The Effectiveness of Using Media Snack Game To Improve Vocabulary Skill in English at Senior High School

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1.1 The Background of Study

Education is a process by individual or groups to obtain a science.

Education is also a deliberate conscious effort made to realize a learning

process on a person in order to make a person more active and creative in

exploring the potential in him or her to be a better life. Education is ver y helpul

people to be adult. It is also to know how to differ the right and wrong things.

Beside that, education can make an evaluation for each individual to earn


In Law, No. 20 of 2003 definition of education is an effort that is done

consciously and planned to create an atmosphere and the learning process so that

learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength

of religious,personality development, self - control, intelligence, character, and

skills needed him , community, nation, and state.

According to the Dictionary of Indonesian education is the process of

changing attitudes and code of conduct a person or group of people mature

business man through teaching and training efforts; process, method, works

to educate.

Every students should have a wide range of ability in theirselve. One of the

capabilities that must be owned by the students is the ability to interact and

communicate well with others. If students can interact and communicate well they
can make good communication to other people. Therefore, they can transfer the

information to other people well.

There are four main things that must be mastered by students in studying

English such as, reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Vocabulary also one of

a skill that is very important part in studying English. Lack of vocabulary of the

students resulted in students are difficult to express words in the English


Vocabulary is a component in the language. With the vocabulary people can

say what they meant. In speaking, vocabulary is very important. Mc.Charty in his

book stated” no matter how well the student learns grammar, no matter how

successfully the sounds of second language just cannot happen in any meaningful

way.From these statements, that the vocabulary is very necessary when


In order to increase student vocabulary skills with a good teacher should be

able to understand the extent of the vocabulary of the students and make the

learning process learning activities through play or play while learning.

The importance of learning English is combined with a media. Media is

very useful in learning and teaching process. The media make teacher easy to

transfer knowledge to the students. The students will be spirit when they study

with the media. Teacher should choose the right media that match with the

material. Also the media should be interested and unique.

Media that can be used by images as media. Image as media can facilitate

the learning process in students. With the images as media of students more
quickly given the lessons delivered by teachers. Images as media also helps

students develop students' imagination. Students are more active and creative in

teaching and learning process.

Learning media is very helpful in the process of delivering the material

presented by the teacher. With the media teacher more easily improve students'

vocabulary. Teachers are required to be more creative in determining the media

that is suitable for use in the learning process.

Playing is also a media for learning. Playing activities require media. The

media used is expected to affect the learning process.The media used need not be

expensive and hard to find. What is around the environment can be utilized not

only that game tools can also be used as a media. Snake game is one of the

images as media that can be used to enhance students' vocabulary.

The students will use their imagination and it will be easier to memorize

vocabulary in the image. In fact, based on observation the researchers found there

are several factors that make students lack of their vocabulay, the students are lazy

to memorize vocabulary, some students do not like vocabulary in English

language, and some students are late to catch the material.

Based on the problem above, the researcher interested to make the reasearch about



1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background above the problem can be formulated as follow.

1. How is the students’ vocabulary achievement before they are taught by

using snack game?

2. How is the students’ vocabulary achievement after they are taught by

using snack game?

3. Is there any significant effect of the use of snack game on the students’

vocabulary achievement.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

Based on the formulation of the problem, the purpose of the study are to find out:

1.3.1. To know the students vocabulary achievement before they are taught

by using snack game.

1.3.2. To know the students vocabulary achievement after they are taught by

using snack game.

1.3.3. To know whether snack games give significant influence(s) toward the

student’s achievement in vocabulary ability or not.

1.4 Scope And Limitation of study

Scope and limitation of this study is used to avoid uncontrolled study. The writer

limits the discussion of this study as follows:

1.4.1. This study focuses of effectiveness of using snack game to improve

vocabulary on the student’s vocabulary mastery. This study focuses on

teaching vocabulary using snack game. Vocabulary here is limited on

thing at school. This study writer used snack game.

1.4.2. This study focuses on the students of tenth grade senior high school
The Limitation of Problem

Based on the identification of the above problems that arise, hence the need

for restrictions on the problem. It is adapted to identify the problem, so what is to

be achieved in this study can be directed properly. So in this case the researchers





The result of the study will give contributions for:

1.5.1. Researcher or Writer

For the researcher of her self, it is to know the effectiveness of using snack game

to improve vocabulary. And the result of this study can enrich knowledge and

experience about teaching vocabulary.

1.5.2. Teacher

The result can encourage the English teacher in creating effective ways in

teaching English especially teaching vocabulary. So, the result can be used feed

back to improve his or her teaching and alternative reference in teaching


1.5.3. Reader

For the reader, they get inside about vocabulary and the way how to teach

1.5.4. For another researcher

The result of this study is hopefully able to give inputs for them who want to

conduct a similar research especially on the same topic.

1.6. The Definition of Key Term

The definitions of key term are to be given, in order to avoid misunderstanding.

The writer gives the definition key term based on the title of this thesis as follow:

1.6.1. Effectiveness is indicated by the higher mean score of the snack game.

1.6.2. Improve vocabulary is become or make better someone to learn


1.6.3. The terms bellow the grids are clues to help the students find the hidden

words. Words can appear horizontally, forwards or back words.

1.6.4. Game is an activity with rules, goals, and element of fun. It is basically a

form of recreation; therefore, it should bring enjoyment to the players.

Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provider much of the

basis for how well learners speak, listens, read and write


2.1.The Study Of Related Theories

2.1.1. Theoretical Description

With the growth of English as an International language of

communication, it is clear that many learners need to speak and interact in

many situations through language whether it is for traveling, business or

professional reasons (McDonough, Shaw, Masuhara, 2013). Since

speaking is the main skill that will be learned in this study, it is important

for the writer to know about speaking in depth.

2.1.2. Theoretical Framework

The essence of language as a communication tool makes

every learn languages including English, must be intended that each

student is able to communicate fluently and accurately in written and oral.

The speaking skill is one of the four language skills that is important to be

developed because the ability in speaking English is demanded in work

field especially in AFTA era that will give many opportunities of job

vacancies. However, Indonesian workers must be well prepared to

compete with workers from other countries. The urgent preparation is

ability using English for communication besides the skill in particular


2.2 General Concept of Vocabulary

2.1.3. Definition Of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the materials studied by students of all

level of schools in Indonesia. It has been mastered if they want to master

English well. It is impossible to be successful in study language without

mastering the vocabulary. Vocabulary is a central of language and of

critical importance of typical language. Without sufficient vocabulary,

people cannot communicate effectively or express his ideas in both oral

and written form. To support the speaker’s interaction in

communication, vocabulary becomes important because it can be used

as basic foundation to construct a word into a good sequence of

sentence. Therefore, the students should have to obtain vocabulary

mastery.Hocket (in Celce-Murcia and Mc Intosh, 1978: 129) states that

vocabulary is the easiest aspect at a second language to learn and it

hardly requires formal attention in the classroom. Hornby (1995: 1331)

defines “vocabulary as a list of words used in book, etc. usually with

definition and translation”.

According to Finnochiaro (1974: 73) there are two kinds of

vocabulary, namely active vocabulary and passive vocabulary. Active

vocabulary refers to the words the student understands, can

pronounce correctly and use them constructively in speaking and

writing. On the other hand, passive vocabulary refers to the words in

which the students can recognize and understand while they are reading
or listening to someone speaking, but they do not use the words in

speaking or in writing.

Based on the definition above, I conclude that the more

vocabulary the learners have, the easier for them to develop their

four skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking) and learn English

as the foreign language generally.

2.1.4. Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary is very important for second language learners;

only with sufficient vocabulary learners can effectively express their ideas

both in oral and written form. Thus they should have a good idea of

how to expand their vocabulary so that they can improve their

interest in leaning the language. Language teachers, therefore, should

posses considerable knowledge on how to manage an interesting

classroom so that the learners can gain a great success in their

vocabulary learning.

Teaching vocabulary plays an important role in language

acquisition because the mastery of vocabulary will help students to

master all the language skills; speaking; listening; writing; and

reading. The vocabulary will make the students practice life an will

strengthen belief that English can be used to express the same ideas or

feeling they express in their native language (Finochiaro, 1974:38.

Furthermore, in teaching vocabulary the teacher can introduce

the list of vocabulary that is taken from the book. The teacher uses
and adds other vocabulary which is relevant to the students. Teacher

needs a good knowledge on their teaching materials. When they have to

teach the students about vocabulary, teachers should know the general

knowledge of vocabulary, words and also the meaning The words or

vocabulary can be spoken and written.

2.2 The Study Of Related Theories

2.1.5. Definition Of Snack Game

Snake is an interactive application made for entertainmentpurposes.

Programmer have written snake in several computer languages but today’s

document will focus on a Java implementation. Similar to most programs,

how thedeveloper creates the game can alter as well. Just keep inmind that

the explanation in this document describes one programmer’s solution.

In snake the player attempts to get as many points aspossible. To do

this, the player controls the movements of a snake. This snake, represented

in figure 1 as the red andgreen dot chain, continuously moves. The only

keys theplayer needs to worry about are the four arrow keys.Pressing one

of these keys will move the snake in that key’s direction.

However, the user cannot select adirection opposite of the snake’s

current direction. Forexample hitting the right arrow key would not change

the direction of a left-moving snake. Hitting anarrow key affects the head

(red dot) of the snake. The remainder of the snake will follow the path

thehead takes. Figure 1 indicates where the snake changed direction and

what key was pressed to make the change.

To earn points a collision needs to occur between the snake head

and another icon on the board (greenapple in figure) :

1). Once the player collects an apple, the snake grows by one dot and their

scoreincreases. As the snake grows longer, the game becomes more

difficult due to limited space. The gameends when one of two events

occurs; the snake head hits part of the snake or the snake head hitsoutside

the game board (hitting the wall). In the traditional version of snake, the

game calculates the player’s score as some multiple of the number of

apples collected.


A. Research Design

The research design used quasi-experimental design (the Pre Test-Post-

Test non equivalent group design). In executing this research, the

researcher used pre-test and post-test design in both experimental and

controlled class. It would aim to find out of using Snake Game to

improve the Students’ Speaking Skill. The treatment would conducted

after the pre – test.

B. Research Time and Location

C. Popolation And Sample

1. Population

The population of this research was taken from the second year

students of MAN 2 Lamongan. 1 Takalar in academic year 2018/2019. The

total number of population was 160 students which consist of eight classes

they are four IPA class, three IPS class and one Bahasa class. IPA class has

60 students which consist of 35 females and 25 males. IPS class has 50

students which consist of 20 females and 30 males. Bahasa class has 50

students which consist of 25 females and 25 males.

2. Sample

Sample is part of the population which as a representative

(Arikunto, 2010). The researcher used purposive sampling

technique to draw a sample from the population in this research.

Castillo in Rafiqah (2009), he pointed out that this type of

sampling technique is also known as judgmental sampling.

Judgmental sampling used where the researcher selects units to

be sampled based on their knowledge and professional judgment. It

is also used in cases where the specialty of an authority can select a

more representative sample that can bring more accurate result

than by using other sampling technique.

The researcher purposely used two classes as a sample. These

classes divided into experimental and controlled class. The

researcher used 20 students as the sample of the research with

students as experimental class in XI MIPA 1 and 20 students as

controlled class in XI MIPA 3. This sample selection is accorded

by the researcher observation. The reason for taking these classes

as the sample was based on recommendation of the English

teacher of MAN 2 Lamongan. 1 Takalar that this class is

easier to be observed.

D. Procedure of Collecting Data

1. Pre test

The pre test was administered at the first day of the first week. This test

applied to measure the students’ speaking before treatment.

2. Treatment

Treatment is the way to improve students’ skill in speaking by using

Snake and Ladder Game. After given the pre-test the

students taught by using Snake Game. The treatments taken

place within 4 meetings and it takes 90 minutes for each class.

The procedures of treatment:

a. Experimental Class

1.The First and the Second Meeting:

a) The researcher entered the class and introduce the introduction

materials to the class.

b) The researcher explained about snake game and give the example.

c) The researcher showed the instruction that helped the students

for playing the game.

2. The Third and the fourth Meeting:

a) Students divided in 6 groups before playing the Snake Game.

b) The researcher asked the students how to play it.

c) The researcher making some announcements during the students play

the game.

d) The researcher would give a gift for the winner.

b. The Controlled Class

In this class the researcher taught the students by using conventional

method like the English teacher of the class used. It aims to find

out the impact of implementing the conventional method in

experimental class by comparing the pre-test and post-test

result of the both class.

c. Post-Test

The post-test used after gave treatment to the students. The test was

same as the pre-test before. In this post-test, the researcher saw

the improvement of the student after given treatment.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

There are three terms to point out in case of measuring the

students’ speaking skill, the researcher’s scope for this research

ware in a students’ fluency, accuracy and comprehensibility.

1. The table for fluency scoring for pre-test and post-test

Clasification Score Criteria

Excellent 6 Speak without too great an

effort with fairly wide range of

expression. Searches for words

occasionally but only one or

two unnatural pauses.

Very good 5 Has to make an effort time

to search for words.

Nevertheless, smooth delivery

on the whole and only a few

unnatural pauses.
Good Although has to make an effort

and search for words, there are

not too many unnatural

pauses, Fairly smooth

delivery mostly. Occasionally

fragmentary but succeeded in

conveying the general

meaning, fair range of


Average 3 Has to make an effort too much

of the time, often has to search

the desire meaning. Rather

halting delivery and

fragmentary, range of

expression often limited.

Poor Long pauses while he

searches for the desire

meaning. Frequently

fragmentary and halting

delivery. Almost gives up

making the efforts

at time. Limited range of


Very poor 1 Full of long and unnatural

pauses. Very halting and

fragmentary delivery. At times

gives up making the effort.

Very limited range expression.

2.The table for accuracy scoring in pre-test and post-test:

Classification Score Criteria

Excellent 6 Pronunciation is only very

slightly influenced

by the mother-tongue. Two or

three minor

grammatical and lexical errorrs.

Very good 5 Pronunciation is slightly

influenced by the mother

tongue. A few minor

grammatical and lexical errors

but most utterances are correct

Good 4 Pronunciation is still

moderately influenced by the

mother-tongue but no serious

phonological errors. A few

grammatical and lexical errors

but only one or two major errors

cause confusion.

Average 3 Pronunciation is influenced

by the mother tongue but

only a few serious

phonological errors. A few

grammatical and lexical

errors, some of which cause


Poor 2 Pronunciation seriously

influence by the mother tongue

with errors causing a

breakdown in communication.

Many ‘basic’ grammatical and

lexical errors.

Very Poor 1 Serious pronunciation errors

as well as many “basic’

grammatical and lexical errors.


Evidence of having mastered

any of the language skills and

areas practiced in the


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