Game Informer Issue 052 August 1997

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Nintendo ° Sega • Sony • PC ° Arcades nooES • Strategies r .


Crash Bandicoot 2
Final Fantasy VII




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international mission where your
Stably chance of survival will be your precision
gun your razor-sharp aim and your
impeccable sense of style. Good thing
you’re James Bond. In the new GoldenEye A
. for N64, you’ve got a 360-degree range, jH
18 weapons and a license to kill. ]
Hope your tux is pressed.
Cover Story:
Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee
From the strange minds at Oddworld comes an even stranger
adventure. Playing the role of Abe, a skinny loincloth wearing
Mudokon, you must venture through countless puzzles,
endless enemies, and an engaging story. As always, Game
Informer will be your guide through Abe's odd world. ^
Electronic Entertainment Expo '97
Find out all that happened on and off the show
floor at this year’s E3.

Power of the Fox Sweepstakes

Answer trivia and win an N64!
Letter from the Editor
E3 Sucks!

Dear Game Informer

Gl readers from across the
globe interact with Game Reviews & Previews

Nintendo 64
Envelope Art
San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing
You can’t win if you don't
enter Gl’s monthly envelope PlayStation
art contest. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, Blasto,
Resident Evil: Director’s Cut, Tomb Raider 2,
Gl News Final Fantasy VII, Raystorm, Ace Combat 2,
Sony’s new fighter revealed,
Apocalypse, Felony 11-79, Rascal, Steel Reign,
Sega Saturn drops in price,
MLB ‘98, Porsche Challenge, NHL Powerplay ‘98,
Square announces new RPG,
Formula 1 ‘97
and tons-o-fun with Name
That Game!, Trivia, and Gl's PlayStation & Saturn
Top Ten. Madden NFL 98

Arcade Brigade Saturn

Gl looks at two more Model Mega Man X4, Last Bronx,

3 games: Sega Super GT Saturn Bomberman

and Virtua Striker 2.

Game Informer PC
Gl reviews MDK and Star Trek
At a Glance
Generations, as well as PC
news from the Matrix.
NBA HangTime, Ogre Battle, Time Crisis,
Secret Access Xevious 3DG+, Machine Hunter, Reboot,
Tips from our readers Violent Seed, Street Fighter 2 Collection
and the infamous Game
Genie/Game Shark PlayStation & Saturn
Darkstalkers 3: Jedah’s Damnation,
Swap Shop.
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter
Classic Gl
Nintendo 64
GI looks at classics on the
Lamborghini 64
Super NES, Genesis, NES,
and Game Boy. Saturn
Enemy Zero,
Resident Evil,

MK Trilogy
mm w „
Well. ..actually it you to
didn’t suck, but the headline got or any system for that matter, until sometime late in 1999. At
look didn't it? guess that was kind of low, but sometimes that's
I the earliest.
the way it goes. What really want to talk about is the futureI The facts are, it takes a long time to create and perfect a August Issue 1997
Volume VII Number 8 • Issue #52
of game systems. Which know is a ho-hum subject that has I console system and even longer to make games for it. Companies
been done a million times, but hey.. .what’s one more time? know this, andthey're not going to run out and put a new system Richard A. Cihak
was apparent at this show that games on the 32-bit platforms
It on the market without taking some time to put together a solid
Andrew McNamara
are really coming into their own. PlayStation games are really business plan before a major release like a new system. And
starting to pump out the polys and textures; Saturn games are even if they have a great plan and a great system, it
Paul Anderson
looking a lot like their arcade counterparts; and the N64 apparently always. ..always comes down to timing. Senior Associate Editor
can do a lot more expansive environments that we ever thought So please take any information you hear about a new wonder- Andrew Reiner
possible. But what want to address is all the talk of new systems.
I machine with a grain of salt because most of the information Erik Reppen

Recently, there have been numerous reports on the you hear is about early testing models or hearsay (my money's Jon Storm
Associate Editors
web and in print about Sega's new machine coming out sometime on hearsay). Plus, the 32’s and 64’s are pumping out some
Thomas Blustin
in the next year or so, but really don’t think this is a reality. I great software. So why worry about the future? Bask in the
Art Director
I’ve heard that Sega is using the opportunity to work on the gaming heaven that we have right now. There are more games Graphic Design
new system as leverage to keep people developing games to play than time to play them. There’ll be plenty of time for Timothy J. Laurie
on the Saturn. But obviously, this shows that Sega’s new system new systems and specs when they become a reality, not idle Production Director

is still a long way off. Don't expect to see a new Sega system, talk. Graphic Design

Curtis Fung
Production Assistant
Graphic Design

Ryan MacDonald
West Coast Correspondent

Sarah Anderson
. Gia Garbin9ky
Copy Editors
Terrie Maley
Circulation / Marketing Manager

Advertising Sales
Kimberley Thompson-Benike
National Advertising Sates Director
10120 W. 76th Street
Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728

(612) 946-8159
Fax (612) 946-8155
Manufactured and prinled
in Ihe United Slates ot America

“Boy oh boy is E3 an experience. Just
walking the vast show floor, around
PROFESSOR every corner isa game had been

no doubt that any gamer dying to play. Then throw the

MY, THE GAME HO MERE “There is in

would have a field day testing all excitement of buy-outs and leveraging,
“Alright. could write sentences that
of the new games at E3. spent 1 and you have the most exciting time
make sense about this year’s E3, but most of my time looking over the of the year for video games. Of course
“I can sum up the E3 PC experience think would much rather ramble on.
1 I

biggest and the best of the Metal Gear and Colony wars blew
in one word: “derivative." Fortunately, Metal Gear.. .ugh! That game looks upcoming sports titles. Primarily, me away, but there were a few titles
most of the games were good unbelievable! There's a scene in I concentrated on hockey and that also bear mention. Nuclear Strike
derivatives and saw a minimum
I of the game where Snake is fighting a football. EA Sports and Sony was cool, Darkstalkers 3 was sweet,
point-and-clickers. Among the real- Predator-styled cloaked ninja, and the
both have good starts on their and I'm pretty stoked for MK
timers (C&C/Warcraft Clones). only way he can find him is to
games, but companies like Mythologies. It should also be
Total Annihilation from GT Interactive machine gun down the whole office
Interplay, Acclaim, and Konami will noted that underwater adventure is
was my favorite. There was also a in a Die Hard-styled destruction attempt to take away some of their now a hot genre, with games like
plethora of first-person shooters. test.. .amazing! Next on my list would
thunder. There be a ton of sports Treasures of the Deep (Namco),
Quake II, Hexen II, Unreal, and Dark have to be Colony Wars, then probably games making their way into the Critical Depth (SingleTrac), Aqua
Forces II all looked impressive. TH*Q's Banjo-Kazooie (though the character
Gl offices in the coming months Prophecy (ASCII), and Tomb 2
Pax Imperia 2 could be one of the makes me Crash 2,
with FF VII,
and rest assured, we'll find the best with its new emphasis on underwater
premier conquer-the-galaxy games Beastorizor, Cardinal Syn, and Gex
ones for you." combat. Cool."
of the year. Otherwise, my E3
first 2 filling out the rest of favs."
was exactly as I expected; a
colossal rigmarole of tasteless REINER, THE RAGING GAMER
promotions and vastly extravagant “Do you remember last month when openly declared that was the best Star Fox 64 pilot around? Well,

wastes of money that would have now it's official, am. destroyed the field in the Star Fox 64 competition, and even blasted Miyamoto

been better spent on product into another dimension. For this feat won a golden N64 controller signed by the big M and Star Fox artist

development. In other words, it was Mr. Imamura. As far as E3 goes, it was tiring and full of great new software for all the systems. My pick
a darn tootin' good time." for the show was Psygnosis' Colony Wars for the PS-X. and runners-up were Metal Gear, Quake 64, Audit Bureau ot Circulations
Superman 64. Gex: Enter the Gecko, and of course Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back.” Member

4 Gl Staff (from left):Tom Blustin, Paul, Erik, Andy, Jon, Reiner, Tim Laurie Game Informer August ‘97
Developed and published by


© 1997 Interplay Productions. All rights reserved. Clay Rghtar;63 1/3 and Interplay are trademarks of.lnterplay
Productions. All rights reserved. Nintendo, Nintendo 64, 3-D W are trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. BY GAMERS. FOR GAMERS.
All rights reserved. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective ov/ners.
Mono-Question of the complete list of upcoming Saturn titles in our and programming as adequate for using the Net

the Month E3 feature on page 14.) Yaroze. (Note: "Just starting to understand Pascal"
not what we mean by intense.) If you're planning on

4. Try using engineers to take over the prison. If

that doesn't work, destroy everything and getting a Yaroze, make surB you're one of those
Readers: Will you guys send me one of those everybody except for the prison. Remember, when people who can stick with something for the long
NG4s sitting under Reiner's desk? Everyone I know playing Nod it's always good to destroy everything haul. Learning to program and design games is a
just spontaneously combusted and I'm kind of sad. whole different world aside from the rest of the
in sight (especially churches), as this will often
Us: Dhhh....bummer. Sorry, but there was an yield large crates ofmoney. Of course, you may software industry and it will take quite some time
unfortunate incident involving the N64s under want to leave some towns intact if it suits your to learn how to do it yourself. As far as math goes,

Reiner's desk. You see, on the weekends we rent strategy. They can make great buffer zones geometry and logic are probably the two fields you
our gigantic office space to the Hans between you and enemy invasions, particularly if need to excel in for doing games. TYust us, we've
Schloppenheimer Polka Band so they can have a you mix in some additional barriers and defenses. seen vid programmers in action and you wouldn't
wild and wacky polka fest into the wee hours of the believe how quickly and efficiently these people
morning. Unfortunately, Mrs. Ferguson brought her race through code. The Net Yaroze is not for people
prize-winning sauerkraut along and in the who are afraid to learn something on their own.
resulting stampede, all 250 NG4 units were
i 2 and the Met Yaroze This probably rules out about 98% of the U.S.
crushed along with Reiner's desk, his computer, population.
and all of his Spawn toys. Please don't send us any
Ihave a few questions,
more of these letters. Reiner tends to get rather
1.All the pictures I've seen of Resident Evil 2 have
depressed at any reminder of this horrific incident.
the same 4-7 zombie cops on them. Do you know Duke Nukem, A
whether there will be big guns like the .357
magnum in the game?
Wholesome Kind of Guy
Random Q&A 2. With a computer like a 4B6DX2, will the the Net
Yaroze run like Doom on
a 386SX (choppy)? Recently, Iwas talking to my friend about Doom
3. 1 was hoping you'd tell me which
love RPGs, so I
64. We both disliked it, as the controls were very

First of all, I'd like to say that I'm a proud ones could have been made with the Yaroze. hard to get used to. Then I brought up Duke Nukem
subscriber to your mag. have a few questions 4. What level of math and knowledge of computer My friend said he had heard rumors on the
I I ( 3D.
was hoping you could answer for me though. programming would I need to use the Net Yaroze? internet that Duke Nukem 3D was coming out for
1. Is "Christmas NiGHTS" for the Saturn sold in Nameless the Nintendo G4. He also said that parts of the bar
stores? Where can you find it? Media, PA will be removed, because Nintendo won't license
2. Does the Saturn have much of a 1. All the pictures you've the game if they aren't. Can you confirm these
future left? In your June issue you seen of Resident Evil 2 are rumors?
said Midway has discontinued Saturn the same because no one has P.S. Have you stopped publishing lG-bit game
development. Which companies are a preliminary version of the system reviews? Why?
still putting out Saturn titles? game yet. Capcom has given Your Fan,
3. Are there any more excellent themselves plenty of extra Derek Brusegard
games like Dragon Force and Fighters time to make Res 2 into Nintendo, ever mindful of the parents involved,
Megamix coming out soon that might something truly amazing, so will be cleaning up DukeNukem to an extent. For
make Saturn have some kind of we doubt that the guns will the most part, appears as though all of the
comeback? be disappointing. original levels will remain intact with only minor
4. For Command & Conquer on Sega 2. You're making a software modifications. Those women in the skimpy bikinis,
Saturn, for mission 3 on the Nod disk, how the analogy to an issue of hardware compatibility. If for instance, will be wearing skimpy T-shirts
heck do you "overwhelm" the prison without anything, the PlayStation will probably be slowing instead. Luckily, the T-shirts will have very
destroying it?
the PC down. In terms of raw hardware power politically incorrect statements on them, and GT
Cameron C. Stearns Jr.
(RAM, processing speed), PCs win out. The reason says that the game should have even more blood
Baltimore, MB console games are still impressive, even when than the original. It all comes down to whether you
Christmas NiGHTS was available for rental at compared to the PC, is that consoles are designed like Duke for its action, or its...other stuff. The
Blockbuster Video for a limited time and it was also specifically for games and their programmers tend closest comparison we can make is Nintendo's
given away for free through various channels to be more efficient than PC programmers due decision to clean up the blood in Mortal Kombat
(which we won't get into). However, if you're really to the constraints they have to work under. 1 & 2 for the SNES. A lot of people whined and
interested we're sure you could find it at a used Besides, the PC is only there to program your moaned about the fact that all they had to do
retailer. games, the PlayStation is used to play them. was go to the local video arcade or department
2 & 3. We don't want to say no, but it seems like 3.This is a hard question to answer because no store to see the blood anyway, but both

we hear about yet another company (or game) that one has put out a killer Net Yaroze game yet. games sold a lot of SNES copies in

has withdrawn from Saturn production on a weekly We're not entirely sure of how limiting the spite of all that.

basis. Third-parties have become a very timid software and hardware will be, but the We have actually started
bunch in recent years and don't like walking on beauty of an RPG is that it doesn't publishing lG-bit reviews
shaky ground. However, there are some companies necessarily need killer graphics to be a again due to popular
that are sticking around. Working Designs will great game. We're sure many people demand. As we said
remain one of the Saturn's premier developers and will love Wild Arms even after Final in our last issue,
Electronic Arts will continue to put out Saturn Fantasy VII comes out (which isn't to we hope to
versions of many of their games. Also, Capcom will say Wild Arms is graphically expand Classic
be releasing a Saturn version of Resident Evil. Most weak). beyond a page,
people's attitude is that the Saturn is a sinking ship 4. Unless you're a wiz but that's

right now, but not a bad system. If you own one,

it's kid, we can't imagine still in the
it's definitely worth your while to hold on to it anything short of an works.
through the next Christmas season. (You can look at intense high school
level education in math

Game Informer m August ‘97

all spawned from European companies. By no

means does Japan have a monopoly on vids. The

company responsible for creating Croc is Argonaut
Software in Europe. The game will be published
here in the states, however, by Fox Interactive, so
you'll have to wait until the game hits the shelves
To start, I want to say that your magazine is the
this holiday season. Besides,no matter how good it
greatest. I'm thrilled with my subscription. In your
looks, you should really look at our reviews before
June issue, you previewed a game for PS-X called miss the days
buying a game. We do our best to get them out (5 years). I of side-scrolling action
Croc. The game looks awesome and I can't wait for
platform games and games with simple names like
before or at about the same time a game hits the
it to hit the U.S. Seriously, I wanted to
can't wait. I
Amazing Holes
"Baseball Stars" and "Golf," not "3G
stores. That Croc is a stunning graphical
know if I could buy it in Japan and have it sent to Presented by Some Magazine Starring Some Guy!' I
achievement on the PlayStation is impossible to
my house, and how much it would cost me. Please deny, but there are many other factors that go into miss that revolutionary controller with its Select,
tell me the address of the factory I can buy it at.
making a game fun and these won't be evaluated Start, A, and B buttons. Now we have buttons with
Kevin Haley obscure symbols like a triangle. What's up with
until we see a final version of the game.
that? Don't get me wrong. I'm excited by how far
Croc will not be out in Japan before the U.S. games have come, but no era will be better than the
Believe it or not, Kevin, not all games are made in "NES Era." Am I alone in these thoughts?
Japan. In fact, many of the best ones come out here Chris Hodges
first. Crash, Twisted Metal 2, and Rally Cross were Chicago IL
all developed right here in the United States. Tomb
Not at all. We have great memories of playing
Raider, WipEout XL, and Destruction Derby 2 were vids on the NES. Never again will a company have
control of a market like Nintendo had with the NES.
I'm going to make a bold statement: " 1 miss the
However, we think you might be using selective
NES!" Sure, today's games have awesome mind-
blowing graphics, realistic sound, and intricate
memory when you say the NES didn't have very
many lasers published on it, because there are
storylines, but they lack the consistent quality that
tons. Probably just as many as the PlayStation or
the NES had. Far too many games these days are
the Genesis. As a matter of fact, every system from
just plain awful, but with the NES, there were few
the beginning has had its fair share of boring and
games that were anything So what
less than "okay!'
annoying games. But that's just the nature of
if the graphics weren't "3-D," and so what if all
gaming. We remember the good and try our best to
their attempts audio dialogue sounded like
forget the junk. Long live video games!
someone with a voicebox? They were still fun!
Many games that started on the NES are still going
strong to this day, almost 12 years later! If you
think about it, the NESlasted longer than the SNES

Courtland Jenkins
Lansing, Ml
Go ahead...try and
pull his finger!

Josh Gilbert
Glendaie, W!

Maybe Cammy
and Chun Li
should have
stayed away from

Long Nguyen
San Jose. CA
Even after numerous
oho u. i6TB trgesi
attempts by the artist,
the super heroes still
wouldn’t smile.

Now these guys know how

Lorue Binder
to dress - just look at those
Los Angeles, CA flame pants!
Now what’s that bear
trying to do?
Wanted: Envelope Art
Enter the Game Informer Envelope
nms.’ZV Art Contest. All you need to do is
Greg Lehman draw, paint, scratch, spit or carve
Josh Gilbert the best darn envelope art you can
St. Paul, MN
think of and send it to us. Please
Glendale, Wl
Got what? include your name, phone number,
We love the one of and return address on the back of
Motaro choking the envelope. If you're the monthly’s funny! winner, we'll feature your work in
Gl and you'll receive a video game
prize from the Game Informer vault.

Game Informer August '97 www.gameinformer. <

j Slylx i-PTdjar (2-Player.

Reiner, The Raging Gmaer

“Innovative, perplexing, and wickedly
Concept: 3iZ5 beautiful is exactly what Oddworld: Abe’s
is. Games like Flashback, Out
and Pnnce of Persia took
of This World,
o c video game creativity to the next step,
only to be shunned by three-dimensional

he fastest and easiest thing to say about Abe's is that it is similar to
I Playability: 9.5 gameplay. Now, Oddworld Inhabitants
other well animated side-scrolling games like Prince of Persia, Out has, so to speak, "de-evolved" to bring

of This World, and Flashback. While comparisons usually do one of the coolest games I’ve ever seen
to the Sony PlayStation. Yes, it is 2D, but
justice to most of the games we come across, leaving it at that with Abe's
in all honesty it’s just as beautiful as Final

isn't even telling half the story. Fantasy VII. You won’t see better
character animations or lighting in a PS-
The entire game takes place in an exotic alien world, full of unusual
X game.
characters and beautifully rendered backgrounds. Abe's Oddysee begins in 9.25 There’s over seven hundred
screens of Mudokon mayhem to soak in,
a sinister meat factory where the Mudokons, the native race of this world, not to mention puzzles and hidden stuff
on almost every screen. If you want to be
work as slaves to a race of nasty carnivores known as the Glukkons. Abe challenged, then let Abe’s pick your
has just witnessed a meeting of his Glukkon masters. Their business is brain.”

not going well and they have decided to put a new meat on the market -
namely, Abe and his people. Escape becomes more than just a dangerous
risk for freedom. It is now imperative to the survival of the Mudokon race.
“Given the success of the 16-bit
first level is a pretty grim place to be. But then, a meat processing
The I Concept: o __
Flashback, I’m surprised that Oddworld
factory is never a pretty place. Throw forced labor into the deal and the . __ is really the first developer to build off of
I Graphics:
that awesome title. Abe’s has few items
picture becomes even more grotesque. Abe must find all the Mudokons he can,
a or fancy weapons, but the ingenuity
them free. Eventually Abe will escape the factory and move on to the 5
and set behind the humor and story of the game
outer world, a place that is as dangerous as it is beautiful. Here he will .^! is extremely entertaining. For the most
i Playability: g
part, Abe’s requires you to first survey
discover many hidden truths about the Mudokon race, and Abe's quest to save
9.75 y°ur situation and then execute a series
his people becomes even more significant, as he finds out that the Mudokon of moves to advance to the next
undertaking. It can become frustrating to
were once much greater than slaves.
keep trying and failing, but the reward of
So you beat up a guard, take his guns of mass destruction and... % ^Tli seeing what’s next is worth the patience
oops, wrong game. (We were thinking of the last 500 games we've From

played.) The fact of the matter is that Abe is a slave in a meat factory
9.25 of getting the execution
sound, beautiful animation, superb
right. the

character design, and tremendous

who is about to become the latest wurst. Fortunately there are two things your replay value, Abe’s is sure to please a
plethora of gamers. Give a try.”
masters aren't counting on - your wits and Abe's unusual shamanic powers. By it

chanting the songs of the Mudokon, Abe can mind control certain enemies.
Chanting also allows him to open up the mysterious birdgates that are located 4
throughout Oddworld. When forced to reveal their true nature, the birds come “Anyone who liked Flashback will love I
3 Abe’s. Anyone who was frustrated with I
together to create a glowing gate that will allow fellow Mudokons to escape. Most
Flashback should take a second whack I
of these gates require concentration and disappear when Abe stops chanting.
I Graphics: q oc
a a are
at this genre. While the puzzles I
There are also special gates that stay open and allow Abe to teleport to other areas. o extremely difficult, and ten or twelve I
deaths in a row can be frustrating, the I
Mudokons are not always right next to a gate, so the game's creators have The payoff itself is I
payoff is well worth
I Playability: 8 75 it.

developed a special system called Gamespeak to help Abe communicate his one hand, the CG clips I
two-fold. On the
8.75 are outstanding; on the other hand, 1
needs. First, say hello to get their attention and then ask them to follow Abe to ;

making headway into new boards I

the nearest gate. If danger lies ahead, Abe can tell them to wait for a while until leaves a sweet taste of gaming I
he takes care of If you need to express frustration, Abe can even curse in
L: As for the graphics, I found I

myself staring at the backgrounds of I

every board. The artists of Abe’s started I
with a grand vision that never /osfl
steam. The storyline is excellent as well. I
Give Abe’s a whirl, it’s a game that I
forces you to think.”
Mudokon. In addition to speech Abe can also fart, whistle and laugh. At first, these things seem unnecessary
but cool. Rest assured - you will need to take advantage of Abe's full complement of abilities in order to beat t!
arduous quest.
Abe doesn't tote guns, but years of slavery have made him strong and wary.
He jumps, runs, sneaks, and hoists himself up to freedom. He can also
throw objects like rocks and grenades at different angles. Usually, when
the main character of a game has such a wide variety of abilities,
control becomes awkward and frustrating. In Abe's case, this is far
from the truth. The game is very easy to learn and control becomes
second nature in a matter of minutes.
Abe's Dddysee is one of those games that lacks simultaneous play t
could easily keep a group of gamers entertained by watching, commenting,
and taking turns at trying to get past certain areas over and over again.
Fortunately, your 'lives" are unlimited and you automatically reincarnate at
certain points in the game once you get past them. This will allow gamers to sit
around and take turns into the wee hours of the night.
For the last year or so, the industry has hit a 3D frenzy. It seems like every press release we get
is emblazoned with the words "true 3D" or "nonlinear'' People knocked Crash Bandicoot for being

limited to a path. It's even been rumored that Sony keeps a stern and watchful eye on games that
aren't three-dimensional. In the end, all of this squabble about 2D vs. 3D is completely insignificant when
measured up to what makes a game worth playing. Abe is technically 2D but it hits hard in all of the

important places. It's beautiful, involving, easy to play, thoroughly challenging, lengthy, and just plain fun. Judge
game for that, not whether it has a third "D."
On a final note, if you love this game like we do, then you should know that Oddworld Inhabitants tiai
enough artistic and storyboard material to do five more Oddworld games. Love Oddworld, and it will love youbai

Rupture Farms (1)

Overview with Meat and slavery are two words that don’t paint a pretty
svel i
x game picture.You must escape this meat processing plant from
Hell and save as many Mudokons as you can find. Once
you leave, any remaining Mudokons will die. Your chief
enemy on this level is the Slig. Fortunately, the Slig have
weak minds that can be controlled through chanting.


Stockyard Escape (2)

You 've escaped the security guards in the

factory. Now you need to dodge laser

motion sensing beams while avoiding
[ the terrible jaws of the Scrabs that lurk in pits below.
Towards the end of the level you will meet the counterpart
? of the Slig - the Slog. In later levels you will be able to give
the Slog commands by controlling the Slig.


www.gamein former.
«j WiKIC :V:5
Monsaic Lines (3)
Here you will discover the true
urgency of Abe’s quest. The world
must be returned to a state of balance,
and yes, the Scrabs and Paramites
need your help as well. Both species
are considered holy by the Mudokons
(unfortunately, they tend to see the
Mudokons as lunch). Helping them
will help you, by giving Abe greater
power over his chant ability. At the Paramonia (4a)
end of this level, you will be given a
Here, you begin your journey to the
choice between learning the ways of
Paramonian Temple. Fortunately, a
the Paramite or the Scrab. It doesn't
really matter which one you choose,
faithful Bum steed awaits you.
because you'll need to learn both
eventually. Once you've overcome the
hazards of both the Paramites and the
Scrabs, you will be able to receive
great power from other Mudokons
and special birdgates in future levels.

Paramonian Nests (4c)

This is definitely the most frightening place in the whole
game. You will be in a constant struggle for survival,
moving from bad situations to even worse situations. Quick-
thinking and reflexes are your best bets on this level.

This is probably one of the most frightening places in the

game. Remember the rules. Paramites will only attack you
if they outnumber you, or if they feel cornered. If you '
throw meat, they will always go for that first. At the
beginning of the Paramonian Temple, you will have the
delightful opportunity to mind control a Slig and tell his ;
Slog to hunt down other Slig.

Scrabania (5a)
The land of the Scrabs is a harsh, desert
PARAMITE environment. The only thing you need to
know about Scrabs is what you already
learned in the stockyards - run and grab
hold of the first ledge you see!
At the beginning of the Scrab Temple you will need to move
quickly between rocks, or the Sligs in the background will nail
you. The temple itself contains a number
of Scrabs and other hazards.
Once again, be prepared to

Scrabanian Nests (5c)

The Scrabanian Nests won’t require you to think
quite as carefully as you needed to in the
Paramonian Nests, but you will need to move a lot
faster. The second you stop, you die.

Stockyards (6)
It is time to return to the factories and

save the rest of your people. It is also

time for revenge against your former
masters. Unfortunately, after the last
ruckus you caused, security has been
upped to a great degree. You will
recognize some of the terrain, but the
enemies and traps are all new.

There are four different labor-

This the last level. You will have two
to cruise
defenses, liberate one last
through a number of
Mudokon (to gain a
camps that you
liberate before the final
will need

Some of them intersect with your

W power boost), find the place where all the
old station at Rupture Farms. Be
f decisions are made, and make a formal
warned though. Things may iooB
complaint. The boardroom so we don't
is cool,
the same, but they are very =
want to give away the ending, but we can tell you
that it’s very gratifying.
Unfortunately, we didn’t get quite as much time with Abe’s Oddysee as we would have liked before
deadline reared its ugly head, but we figure a little strategy is better than no strategy, and the first two
levels of this game have plenty of secrets and tricky situations. Cramming it all in took some doing so we
numbered the text to help you follow it.

Rupture Farms
There are 28 Mudokons to be found on thisleyel. To get a good ending you must rescue at least 50. We’ve
given you all of the secret locations for finding more Mudokons, but you have to figure out the puzzles in ’ll

these areas yourself. If you figure everything out, you'll be able to finish the level with all 28.

f The first screen is a good place to become W Use

a regular jump to get over the first batch of mines. Then run and jump to get over*
'accustomed to all of Abe's different abilities. the second and on to the next screen. (You will want topmeJyack herelater with grenades
. Check the controls menu formal/ of his moves. tornlow up the second batch of mines. A bonus aren with two li/fiidokons lies hidden behind
Three Mudokons are hjrf^0pt down below. ydne of the barrels in the foreground.)
Walk behind the barrdMthe foreground and Walk over to the guard and the Mudokon worker (don’t worjmpbut sneaking yet) and on to
push down. Onc^Mrre^m, move on. the next screen. JumnoffWe ledge and sneak back to the

Jump up on to mledge,md move on. left. Sneak pastttedSBra and hit the lever to turn off the
you may wish to
Enter the door that leads to the background and A
: electrical barrier. (Before continuing,
liberate the two Mudokons down below. The secret
move right to the n0fpfeen. When the guard
has moved back fmmtprevious screen, enter H entrance is behind the barrel in the foreground.) Mow
the door that leads to the foreground and go

W Use the guard to kill the sleeping guard three

KltaMip uc ro me ledge end move to me ne>: see c'
f screens to the right. Destroy the guard under
Attempting to control the guard on this screen will warrant
your control. Now yprpvyjjpnqed to talk to your j
a non-lethal zap from the security drone,. Use the lever to
Mudokon friends and bring them over to the
by the now-deceasedi sleeping guard.
I make the guard fall into the pit. Wait a few'seconds, hit the.

elevator "
"v .vv .v '
.V .• user
(On the way there, yo ujmw notice a chain
hanging from above. Pull it and run quickly to the !
ma with three Mudokons. [fig. E]

trapdoor to Ubq MM$^^idokon.fGo down
to the circle of birds arifi'chant, creating a
I the holes right after
seee- jse
the meat falls
ieg:iuv .

gateway to escap&i'through. Wmis On the next screen, move up to the homo and crouch next to
Enter the doormy:fo move on to the next it. Hit the square button right after it flashes red for the third
section, [fig. C] time to deactivate it. JurnpjpntcythiFledge and move on.

Free the two Mudokons at the bird gate, two ’

I On tins screen, do not use mind conuot unit you have
^screens to the right. [fig. D] removed one of thh guards by hitting the lever while .the
guard is standing’ over a trap0or. Hit the lever on the ledge
L. jplJ to the right to deactivate the electric held on the previous


screen ‘.love the Mudokon left to where a c.rdgate s no

Once you reach the door, enter it and then
W come back up again (reaching the lower level
' •'
-on. Ji - .

P Now move on to
allows you to continue there).
; r

J the right [fig. G] -I and continue on to the next screen

Use your rolling ability to move under the meat x-


' I Se'ore moving, use the chant to cant’d and destroy the Shg
grinders. Don’t mess, with the lever for now.
J in the background. Now duck and roil to move beyond the gale
Move to the
Pif p|| and get to the next screen. Ignore the Mudokon until later.

Talk to the Mudokoijp^pnexis (fficiden in the

Jump up to the ledge and deactivate the meat masher by
hitting the lever. Stay on the ledge and move to the next
shadows) and get j$m to move over to the
screen to the left. Tty to get them between the screen on the right. You can use the meat masher to do away with the Slig by hitting the lever, but

better to mind control him and use him to kill the Slig to the right. Now you can move back to
mashers. The mas§^rmH^ will be moving

more slowly than the one on the left. Leave them the Mudokon two screens to the left and move him to the previous screen with the bird gate. Tell
there and go back to the some where you found
the Mudokon to wait. Now go right, past the place where you just mind controlled the Slig. You
be in an area with a shadowy piece of .equipment. There is a Mudokon hidden in the J
attract the attention
them. Now mqy&[§ ^ffscreen to the right to
of 'a Slig. Wait for the Slig to

shadows. Get him to follpwyou back to the bird gate with the other two Mudokons. Chant, to m
make a sound before quickly running back to the \ release all three of them. [fig. F]

left and into the shadowy area on the previous

screen. Stand close enough to the lever so that

can you activate it without leaving the shadows
(you don’t have to be completely in the dark for
i this to work). Wait for the Slig to stop for a
k moment and hit the lever, [fig. H] Lead them back to the same place where you left
last two hp ;•••. y.v so that the rush# on
starts ny.r,;ng
the last birdgate
more siowlv. Now move the Mudokons

Once you 've liberated the whole hatch,

you used (five screens to the left).
return to the pillar


Joo'in it (one screen le‘t of the area where you

J Get off the eleva tor onc e you reach the
were stockpiling all those Mudokons). Enter the door to
platform and move to your left, stopping short
a couple spaces,0ivm the edge. The platform
below you is aimed. Throyv[^grenade at a
go to the lower^/els, aQ.<

In the next screen you

Bve on to the left.
mtsee a Slig on a platform above
high angle (Circle, Back) mdetbnate the mines. you. Run to the left before he gets'a chance to Mpidmand shoot you.
Drop down to that platfrq^§nang off of its edge This area features a grenade dispenser. Pick up grenades and chuck them over to the screen
and drop. The second you hit trie ground on the that you were just on. Eventually you will get lucky and you won’t hear Slig walking back and \
next screen, roll into a ijall and move to the left forth anymore. Pickup another grenade and take the elevator up to.a new screen, [fig. I] A
to exit the level. Remember, if you haven’t
saved all the mdSkons at this point, the
remainder will die when you leave, [fig. J]
Stocfeyard. Escape
Like the Factory, this area has many hidden bonus areas where you can save more
Mudokons. We’re not sure if we found all of these hidden places, but we certainly found
a lot of them.


W 'Jump over the minesjwd walk to the next screen -

Before you do anything, use the chant to activate the birdgate hidden in the shadows
below to save the Mudokon about to be chowed by the Scrab In order to get by the
lasers, stop befon they pass over you; or,
i " liyi 'liltffl


you can just duck and roll straight through jra SPS*! ’
them to avoid the bomb when the alarm It
goes off. [fig. A] II W l ^
y and jump over the Scrab pit. To save more
j S||Cir Review

Mudokons, jump into the pit on the right and find a

gasp/ Wait for the laser to be moving
WBSW away from you towards the left. Once v r hidoen door in the lower right hand corner. Hus will
- % ty move you into the background where you will need
BfF passes the middle platform, jump.
pW Wait forit to pass over you before
to move
left until you

reach a birdgate. Open
enter, finishing this area will


III jumping and moving on to the next

He iscreen. 1
you back to where you started.
In the next area, there is a pit that is too wide to jump
Wm Jump over the platforms tdmoid falling '

over when the Scrab is moving towards you and is

HL in the hole. Nothing new here.
about two thirds of the way across the bottom, run a
move on.
over the pit with the mines and off the ledge; land, and do a quick running jump to catch the jedge on the other M
side. Pull yourself up as quickly as possible, [fig. B]
Jump over the mine with a regular jump,

i and fall into the pit before, the Slig gets a

chance to wake up and shoot you. When
the Slig turns his back to you and Starts
heading to the climb out of the hole Hide behind the first rock yog see. Your next
and sneak over to the rock on the left. If the safety point is the little rock in the lower iefU

so that yod can jump off the


Slig wasn't too far ahead of you,,continue to move on to the next screen. Otherwise ,
Try and time it

wait for him to walk past you again, before sneaking off to the next screen, [fig. CM ledge and move quicklydflhat point right after :

the Slig on the lower level leaves the screen.

You’ll need it so that the Slig on the
to time
upper level is gone,as well. Curl up into a ball
and hide behind the rock. The moment the
gap lower level passes you, roll to the next
Two screens later, there is a wide that |
Jevel and jump. Don 1 worry if you fall to your i
i ynust be cleared by making a running jump. {
'You can find additional Mudokons to save by
death, as you will have reached the next continue point.
holding vn to the left ledge and dropping This area has a bomb similar to the one you deactivated before. It seems to be a ;

down. To continue on, however, move to the , red herring. Don ’t spend too much time messing around with it. To the right (in the \
; left. I shadows) is a birdgate that leads to another bonus Mudokon area that we will leave
you to figure out. Just chant to get it open. The drone overhead will zap you with
You will see a Slig walking on the ledge below [
move left. The Slig follow a non-lethal blast, but not before the gate opens. Sneak to the left to get to the next
you. Continue to will
you to the next sdreen. Get as close to the edge
as possible. The second the Slig moves off the Hide behind the rock until the two Slig start walking closely together. The
moment they'turn in front of the rock and start walking to the left, sneak after
right, drog,r0h, tuck into a ball,
screen to the .

arm the explosive, arid get back up to the i them and jump theihoment you get to the ledge. Timing is crucial, [fig. D]
upper ledge aWqiiiiikly as possible.,{Back up
into the right-hand comer and enjoy the fireworks. You can enter the same secret area
as the one mentioned above by moving to the screen on the right along the lower ledge.
Drop down and you will find a birdgate. To continue on towards your final destination, - This cliff is risky because the bats will
however, jump up to the ledge in the upper left and go to the next area. Make sure
•sometimes cause you tojall off. Your
you pick up,s6me rocks from the sack hanging in the place whpre you first saw j
safest bet is to jump off. 'You will fall
the Slig. [fig. E]
with a resounding splat pn to the nett 1
continue area, preserving all-ofyttur
progress up to the point ofyour demise. 1

In the place wtiere you have splatted

there is an area to the right that will allow

you the opportunity to save more

On you just became
the screen where
Mudokons. (Ifyou're just seeking the end
acquainted with your first slog, you will
of the level, get ontotlieiower ledge, roll
dee a lower leveljhat seems to lead j

nowhere. Go one more screen to the left,

into a ball and move left to the nett area.) 2 pF
hop down and move to the right to get Move up about an Abe-lengtband throw a rockfrom the crouching 1
there. Dangle and drop off of the ledge to position (Circle and Left). The rock will hit the mine and blow up the A
get to an area where you can save more sleeping guard. Move on to the nett area.

Mudokons. To get closer to the end, Do not move from your rock until the guard has just started to walk awayi
continue to move to the left, until you getto from you. Sneak up to the second rock and wait for him to be walking away
another Slog. Move on the step to the left, hold circle and up to throw a rock over the Slog from you towards the right. Move up to the" third rock and repeat the
and on to the mine behind him. Continue on. process to get to the nett area.
The Slog on tlM$per level is sleeping. Sneak until you're directly underneath him and throw Two screens to the left you will be in the domain of a new enemy, the Slog, j
a rock (circle and up) to detonate the mine behind him. Go back and get more rocks to To save Mudokons, go down to the lower level and roll. To continue on, f
detonate the rest of the mines, [fig. G] hoist yourselfpp on to the ledge in the upper left. Do a regular jump to I

On the next scree/i you will need to dangle and drop off of the cliff. Congratulations and get over the riiine and move on to the nett screen. Once you move up
V welcome to a really cool FMV clip and the next level.
M a couple ofsteps, the slog will begin chasing you. Run back to the j
previous screen and jump over the mine. The Slog's enthusiasm

will do the rest. [fig. F]
•» Sega Saturn ‘ Working We
Sega Genesis
" New Game
SNES Not at E3
Game Boy
Nintendo 64

Revised E3 Game List

E3 or Bust!
The 1997 Electronic Entertainment Expo took place on June 19 - 21 in Atlanta,
Georgia. Since video games only have one show a year, this was THE place to be. Every
company from Acclaim to Working Designs was present, either on the show floor or in
the meeting rooms located around the convention center. And if there is something
going on in the video game industry, Game Informer was there to cover it.
Unlike previous years, the battle between Sony, Nintendo, and Sega was not the story
of the show. Instead, this show focused on games, rather than price-cuts. In terms of
sheer numbers of titles, Sony had the upper hand. In fact, Sega and Nintendo only had
about 30 products each at the show. Nintendo’s reason was their often-repeated cry
of “quality over quantity,” and Sega suffered from their ever-increasing problem of no
third-party support.

Nintendo Lives In Their Own World

As in previous years, Nintendo unveiled their line-up to the world the day before
the show at their own private press conference. At center stage was their new
action/platform game Banjo-Kazooie. Hyped as the “newest members in Nintendo’s
library of trademark characters,” Banjo-Kazooie screamed Mario 64 2 with a Chuck E.
Cheese-ish bear and bird taking the place of the high-profile plumber. Which, of course,
was obvious to everyone except Nintendo, who stated that they will continue to go for
the "sweet spot” in video gamedom - gamers from 6 to 17. (Which is quite hilarious
since a couple of years back Nintendo was using its “Play it Loud” campaign to target
the hip twenty-somethings.)
# Marvel Super t Nintendo’s other games included Rare’s first attempt at publishing - Conker’s Quest
f Mega Man NEO (we’ll just say that it features a squirrel and leave it at that); as well as Goldeneye 007
and Tetrisphere. Otherwise, Nintendo left most of their line-up back in Seattle, stating
EX Plus" that there would be over 40 games out for the Nintendo 64 by the holiday season (there
Street Fighter
Super Street Fighter it Collection
X-Men Vs. S/~‘ are 18 available now). Of course, we were disappointed that Zelda, Yoshi, and F-Zero
were only playing on videotape.
The best way to sum up the show for Nintendo is a statement we got from an
unnamed source at Nintendo, “This is when it gets hard. Last year was easy.. .we were
new thing. This year we have to prove it.”
the hot


Electronic Arts
Sega Swears Allegiance
Darktight Conflict"' The Sega booth was a strange place this year. Not only did they have a major focus
Dungeon Keeper"'
FIFA Road lo World Cup 98 on PC gaming, you could see it in their eyes that Sega is not a happy place. Certainly
Sega is committing itself to continued support of the Sega Saturn, but it’s obvious
4 Madden NFL 98
NASCAR 98 that they are quickly losing their hold on the 32-bit market. It’s hard to tell if Sega is
+* NBA Live 98
positioning themselves to become a software-only publisher, but its seems that this
+ NCAA Football 98
dedication to the PC market is the sign of a company looking for answers.
4 NCAA March Madness
NHL 98
Nuclear Strike Luckily for Saturn owners, Sega has committed themselves to the Saturn with a
PGA Tour 98
strong line-up of games including Quake (which looks great), Panzer Dragoon Saga, and
Populous: The Third Coming
Sega Touring Car. Unfortunately for Sega, third-party supporters are still dropping like
flies. Hey, at least their arcade division still kicks butt.

Deathtrap Dungeon
ng Force

Tomb Raider 2
Fox Interactive
4 Alien Resurrection'"
Afens Vs
Croc: Le
' •


GT Interactive
Courier Crisis"

www. game informer. com Game Informer a August '97

Critical Depth"
Duke Nukem 3D
* Odd World: Abe's Oddysee
Ultra Combat

Dual Heroes"

Clay Fighter Extreme
ClayFighter 63 1/3
Crime Killer"
Earthworm Jim 64"'
Jimmy Johnson's VR Football ‘98"
Powerboat Racing"
Red Asphalt'"
The Wild 9
VR Hockey '98'"
Twisted Edge Snowboarding

Dynasty Warriors
pro. Ill

*°Battle Dancer"
Sony Files High Castlevan/a
Castlevanla: Symphony of the Night
Riding high on the wave of 16 million PlayStations sold worldwide, Sony was an Hybrid Heaven"
International Superstar Soccer
obvious force at the show. Riled to the hilt with games, their booth was alive with action. Lethal Enforcers 1 8 II"
Sony had 18 playable games on the floor including such notables as Crash Bandicoot Metal Gear
Midnight Run'"
2, Jet Moto 2, GameDay ‘98, Final Fantasy VII, Cardinal Syn, and Blasto. MLPBA Bottom of the 9th 97'"
And that was just the beginning, since Sony had games from Sony Computer Mystical Ninja
Nagano Winter Olympics '98

Entertainment Europe on display and numerous videos running of upcoming products NBA In the Zone '98
Other Life, Azure Dreams"
(can you say SaGa Frontier?). Of course, it could be said that Sony suffered from a fair Pinky and the Brain'"
amount of sequels and a number of bad third-party titles, but overall they have the Salamander Deluxe Pack"
Suikoden II"
strongest line-up. In fact, we predict that the battle between Sony’s sports division and Malofilm
EA Sports should be one of the most entertaining to watch in the year to come. Jersey Devil"

The Pack Gets Hungry SimCopter
Even though the story of the show was games, it’s still a dog eat dog world out there. McO’RIver
Grand Prix Assault"
Sony convinced Eidos to release Tomb Raider 2 exclusively on the PlayStation (though
MGM Interactive
Nintendo blatantly showed that Eidos is working on a game for the N64 that stars Lara Machine Hunter
Croft). Maximum Gauge"'
Return Fire 2
A numbef of companies made snide comments about competition, including Sega and Rollerball
Nintendo, who made it perfectly clear in our meetings that Sony may have lots of games,
but that, in their opinion, almost all of the games coming out on the PlayStation are to/ Collection
sequels or video game slag (who would’ve thought?). Luckily, the big three weren’t the Atari Collection
only ones in on the action, as GT Interactive inked a deal to buy SingleTrac the day Doom Absolution'"
Gretzky '98
before the show started, Kemco looked for a publisher for its Top Gear Rally title, and Jousf Epic"'
Virgin scored yet another Disney game with Hercules. Mace
Maximum Force
Unfqrtunately, there were also companies that didn’t do anything at the show. For Midway Collection

instance, Nintendo, Virgin, Interplay, and Ocean all have tons of games announced MK Mythologies: Liu Kang—
MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero
on various systems, but only a handful appeared at the show. (Which is annoying to say Mortal Kombat
N&4 Hardwood Heroes"
the least.) Quake
Rampage World Tour

Wrap Up
In the end, this was one the best shows in a number of years. Not only did the
big three have a lot of good games, companies like Konami and Psygnosis had two
of the best games of the show in Metal Gear and Colony Wars, respectively. Also, it
seems that Acclaim just may be on the way back, though a few of their titles did need
some work.
As for a final word, we would have to say that this show had more good, solid games
than any show before, but it was sad to see that there wasn’t a truly groundbreaking
game to be found. Either way, you had best start saving your pennies because this next Jy Harvest

year looks to be the biggest yet for video games.

Donkey Kong Country 64“'
Earthbound 64 (Mother 3)
Stem/ Mlyamotc F-Zero 64
Golden Eye 007
James Bond 007"
Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball
Kirby's Air Ride"'
Krby’s Dreamland 3"

Kirby’s Super Star Stacker"
Mario Paint 64-
Mischief Makers
Mole Mania"
PilotWings 642-
Silicon Vt

Wario Land 2
Fantastic Four - Acclaim Yoshi's Island 64
Zelda 64

Mission: Impossible'"

Space Circus'
Aero Fighters Assault
Covert Wars
VMX Racing

Colony Wars
Formula I 97
NCAA All American Football'"
Respect, Inc.'"
Shadow Master'" E3 Notables
Sega Amidst a sea of half-baked ideas and tired old
titles, E3 boasted a few promising candidates. The
* Duke Nukem 3D
'* Enemy Zero following are the games that caught our eye. Of
Lasf Bronx
/.os! World: Jurassic Park
course, there were others (Abe's Oddysee is a
* Manx TT perfect example). Since we wrote six pages on
•; Panzer Dragoon Saga
NBA Action '98 Abe's, it won’t appear in this section. So readers
* NHL Hockey ‘98
* Ooate beware - just because a game isn't on this list,
* Sega Touring Car doesn't mean that it sucks. San Francisco Rush is
:&r another prime example (p.33). To report on these
titles twice would deprive us (and you) of valuable
space. Also, be sure to consult our "Best of the
Show" list of games.

Bushido Blade
Cardinal Syn
Banjo-Kazoofe ~ N64
Cart World Series Publisher: Nintendo
Coo/ Boarders 2
Crash Bandicoot 2 Take a bear and a bird, a banjo and kazoo, and you
Extreme 3D'"
have Nintendo's two newest action stars. Banjo
Final Fantasy Tactics can perform a number of moves while carrying
Final Fantasy VII
Intelligent Oube Kazooie in his backpack. Then, like in Donkey Kong
Jet Moto 2 Country, players can switch to Kazooie in order to
1A Shoot Out 98'" perform unique moves. Visiting the Witch Doctor
NFL GameDay '98 will morph the characters into different animals.
NHL Face-Oil 98
Parappa /he Rappa
SaGa Frontier
Spawn: The Eternal
Steel Reign

Sony Europe

Goldeneye 007 - N64

Publisher: Nintendo
Anyone who says, “Silly rabbit, Nintendo's for
kids" should lend an eye towards Goldeneye. The
James Bond license is a fresh break from
dungeons and monsters, where wits mean as
much as skill. It’s a race against the clock with
a sharpshooter mode and different vehicles.
Too bad Metal Gear made Goldeneye look PG-13.
Broken Sv/ord: Shadow of the
Bmnswick World Tournament ol MLB Presents Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball - N64
Dead Unity Publisher: Nintendo
Disney's Hercules"
Ken Griffey’s tearing up the majors this year
Disney's Timon and Pumbaa's Jungle
Games while Nintendo’s still indugout. Howard
FIFA The Road to World Cup 98
Ghost in the Shell Lincoln’s dream machine may come
of a sports
Madden NFL 98 true before Christmas, but it might take more than
just Griffey and Quarterback Club. Griffey's
graphics are beautiful with an unbelievable
amount of animation, and the gameplay is packed
with everything a baseball fan could want.

* NHL Powerplay 98
SSM: Slaughter& Mutilation'"
Working Designs
Albert Odyssey
” Lunar: Silver Star Story

Note: Legend on page 14.
When Gameplay Alone Was King,
Three Titles Ruled The^Ajyades.
Mow, They'll Rule turn. 1

3 Hot Games on a Sir

SR B l
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SEGA AND SEGA SATURN ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. "SEGA AGES" is a trademark of SEGA Enterprises, LTD. Distributed by Working Designs. Original
Game © SEGA 1997. "Working Designs" is a registered trademark of Working Designs, Inc. All rights reserved. "Spaz" is a trademark of Working Designs, Inc. All rights reserved. AMtastic! Fo'r a dealer near
you, call (916) 243-3417. Call 1-800-771-3772 for Game Rating Information.
Superman 64 - N64
Publisher: Titus
Faster than a speeding bullet, Nintendo’s 64-bits
of raw power bring Superman to life. Since it’s
based on the animated series, there’s no Otis, but
"Mr. Luthor” will be in attendance. Fly, fight and
take on the role of a mild mannered reporter all
while trying to rescue Lois Lane.
there really weren't any shocking
announcements from the big three
(Sega, Sony, and Nintendo). Instead,
Bomberman 64 - N64
the battle for video game dominance Publisher:Hudson
was fought through the look and play of Bomb all night and bomb all day, Bomberman is
new software. All three systems had a
here to stay. One of our favorite multi-player
fair share of excellent titles debuting at
the show, but as we all know, only a few
games, wasting opponents is “da-bomb.” This
of them will be hits. Obviously, we've 64-bit Bomberman includes both a classic 4-player
seen 75% of these games, and many battle mode and a new, open-ended adventure
of them have already received great
coverage from us, so titles like Star Fox
starring the Bomber himself. Bomb on.
64, Final Fantasy VII, and Oddworid:
Abe's Oddysee will not be in this Tetrlsphere - N64
section, even though they deserve
Publisher: Nintendo

Here's the games that stroked our

gaming interest, and made Game Tetrison a sphere, it’s Tetrisphere. A 3D version of
Informer's Best of the Show list. everyone’s favorite puzzle game might be just what
the doctor ordered. Tetrisphere boasts six modes
of play: Vs., Time Trial, Hide-and-Seek, Rescue,
Puzzle and Vs. CPU. While it won’t sell the
40,000,000 copies that Tetris did, the N64 is in
dire need of a good puzzle game.

F-Zero 64 - N64
Publisher: Nintendo
Miyamoto’s latest inspiration, F-Zero 64, will truly
satisfy anyone’s need for speed. The SNES version
was sweet, but the N64 version leaves it in the
dust. Basic racing controls coupled with mind
bending speed will give the N64 an added bit of

future-racing punch.

NFL GameDay '98-PS-X

Publisher: Sony
We already blew the doors off this

game last month and after extensive

testing, the new engine looks to be

performing well. The detailed animation
is incorporated nicely with the play
Stuff NOT at E3 Donkey Kong Country 64 - N64
control. The running game is especially
Publisher: Nintendo
Prior to this year's E3, every reporter covering the show (for the
affected by Sony's increased attention

most part) had a list of predicted or highly anticipated games or Watching a monkey leap past the character in a Banjo-Kazooie
to detail.
hardware stuffed in their pocket protectors. With the speculation, demo, Nintendo's product development manager Ken Lobb joked
rumors, and impatience growing prior to E3, it's hard not to be Was it a joke or does
about the primate heading for another game.

disappointed when games are unplayble, on videotape, or just Nintendo have another holiday card up their sleeve? If not, this will

MISSING m ACTION absent from a publisher or developer's E3

few of the noticeably
exhibit. Here's just a
absent products from the recent gaming
be the first holiday without Donkey Kong in three years.

(continued on page 20)

convention in Atlanta.

www. game informer. <

Game Informer August ‘97
Twite hvGames

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-800-771 -3772 for Game Rating Information.
ir Metal Gear - PS-X Resident Evil 2 - PS-X Panzer Dragoon Saga - Saturn
- Saturn Publisher: Konami Publisher Capcom Publisher: Sega
Publisher: Sega Even though it was only running on a video tape, What can we say? We loved the first two shooter
Now here's a game Metal Gear was quite possibly the coolest thing games, and Panzer Saga offers the same beautiful

that really moves we've ever seen. The game looked like Resident Evil, we saw, the graphics have been greatly improved, graphics with more variety in gameplay. This is the

out Sega Touring Car is the newest addition to the enemies are much trickier, more puzzles and
Sega's vast racing line-up, and if you thought Sega items, and complicated missions are only the obstacles are included, and you'll actually get to mow capabilities, an immersive story line, and experience-
Rally or Daytona was impressive, then wait until you beginning of the vast array of awesome things in zombies down with a machine gun. It's hard to get based upgrades. If you gain enough experience
see what Touring Car offers. As you crank out Metal Gear. In a nut shell, you can run around, sneak much better than this, since the first game is nearly points, your dragon will morph into a more powerful
unbearable speeds, and zoom past nicely crafted up on guys, slit their throat from behind, pull out a flawless the way it is. beast This title won't be available until January of ‘98,

scenery, you'll see how closely this title mimics its machine gun, kill everyone, and then dispose of the but if you are a Saturn owner, it's well worth the wait.

arcade predecessor. Touring Car is where it’s at baby! bodies. Now, head to the next room. Awesome!

Mega Man Neo - PS-X

Publisher: Capcom
3D Mega Man? That’s right, and this mega of aman gets a whole new
look with polygonal graphics. Our hero also comes mega-loaded with
new abilities and weapons. In a break from tradition, Mega Man can
now talk to other 3D characters via the talk button. Who says Mega
Man’s tired?

Resident Evil 2 - PS-X

Publisher: Capcom
Unbelievable new monsters, weapons and death animations should
create the scariest game of 1998. Enemies drop from grates and
legless zombies crawl across the floor, there are machine guns and
grenade launchers, and you can still choose from two characters. Ya
want some more? Come ‘n get it!

Metal Gear - PS-X

Publisher: Konami
Icheer, you cheer, we all cheer for 32-bit Metal Gear. The invisible Ninja
enemy, tactical espionage, insane explosions and unmerciful weapons
just blew us away. This game made Reiner break out in a rash, Paul
almost fainted, and Jon disappeared to the men’s room for a few
mysterious minutes. This is one to watch.

Cardinal Syn - PS-X

One sin Sony pursued in earnest is gluttony, because Syn's characters
must just keep eating and eating. Even when compared to Atari
Game’s Mace, these characters are huge. Let’s: just hope Sony
doesn’t embrace the sin of sloth. It would be a shame to see this
title delayed.

Yoshi's Island 64 - N64

Nintendo 64 Disk Drive (64 DD)
- Nintendo
was up-front with the announcement that their Nintendo 64 add on would not be
It was debuted to the Japanese market at last November’s Shoshinkai show in
r Publisher: Nintendo

For a game that is releasing in the fourth quarter of this year, Yoshi's Island
at the E3.
Tokyo, and we expected at least the same presentation and more from the was snubbed by Nintendo and Rare's Banjo-Kazooie and Conker's Quest.
E3. However, although Nintendo said that the hardware is complete, the The Nintendo 64 version of Yoshi, dubbed a 2 1/2D game, was only
company commented that the software is not yet ready for display. The presented on videotape. Unfortunately, the footage was nearly identical to
64DD is still on schedule for a March release in Japan. The American what Nintendo provided last November.
release of the hardware was vaguely announced for the spring of
next year. We can only speculate that to mean April or May. The games (continued on page 22)
available at release should be Earthbound 64, Mario Paint 64, and Sim City.

www. game informer, com Informer m August '97

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Crash Bandicoot 2 - PS-X
Publisher: Sony

What else can we say except Crash 2 rocks hard. More animation,
more attention to detail, and more diversity make this sequel
worthy to its predecessor. Crash 2
features a unique anti-gravity room with

Crash's very own jet pack, a rocket 1

surfboard which you can perform tricks
on, and amazing detail to level realism.

Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasl - PS-X

Publisher: LucasArts
It looks like Star Wars turns Bar Wars in this all-out brawler. Would

Luke ever hit a woman? We’ll find out, since all our favorite charac-
ters are available for play, including a new character named Arden
Lyn. A Star Wars fighter would be the greatest Christmas present ever,
let’s just hope it’s not a lump of coal.

Jet Moto 2 - PS-X

Publisher: Sony
Last year people looked at Jet Moto and said, "It’s just trying to be
like Wave Race man.” Yeah right. A soundtrack like Pulp Fiction and
totally unique play control made Jet Moto one of last year’s most orig-
inal games. Plus, it was hard. Bet you didn’t finish it.

Disney's Hercules - PS-X

Publisher: Virgin
Bearing no resemblance to the cheesy TV action show, Disney’s
Hercules sports some nice animations and intriguing gameplay. The
gameplay incorporates elements of 2D side-scrolling and 3D "into the
screen” action, while Danny Devito and James Woods are a few exam-
ples of celebrity voice-overs. Although not a “bible simulator,” since
it’s mythological, Hercules’ ultimate quest is to become a god.

(Hercules pictures on page 16) *

NBA Hardwood Heroes - PS-X

Publisher: Midway
New moves like boxing out, side and back shuffling (both on offense and
defense), and give-n-goes mean Midway basketball is here to stay. All the
fantasy elements are also included, like create and trade playep and stat
tracking. In addition, Midway promises a unique practice mode.

Allens vs. Predator - PS-X

Publisher: Fox Interactive
Rebellion, the masterminds behind the Atari Jaguar AVP offering, are
bringing the action back to the Sony PlayStation. But now, it will be
completely polygonal with more gameplay options. When playing as the
Alien you can crawl on any wall or ceiling and then drop down to ambush
a predator or marine. This game is still far off, but in its present form, it
looks really good.

- Saturn Mortal Kombat 4 - PS-X, N64 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter 2 - N64

Tekken 3 - PS-X Virtua Fighter 3

Publisher: Namco
There were plenty of
arcade machines,

another game
available for play, but
that had only arcade versions
Sega did comment that the

arcades in
stated their

time for the

desire to get this
film’s release,
but the game’s
Publisher: Acclaim

Turok can probably

successful debut on the
Shadowman seems
sell itself for Acclaim after the
N64. At the moment,
be taking up much
but no trace of a Saturn version is currently in development. release may slip as, at press time, the hadn’t to of the

been testing. If this happens, the home release will Turok team's time. The PlayStation version of Turok
console version. Yet, the game is still on schedule
more than likely slide to the second half of '98. is still in very early development stages.
for a March '98 debut in the U.S. (December
for Japan).

/.gamein former. <

Gama Informer m August '97
Nightmare Creatures - PS-X
Publisher: Activision
Thiswas by far one of the big software surprises at the show. Nightmare
Creatures plays a lot like Tomb Raider, only with fighting-style controls
and battle-based gameplay. Nightmare creatures runs smoothly, and the
animation on the playable characters is truly unique.

Panzer Dragoon Saga - Saturn

Publisher: Sega
Continuing the Panzer Dragoon story arc, Saga incorporates dragon
morphing and exploration, coupled with real-time battles and 12 huge
levels ofRPG action. The dragon can utilize four different attacks as
wellas any weapon or item the player acquires. Edge, the hero of Saga,
can explore with or without the dragon. Panzer Dragoon Saga
is hot.

Sonic R - Saturn
R you ready for a Sonic racing title? Sega looks to have gone the
whole ‘hog with Sonic R, a racing game that incorporates 3D action
and even a museum dedicated to Sonic memories. While it wasn’t
what we expected from the boy in blue, any new Sonic game is
always appreciated.

Sega Touring Car Championship - Saturn

Publisher: Sega
The latest arcade port from Sega, Touring Car really moves out.
Torque engine feel and three circuit tracks comprise this racing tour
de force. Each of the four cars demands a different racing style, and
two players can compete via the split-screen. The analog control is as
smooth as the arcade and the graphics are better than any Sega racer
to date.

0 games
are about

Legend of Zelda 64 - N64 Castlevania (Dracula) 64 - N64 Quake - PS-X Sonic Extreme - Saturn
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Konami Publisher: Unknown Publisher: Sega

Another game that is on its way to Japan by year's Most likely, this game won’t make it to the U.S. N64 The N64 has one, and the Saturn does too. What’s The Saturn did get a new Sonic game in the form of
end and another that Nintendo showed through until the second half of next year. with the supposed ‘‘market leading" platform Sonic R, but it turned out to be a weak attempt at

their trusty VCR. following behind on software? duplicating Mario Kart. Where’s the real deal?

Game Informer m August '97 '.gameinformer. <

Naughty Dog Buries the Bone At E3
By Jason Rubin of Naughty Dog

The Game Informer guys were everywhere

at E3. 1couldn’t turn around without seeing at
least one of them testing a game. ..or drooling
over the wannabee "Lara They
Croft.” also
spent a good deal of time near Crash
Bandicoot 2 where they shot the sheep with
Various News, Rumors, and Happenings the Naughty Dog guys about the good and bad of the show. After
at E3 - Atlanta hours of talking, they eventually asked me to shut up and write
Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (Japan) is Naughty Dog’s “developer’s” opinion of E3 for this issue of Gl. I

currently developing a racing game tentatively grabbed Dave Baggett and Greg Omi, two of Naughty Dog’s coders
called GT. An inside source called it "mind and we pounded keys. ..let’s get to it:
blowing”. ..Midway is considering helping out Everyone at Naughty Dog agreed that this year’s E3 showed far
Kemco with the publishing of Boss’ Top Gear more promising titles than any other. Besides Crash 2 (shameless
Rally for N64.. .After Sub-Zero, the next in the MK plug) (PS-X) we will all be waiting in line for Colony Wars (PS-X), the
Mythologies saga will star Lui Kang.. .Game Star Wars killer from Psygnosis; Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee (PS-X),
Banjo-Kazooie - N64 Informer editor Paul Anderson refused to set foot best described as Heart of Darkness with a cannibalistic, alien plot;
Publisher: Nintendo
in the Georgia Dome. ..Crash Bandicoot 2: Banjo-Kazooie (N64), Rare’s big title that features great character
Okay, so the musical intro makes these
guys look like the Chuck E. Cheese Cortex Strikes Back is rumored to be sold with design and beautiful levels; Gex 2 (PS-X), possibly the first good
animatronics, but once into the game, the analog controller and without... LucasArts is free-roaming PlayStation game console title; all of the Sony Sports
these guys are as cool as Donkey
in early development of a Star Wars RPG titles (EA who?); Parappa the Rappa (PS-X); FF VII (PS-X); Unreal (PC);
Kong and Mario. Banjo's a bear
title. ..Modeled after the fighter Cardinal Syn, and the 3dfx Tomb Raider 2 (PC).
who wears a backpack supporting
his sidekick Kazooie, and on their Sorcery is another fighter in the works from From a technical standpoint, we were surprised that most
adventure you'll have freedom to Sony.. .Game Informer editors exchanged “choice developers have given up on good frame rates. There were some
control both of them. This game is like
words” with hometown boy and Soul Asylum impressive exceptions (Colony Wars, Gex 2, and Bushido Blade), but
Mario, but features more textures,

more detail, and more dynamics in

front man Dave Pirner after his performance at almost every other 3D title had frequent, gameplay-spoiling frame
gameplay. You’ll never know what to do the Sony party.. .Konami of Japan’s top N64 rate bogs. It seems like developers went into E3 worried that other
next in this game since it has such a development team is a very competitive bunch teams would outdo them graphically, and are compromising frame
great variety of terrain and puzzles.
and has vowed to top Metal Gear with a rates to get those extra polygons for “back-of-the-box” screen shots.
similarly styled game tentatively entitled Hybrid Slugging down to 15 frames per second makes for great stills, but
Heaven. ..If you have been waiting for the 64-bit infuriating gameplay. To put things in perspective, if Naughty Dog were
3D0 M2 system to be released by Matsushita, to allow Crash 2 to slow from 30 to 15 frames per second 50% of the
you’ll have to keep waiting as the M2 has been time, we could double our polygon count on every frame.
put on indefinite hold. ..Nintendo was reportedly Likewise, we were astonished to see load times as long as a
close to bringing Sting to perform at their pre-E3 minute for some otherwise competent titles. There is no excuse for
extravaganza. Nintendo had the deal fall through load times longer than a few seconds, even on CD’s. Get out your
and instead brought Mr. George Benson... stopwatch this winter. If a screen says Loading for more than 9
Viacom is through with game publishing and GT seconds, send the developer a lump of coal for Christmas.
Interactive has acquired the worldwide rights for Graphically, things look better than ever. The N64 had the pretty
all of Viacom’s MTV brands. ..No trip to Atlanta Banjo-Kazooie, but its looks were at the expense of frame rate in
would be complete without a stop at Six Flags. some areas. If Rare can speed it up, we’ll buy it. More impressively,
The Batman coaster is choice. some PS-X titles are looking as good if not better! Various PlayStation
titles are using software mip mapping, as well as software Z-buffers.
Developers are packing in more animation than ever, as well. I

Did you Know?

A breakdown of the number of console game titles
remember vividly when Miyamoto-san told Crash’s producer,
announced 1997 and 1998.
for Mark Cerny, that the PS-X allowed for more textures, and the N64
Sony PlayStation = 199 Sega Genesis = 4 allowed for more animation. This year we saw PS-X titles with more
Sega Saturn = 47 Nintendo 64DD = 3 animation than Mario 64, and N64 titles with more textures than
Nintendo 64 = 69 Game Boy = 9
= 340
many PS-X titles!
Super Nintendo = 9 Total
Sega? Well. ..their arcade stuff is leagues ahead of anything
else on the planet. We are looking forward to a strong launch of their
next system.
Basically, Naughty Dog went away from E3 with sore thumbs and
long winter wish lists. We’ll avoid the games with slow frame rates

and killer load times, and head for the ones with the best overall
gameplay/graphic balance.
Looking for us to pick a
winner at the show? Gamers...
hands down.

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6T Interactive to Publish New SingleTrac Game
Editor’s Top Ten Winning the Game Informer award for "Best Developer of 1996” is only a mild accomplishment for
Console frames for August
SingleTrac. So far, their library been outstanding, and while we kick and scream for a Twisted
of titles has
Metal 3 and WarHawk has moved on to a bigger project entitled Critical Depth. Slated to be
2, SingleTrac
CD Rally Cross -PS-X
an underwater mix of WarHawk and Twisted Metal Critical Depth will be the first SingleTrac title not
© International Superstar

released by Sony Computer Entertainment. This time around, SingleTrac has

Soccer 64 -
chosen GT Interactive to carry this title to the PlayStation release racks. Strangely
© Resident Evil: Director's
enough, Sony will still be publishing Jet Moto 2 produced in-house, and

programmed by SingleTrac. The new relationship with GT Interactive could possibly

O Arms -PS-X
be more future bound, where GT would publish SingleTrac’s new N64 titles, and all
of their new PS-X games. Remember, Sony has the rights to Twisted Metal, WarHawk,
© Abe Oddysee-s PS-X and Jet Moto, so you won’t see these games on the N64.
Q 2- Tote/ PS-X

© Treasures of the Deep - PS-X

® IS-
Triple Play PS-X

O Star Fox 64 -

EA and Maxis Merge

Electronic Arts and Maxis announced that they will merge by the end of
® Soul Blade -PS-X
August 1997. Maxis is best known for its “Sim” line of games including Sim City.
® Wild Arms -PS-X Since Maxis is a company specializing in games for the PC, EA is hoping to
® Marie Karl 64 - A/64 bolster its appeal to PC and on-line gamers. The deal is probably good for Maxis
© WCW Vs. the World -PS-X too, since they’ll be networked into EA’s worldwide distribution system. Watch over
© Twisted Metal 2 -PS-X the coming year as EA begins to go after the PC market in earnest, and maybe,

© Fighters MEBAMiX-SS just maybe, they’ll bring the soon to be released S/m City 3000 to the consoles.

O Resident Evil -PS-X

® Tomb Raider- PS-X, SS
© Turok: Dinosaur Hunter - N64

O Star Fox 64 - N64

Resident Evil for N64???
Inan interview that was printed in the Japanese magazine, Dengeki Nintendo 64, Capcom Japan’s
Yoshiki Okamoto shed some light on their future Nintendo 64 plans and has revealed concepts for

© Doom: Cyber Demon With the

future games. Here’s what he said.

Chainsaw- “Nyaaahhh!!!"
Doom: Cyber Demon With the
Berserk Pack- "Nyaaahhh!!!"

Doom: Cyber Demon With Close-

BNBC0M "We are researching the possibility of putting Resident Evil on a
128 megabit cartridge,” stated Okamoto. He also went on to say
that he is working through an idea of creating what he called “a
ninja version of Resident Evil," complete with the weapons and
Range Rocket Launching -
techniques befitting a true ninja. (Has this guy been spying on Eidos’ Ninja?)
Obviously, these comments only reflect conceptual ideas and Capcom has not officially announced
© Mario 64: Full Contact Death
Match With Bowser -“Nyaaahhh!!!"
anything regarding their N64 projects.

© Crash Bandicoot: Kick the Stupid

Fish in the Head - “Nyaaahhh!!!"

© Mortal Kombat: Blocking and

Special Moves are For Sissies -

© Twisted Metal 2: Playin Chicken

With Dark Tooth - "Nyaaahhh!!!"

Moles Infest the Game Boy
Even though Nintendo has focused most of
© Tetris: Try to Spell

Your Name -
their attention toward the Nintendo 64, they’ve
© Suikoden: Solo Adventure - still managed to keep Game Boy players
“Nyaaahhh!!!” happy by continually releasing new products.
O Soviet Strike: Take the “Earth
First” Approach to Nuclear Power
The newest title to 'pop-up' is Mole Mania, a
complicated puzzle game that plays very much
Plants -“Eh!!"
like Bomberman, where you’ll need to destroy
obstacles and enemies that block you from the exit. There are eight gigantic worlds in
Game Informer is looking for your
Top Ten favorite games. Please send Mole Mania, and over 170 challenging puzzles to solve. Two players can link up and
your Top Tens to: compete in an intense match of speed and skill to see who can dig up and swallow
Game Informer Magazine
the most cabbages within a given time. Mole Mania should be available now with
Attn: Top Ten
10120 Wesf 76th Street an MSRP of $19.95
Prairie, MN 55344
that enters every month will
be entered in a drawing to win a Gl
Secret Access T-Shirtl So get writing!
min _
26 www. game informer. com Game Informer m August ‘97
Pandemonium! 2 Invades the PlayStation
While this title is still in an early stage of development, we were

fortunate enough to see some of the new features that Crystal

Dynamics will incorporate into the same ‘tethered to a_track’

gameplay. Pandemonium! 2 is a direct sequel that uses the” same

engine as the first, and the same two characters, who now have a

funkier appearance. The level designs are also much more vibrant
and colorful. New moves in the game include ledge hanging and
hand-over-hand monkey bar swinging. The game itself allows the
player to have more freedom in the vast environments by giving
them the chance to maneuver to different tracks. The big surprise
in the game is a mech level where players fly forward through

a scrolling tube. This level is the coolest new addition we’ve

seen thus far, and surely it’s only the beginning of the new level
designs that await. Pandemonium! 2 should hit the PlayStation
this winter.

A look At The PlayStation’s First

Exclusive Puzzle Game
It's rare that we get a new puzzle game in the office that isn’t
a rip-off of Tetris, but we were blessed with a new game from
Sony called Intelligent Qube. I.Q. as we like to call it, is a

gaming frenzy that challenges you, beats you, and then insults
your intelligence.
Intelligent Qube puts you in control of a little man who is

standing on a large field of qubes. The object of the game is to

capture (or remove) a wall of qubes that gradually rolls towards you
before pushes you off the edge or comes crashing down on top

of you. Capture the tumbling wall without a mistake and you get
a piece of the board back. Difficult? Yes. Fun? Very. Look for
Intelligent Qube to hit the PlayStation later this month.

The Sony Analog Vs. The Nintendo Rumble Pak

Both Nintendo and Sony have devices to put a little feedback into your gaming experience. Nintendo's Rumble
Pak was recently released along with Star Fox 64 and Sony’s Analog Controller has been available in Japan
for afew months now. Both of these devices make use of a solenoid device that vibrates the controller during
various points in gameplay. After some extensive play time with both of these feedback controllers, we

thought we’d do a little comparison.

The first thing we noticed between the two is that the Sony analog controller packs a little less wallop
than Nintendo's Rumble Pak. To Sony’s advantage, the solenoid device is built into the controller so there
are no clumsy add-ons or other peripherals to purchase. Plus, the Sony Analog doesn’t
require batteries (it works off the unit’s power), unlike Nintendo's Rumble Pak that requires
two AAA batteries to operate.
In the end, they are both fairly entertaining devices that should become
standard fare for all console gaming in the future. If we

had to say which unit was better built, we would have

to go with the Sony. Partly because it doesn’t require
batteries, but mainly because you can use a memory
card in conjunction with the force feedback (which is
not possible on the Nintendo controller unless you switch them on the fly).
Unfortunately, Sony announced at the Electronic Entertainment Expo that the North
American version of their analog controller will not include the feedback device. If
you’re looking for that experience you will have to find an import dealer to get the

Japanese version.
Sony Again Reiterates Sony Becomes An Official Sponsor of the NBA
Their Dominance In a recent press release, Sony Corporation of America announced a new marketing

agreement with the National Basketball Association, making Sony an official sponsor of
Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc.
the NBA. This is the Sony’s most expansive corporate sponsorship to date,
(SCEI) announced current worldwide
hardware and software shipments while
r m As quoted in the release, “Sony will have exclusive domestic promotion
rights within the consumer electronics category, as well as additional rights
reiterating their position as "the leader
aM which will benefit all participating Sony companies.”
the video industry."
r* We’re not sure what all this means, but it probably has to do with displaying
Sony banners and advertisements around NBA venues and on television. Plus,
According to SCEI, through the end of May,
it could very well be a great marketing piece for their NBA Shoot Out series
16 million PlayStations have been shipped
for the PS-X.
to retailers and distributors worldwide.
Additionally, a whopping 114 million pieces
of software have made their way through
the distribution channels. Here’s the full Sony Boes Medieval With Cardinal Syn
breakdown as announced by SCEI:
As we reported in our July issue, Sony Interactive in Foster City is hard
at work on a new 3D fighting game called Cardinal Syn. The game,
North America
developed by Kronos, will hopefully be released in January of 1998.
4.8 Million PlayStations The game is still early in development so many of the things we've
30 Million Software Pieces Shipped
learned about the game may change, though we would say the game
looks quite impressive now.
Japan Cardinal Syn features eight characters set in medieval times. Like Tekken 2,
7.5 Million PlayStations
when you defeat the game with any of the characters, you will be greeted by an FMV
59 Million Software Pieces Shipped
ending and a new playable character. So by the time you’re done kicking butt with all
the characters, Cardinal Syn will have 18 playable characters.
Europe The gameplay is set along the lines of Soul Edge, in that each character has a
3.7 Million
weapon, a parry, and three different attacks, but there are numerous other gameplay
elements being worked into the title. There will be various spikes and pits to
25 Million
knock your opponents into, as well as Star Gladiator- styled finishing combos.
Software Pieces
Movement in the game will be translated much like Bushido Blade, in that you
Shipped can hold a shoulder button and then move your character anywhere in the
arena. This movement will come in handy for picking up various
items such as health power-ups, weapon and shield upgrades (there is a
shield icon on-screen that goes down whenever you block) and even
bombs hidden in boxes around the arenas.
With all these incredible gameplay elements and some
impressive graphics, this game will be one to watch in 1998.

Rob LeifehTs Youngblood Coming to PS-X

While Rob Leifeld has struggled with human anatomy, proportion, and perspective
in his surprisingly popular comic series - Youngblood, it appears that he has done
something right. 6T Interactive is developing and publishing the very first Youngblood

video game for the Sony PlayStation. While most would think this title should be
strictly action, GT is filling the game with less action and more RPG elements. As you can

see from the screen shots, the look is very similar to Konami’s Project Overkill. At
times, the gameplay does resemble Overkill, but otherwise, you’ll be controlling a party
of characters, and the battleswill be turn-based. Youngblood features all of your favorite

characters Chapel, Badrock, and Riptide. At press time, a tentative November


release date was given, but don’t be surprised if the date changes.

www.gamein former, com Game Informer a August ‘97

Conquer this!
Westwood Studios has announced that since 1995
Command & Conquer senes has sold in excess of five
millionunits worldwide. The series includes Command &
Conquer for PC, Macintosh, PlayStation, Saturn; The
:«E 1o i •' r> i s
Covert Operations (a C&C add-on disc) for PC; Command
& Conquer Red Alert for PC (and soon for PlayStation); and
Counterstrike (the PC add-on mission for Red Alert).

Midway Begins Work on a New NFL Came - NBA Jam Style!

Teleparc Game Geisen
Basketball Also In The Works

Game Informer spies have learned that Midway Home Entertainment is currently developing NFL This site has both aw English and Japanese
Blitz, an NBA Jam style" arcade title. version and is commonly the first web site

Details are for the most part scarce, but here’s what we know. The game’s with information straight from Japan. Take
development is being headed by Midway’s Mark Turmel, whose credits include other a look and tell 'em frame Informer sent you.
Midway sports titles including NBA Jam and Open Ice. The game will be seven-on-seven
moves and a new “47-way” directional stick (as
football that is said to feature special
opposed to standard 8-way). Midway has not developed a football game for the arcades
since High-Impact launched in the early ‘90s. An arcade port of NFL Blitz to the consoles
should happen six to twelve months after the arcade release.
In other Midway sporting news, the PlayStation and Nintendo 64 will get a new

five-on-five basketball game tentatively entitled NBA Hardwood Heroes. It should make its

way to the PS-X by the end of the year and release for the N64 in early ‘98. Midway comments that it O What company manufactured Robotron
for the arcade?
will be an “[NBA] Live killer.”

© What is the name of Abe’s race in

Abe’s Oddysee?

Look Out Evil! Here Comes the Fantastic Four! © How many characters can you have in

your party in Secret of Mana?

Marvel Entertainment’s band of genetic misfits is on its way to the Sony PlayStation,
and we have Acclaim Entertainment to thank. From what we’ve heard and seen, © Mega Man first appeared on what
Fantastic Four is strictly a beat ‘em up, mow ‘em down super hero title. Set in console system ?

a third-person perspective, with secret first-person shooting stages, players

will be able to choose from Mr. Fantastic, The Invisible Woman, The
© What was the name of the first Sega

console system?
Human Torch, and Thing. Each character is equipped
(Answers on the bottom of page 31)
with at least thirty-five different moves, and three
super duper special moves. Thus, you’ll see Mr. F
turn into a ball, and stretch his arm to ten feet in
length. The Human Torch will "Flame On" and shoot
fire balls out of his hands. Thing will pound villains

to a pulp, and break stuff, while the Invisible

Woman simply turns invisible. Acclaim has been
keeping this title really quiet and it should have
been released by now, but some contract issues
came up with Marvel, and we’ll have to wait for a
new release date.

Jimmy Johnson Coes VR

Jimmy Johnson’s Football for the PlayStation has been traded to more teams than Herschel
Walker in the last few months and it appears as though Interplay is going to be the last to handle it.
The game was originally made by GameTek. The Saturn version was then sold to Sega and Konami
picked up the PS-X version. Sega released their game as NFL ‘97 and Konami
appears to have sold the PS-X game to Interplay. The game will now be called -
Jimmy Johnson’s VR Football ‘98. This Studio 3P0 developed game featured a

If you want a sneak peek of the gameplay, you can always check out Sega’s satirical, overly-muscled galactic hero that looks

release, but hopefully, Interplay will improve the game quite a bit before the suspiciously similar to Sony's upcoming Blasto

release. Interplay stated that the game includes 124 video sequences involving character. The whole point of the game was to
coach Johnson, both the NFL and NFLPA licenses, all 30 stadiums, and “One gun down alien criminals. It was released for

Step" play calling. the 3P0 in 1995. What game is it?

(Answer on the bottom of page 31)

Game Informer a August '97 '.gameinformer. com 29

Square USA Developing RPG Title,
Confirms FFV11I
Parasite Eve is an action/RPG that is currently in development
at Square USA’s Los Angeles studio. Slated for release in Japan by
the end of the year, it make it to the U.S. until sometime
will likely not
next year (yes, even though the game is being produced in the U.S.).
Parasite Eve will utilize some of the same game engine components
as Final Fantasy VII, but the game’s plot is set in current day New York
and is said to include more action elements, as in Square’s Chrono
Trigger. Look for more on Square’s Parasite Eve in future issues of
Game Informer.
In other Square news, company officials confirmed that they have

begun preliminary work on Final Fantasy VIII.

Sega Ages Recreates Arcade Classics on Saturn

Working Designs, under their SPAZ label, will bring Sega Ages, a
3-games-in-l arcade classic disc, to the Saturn late next month. It was not

long ago that Sega’s After Burner, Out Run, and Space Harrier the
games included on Sega Ages, were eating quarters at local arcades and
then spawned not-so perfect translations on the 16-bit Sega Genesis.
However, with the increased processing power of 32-bit technology, Sega Ages,
like many other retro compilation games, promises “arcade perfect" translations
of the three games. This title should be out soon, but with Working Designs, you
just never know.

Sega Saturn Gracefully Falls to 449

If you haven’t been to a video game store lately, on June
3, Sega of America lowered the price of the Sega Saturn
down to a competitive $149.99, which matches both
Nintendo’s and Sony’s current pricing. Sega also slashed
Bandai Requests Merger Cancellation
the price on various Genesis and Saturn software and The planned merger (see Gl News, March ‘97) between Sega and
hardware. When confronted on the subject, Sega simply Bandai has been canceled reportedly at the request of Bandai.
stated that this is the third step they’ve taken to give gamers Various Japanese sources as well as Reuters, speculate that the
the best deal around. The first step was the three free merger, originally scheduled for October, was an ill-fated attempt by
games, and the second was the “Buy Two Get One Free" both companies to rectify their recent financial
software coupon offer. Below is a detailed listing of all the troubles; however, many financial analysts
Sega products that are now more affordable. Plus, future believed themerger would have a
Sega Saturn games will never exceed the $49.99 price negative impact on both companies.
point. Excellent! Both Sega and Bandai commented that
they will still work together on various
• Sega Saturn - $149.99 (a $50 reduction) “product tie-ups.”
• Sega Saturn W/Game - $169.99 (a $60 reduction)
• Sega Saturn Net Link Solution Pack - $249.99 (a
$200 reduction)
• Sega Saturn Net Link - $99.99 (a $100 reduction)
• Sega Genesis - $79.99 (a $20 reduction)
• Over 30 Sega Saturn Software Titles - $19.99 -
$39.99 (Including NiGHTS, Virtue Cop 2, Sonic 3D
Blast, and Fighting Vipers)

30 www.gamein former, com Informer August '97

To reach Dear Gl or the Editors of

6/ send correspondence to:

Nintendo and Alps Electric Co. Snail Mail

Game Informer Magazine %
Team Up to Create the 64PP
Dear G
The 64DD (Nintendo’s N64 add-on) has been the subject 10120 West 76th Street
of much consternation in the gaming industry. Who’s involved Eden Prairie, MN 55344
with making and when’s coming out? We appear to have

tidbits of information

on the subject for you. So here’s

[email protected]
the scoop.
WWW Home Page
Nintendo working with Alps Electric Co. to develop a
memory storage device for Nintendo’s 64DD MO drive. The 64DD
will debut in March (yes, it was delayed again) of next year for
To contact Secret Access or
the Japanese market. It will cost 10,000 yen (about a
Access & Allies please send
hundred bucks) and is said be launching with four titles.
correspondence to:
While we’re not certain as to the exact "device”
Snail Mail
Alps is contributing to the 64DD, we’ll keep our eyes
Game Informer Magazine
and ears on Alps in the coming months.
Secret Access

10120 West 76th Street

Eden Prairie, MN 55344
jjdrcrfcll E-Mail
[email protected]

PSA Tour 98 Coming to PlayStation To contact Swap Shop or A.P.B.

please send correspondence to:

Here in Minneapolis, golfing is usually over by the end of October,

Snail Mail
unless of course Reiner is on the green, then it lasts till November.
Game Informer Magazine I
Not so with most of the country, and not so with EA Sports. In a rare Attn: Swap Shop
break from tradition, EA Sports will be releasing the PC version of 10120 West 76th Street
PGA Tour 98 first, with the PlayStation version to follow in October. Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Will EA Sports alter their classic tri-click swing interface? No one E-Mail
knows, but expect some great golf action this fall. [email protected]
Also, EA Sports is trying to sign a big name golfer
Customer Service
to endorse the product. Two hints: (1) It’s not
To contact Game Informer Customer
"Kelly Eckenroth, current top money winner
Service with Change of Address,
on the EA Women's pro tour, and (2) It’s not New Subscriptions or inquiries
Fuzzy Zoeller. Maybe it’s that Tiger guy? please send correspondence to:

Snail Mail
Game Informer Magazine %
Customer Service

10120 West 76th Street

Game tee: The Solution to AD Your PlayStation Problems?
Eden Prairie, MN 55344

In terms of games, PlayStation owners are probably the happiest console owners in the market right
Or Call

Customer service hours:

makes the many hardware problems of the PS-X all the more frustrating. Gamers
now. Unfortunately, this
Monday through Friday, <

have complained of overheating, breakdowns, and motor speed problems since the PlayStation first
9:00am - 4:00 pm (Central Time).
debuted two years ago. While a large number of these issues were due solely to people ignorantly putting
612 ) 946-7266
their machines down on their nice thick shag carpets, systems would sometimes
Outside Minnesota make sure to dial
overheat anyways. Why does this happen? Well, the vents are on the bottom of area code (this is a toll call).

the machine (real winner of a design idea). Apparently someone forgot to tell
To Subscribe please send a check
Sony that hot air rises. Thus, even when
or money order for $19.98 to:
not placed on a woolly carpet, some- Game Informer Magazine
times problems can persist. Attn: Circulation Dept.
Introducing: Game Ice, the latest in 10120 West 76th Street
video game system maintenance. This Eden Prairie, MN 55344
cooling and ventilating system is supposed to keep your PlayStation
running at optimal performance. Unfortunately, we don’t have 1. Williams
detailed statistics saying how many PlayStation problems are 2. Mudokon
actually heat-related, but there have been a number of complaints that 3. Three

would seem to suggest there is some validity to the issue. The 4. The 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment

PlayStation Game Ice should be available sometime in the 3rd Quarter System (NES)

of this year. 5. Sega Master System

Name That Game Answer:

Captain Quazar

Game Informer m August ‘97 www. game informer, com 31


Fox's side-kicks looks like a frog?

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ANSWERS: One (1) Grand Prize Winner will receive a Nintendo 64 Home
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Star Fox(R) 64 and Nintendo 64 are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc.

Game Informer s August ‘97

Choose the Extreme car for a
realistic driving experience.

i ...head for the jump... g

.and it’s Yeehah!

Bets of San Fra LULhO^L.

In San Francisco Rush, alternate

routes are everywhere.

choose which path to follow, and the alternate paths inevitably lead to bigger and
better jumps.

Midway hopes to have eight tracks available for play, ranging from Beginner

to Advanced to Expert. It will take a while to learn the tracks. Then consider the

many short-cuts and alternate paths, and it’s obvious that San Francisco Rush
will pack a lot of playing time. There are also four cars immediately available for
Can you say CRASH?
play, but serious players will want to pick the Extreme car in order to reach the

rooftops and high bridges.

For those who don’t know, San Francisco Rush was originally developed by

Atari Games as an arcade game. With the recent disappointment of Cruis’n, it will be
interesting to see if the N64 can produce ‘Arcade Perfect’ racers. At this point San Francisco
Rush is definitely very impressive. The control is excellent with the analog stick, but we were
more impressed with the powerslide button. With this interface, just the tap of a button

sends your cars skidding around the turns. Pretty cool.



W ith over

million units sold
it's safe
to assume that Crash Bandicoot
has been accepted into the elite
circle of action platform stars.
Nintendo has Mario as their spokesman. Sega has
Sonic, and now Sony has Crash. While Crash Bandicoot is actually
a second-party title, with Naughty Dog supplying the wicked
development, weve seen Sony exploit this marsupial into various
PlayStation commercials and all sorts of Sony propaganda. This
November, Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back will take the
PlayStation by storm. While Sony denies that Crash is their
mascot, we believe that with this sequel (coming just a little over
a year after the first release) Crash will be heralded as the
and only PS-X friendly face. Any newcomers will immediately
and marked as impostors. 9
Crash 2 is going through its final stages of development as we speak
(or type), and Naughty Dog has done their part to make this Sequel even
more impressive than the original. In Crash, Andy Gavin (Naughty Dogs
brain-boy) designed a programming language called GOQL (a Game
Oriented Object LISP), which was used to create the
characters and gameplay in Crash. Now Naughty Dog is
using the revamped GOOL 2, a similar ftiol that allows for
faster gameplay, more on-screen objects, more room for
animation, #nd quicker development. Thus, Crash 2 will
present extremely detailed environments (even more so
than the original), tans of new character animations, longer
levels, and loads of new features.
Most importantly, the gameplay has
stayed true to its predecessor, meaning
you won't explore vast 3D open arenas as
^ou search for a gem Crash 2 is still a
path-based action/platform game with
levels thatnm into the screen, as well as
typical side-scrollers. Crash 1 featured a
gameplay structure similar to Donkey
Kong Country where the player is
required to complete all the levels on a
path to reach the next phase in the game.
Crash 2, however, gives the player more
freedom with the Cortex warp room. This room is in
fact complete 3D, and players will be able to choose
from one of many directions to beat the game, which is
a lot like Mega Man's set up. In the middle of this area
isa gigantic head of Cortex (the last bass), who talks to
and taunts Crash. Rumors around Hollywood have
stated that a certain someone from the Highlander TV
series is being cast as Cortex's villainous voice.
Size: 1 CD-ROM
a Style: 1 -Player 3D Action/Platform/Shooter
Special Features: Phil Hartman as The Voice of Blasto, No Load Time (Except
For Level Transporters), 34 Different Enemies, Animated Sequences, Over 250
Voice-Overs, Analog Compatible, 8 Environments
a Created by: Sony Interactive Studios America for SCEA
a Available: October for Sony PlayStation

H Blasto as hilarious as it is challenging.

Blasto originally known as Captain
Hi j
SS» •

Blasto is a 3D shooter action platform game
1 that takes place on the planet Uranus they

^ LmM
just couldn
* s t0 st0 P
t Captain Blasto s mission
evil Bose and his alien horde To
do so, Blasto must infiltrate the spaceport
then catch a ride down to the planet below.
This is where Blasto gets interesting. The
programmers and engineers at Sony have
I created Blasto so that the game data is always streaming into the PlayStation. What this means is that since
the game never loads a "level," the player experiences Blasto as one big world. So once you start the journey
there no rest for the weary.

Blasto's journey is a free-roaming 3D adventure that incorporates many gameplay elements. There is a
W large amount of action/platform-styled jumping as well as shooting, but there are also many puzzle elements
that add to the adventure element. Numerous pre-orchestrated scenes help move the story along and there are
tons of hidden items, wicked weapons, and power-up goodies. Another goal in Blasto is to collect Blasto Babes
(just wait till you hear what Phil has to say about them) who unlock various hidden areas.

In this world Blasto can walk, run, jump, shoot, swim, fly, climb, backflip, blast, and pistol-whip. To fly,
® Blasto uses his handy jetpack. But Blasto can also ride a big blue chicken that will help him explore this huge
world that expands through 8 different environments including swamps, deserts, a gigantic alien fortress, and
a whirling 3D maelstrom.
While a number of the graphics elements in Blasto aren't finalized at this point, a number of the animations
are already in place. Blasto blows the heads and torsos off aliens. There are also humorous animations that
accompany some of the puzzles in Blasto. For example, as you roam down one of the hallways, you see a pear
1 trooper walking along with a newspaper. Of course, you could blow him away, but by
following him he opens the door to the restroom. Here, you are greeted by
numerous alien infestations to blow away plus a couple of hidden goodies
to help you on your quest.

^ m !

i i
we can already tell that it has all the
right elements to be a hit The real
.. .. f M l. M questions is will all the pieces fall

fl| together' Don t worry Game Informer is

H .

‘ going to keep a close eye on this one and

we 11 keep you updated as the game gets
closer to its October
Size: 2 CD-ROMS
Style: 1 -Player Third-Person Action/Adventure
Special Features: Beginner, Original and Arrangement Mod(
Different Puzzle Order, More Monsters, Faster Zombies,
Unlocked Costume Change Closet, Different Camera Angles,
Gorier FMV, Resident Evil 2 Demo Packed-In
Created by: Capcom
Available: September for Sony PlayStation

That’s a Wrap!

Like a nightmare, the world of Resident Evil preys on

gamers’ minds. Caught within a mansion, horror and
slaughter behind every door. Resident Evil was one of the first
games to actually scare people. The first was Doom, but it was
Resident Evil’s balance between story, puzzles and
frequent death that captivated 2.5 million gamers
across the world. And when we say scary, we mean it,

because if you didn't jump at the first plate-glass

encounter with the dogs, then your skin must be made
of steel.

Resident Evil 2 won’t be out until March of 1998,

so Capcom is offering a little fruit snack in-between
meals. Resident Evil: Director's Cut is a remix of the original
game that will a two disc set. The other disc,
come packaged as
of course, will be a playable demo of RE 2. So why should
anyone be interested in Director’s Cut? Here’s why — Resident
Evil should be played twice.
Yes, some games demand to be played twice, and
Director’s Cut is a perfect way to experience Resident Evil all

over again. The zombies are faster, characters have new

costumes, some of the puzzles occur in different order, and
new FMV cut scenes with more gore add to the intensity. A
few new surprises also await. Jill's old S.T.A.R.S. buddy with
the bazooka is a good example of blood-curdling additions.

With the faster zombies, playing the game as Chris is

much more difficult. Add to this more dogs, and ammo
becomes VERY scarce. True Resident Evil skills are
important in Director’s Cut, since many enemies will have to
be avoided or downed with a single shot to the head.
Director’s Cut comes with three game options: Original,
Beginner, and Arranged. Beginner mode will help players who
found the game too difficult. Original is Resident Evil fully
intact. Arrangement is the Director’s Cut. There's no word yet
as to multiple endings or the time-unlocked Rocket Launcher,
but in Director’s Cut the locked closet is open, so
players can change costumes at will.

You’re going to have

to wash those walls.

36 www.gamein former, com Came Informer August ‘97

veryone on the plane£has been waiting for shots of Tomb
A smsplTmit Tomb Raider brought
E Raider 2. of 1996,
action and expJilpfcion to a new As suspected. Tomb

Raider 2 has been iifrne works since the first installment hit r 1 1- i

the shelves.
"P S §

Maybe you didn’t finish Tomb you didn’t, you

Raider. If PlayStation

missed out on the story of Atlantis. There’s no word yet as to

what new quest will be, or what storyline she will pursue,
® '
but does appear to be more a ‘contemporary’ plot. Eidos

promises to incorporate many more human foes, who will no

doubt include members of a rival organization (and their pets
' as well). Also, many of the new environments will be set
Outdoors, and it will be interesting to see the kind of horizon
and cityscape depths Core works into the graphics. Preview

As with any sequel, there will also be new weapons. One of

these is the underwater harpoon. New moves might include a
better side jump and barrel roll, but we know for a fact that new
Y rock and wall climbing animations will be a big part of the game.
Eidos is keeping this title closely under wraps, so (as you can
tell) information is scarce. Rest assured that Game Informer

will follow this title closely. We’ll be back next month with
m o re mformation.



Size: 3 CD-ROMs
m Style: 1 -Player Role-Playing Game
m Special Features: Nine Playable Characters, Full Motion Video
Sequences, Detailed Summon Spells, Computer Generated Backgrounds,
Mini Arcade Games, Five Different Modes of Transportation, New Bosses
and Sequences Exclusive to the U.S. Release
m Created by: Square Soft for Sony Computer Entertainment
m Available: September 7th for Sony PlayStation

inal Fantasy VII the number one selling

F PlayStation
misfortune, it



all time, and
been released

States. Square Soft and Sony Computer
Entertainment are working their hardest to ensure
a successful September 7th U.S. release, and to

everyone's surprise, they've announced that the U.S.

Final Fantasy VII will feature exclusive
never-before-seen material. Is it dumb luck, or is it

just good fortune to those who wait?

Yes, we'll finally be able to raise our heads high
and be proud to be RPGers. Square Soft has just
made the world's greatest RPG even better by
adding two new bosses to the already massive Final
Fantasy VII experience. We
know how corny
all the
majority of Japanese movies are when they hit the
U.S., but don't worry, Square Soft has done a nice
job of translating this title to read intelligently, and
hold an interesting plot. There have been a few
sentences and organization names that we've
cringed at, which will hopefully be replaced in the
final copy, but otherwise, the story has been
extremely good. The gameplay is identical to the
Japanese version, the music and sound effects are
identical, and the quest is equally as challenging.
For some reason or another, game companies
think that role-playing games don't sell very well in
the States. Through the years, we've had the
pleasure of playing three or four 'good' RPGs a year,
while Japan plays thirty or forty. All this should
change on September 7th, but can we truly handle

it? If Final Fantasy VII sells out on the first day, and
in a month's time sells over a zillion copies, we'd
better be prepared, because every game company
and their grandma's company is going to be bring-
ing RPGs our way - just like we wanted. It will be
up to us to keep this flow steady and never ending.
It's up to us to make this dream come true.

38 www.gamein former. <



next level:
Limit level:

Stamina 18
Magic power 23
Spirit 19
Luck 16
Attacking powet37
Weapa Buster Sword
Accuracy 96
Def fence 26
Avoidance rate 2 Armor Bronze Bangle
Magic attack 23
Magic defiance 19
Mag-, avoidance rf.t>- Act esso-y
,«* Brings Back the
Style: 1 or. 2-Player Shooter
Special Features: Three ^Different Vehicles (One Of Which is Hidden),

Normal and Extra Mode, Difficulty Setting for Each Level, Ground and
Air Targeting, Lock-On and Special Weapons

Created by: Taito for'SPAZ (WorkingDesigns)

A vailable: Nov/'forSdny PlayStation .,<(

hrough the years Working Designs has gained

mm r

T respect both from us and from gamers around

the States as one of the greatest RPG
workhouses in the world. Now, for the first time ever,
Jon, The Greedy


Raystorm is the best ‘true’ shooter

15 “

they are venturing away from the Saturn and into seen in a while. Even though

the PlayStation’s barracks. Surprisingly enough, Graphics: 8.5 there's a ton of continues, I really
like playing Raystorm with my basic
they won’t be developing an RPG for the
7 three lives to keep improving my
PS-X... but something far greater. It's not just a
score. Sometimes it's tough to
new game Working Designs is releasing, it’s a Playability: 7.75 figure out what’s happening
movement, a new label, and a whole new thrill for on-screen, but that's why you keep
PS-X gamers everywhere. 8 playing from the same starting point
Under the label of SPAZ, the Sony and progressively build. Once the
OVERALL: : enemy patterns are learned, the
PlayStation’s first and only third-party developer
m on-screen action makes a lot more
devoted to making nothing but shooters and sense. Also, like Sky Shark, weapon
oddball titles, Working Designs introduces their first upgrades expand the same basic
shooter - Raystorm. So far, the PS-X hasn’t had a fair weapon, which is pretty cool.
Raystorm is a classic in every - „>
share of blockbuster shooters like the precursor
sense. A serious challenge with
consoles had, and that’s where Raystorm comes
beautiful graphics."
into play.
Raystorm is as intenseand physically
mentally as it is amazing how
graphically. It’s
Reiner, The Raging Gamer
much this game packs on-screen at once. At 7 75
“Before I was getting paid to be a
times your greatest enemy isn’t a gigantic space game junkie, I played a lot of SNES

station, but rather on-screen confusion. Yes, this g and NES shooters. Life Force and
Earth Defense Force were my
game is loaded with amazing special effects,
7 favorites, and Raystorm comes
three-dimensional rendered backgrounds, and close to being just as good as these,
endless swarms of enemies, but somehow, if Playability: 7.25 except there is a problem. While the
you concentrate enough, you’ll get through graphics are outstanding and
7.75 loaded with great special effects.
chaos unharmed. ::

Raystorm lacks in concept and

The controls in this title are for the most part
L; game design. All you do in this title
generic and easy to pick up. All of your is fly ahead,
straight destroying
movements are done on a single plane, and whatever comes in your path. I like

attacking is basically holding a button down until 7.75S shooters that have obstacles in the
fore and background, and different
an enemy dies. The most interesting feature in
weapons like heat seeking lasers
Raystorm is the lock-on attack, which is similar to
and spread fire. Raystorm has none
the one found in Panzer Dragoon. Since most of of these, but it does offer a difficult

the time the enemies on-screen are not on your challenge, great two-player action,
plane (they're either above or below it), your and crazy bosses that will drive

standard shot will not hit them. Instead, you must you insane.”

\ use the lock-on attack to reach these zones. More

Andy, The Game Hombre
than one enemy can be locked, and if you hit a series
of them in a row, you’ll be awarded with more points.
“While Raystorm does lack some
Also, with each life (or if you fill up the meter by 7
variety, I think this game brings
destroying stuff), you get a mega attack that
Graphics: g some essential elements back into
destroys all the enemies on-screen. Each of the the shooter genre that have been
two playable ships has a different laser and lock- 8 missing for years. Most of the
shooters you see these days give
on attack that can be powered-up by obtaining
Playability: 8 the player unlimited credits (which
vital enhancements. pretty much insures that the game's
Raystorm is a great shooter from Taito of 8 a rental) and fairly standard
Japan that really packs a punch. Working Designs graphics. Not Raystorm. This game
game much harder OVERALL: very and the graphics are
has made the for the U.S. is difficult

amazing with massive explosions,

release. Because of this, if you change the difficul- big warships, and huge bosses.
ty setting from normal to easy, you will not be able If you're looking for challenge,
to beat the game. Raystorm is available now, and

Raystorm will live up to it. Wimps

if you’re a shooter fan, you may want to give it a whirl need not apply.”

The Bottom Line 7.75

li ujijiirijjjiili,


Size: 1 CD-ROM
Style: 1 -Player Action/Flight Simulator
m Special Features: Analog Controller/Joystick Compatible,
Fifteen Playable Aircraft With Different Attributes, Awesome
Even though it was one of the first PlayStation
Key Configurations (Novice, Expert,
Flap Action, Multiple
and Custom), Varying Mission Objectives, Dazzling games available, Air Combat is still the king of all PS-X

Lighting Effects and Explosions flight simulators. Its smooth controls, realistic dog-
m Created by: Namco fighting, and beautiful landscapes are still

Available: September for Sony PlayStation

unsurpassed and untouched. That is, until Namco ;

releases the sequel later this year.

Ace Combat 2 brings back the vivid realness of its j

predecessor along with a few new surprises.

Highlighted by a slew of new playable aircraft, gamers j

will be thrown into intense missions consisting of j

tunnel and trench runs, persistent bogies, night and j

day scenarios, and extreme weather conditions.

Graphically, Ace Combat 2 is a vast improvement over j

the original. All the effects, ranging from exploding


bombers to smoke trails on missiles are outstanding, j

The most notable change is the new look of each

aircraft. All of the planes in the game now have more |

realistic looking textures, and moveable flaps that

change with the speed of the plane.
As far as gameplay goes, not much has changed. :

Once again, players will have limited controls in the i

Novice Mode, so to experience the real deal you’ll need

to play the game in the Expert Mode. This will allow you
to perform barrel rolls, which are essential for taking ;

on the stronger and more agile enemy fighters. Ace :

Combat 2 is a fairly difficult game - if you die it's going ;

to cost you. Throughout each and every mission you’ll !

acquire a steady cash flow for destroying all of the

targets, and for avoiding damage. With solid funding

and precise flying, you’ll become a decorated officer,

and with each new medal you take in, you’ll also unlock
a new aircraft.
All the missions in Ace Combat 2 are loaded with
dangerous objectives and mind boggling goals. This is

a great simulator that takes all the arcade action from

the first and expands upon it to such a degree that you
may actually think Ace Combat 2 is the real deal.


i^l m
A '
/s :-

» .

t#^P L=t=§

The collaboration of Hollywood is one of the biggest grade “A"
u Size: 1mnanM
and the video game industry has actors to hit the video game
Style: ^rAcVonU
1 -Player Action/Adventure -
. - •

been a successful venture indeed-


industry join
. .
in Sly Stallonei
m Special Features: Cameos
Can and Helpful Guidance
We've seen blockbuster files F
by Bruce ‘The Virtual Partner" Willis. Huge Level
“ lilesley
™e eY Snipesi
snipes- and Malcolm
like Star Wars and Jurassic Park Designs Featuring Detailed
Del: Texture Maps and McDowell
• Surprisinglyi
Surpri Bruce is
make a mighty impact on gamingi Realistic Light Sourcing
Sourcing, Multiple Weapon Power- not the main star-
sta Activision has
and we've also witnessed llortal Ups and Character Moves,
Mo\ Death, Plague, and War designed this
Kombat and Super dario Bros Created by: Activision Bruce Willis plays the “Virtual
Available: December for Sonyiony PlayStation Partner i" and you take up the
gross millions in the box office-
To our dismayi one thing has been role as the adventurer- Along your
lacking - acting- The hardest thing to capture from quest - through industrial zonesi graveyardsi and
game to screen-i or vice versai is the perfect sewersi Bruce will lend a helping hand as you begin
character look- Yesi it would have been nice to to track the bringers of chaos - the Four Horsemen
have Val Kilmer play Batman rather than the fat of the Apocalypse.
Bat-actor they implemented into Acclaim's Batman The game design is similar to MDKi and players
Forever- Or even better yeti how about some actors will find themselves completely submerged in a
that actually look like Mario and Luigi for realistic environment with evil around every bend-
the Super Hario Bros movie? Thankfullyi Activision Firepower is abundant in Apocalypsei and so are
has a solution. Instead of tearing material from the character moves- Throughout the game you'll
Hollywoodi why not just grab one of the biggest need to master the dive and rolli the running jumpi
actors to star in a dynamic new title? and the strafe to overcome deadly villains and
Thusi Bruce Willis will make his video game tricky hazards-
premier in the dark and twisted Apocalypse- Bruce

Game Informer August ’97

Jake 'n Elwood Couldn't
size: i cd-rom Have Done it Any Better Size: 1 CD-ROM
Style: 1 -Player Racing Game
Style: 1 -Player Action/Adventure
Special Features: 4 Vehicles Available for Play (18 Hidden), Three Tracks
Special Features:
(One Additional Test-Drive Track), Vast Number of Objects to Destroy, Special
Seven Different Zones. Over 100
Level Objectives, 3 Modes (Regular, Time Trial, and Test-Drive), Automatic
Different Animated Characters.
and Manual (Automatic Not Available For Some Vehicles)

Created by: Climax for ASCII

Atmospheric Effects
Created by:
He’s a
Available: Third Quarter ‘97 for Sony PlayStation
Travellers Tales for Psygnosis Little Rascal
acing games are pretty standard these days. Fortunately m Available:

R for those of us
the speed but need a
who enjoy
little bit
November for Sony PlayStation

more, the occasional racing

miscreant like Destruction
Derby or Mario Hart comes
along. Felony 11-79 (Runabout
in Japan) certainly falls within
this category.

While there are only three

tracks (levels), replay value is enhanced by the game's total of

22 vehicles and the vastly entertaining process of

destruction. In Felony, the purpose is not to race against the The company developing this game, Travellers Tales, has a
clock or competitors. Instead, players must destroy short but impressive list of hit titles. Mickey Mania, Toy Story
as possible within the alloted and Sonic 3D Blast were all popular games. Rascal looks like
time. Levels also feature objec- another fun game that, while targeted towards a younger
tives such as collecting five audience, might in fact appeal to a wide variety of gamers.
explosive charges to destroy a The hero, Rascal, is a time traveler whose quest is

gate. While Felony comes off as similar to that in TV’s Quantum Leap. History has taken a bad
a blunt and rude game where turn, and Rascal must set it straight. By collecting six specific
breaking things is the brute “segments” on each of seven levels, Rascal will be able to
purpose, it is in fact a delicate assemble a time bubble and travel further into the mysterious
balancing act between car dam- history of time. The enemy is the “Evil Time Overlord,” who
age, meeting goals, and escaping before the clock runs down. holds Rascal’s father captive.
Of course, smashing up cop cars (obstacles), crashing Different time elements will intermingle to create a
through mini-malls (shortcuts), and running through outdoor cohesive plot. For example, a Spanish Galleon of the past lies

sections of restaurants (fun), are all immensely enjoyable. As deep beneath the ocean, but that same galleon in the future is
you smash into things, a list found within a vast desert (talk about global warming). As
appears in the upper right with most time travel plots, the story begins in a lab. The
tallying the cash equivalent of other six levels are: Castle, Aztec, Western, Galleon,
the objects you've just wrecked. Prehistoric, and Atlantis.
This total is added to your As for gameplay, Rascal will incorporate many puzzles
score at the end of the level. and interesting characters who both threaten and aid Rascal
At the beginning of the in his quest. Psygnosis is looking to target gamers from eight
game, you start with four cars. years old and up, so the atmosphere should be lighthearted
Additional vehicles are gained and entertaining. If you’re tired of constant blood and killing,
by beating levels, finishing under four minutes, doing or if you’re looking for a game with challenging puzzles and
massive amounts of damage, and beating levels without doing unique gameplay, Rascal just might be the game for you.
any damage. Other cars are gained through special means,
like passing a certain point on track two at ludicrous speed,
and finding another in the
shopping center on track
three. Vehicles range from
standard sports cars and
sedans to a street cleaning
vehicle and a tank.

Game Informer m August ‘97 13


premise of a tank game usually isn't all that
complicated - move slowly towards your next
objective and avoid damage by hitting them hard :

Size: 1 CD-ROM before they hit you. Yet most of these games are
m Style: 1 or 2-Player Tank Simulation as strategic as they are action-based, requiring
m Special Features: Up/Down or Left/Right
players to allocate their resources (ammo) and
Split-Screen, Multiple Tanks to Choose f
From, Turret Rotation (Strafing With
move quickly and efficiently through the

HoverTank), Elevate Barrel Up and Down, landscape in order to meet the mission
10 Different Weapons, 3 Different Views, objectives. Steel Reign has much to offer the
| ! /r -

Memory Card Save gamer with cool weapons, multiple tanks, and
Created by: Chantemar Creations IncJSony
a variety of enemies to face off against.
Interactive Studios for
Available: Now for Sony PlayStation f”“

^" 1

Steel Reign truly shows

off the versatility of the PlayStation's controller
by allowing players to move while rotating the turret
or elevating the gun barrel up and down with ease.
- -i ?~V j.J :
Tanks consist of everything from the standard single-
barreled tank, to a double barreled monster, to a
j j
< •
lightly armored but speedy hovertank that strafes

1 .
instead of rotating a turret.

range of weapons. |

Large shells move slowly through the air and

unleash a devastating explosion upon impact. illrn r : - :

Lasers automatically lock-on to nearby enemies £

armored air targets. A gatling gun spreads fire over '

a wide area quickly, ideal for small thorns in your
side like troops and small vehicles. - .

Plasma weapons do low damage but j

recharge quickly. Of the 3 different types

L }S

of rockets, our favorite is a guided missile that changes perspective to a

camera on the rocket itself, allowing the player to steer it around obstacles
and strike targets from miles away.
The theater of war ranges from river canyons and woody knolls to
cityscapes and barren deserts. Taking advantage of cover in this game is
essential because you won't always be able to take everybody down in a
i I mission. Sometimes, choosing the right path to your objective can be the
difference between hard-earned victory and being recycled into spare fenders
IPlItl '
for some ruthless dictator's Mercedes.

There is some pretty steep

terrain in this game.
ony’s first PlayStation baseball title, MLB Pennant Race, lived up to


name last year as
Series. This year,
it raced to try and hit a release date before the
Sony has dropped the Pennant Race tag and
‘98 will be released this summer. Conspiracy? Maybe.. .but we all

know Sony’s major concern is not an early release date. With EA Sports
releasing Triple Play 98, the best baseball simulation to ever grace a PlayStation

console machine, this MLB installment will need to be vastly improved

over the original and as true to the game of baseball as possible.
First and foremost, Sony has revamped the look and play speed by
adding a full 3D game engine with polygon characters and rendering on
the fly. This means that in gameplay, you won’t encounter slow loading
times when a different team takes the field or when the view changes from
behind the batterto behind the pitcher. Using polygon players, Sony has
been able to add more fielding animations like throwing from the knees,
collisions at home plate, over the fence catches, and throwing on the run. Preview

The batting and pitching animations are also more fluid, and certain
players like Julio Franco, Nomo and Wade Boggs will have personalized
stances and motions.
The gameplay itself is greatly improved, and players will have a
plethora of in-game options at their disposal. Sometimes you’ll need to
play off of the other team’s strategy and bring in your infielders on a bunt
situation. In a more simplistic instance, you’ll need to choose between a
hook and pop-up slide when digging for an extra base hit.
MLB ‘98 showcases a very simplistic hitting and pitching interface.
When on the mound you’ll need to select a pitch (all pitchers are
customized with their own pitches), and then place it by moving a cursor

around the strike zone. While cursor baseball favors the batter greatly,
MLB does a nice job of having the pitcher misfire on occasion.
Surprisingly, the batting is even easier - all you have to do is select a
normal or power swing, then take your cut.

For fantasy league nuts, MLB ‘98 has great season stat tracking
capabilities, a create and trade player feature, inter-league play, and the
expansion teams. MLB ‘98 has a lot of promise, but right now it’s too
early to tell whether or not all of these great features will actually make the
game better than Triple Play. It looks great on paper, but the real challenge
is making it all work together. We’ll have an in-depth review next month
- stay tuned.
m Size: 1 CD-ROM
m Style:1 or 2-Player Racing

u Special Features: 2-Player Split-Screen, Compatible With Sony's Analog

Arcade or Simulation Mode, Standard, Long and Interactive Tracks

Each + Full Mirror Mode), 3 Views, 7 Drivers, Championship,
(3 of
Time Trial and Practice
Created by: Sony Interactive Studios Europe for Sony Computer Entertainment
n Available: Now for Sony PlayStation

Porsche Your Driving Skills to the Limit Reiner, The Raging Gamer
o “I'll never make enough money to
Jon, The Greedy Gamer spring for a Porsche Boxster, but I
“ Graphics: g _25 can honestly say that this is the
The thin s
9 don t like about this
closest that I’ll ever get my mitts to
H ' 7 ' 25
racer are: the one car Porsche
8 the steering wheel. This game
9 marketing factor, the limit of four
PlayStation -
Graphics pumps out realism in both the
tracks, and the lack of crashes.
Playability: 8.5 dynamics of the car, and the
Sound: 7.5 What I do like are: the fast and tight extremely detailed level designs.
first-person view and the changing
8 Porsche Challenge is a decent
Playability: 8.5 Interactive tracks. Most importantly,
racing title that strives for realism to
what I love is the Analog control.
hook gamers. The options available,
Entertainment: 7 But with only 1 car and four tracks,
number of tracks, and vehicle vari-
there just isn't enough to keep my ety is a tad below the standard for
long-term interest. Yeah,
looking with sweet control,
it's great
but I
8.25 high-end racers, but luckily it does j
have a two-player split-screen mode §
need variety and entertainment
7.75 my racers. Porsche-heads only."
to soak up some more play time
hours. If you like the Ridge Racer

series, then you’ll more than likely

find this title just as entertaining.
Andy, The Game Hombre
“Overall this is a great looking game.
Concept: 7
The lighting effects and the detail of
levels are amazing. The problem
Graphics: g the |
with this game is that its gameplay is
Sound: 7 middle of the road. It's not great, it’s

not bad... it's not anything. I do like

Playability: G.5 the Interactive Tracks and the

2-player split-screen mode is a
Entertainment: G.5 blast, but I don’t think it is enough to
make this title really stand out of the
OVERALL: crowd. If you love Porsches, this

game could just be what you're

7.25 looking
better racing
for, but otherwise there are

games out there (Rally

Cross, Need for Speed 2)."

orsche Challenge takes an interesting approach

P market racing - One Car, One Company. Every car
game is the Porsche Boxster, even the test prototype that
comes as a bonus car. No one knows for sure what the
prototype car is, except that it’s an experimental model driven
by a mysterious “Test Driver.”
In Porsche Challenge, four tracks from various parts of the
world are available for play. Racing through Germany, the U.S.,

Japan and the mountains, Porsche challenge’s intense lighting

and shading create a beautiful racing experience. The graphics
are very tight with little to no pop-up; but best of all, players can

plug in Sony’s Analog Controller. Here at Game Informer, we set beating one Championship, players unlock the Mirror Mode
the controller with one analog working as the steering, the which is identical to the first Championship except that players
other as the throttle.Then, you can assign the square button as race each track backwards. After winning that Championship
your hand brake. This unique control is one of Porsche (24 races in all), the Prototype car is unlocked, which goes 1

Challenge’s standout features. mph faster than the default Boxster.

Another excellent feature is the inclusion of Interactive There is also a good bit of difference between the Arcade
Tracks. How ‘interactive’ these tracks are remains a matter for and Simulation modes. In Arcade mode, the hand brake
interpretation, but they work as a series of changing shortcuts. unleashes a pretty mean powerslide. In Simulation Mode, the

Before we explain these tracks we should say that a hand brake will kick out the car, but strategic braking is much
Championship consists of twelve races. The first four are more important. It should also be noted that Porsche Challenge
standard runs around each track. The second four take players includes no crashes, which might disappoint some people. Give

around longer routes by opening road barriers.The third set of Porsche Challenge a look. It lacks the car variety of Rage Racer
four races opens and closes these gates randomly, offering a and the stunning crashes of Need for Speed 2, but it is one of
number of different and challenging arrangements. After the best ‘looking’ racers we’ve seen in a while.

46 www.gamein former, c
Virgin Returns to the Ice Y®
When Virgin Interactive released the first NHL Powerplay '96 last year, gamers v
got their first glimpse of what 32-bit hockey was all about. Polygon players with 1

realistic animations and adjustable game strategies were some of the features ^1
that Virgin and Radical Entertainment pioneered in video game hockey. After a
season's hiatus from the video game hockey season (well, in the title at least),
Virgin is back with a brand new hockey simulation, NHL Powerplay '98.
As with any sequel, the first thing the Game Informer staff searches for is m
new features; Powerplay '98 has a bunch. Statistics tracking is a must for any f
sports game and Powerplay '98 will deliver. Stats accumulate for individual t
players over a season and can be viewed by team or by "Top 25" league leaders. I
Another must-have for sports games is the ability to create your own players. #
Powerplay '98 gives you the option to create yourself and enter the line-up of f
your favorite NHL team. f
In terms of looks, Powerplay '98's graphics engine still only provides one f
playing perspective, but the action is far smoother than its sometimes
jerky predecessor. Players are also more detailed with texture mapped
faces and authentic uniforms with player numbers and names. In addition,
many new motion-captured animations have been incorporated to give
Powerplay '98 a very realistic look.

Realism is the goal of the Powerplay '98 design team and new features within the
play strategy and control are a crucial aspect in bringing the world of hockey to
gamers. One-timers, drop passes, body checks, and (although the NHL never 'promotes' Size: 1 CD-ROM
it) fighting is now a part of Powerplay '98. Additionally, hockey strategy, which Style: 1 or 2-Player Hockey (Up to 8-Player Via Multi-Tap)

Powerplay was the first to introduce to hockey games, has been expanded to include new a Special Features: NHL and NHLPA License Plus 16 World
Teams, Offensive and Defensive Strategy Settings, Season
settings for powerplays and penalty kills. Set up your man advantage to work from the
Stats Including League Leaders, Create and Trade Players,
point or put up a strict box-zone when
you're one man down. Powerplay '98 —— — — —4V
Edit and Save Lines
m Created by: Radical Entertainment for Virgin Interactive
allows for a wide array of authentic Available: September for Sony PlayStation
hockey strategies.


In order tochange
tempo, Housley must
breakout with the puck.
...results in a pile-up
The goalie should be in the corner.
able to handle this.


i ormula 1 ‘97 is sticking to the same basic formula that was

perfected last year, but with three key enhancements: (1) a

revamped Arcade mode, (2) a split-screen 2-player mode, and

(3) improved driver Al.

.y. By retooling the Arcade mode, Psygnosis is hoping

to appeal to a wider variety of racing fans. Cars can
now powerslide, there are more fantastic crashes, and
the steering and braking assist are in full operation.
While this Arcade mode might appeal to fans who like

racing games, we vastly prefer the Simulation mode.

^Here lies FI’s strength.

rasw FI was the most realistic racing simulation of 1996.

_P Building on that success, FI’s Simulation mode now


includes penalties (for speeding in

TJ q the pit lanes and passing pace cars),

team rivalries, drafting, crash debris

and stalling cars. Apparently, Bizarre
Creations really delved into th©'
Size: 1 CD-HOM intricacies of racing Artificial
m Style: 1 -Player Racing (2-RMyer via Split-Screen)
Intelligence. Cars and drivers have
m Special Features: Penalties, Full Formula 1 License, 12
Teams, 17 Tracks, Commentary by Murray Walker and John certain personalities that change
Watson, Weather, Rivalries, Track Tutorials} Debris, over a season, and with 1 2 different
Powerslides, Stalling Cars, Drafting, Car Faults That Affect
teams, teammates will help you pass
Performance, Both Horizontal and Vertical Split-Screen
Created by: Bizarre Creations for Psygnosis other rival teams.
Available: September 12 for Sony PlayStation Will Formula 1 be the
best racing simulation of 1997?
There’s a little more competition
this year with the entry of Sony’s
I CART World Series, EA’s NASCAR
f and Ubi Soft’s FI Pole Position 64.
So the 1997 racing season is
becoming very interesting and over
the coming months, Game Informer

3 will be sure to keep you up to date on
the progress of Formula 1 ‘97.

Informer :: August
Size: 1 CD-ROM
m Style: 1 or 2-Player Football (8-Player Via
m Special Features: Liquid Al to Eliminate

fgl TBUfi stais Money Plays, New Emphasis on Defensive

Play Calling, Completely Revamped
Playbook. More Audibles, Motion-Capture
with Andre Ware, Improved Lineplay, Create

and Trade Players, Player Fatigue Bars, All

the NFL Rules
m Created by: EA Sports
Available: September for Sony PlayStation
and Sega Saturn

CRF/MT ulavei
Sanders is a master ot
the stiff arm.

Emmit's sixth sense

discovers a hole.

In 1996, Madden NFL 97 was the best \ ~

selling game on the PlayStation, Saturn »>• jt?*) j l&T- too far apart
and Genesis. A year without Madden is like .
tat ball.
Christmas without Santa Claus, and this /
year Madden will no doubt be a top seller / ^ *"


once again.
t —
— /
The 1997 Madden development team
s r ““ |jifl .

is a very young crew. In fact, of the thirty people responsible for production, only one is over
the age of twenty-seven. Looking at last year's game, analyzing player and press feedback, EA f?
Sports knew that above all else, they needed to eliminate the money plays. According to EA
Sports, last year's product development was difficult

B — " because, as opposed to GameDay, John Madden will not !
allow players to perform unrealistically. In other words,
a comerback will never stop a sweep to the other side, \

and a defensive lineman will never break up a pass dowtdieltf

This year, EA Sports is incorporating Liquid AI, a system of
%% defensive intelligence that dictates player position relative to
5 *
other players. Therefore, players will not be stuck within a play
-V ’"'
^“e pattern, their position will ebb and flow with the genesis of the
^3 *1
play Along with this new approach, defensive play calling will
be essential to success.
course, all the standard

3 *° lHD eo* L
^ included such as stats tracking,
create and trade player options, L£'
‘‘J'f .
' *
^ ]

and a full season with playoffs P* / / \

’ ’ * ' ' Reggie swims
and a Superbowl. Players will ’ * \
T*?-’ through the line.

also have a fatigue bar below ?T \

them that should eliminate needless switching to substitution menus.
Another improved feature is the lineplay. One of GameDay s strengths ;

was the defensive line. EA

knows that in order to compete, both
offensive and defensive linemen must be more detailed. In Madden 98, JLj\J d ,\
players will watch individual battles unfold. Holes will open / ,54— \
momentarily, then close as quickly as they appeared. Patient running I i

and heads-up defense is a must. - -


August 97
We’ve seen and enjoyed Mega Man for about ten years now. For people who Differences between Mega Man X and Zero are quite pronounced. Instead of
are confused, there are the standard Mega Man games (titled 1-8) and the attacking with a projectile weapon, Zero makes use of a close-range but deadly
Mega Man X series. The X series debuted on the SNES and finally matured into sword that looks a lot like the weapon from Strider. Zero also has a slow
three challenging titles (Mega Man XI, 2 and 3). The PlayStation and Saturn charging but deadly electro-lance. The lance is difficult to use, since it takes so

have Mega Man 8 (Anniversary Edition), but Saturn owners have a special when used sparingly,
long to appear, but the lance does huge amounts of
treat, because the X series of Mega Man games offers a few improvements damage. Mega Man X’s weapons include the default shooter as well as a

over the ‘Standard Model.’ In each X-series game, players can fire a special homing laser, a dual crystal burst, and a replicator. By using the replicator,

and regular gun simultaneously, play as either Mega Man X or Zero, an image of Mega Man X
double tap for the speed dash, and appears on-screen. Move
f I

and climb along walls and

— J
this body double onto
platforms. Of course, each
X game is

classic style with a

select screen
structured in the

and eight
JttllfX a 32-bit
any enemy and damage
automatically inflicted
For those who enjoy Mega Man,
X game is a welcome sight indeed.

levels. Players must still With Mega Man X’s cling ability, X4 demands
decipher which weapon to superb platforming skills along with classic
use on which boss, but Keeps Going, and Going... A small side note to Mega
shooter strategy.
Capcom is promising that Man fanatics - Mega Man Neo, the first 3D
>; 1 CD-ROM
there will be two separate Mega Man game, has been ‘indefinitely’
Style: 1 -Player Shooter/Action/Platform
storylines (one for Mega Man X, one for Zero). delayed. Capcom is keeping quiet about Neo’s
Special Features; Play as Mega Man X or Zero
Although we don’t know for sure what ‘independent With Independent Storyline, 8 New X-Hunter Levels: delay, but don’t expect to see it anytime before
storylines' means, since the levels seem to be the Jungle, Cyberspace, Air Force, Vdlcano, Marine Base, late 1998. Too bad, because that means it

same when playing as either character, one could Bio Laboratory, Military Train, Snow Base will be well into the next decade before we
> that the weapon combinations for Created by: Capcom see the much anticipated Mega Man Neo X6
Ivallable: Fall for Sega/Saturn (just kidding).

This Boss
H is cool. 1 The Replicator

2 The Homing Laser

3 A Dual Crystal Burst

...and a deadly

Man! Run!

Zero has a powerful

close-range sword...

Is this a Harley,
or one of those
Japanese import
at k. MR

Bomb *Em Where It Count/

Sizebi CD-ROM a S/ze; 1 CD-ROM
m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter n Style: 1 or 2-Player Puzzle/Strategy (Up to 8-Player Via Multi-Player
Special Features: Nine Different Characters All Featuring Weapons, and/or NetLink)
Authentic Tokyo Backgrounds, Punch, Kick, and Guard Buttons, Taunts, Special Features: Normal, Expert, and Battle Modes, Bomb Power-Ups,
Open and Caged Arenas, Time Attack and Survival Mode Tricky Bosses, Dinosaur Helpers, FMV Clips, and 8 Battle Arenas
Created by:AMS for Sega m Created by: Hudson Soft for Sega
Sega Saturn
Available: October for m Available: Now for Sega Saturn

Originally created on the Model 2 CG Board, Last Bronx comes to life on the Since the early days of the TurboGrafx-16, Bomberman has produced a

Sega Saturn with amazing animation, extremely detailed backgrounds, and handful of great multi-player games that have spawned a legion of addicted
unique character designs. The theme of this title is quite a twist from the followers who constantly crave more explosive action. Well, they won’t have to

norm in Sega fighters. No, this is not a tournament featuring the greatest wait for long, because Sega is unveiling the first 32-bit Bomberman title for the

fighters in the land; rather, it’s an all-out street war. The heads of all the street Sega Saturn. Now gamers will be able to compete across the nation courtesy of

gangs have agreed to settle their territorial disputes by pitting their greatest the Sega NetLink.
combatants against one another and the winner of

this contest will rule the Saturn Bomberman is a great sequel that packs the same explosive punch as
streets. This war is a no-holds-barred grudge match where dirty fighting is a the previous Bomberman titles, except the graphics are more detailed, the
must to survive. sound is better, and for the first time, this Bomberman has a story. At the
All nine of the characters feature weapons and awesome special moves. The game and after every world, players will be greeted by anime
beginning of the
combat is power bar based, and the first to fall twice through three rounds is FMV sequences that showcase the Bomberman gang and the conflict at hand.
the loser. AlHhe level designs feature actual scenery from Tokyo, and some of The gameplay is once again fast and extremely addictive. Whether in

these are caged, while others are open arenas allowing ring out victories. a multi-player game or in the normal solo mode, your goal is to destroy any
Last Bronx is a fast and ferocious fighter that delivers the same explosive adversary that crosses your path. Picking up power-ups like more bombs
fighting action as VF2 and FV. s ,
. . and dinosaur helpers will aid your cause, but the real strategy of the game is

the ability to trap opponents into a no-win situation. The only way to master

this technique is to practice and

become the ultimate bomber.


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Style: 1 or 2-Player Soccer
Special Features: 24 International Teams, Model 3
Hardware, Motion-Capture Animation, Three Button
Configuration (Long Pass, Short Pass, Shoot)
m Created by: AM2 for Sega
Available: Now at Arcades

The Bottom Line 7.5

Since this is another of Sega AM2’s arcade games to utilize Model 3
hardware technology, the look of the game is what you might expect.
Large players with finely detailed textures and life-like motion-capture animation are quite a leap
forward from the previous installment. In terms of play control, AM2 hasn’t strayed from their

three button configuration that gives you easy to understand long pass, short pass, and shoot
buttons. Virtua Striker 2, unlike its low scoring real-life counterpart, is free-wheeling once you’ve
become acclimated. A few simple passes can commonly result in a breakaway scoring chance.
Additionally, to assist in scoring, the speed of play is slowed slightly on high crossing passes to

allow the player to react and attempt spectacular bicycle kicks and diving headers. While this
may create more opportunities in front of the net, the slow down distracts from the flow of play

and can be more bothersome than good. Virtua Striker 2 is a quantum leap in arcade sports
gaming and makes us yearn for the first Model 3 baseball title.

•i; • sumykm;

Style: 1 -Player Racing

£ ,
(Up to 4-Player with Linkable Cabinets)
Special Features: Deluxe Cabinet Version
with Moving Cockpit and Feedback Steering,
Sega's Model 3 Technology, 4 Authentic Sports
Cars, 4 Tracks, Power Slides, 4 Racing Views
Created by: Sega AM2
Available: Now at Arcades

The Bottom Line 8.75

We gave you a glimpse of Sega’s newest racing game, Super GT, a few months ago and have
finally logged enough playing time to give you the bottom line. Utilizing Sega’s powerful Model
3 technology (also found in Virtua Fighter 3 and Virtua Striker 2), Super GT is an incredible
feast for the eyes. The detail of the four authentically modeled cars and four courses is

unprecedented in the arcades. Built in both a standard two-player and a deluxe one-player
cockpit configuration, the side-to-side rolling and feedback steering wheel will give you a far
more immersive racing experience, especially when racing in
the first-person perspective. Even though the graphics are
revolutionary and the place you put your butt might feel like you’re
sitting in a sports car, the overall play mechanics and game set-up
are depressingly reminiscent of previous AM2 games like Virtua
Racing and Daytona USA. With some arcades charging over
a buck in an attempt to recoup the costs of this expensive
machine, it seems a little outrageous to dump 20 clams
into Super GT while Daytona USA offers a similar play

experience for, often times, less money. Any racing fan

should by all means give Super GT some laps, but graphics

alone do not a racing game make.

by Erik, the PC Jedi

Writing Games is Like Writing Books

If you've never done it before but you have a great idea, forget it. You
Triple Play98 - EA Sports
have to have a lot of great ideas. You have to have a vision. And you 9.25 Great gameplay, amazing
have to have a clue as to what makes a game fun. I am so tired of and in-
statistical capabilities,

cheesy games that couldn 't possibly have been created by someone game realism make Triple Play
98 the best PC baseball title
who played games themselves. It blows my mind how extremely unfun since Earl Weaver 2. This
some of the shlock on the PC market has been as of late. Somebody game is identical to the PS-X
help, please! version, except of course, it allows for
modem play.

s=tesraLjg Front Page Sports Baseball

MDK - Shiny Entertainment 5 Pro ‘98 - Sierra
o call MDK “The Most Impressive Single-Player Game Ever" is a little | 7,25 This is yet another PC

T silly, but it’s still a pretty cool game. It is graphically groundbreaking in

a number of ways. Enemies are all polygonal and have a remarkable

number of different animations. The sniper mode is truly amazing, allowing you
game that thrives on
bars and stats. The gameplay
itself is terrible and extremely
complex. Great stats and draft

tozoom right up to enemies who, moments before, you could just barely see options, but if you're looking for a
baseball game to play, give Triple Play
on the horizon and shoot their heads off. Still, it seemed like other parts
98 a whirl.
of the game weren’t quite as polished as they ought to have been. In the
hover-board levels, for instance, your character stands like a snowboarder, but
EVE - Ignite
4.5 Peter Gabriel teams up
as the board turns under his feet, he still stands in the same position. also

! some artists to do a
found myself coming across a number of levels that didn’t really feel finished. point-and-clicker. The bizarre
Some polygons would be textured, while others were just black. These and surrealistic scenes
complaints are when measured up to the fact that MDK is still a lot of fun, but it should be noted that
trivial shocked my monkey, but it
wasn’t much of a game. kind of prefer
the game is by no means perfect, as many would have you believe. If you like action, shooting, and mild I

to solve puzzles through creative logic,

puzzle solving mixed in with a twisted sense of humor, you’ll dig MDK. not trial-and-error.

Faery Tale Adventure II: Halls
Star Trek Generations - Microprose Dead -
| of the
8 This game
isn't exactly
i^P his is one of the best Star Trek games I’ve ever seen. Of course, as you mind-blowing, but it’s a nice
I may have noticed from the score, that’s really not saying much. Most of blend of Diablo’s real-time


m the time you’ll find yourself on an away mission which makes use of a fighting and the item
manipulation of Ultima VI. If you've been
I slightly altered Doom engine that only shows the action on half the screen. The
starving for a solid old-school PC RPG,
main purpose of the away missions, however, is investigation, not shooting then you’ll probably really dig this game.
people. The missions aren’t a riot, but they pass the time adequately. My main
problem with Trek as a game is that ship combat in the Star Trek series and
S movies has never been all that exciting. This trend has the unfortunate habit Septerra Core: His name is
y|£9H|H|K|g of making its way into the games. Two ships approach each other and stop. Lobo and he can join your
Both are always coincidentally in an upright position. They blast at each other » ~ party.Enemies beware!
until one goes down or someone pulls a nifty trick out of their sleeve, like

having a great chief engineer. Actual evasive maneuvers are reserved for season cliffhangers and movies.
Someone wants to make a game out of this? I love Star Trek, but it’s never been known for its action.
Generations’s ship combat is okay, but suffers from the genre it’s based on.

Rabid Entertainment will be putting out a new role- they are), but because they truly
playing/adventure game sometime in the first quarter of seem to think about what they’re
'98. It’s called Septerra Core and it has one of the doing. I’ve had situations where aliens
most interesting premises we’ve ever seen. The world hiding behind a door actually waited until a
consists of seven continents floating around a planet- squad was right on top of them before they
sized biological computer. The continents orbit at opened fire, or swarmed out en masse to suck
different altitudes and are called layers by their the team's brains, turning them into mindless
inhabitants. On the top layer, a race of aristocrats live agents of the enemy.
wasteful carefree lives, dropping their trash on the lower The biggest difference in Apocalypse is that
levels. Our hero is a young woman who makes a living on your conflict is no longer global, but takes place
the 2nd layer finding useful things among the trash to within a gigantic city where corporate sponsored
sell. The plot starts rolling when the Chosen, upon organizations are the ones who have the potential to
discovering a number of interesting things about the sell you out, not other countries. All vehicle interaction
past, decide that it’s time to start making a journey takes place in a Sim C/fy-styled environment, allowing
towards the core. This pilgrimage is by no means you to see what's going on during combat instead of
benevolent to people who getin their way, and all seven getting a cheesy schematic.
realms are threatened with war on a grand scale. On This time around, you have to keep a close
your quest to set things right, you will meet eight eye on how your actions are affecting corporate
different characters who will aid you in your endeavor. attitudes towards X-Com. The Cult of Sirius, for
X-Com Update: We already put a preview in about instance, is a powerful organization of alien worshippers
X-Com: Apocalypse a few issues ago, but Game Informer just got a beta of the that will become more hostile towards you every time you strike a serious blow
game from Microprose and so we have to say more. If you were disappointed against an alien incursion in the city. Once they become openly aggressive, they'll
with Terror From the Deep, do not be concerned. Apocalypse was developed by actually try to raid your bases and attack your vehicles. Thus, it’s important to keep
the original crew from the first game, and they've done amazing things. The first as many people as happy as possible and keep a vigilant eye out for alien attempts
thing you need to know about this game is that it’s tough. The aliens are more to subvert your allies. If you liked the first X-Com, don’t wait for my review. Just buy
dangerous than ever before, not because their weapons are any nastier (which the game.

Game Informer August '97 www. gamein former, com

REVIEW Mortal Kombat Trilogy
If you're a Kombat fanatic, you'll want MKT

8.75 because it’s got everything an MK freak

could want (except perhaps a timely
Size: 1 CD-ROM
release). Otherwise, the fighting skill,
Style: 1 or 2-Player
excessive load times and 2D graphics don't
compare to Fighter’s Megamix. With all the
Tournament Fighter
characters from MK1, 2 & 3, plus bosses,
Special Features: beating the 1 -player ladders will take some
All Characters From MK1 time. The new Kombat codes will have
2 & 3, New Aggression
Saturn owners searching for all the secrets,
Meter, Tournament Mode,
and with Fatalities, Babalities, Animalities
Finishing Moves
and Brutalities, there's a heck of a lot of
Created by:
blood. A superior MK Saturn offering that's
Midway for Williams
identical to the PlayStation version.
Now for Sega Saturn

Time Crisis
Size: The keys to a good gunner are a fast pace
1 CD-ROM and intense action. Time Crisis covers
these criteria and introduces a new
Style: 1 -Player Gun Game
element as well. It is the first game of its
Special Features:
kind to make use of an evade button
Gun Con With Special
(featured on the game’s pack-in gun).
Video Hookup and Evade
Button, Extremely Active
Once you run out of ammo or need to

Enemies, Insane Bosses, evade something (rockets, bullets, cranes,

Time Limit vehicles), you'll have the option of taking

cover behind the nearest object where you
Created by:
can reload and wait for the danger to pass.
Level progression consists of moving from
Available: September for one piece of cover to the next and
Sony PlayStation eliminating all the enemies that stand in

your way. Just don’t waste too much time

cowering behind that crate because there
are time limits for each area.

Xovious 3D/G+
Xevious is undoubtedly one of the greatest

shooters of all time, and even its high end

offspring (Xevious 3D/G+) pales in
Size: 1 CD-ROM
comparison. The great thing about the
Style: 1 or 2-Player original, which is also packed on this disc
with several other different versions of the
Special Features: game, is the fact that it’s extremely difficult.

Three Versions of the 3D/G+ would be just as tough, except now

Original and the All New you regenerate where you die and you also
Xevious 3D/G+, Multiple
have unlimited continues. This makes the
Configure Options With
game a breeze and unworthy of any
Free Play, Special CG Cut
gamer's attention after beating it once. A
more dramatic approach at reanimating this
Created by:
classicwould have been much better than
a below average 3D touch up.
Now for Sony PlayStation

www. game!n former. < Game Informer a August '97

PREVIEW Street Fighter 2 Collection

Size: 1 CD-ROM Street Fighter 2 is the fighting game

champion of the 1 6-bit days, and now it’s

Style: 1 or 2-Player
coming back to make an impact on the
32-bit market. This collection features
Tournament Fighter
Super Street Fighter 2 and Super Street
Special Features:
Fighter 2 Turbo preserved in their original
Includes Super Street
forms. Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold, an
Fighter 2, Super Street
enhanced version of Alpha 2, is also
Fighter 2 Turbo, Street
Fighter Alpha 2 Gold
From what we’ve heard, Gold is

(Enhanced Version of
going to feature a Dramatic Mode where
Alpha 2), New Hidden two players can cooperate against the
Options and Special computer. This feature was in Japan, but
Surprises •
never made to the it States. Of course,
Created by: Capcom Capcom still has a zillion other SFII
versions lying around, and don’t be
Available: 4th Quarter
surprised if you see a Street Fighter 2
for Sony PlayStation
Collection 2 in the distant future.

The PlayStation version isn't as cool as the
7.5 N64. Yeah, the gameplay is the same, but
the player detail is somewhat lacking and
Size: 1 CD-ROM
there are occasional instances of slow
Style: 1 to 4-Player down. Also, with the loading time and
2-on-2 Basketball
slower menus, it doesn't feel like you're
Special Features: stepping up to an arcade machine to whoop
Create Player, Secret some butt. Other than these gripes, it's still

Moves, Hidden Codes, NBA HangTime and it’s a heckuva lot of fun.
Trivia, Double Dunks, Real
Creating players and upgrading them with
Players and Teams
points from wins and trivia offers good
Created by: replay value. Also, four players is the way to
Midway Home go, but a multi-tap and controllers might set
you back a bit. If you need an arcade sports

Available: game, check out HangTime.

Now for Sony PlayStation

Size: Extreme G is a futuristic racer featuring
64 Megabit bikes that look a lot like Tron’s light-cycles.
Style: The game’s tracks are set up in roller-

1 to 4-Player coaster fashion, meaning that the race can

Racing/Shooter actually run upside-down and curve around
Special Features: in a number of crazy and confusing ways.
4-Player Split-Screen, Thus, you could be at the front of the pack
12 Roller-Coaster Style and see competitors racing to catch up on
Tracks, Opponent the section of track above you. Extreme G
Deterrent Weapons, also features a number of dastardly
8 Futuristic Cycles,
weapons guaranteed to piss off your
Obstacles (Bridgeouts,
friends, like a scrambler weapon that
Falling Rocks,
reverses their controls or flares that blind
Sandstorms, Lava),
everyone behind you for a moment. We’ll
have to see this one before we can judge it

Created by: Acclaim

further, but Extreme G could end up adding
Available: November for some much needed variety to the N64 and
Nintendo 64 is definitely worth keeping an eye on.

Game Informer m August ‘97 www.gameinformer. com

REVIEW Machine Hunter
you're a fan of the overhead-shooter
725 If

genre, Machine Hunter deserves a look.

The basic premise is to infiltrate the enemy
Size: 1 CD-ROM area, rescue hostages, and destroy the
Style: 1 or 2-Player enemy's key strategic items, all while
Overhead Shooter capturing and playing as enemy droids.

Special Features: Machine Hunter’s graphics are certainly

2-Player Cooperative excellent, as is the play control. Morphing

Split-Screen Mode, 3D into the different droids adds fresh
Map Screen, Morph Into gameplay, something lacking in games like
Other Droids, Multiple Loaded, Project Overkill and Contra. But
the objectives do become generic, and the
Created by: Eurocom limited pick-ups pale in comparison to
for MGM Interactive Overkill. Two things to Machine Hunter's
Available: credit: the levels are big and two players
Early September for can cooperate via the split-screen.

Sony PlayStation

Lamborghini 64
European companies love doing racing

64 Megabit
games. Eutechnyx, Psygnosis, Ubi Soft
and now Titus all have racing games in
Style: 1 -Player Racing
development. Along with Ubi Soft, Titus is
(2-Player via Split-Screen)
going after the N64, and Lamborghini 64
Special Features: looks quite unique. The tracks are very
Tournament, Championship, scenic, with castles and waterfalls and
Time Trial and Secret Mode,
lush farmlands. As for race structure,
4 Cars, Pit Stops, Weather
Tournament mode is an all-out race to the
Created by: finish line through a single circuit, while
Championship mode combines two or
Available: September 30 more circuits, incorporating check points
for Nintendo 64 and pit stops to repair car damage. In
Time Trial, players can read times over
specific sections of each track. Cars
include a Lamborghini Diablo SE, Porsche
959 and Ferrari F50.

ReBoot is yet another 3D action/adventure
Size: 1 CD-ROM
game in the works. Based on the fully
Style: -Player
rendered animated series of the same
name, the action takes place within a
Special Features: gigantic computer world called Mainframe.
21 Levels, 30 Enemies, 8 Your persona is that of a character named
Bosses, Hovering
Bob who is sworn to protect the world from
Zipboard, Numerous
the nefarious plans of the evil Megabyte,
Weapons and Special
who is attempting to gain control of
Equipment, Radar
Mainframe by using insidious computer
Created by: viruses. In cyberspace, these viruses take
Electronic Arts
on a variety of forms and appearances, and
Available: enter the system (world) through tears
Fall for Sony PlayStation caused by Megabyte. Your mission is to

repair the damage while facing off against

enemy viruses that have already entered
Mainframe. ReBoot will be fully 3D and
nonlinear, allowing players to move in
whatever directions they please.

www.gamein former, com

REVIEW Ogre Battle Limited Edition
Originally released for the Super Nintendo
in 1995 by ENIX America, the 32-bit
“Limited Edition” is, in our best estimate, an
Size: 1 CD-ROM exact port from the 16-bit game. A
Style: 1 -Player familiar story of the evil empire and an
Strategy/RPG up-and-coming rebellion puts the player in

Special Features: the role of rebellion leader. Basically, the

12 Storylines with 13 whole game revolves around deploying
Different Endings, various parties to liberate towns that were
3/4 View Animated formally occupied by the evil empire.
Battles, Multiple Parties,
Additionally, elements of strategy are
75+ Characters
incorporated by setting up parties and
Created by: preventing the empire from retaking cities.

Quest for Atlus Ogre Battle was a fairly likable game on the
Available: 1 6-bit, and although it may offer numerous
Now for Sony PlayStation hours of gameplay, it offers nothing new to
gamers who’ve played the first. A definite try

before you buy game.

Resident Evil
Size: 1 CD-ROM From the demo that we have, the Saturn
version appears to be a flawless
Style: 1 -Player
terms of graphics and play
translation in
control.Even so, Saturn Owners are in for
Special Features: a special treat since Capcom is adding a
New Monster, New Weapon, new monster, a new weapon, and a
Survival Mode, Two Playable
Battle/Survival mode. This mode has
Storylines and Characters,
players squaring off against a constant
Multiple Endings With
onslaught of monsters and zombies. It’s
our guess that a number of the puzzles will
Created by: Capcom
be rearranged, similar to the Director’s Cut
Available: Late September arrangement for PlayStation. Resident
for Sega Saturn Evil for the Saturn has been a long time
coming. With the enhancements, Saturn
owners should be happy indeed.

F*!ayS fa tion/Saturn
X-Msn vs. StrsBt Fighter
Size: 1 CD-ROM Can Wolverine go toe-to-toe with Ryu?
Does Akuma stand a chance against
Style: 1 or 2-Player
Magneto? These questions and more will
Tournament Fighter be answered with Capcom's newest
fighting game amalgam. The comic book
Special Features:
and video game worlds combine in this
8 X-Men &9 Street Fighter
unique fighting game that features a cool
Characters, Unique Tag
Team Matches, Super Tag Team Mode. Players choose a

Moves and Meters, two-fighter team and have the ability to

Familiar Capcom Fighter switch between fighters at any time during

Combos the match. Lose one member of the team
and you’ll be challenged to battle alone, but
Created by: Capcom
if you’re skilled you can unleash furious tag
Available: 4th Quarter
team combos to give opponents the
for Sony PlayStation
one-two punch. A host of awesome super
and Sega Saturn
moves, counters, reversals, and the oh-so
familiar Capcom fighting techniques will all

be found when the X-Men and Street

Fighters join later this year.

Game Inform* August '97 www.gamein former. com 57

PREVIEW Enemy Zero
This game was originally intended for
Size: 1 CD-ROM
release on the PlayStation, but apparently
Sony and Warp had some differences of
1 -Player Interactive Movie
opinion, so they moved over to production

Special Features: on the Saturn instead. The main character

Art Done by Kenji Eno in the game is Laura Lewis. She has just
(“D"), High Resolution
woken up out of cryogenic sleep in a space-
Graphics, “Alien” Plot,
ship to discover that a number of her fellow
Motion Detection Device
shipmates have been murdered by a
Created by: hostile alien intruder. Sound familiar? From
Warp for Sega the screenshots, it appears that Enemy
Available: Zero will be a cross between a first-person
November for Sega Saturn shooter and a point-and-click adventure.

F*layS ta tion/Sat turn

PREVIEW Darkstalkars:
Jadah's Damnation
1 CD-ROM Already in arcades across the country,
Style: Jedah’s Damnation will make its way to

1 or 2-Player Head-To- the PlayStation and Saturn by December.

Head Tournament Fighter A returning cast of characters such as the
powerful Sasquatch and sultry Felicia will
Special Features:
15 Characters Including 4 be accompanied by four brand new
New Fighters, New Capcom creations including the messiah
Damage Gauge System, of darkness, Jedah. Capcom promises an
Elimination of Fighting arcade perfect translation with all new

Rounds, New Combo & combos, counters, and a Damage Gauge

Counter Systems System which eliminates the ‘round
Created by: system’ and unleashes furiously paced
Capcom battles. Who knows what other surprises
Available: 4th Quarter Capcom has in store for this monstrosity,

for Sony PlayStation but expect plenty of goodies to be packed

and Sega Saturn into this fighter.

Violent Seed
The humans have offended your race by
discovering Martian technology that is
forbidden to them. Your task is to destroy all
1 or 2-Player Shooter
of Earth’s major cities and put them back in

Special Features: their place. Wreak havoc on Paris, New

5 Different Weapons, York, Washington DC, and London. In
3 Special Power-Ups, addition to the standard fare of shooter
40 Enemies, 8 Bosses,
weaponry, your ship also has the ability to
10 Levels,
pick up cars, trains, gas tankers, and
Multiple Endings
animated characters and then use them as
Created by:
bombs on other targets. Violent Seed
Rabid Entertainment
sounds like it could be an excellent shooter
Available: October with some new and innovative ideas.
for Sony PlayStation Hopefully, it will breathe new life into

the formulaic genre that shooters

have become.

58 www.gameinformer. com Game Informer a August ‘97


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Independence Day - Saturn NBA Live 97 - PlayStation Triple Play 98 - PlayStation Independence Day -
Level Select - Enter the Option The Cheat - At the “Game Setup” Secret Stadiums - Go to the PlayStation
Screen and input your name as menu press LI, X, X, LI, X, , Stadium Screen in any mode Debug Cheat - Enter the Option
"FOX ROX”. Exit the Option R1, X, R1, •. Now, hold and press LI, R1, LI, R1, Screen, move your cursor down
menu and quickly hit Left, Up/Right, , and for a few Doing this will activate a sound to the Player Name icon, and
Right, Up, Down, X, Z, Y. seconds. Doing this will activate and three new stadiums will enter in one of the codes below.
Secret Plane - Enter the Option the cheat (even though another appear. After you do this, head back to
Screen and input your name as menu will appear). From here, EA Dream Team - When choosing the Main Menu and press Left,
“MR HAPPY”. Exit the Option choose a team and press Start. a team press L2, R2, L2, R2, #. Right, , •, A, A, and Down.
menu and quickly hit Left, While the game is loading hold Doing this will activate a sound Doing this will bring up the
Right, Up, Down, X, Z, Y. LI, R1, Up-Right, A, X,B, and and the EA Dream Team will Debug screen.
Target Civilian Targets - Enter • until the “Pre-game” screen appear in the list of teams. You’ll Hidden Level - At the Player
the Option Screen and input appears. If all of this is entered need to scroll through the teams Name Screen enter in “FOX
your name as “GODZILLA”. Exit correctly a hidden "Cheats” to find it. ROX" to open up a hidden city
this menu and quickly hit Left, menu will be available. Below is Tyler Sabin level.
Right, Up, Down, X, Z, Y. a list of codes that work in this AOL, COM Massive Cheat - At the Player
Tourist Mode - Enter the Option menu. Name Screen enter in

Screen and input your name as “TOURIST” to open up a

“TOURIST". Exit the Option Huge Players - Use the LI and L2 plethora of new options.
menu and quickly hit Left, buttons to control the players' Lock Onto Civilian Targets - At
Right, Up, Down, X, Z, Y. height. the Player Name Screen enter
Weapon Cheat - Enter the Option Chameleon Mode - Hit the D-Pad in “GODZILLA” to have the
Screen and input your name as Up or Down to toggle chance bombard civilians.
“GO POSTAL”. Exit the Option Chameleon Mode. New Aircraft -At the Player Name
menu and quickly hit Left, Right, Screen enter in "MR HAPPY” to
Up, Down, X, Z, Y. Outdoor Court - Press Start and unlock the hidden alien aircraft.

Larry Flaunders Select to toggle the Outdoor One Shot Kills - At the Player
Seattle, WA Arena. Spider - PlayStation Name Screen enter in “GO
Exiting - To leave this screen hold The Itsy-Bitsy Spider Code - POSTAL” to kill things in

down and X. While in gameplay, pause, then one shot.

Tim Hardaway hit ,, •, to turn this Heiro Sakato
Salt Lake City, UT frightful critter into a fairy tale Oakland, CA
More Power to the Spider - While
in gameplay, pause, then hit A,
XX. X.#X, A, X, A,#
to refill your weapon power.
"The Rhino”
Toledo, OH
Tobal 2 - PlayStation
Fade To Black - PlayStation
(Only in Japan)
Toggle Character Sizes - At the Movie Player - Go to the

Character Select Screen press Password Screen and enter ,

and hold R2, L2, and while
iron Storm - Saturn A, #, X, • A, and then press
Debug Mode - At the Status Bar Start. The screen will say that you Stan Wars: Shadows of the
selecting your character.
Screen (showing the date have entered an invalid code. Now, Empire - Nintendo 64
Continue to hold this combo until
the match begins. Now, use the before your next turn) press Up, go back to the Password Screen Maximum Firepower - Choose
R2 button to make your Down, Up, Down, Left Button, and enter ,
X, • A, •, X. This the Jedi difficulty and enter your
character shrink, and L2 to grow. A, B, then Y.. Doing this will will bring you to the Movie Player name as “_Jabba” to unlock one

Note: This code only works in allow you to Make and Allocate with tons of great cinematic hit deaths for the Dash Rendar

the fighting game modes. units on any hex. sequences. levels.

“ The VidMan” "The Eradicator" Dan Oberman "The Rhino"

Uptown ,
MN Phoenix, AZ Redmond, Ml Toledo, OH Informer m August ‘97

ft 60
Command & Conquer - lisershark - PlayStation NHL 97 - PlayStation Mr. Bones - Saturn
PlayStation Enter all of these codes at the Net Teams - Unlock Every Level - At the
Unlock the Entire Map - While the Password Screen. Go to the Name Entry Screen Start/Option Screen press the
game is loading from either a Improved Weapons - RUBLE and input NETHOCKEY. Doing shoulder buttons in this order:
new game or Password screen, Bugrider Preview -BUGGY this will turn every player into a Right Button, Left Button,
press and hold R1, R2, LI, L2, Sea Hunter Game - SNEEG goalie net. Right Button, Right Button,
#, and . Keep holding this No Gravity - SOYUZ Various Cheats - Enter a game, Left Button, Right Button, Left
combo until the mission briefing FMV Cheat - KIEV and during the face off (before Button, Left Button, Right
appears, then once in gameplay Level 2 - AKULA the puck drops) press LI . L2, Button, Left Button, Right
the entire map will be exposed. Level 3 - PASHA LI, R1 followed by one of the six Button, Right Button and a
Level 4 - MIRAS cheats below. You'll know this Level Select will appear. Note:
GDI Level Passwords Level 5 - NAKAT code works when the word This code must be entered
Enter all of these codes at the Level 6 - REZKY “Entered" appears on screen. quickly.
Password Screen. Level 7 - TUCHA New Instant Replay Cams - Tino Martinez
Level 2 - B9DTX02D0 Level 8 - ZARYA Faster Gameplay - X Hartford, CT
Level 3 - 25U1E2L4D Level 9 - VOSTA More Penalties - LI
Level 4 - KED688DGU Laura Dern More Penalty Shots - R1 Nanotech Warrior -
Level 5 - OXL3NYNNO Edina, MN Precise Shooting - L2
Level 6 - DU5R21DG7 Easier Goals - R2
Hold Camera - To lock the camera
Level 7 - OX3CS3D4G Star Wars: Shadows of the Patrick Roy
view behind your ship pause the
Level 8 - 9QGZLZDF8 Empire - Nintendo 64 Canada
Level 9 - IU75TQK8H
game and hit #, , , A, #,

See Designers - Enter in the code
, A, then Start.
“_Credits", making sure you Obstacles - To move
Level 11 - CR5EQME0S Ball Blazer Champions - Move
have a space before the C, and enemies and obstacles in each
Level 12 -3NUL60FQI PlayStation
all the letters following it are in
tube pause the game and press
Level 13 -4N8AN1A0H lower case. Tiny Rotofoil -
Now, watch the R1, R1, Up, •, A, L2,
Level 14 - 3NWD3MQFT wacky game info, and when the then X.
Level 15 -457ED7G0U Title Screen appears press First-Person View - To unlock this
Up/Right on the analog stick to new view pause the game and
Nod Level Passwords
Enter all of these codes at the
see a portrait of all the game’s press A, #, , , A, A,
developers. This will also work Select, then Start.
Password Screen. after beating the game. you
Random Tubes - To switch things
Level 2 - C99FAXKW8 look closely, you'll see our good up, pause the game and press
Level 3 - RZNLQZ3NL
Level 4 - W1 954XWLF
friend Tom and our arch #, Select, Left, ,. Down,
nemesis Boba Fett. Up, then X.
Level 5- W15DASRS8 Frank McToula Super Weapon - To unlock this
Level 6 - 8PH1MR53W Lansing, Ml Master Dome - powerful weapon enter this code
Level 8 - YKK424K3D
at the password menu: X, ,
Level 9 -
A, • ,
• X, A.
0 ••ts
874LCPUT4 Level Codes - Enter these codes
Level 10 -A8SHPAHXW S
' at the Password Screen.
Level 11 - OX3UKOP94 ’
12 Level 1
Level 12 -QGDUMSK2J , X, X, X, , A, X.
Level 13 -SZP09VDSB Level 2 -
Noel King
A, , X, X, , A, X, X
Webville, COM Level 3 -
• X, X, X, A, X, X
Jerid Gran
Level 4 -
- Doom 64 - Nintendo 64 CA
Buster Bros. Collection Los Angeles,
A, X, , X, X, X, • X,
PlayStation Triple Laser Fire - Level 5 -
Buster Buddies At the Password Screen input #, X, X, X, A, X, •
Machine Hunter - Level 6 -
Stage Select - Hold Down while W93M 7H20 BCYO PSVB. This
selecting Tour Mode. code will give you 100 health,
PlayStation A, , X, X, X, , X, A
Expert Mode - Both Player 1 and 200 armor, weapons, full
all Enter this code at the Password Level 7 -
Player 2 must press X ammo, a pentagram enhanced Screen. Note: This code may not A, X, X, ,, A, A, X, X
simultaneously while selecting laser gun, and a starting point at work on the production version. Level 8 -
Tour Mode. the last level. Unlock Everything - 7HOST? X, X, H A, X, A,
Heimel Starbuck Sarah Harding ‘The Human Torch" The Eradicator"
Houston, TX Tucon, OR New York, NY Phoenix, AZ

Game Informer * August ‘97 www.gam&in former, corn \

B, HK (Half Ring)
3D Combo Finish -
Hold 3D, B, F, HP
Kabuki Jo
Fatality -
B, D, F, HK + LK (Sweep)

3D Combo Finish -
Hold 3D, B, F, HP
Fatality -B, B, HP (Half Ring)
3D Combo Finish -
Seem - Saturn Machine Head - Saturn Sou! Blade - PlayStation
Hold 3D, B, F, HK
Master Code (Must Be Entered) - Master Code (Must Be Entered) - All Weapons for Mitsurugi -
f6000914 c305 f6000914 c305 800ea340 ffff
Fatality -B, LP + HK
D, F, (Close)
b6002800 0000 b6002800 0000 800ea356 ffff
3D Combo Finish -
Blue Key -1608937c 0001 Infinite Armor - 160b9cb2 OOfb All Weapons for Rock - Hold 3D, B, F, HP
Chainsaw - 160893c6 0001 Infinite Ammo - 160be37e OOfb 800ea34e ffff

Double Barrel Shotgun - Infinite Disruptor- 160be50a 000a 800ea364 ffff

Fatality - B, F, LP (Half Ring)
160893b2 0001 Infinite Grenades - 160be506 000a All Weapons for Seung - 3D Combo Finish -
Plasma - 160893d2 05ff
Infinite Infinite lo-Storm - 160be50e 000a 800ea342 ffff
Hold 3D, B, F, HP
Rockets - 160893d6 05ff
Infinite Infinite Photon - 160be502 000a 800ea358 ffff
Rapid Fire -16089426 0001 All Weapons for Taki - -
Fatality F, F, LK (Close)
Shotgun - 160893ae 0001 800ea344 ffff
3D Combo Finish -
800ea35a ffff
Hold 3D, B, F, HP
K-1: Tte Arm Figlrtars - Fatality -
PlayStation Hold 3D, F/HP + LP (Close)

Infinite Credits - 800b49d4 0003 3D Combo Finish -

Infinite Stamina Player 1
- Hold 3D, B, F, HP
800b44b4 01 f4 Ahau Kin
Low Stamina Player 2 - Fatality -
800b44b8 0000 Hold 3D, U, D, U, HK (Close)
Master Ishii - Meeh Warrior 2 - Saturn 3D Combo Finish -
80103b54 0008 HK
Master Code (Must Be Entered) -
Hold 3D, B, F,
80103b56 0008 Voodoo
f6000914 c305 The Crow: City of Angels -
Fatality - B, F, LP (Half Ring)
b6002800 0000 Saturn
3D Combo Finish -
Never Overheat - 16030ac0 0000
Master Code (Must Be Entered) - Hold 3D, B, F, HP
f6000914 c305 Anubis
b6002800 0000 Fatality -
Infinite Health - 1606a82a 007f
F, D, B, HP + LK (Half Ring)

- PlayStation 3D Combo Finish -

Hold 3D, B, F, HP
All Keys - 80084c02 ffff
Amun Bombs - 80084be2 003c Belly Flop - B, F, HK + LK
Cobra Staff - 80084be6 003c
Belly Smash - B, F, HP + LP

IWiega Man 8 - Saturn Infinite Health - 80084bba 00c8

Rad Doll - F, B, LP (Close)
- 80084c06 ffff
Master Code (Must Be Entered) - Transmitter
Ground Stomp -
f6000914 c305 Hold 3D, B, U, F, LK
Brahma Force: The Assault
b6002800 0000 Hammer Hand - HP
F, F,
on Beltfogger
Start With Flash Bomb - Forearm Attack - B, F, HP
1 60361 e8 0100 Exor
Start With Mega Ball - Hasler 1000 and 3000 Rifles - Ore Beam - B, D, F, LP
1 60361 e4 0100 800e0c98 ffff
Air Beam - F, F, HK
- Hensolt and Triple Barrel -
Start With Water Balloon Triple Air Beam - B, B, HP + LP
1 60361 f8 0100 800e0c9a ffff
Teleport - F, F, LK
Infinite Flash Bombs - Infinite Bullets - 800e0c74 03e8 Air Beam Teleport - F, D, B, HK
1 60361 ea 2800 Infinite Missiles- 800e0c78 03e8 Energy Shield - F, F, HP
— Mortar Shells -
Infinite Mega Balls Infinite
Wanotech Warrior - Ring Trap - F, D, B, HP
1 60361 e6 2800 800e0c7a 03e8 Power Slam - F + LP
Infinite Water Balloons - Never Overheat - 800e0a6e 0000 Backfist - B, B, LP
- 800e0c9c Infinite Armor - 800cac80 1000
160361 fa 2800 Rapid Fire Rifle ffff
“Virtua Gap Boy ‘97"

Minneapolis, MN

www.gameinformer.c Game In forme .

Hey Gl readers, how would you like
to become our ally? Send in your
shoot the head off the
codes for the games listed below and
the second head
help out a fellow reader in a scrape, or
lim, and let Slippy
if you're stuck on a game, send us a
Slippy will be
letter requesting codes and we will
destroyed and his drifting vessel
help you access the secrets right here
will swirl toward Katarina. Kill the
in Secret Access.
boss and that's your next step -
Find Slippy.

Nintendo 64 Hexen64
Secrets - To unlock the Extra a hidden piece of Star, Multi Racing Championship
Mode, Tanks in the Versus Mode, Depending
rk will appear. Star Fox 64
and Sound Test Graphic Equalizer on which way you go (Venom 1 or Top Gear Rally
you must achieve medals on all
2), you will receive a different piece
PlayStation Armored Core
fifteen levels. To get a medal on a of artwork.
Broken Helix
stage you must beat the stage with
City of Lost Children
a specific number of hits (or more) Warps
Codename: Tenka
and manage to keep all of your Corneria to Sector Y - Halfway
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
wingmen alive. Here is the score
needed on each level to gain a
through the level Falco will run into
Sega MDK
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Wild Arms
Corneria - 150 possible. Destroy the three ships $.85 per minute for automated | Xevious 3D/G+
Katarina - 150 on his tail and then carefully assistance and $1.05 per
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Triple Play 98
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Macbeth — 1 50 Canada 900-451-5252 Sega Saturn .Duke Nukem 3D

arches. Doing this will open up a .

$1 .25 per minute automated

Venom 1-200 new route through a waterfall. Here’s Adventures

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Game Counseling Sky Target
Sector X- 150 Shining the Holy Ark
$.95 per minute Swagman
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Canada 900-451-4400
Volus-150 all of the spotlights on the stage Arcade .Mace: The Dark Age
$1.25 per minute . .

Sector Y- 150 and you’ll warp to Sector Z when Nintendo’s

Aquas - 150 Send Secret Access Requests To:
the stage is complete. Automated Power Line!
Zoness - 250 206-885-7529 Access & Allies

Sector Z - 1 00 MacBeth to Area 6 - When you hit Sony Informer Magazine
10120 W. 76th Street
Area 6 - 300 the last leg of the stage, shoot the 900-933-SONY(7669)
Moving Heads - After beating the 8 red pillars with metal flags on $:95 per minute
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
game, reset the Nintendo 64 and them. At the end of the level a
when the Title Screen appears, switch will appear. Quickly shoot it
E-Mail: [email protected]

use the analog control to move the and the track will switch over. This
64 on the Star Fox logo around. All will kill the boss and award you with
four of the characters will move a hefty 50-point bonus. Secret Access Notice:
their heads in the direction of the
64. This is a useless code, but it is Warp to Aquas - All you have to
fairly entertaining. do is get a score of 100 or higher in
Send in your codes and passwords every issue, and if we print
Sector Y to warp to Aquas - the
them you’ll be entered in the Game Informer /ASCIIWARE Secret Access
Verses Mode on Foot - To submarine level.
Contest. The Grand Prize is an ASCIIWARE controller of your choice.
accomplish this feat, simply beat
the game on the hardest route in Warp to Sector Z - In Sector X PlayStation: Super NES: Genesis:
the Extra Mode. Doing this will stay to the left. You will eventually ASCIIPad, ASCII Specialized Pad,
allow you to play as Fox, Falco, hit an area featuring white gates Specialized ASCIIPad, Fighter Stick SG-6,

Slippy, or Peppy on foot in the that you must destroy to pass Specialized ASCI IStick Rhino Pad SG
Versus Mode. Plus, a new Title through. Destroy all of them and
Screen image will appear. you’ll warp all the way over to
ASCII Saturn Stick,
Sector Z.
Remove Targeting - During All runners-up will receive a Game Informer

gameplay, pause and press the R Warp to Titania - Near the end of Secret Access T-Shirt to complement
Shoulder Button to toggle your the Meteo Field you’ll see rings their wardrobe.
aiming sight on and off. made of sharp triangles pointing
Send To: Secret Access
inward. Go through one and you’ll Game Informer Magazine
New Star Fox Artwork - Beat the jet forward into a barrel roll. Go 10120 W. 76th Street
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
game in Extra Mode and wait for through all of them, and it will warp
the credits to end. After a few you to Titania. E-Mail: [email protected]
Game Boy
Availability: Rare
Replay Value: High
Similar Games: Skate Or Die (GB, NES),
Olympic Summer Games (GB), Skate or

Die 2 (NES)
Created by: Electronic Arts
Access Tip: All trick scoresare doubled when
the smokestacks in the background start
Overall: 9
Electronic Arts published this Game Boy
sequel back in 1991, pleasing skateboard
fans across the country. The highly addictive
Tour De Thrash is actually two-games-in-one
with a racing mode, the Stale Fish Tour, and
Availability: Common
a phenomenally cool half-pipe mode, the
Replay Value: Medium
Retro-Rocket Ramp. The Stale Fish Tour is
Similar Games: Desert Strike (SG, SNES),
essentially a bobsled run on a skateboard.
Urban Strike (SG, SNES), Soviet Strike (PS-X)
The timed runs become progressively harder
Created by: Electronic Arts
with obstacles to jump and avoid.
Access Tip: Don’t use power-ups until you
attempt to complete the seven stage tour
absolutely, positively have to.
across the world. The Retro-Rocket Ramp is
Overall: 9 '

what makes the game so enjoyable. Pump

Few games are more difficult or more
the half-pipe (complete with a footie spine
detailed than the legendary Strike series
ramp) and pull off authentic skateboarding
from Electronic -Arts. Jungle Strike, the
tricks like hand plants, Madonnas, and
second Strike title, was the first to offer
the difficult McTwist. Combinations of the;
players different assault vehicles. These
directional pad and buttons will unleash
alternative vehicles included an Attack
various tricks that are primarily based on
Hovercraft, a Stealth Fighter, and a Special
timing. Staying in a grab or twist too long will
Forces Assault Motorcycle. Those unfamiliar
put you on your knees every time. For every
with the Strike series are in for a serious
10,000 points, a UFO appears and, with the
challenge. Along with carrying out very
appropriate trick, will send you to the Moon
specific (and creative) objectives, players
for a low-gravity bonus round. Jf you’re any
must also monitor fuel, weapons and armor.
type of skateboard or roller blading fan, this
Also, the Apache's winch is one of the
is easily one of the most entertaining and
coolest things in video games - it can rescue
challenging titles for gamers on the go.;
civilians, pick up supplies, even transport

nuclear reactors. The graphics are excellent,

as is the play control, making Jungle Strike a
strong buy even in the age of 32-bits.

Availability: Common
Replay Value: Medium-low
Similar Games: Snake's Revenge (NES),
Bionic Commando (NES)
Super Nintendo -^SU Created by: Konami
Availability: Common Access Tip: Sneak past enemies when
Replay Value: Medium •
they’re facing the opposite way. This is the
Similar Games: Final Fantasy Adventure key to defeating the game.
(Gameboy), Secret of Evermore (SNES), Soul - Overall: 8
Blazer (SNES) Even now, Metal Gear packs a lot of playing
Created by: Square Soft i punch. One of the more memorable games
Access Tip: Change weapons frequently to on the NES, Metal Gear has unlimited
power them all up-equally. continues, a lot of cool weapons and really

Overall: 9.25 menacing bosses. Remember, Metal Gear is

The Secret of Mana is the best action/RPG slightly frustrating at first. This is only

ever. lt~blew away all of the competition in its because you need to learn to sneak past
day,; and this title has yet to be challenged on enemies instead of killing everything. Much
any of the new super systems. The game like a platform game, successful sneaking
features three characters and eight types of demands proper timing (since enemies
weapons that can be upgraded eight times (for continuously turn and face different ways).
a. total of 64.,different weapons you'll actually After the handgun is finally located, Metal

she in the game). In order to upgrade a weapon Gear plays much quicker. Soon players will

ypu must, defeat a boss that will yield a special stumble upon a gun silencer that makes
orb.Thus, there are at least 64 different bosses sneaking even easier. Then comes land
ih the game. So yes, it's long. One of the best mines, missiles, grenade launchers, etc.
features of the game is that it allows up to Players will do a lot of exploring in Metal
three players to control the characters in your Gear, and you'll have to return to previous

party so you__can cruise around together, areas after finding new key cards and
Gauntlet style. Otherwise, an Al program takes items. You can even camouflage yourself
overfor non-player characters. inside a mobile cardboard box. Watch for a
PlayStation version called Metal Gear Solid,
currently under development at Konami.

www.gamein former. com Game Informer m August ‘97

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