Grade 11 Daily Lesson LOG
Grade 11 Daily Lesson LOG
Grade 11 Daily Lesson LOG
B. Establishing a purpose for Lesson Proper 1. What is the proposition Tell the students to make a list of ten
the lesson of this selection? 2. Ask the students to expressions like the ones given above. 1.
prepare a list of the reasons given in the Ask the students what they think of these
selection for using short words. 3. expressions. 2. Ask the students if they
Encourage the students to express their have used doublespeak at home or in
stand on the issue of using short words school. Let them cite examples.
whenever possible.
C. Presenting Read and React Lesson Proper Lesson Proper 1. Call the students’
examples/instances of the attention to Par. 2, Sentence 2 which says:
new lesson 1. Unlocking verbal Difficulties. Ask the 1. Let the students read the selection. Tell “Like all new media, e-mail has a dark
students to look up the meanings of them to outline it. side.” What purpose does this sentence
these terms and use them in sentences. serve? 2. Make the class prepare an outline
a. forage for food b. thongs c. full of 2. Ask the students: that will list down both the advantages and
whimsy d. flatfootedly e. vernal disadvantages of the e-mail based on the
equinox f. prosy and downright english a. What is doublespeak? arguments presented in the selection. 3.
g. potency of medicine h. shrivel i. vault Ask the students if the author of this article
of the sky j. wheedled b. What are the uses of doublespeak? totally rejects the e-mail.
1. Let the students express their initial 1. Let the students take a stand on the use 1. Let the students assess their need for
position on one of the following issues: a. of doublespeak and defend their position. their e-mail or Facebook account.
School uniforms should no longer be
required. b. The Mother-Tongue-Based- 2. Make the students write an essay on the 2. Ask them to comment on the good and
Multilingual Education (MTBMLE) policy advantages/disadvantages of the use of bad effects of e-mail and Facebook on their
should be implemented up to Grade 6. doublespeak own lives.
2. Assign the students to look for 3. Ask the students to search for speeches 3. Share with your students your own
evidence to support their position. delivered by politicians on their experiences and some news accounts you
accomplishments while in office. have read about some good and bad
3. Ask the students to write a position effects of e-mail and Facebook postings.
paper. Tell them to mention the 4. Tell the students to observe how people
evidences they found to support their in government argue about different
reasons. Show them how to cite their issues. Advise the students to respond
sources properly. critically to the way people present
arguments and evidence to defend their
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?