthusiasm for
4. Characteristics of Successful Speaking
The successful speaker sometimes measure by only the fluency of their
speech on the language, yet it more than only that factor. According to
Penny Ur, she divided several characteristics of successful speaking as
a. Students Talk a Lot
In speaking learning the learners need as much time as
possible throughout the time of the given activity. it is intended to

Ibid., 120.
improve the speech ability of students , however in context It may
seem obvious that the teacher's chatter or pause often occupies
most of the time.
b. Participant is Even
A minority of talkative students do not control the majority
of classroom discussions, so all student participate in every
discussion. Everyone gets a turn to speak, and contributions are
fairly evenly distributed.
c. Motivation is High
Students are excited to communicate. either out of curiosity
and a want to provide something fresh to the discussion, or out of a
desire to help fulfill a task objective.
d. Language is an Acceptable Level
Learners express themselves in sentences that are relevant,
easily understandable to one another, and have an appropriate level
of linguistic accuracy.
C. The Correlation Between Students’ Learning Strategies and Their
Speaking Ability
there is a correlation between students' learning strategies and
students' speaking ability. the learning strategies is helping student to gain
the new knowledge easier, faster, enjoyable, and self-directed and it
influence to stimulate students' speaking ability. student who implements
more learning strategies will make the students enhance in their speaking
skill. the learning strategies is fulfilled the student’s solution on their
problem in improving their speaking skill.
mauly stated that there is correlation between students' learning
strategies and their speaking ability, high, middle, and low student score is
based on how the students implement the learning strategies and focus on
it. by implementing the learning strategies in their speaking activity, the
students will develop the ability of speaking and they will have good way
to achieve their learning achievement. sometimes the student does not know
how to be managing their learning to be learner autonomous, so students
will lack of their learning achievement. the teacher should show to student
how to find an appropriate learning strategy for their student, so student will
find out their appropriate learning strategies to help them to be learner
autonomous. furthermore, it is important to prove the correlation between
students' learning strategies and their speaking ability.
D. Theoretical Framework and Paradigm
according to LeCompte and Preissle (1993) a theoretical framework
is an approachable set of concepts that can guide research in order to predict
and interpret study outcomes. clarify it simply, a theoretical framework lays
out the groundwork for carrying out research. 16 The writer chooses two
variables for this research, They are independent variable (X) and dependent
variable (Y). Independent variable (X) is Students' learning strategies and
dependent variable (Y) is speaking ability. The independent variable is a
controlling factor that affects the dependent variable in research.
learning strategies is the way for students to managing their learning
achievement especially for developing speaking ability. The writer possible
framework of thought for this investigation is that students who have many
strategies in developing their speaking ability will have good assessment
score in speaking test, meanwhile the students who have limited strategies
in developing their speaking ability will have low assessment score.
Table 2.1
Theoretical Framework and Paradigm

Mauly Halwat Hikmat and Yanita Candra Dewi, “IS STUDENTS’ DIFFERENT
STRATEGIES?,” Jurnal VARIDIKA 24, no. 4 (2015): 21–22.
RESEARCH: CONCEPTUAL CLARIFICATION,” Eur. Chem. Bull 2023, no. 12 (n.d.):
Learning strategies p
Students h
Speaking Ability s

E. Hypothesis Formulation
There is an assumption with the correlation between students’ learning
strategies and their speaking ability at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1
Terbanggi Besar. The formulation of the hypothesis in this study as
1. Hypothesis Alternative (Ha): There is a correlation between students’
learning strategies and their speaking ability at the eleventh grade of
SMA Negeri 1 Terbanggi Besar.
2. Hypothesis Zero (Ho): There is no correlation between students’
learning strategies and their speaking ability at the eleventh grade of
SMA Negeri 1 Terbanggi Besar.

A. Research Design
This study is the quantitative research design due to the investigation
the positive and significant correlation of the students’ learning strategies
and their speaking ability at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Terbanggi
Besar. The kind of the research is categorized as correlational research.
Correlational research is like ex post facto research they are
nonexperimental research, both uses data acquired from previous variables.
Correlational research analyses the correlations between two or more
variables within a single group, whereas ex post facto research compares
specific variables between two or more current groups. Information
regarding the strength of relationships between variables is one benefit of
correlational research.17
Based on the statement above, this research has two variables. They
are, learning strategies as independent variable (X) and speaking ability as
dependent variable (Y). in gathering the data, the writer will do field
research. To get data of students’ learning strategies he distributes
questionnaires and conducted oral test to the students as the sample of this
research. Then, after data completed, the data will be analyzed by the
formula of correlation product moment.
B. Operational Definition of Variable
1. Independent variables
These are also known as predictor, antecedent, or stimulus variables.
The independent variable is one that influences or causes changes or the
appearance of dependent variables. 18 The Independent variable (X) in

L. C. & Sorensen C.K. Ary Donald. Jacobs, Introduction to Research in Education
Eighth Edition, Wadsworth, vol. 4, 2010, 348–351.
Sugiyono (2013:268, “Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif Dan R&D. Alfabeta.,”
Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 3, no. 1 (2021): 39.
This research is the Learning Strategies that used by the students at
eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Terbanggi Besar.
2. Dependent variable
These are also known as criteria, consequence, output variable, and
so on. Dependent variables are variables that are influenced or result
from the presence of independent variables. Dependent variable in this
research (Y) is the Speaking Ability from the Students at eleventh grade
of SMA Negeri 1 Terbanggi Besar.
C. Population, Sample, and Sample Technique
1. Population
A population is a general group of objects or persons with specific
qualities and features that researchers select to study and make
conclusions from. 19 The Population of this research are all the students
at eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Terbanggi Besar. The total number
of populations are 450 Students. They are divided into 12 classes.
2. Sample
The sample represents some of the population's characteristics. The
researcher can employ a sample drawn from the population if it is too
big for them to investigate the entire population, for whatever reason—
for lack of resources, time, or energy, for example. The findings from
the sample will be applicable to the population. 20 Therefore, samples
taken from population must be representatives. However, there are 40
students as the sample in this research.
3. Sample Technique
A sampling technique is a technique used in research. In this
research the sample taken by purposive sampling technique. purposive
sampling technique is determining the sample using certain
considerations.21 this technique was taken because some purpose. the

Ibid., 80.
Ibid., 81.
Ibid., 85.
first purpose is the students have same level of intelligence in English.
the second is the recommendation of the teacher in SMA Negeri 1
Terbanggi Besar to take sample in grade A2. moreover, this study used
purposive sampling technique because the research has limited time,
energy, and fund.
D. Data Collecting Method
1. Questionnaire
A questionnaire is used to find out the learning strategies used by
the students at eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Terbanggi Besar. The
questionnaire is adapted from Strategy Inventory for Language Learning
(SILL), Version 7.0 designed by oxford. There are 50 questions fell into
6 parts of learning strategy and they are originally in English language.
The questionnaire distributed to all the students, and they responded to
the item by marking the answer. Yet, before the questionnaire
distributed, it is translated into Indonesian. It is intended that the student
truly understand the contents of the questionnaire.
2. Speaking Test
In this study, speaking test is used to collecting the data. It is does to
know students speaking ability involving their pronunciation,
vocabulary, and fluency. The speaking test carried out to the students
once after students answering the questionnaire. In speaking test,
students talking about their opinion with the theme “Mental Health
Crisis in Teenager” in front of class and use duration 3-5 minutes. The
students’ speaking performance was recorded by using voice recorder.
3. Documentation
During the process of the research, the writer will collect some
documents such as the total of student, the location, condition, and the
history of SMA Negeri 1 Terbanggi Besar. The documentation will be
use as the description of the School.
E. Research Instrument
1. Instrument Blueprint
a. The instrument use to measure learning strategies use by students is
questionnaires. The questionnaire is adapted from Strategy
Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), Version 7.0 designed by
oxford. There are 50 questions fell into 6 parts of learning strategy.
Each part has several questions and the students have to answer by
marking a five point Lickert Scala.
Table 3.1
questionnaires Strategy Inventory for Language Learning

No ent Items
1 Part A 9 1, 2, 3,4 ,5,6,7,8,9
2 Part B 14
3 Part C 6 24,25,26,27,28,29
4 Part D 9 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38
5 Part E 6 39,40,41,42,43,44
6 Part F 6 45,46,47,48,49,50
Total 50

Table 3.2
Lickert Scale

Responses Score
Never 1
Usually not 2
Sometimes 3
Usually 4
Always 5

b. Instrument to measure speaking ability in students is speaking test.

Speaking test will be conducted to the students after they answered
the questionnaire. In speaking test, students talking about their
opinion with the theme “Mental Health Crisis in Teenager” in front
of class and use duration 3-5 minutes. The instrument of speaking
ability is adopted the model of instrument that developed by harmer
which consisted of three aspects, namely pronunciation, vocabulary,
and fluency. The students’ speaking performance was recorded by
using voice recorder, in order to help the writer to assess the
speaking ability of the students. The content of the test would require
the students for their speaking ability through four points in the oral
English rating scales, according to Harris namely: pronunciation,
grammar, vocabulary, and fluency. To measure this step of test the
teacher categorizes the score in criteria which referred to Harris as
these following22:
Table 3.2
Scoring Rubric for Speaking Test

Rate qualities Points Behavioural Statements

5 Has few traces of foreign accent.
Always intelligible, though one is conscious of a
definite accent.
Pronunciation problems necessitate concentrated
3 listening and occasionally lead to
Very hard to understand because of pronunciation
problems. Must frequently be asked to repeat.
Pronunciation problem so severe as to make
speech virtually unintelligible.
Makes few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar
or word order.
Occasionally makes grammatical and/or word-
4 order errors which do not, however, obscure
Makes frequent errors of grammar and word order
which occasionally obscure meaning.
Grammar and word-order errors make
2 comprehension difficult. Must often rephrase
sentence and/or restrict him self to basic patterns.

David P. Harris, Testing English as a Second Language, (Bombay: Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company ltd., 1977), p. 84.
Errors in grammar and word order so serve to
make speech virtually unintelligible.
Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of a
native speaker.
Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and/or must
rephrase ideas because of lexical inadequacies.
Frequently uses the wrong word; conversation
Vocabulary 3
somewhat limited because inadequate vocabulary
Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary
make comprehension quite difficult.
Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to make
conversation virtually impossible.
Speech as fluent and effortless as that of a native
Speed of speech seem to be slightly affected by
language problems.
Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by
Fluency 3
language problems.
Usually hesitant; often record into silence by
language limitations.
Speech is so halting and fragmentary as to make
conversation virtually impossible.
Appears to understand everything without
Understand nearly everything at normal speed,
although occasional repetitions may be necessary .
Understand most of what is said at slower-than-
Comprehension normal speed with repetitions.
Has great difficulty following what is said. Can
2 comprehend only "social conversation" spoken
slowly and with frequent repetitions.
Cannot be said to understand even simple
conversational English.
Note: maximum sore = 25 (Cited from Harris, 1969 : 18)
the result of score x 100
Score =
Maximum score
c. Instrument use the documentation method is also needed to get the
information as follows:
1) Documentation of thestudents in SMA Negeri 1 Terbanggi
2) Documentation of the condition of SMA Negeri 1 Terbanggi
F. Data Analysis Technique
The data is analysis by using parametric statistics from Pearson
Product-Moment correlation, due to its normal distribution. in order to
determine the relationship between Learning strategies and speaking ability.
The statistical relationship, or association, between two continuous
variables is measured by the Pearson's correlation coefficient test statistic.
It provides details on the direction of the relationship as well as the strength
of the correlation or association. The technique on data analysis use
correlation technique from person product moment as follow:
𝑁 ∑ 𝑋𝑌 − ∑ 𝑋 ∑ 𝑌
𝑟𝑥𝑦 =
√𝑁 ∑ 𝑋 2 − (∑ 𝑋 )2 √𝑁 ∑ 𝑌 2 − (∑ 𝑌)2

𝑟𝑥𝑦 = Coefficient of correlation between X variable and Y variable

(koefisien korelasi antara variabel X dan variabel Y)
N = Number of class
X = Distribution of students' learning strategies
Y = Distribution of students' speaking ability
= Sum of score in X distribution (jumlah skor dalam distribusi
∑𝑋 X)
= Sum of score in Y distribution (jumlah skor dalam distribusi
∑𝑌 Y)
∑ 𝑋𝑌 = Sum of multiple of X and Y (jumlah Perkalian X dan Y)
𝑋2 = Sum of X quadrate (jumlah kuadrat dari X)
𝑌 = Sum of Y quadrate (jumlah kuadrat dari Y)

The Score of "r" product moment (𝑟𝑋𝑌 ) Interpretation

0.00 – 0.099 Very Low
0.20 – 0.399 Low
0.40 – 0.599 Medium
0.60 – 0.799 High
0.80 – 1.000 Very High
(Sugiyono, 2012:184)

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